mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 19:13:49 +00:00
Advantages: * Simpler code in general * No extra volume objects created * Now actually notices if the disc or partition gets changed while the core is running * No longer picks up on disc access done by the GUI (it used to do so as long as the core was running) * Gets rid of a Core dependency in DiscIO There are two performance disadvantages: * FileMonitor is now a bit slower when used with VolumeDirectory because FileMonitor now always uses the FileSystemGCWii code for finding filenames instead of VolumeDirectory finding the filename on its own and directly hooking into FileMonitor. But this isn't such a big deal, because it's happening on the DVD thread, and my currently unmerged file system PR will make FileSystemGCWii's file finding code about as fast as VolumeDirectory's. * FileMonitor's creation of the file system object is now done on the CPU thread instead of the DVD thread, and it will be done even if FileMonitor logging is disabled. This will be fixed in the next commit.
513 lines
14 KiB
513 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <locale>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Common/Align.h"
#include "Common/Assert.h"
#include "Common/CommonPaths.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "DiscIO/Blob.h"
#include "DiscIO/Enums.h"
#include "DiscIO/Volume.h"
#include "DiscIO/VolumeDirectory.h"
namespace DiscIO
static u32 ComputeNameSize(const File::FSTEntry& parent_entry);
static std::string ASCIIToLowercase(std::string str);
const size_t CVolumeDirectory::MAX_NAME_LENGTH;
const size_t CVolumeDirectory::MAX_ID_LENGTH;
CVolumeDirectory::CVolumeDirectory(const std::string& directory, bool is_wii,
const std::string& apploader, const std::string& dol)
: m_data_start_address(-1), m_disk_header(DISKHEADERINFO_ADDRESS),
m_disk_header_info(std::make_unique<SDiskHeaderInfo>()), m_fst_address(0), m_dol_address(0)
m_root_directory = ExtractDirectoryName(directory);
// create the default disk header
SetName("Default name");
if (is_wii)
// Don't load the DOL if we don't have an apploader
if (SetApploader(apploader))
bool CVolumeDirectory::IsValidDirectory(const std::string& directory)
return File::IsDirectory(ExtractDirectoryName(directory));
bool CVolumeDirectory::Read(u64 offset, u64 length, u8* buffer, bool decrypt) const
if (!decrypt && (offset + length >= 0x400) && m_is_wii)
// Fully supporting this would require re-encrypting every file that's read.
// Only supporting the areas that IOS allows software to read could be more feasible.
// Currently, only the header (up to 0x400) is supported, though we're cheating a bit
// with it by reading the header inside the current partition instead. Supporting the
// header is enough for booting games, but not for running things like the Disc Channel.
return false;
if (decrypt && !m_is_wii)
PanicAlertT("Tried to decrypt data from a non-Wii volume");
// header
WriteToBuffer(DISKHEADER_ADDRESS, DISKHEADERINFO_ADDRESS, m_disk_header.data(), &offset,
&length, &buffer);
// header info
WriteToBuffer(DISKHEADERINFO_ADDRESS, sizeof(m_disk_header_info), (u8*)m_disk_header_info.get(),
&offset, &length, &buffer);
// apploader
if (offset >= APPLOADER_ADDRESS && offset < APPLOADER_ADDRESS + m_apploader.size())
WriteToBuffer(APPLOADER_ADDRESS, m_apploader.size(), m_apploader.data(), &offset, &length,
// dol
if (offset >= m_dol_address && offset < m_dol_address + m_dol.size())
WriteToBuffer(m_dol_address, m_dol.size(), m_dol.data(), &offset, &length, &buffer);
// fst
if (offset >= m_fst_address && offset < m_data_start_address)
WriteToBuffer(m_fst_address, m_fst_data.size(), m_fst_data.data(), &offset, &length, &buffer);
if (m_virtual_disk.empty())
return true;
// Determine which file the offset refers to
std::map<u64, std::string>::const_iterator fileIter = m_virtual_disk.lower_bound(offset);
if (fileIter->first > offset && fileIter != m_virtual_disk.begin())
// zero fill to start of file data
PadToAddress(fileIter->first, &offset, &length, &buffer);
while (fileIter != m_virtual_disk.end() && length > 0)
_dbg_assert_(DVDINTERFACE, fileIter->first <= offset);
u64 fileOffset = offset - fileIter->first;
const std::string fileName = fileIter->second;
File::IOFile file(fileName, "rb");
if (!file)
return false;
u64 fileSize = file.GetSize();
if (fileOffset < fileSize)
u64 fileBytes = std::min(fileSize - fileOffset, length);
if (!file.Seek(fileOffset, SEEK_SET))
return false;
if (!file.ReadBytes(buffer, fileBytes))
return false;
length -= fileBytes;
buffer += fileBytes;
offset += fileBytes;
if (fileIter != m_virtual_disk.end())
_dbg_assert_(DVDINTERFACE, fileIter->first >= offset);
PadToAddress(fileIter->first, &offset, &length, &buffer);
return true;
std::string CVolumeDirectory::GetGameID() const
return std::string(m_disk_header.begin(), m_disk_header.begin() + MAX_ID_LENGTH);
void CVolumeDirectory::SetGameID(const std::string& id)
memcpy(m_disk_header.data(), id.c_str(), std::min(id.length(), MAX_ID_LENGTH));
Region CVolumeDirectory::GetRegion() const
if (m_is_wii)
return RegionSwitchWii(m_disk_header[3]);
return RegionSwitchGC(m_disk_header[3]);
Country CVolumeDirectory::GetCountry() const
return CountrySwitch(m_disk_header[3]);
std::string CVolumeDirectory::GetMakerID() const
// Not implemented
return "00";
std::string CVolumeDirectory::GetInternalName() const
char name[0x60];
if (Read(0x20, 0x60, (u8*)name, false))
return DecodeString(name);
return "";
std::map<Language, std::string> CVolumeDirectory::GetLongNames() const
std::string name = GetInternalName();
if (name.empty())
return {{}};
return {{Language::LANGUAGE_UNKNOWN, name}};
std::vector<u32> CVolumeDirectory::GetBanner(int* width, int* height) const
// Not implemented
*width = 0;
*height = 0;
return std::vector<u32>();
void CVolumeDirectory::SetName(const std::string& name)
size_t length = std::min(name.length(), MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
memcpy(&m_disk_header[0x20], name.c_str(), length);
m_disk_header[length + 0x20] = 0;
u64 CVolumeDirectory::GetFSTSize() const
// Not implemented
return 0;
std::string CVolumeDirectory::GetApploaderDate() const
// Not implemented
return "VOID";
Platform CVolumeDirectory::GetVolumeType() const
return m_is_wii ? Platform::WII_DISC : Platform::GAMECUBE_DISC;
BlobType CVolumeDirectory::GetBlobType() const
// VolumeDirectory isn't actually a blob, but it sort of acts
// like one, so it makes sense that it has its own blob type.
// It should be made into a proper blob in the future.
return BlobType::DIRECTORY;
u64 CVolumeDirectory::GetSize() const
// Not implemented
return 0;
u64 CVolumeDirectory::GetRawSize() const
// Not implemented
return 0;
std::string CVolumeDirectory::ExtractDirectoryName(const std::string& directory)
std::string result = directory;
size_t last_separator = result.find_last_of(DIR_SEP_CHR);
if (last_separator != result.size() - 1)
// TODO: This assumes that file names will always have a dot in them
// and directory names never will; both assumptions are often
// right but in general wrong.
size_t extension_start = result.find_last_of('.');
if (extension_start != std::string::npos && extension_start > last_separator)
return result;
void CVolumeDirectory::SetDiskTypeWii()
Write32(0x5d1c9ea3, 0x18, &m_disk_header);
memset(&m_disk_header[0x1c], 0, 4);
m_is_wii = true;
m_address_shift = 2;
void CVolumeDirectory::SetDiskTypeGC()
memset(&m_disk_header[0x18], 0, 4);
Write32(0xc2339f3d, 0x1c, &m_disk_header);
m_is_wii = false;
m_address_shift = 0;
bool CVolumeDirectory::SetApploader(const std::string& apploader)
if (!apploader.empty())
std::string data;
if (!File::ReadFileToString(apploader, data))
PanicAlertT("Apploader unable to load from file");
return false;
size_t apploader_size = 0x20 + Common::swap32(*(u32*)&data.data()[0x14]) +
if (apploader_size != data.size())
PanicAlertT("Apploader is the wrong size...is it really an apploader?");
return false;
std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), m_apploader.begin());
// 32byte aligned (plus 0x20 padding)
m_dol_address = Common::AlignUp(APPLOADER_ADDRESS + m_apploader.size() + 0x20, 0x20ull);
return true;
// Make sure BS2 HLE doesn't try to run the apploader
*(u32*)&m_apploader[0x10] = (u32)-1;
return false;
void CVolumeDirectory::SetDOL(const std::string& dol)
if (!dol.empty())
std::string data;
File::ReadFileToString(dol, data);
std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), m_dol.begin());
Write32((u32)(m_dol_address >> m_address_shift), 0x0420, &m_disk_header);
// 32byte aligned (plus 0x20 padding)
m_fst_address = Common::AlignUp(m_dol_address + m_dol.size() + 0x20, 0x20ull);
void CVolumeDirectory::BuildFST()
File::FSTEntry rootEntry = File::ScanDirectoryTree(m_root_directory, true);
u32 name_table_size = ComputeNameSize(rootEntry);
m_fst_name_offset = rootEntry.size * ENTRY_SIZE; // offset of name table in FST
m_fst_data.resize(m_fst_name_offset + name_table_size);
// if FST hasn't been assigned (ie no apploader/dol setup), set to default
if (m_fst_address == 0)
m_fst_address = APPLOADER_ADDRESS + 0x2000;
// 4 byte aligned start of data on disk
m_data_start_address = Common::AlignUp(m_fst_address + m_fst_data.size(), 0x8000ull);
u64 current_data_address = m_data_start_address;
u32 fst_offset = 0; // Offset within FST data
u32 name_offset = 0; // Offset within name table
u32 root_offset = 0; // Offset of root of FST
// write root entry
WriteEntryData(&fst_offset, DIRECTORY_ENTRY, 0, 0, rootEntry.size);
WriteDirectory(rootEntry, &fst_offset, &name_offset, ¤t_data_address, root_offset);
// overflow check
_dbg_assert_(DVDINTERFACE, name_offset == name_table_size);
// write FST size and location
Write32((u32)(m_fst_address >> m_address_shift), 0x0424, &m_disk_header);
Write32((u32)(m_fst_data.size() >> m_address_shift), 0x0428, &m_disk_header);
Write32((u32)(m_fst_data.size() >> m_address_shift), 0x042c, &m_disk_header);
void CVolumeDirectory::WriteToBuffer(u64 source_start_address, u64 source_length, const u8* source,
u64* address, u64* length, u8** buffer) const
if (*length == 0)
_dbg_assert_(DVDINTERFACE, *address >= source_start_address);
u64 source_offset = *address - source_start_address;
if (source_offset < source_length)
size_t bytes_to_read = std::min(source_length - source_offset, *length);
memcpy(*buffer, source + source_offset, bytes_to_read);
*length -= bytes_to_read;
*buffer += bytes_to_read;
*address += bytes_to_read;
void CVolumeDirectory::PadToAddress(u64 start_address, u64* address, u64* length, u8** buffer) const
if (start_address > *address && *length > 0)
u64 padBytes = std::min(start_address - *address, *length);
memset(*buffer, 0, (size_t)padBytes);
*length -= padBytes;
*buffer += padBytes;
*address += padBytes;
void CVolumeDirectory::Write32(u32 data, u32 offset, std::vector<u8>* const buffer)
(*buffer)[offset++] = (data >> 24);
(*buffer)[offset++] = (data >> 16) & 0xff;
(*buffer)[offset++] = (data >> 8) & 0xff;
(*buffer)[offset] = (data)&0xff;
void CVolumeDirectory::WriteEntryData(u32* entry_offset, u8 type, u32 name_offset, u64 data_offset,
u64 length)
m_fst_data[(*entry_offset)++] = type;
m_fst_data[(*entry_offset)++] = (name_offset >> 16) & 0xff;
m_fst_data[(*entry_offset)++] = (name_offset >> 8) & 0xff;
m_fst_data[(*entry_offset)++] = (name_offset)&0xff;
Write32((u32)(data_offset >> m_address_shift), *entry_offset, &m_fst_data);
*entry_offset += 4;
Write32((u32)length, *entry_offset, &m_fst_data);
*entry_offset += 4;
void CVolumeDirectory::WriteEntryName(u32* name_offset, const std::string& name)
strncpy((char*)&m_fst_data[*name_offset + m_fst_name_offset], name.c_str(), name.length() + 1);
*name_offset += (u32)(name.length() + 1);
void CVolumeDirectory::WriteDirectory(const File::FSTEntry& parent_entry, u32* fst_offset,
u32* name_offset, u64* data_offset, u32 parent_entry_index)
std::vector<File::FSTEntry> sorted_entries = parent_entry.children;
// Sort for determinism
std::sort(sorted_entries.begin(), sorted_entries.end(), [](const File::FSTEntry& one,
const File::FSTEntry& two) {
// For some reason, sorting by lowest ASCII value first prevents many games from
// fully booting. We make the comparison case insensitive to solve the problem.
// (Highest ASCII value first seems to work regardless of case sensitivity.)
const std::string one_lower = ASCIIToLowercase(one.virtualName);
const std::string two_lower = ASCIIToLowercase(two.virtualName);
return one_lower == two_lower ? one.virtualName < two.virtualName : one_lower < two_lower;
for (const File::FSTEntry& entry : sorted_entries)
if (entry.isDirectory)
u32 entry_index = *fst_offset / ENTRY_SIZE;
WriteEntryData(fst_offset, DIRECTORY_ENTRY, *name_offset, parent_entry_index,
entry_index + entry.size + 1);
WriteEntryName(name_offset, entry.virtualName);
WriteDirectory(entry, fst_offset, name_offset, data_offset, entry_index);
// put entry in FST
WriteEntryData(fst_offset, FILE_ENTRY, *name_offset, *data_offset, entry.size);
WriteEntryName(name_offset, entry.virtualName);
// write entry to virtual disk
_dbg_assert_(DVDINTERFACE, m_virtual_disk.find(*data_offset) == m_virtual_disk.end());
m_virtual_disk.emplace(*data_offset, entry.physicalName);
// 4 byte aligned
*data_offset = Common::AlignUp(*data_offset + std::max<u64>(entry.size, 1ull), 0x8000ull);
static u32 ComputeNameSize(const File::FSTEntry& parent_entry)
u32 name_size = 0;
for (const File::FSTEntry& entry : parent_entry.children)
if (entry.isDirectory)
name_size += ComputeNameSize(entry);
name_size += (u32)entry.virtualName.length() + 1;
return name_size;
static std::string ASCIIToLowercase(std::string str)
std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(),
[](char c) { return std::tolower(c, std::locale::classic()); });
return str;
} // namespace