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synced 2025-03-04 01:13:35 +00:00
This is a giant hack which was previously removed because it causes broken rendering. However, it seems that some devices still do not support logical operations (looking at you, Adreno/Mali). Therefore, for a handful of cases where the hack actually makes things slightly better, we can use it. ... but not without spamming the log with warnings. With my warning message PR, we can inform the users before emulation starts anyway.
383 lines
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383 lines
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// Copyright 2016 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include "VideoCommon/RenderState.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include "VideoCommon/SamplerCommon.h"
#include "VideoCommon/TextureConfig.h"
void RasterizationState::Generate(const BPMemory& bp, PrimitiveType primitive_type)
cullmode = bp.genMode.cullmode;
primitive = primitive_type;
// Back-face culling should be disabled for points/lines.
if (primitive_type != PrimitiveType::Triangles && primitive_type != PrimitiveType::TriangleStrip)
cullmode = GenMode::CULL_NONE;
RasterizationState& RasterizationState::operator=(const RasterizationState& rhs)
hex = rhs.hex;
return *this;
FramebufferState& FramebufferState::operator=(const FramebufferState& rhs)
hex = rhs.hex;
return *this;
void DepthState::Generate(const BPMemory& bp)
testenable = bp.zmode.testenable.Value();
updateenable = bp.zmode.updateenable.Value();
func = bp.zmode.func.Value();
DepthState& DepthState::operator=(const DepthState& rhs)
hex = rhs.hex;
return *this;
// If the framebuffer format has no alpha channel, it is assumed to
// ONE on blending. As the backends may emulate this framebuffer
// configuration with an alpha channel, we just drop all references
// to the destination alpha channel.
static BlendMode::BlendFactor RemoveDstAlphaUsage(BlendMode::BlendFactor factor)
switch (factor)
case BlendMode::DSTALPHA:
return BlendMode::ONE;
case BlendMode::INVDSTALPHA:
return BlendMode::ZERO;
return factor;
// We separate the blending parameter for rgb and alpha. For blending
// the alpha component, CLR and ALPHA are indentical. So just always
// use ALPHA as this makes it easier for the backends to use the second
// alpha value of dual source blending.
static BlendMode::BlendFactor RemoveSrcColorUsage(BlendMode::BlendFactor factor)
switch (factor)
case BlendMode::SRCCLR:
return BlendMode::SRCALPHA;
case BlendMode::INVSRCCLR:
return BlendMode::INVSRCALPHA;
return factor;
// Same as RemoveSrcColorUsage, but because of the overlapping enum,
// this must be written as another function.
static BlendMode::BlendFactor RemoveDstColorUsage(BlendMode::BlendFactor factor)
switch (factor)
case BlendMode::DSTCLR:
return BlendMode::DSTALPHA;
case BlendMode::INVDSTCLR:
return BlendMode::INVDSTALPHA;
return factor;
void BlendingState::Generate(const BPMemory& bp)
// Start with everything disabled.
hex = 0;
bool target_has_alpha = bp.zcontrol.pixel_format == PEControl::RGBA6_Z24;
bool alpha_test_may_success = bp.alpha_test.TestResult() != AlphaTest::FAIL;
colorupdate = bp.blendmode.colorupdate && alpha_test_may_success;
alphaupdate = bp.blendmode.alphaupdate && target_has_alpha && alpha_test_may_success;
dstalpha = bp.dstalpha.enable && alphaupdate;
usedualsrc = true;
// The subtract bit has the highest priority
if (bp.blendmode.subtract)
blendenable = true;
subtractAlpha = subtract = true;
srcfactoralpha = srcfactor = BlendMode::ONE;
dstfactoralpha = dstfactor = BlendMode::ONE;
if (dstalpha)
subtractAlpha = false;
srcfactoralpha = BlendMode::ONE;
dstfactoralpha = BlendMode::ZERO;
// The blendenable bit has the middle priority
else if (bp.blendmode.blendenable)
blendenable = true;
srcfactor = bp.blendmode.srcfactor;
dstfactor = bp.blendmode.dstfactor;
if (!target_has_alpha)
// uses ONE instead of DSTALPHA
srcfactor = RemoveDstAlphaUsage(srcfactor);
dstfactor = RemoveDstAlphaUsage(dstfactor);
// replaces SRCCLR with SRCALPHA and DSTCLR with DSTALPHA, it is important to
// use the dst function for the src factor and vice versa
srcfactoralpha = RemoveDstColorUsage(srcfactor);
dstfactoralpha = RemoveSrcColorUsage(dstfactor);
if (dstalpha)
srcfactoralpha = BlendMode::ONE;
dstfactoralpha = BlendMode::ZERO;
// The logicop bit has the lowest priority
else if (bp.blendmode.logicopenable)
if (bp.blendmode.logicmode == BlendMode::NOOP)
// Fast path for Kirby's Return to Dreamland, they use it with dstAlpha.
colorupdate = false;
alphaupdate = alphaupdate && dstalpha;
logicopenable = true;
logicmode = bp.blendmode.logicmode;
if (dstalpha)
// TODO: Not supported by backends.
void BlendingState::ApproximateLogicOpWithBlending()
// Any of these which use SRC as srcFactor or DST as dstFactor won't be correct.
// This is because the two are aliased to one another (see the enum).
struct LogicOpApproximation
bool subtract;
BlendMode::BlendFactor srcfactor;
BlendMode::BlendFactor dstfactor;
static constexpr std::array<LogicOpApproximation, 16> approximations = {{
{false, BlendMode::ZERO, BlendMode::ZERO}, // CLEAR
{false, BlendMode::DSTCLR, BlendMode::ZERO}, // AND
{true, BlendMode::ONE, BlendMode::INVSRCCLR}, // AND_REVERSE
{false, BlendMode::ONE, BlendMode::ZERO}, // COPY
{true, BlendMode::DSTCLR, BlendMode::ONE}, // AND_INVERTED
{false, BlendMode::ZERO, BlendMode::ONE}, // NOOP
{false, BlendMode::INVDSTCLR, BlendMode::INVSRCCLR}, // XOR
{false, BlendMode::INVDSTCLR, BlendMode::ONE}, // OR
{false, BlendMode::INVSRCCLR, BlendMode::INVDSTCLR}, // NOR
{false, BlendMode::INVSRCCLR, BlendMode::ZERO}, // EQUIV
{false, BlendMode::INVDSTCLR, BlendMode::INVDSTCLR}, // INVERT
{false, BlendMode::ONE, BlendMode::INVDSTALPHA}, // OR_REVERSE
{false, BlendMode::INVSRCCLR, BlendMode::INVSRCCLR}, // COPY_INVERTED
{false, BlendMode::INVSRCCLR, BlendMode::ONE}, // OR_INVERTED
{false, BlendMode::INVDSTCLR, BlendMode::INVSRCCLR}, // NAND
{false, BlendMode::ONE, BlendMode::ONE}, // SET
logicopenable = false;
blendenable = true;
subtract = approximations[logicmode].subtract;
srcfactor = approximations[logicmode].srcfactor;
dstfactor = approximations[logicmode].dstfactor;
BlendingState& BlendingState::operator=(const BlendingState& rhs)
hex = rhs.hex;
return *this;
void SamplerState::Generate(const BPMemory& bp, u32 index)
const FourTexUnits& tex = bpmem.tex[index / 4];
const TexMode0& tm0 = tex.texMode0[index % 4];
const TexMode1& tm1 = tex.texMode1[index % 4];
// GX can configure the mip filter to none. However, D3D and Vulkan can't express this in their
// sampler states. Therefore, we set the min/max LOD to zero if this option is used.
min_filter = (tm0.min_filter & 4) != 0 ? Filter::Linear : Filter::Point;
mipmap_filter = (tm0.min_filter & 3) == TexMode0::TEXF_LINEAR ? Filter::Linear : Filter::Point;
mag_filter = tm0.mag_filter != 0 ? Filter::Linear : Filter::Point;
// If mipmaps are disabled, clamp min/max lod
max_lod = SamplerCommon::AreBpTexMode0MipmapsEnabled(tm0) ? tm1.max_lod : 0;
min_lod = std::min(max_lod.Value(), static_cast<u64>(tm1.min_lod));
lod_bias = SamplerCommon::AreBpTexMode0MipmapsEnabled(tm0) ? tm0.lod_bias * (256 / 32) : 0;
// Address modes
static constexpr std::array<AddressMode, 4> address_modes = {
{AddressMode::Clamp, AddressMode::Repeat, AddressMode::MirroredRepeat, AddressMode::Repeat}};
wrap_u = address_modes[tm0.wrap_s];
wrap_v = address_modes[tm0.wrap_t];
anisotropic_filtering = 0;
SamplerState& SamplerState::operator=(const SamplerState& rhs)
hex = rhs.hex;
return *this;
namespace RenderState
RasterizationState GetInvalidRasterizationState()
RasterizationState state;
state.hex = UINT32_C(0xFFFFFFFF);
return state;
RasterizationState GetNoCullRasterizationState(PrimitiveType primitive)
RasterizationState state = {};
state.cullmode = GenMode::CULL_NONE;
state.primitive = primitive;
return state;
RasterizationState GetCullBackFaceRasterizationState(PrimitiveType primitive)
RasterizationState state = {};
state.cullmode = GenMode::CULL_BACK;
state.primitive = primitive;
return state;
DepthState GetInvalidDepthState()
DepthState state;
state.hex = UINT32_C(0xFFFFFFFF);
return state;
DepthState GetNoDepthTestingDepthState()
DepthState state = {};
state.testenable = false;
state.updateenable = false;
state.func = ZMode::ALWAYS;
return state;
DepthState GetAlwaysWriteDepthState()
DepthState state = {};
state.testenable = true;
state.updateenable = true;
state.func = ZMode::ALWAYS;
return state;
BlendingState GetInvalidBlendingState()
BlendingState state;
state.hex = UINT32_C(0xFFFFFFFF);
return state;
BlendingState GetNoBlendingBlendState()
BlendingState state = {};
state.usedualsrc = false;
state.blendenable = false;
state.srcfactor = BlendMode::ONE;
state.srcfactoralpha = BlendMode::ONE;
state.dstfactor = BlendMode::ZERO;
state.dstfactoralpha = BlendMode::ZERO;
state.logicopenable = false;
state.colorupdate = true;
state.alphaupdate = true;
return state;
BlendingState GetNoColorWriteBlendState()
BlendingState state = {};
state.usedualsrc = false;
state.blendenable = false;
state.srcfactor = BlendMode::ONE;
state.srcfactoralpha = BlendMode::ONE;
state.dstfactor = BlendMode::ZERO;
state.dstfactoralpha = BlendMode::ZERO;
state.logicopenable = false;
state.colorupdate = false;
state.alphaupdate = false;
return state;
SamplerState GetInvalidSamplerState()
SamplerState state;
return state;
SamplerState GetPointSamplerState()
SamplerState state = {};
state.min_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Point;
state.mag_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Point;
state.mipmap_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Point;
state.wrap_u = SamplerState::AddressMode::Clamp;
state.wrap_v = SamplerState::AddressMode::Clamp;
state.min_lod = 0;
state.max_lod = 255;
state.lod_bias = 0;
state.anisotropic_filtering = false;
return state;
SamplerState GetLinearSamplerState()
SamplerState state = {};
state.min_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Linear;
state.mag_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Linear;
state.mipmap_filter = SamplerState::Filter::Linear;
state.wrap_u = SamplerState::AddressMode::Clamp;
state.wrap_v = SamplerState::AddressMode::Clamp;
state.min_lod = 0;
state.max_lod = 255;
state.lod_bias = 0;
state.anisotropic_filtering = false;
return state;
FramebufferState GetColorFramebufferState(AbstractTextureFormat format)
FramebufferState state = {};
state.color_texture_format = format;
state.depth_texture_format = AbstractTextureFormat::Undefined;
state.per_sample_shading = false;
state.samples = 1;
return state;
FramebufferState GetRGBA8FramebufferState()
return GetColorFramebufferState(AbstractTextureFormat::RGBA8);
} // namespace RenderState