// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <wx/brush.h> #include <wx/clipbrd.h> #include <wx/colour.h> #include <wx/dataobj.h> #include <wx/dcclient.h> #include <wx/graphics.h> #include <wx/menu.h> #include <wx/pen.h> #include <wx/textdlg.h> #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/DebugInterface.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "Common/SymbolDB.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/PowerPC/PPCAnalyst.h" #include "Core/PowerPC/PowerPC.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/AssemblerEntryDialog.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/CodeView.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/DebuggerUIUtil.h" #include "DolphinWX/Globals.h" #include "DolphinWX/WxUtils.h" wxDEFINE_EVENT(wxEVT_CODEVIEW_CHANGE, wxCommandEvent); enum { IDM_GOTOINMEMVIEW = 12000, IDM_COPYADDRESS, IDM_COPYHEX, IDM_COPYCODE, IDM_INSERTBLR, IDM_INSERTNOP, IDM_ASSEMBLE, IDM_RUNTOHERE, IDM_JITRESULTS, IDM_FOLLOWBRANCH, IDM_RENAMESYMBOL, IDM_SETSYMBOLSIZE, IDM_SETSYMBOLEND, IDM_PATCHALERT, IDM_COPYFUNCTION, IDM_ADDFUNCTION, }; CCodeView::CCodeView(DebugInterface* debuginterface, SymbolDB* symboldb, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID Id) : wxControl(parent, Id), m_debugger(debuginterface), m_symbol_db(symboldb), m_plain(false), m_curAddress(debuginterface->GetPC()), m_align(debuginterface->GetInstructionSize(0)), m_rowHeight(FromDIP(13)), m_left_col_width(FromDIP(LEFT_COL_WIDTH)), m_selection(0), m_oldSelection(0), m_selecting(false) { Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, &CCodeView::OnPaint, this); Bind(wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL, &CCodeView::OnScrollWheel, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &CCodeView::OnMouseDown, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, &CCodeView::OnMouseUpL, this); Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, &CCodeView::OnMouseMove, this); Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, &CCodeView::OnMouseDown, this); Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, &CCodeView::OnMouseUpR, this); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &CCodeView::OnPopupMenu, this); Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, &CCodeView::OnResize, this); // Disable the erase event, the entire window is being painted so the erase // event will just cause unnecessary flicker. SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_PAINT); #if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXGTK__) SetDoubleBuffered(true); #endif } int CCodeView::YToAddress(int y) { wxRect rc = GetClientRect(); int ydiff = y - rc.height / 2 - m_rowHeight / 2; ydiff = (int)(floorf((float)ydiff / (float)m_rowHeight)) + 1; return m_curAddress + ydiff * m_align; } void CCodeView::OnMouseDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { int x = event.m_x; int y = event.m_y; if (x > m_left_col_width) { m_oldSelection = m_selection; m_selection = YToAddress(y); // SetCapture(wnd); bool oldselecting = m_selecting; m_selecting = true; if (!oldselecting || (m_selection != m_oldSelection)) Refresh(); } else { ToggleBreakpoint(YToAddress(y)); } event.Skip(); } void CCodeView::OnScrollWheel(wxMouseEvent& event) { const bool scroll_down = (event.GetWheelRotation() < 0); const int num_lines = event.GetLinesPerAction(); if (scroll_down) { m_curAddress += num_lines * 4; } else { m_curAddress -= num_lines * 4; } Refresh(); event.Skip(); } void CCodeView::ToggleBreakpoint(u32 address) { m_debugger->ToggleBreakpoint(address); Refresh(); // Propagate back to the parent window to update the breakpoint list. wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_HOST_COMMAND, IDM_UPDATE_BREAKPOINTS); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } void CCodeView::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event) { wxRect rc = GetClientRect(); if (event.m_leftDown && event.m_x > m_left_col_width) { if (event.m_y < 0) { m_curAddress -= m_align; Refresh(); } else if (event.m_y > rc.height) { m_curAddress += m_align; Refresh(); } else { OnMouseDown(event); } } event.Skip(); } void CCodeView::RaiseEvent() { wxCommandEvent ev(wxEVT_CODEVIEW_CHANGE, GetId()); ev.SetEventObject(this); ev.SetInt(m_selection); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(ev); } void CCodeView::OnMouseUpL(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (event.m_x > m_left_col_width) { m_curAddress = YToAddress(event.m_y); m_selecting = false; Refresh(); } RaiseEvent(); event.Skip(); } u32 CCodeView::AddrToBranch(u32 addr) { std::string disasm = m_debugger->Disassemble(addr); size_t pos = disasm.find("->0x"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { std::string hex = disasm.substr(pos + 2); return std::stoul(hex, nullptr, 16); } return 0; } void CCodeView::InsertBlrNop(int Blr) { // Check if this address has been modified int find = -1; for (u32 i = 0; i < m_blrList.size(); i++) { if (m_blrList.at(i).address == m_selection) { find = i; break; } } // Save the old value if (find >= 0) { m_debugger->WriteExtraMemory(0, m_blrList.at(find).oldValue, m_selection); m_blrList.erase(m_blrList.begin() + find); } else { BlrStruct temp; temp.address = m_selection; temp.oldValue = m_debugger->ReadMemory(m_selection); m_blrList.push_back(temp); if (Blr == 0) m_debugger->InsertBLR(m_selection, 0x4e800020); else m_debugger->InsertBLR(m_selection, 0x60000000); } Refresh(); } void CCodeView::OnPopupMenu(wxCommandEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case IDM_GOTOINMEMVIEW: // CMemoryDlg::Goto(selection); break; #if wxUSE_CLIPBOARD case IDM_COPYADDRESS: { wxClipboardLocker locker; wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(wxString::Format("%08x", m_selection))); } break; case IDM_COPYCODE: { wxClipboardLocker locker; std::string disasm = m_debugger->Disassemble(m_selection); wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(StrToWxStr(disasm))); } break; case IDM_COPYHEX: { wxClipboardLocker locker; wxTheClipboard->SetData( new wxTextDataObject(wxString::Format("%08x", m_debugger->ReadInstruction(m_selection)))); } break; case IDM_COPYFUNCTION: { Symbol* symbol = m_symbol_db->GetSymbolFromAddr(m_selection); if (symbol) { std::string text; text = text + symbol->name + "\r\n"; // we got a function u32 start = symbol->address; u32 end = start + symbol->size; for (u32 addr = start; addr != end; addr += 4) { std::string disasm = m_debugger->Disassemble(addr); text += StringFromFormat("%08x: ", addr) + disasm + "\r\n"; } wxClipboardLocker locker; wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(StrToWxStr(text))); } } break; #endif case IDM_RUNTOHERE: m_debugger->SetBreakpoint(m_selection); m_debugger->RunToBreakpoint(); Refresh(); break; // Insert blr or restore old value case IDM_INSERTBLR: InsertBlrNop(0); Refresh(); break; case IDM_INSERTNOP: InsertBlrNop(1); Refresh(); break; case IDM_ASSEMBLE: { if (!PowerPC::HostIsInstructionRAMAddress(m_selection)) break; const PowerPC::TryReadInstResult read_result = PowerPC::TryReadInstruction(m_selection); if (!read_result.valid) break; AssemblerEntryDialog dialog(m_selection, this, _("Enter instruction code:"), wxGetTextFromUserPromptStr, wxString::Format(wxT("%#08x"), read_result.hex)); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { unsigned long code; if (dialog.GetValue().ToULong(&code, 0) && code <= std::numeric_limits<u32>::max()) { m_debugger->InsertBLR(m_selection, code); Refresh(); } } break; } case IDM_JITRESULTS: { // Propagate back to the parent window and tell it // to flip to the JIT tab for the current address. wxCommandEvent jit_event(wxEVT_HOST_COMMAND, IDM_UPDATE_JIT_PANE); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(jit_event); } break; case IDM_FOLLOWBRANCH: { u32 dest = AddrToBranch(m_selection); if (dest) { Center(dest); RaiseEvent(); } } break; case IDM_ADDFUNCTION: m_symbol_db->AddFunction(m_selection); Host_NotifyMapLoaded(); break; case IDM_RENAMESYMBOL: { Symbol* symbol = m_symbol_db->GetSymbolFromAddr(m_selection); if (symbol) { wxTextEntryDialog input_symbol(this, _("Rename symbol:"), wxGetTextFromUserPromptStr, StrToWxStr(symbol->name)); if (input_symbol.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { symbol->Rename(WxStrToStr(input_symbol.GetValue())); Refresh(); // Redraw to show the renamed symbol } Host_NotifyMapLoaded(); } } break; case IDM_SETSYMBOLSIZE: { Symbol* symbol = m_symbol_db->GetSymbolFromAddr(m_selection); if (!symbol) break; wxTextEntryDialog dialog(this, wxString::Format(_("Enter symbol (%s) size:"), symbol->name.c_str()), wxGetTextFromUserPromptStr, wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), symbol->size)); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { unsigned long size; if (dialog.GetValue().ToULong(&size, 0) && size <= std::numeric_limits<u32>::max()) { PPCAnalyst::ReanalyzeFunction(symbol->address, *symbol, size); Refresh(); Host_NotifyMapLoaded(); } } } break; case IDM_SETSYMBOLEND: { Symbol* symbol = m_symbol_db->GetSymbolFromAddr(m_selection); if (!symbol) break; wxTextEntryDialog dialog( this, wxString::Format(_("Enter symbol (%s) end address:"), symbol->name.c_str()), wxGetTextFromUserPromptStr, wxString::Format(wxT("%#08x"), symbol->address + symbol->size)); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { unsigned long address; if (dialog.GetValue().ToULong(&address, 0) && address <= std::numeric_limits<u32>::max() && address >= symbol->address) { PPCAnalyst::ReanalyzeFunction(symbol->address, *symbol, address - symbol->address); Refresh(); Host_NotifyMapLoaded(); } } } break; case IDM_PATCHALERT: break; default: event.Skip(); break; } } void CCodeView::OnMouseUpR(wxMouseEvent& event) { bool isSymbol = m_symbol_db->GetSymbolFromAddr(m_selection) != nullptr; // popup menu wxMenu menu; // menu->Append(IDM_GOTOINMEMVIEW, "&Goto in mem view"); menu.Append(IDM_FOLLOWBRANCH, _("Follow &branch")) ->Enable(AddrToBranch(m_selection) ? true : false); menu.AppendSeparator(); #if wxUSE_CLIPBOARD menu.Append(IDM_COPYADDRESS, _("&Copy address")); menu.Append(IDM_COPYFUNCTION, _("Copy &function"))->Enable(isSymbol); menu.Append(IDM_COPYCODE, _("Copy code &line")); menu.Append(IDM_COPYHEX, _("Copy &hex")); menu.AppendSeparator(); #endif menu.Append(IDM_RENAMESYMBOL, _("&Rename symbol"))->Enable(isSymbol); menu.Append(IDM_SETSYMBOLSIZE, _("Set symbol &size"))->Enable(isSymbol); menu.Append(IDM_SETSYMBOLEND, _("Set symbol &end address"))->Enable(isSymbol); menu.AppendSeparator(); menu.Append(IDM_RUNTOHERE, _("Run &To Here"))->Enable(Core::IsRunning()); menu.Append(IDM_ADDFUNCTION, _("&Add function"))->Enable(Core::IsRunning()); menu.Append(IDM_JITRESULTS, _("PPC vs x86"))->Enable(Core::IsRunning()); menu.Append(IDM_INSERTBLR, _("&Insert blr"))->Enable(Core::IsRunning()); menu.Append(IDM_INSERTNOP, _("Insert &nop"))->Enable(Core::IsRunning()); menu.Append(IDM_ASSEMBLE, _("Re&place Instruction"))->Enable(Core::IsRunning()); // menu.Append(IDM_PATCHALERT, _("Patch alert"))->Enable(Core::IsRunning()); PopupMenu(&menu); event.Skip(); } void CCodeView::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event) { // ------------------------- // General settings // ------------------------- wxPaintDC paint_dc(this); wxRect rc = GetClientRect(); int char_width; paint_dc.SetFont(DebuggerFont); { wxFontMetrics metrics = paint_dc.GetFontMetrics(); char_width = metrics.averageWidth; m_rowHeight = std::max(metrics.height, m_rowHeight); if (!DebuggerFont.IsFixedWidth()) char_width = paint_dc.GetTextExtent("mxx").GetWidth() / 3; // (1em + 2ex) / 3 } std::unique_ptr<wxGraphicsContext> ctx(wxGraphicsContext::Create(paint_dc)); ctx->DisableOffset(); // Incompatible with matrix transforms ctx->SetFont(DebuggerFont, *wxBLACK); struct Branch { int src, dst, srcAddr; }; Branch branches[256]; int num_branches = 0; const int num_rows = ((rc.height / m_rowHeight) / 2) + 2; const double scale = FromDIP(1024) / 1024.0; const int pen_width = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(scale)); const int col_width = rc.width - m_left_col_width; const int text_col = m_left_col_width + pen_width / 2 + 1; // 1 unscaled pixel const int bp_offset_x = FromDIP(LEFT_COL_WIDTH / 8); const wxSize bp_size = FromDIP(wxSize(LEFT_COL_WIDTH * 3 / 4, LEFT_COL_WIDTH * 3 / 4)); const int bp_offset_y = (m_rowHeight - bp_size.GetHeight()) / 2; // ------------ // ------------------------- // Colors and brushes // ------------------------- wxColour branch_color = wxTheColourDatabase->Find("PURPLE"); wxColour blr_color = wxTheColourDatabase->Find("DARK GREEN"); wxColour instr_color = wxTheColourDatabase->Find("VIOLET"); wxGraphicsPen null_pen = ctx->CreatePen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); wxGraphicsPen focus_pen = ctx->CreatePen(wxPen(*wxBLACK, pen_width)); wxGraphicsPen selection_pen = ctx->CreatePen(wxPen("GREY", pen_width)); wxGraphicsBrush pc_brush = ctx->CreateBrush(*wxGREEN_BRUSH); wxGraphicsBrush bp_brush = ctx->CreateBrush(*wxRED_BRUSH); wxGraphicsBrush back_brush = ctx->CreateBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); wxGraphicsBrush null_brush = ctx->CreateBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH); // ------------ // ----------------------------- // Walk through all visible rows // ----------------------------- for (int i = -num_rows; i <= num_rows; i++) { unsigned int address = m_curAddress + (i * m_align); int row_y = (rc.height / 2) + (m_rowHeight * i) - (m_rowHeight / 2); wxString temp = wxString::Format("%08x", address); u32 color = m_debugger->GetColor(address); wxBrush row_brush(wxColour(color >> 16, color >> 8, color)); ctx->SetBrush(back_brush); ctx->SetPen(null_pen); ctx->DrawRectangle(0, row_y, m_left_col_width, m_rowHeight); if (address == m_debugger->GetPC()) ctx->SetBrush(pc_brush); else ctx->SetBrush(row_brush); ctx->SetPen(null_pen); ctx->DrawRectangle(m_left_col_width, row_y, col_width, m_rowHeight); if (i == 0 || (m_selecting && address == m_selection)) { if (m_selecting && address == m_selection) ctx->SetPen(selection_pen); else ctx->SetPen(focus_pen); ctx->SetBrush(null_brush); // In a graphics context, the border of a rectangle is drawn along the edge, // it does not count towards the width of the rectangle (i.e. drawn right on // the pixel boundary of the fill area, half inside, half outside. For example // a rect with a 1px pen at (5,5)->(10,10) will have an actual screen size of // (4.5,4.5)->(10.5,10.5) with the line being aliased on the half-pixels) double offset = pen_width / 2.0; ctx->DrawRectangle(m_left_col_width + offset, row_y + offset, col_width - pen_width, m_rowHeight - pen_width); } if (!m_plain) { // the address text is dark red ctx->SetFont(DebuggerFont, wxColour(0x60, 0x00, 0x00)); ctx->DrawText(temp, text_col, row_y); ctx->SetFont(DebuggerFont, *wxBLACK); } // If running if (m_debugger->IsAlive()) { std::vector<std::string> dis = SplitString(m_debugger->Disassemble(address), '\t'); dis.resize(2); static const size_t VALID_BRANCH_LENGTH = 10; const std::string& opcode = dis[0]; const std::string& operands = dis[1]; std::string desc; // look for hex strings to decode branches std::string hex_str; size_t pos = operands.find("0x"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { hex_str = operands.substr(pos); } if (hex_str.length() == VALID_BRANCH_LENGTH) { u32 offs = std::stoul(hex_str, nullptr, 16); branches[num_branches].src = row_y + (m_rowHeight / 2); branches[num_branches].srcAddr = (address / m_align); branches[num_branches++].dst = (int)(row_y + ((s64)(u32)offs - (s64)(u32)address) * m_rowHeight / m_align + m_rowHeight / 2); desc = StringFromFormat("-->%s", m_debugger->GetDescription(offs).c_str()); // the -> arrow illustrations are purple ctx->SetFont(DebuggerFont, branch_color); } else { ctx->SetFont(DebuggerFont, *wxBLACK); } ctx->DrawText(StrToWxStr(operands), text_col + 17 * char_width, row_y); // ------------ // Show blr as its' own color if (opcode == "blr") ctx->SetFont(DebuggerFont, blr_color); else ctx->SetFont(DebuggerFont, instr_color); ctx->DrawText(StrToWxStr(opcode), text_col + (m_plain ? 1 * char_width : 9 * char_width), row_y); if (desc.empty()) { desc = m_debugger->GetDescription(address); } if (!m_plain) { ctx->SetFont(DebuggerFont, *wxBLUE); // char temp[256]; // UnDecorateSymbolName(desc,temp,255,UNDNAME_COMPLETE); if (!desc.empty()) { ctx->DrawText(StrToWxStr(desc), text_col + 44 * char_width, row_y); } } // Show red breakpoint dot if (m_debugger->IsBreakpoint(address)) { ctx->SetPen(null_pen); ctx->SetBrush(bp_brush); ctx->DrawEllipse(bp_offset_x, row_y + bp_offset_y, bp_size.GetWidth(), bp_size.GetHeight()); } } } // end of for // ------------ // ------------------------- // Colors and brushes // ------------------------- ctx->SetPen(focus_pen); wxGraphicsPath branch_path = ctx->CreatePath(); for (int i = 0; i < num_branches; ++i) { int x = text_col + 60 * char_width + (branches[i].srcAddr % 9) * 8; branch_path.MoveToPoint(x - 2 * scale, branches[i].src); if (branches[i].dst < rc.height + 400 && branches[i].dst > -400) { branch_path.AddLineToPoint(x + 2 * scale, branches[i].src); branch_path.AddLineToPoint(x + 2 * scale, branches[i].dst); branch_path.AddLineToPoint(x - 4 * scale, branches[i].dst); branch_path.MoveToPoint(x, branches[i].dst - 4 * scale); branch_path.AddLineToPoint(x - 4 * scale, branches[i].dst); branch_path.AddLineToPoint(x + 1 * scale, branches[i].dst + 5 * scale); } // else //{ // This can be re-enabled when there is a scrollbar or // something on the codeview (the lines are too long) // LineTo(ctx, x+4, branches[i].src); // MoveTo(x+2, branches[i].dst-4); // LineTo(ctx, x+6, branches[i].dst); // LineTo(ctx, x+1, branches[i].dst+5); //} // LineTo(ctx, x, branches[i].dst+4); // LineTo(ctx, x-2, branches[i].dst); } // If the pen width is odd then we need to offset the path so that lines are drawn in // the middle of pixels instead of the edge so we don't get aliasing. if (pen_width & 1) { wxGraphicsMatrix matrix = ctx->CreateMatrix(); matrix.Translate(0.5, 0.5); branch_path.Transform(matrix); } ctx->StrokePath(branch_path); // ------------ } void CCodeView::OnResize(wxSizeEvent& event) { Refresh(); event.Skip(); }