mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 07:14:19 +00:00
Some compilers don't have an automatic abs() overload for floats. Doesn't really matter if they use the integer variant here, but it's better to be explicit about the fact that we're using floats.
819 lines
28 KiB
819 lines
28 KiB
// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "Common/BitSet.h"
#include "Common/ChunkFile.h"
#include "Common/CommonFuncs.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Common/MathUtil.h"
#include "Core/ConfigManager.h"
#include "Core/Core.h"
#include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h"
#include "VideoCommon/CPMemory.h"
#include "VideoCommon/RenderBase.h"
#include "VideoCommon/Statistics.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VertexManagerBase.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderManager.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoCommon.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h"
#include "VideoCommon/XFMemory.h"
alignas(16) static float g_fProjectionMatrix[16];
// track changes
static bool bTexMatricesChanged[2], bPosNormalMatrixChanged, bProjectionChanged, bViewportChanged;
static BitSet32 nMaterialsChanged;
static int nTransformMatricesChanged[2]; // min,max
static int nNormalMatricesChanged[2]; // min,max
static int nPostTransformMatricesChanged[2]; // min,max
static int nLightsChanged[2]; // min,max
static Matrix44 s_viewportCorrection;
static Matrix33 s_viewRotationMatrix;
static Matrix33 s_viewInvRotationMatrix;
static float s_fViewTranslationVector[3];
static float s_fViewRotation[2];
VertexShaderConstants VertexShaderManager::constants;
bool VertexShaderManager::dirty;
struct ProjectionHack
float sign;
float value;
ProjectionHack() {}
ProjectionHack(float new_sign, float new_value) : sign(new_sign), value(new_value) {}
// Control Variables
static ProjectionHack g_ProjHack1;
static ProjectionHack g_ProjHack2;
} // Namespace
static float PHackValue(std::string sValue)
float f = 0;
bool fp = false;
const char* cStr = sValue.c_str();
char* c = new char[strlen(cStr) + 1];
std::istringstream sTof("");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= strlen(cStr); ++i)
if (i == 20)
c[i] = '\0';
c[i] = (cStr[i] == ',') ? '.' : *(cStr + i);
if (c[i] == '.')
fp = true;
cStr = c;
sTof >> f;
if (!fp)
f /= 0xF4240;
delete[] c;
return f;
// Due to the BT.601 standard which the GameCube is based on being a compromise
// between PAL and NTSC, neither standard gets square pixels. They are each off
// by ~9% in opposite directions.
// Just in case any game decides to take this into account, we do both these
// tests with a large amount of slop.
static bool AspectIs4_3(float width, float height)
float aspect = fabsf(width / height);
return fabsf(aspect - 4.0f / 3.0f) < 4.0f / 3.0f * 0.11; // within 11% of 4:3
static bool AspectIs16_9(float width, float height)
float aspect = fabsf(width / height);
return fabsf(aspect - 16.0f / 9.0f) < 16.0f / 9.0f * 0.11; // within 11% of 16:9
void UpdateProjectionHack(int iPhackvalue[], std::string sPhackvalue[])
float fhackvalue1 = 0, fhackvalue2 = 0;
float fhacksign1 = 1.0, fhacksign2 = 1.0;
const char* sTemp[2];
if (iPhackvalue[0] == 1)
NOTICE_LOG(VIDEO, "\t\t--- Orthographic Projection Hack ON ---");
fhacksign1 *= (iPhackvalue[1] == 1) ? -1.0f : fhacksign1;
sTemp[0] = (iPhackvalue[1] == 1) ? " * (-1)" : "";
fhacksign2 *= (iPhackvalue[2] == 1) ? -1.0f : fhacksign2;
sTemp[1] = (iPhackvalue[2] == 1) ? " * (-1)" : "";
fhackvalue1 = PHackValue(sPhackvalue[0]);
NOTICE_LOG(VIDEO, "- zNear Correction = (%f + zNear)%s", fhackvalue1, sTemp[0]);
fhackvalue2 = PHackValue(sPhackvalue[1]);
NOTICE_LOG(VIDEO, "- zFar Correction = (%f + zFar)%s", fhackvalue2, sTemp[1]);
// Set the projections hacks
g_ProjHack1 = ProjectionHack(fhacksign1, fhackvalue1);
g_ProjHack2 = ProjectionHack(fhacksign2, fhackvalue2);
// Viewport correction:
// In D3D, the viewport rectangle must fit within the render target.
// Say you want a viewport at (ix, iy) with size (iw, ih),
// but your viewport must be clamped at (ax, ay) with size (aw, ah).
// Just multiply the projection matrix with the following to get the same
// effect:
// [ (iw/aw) 0 0 ((iw - 2*(ax-ix)) / aw - 1) ]
// [ 0 (ih/ah) 0 ((-ih + 2*(ay-iy)) / ah + 1) ]
// [ 0 0 1 0 ]
// [ 0 0 0 1 ]
static void ViewportCorrectionMatrix(Matrix44& result)
int scissorXOff = bpmem.scissorOffset.x * 2;
int scissorYOff = bpmem.scissorOffset.y * 2;
// TODO: ceil, floor or just cast to int?
// TODO: Directly use the floats instead of rounding them?
float intendedX = xfmem.viewport.xOrig - xfmem.viewport.wd - scissorXOff;
float intendedY = xfmem.viewport.yOrig + xfmem.viewport.ht - scissorYOff;
float intendedWd = 2.0f * xfmem.viewport.wd;
float intendedHt = -2.0f * xfmem.viewport.ht;
if (intendedWd < 0.f)
intendedX += intendedWd;
intendedWd = -intendedWd;
if (intendedHt < 0.f)
intendedY += intendedHt;
intendedHt = -intendedHt;
// fit to EFB size
float X = (intendedX >= 0.f) ? intendedX : 0.f;
float Y = (intendedY >= 0.f) ? intendedY : 0.f;
float Wd = (X + intendedWd <= EFB_WIDTH) ? intendedWd : (EFB_WIDTH - X);
float Ht = (Y + intendedHt <= EFB_HEIGHT) ? intendedHt : (EFB_HEIGHT - Y);
if (Wd == 0 || Ht == 0)
result.data[4 * 0 + 0] = intendedWd / Wd;
result.data[4 * 0 + 3] = (intendedWd - 2.f * (X - intendedX)) / Wd - 1.f;
result.data[4 * 1 + 1] = intendedHt / Ht;
result.data[4 * 1 + 3] = (-intendedHt + 2.f * (Y - intendedY)) / Ht + 1.f;
void VertexShaderManager::Init()
// Initialize state tracking variables
nTransformMatricesChanged[0] = -1;
nTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;
nNormalMatricesChanged[0] = -1;
nNormalMatricesChanged[1] = -1;
nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] = -1;
nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;
nLightsChanged[0] = -1;
nLightsChanged[1] = -1;
nMaterialsChanged = BitSet32(0);
bTexMatricesChanged[0] = false;
bTexMatricesChanged[1] = false;
bPosNormalMatrixChanged = false;
bProjectionChanged = true;
bViewportChanged = false;
memset(&xfmem, 0, sizeof(xfmem));
memset(&constants, 0, sizeof(constants));
// TODO: should these go inside ResetView()?
memset(g_fProjectionMatrix, 0, sizeof(g_fProjectionMatrix));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
g_fProjectionMatrix[i * 5] = 1.0f;
dirty = true;
void VertexShaderManager::Dirty()
// This function is called after a savestate is loaded.
// Any constants that can changed based on settings should be re-calculated
bProjectionChanged = true;
dirty = true;
// Syncs the shader constant buffers with xfmem
// TODO: A cleaner way to control the matrices without making a mess in the parameters field
void VertexShaderManager::SetConstants()
if (nTransformMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
int startn = nTransformMatricesChanged[0] / 4;
int endn = (nTransformMatricesChanged[1] + 3) / 4;
memcpy(constants.transformmatrices[startn], &xfmem.posMatrices[startn * 4],
(endn - startn) * sizeof(float4));
dirty = true;
nTransformMatricesChanged[0] = nTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;
if (nNormalMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
int startn = nNormalMatricesChanged[0] / 3;
int endn = (nNormalMatricesChanged[1] + 2) / 3;
for (int i = startn; i < endn; i++)
memcpy(constants.normalmatrices[i], &xfmem.normalMatrices[3 * i], 12);
dirty = true;
nNormalMatricesChanged[0] = nNormalMatricesChanged[1] = -1;
if (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] >= 0)
int startn = nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] / 4;
int endn = (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] + 3) / 4;
memcpy(constants.posttransformmatrices[startn], &xfmem.postMatrices[startn * 4],
(endn - startn) * sizeof(float4));
dirty = true;
nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] = nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] = -1;
if (nLightsChanged[0] >= 0)
// TODO: Outdated comment
// lights don't have a 1 to 1 mapping, the color component needs to be converted to 4 floats
int istart = nLightsChanged[0] / 0x10;
int iend = (nLightsChanged[1] + 15) / 0x10;
for (int i = istart; i < iend; ++i)
const Light& light = xfmem.lights[i];
VertexShaderConstants::Light& dstlight = constants.lights[i];
// xfmem.light.color is packed as abgr in u8[4], so we have to swap the order
dstlight.color[0] = light.color[3];
dstlight.color[1] = light.color[2];
dstlight.color[2] = light.color[1];
dstlight.color[3] = light.color[0];
dstlight.cosatt[0] = light.cosatt[0];
dstlight.cosatt[1] = light.cosatt[1];
dstlight.cosatt[2] = light.cosatt[2];
if (fabs(light.distatt[0]) < 0.00001f && fabs(light.distatt[1]) < 0.00001f &&
fabs(light.distatt[2]) < 0.00001f)
// dist attenuation, make sure not equal to 0!!!
dstlight.distatt[0] = .00001f;
dstlight.distatt[0] = light.distatt[0];
dstlight.distatt[1] = light.distatt[1];
dstlight.distatt[2] = light.distatt[2];
dstlight.pos[0] = light.dpos[0];
dstlight.pos[1] = light.dpos[1];
dstlight.pos[2] = light.dpos[2];
double norm = double(light.ddir[0]) * double(light.ddir[0]) +
double(light.ddir[1]) * double(light.ddir[1]) +
double(light.ddir[2]) * double(light.ddir[2]);
norm = 1.0 / sqrt(norm);
float norm_float = static_cast<float>(norm);
dstlight.dir[0] = light.ddir[0] * norm_float;
dstlight.dir[1] = light.ddir[1] * norm_float;
dstlight.dir[2] = light.ddir[2] * norm_float;
dirty = true;
nLightsChanged[0] = nLightsChanged[1] = -1;
for (int i : nMaterialsChanged)
u32 data = i >= 2 ? xfmem.matColor[i - 2] : xfmem.ambColor[i];
constants.materials[i][0] = (data >> 24) & 0xFF;
constants.materials[i][1] = (data >> 16) & 0xFF;
constants.materials[i][2] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
constants.materials[i][3] = data & 0xFF;
dirty = true;
nMaterialsChanged = BitSet32(0);
if (bPosNormalMatrixChanged)
bPosNormalMatrixChanged = false;
const float* pos = &xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx * 4];
const float* norm =
&xfmem.normalMatrices[3 * (g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx & 31)];
memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix, pos, 3 * sizeof(float4));
memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[3], norm, 3 * sizeof(float));
memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[4], norm + 3, 3 * sizeof(float));
memcpy(constants.posnormalmatrix[5], norm + 6, 3 * sizeof(float));
dirty = true;
if (bTexMatricesChanged[0])
bTexMatricesChanged[0] = false;
const float* pos_matrix_ptrs[] = {
&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex0MtxIdx * 4],
&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex1MtxIdx * 4],
&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex2MtxIdx * 4],
&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex3MtxIdx * 4]};
for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(pos_matrix_ptrs); ++i)
memcpy(constants.texmatrices[3 * i], pos_matrix_ptrs[i], 3 * sizeof(float4));
dirty = true;
if (bTexMatricesChanged[1])
bTexMatricesChanged[1] = false;
const float* pos_matrix_ptrs[] = {
&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex4MtxIdx * 4],
&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex5MtxIdx * 4],
&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex6MtxIdx * 4],
&xfmem.posMatrices[g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex7MtxIdx * 4]};
for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(pos_matrix_ptrs); ++i)
memcpy(constants.texmatrices[3 * i + 12], pos_matrix_ptrs[i], 3 * sizeof(float4));
dirty = true;
if (bViewportChanged)
bViewportChanged = false;
// The console GPU places the pixel center at 7/12 unless antialiasing
// is enabled, while D3D and OpenGL place it at 0.5. See the comment
// in VertexShaderGen.cpp for details.
// NOTE: If we ever emulate antialiasing, the sample locations set by
// BP registers 0x01-0x04 need to be considered here.
const float pixel_center_correction = 7.0f / 12.0f - 0.5f;
const float pixel_size_x = 2.f / Renderer::EFBToScaledXf(2.f * xfmem.viewport.wd);
const float pixel_size_y = 2.f / Renderer::EFBToScaledXf(2.f * xfmem.viewport.ht);
constants.pixelcentercorrection[0] = pixel_center_correction * pixel_size_x;
constants.pixelcentercorrection[1] = pixel_center_correction * pixel_size_y;
// The depth range is handled in the vertex shader. We need to reverse
// the far value to get a reversed depth range mapping. This is necessary
// because the standard depth range equation pushes all depth values towards
// the back of the depth buffer where conventionally depth buffers have the
// least precision.
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange)
// For backends that support reversing the depth range we also support cases
// where the console also uses reversed depth with the same accuracy. We need
// to make sure the depth range is positive here and then reverse the depth in
// the backend viewport.
constants.pixelcentercorrection[2] = fabs(xfmem.viewport.zRange) / 16777215.0f;
if (xfmem.viewport.zRange < 0.0f)
constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = xfmem.viewport.farZ / 16777215.0f;
constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = 1.0f - xfmem.viewport.farZ / 16777215.0f;
// For backends that don't support reversing the depth range we can still render
// cases where the console uses reversed depth correctly. But we simply can't
// provide the same accuracy as the console.
constants.pixelcentercorrection[2] = xfmem.viewport.zRange / 16777215.0f;
constants.pixelcentercorrection[3] = 1.0f - xfmem.viewport.farZ / 16777215.0f;
dirty = true;
// This is so implementation-dependent that we can't have it here.
// Update projection if the viewport isn't 1:1 useable
if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsOversizedViewports)
bProjectionChanged = true;
if (bProjectionChanged)
bProjectionChanged = false;
float* rawProjection = xfmem.projection.rawProjection;
switch (xfmem.projection.type)
g_fProjectionMatrix[0] = rawProjection[0] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackW;
g_fProjectionMatrix[1] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[2] = rawProjection[1];
g_fProjectionMatrix[3] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[4] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[5] = rawProjection[2] * g_ActiveConfig.fAspectRatioHackH;
g_fProjectionMatrix[6] = rawProjection[3];
g_fProjectionMatrix[7] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[8] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[9] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[10] = rawProjection[4];
g_fProjectionMatrix[11] = rawProjection[5];
g_fProjectionMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[13] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[14] = -1.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[15] = 0.0f;
// Heuristic to detect if a GameCube game is in 16:9 anamorphic widescreen mode.
if (!SConfig::GetInstance().bWii)
bool viewport_is_4_3 = AspectIs4_3(xfmem.viewport.wd, xfmem.viewport.ht);
if (AspectIs16_9(rawProjection[2], rawProjection[0]) && viewport_is_4_3)
Core::g_aspect_wide = true; // Projection is 16:9 and viewport is 4:3, we are rendering
// an anamorphic widescreen picture
else if (AspectIs4_3(rawProjection[2], rawProjection[0]) && viewport_is_4_3)
Core::g_aspect_wide =
false; // Project and viewports are both 4:3, we are rendering a normal image.
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_0, g_fProjectionMatrix[0]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_1, g_fProjectionMatrix[1]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_2, g_fProjectionMatrix[2]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_3, g_fProjectionMatrix[3]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_4, g_fProjectionMatrix[4]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_5, g_fProjectionMatrix[5]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_6, g_fProjectionMatrix[6]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_7, g_fProjectionMatrix[7]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_8, g_fProjectionMatrix[8]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_9, g_fProjectionMatrix[9]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_10, g_fProjectionMatrix[10]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_11, g_fProjectionMatrix[11]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_12, g_fProjectionMatrix[12]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_13, g_fProjectionMatrix[13]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_14, g_fProjectionMatrix[14]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.gproj_15, g_fProjectionMatrix[15]);
g_fProjectionMatrix[0] = rawProjection[0];
g_fProjectionMatrix[1] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[2] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[3] = rawProjection[1];
g_fProjectionMatrix[4] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[5] = rawProjection[2];
g_fProjectionMatrix[6] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[7] = rawProjection[3];
g_fProjectionMatrix[8] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[9] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[10] = (g_ProjHack1.value + rawProjection[4]) *
((g_ProjHack1.sign == 0) ? 1.0f : g_ProjHack1.sign);
g_fProjectionMatrix[11] = (g_ProjHack2.value + rawProjection[5]) *
((g_ProjHack2.sign == 0) ? 1.0f : g_ProjHack2.sign);
g_fProjectionMatrix[12] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[13] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[14] = 0.0f;
g_fProjectionMatrix[15] = 1.0f;
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_0, g_fProjectionMatrix[0]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_1, g_fProjectionMatrix[1]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_2, g_fProjectionMatrix[2]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_3, g_fProjectionMatrix[3]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_4, g_fProjectionMatrix[4]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_5, g_fProjectionMatrix[5]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_6, g_fProjectionMatrix[6]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_7, g_fProjectionMatrix[7]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_8, g_fProjectionMatrix[8]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_9, g_fProjectionMatrix[9]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_10, g_fProjectionMatrix[10]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_11, g_fProjectionMatrix[11]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_12, g_fProjectionMatrix[12]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_13, g_fProjectionMatrix[13]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_14, g_fProjectionMatrix[14]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.g2proj_15, g_fProjectionMatrix[15]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_0, rawProjection[0]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_1, rawProjection[1]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_2, rawProjection[2]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_3, rawProjection[3]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_4, rawProjection[4]);
SETSTAT_FT(stats.proj_5, rawProjection[5]);
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown projection type: %d", xfmem.projection.type);
PRIM_LOG("Projection: %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", rawProjection[0], rawProjection[1],
rawProjection[2], rawProjection[3], rawProjection[4], rawProjection[5]);
if (g_ActiveConfig.bFreeLook && xfmem.projection.type == GX_PERSPECTIVE)
Matrix44 mtxA;
Matrix44 mtxB;
Matrix44 viewMtx;
Matrix44::Translate(mtxA, s_fViewTranslationVector);
Matrix44::LoadMatrix33(mtxB, s_viewRotationMatrix);
Matrix44::Multiply(mtxB, mtxA, viewMtx); // view = rotation x translation
Matrix44::Set(mtxB, g_fProjectionMatrix);
Matrix44::Multiply(mtxB, viewMtx, mtxA); // mtxA = projection x view
Matrix44::Multiply(s_viewportCorrection, mtxA, mtxB); // mtxB = viewportCorrection x mtxA
memcpy(constants.projection, mtxB.data, 4 * sizeof(float4));
Matrix44 projMtx;
Matrix44::Set(projMtx, g_fProjectionMatrix);
Matrix44 correctedMtx;
Matrix44::Multiply(s_viewportCorrection, projMtx, correctedMtx);
memcpy(constants.projection, correctedMtx.data, 4 * sizeof(float4));
dirty = true;
void VertexShaderManager::InvalidateXFRange(int start, int end)
if (((u32)start >= (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx * 4 &&
(u32)start < (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx * 4 + 12) ||
((u32)start >=
XFMEM_NORMALMATRICES + ((u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx & 31) * 3 &&
((u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx & 31) * 3 + 9))
bPosNormalMatrixChanged = true;
if (((u32)start >= (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex0MtxIdx * 4 &&
(u32)start < (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex0MtxIdx * 4 + 12) ||
((u32)start >= (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex1MtxIdx * 4 &&
(u32)start < (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex1MtxIdx * 4 + 12) ||
((u32)start >= (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex2MtxIdx * 4 &&
(u32)start < (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex2MtxIdx * 4 + 12) ||
((u32)start >= (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex3MtxIdx * 4 &&
(u32)start < (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Tex3MtxIdx * 4 + 12))
bTexMatricesChanged[0] = true;
if (((u32)start >= (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex4MtxIdx * 4 &&
(u32)start < (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex4MtxIdx * 4 + 12) ||
((u32)start >= (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex5MtxIdx * 4 &&
(u32)start < (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex5MtxIdx * 4 + 12) ||
((u32)start >= (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex6MtxIdx * 4 &&
(u32)start < (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex6MtxIdx * 4 + 12) ||
((u32)start >= (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex7MtxIdx * 4 &&
(u32)start < (u32)g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Tex7MtxIdx * 4 + 12))
bTexMatricesChanged[1] = true;
if (nTransformMatricesChanged[0] == -1)
nTransformMatricesChanged[0] = start;
nTransformMatricesChanged[1] = end > XFMEM_POSMATRICES_END ? XFMEM_POSMATRICES_END : end;
if (nTransformMatricesChanged[0] > start)
nTransformMatricesChanged[0] = start;
if (nTransformMatricesChanged[1] < end)
nTransformMatricesChanged[1] = end > XFMEM_POSMATRICES_END ? XFMEM_POSMATRICES_END : end;
int _start = start < XFMEM_NORMALMATRICES ? 0 : start - XFMEM_NORMALMATRICES;
if (nNormalMatricesChanged[0] == -1)
nNormalMatricesChanged[0] = _start;
nNormalMatricesChanged[1] = _end;
if (nNormalMatricesChanged[0] > _start)
nNormalMatricesChanged[0] = _start;
if (nNormalMatricesChanged[1] < _end)
nNormalMatricesChanged[1] = _end;
if (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] == -1)
nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] = _start;
nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] = _end;
if (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] > _start)
nPostTransformMatricesChanged[0] = _start;
if (nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] < _end)
nPostTransformMatricesChanged[1] = _end;
if (start < XFMEM_LIGHTS_END && end > XFMEM_LIGHTS)
int _start = start < XFMEM_LIGHTS ? XFMEM_LIGHTS : start - XFMEM_LIGHTS;
if (nLightsChanged[0] == -1)
nLightsChanged[0] = _start;
nLightsChanged[1] = _end;
if (nLightsChanged[0] > _start)
nLightsChanged[0] = _start;
if (nLightsChanged[1] < _end)
nLightsChanged[1] = _end;
void VertexShaderManager::SetTexMatrixChangedA(u32 Value)
if (g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Hex != Value)
if (g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.PosNormalMtxIdx != (Value & 0x3f))
bPosNormalMatrixChanged = true;
bTexMatricesChanged[0] = true;
g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_a.Hex = Value;
void VertexShaderManager::SetTexMatrixChangedB(u32 Value)
if (g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Hex != Value)
bTexMatricesChanged[1] = true;
g_main_cp_state.matrix_index_b.Hex = Value;
void VertexShaderManager::SetViewportChanged()
bViewportChanged = true;
void VertexShaderManager::SetProjectionChanged()
bProjectionChanged = true;
void VertexShaderManager::SetMaterialColorChanged(int index)
nMaterialsChanged[index] = true;
void VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(float x, float y, float z)
float result[3];
float vector[3] = {x, z, y};
Matrix33::Multiply(s_viewInvRotationMatrix, vector, result);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(result); i++)
s_fViewTranslationVector[i] += result[i];
bProjectionChanged = true;
void VertexShaderManager::RotateView(float x, float y)
s_fViewRotation[0] += x;
s_fViewRotation[1] += y;
Matrix33 mx;
Matrix33 my;
Matrix33::RotateX(mx, s_fViewRotation[1]);
Matrix33::RotateY(my, s_fViewRotation[0]);
Matrix33::Multiply(mx, my, s_viewRotationMatrix);
// reverse rotation
Matrix33::RotateX(mx, -s_fViewRotation[1]);
Matrix33::RotateY(my, -s_fViewRotation[0]);
Matrix33::Multiply(my, mx, s_viewInvRotationMatrix);
bProjectionChanged = true;
void VertexShaderManager::ResetView()
memset(s_fViewTranslationVector, 0, sizeof(s_fViewTranslationVector));
s_fViewRotation[0] = s_fViewRotation[1] = 0.0f;
bProjectionChanged = true;
void VertexShaderManager::TransformToClipSpace(const float* data, float* out, u32 MtxIdx)
const float* world_matrix = &xfmem.posMatrices[(MtxIdx & 0x3f) * 4];
// We use the projection matrix calculated by VertexShaderManager, because it
// includes any free look transformations.
// Make sure VertexShaderManager::SetConstants() has been called first.
const float* proj_matrix = &g_fProjectionMatrix[0];
const float t[3] = {data[0] * world_matrix[0] + data[1] * world_matrix[1] +
data[2] * world_matrix[2] + world_matrix[3],
data[0] * world_matrix[4] + data[1] * world_matrix[5] +
data[2] * world_matrix[6] + world_matrix[7],
data[0] * world_matrix[8] + data[1] * world_matrix[9] +
data[2] * world_matrix[10] + world_matrix[11]};
out[0] = t[0] * proj_matrix[0] + t[1] * proj_matrix[1] + t[2] * proj_matrix[2] + proj_matrix[3];
out[1] = t[0] * proj_matrix[4] + t[1] * proj_matrix[5] + t[2] * proj_matrix[6] + proj_matrix[7];
out[2] = t[0] * proj_matrix[8] + t[1] * proj_matrix[9] + t[2] * proj_matrix[10] + proj_matrix[11];
out[3] =
t[0] * proj_matrix[12] + t[1] * proj_matrix[13] + t[2] * proj_matrix[14] + proj_matrix[15];
void VertexShaderManager::DoState(PointerWrap& p)
if (p.GetMode() == PointerWrap::MODE_READ)