// Copyright 2011 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <cstddef> #include <wx/bitmap.h> #include <wx/checkbox.h> #include <wx/dcmemory.h> #include <wx/dialog.h> #include <wx/sizer.h> #include <wx/slider.h> #include <wx/statbmp.h> #include <wx/textctrl.h> #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Core/Movie.h" #include "Core/HW/Wiimote.h" #include "Core/HW/WiimoteEmu/WiimoteEmu.h" #include "Core/HW/WiimoteEmu/Attachment/Classic.h" #include "Core/HW/WiimoteEmu/Attachment/Nunchuk.h" #include "Core/HW/WiimoteReal/WiimoteReal.h" #include "DolphinWX/TASInputDlg.h" #include "InputCommon/GCPadStatus.h" #include "InputCommon/InputConfig.h" wxDEFINE_EVENT(INVALIDATE_BUTTON_EVENT, wxCommandEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(INVALIDATE_CONTROL_EVENT, wxCommandEvent); struct TASWiimoteReport { u8* data; WiimoteEmu::ReportFeatures rptf; int ext; const wiimote_key key; }; TASInputDlg::TASInputDlg(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& position, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxDialog(parent, id, title, position, size, style) { } void TASInputDlg::CreateBaseLayout() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(m_controls); ++i) m_controls[i] = nullptr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(m_buttons); ++i) m_buttons[i] = nullptr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(m_cc_controls); ++i) m_cc_controls[i] = nullptr; m_buttons[0] = &m_dpad_down; m_buttons[1] = &m_dpad_up; m_buttons[2] = &m_dpad_left; m_buttons[3] = &m_dpad_right; m_buttons[4] = &m_a; m_buttons[5] = &m_b; m_controls[0] = &m_main_stick.x_cont; m_controls[1] = &m_main_stick.y_cont; m_a = CreateButton("A"); m_b = CreateButton("B"); m_dpad_up = CreateButton("Up"); m_dpad_right = CreateButton("Right"); m_dpad_down = CreateButton("Down"); m_dpad_left = CreateButton("Left"); m_buttons_dpad = new wxGridSizer(3); m_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); m_buttons_dpad->Add(m_dpad_up.checkbox); m_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); m_buttons_dpad->Add(m_dpad_left.checkbox); m_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); m_buttons_dpad->Add(m_dpad_right.checkbox); m_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); m_buttons_dpad->Add(m_dpad_down.checkbox); m_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); } const int TASInputDlg::m_gc_pad_buttons_bitmask[12] = { PAD_BUTTON_DOWN, PAD_BUTTON_UP, PAD_BUTTON_LEFT, PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT, PAD_BUTTON_A, PAD_BUTTON_B, PAD_BUTTON_X, PAD_BUTTON_Y, PAD_TRIGGER_Z, PAD_TRIGGER_L, PAD_TRIGGER_R, PAD_BUTTON_START }; const int TASInputDlg::m_wii_buttons_bitmask[11] = { WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::PAD_DOWN, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::PAD_UP, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::PAD_LEFT, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::PAD_RIGHT, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::BUTTON_A, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::BUTTON_B, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::BUTTON_ONE, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::BUTTON_TWO, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::BUTTON_PLUS, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::BUTTON_MINUS, WiimoteEmu::Wiimote::BUTTON_HOME, }; const int TASInputDlg::m_cc_buttons_bitmask[15] = { WiimoteEmu::Classic::PAD_DOWN, WiimoteEmu::Classic::PAD_UP, WiimoteEmu::Classic::PAD_LEFT, WiimoteEmu::Classic::PAD_RIGHT, WiimoteEmu::Classic::BUTTON_A, WiimoteEmu::Classic::BUTTON_B, WiimoteEmu::Classic::BUTTON_X, WiimoteEmu::Classic::BUTTON_Y, WiimoteEmu::Classic::BUTTON_PLUS, WiimoteEmu::Classic::BUTTON_MINUS, WiimoteEmu::Classic::TRIGGER_L, WiimoteEmu::Classic::TRIGGER_R, WiimoteEmu::Classic::BUTTON_ZR, WiimoteEmu::Classic::BUTTON_ZL, WiimoteEmu::Classic::BUTTON_HOME, }; const std::string TASInputDlg::m_cc_button_names[] = { "Down", "Up", "Left", "Right", "A", "B", "X", "Y", "+", "-", "L", "R", "ZR", "ZL", "Home" }; void TASInputDlg::CreateWiiLayout(int num) { if (m_has_layout) return; CreateBaseLayout(); m_buttons[6] = &m_one; m_buttons[7] = &m_two; m_buttons[8] = &m_plus; m_buttons[9] = &m_minus; m_buttons[10] = &m_home; m_controls[4] = &m_x_cont; m_controls[5] = &m_y_cont; m_controls[6] = &m_z_cont; m_main_stick = CreateStick(ID_MAIN_STICK, 1024, 768, 512, 384, true, false); m_main_stick_szr = CreateStickLayout(&m_main_stick, _("IR")); m_x_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 1023, 512); m_y_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 1023, 512); m_z_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 1023, 616); wxStaticBoxSizer* const axisBox = CreateAccelLayout(&m_x_cont, &m_y_cont, &m_z_cont, _("Orientation")); wxStaticBoxSizer* const m_buttons_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Buttons")); wxGridSizer* const m_buttons_grid = new wxGridSizer(4); m_plus = CreateButton("+"); m_minus = CreateButton("-"); m_one = CreateButton("1"); m_two = CreateButton("2"); m_home = CreateButton("Home"); m_main_szr = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_wiimote_szr = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); m_ext_szr = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); m_cc_szr = CreateCCLayout(); if (Core::IsRunning()) { m_ext = ((WiimoteEmu::Wiimote*)Wiimote::GetConfig()->controllers[num])->CurrentExtension(); } else { IniFile ini; ini.Load(File::GetUserPath(D_CONFIG_IDX) + "WiimoteNew.ini"); std::string extension; ini.GetIfExists("Wiimote" + std::to_string(num + 1), "Extension", &extension); if (extension == "Nunchuk") m_ext = 1; if (extension == "Classic") m_ext = 2; } m_buttons[11] = &m_c; m_buttons[12] = &m_z; m_controls[2] = &m_c_stick.x_cont; m_controls[3] = &m_c_stick.y_cont; m_controls[7] = &m_nx_cont; m_controls[8] = &m_ny_cont; m_controls[9] = &m_nz_cont; m_c_stick = CreateStick(ID_C_STICK, 255, 255, 128, 128, false, true); m_c_stick_szr = CreateStickLayout(&m_c_stick, _("Nunchuk stick")); m_nx_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 1023, 512); m_ny_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 1023, 512); m_nz_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 1023, 512); wxStaticBoxSizer* const nunchukaxisBox = CreateAccelLayout(&m_nx_cont, &m_ny_cont, &m_nz_cont, _("Nunchuk orientation")); m_c = CreateButton("C"); m_z = CreateButton("Z"); m_ext_szr->Add(m_c_stick_szr, 0, wxLEFT | wxBOTTOM | wxRIGHT, 5); m_ext_szr->Add(nunchukaxisBox); for (Control* const control : m_controls) { if (control != nullptr) control->slider->Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, &TASInputDlg::OnRightClickSlider, this); } for (unsigned int i = 4; i < ArraySize(m_buttons); ++i) if (m_buttons[i] != nullptr) m_buttons_grid->Add(m_buttons[i]->checkbox); m_buttons_grid->AddSpacer(5); m_buttons_box->Add(m_buttons_grid); m_buttons_box->Add(m_buttons_dpad); m_wiimote_szr->Add(m_main_stick_szr, 0, wxALL, 5); m_wiimote_szr->Add(axisBox, 0, wxTOP | wxRIGHT, 5); m_wiimote_szr->Add(m_buttons_box, 0, wxTOP | wxRIGHT, 5); m_main_szr->Add(m_wiimote_szr); m_main_szr->Add(m_ext_szr); m_main_szr->Add(m_cc_szr); HandleExtensionChange(); FinishLayout(); } void TASInputDlg::FinishLayout() { Bind(wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, &TASInputDlg::OnCloseWindow, this); Bind(INVALIDATE_BUTTON_EVENT, &TASInputDlg::UpdateFromInvalidatedButton, this); Bind(INVALIDATE_CONTROL_EVENT, &TASInputDlg::UpdateFromInvalidatedControl, this); m_has_layout = true; } wxBoxSizer* TASInputDlg::CreateCCLayout() { wxBoxSizer* const szr = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(m_cc_buttons); ++i) m_cc_buttons[i] = CreateButton(m_cc_button_names[i]); m_cc_l_stick = CreateStick(ID_CC_L_STICK, 63, 63, WiimoteEmu::Classic::LEFT_STICK_CENTER_X, WiimoteEmu::Classic::LEFT_STICK_CENTER_Y, false, true); m_cc_r_stick = CreateStick(ID_CC_R_STICK, 31, 31, WiimoteEmu::Classic::RIGHT_STICK_CENTER_X, WiimoteEmu::Classic::RIGHT_STICK_CENTER_Y, false, true); m_cc_controls[CC_L_STICK_X] = &m_cc_l_stick.x_cont; m_cc_controls[CC_L_STICK_Y] = &m_cc_l_stick.y_cont; m_cc_controls[CC_R_STICK_X] = &m_cc_r_stick.x_cont; m_cc_controls[CC_R_STICK_Y] = &m_cc_r_stick.y_cont; m_cc_controls[CC_L_TRIGGER] = &m_cc_l; m_cc_controls[CC_R_TRIGGER] = &m_cc_r; m_cc_l_stick_szr = CreateStickLayout(&m_cc_l_stick, _("Left stick")); m_cc_r_stick_szr = CreateStickLayout(&m_cc_r_stick, _("Right stick")); m_cc_l = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 31, 0);; m_cc_r = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 31, 0);; wxStaticBoxSizer* const shoulder_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, this, _("Shoulder Buttons")); shoulder_box->Add(m_cc_l.slider, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); shoulder_box->Add(m_cc_l.text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); shoulder_box->Add(m_cc_r.slider, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); shoulder_box->Add(m_cc_r.text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); wxStaticBoxSizer* const cc_buttons_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Buttons")); wxGridSizer* const cc_buttons_grid = new wxGridSizer(4); wxGridSizer* const cc_buttons_dpad = new wxGridSizer(3); cc_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); cc_buttons_dpad->Add(m_cc_buttons[1].checkbox); cc_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); cc_buttons_dpad->Add(m_cc_buttons[2].checkbox); cc_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); cc_buttons_dpad->Add(m_cc_buttons[3].checkbox); cc_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); cc_buttons_dpad->Add(m_cc_buttons[0].checkbox); cc_buttons_dpad->AddSpacer(20); for (auto button : m_cc_buttons) cc_buttons_grid->Add(button.checkbox); cc_buttons_grid->AddSpacer(5); cc_buttons_box->Add(cc_buttons_grid); cc_buttons_box->Add(cc_buttons_dpad); szr->Add(m_cc_l_stick_szr, 0, wxALL, 5); szr->Add(m_cc_r_stick_szr, 0, wxALL, 5); szr->Add(shoulder_box, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5); szr->Add(cc_buttons_box, 0, wxTOP | wxRIGHT, 5); for (Control* const control : m_cc_controls) { if (control != nullptr) control->slider->Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, &TASInputDlg::OnRightClickSlider, this); } return szr; } void TASInputDlg::HandleExtensionChange() { if (m_ext == 1) { m_main_szr->Hide(m_cc_szr); m_main_szr->Show(m_wiimote_szr); m_main_szr->Show(m_ext_szr); } else if (m_ext == 2) { m_main_szr->Hide(m_ext_szr); m_main_szr->Hide(m_wiimote_szr); m_main_szr->Show(m_cc_szr); } else { m_main_szr->Hide(m_ext_szr); m_main_szr->Hide(m_cc_szr); m_main_szr->Show(m_wiimote_szr); } SetSizerAndFit(m_main_szr, true); ResetValues(); } void TASInputDlg::CreateGCLayout() { if (m_has_layout) return; CreateBaseLayout(); m_buttons[6] = &m_x; m_buttons[7] = &m_y; m_buttons[8] = &m_z; m_buttons[9] = &m_l; m_buttons[10] = &m_r; m_buttons[11] = &m_start; m_controls[2] = &m_c_stick.x_cont; m_controls[3] = &m_c_stick.y_cont; m_controls[4] = &m_l_cont; m_controls[5] = &m_r_cont; wxBoxSizer* const top_box = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); wxBoxSizer* const bottom_box = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); m_main_stick = CreateStick(ID_MAIN_STICK, 255, 255, 128, 128, false, true); wxStaticBoxSizer* const main_box = CreateStickLayout(&m_main_stick, _("Main Stick")); m_c_stick = CreateStick(ID_C_STICK, 255, 255, 128, 128, false, true); wxStaticBoxSizer* const c_box = CreateStickLayout(&m_c_stick, _("C Stick")); wxStaticBoxSizer* const shoulder_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, this, _("Shoulder Buttons")); m_l_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 255, 0); m_r_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL, -1, 100, false, 255, 0); shoulder_box->Add(m_l_cont.slider, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); shoulder_box->Add(m_l_cont.text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); shoulder_box->Add(m_r_cont.slider, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); shoulder_box->Add(m_r_cont.text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); for (Control* const control : m_controls) { if (control != nullptr) control->slider->Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, &TASInputDlg::OnRightClickSlider, this); } wxStaticBoxSizer* const m_buttons_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Buttons")); wxGridSizer* const m_buttons_grid = new wxGridSizer(4); m_x = CreateButton("X"); m_y = CreateButton("Y"); m_l = CreateButton("L"); m_r = CreateButton("R"); m_z = CreateButton("Z"); m_start = CreateButton("Start"); for (unsigned int i = 4; i < ArraySize(m_buttons); ++i) if (m_buttons[i] != nullptr) m_buttons_grid->Add(m_buttons[i]->checkbox, false); m_buttons_grid->AddSpacer(5); m_buttons_box->Add(m_buttons_grid); m_buttons_box->Add(m_buttons_dpad); wxBoxSizer* const main_szr = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); top_box->Add(main_box, 0, wxALL, 5); top_box->Add(c_box, 0, wxTOP | wxRIGHT, 5); bottom_box->Add(shoulder_box, 0, wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 5); bottom_box->Add(m_buttons_box, 0, wxBOTTOM, 5); main_szr->Add(top_box); main_szr->Add(bottom_box); SetSizerAndFit(main_szr); ResetValues(); FinishLayout(); } TASInputDlg::Control TASInputDlg::CreateControl(long style, int width, int height, bool reverse, u32 range, u32 default_value) { Control tempCont; tempCont.range = range; tempCont.default_value = default_value; tempCont.slider = new wxSlider(this, m_eleID++, default_value, 0, range, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, style); tempCont.slider->SetMinSize(wxSize(width, height)); tempCont.slider->Bind(wxEVT_SLIDER, &TASInputDlg::UpdateFromSliders, this); tempCont.text = new wxTextCtrl(this, m_eleID++, std::to_string(default_value), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(40, 20)); tempCont.text->SetMaxLength(range > 999 ? 4 : 3); tempCont.text_id = m_eleID - 1; tempCont.text->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT, &TASInputDlg::UpdateFromText, this); tempCont.slider_id = m_eleID - 2; tempCont.reverse = reverse; return tempCont; } TASInputDlg::Stick TASInputDlg::CreateStick(int id_stick, int xRange, int yRange, u32 defaultX, u32 defaultY, bool reverseX, bool reverseY) { Stick tempStick; tempStick.bitmap = new wxStaticBitmap(this, id_stick, CreateStickBitmap(128, 128)); tempStick.bitmap->Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, &TASInputDlg::OnMouseDownL, this); tempStick.bitmap->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &TASInputDlg::OnMouseDownL, this); tempStick.bitmap->Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, &TASInputDlg::OnMouseUpR, this); tempStick.x_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_HORIZONTAL | (reverseX ? wxSL_INVERSE : 0), 120, -1, reverseX, xRange, defaultX); tempStick.y_cont = CreateControl(wxSL_VERTICAL | (reverseY ? wxSL_INVERSE : 0), -1, 120, reverseY, yRange, defaultY); return tempStick; } wxStaticBoxSizer* TASInputDlg::CreateStickLayout(Stick* tempStick, const wxString& title) { wxStaticBoxSizer* const temp_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, this, title); wxBoxSizer* const temp_xslider_box = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); wxBoxSizer* const temp_yslider_box = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); wxBoxSizer* const temp_stick_box = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); temp_xslider_box->Add(tempStick->x_cont.slider, 0, wxALIGN_TOP); temp_xslider_box->Add(tempStick->x_cont.text, 0, wxALIGN_TOP); temp_stick_box->Add(temp_xslider_box); temp_stick_box->Add(tempStick->bitmap, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER, 3); temp_box->Add(temp_stick_box); temp_yslider_box->Add(tempStick->y_cont.slider, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); temp_yslider_box->Add(tempStick->y_cont.text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); temp_box->Add(temp_yslider_box); return temp_box; } wxStaticBoxSizer* TASInputDlg::CreateAccelLayout(Control* x, Control* y, Control* z, const wxString& title) { wxStaticBoxSizer* const temp_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, this, title); wxStaticBoxSizer* const xBox = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("X")); wxStaticBoxSizer* const yBox = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Y")); wxStaticBoxSizer* const zBox = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Z")); xBox->Add(x->slider, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); xBox->Add(x->text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); yBox->Add(y->slider, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); yBox->Add(y->text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); zBox->Add(z->slider, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); zBox->Add(z->text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); temp_box->Add(xBox, 0, wxLEFT | wxBOTTOM | wxRIGHT, 5); temp_box->Add(yBox, 0, wxRIGHT, 5); temp_box->Add(zBox, 0, wxRIGHT, 5); return temp_box; } TASInputDlg::Button TASInputDlg::CreateButton(const std::string& name) { Button temp; wxCheckBox* checkbox = new wxCheckBox(this, m_eleID++, name); checkbox->Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, &TASInputDlg::SetTurbo, this); checkbox->Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &TASInputDlg::SetTurbo, this); temp.checkbox = checkbox; temp.id = m_eleID - 1; return temp; } void TASInputDlg::ResetValues() { for (Button* const button : m_buttons) { if (button != nullptr) { button->value = false; button->checkbox->SetValue(false); } } for (Control* const control : m_controls) { if (control != nullptr) { control->value = control->default_value; control->slider->SetValue(control->default_value); control->text->SetValue(std::to_string(control->default_value)); } } if (m_ext == 2) { for (Button& button : m_cc_buttons) { button.value = false; button.checkbox->SetValue(false); } for (Control* control : m_cc_controls) { control->value = control->default_value; control->slider->SetValue(control->default_value); control->text->SetValue(std::to_string(control->default_value)); } } } void TASInputDlg::SetStickValue(Control* control, int CurrentValue, int center) { if (CurrentValue != center) { control->value = CurrentValue; control->set_by_keyboard = true; } else if (control->set_by_keyboard) { control->value = center; control->set_by_keyboard = false; } else { return; } InvalidateControl(control); } void TASInputDlg::SetSliderValue(Control* control, int CurrentValue) { if (CurrentValue != (int)control->default_value) { control->value = CurrentValue; control->set_by_keyboard = true; } else if (control->set_by_keyboard) { control->value = control->default_value; control->set_by_keyboard = false; } else { return; } InvalidateControl(control); } void TASInputDlg::SetButtonValue(Button* button, bool CurrentState) { if (CurrentState) { button->set_by_keyboard = true; } else if (button->set_by_keyboard) { button->set_by_keyboard = false; } else { return; } button->value = CurrentState; InvalidateButton(button); } void TASInputDlg::SetWiiButtons(u16* butt) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) { if (m_buttons[i] != nullptr) *butt |= (m_buttons[i]->checkbox->IsChecked()) ? m_wii_buttons_bitmask[i] : 0; } ButtonTurbo(); } void TASInputDlg::GetKeyBoardInput(GCPadStatus* PadStatus) { SetStickValue(&m_main_stick.x_cont, PadStatus->stickX); SetStickValue(&m_main_stick.y_cont, PadStatus->stickY); SetStickValue(&m_c_stick.x_cont, PadStatus->substickX); SetStickValue(&m_c_stick.y_cont, PadStatus->substickY); SetSliderValue(&m_l_cont, PadStatus->triggerLeft); SetSliderValue(&m_r_cont, PadStatus->triggerRight); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(m_buttons); ++i) { if (m_buttons[i] != nullptr) SetButtonValue(m_buttons[i], ((PadStatus->button & m_gc_pad_buttons_bitmask[i]) != 0)); } SetButtonValue(&m_l, ((PadStatus->triggerLeft) == 255) || ((PadStatus->button & PAD_TRIGGER_L) != 0)); SetButtonValue(&m_r, ((PadStatus->triggerRight) == 255) || ((PadStatus->button & PAD_TRIGGER_R) != 0)); } void TASInputDlg::GetKeyBoardInput(u8* data, WiimoteEmu::ReportFeatures rptf, int ext, const wiimote_key key) { u8* const coreData = rptf.core ? (data + rptf.core) : nullptr; u8* const accelData = rptf.accel ? (data + rptf.accel) : nullptr; //u8* const irData = rptf.ir ? (data + rptf.ir) : nullptr; u8* const extData = rptf.ext ? (data + rptf.ext) : nullptr; if (coreData) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) { if (m_buttons[i] != nullptr) SetButtonValue(m_buttons[i], (((wm_buttons*)coreData)->hex & m_wii_buttons_bitmask[i]) != 0); } } if (accelData) { wm_accel* dt = (wm_accel*)accelData; SetSliderValue(&m_x_cont, dt->x << 2 | ((wm_buttons*)coreData)->acc_x_lsb); SetSliderValue(&m_y_cont, dt->y << 2 | ((wm_buttons*)coreData)->acc_y_lsb << 1); SetSliderValue(&m_z_cont, dt->z << 2 | ((wm_buttons*)coreData)->acc_z_lsb << 1); } // I don't think this can be made to work in a sane manner. //if (irData) //{ // u16 x = 1023 - (irData[0] | ((irData[2] >> 4 & 0x3) << 8)); // u16 y = irData[1] | ((irData[2] >> 6 & 0x3) << 8); // SetStickValue(&m_main_stick.x_cont.set_by_keyboard, &m_main_stick.x_cont.value, m_main_stick.x_cont.text, x, 561); // SetStickValue(&m_main_stick.y_cont.set_by_keyboard, &m_main_stick.y_cont.value, m_main_stick.y_cont.text, y, 486); //} if (extData && ext == 1) { wm_nc& nunchuk = *(wm_nc*)extData; WiimoteDecrypt(&key, (u8*)&nunchuk, 0, sizeof(wm_nc)); nunchuk.bt.hex = nunchuk.bt.hex ^ 0x3; SetButtonValue(m_buttons[11], nunchuk.bt.c != 0); SetButtonValue(m_buttons[12], nunchuk.bt.z != 0); } if (extData && ext == 2) { wm_classic_extension& cc = *(wm_classic_extension*)extData; WiimoteDecrypt(&key, (u8*)&cc, 0, sizeof(wm_classic_extension)); cc.bt.hex = cc.bt.hex ^ 0xFFFF; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { SetButtonValue(&m_cc_buttons[i], ((cc.bt.hex & m_cc_buttons_bitmask[i]) != 0)); } if (m_cc_l.value == 31) { m_cc_buttons[10].value = true; InvalidateButton(&m_cc_buttons[10]); } if (m_cc_r.value == 31) { m_cc_buttons[11].value = true; InvalidateButton(&m_cc_buttons[11]); } SetSliderValue(&m_cc_l_stick.x_cont, cc.regular_data.lx); SetSliderValue(&m_cc_l_stick.y_cont, cc.regular_data.ly); SetSliderValue(&m_cc_r_stick.x_cont, cc.rx1 | (cc.rx2 << 1) | (cc.rx3 << 3)); SetSliderValue(&m_cc_r_stick.y_cont, cc.ry); } } void TASInputDlg::GetValues(u8* data, WiimoteEmu::ReportFeatures rptf, int ext, const wiimote_key key) { if (!IsShown() || !m_has_layout) return; GetKeyBoardInput(data, rptf, ext, key); u8* const coreData = rptf.core ? (data + rptf.core) : nullptr; u8* const accelData = rptf.accel ? (data + rptf.accel) : nullptr; u8* const irData = rptf.ir ? (data + rptf.ir) : nullptr; u8* const extData = rptf.ext ? (data + rptf.ext) : nullptr; if (ext != 2) { if (coreData) SetWiiButtons(&((wm_buttons*)coreData)->hex); if (accelData) { wm_accel& dt = *(wm_accel*)accelData; wm_buttons& but = *(wm_buttons*)coreData; dt.x = m_x_cont.value >> 2; dt.y = m_y_cont.value >> 2; dt.z = m_z_cont.value >> 2; but.acc_x_lsb = m_x_cont.value & 0x3; but.acc_y_lsb = m_y_cont.value >> 1 & 0x1; but.acc_z_lsb = m_z_cont.value >> 1 & 0x1; } if (irData) { u16 x[4]; u16 y; x[0] = m_main_stick.x_cont.value; y = m_main_stick.y_cont.value; x[1] = x[0] + 100; x[2] = x[0] - 10; x[3] = x[1] + 10; u8 mode; // Mode 5 not supported in core anyway. if (rptf.ext) mode = (rptf.ext - rptf.ir) == 10 ? 1 : 3; else mode = (rptf.size - rptf.ir) == 10 ? 1 : 3; if (mode == 1) { memset(irData, 0xFF, sizeof(wm_ir_basic) * 2); wm_ir_basic* ir_data = (wm_ir_basic*)irData; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (x[i * 2] < 1024 && y < 768) { ir_data[i].x1 = static_cast<u8>(x[i*2]); ir_data[i].x1hi = x[i*2] >> 8; ir_data[i].y1 = static_cast<u8>(y); ir_data[i].y1hi = y >> 8; } if (x[i*2 + 1] < 1024 && y < 768) { ir_data[i].x2 = static_cast<u8>(x[i*2 + 1]); ir_data[i].x2hi = x[i*2 + 1] >> 8; ir_data[i].y2 = static_cast<u8>(y); ir_data[i].y2hi = y >> 8; } } } else { memset(data, 0xFF, sizeof(wm_ir_extended) * 4); wm_ir_extended* const ir_data = (wm_ir_extended*)irData; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (x[i] < 1024 && y < 768) { ir_data[i].x = static_cast<u8>(x[i]); ir_data[i].xhi = x[i] >> 8; ir_data[i].y = static_cast<u8>(y); ir_data[i].yhi = y >> 8; ir_data[i].size = 10; } } } } } if (ext != m_ext) { m_ext = ext; HandleExtensionChange(); } else if (extData && ext == 1) { wm_nc& nunchuk = *(wm_nc*)extData; nunchuk.jx = m_c_stick.x_cont.value; nunchuk.jy = m_c_stick.y_cont.value; nunchuk.ax = m_nx_cont.value >> 2; nunchuk.bt.acc_x_lsb = m_nx_cont.value & 0x3; nunchuk.ay = m_ny_cont.value >> 2; nunchuk.bt.acc_y_lsb = m_ny_cont.value & 0x3; nunchuk.az = m_nz_cont.value >> 2; nunchuk.bt.acc_z_lsb = m_nz_cont.value & 0x3; nunchuk.bt.hex |= (m_buttons[11]->checkbox->IsChecked()) ? WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::BUTTON_C : 0; nunchuk.bt.hex |= (m_buttons[12]->checkbox->IsChecked()) ? WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::BUTTON_Z : 0; nunchuk.bt.hex = nunchuk.bt.hex ^ 0x3; WiimoteEncrypt(&key, (u8*)&nunchuk, 0, sizeof(wm_nc)); } else if (extData && ext == 2) { wm_classic_extension& cc = *(wm_classic_extension*)extData; WiimoteDecrypt(&key, (u8*)&cc, 0, sizeof(wm_classic_extension)); cc.bt.hex = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(m_cc_buttons); ++i) { cc.bt.hex |= (m_cc_buttons[i].checkbox->IsChecked()) ? m_cc_buttons_bitmask[i] : 0; } cc.bt.hex ^= 0xFFFF; u16 rx = m_cc_r_stick.x_cont.value; cc.rx1 = rx & 0x1; cc.rx2 = (rx >> 1) & 0x3; cc.rx3 = (rx >> 3) & 0x3; cc.ry = m_cc_r_stick.y_cont.value; cc.regular_data.lx = m_cc_l_stick.x_cont.value; cc.regular_data.ly = m_cc_l_stick.y_cont.value; cc.rt = m_cc_r.value; cc.lt1 = m_cc_l.value & 0x7; cc.lt2 = (m_cc_l.value >> 3) & 0x3; WiimoteEncrypt(&key, (u8*)&cc, 0, sizeof(wm_classic_extension)); } } void TASInputDlg::GetValues(GCPadStatus* PadStatus) { if (!IsShown() || !m_has_layout) return; //TODO:: Make this instant not when polled. GetKeyBoardInput(PadStatus); PadStatus->stickX = m_main_stick.x_cont.value; PadStatus->stickY = m_main_stick.y_cont.value; PadStatus->substickX = m_c_stick.x_cont.value; PadStatus->substickY = m_c_stick.y_cont.value; PadStatus->triggerLeft = m_l.checkbox->GetValue() ? 255 : m_l_cont.value; PadStatus->triggerRight = m_r.checkbox->GetValue() ? 255 : m_r_cont.value; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(m_buttons); ++i) { if (m_buttons[i] != nullptr) { if (m_buttons[i]->checkbox->IsChecked()) PadStatus->button |= m_gc_pad_buttons_bitmask[i]; else PadStatus->button &= ~m_gc_pad_buttons_bitmask[i]; } } if (m_a.checkbox->IsChecked()) PadStatus->analogA = 0xFF; else PadStatus->analogA = 0x00; if (m_b.checkbox->IsChecked()) PadStatus->analogB = 0xFF; else PadStatus->analogB = 0x00; ButtonTurbo(); } void TASInputDlg::UpdateFromSliders(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxTextCtrl* text = nullptr; for (Control* const control : m_controls) { if (control != nullptr && event.GetId() == control->slider_id) text = control->text; } for (Control* const control : m_cc_controls) { if (control != nullptr && event.GetId() == control->slider_id) text = control->text; } int value = ((wxSlider*)event.GetEventObject())->GetValue(); if (text) text->SetValue(std::to_string(value)); } void TASInputDlg::UpdateFromText(wxCommandEvent& event) { unsigned long value; if (!((wxTextCtrl*)event.GetEventObject())->GetValue().ToULong(&value)) return; for (Control* const control : m_controls) { if (control != nullptr && event.GetId() == control->text_id) { int v = (value > control->range) ? control->range : value; control->slider->SetValue(v); control->text->ChangeValue(std::to_string(v)); control->value = v; } } for (Control* const control : m_cc_controls) { if (control != nullptr && event.GetId() == control->text_id) { int v = (value > control->range) ? control->range : value; control->slider->SetValue(v); control->text->ChangeValue(std::to_string(v)); control->value = v; } } if (m_controls[0] != nullptr) UpdateStickBitmap(m_main_stick); if (m_controls[2] != nullptr) UpdateStickBitmap(m_c_stick); if (m_cc_controls[CC_L_STICK_X] != nullptr) UpdateStickBitmap(m_cc_l_stick); if (m_cc_controls[CC_R_STICK_X] != nullptr) UpdateStickBitmap(m_cc_r_stick); } void TASInputDlg::UpdateStickBitmap(Stick stick) { int x = (u8)(std::floor(((double)stick.x_cont.value / (double)(stick.x_cont.range + 1) * 255.0) + .5)); int y = (u8)(std::floor(((double)stick.y_cont.value / (double)(stick.y_cont.range + 1) * 255.0) + .5)); if (stick.x_cont.reverse) x = 256 - (u8)x; if (stick.y_cont.reverse) y = 256 - (u8)y; stick.bitmap->SetBitmap(CreateStickBitmap(x, y)); } void TASInputDlg::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event) { if (event.CanVeto()) { event.Skip(false); Show(false); ResetValues(); } } TASInputDlg::Stick* TASInputDlg::FindStickByID(int id) { if (id == ID_MAIN_STICK) return &m_main_stick; else if (id == ID_C_STICK) return &m_c_stick; else if (id == ID_CC_L_STICK) return &m_cc_l_stick; else if (id == ID_CC_R_STICK) return &m_cc_r_stick; else return nullptr; } void TASInputDlg::OnMouseUpR(wxMouseEvent& event) { Stick* stick = FindStickByID(event.GetId()); if (stick == nullptr) return; stick->x_cont.value = stick->x_cont.default_value; stick->y_cont.value = stick->y_cont.default_value; stick->bitmap->SetBitmap(CreateStickBitmap(128, 128)); stick->x_cont.text->SetValue(std::to_string(stick->x_cont.default_value)); stick->y_cont.text->SetValue(std::to_string(stick->y_cont.default_value)); stick->x_cont.slider->SetValue(stick->x_cont.default_value); stick->y_cont.slider->SetValue(stick->y_cont.default_value); event.Skip(); } void TASInputDlg::OnRightClickSlider(wxMouseEvent& event) { for (Control* const control : m_controls) { if (control != nullptr && event.GetId() == control->slider_id) { control->value = control->default_value; control->slider->SetValue(control->default_value); control->text->SetValue(std::to_string(control->default_value)); return; } } for (Control* const control : m_cc_controls) { if (control != nullptr && event.GetId() == control->slider_id) { control->value = control->default_value; control->slider->SetValue(control->default_value); control->text->SetValue(std::to_string(control->default_value)); return; } } } void TASInputDlg::OnMouseDownL(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (!event.LeftIsDown()) return; Stick* stick = FindStickByID(event.GetId()); if (stick == nullptr) return; wxPoint ptM(event.GetPosition()); stick->x_cont.value = ptM.x * stick->x_cont.range / 127; stick->y_cont.value = ptM.y * stick->y_cont.range / 127; if ((unsigned)stick->y_cont.value > stick->y_cont.range) stick->y_cont.value = stick->y_cont.range; if ((unsigned)stick->x_cont.value > stick->x_cont.range) stick->x_cont.value = stick->x_cont.range; if (stick->y_cont.reverse) stick->y_cont.value = stick->y_cont.range - (u16)stick->y_cont.value; if (stick->x_cont.reverse) stick->x_cont.value = stick->x_cont.range - (u16)stick->x_cont.value; stick->x_cont.value = (unsigned int)stick->x_cont.value > stick->x_cont.range ? stick->x_cont.range : stick->x_cont.value; stick->y_cont.value = (unsigned int)stick->y_cont.value > stick->y_cont.range ? stick->y_cont.range : stick->y_cont.value; // This updates sliders and the bitmap too. stick->x_cont.text->SetValue(std::to_string(stick->x_cont.value)); stick->y_cont.text->SetValue(std::to_string(stick->y_cont.value)); event.Skip(); } void TASInputDlg::SetTurbo(wxMouseEvent& event) { Button* button = nullptr; for (Button* const btn : m_buttons) { if (btn != nullptr && event.GetId() == btn->id) button = btn; } if (m_ext == 2) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(m_cc_buttons); ++i) { if (event.GetId() == m_cc_buttons[i].id) button = &m_cc_buttons[i]; } } if (event.LeftDown()) { if (button) button->turbo_on = false; event.Skip(); return; } if (button) { button->checkbox->SetValue(true); button->turbo_on = !button->turbo_on; } event.Skip(); } void TASInputDlg::ButtonTurbo() { static u64 frame = Movie::g_currentFrame; if (frame != Movie::g_currentFrame) { frame = Movie::g_currentFrame; for (Button* const button : m_buttons) { if (button != nullptr && button->turbo_on) { button->value = !button->checkbox->GetValue(); InvalidateButton(button); } } if (m_ext == 2) { for (Button& button : m_cc_buttons) { if (button.turbo_on) { button.value = !button.checkbox->GetValue(); InvalidateButton(&button); } } } } } void TASInputDlg::InvalidateButton(Button* button) { if (!wxIsMainThread()) { wxCommandEvent* evt = new wxCommandEvent(INVALIDATE_BUTTON_EVENT, button->id); evt->SetClientData(button); wxQueueEvent(this, evt); return; } button->checkbox->SetValue(button->value); } void TASInputDlg::InvalidateControl(Control* control) { if (!wxIsMainThread()) { wxCommandEvent* evt = new wxCommandEvent(INVALIDATE_CONTROL_EVENT, control->text_id); evt->SetClientData(control); wxQueueEvent(this, evt); return; } control->text->SetValue(std::to_string(control->value)); } void TASInputDlg::UpdateFromInvalidatedButton(wxCommandEvent& event) { Button* button = static_cast<Button*>(event.GetClientData()); _assert_msg_(PAD, button->id == button->checkbox->GetId(), "Button ids do not match: %i != %i", button->id, button->checkbox->GetId()); button->checkbox->SetValue(button->value); } void TASInputDlg::UpdateFromInvalidatedControl(wxCommandEvent& event) { Control* control = static_cast<Control*>(event.GetClientData()); _assert_msg_(PAD, control->text_id == control->text->GetId(), "Control ids do not match: %i != %i", control->text_id, control->text->GetId()); control->text->SetValue(std::to_string(control->value)); } wxBitmap TASInputDlg::CreateStickBitmap(int x, int y) { x = x / 2; y = y / 2; wxMemoryDC memDC; wxBitmap bitmap(129, 129); memDC.SelectObject(bitmap); memDC.SetBackground(*wxLIGHT_GREY_BRUSH); memDC.Clear(); memDC.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH); memDC.DrawCircle(65, 65, 64); memDC.SetBrush(*wxRED_BRUSH); memDC.DrawLine(64, 64, x, y); memDC.DrawLine(63, 64, x - 1, y); memDC.DrawLine(65, 64, x + 1, y); memDC.DrawLine(64, 63, x, y - 1); memDC.DrawLine(64, 65, x, y + 1); memDC.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN); memDC.CrossHair(64, 64); memDC.SetBrush(*wxBLUE_BRUSH); memDC.DrawCircle(x, y, 5); memDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); return bitmap; }