// Copyright 2014 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <algorithm> #include <libusb.h> #include <mutex> #include "Common/Event.h" #include "Common/Flag.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Common/ScopeGuard.h" #include "Common/Thread.h" #include "Core/ConfigManager.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/HW/SI/SI.h" #include "Core/HW/SI/SI_Device.h" #include "Core/HW/SystemTimers.h" #include "Core/LibusbUtils.h" #include "Core/NetPlayProto.h" #include "InputCommon/GCAdapter.h" #include "InputCommon/GCPadStatus.h" namespace GCAdapter { static bool CheckDeviceAccess(libusb_device* device); static void AddGCAdapter(libusb_device* device); static void ResetRumbleLockNeeded(); static void Reset(); static void Setup(); enum { NO_ADAPTER_DETECTED = 0, ADAPTER_DETECTED = 1, }; // Current adapter status: detected/not detected/in error (holds the error code) static std::atomic<int> s_status = NO_ADAPTER_DETECTED; static libusb_device_handle* s_handle = nullptr; static std::array<u8, SerialInterface::MAX_SI_CHANNELS> s_controller_type = { ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE, ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE, ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE, ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE}; static std::array<u8, SerialInterface::MAX_SI_CHANNELS> s_controller_rumble{}; static std::mutex s_mutex; static u8 s_controller_payload[37]; static u8 s_controller_payload_swap[37]; static std::atomic<int> s_controller_payload_size = {0}; static std::thread s_adapter_input_thread; static std::thread s_adapter_output_thread; static Common::Flag s_adapter_thread_running; static Common::Event s_rumble_data_available; static std::mutex s_init_mutex; static std::thread s_adapter_detect_thread; static Common::Flag s_adapter_detect_thread_running; static Common::Event s_hotplug_event; static std::function<void(void)> s_detect_callback; #if defined(__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD__ >= 11 static bool s_libusb_hotplug_enabled = true; #else static bool s_libusb_hotplug_enabled = false; #endif #if defined(LIBUSB_API_VERSION) && LIBUSB_API_VERSION >= 0x01000102 static libusb_hotplug_callback_handle s_hotplug_handle; #endif static LibusbUtils::Context s_libusb_context; static u8 s_endpoint_in = 0; static u8 s_endpoint_out = 0; static u64 s_last_init = 0; static void Read() { int payload_size = 0; while (s_adapter_thread_running.IsSet()) { int err = libusb_interrupt_transfer(s_handle, s_endpoint_in, s_controller_payload_swap, sizeof(s_controller_payload_swap), &payload_size, 16); if (err) ERROR_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "adapter libusb read failed: err={}", libusb_error_name(err)); { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(s_mutex); std::swap(s_controller_payload_swap, s_controller_payload); s_controller_payload_size.store(payload_size); } Common::YieldCPU(); } } static void Write() { int size = 0; while (true) { s_rumble_data_available.Wait(); if (!s_adapter_thread_running.IsSet()) return; u8 payload[5] = { 0x11, s_controller_rumble[0], s_controller_rumble[1], s_controller_rumble[2], s_controller_rumble[3], }; const int err = libusb_interrupt_transfer(s_handle, s_endpoint_out, payload, sizeof(payload), &size, 16); if (err != 0) ERROR_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "adapter libusb write failed: err={}", libusb_error_name(err)); } } #if defined(LIBUSB_API_VERSION) && LIBUSB_API_VERSION >= 0x01000102 static int HotplugCallback(libusb_context* ctx, libusb_device* dev, libusb_hotplug_event event, void* user_data) { if (event == LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_EVENT_DEVICE_ARRIVED) { if (s_handle == nullptr) s_hotplug_event.Set(); } else if (event == LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_EVENT_DEVICE_LEFT) { if (s_handle != nullptr && libusb_get_device(s_handle) == dev) Reset(); // Reset a potential error status now that the adapter is unplugged if (s_status < 0) { s_status = NO_ADAPTER_DETECTED; if (s_detect_callback != nullptr) s_detect_callback(); } } return 0; } #endif static void ScanThreadFunc() { Common::SetCurrentThreadName("GC Adapter Scanning Thread"); NOTICE_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "GC Adapter scanning thread started"); #if defined(LIBUSB_API_VERSION) && LIBUSB_API_VERSION >= 0x01000102 #ifndef __FreeBSD__ s_libusb_hotplug_enabled = libusb_has_capability(LIBUSB_CAP_HAS_HOTPLUG) != 0; #endif if (s_libusb_hotplug_enabled) { if (libusb_hotplug_register_callback( s_libusb_context, (libusb_hotplug_event)(LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_EVENT_DEVICE_ARRIVED | LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_EVENT_DEVICE_LEFT), LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_ENUMERATE, 0x057e, 0x0337, LIBUSB_HOTPLUG_MATCH_ANY, HotplugCallback, nullptr, &s_hotplug_handle) != LIBUSB_SUCCESS) s_libusb_hotplug_enabled = false; if (s_libusb_hotplug_enabled) NOTICE_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "Using libUSB hotplug detection"); } #endif while (s_adapter_detect_thread_running.IsSet()) { if (s_handle == nullptr) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(s_init_mutex); Setup(); } if (s_libusb_hotplug_enabled) s_hotplug_event.Wait(); else Common::SleepCurrentThread(500); } NOTICE_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "GC Adapter scanning thread stopped"); } void SetAdapterCallback(std::function<void()> func) { s_detect_callback = func; } void Init() { if (s_handle != nullptr) return; if (Core::GetState() != Core::State::Uninitialized && Core::GetState() != Core::State::Starting) { if ((CoreTiming::GetTicks() - s_last_init) < SystemTimers::GetTicksPerSecond()) return; s_last_init = CoreTiming::GetTicks(); } s_status = NO_ADAPTER_DETECTED; if (UseAdapter()) StartScanThread(); } void StartScanThread() { if (s_adapter_detect_thread_running.IsSet()) return; if (!s_libusb_context.IsValid()) return; s_adapter_detect_thread_running.Set(true); s_adapter_detect_thread = std::thread(ScanThreadFunc); } void StopScanThread() { if (s_adapter_detect_thread_running.TestAndClear()) { s_hotplug_event.Set(); s_adapter_detect_thread.join(); } } static void Setup() { int prev_status = s_status; // Reset the error status in case the adapter gets unplugged if (s_status < 0) s_status = NO_ADAPTER_DETECTED; s_controller_type.fill(ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE); s_controller_rumble.fill(0); s_libusb_context.GetDeviceList([](libusb_device* device) { if (CheckDeviceAccess(device)) { // Only connect to a single adapter in case the user has multiple connected AddGCAdapter(device); return false; } return true; }); if (s_status != ADAPTER_DETECTED && prev_status != s_status && s_detect_callback != nullptr) s_detect_callback(); } static bool CheckDeviceAccess(libusb_device* device) { libusb_device_descriptor desc; int ret = libusb_get_device_descriptor(device, &desc); if (ret != 0) { // could not acquire the descriptor, no point in trying to use it. ERROR_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "libusb_get_device_descriptor failed with error: {}", ret); return false; } if (desc.idVendor != 0x057e || desc.idProduct != 0x0337) { // This isn’t the device we are looking for. return false; } NOTICE_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "Found GC Adapter with Vendor: {:X} Product: {:X} Devnum: {}", desc.idVendor, desc.idProduct, 1); // In case of failure, capture the libusb error code into the adapter status Common::ScopeGuard status_guard([&ret] { s_status = ret; }); const u8 bus = libusb_get_bus_number(device); const u8 port = libusb_get_device_address(device); ret = libusb_open(device, &s_handle); if (ret == LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS) { ERROR_LOG_FMT( SERIALINTERFACE, "Dolphin does not have access to this device: Bus {:03d} Device {:03d}: ID {:04X}:{:04X}.", bus, port, desc.idVendor, desc.idProduct); return false; } if (ret != 0) { ERROR_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "libusb_open failed to open device with error = {}", ret); return false; } ret = libusb_kernel_driver_active(s_handle, 0); if (ret == 1) { ret = libusb_detach_kernel_driver(s_handle, 0); if (ret != 0 && ret != LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) ERROR_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "libusb_detach_kernel_driver failed with error: {}", ret); } // This call makes Nyko-brand (and perhaps other) adapters work. // However it returns LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE with Mayflash adapters. const int transfer = libusb_control_transfer(s_handle, 0x21, 11, 0x0001, 0, nullptr, 0, 1000); if (transfer < 0) WARN_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "libusb_control_transfer failed with error: {}", transfer); // this split is needed so that we don't avoid claiming the interface when // detaching the kernel driver is successful if (ret != 0 && ret != LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) { libusb_close(s_handle); s_handle = nullptr; return false; } ret = libusb_claim_interface(s_handle, 0); if (ret != 0) { ERROR_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "libusb_claim_interface failed with error: {}", ret); libusb_close(s_handle); s_handle = nullptr; return false; } // Updating the adapter status will be done in AddGCAdapter status_guard.Dismiss(); return true; } static void AddGCAdapter(libusb_device* device) { libusb_config_descriptor* config = nullptr; libusb_get_config_descriptor(device, 0, &config); for (u8 ic = 0; ic < config->bNumInterfaces; ic++) { const libusb_interface* interfaceContainer = &config->interface[ic]; for (int i = 0; i < interfaceContainer->num_altsetting; i++) { const libusb_interface_descriptor* interface = &interfaceContainer->altsetting[i]; for (u8 e = 0; e < interface->bNumEndpoints; e++) { const libusb_endpoint_descriptor* endpoint = &interface->endpoint[e]; if (endpoint->bEndpointAddress & LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN) s_endpoint_in = endpoint->bEndpointAddress; else s_endpoint_out = endpoint->bEndpointAddress; } } } int tmp = 0; unsigned char payload = 0x13; libusb_interrupt_transfer(s_handle, s_endpoint_out, &payload, sizeof(payload), &tmp, 16); s_adapter_thread_running.Set(true); s_adapter_input_thread = std::thread(Read); s_adapter_output_thread = std::thread(Write); s_status = ADAPTER_DETECTED; if (s_detect_callback != nullptr) s_detect_callback(); ResetRumbleLockNeeded(); } void Shutdown() { StopScanThread(); #if defined(LIBUSB_API_VERSION) && LIBUSB_API_VERSION >= 0x01000102 if (s_libusb_context.IsValid() && s_libusb_hotplug_enabled) libusb_hotplug_deregister_callback(s_libusb_context, s_hotplug_handle); #endif Reset(); s_status = NO_ADAPTER_DETECTED; } static void Reset() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(s_init_mutex, std::defer_lock); if (!lock.try_lock()) return; if (s_status != ADAPTER_DETECTED) return; if (s_adapter_thread_running.TestAndClear()) { s_rumble_data_available.Set(); s_adapter_input_thread.join(); s_adapter_output_thread.join(); } s_controller_type.fill(ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE); s_status = NO_ADAPTER_DETECTED; if (s_handle) { libusb_release_interface(s_handle, 0); libusb_close(s_handle); s_handle = nullptr; } if (s_detect_callback != nullptr) s_detect_callback(); NOTICE_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "GC Adapter detached"); } GCPadStatus Input(int chan) { if (!UseAdapter()) return {}; if (s_handle == nullptr || s_status != ADAPTER_DETECTED) return {}; int payload_size = 0; u8 controller_payload_copy[37]; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(s_mutex); std::copy(std::begin(s_controller_payload), std::end(s_controller_payload), std::begin(controller_payload_copy)); payload_size = s_controller_payload_size.load(); } GCPadStatus pad = {}; if (payload_size != sizeof(controller_payload_copy) || controller_payload_copy[0] != LIBUSB_DT_HID) { // This can occur for a few frames on initialization. ERROR_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "error reading payload (size: {}, type: {:02x})", payload_size, controller_payload_copy[0]); } else { bool get_origin = false; u8 type = controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan)] >> 4; if (type != ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE && s_controller_type[chan] == ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE) { NOTICE_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "New device connected to Port {} of Type: {:02x}", chan + 1, controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan)]); get_origin = true; } s_controller_type[chan] = type; if (s_controller_type[chan] != ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE) { u8 b1 = controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan) + 1]; u8 b2 = controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan) + 2]; if (b1 & (1 << 0)) pad.button |= PAD_BUTTON_A; if (b1 & (1 << 1)) pad.button |= PAD_BUTTON_B; if (b1 & (1 << 2)) pad.button |= PAD_BUTTON_X; if (b1 & (1 << 3)) pad.button |= PAD_BUTTON_Y; if (b1 & (1 << 4)) pad.button |= PAD_BUTTON_LEFT; if (b1 & (1 << 5)) pad.button |= PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT; if (b1 & (1 << 6)) pad.button |= PAD_BUTTON_DOWN; if (b1 & (1 << 7)) pad.button |= PAD_BUTTON_UP; if (b2 & (1 << 0)) pad.button |= PAD_BUTTON_START; if (b2 & (1 << 1)) pad.button |= PAD_TRIGGER_Z; if (b2 & (1 << 2)) pad.button |= PAD_TRIGGER_R; if (b2 & (1 << 3)) pad.button |= PAD_TRIGGER_L; if (get_origin) pad.button |= PAD_GET_ORIGIN; pad.stickX = controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan) + 3]; pad.stickY = controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan) + 4]; pad.substickX = controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan) + 5]; pad.substickY = controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan) + 6]; pad.triggerLeft = controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan) + 7]; pad.triggerRight = controller_payload_copy[1 + (9 * chan) + 8]; } else if (!Core::WantsDeterminism()) { // This is a hack to prevent a desync due to SI devices // being different and returning different values. // The corresponding code in DeviceGCAdapter has the same check pad.button = PAD_ERR_STATUS; } } return pad; } bool DeviceConnected(int chan) { return s_controller_type[chan] != ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE; } void ResetDeviceType(int chan) { s_controller_type[chan] = ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_NONE; } bool UseAdapter() { const auto& si_devices = SConfig::GetInstance().m_SIDevice; return std::any_of(std::begin(si_devices), std::end(si_devices), [](const auto device_type) { return device_type == SerialInterface::SIDEVICE_WIIU_ADAPTER; }); } void ResetRumble() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(s_init_mutex, std::defer_lock); if (!lock.try_lock()) return; ResetRumbleLockNeeded(); } // Needs to be called when s_init_mutex is locked in order to avoid // being called while the libusb state is being reset static void ResetRumbleLockNeeded() { if (!UseAdapter() || (s_handle == nullptr || s_status != ADAPTER_DETECTED)) { return; } std::fill(std::begin(s_controller_rumble), std::end(s_controller_rumble), 0); unsigned char rumble[5] = {0x11, s_controller_rumble[0], s_controller_rumble[1], s_controller_rumble[2], s_controller_rumble[3]}; int size = 0; libusb_interrupt_transfer(s_handle, s_endpoint_out, rumble, sizeof(rumble), &size, 16); INFO_LOG_FMT(SERIALINTERFACE, "Rumble state reset"); } void Output(int chan, u8 rumble_command) { if (s_handle == nullptr || !UseAdapter() || !SConfig::GetInstance().m_AdapterRumble[chan]) return; // Skip over rumble commands if it has not changed or the controller is wireless if (rumble_command != s_controller_rumble[chan] && s_controller_type[chan] != ControllerTypes::CONTROLLER_WIRELESS) { s_controller_rumble[chan] = rumble_command; s_rumble_data_available.Set(); } } bool IsDetected(const char** error_message) { if (s_status >= 0) { if (error_message) *error_message = nullptr; return s_status == ADAPTER_DETECTED; } if (error_message) *error_message = libusb_strerror(static_cast<libusb_error>(s_status.load())); return false; } } // end of namespace GCAdapter