// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ // http://developer.nvidia.com/object/General_FAQ.html#t6 !!!!! #include "Common.h" #include "ChunkFile.h" #include "CoreTiming.h" #include "ConfigManager.h" #include "HW/ProcessorInterface.h" #include "SWPixelEngine.h" #include "SWCommandProcessor.h" namespace SWPixelEngine { enum { INT_CAUSE_PE_TOKEN = 0x200, // GP Token INT_CAUSE_PE_FINISH = 0x400, // GP Finished }; // STATE_TO_SAVE PEReg pereg; static bool g_bSignalTokenInterrupt; static bool g_bSignalFinishInterrupt; static int et_SetTokenOnMainThread; static int et_SetFinishOnMainThread; void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(pereg); p.Do(g_bSignalTokenInterrupt); p.Do(g_bSignalFinishInterrupt); p.Do(et_SetTokenOnMainThread); p.Do(et_SetFinishOnMainThread); } void UpdateInterrupts(); void SetToken_OnMainThread(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); void SetFinish_OnMainThread(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate); void Init() { memset(&pereg, 0, sizeof(pereg)); et_SetTokenOnMainThread = false; g_bSignalFinishInterrupt = false; et_SetTokenOnMainThread = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("SetToken", SetToken_OnMainThread); et_SetFinishOnMainThread = CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("SetFinish", SetFinish_OnMainThread); } void Read16(u16& _uReturnValue, const u32 _iAddress) { DEBUG_LOG(PIXELENGINE, "(r16): 0x%08x", _iAddress); u16 address = _iAddress & 0xFFF; if (address <= 0x16) _uReturnValue = ((u16*)&pereg)[address >> 1]; } void Write32(const u32 _iValue, const u32 _iAddress) { WARN_LOG(PIXELENGINE, "(w32): 0x%08x @ 0x%08x",_iValue,_iAddress); } void Write16(const u16 _iValue, const u32 _iAddress) { u16 address = _iAddress & 0xFFF; switch (address) { case PE_CTRL_REGISTER: { UPECtrlReg tmpCtrl(_iValue); if (tmpCtrl.PEToken) g_bSignalTokenInterrupt = false; if (tmpCtrl.PEFinish) g_bSignalFinishInterrupt = false; pereg.ctrl.PETokenEnable = tmpCtrl.PETokenEnable; pereg.ctrl.PEFinishEnable = tmpCtrl.PEFinishEnable; pereg.ctrl.PEToken = 0; // this flag is write only pereg.ctrl.PEFinish = 0; // this flag is write only DEBUG_LOG(PIXELENGINE, "(w16): PE_CTRL_REGISTER: 0x%04x", _iValue); UpdateInterrupts(); } break; default: if (address <= 0x16) ((u16*)&pereg)[address >> 1] = _iValue; break; } } bool AllowIdleSkipping() { return !SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bCPUThread || (!pereg.ctrl.PETokenEnable && !pereg.ctrl.PEFinishEnable); } void UpdateInterrupts() { // check if there is a token-interrupt if (g_bSignalTokenInterrupt & pereg.ctrl.PETokenEnable) ProcessorInterface::SetInterrupt(INT_CAUSE_PE_TOKEN, true); else ProcessorInterface::SetInterrupt(INT_CAUSE_PE_TOKEN, false); // check if there is a finish-interrupt if (g_bSignalFinishInterrupt & pereg.ctrl.PEFinishEnable) ProcessorInterface::SetInterrupt(INT_CAUSE_PE_FINISH, true); else ProcessorInterface::SetInterrupt(INT_CAUSE_PE_FINISH, false); } // Called only if BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_INT_ID is ack by GP void SetToken_OnMainThread(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { g_bSignalTokenInterrupt = true; INFO_LOG(PIXELENGINE, "VIDEO Backend raises INT_CAUSE_PE_TOKEN (btw, token: %04x)", pereg.token); UpdateInterrupts(); } void SetFinish_OnMainThread(u64 userdata, int cyclesLate) { g_bSignalFinishInterrupt = true; UpdateInterrupts(); } // SetToken // THIS IS EXECUTED FROM VIDEO THREAD void SetToken(const u16 _token, const int _bSetTokenAcknowledge) { pereg.token = _token; if (_bSetTokenAcknowledge) // set token INT { CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent_Threadsafe(0, et_SetTokenOnMainThread, _token | (_bSetTokenAcknowledge << 16)); } } // SetFinish // THIS IS EXECUTED FROM VIDEO THREAD void SetFinish() { CoreTiming::ScheduleEvent_Threadsafe(0, et_SetFinishOnMainThread, 0); INFO_LOG(PIXELENGINE, "VIDEO Set Finish"); } } // end of namespace SWPixelEngine