// Copyright 2009 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <cstddef> #include <cstring> #include <locale> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <optional> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "Common/Align.h" #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Common/MsgHandler.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "DiscIO/Blob.h" #include "DiscIO/Enums.h" #include "DiscIO/Volume.h" #include "DiscIO/VolumeWad.h" #include "DiscIO/WiiSaveBanner.h" namespace DiscIO { VolumeWAD::VolumeWAD(std::unique_ptr<BlobReader> reader) : m_reader(std::move(reader)) { ASSERT(m_reader); // Source: http://wiibrew.org/wiki/WAD_files m_hdr_size = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(0x00).value_or(0); m_cert_size = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(0x08).value_or(0); m_tick_size = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(0x10).value_or(0); m_tmd_size = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(0x14).value_or(0); m_data_size = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(0x18).value_or(0); m_offset = Common::AlignUp(m_hdr_size, 0x40) + Common::AlignUp(m_cert_size, 0x40); m_tmd_offset = Common::AlignUp(m_hdr_size, 0x40) + Common::AlignUp(m_cert_size, 0x40) + Common::AlignUp(m_tick_size, 0x40); m_opening_bnr_offset = m_tmd_offset + Common::AlignUp(m_tmd_size, 0x40) + Common::AlignUp(m_data_size, 0x40); if (!IOS::ES::IsValidTMDSize(m_tmd_size)) { ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "TMD is too large: %u bytes", m_tmd_size); return; } std::vector<u8> tmd_buffer(m_tmd_size); Read(m_tmd_offset, m_tmd_size, tmd_buffer.data()); m_tmd.SetBytes(std::move(tmd_buffer)); } VolumeWAD::~VolumeWAD() { } bool VolumeWAD::Read(u64 offset, u64 length, u8* buffer, const Partition& partition) const { if (partition != PARTITION_NONE) return false; return m_reader->Read(offset, length, buffer); } const FileSystem* VolumeWAD::GetFileSystem(const Partition& partition) const { // TODO: Implement this? return nullptr; } Region VolumeWAD::GetRegion() const { if (!m_tmd.IsValid()) return Region::Unknown; return m_tmd.GetRegion(); } Country VolumeWAD::GetCountry(const Partition& partition) const { if (!m_tmd.IsValid()) return Country::Unknown; u8 country_code = static_cast<u8>(m_tmd.GetTitleId() & 0xff); if (country_code == 2) // SYSMENU return TypicalCountryForRegion(GetSysMenuRegion(m_tmd.GetTitleVersion())); return CountryCodeToCountry(country_code, Platform::WiiWAD); } const IOS::ES::TMDReader& VolumeWAD::GetTMD(const Partition& partition) const { return m_tmd; } std::string VolumeWAD::GetGameID(const Partition& partition) const { return m_tmd.GetGameID(); } std::string VolumeWAD::GetMakerID(const Partition& partition) const { char temp[2]; if (!Read(0x198 + m_tmd_offset, 2, (u8*)temp, partition)) return "00"; // Some weird channels use 0x0000 in place of the MakerID, so we need a check here const std::locale& c_locale = std::locale::classic(); if (!std::isprint(temp[0], c_locale) || !std::isprint(temp[1], c_locale)) return "00"; return DecodeString(temp); } std::optional<u64> VolumeWAD::GetTitleID(const Partition& partition) const { return ReadSwapped<u64>(m_offset + 0x01DC, partition); } std::optional<u16> VolumeWAD::GetRevision(const Partition& partition) const { if (!m_tmd.IsValid()) return {}; return m_tmd.GetTitleVersion(); } Platform VolumeWAD::GetVolumeType() const { return Platform::WiiWAD; } std::map<Language, std::string> VolumeWAD::GetLongNames() const { if (!m_tmd.IsValid() || !IOS::ES::IsChannel(m_tmd.GetTitleId())) return {}; std::vector<char16_t> names(NAMES_TOTAL_CHARS); if (!Read(m_opening_bnr_offset + 0x9C, NAMES_TOTAL_BYTES, reinterpret_cast<u8*>(names.data()))) return std::map<Language, std::string>(); return ReadWiiNames(names); } std::vector<u32> VolumeWAD::GetBanner(u32* width, u32* height) const { *width = 0; *height = 0; const std::optional<u64> title_id = GetTitleID(); if (!title_id) return std::vector<u32>(); return WiiSaveBanner(*title_id).GetBanner(width, height); } BlobType VolumeWAD::GetBlobType() const { return m_reader->GetBlobType(); } u64 VolumeWAD::GetSize() const { return m_reader->GetDataSize(); } u64 VolumeWAD::GetRawSize() const { return m_reader->GetRawSize(); } } // namespace