mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 22:14:39 +00:00
ControllerEmu is a massive class with a lot of nested public classes. The only reason these are nested is because the outer class acts as a namespace. There's no reason to keep these classes nested just for that. Keeping these classes nested makes it impossible to forward declare them, which leads to quite a few includes in other headers, making compilation take longer. This moves the source files to their own directory so classes can be separated as necessary to their own source files, and be namespaced under the ControllerEmu namespace.
251 lines
6.3 KiB
251 lines
6.3 KiB
// Copyright 2010 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#pragma once
#define DETECT_WAIT_TIME 2500
// might have to change this setup for Wiimote
#define PROFILES_PATH "Profiles/"
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/dialog.h>
#include <wx/eventfilter.h>
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/spinctrl.h>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/ControllerEmu.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/ControllerInterface.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/Device.h"
class DolphinSlider;
class InputConfig;
class wxComboBox;
class wxListBox;
class wxStaticBitmap;
class wxStaticText;
class wxTextCtrl;
class PadSetting
PadSetting(wxControl* const _control);
virtual void UpdateGUI() = 0;
virtual void UpdateValue() = 0;
virtual ~PadSetting() {}
wxControl* const wxcontrol;
class PadSettingExtension : public PadSetting
PadSettingExtension(wxWindow* const parent, ControllerEmu::Extension* const ext);
void UpdateGUI() override;
void UpdateValue() override;
ControllerEmu::Extension* const extension;
class PadSettingSpin : public PadSetting
PadSettingSpin(wxWindow* const parent,
ControllerEmu::ControlGroup::NumericSetting* const setting);
void UpdateGUI() override;
void UpdateValue() override;
ControllerEmu::ControlGroup::NumericSetting* const setting;
class PadSettingCheckBox : public PadSetting
PadSettingCheckBox(wxWindow* const parent,
ControllerEmu::ControlGroup::BooleanSetting* const setting);
void UpdateGUI() override;
void UpdateValue() override;
ControllerEmu::ControlGroup::BooleanSetting* const setting;
class InputEventFilter : public wxEventFilter
int FilterEvent(wxEvent& event) override;
void BlockEvents(bool block);
static bool ShouldCatchEventType(wxEventType type);
bool m_block = false;
class InputConfigDialog;
class ControlDialog : public wxDialog
ControlDialog(InputConfigDialog* const parent, InputConfig& config,
ControllerInterface::ControlReference* const ref);
bool Validate() override;
int GetRangeSliderValue() const;
ControllerInterface::ControlReference* const control_reference;
InputConfig& m_config;
wxStaticBoxSizer* CreateControlChooser(InputConfigDialog* parent);
void UpdateGUI();
void UpdateListContents();
void SelectControl(const std::string& name);
void DetectControl(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ClearControl(wxCommandEvent& event);
void SetDevice(wxCommandEvent& event);
void SetSelectedControl(wxCommandEvent& event);
void AppendControl(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnRangeSlide(wxScrollEvent&);
void OnRangeSpin(wxSpinEvent&);
void OnRangeThumbtrack(wxScrollEvent&);
bool GetExpressionForSelectedControl(wxString& expr);
InputConfigDialog* m_parent;
wxComboBox* device_cbox;
wxTextCtrl* textctrl;
wxListBox* control_lbox;
DolphinSlider* m_range_slider;
wxSpinCtrl* m_range_spinner;
wxStaticText* m_bound_label;
wxStaticText* m_error_label;
InputEventFilter m_event_filter;
ciface::Core::DeviceQualifier m_devq;
class ExtensionButton : public wxButton
ExtensionButton(wxWindow* const parent, ControllerEmu::Extension* const ext);
ControllerEmu::Extension* const extension;
class ControlButton : public wxButton
ControlButton(wxWindow* const parent, ControllerInterface::ControlReference* const _ref,
const std::string& name, const unsigned int width, const std::string& label = {});
ControllerInterface::ControlReference* const control_reference;
const std::string m_name;
wxSize DoGetBestSize() const override;
int m_configured_width = wxDefaultCoord;
class ControlGroupBox : public wxStaticBoxSizer
ControlGroupBox(ControllerEmu::ControlGroup* const group, wxWindow* const parent,
InputConfigDialog* eventsink);
bool HasBitmapHeading() const;
std::vector<PadSetting*> options;
ControllerEmu::ControlGroup* const control_group;
wxStaticBitmap* static_bitmap;
std::vector<ControlButton*> control_buttons;
double m_scale;
class InputConfigDialog : public wxDialog
InputConfigDialog(wxWindow* const parent, InputConfig& config, const wxString& name,
const int port_num = 0);
virtual ~InputConfigDialog() = default;
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event);
void OnCloseButton(wxCommandEvent& event);
void UpdateDeviceComboBox();
void UpdateProfileComboBox();
void UpdateControlReferences();
void UpdateBitmaps(wxTimerEvent&);
void UpdateGUI();
void RefreshDevices(wxCommandEvent& event);
void LoadProfile(wxCommandEvent& event);
void SaveProfile(wxCommandEvent& event);
void DeleteProfile(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ConfigControl(wxEvent& event);
void ClearControl(wxEvent& event);
void DetectControl(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ConfigExtension(wxCommandEvent& event);
void SetDevice(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ClearAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
void LoadDefaults(wxCommandEvent& event);
void AdjustControlOption(wxCommandEvent& event);
void EnablePadSetting(const std::string& group_name, const std::string& name, bool enabled);
void EnableControlButton(const std::string& group_name, const std::string& name, bool enabled);
void AdjustSetting(wxCommandEvent& event);
void AdjustBooleanSetting(wxCommandEvent& event);
void GetProfilePath(std::string& path);
ControllerEmu* GetController() const;
wxComboBox* profile_cbox = nullptr;
wxComboBox* device_cbox = nullptr;
std::vector<ControlGroupBox*> control_groups;
std::vector<ControlButton*> control_buttons;
wxBoxSizer* CreateDeviceChooserGroupBox();
wxBoxSizer* CreaterResetGroupBox(wxOrientation orientation);
wxBoxSizer* CreateProfileChooserGroupBox();
ControllerEmu* const controller;
wxTimer m_update_timer;
InputConfig& m_config;
int m_port_num;
ControlDialog* m_control_dialog;
InputEventFilter m_event_filter;
bool DetectButton(ControlButton* button);
bool m_iterate = false;