// Copyright 2009 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #pragma once #include <array> #include <string> #include <utility> #include "Common/BitField.h" #include "Common/BitUtils.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/EnumFormatter.h" #include "Common/EnumMap.h" #include "Common/Inline.h" // X.h defines None to be 0 and Always to be 2, which causes problems with some of the enums #undef None #undef Always enum class TextureFormat; enum class EFBCopyFormat; enum class TLUTFormat; #pragma pack(4) enum { BPMEM_GENMODE = 0x00, BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER = 0x01, // 0x01 + 4 BPMEM_IND_MTXA = 0x06, // 0x06 + (3 * 3) BPMEM_IND_MTXB = 0x07, // 0x07 + (3 * 3) BPMEM_IND_MTXC = 0x08, // 0x08 + (3 * 3) BPMEM_IND_IMASK = 0x0F, BPMEM_IND_CMD = 0x10, // 0x10 + 16 BPMEM_SCISSORTL = 0x20, BPMEM_SCISSORBR = 0x21, BPMEM_LINEPTWIDTH = 0x22, BPMEM_PERF0_TRI = 0x23, BPMEM_PERF0_QUAD = 0x24, BPMEM_RAS1_SS0 = 0x25, BPMEM_RAS1_SS1 = 0x26, BPMEM_IREF = 0x27, BPMEM_TREF = 0x28, // 0x28 + 8 BPMEM_SU_SSIZE = 0x30, // 0x30 + (2 * 8) BPMEM_SU_TSIZE = 0x31, // 0x31 + (2 * 8) BPMEM_ZMODE = 0x40, BPMEM_BLENDMODE = 0x41, BPMEM_CONSTANTALPHA = 0x42, BPMEM_ZCOMPARE = 0x43, BPMEM_FIELDMASK = 0x44, BPMEM_SETDRAWDONE = 0x45, BPMEM_BUSCLOCK0 = 0x46, BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_ID = 0x47, BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_INT_ID = 0x48, BPMEM_EFB_TL = 0x49, BPMEM_EFB_WH = 0x4A, BPMEM_EFB_ADDR = 0x4B, BPMEM_MIPMAP_STRIDE = 0x4D, BPMEM_COPYYSCALE = 0x4E, BPMEM_CLEAR_AR = 0x4F, BPMEM_CLEAR_GB = 0x50, BPMEM_CLEAR_Z = 0x51, BPMEM_TRIGGER_EFB_COPY = 0x52, BPMEM_COPYFILTER0 = 0x53, BPMEM_COPYFILTER1 = 0x54, BPMEM_CLEARBBOX1 = 0x55, BPMEM_CLEARBBOX2 = 0x56, BPMEM_CLEAR_PIXEL_PERF = 0x57, BPMEM_REVBITS = 0x58, BPMEM_SCISSOROFFSET = 0x59, BPMEM_PRELOAD_ADDR = 0x60, BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMEVEN = 0x61, BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMODD = 0x62, BPMEM_PRELOAD_MODE = 0x63, BPMEM_LOADTLUT0 = 0x64, BPMEM_LOADTLUT1 = 0x65, BPMEM_TEXINVALIDATE = 0x66, BPMEM_PERF1 = 0x67, BPMEM_FIELDMODE = 0x68, BPMEM_BUSCLOCK1 = 0x69, BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0 = 0x80, // 0x80 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1 = 0x84, // 0x84 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0 = 0x88, // 0x88 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1 = 0x8C, // 0x8C + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2 = 0x90, // 0x90 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3 = 0x94, // 0x94 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT = 0x98, // 0x98 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0_4 = 0xA0, // 0xA0 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1_4 = 0xA4, // 0xA4 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0_4 = 0xA8, // 0xA8 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1_4 = 0xAC, // 0xA4 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2_4 = 0xB0, // 0xB0 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3_4 = 0xB4, // 0xB4 + 4 BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT_4 = 0xB8, // 0xB8 + 4 BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV = 0xC0, // 0xC0 + (2 * 16) BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV = 0xC1, // 0xC1 + (2 * 16) BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA = 0xE0, // 0xE0 + (2 * 4) BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG = 0xE1, // 0xE1 + (2 * 4) BPMEM_FOGRANGE = 0xE8, // 0xE8 + 6 BPMEM_FOGPARAM0 = 0xEE, BPMEM_FOGBMAGNITUDE = 0xEF, BPMEM_FOGBEXPONENT = 0xF0, BPMEM_FOGPARAM3 = 0xF1, BPMEM_FOGCOLOR = 0xF2, BPMEM_ALPHACOMPARE = 0xF3, BPMEM_BIAS = 0xF4, BPMEM_ZTEX2 = 0xF5, BPMEM_TEV_KSEL = 0xF6, // 0xF6 + 8 BPMEM_BP_MASK = 0xFE, }; // Tev/combiner things // TEV scaling type enum class TevScale : u32 { Scale1 = 0, Scale2 = 1, Scale4 = 2, Divide2 = 3 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevScale> : EnumFormatter<TevScale::Divide2> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"1", "2", "4", "0.5"}) {} }; // TEV combiner operator enum class TevOp : u32 { Add = 0, Sub = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevOp> : EnumFormatter<TevOp::Sub> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Add", "Subtract"}) {} }; enum class TevCompareMode : u32 { R8 = 0, GR16 = 1, BGR24 = 2, RGB8 = 3, A8 = RGB8, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevCompareMode> : EnumFormatter<TevCompareMode::RGB8> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"R8", "GR16", "BGR24", "RGB8 / A8"}) {} }; enum class TevComparison : u32 { GT = 0, EQ = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevComparison> : EnumFormatter<TevComparison::EQ> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Greater than", "Equal to"}) {} }; // TEV color combiner input enum class TevColorArg : u32 { PrevColor = 0, PrevAlpha = 1, Color0 = 2, Alpha0 = 3, Color1 = 4, Alpha1 = 5, Color2 = 6, Alpha2 = 7, TexColor = 8, TexAlpha = 9, RasColor = 10, RasAlpha = 11, One = 12, Half = 13, Konst = 14, Zero = 15 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevColorArg> : EnumFormatter<TevColorArg::Zero> { static constexpr array_type names = { "prev.rgb", "prev.aaa", "c0.rgb", "c0.aaa", "c1.rgb", "c1.aaa", "c2.rgb", "c2.aaa", "tex.rgb", "tex.aaa", "ras.rgb", "ras.aaa", "ONE", "HALF", "konst.rgb", "ZERO", }; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; // TEV alpha combiner input enum class TevAlphaArg : u32 { PrevAlpha = 0, Alpha0 = 1, Alpha1 = 2, Alpha2 = 3, TexAlpha = 4, RasAlpha = 5, Konst = 6, Zero = 7 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevAlphaArg> : EnumFormatter<TevAlphaArg::Zero> { static constexpr array_type names = { "prev", "c0", "c1", "c2", "tex", "ras", "konst", "ZERO", }; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; // TEV output registers enum class TevOutput : u32 { Prev = 0, Color0 = 1, Color1 = 2, Color2 = 3, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevOutput> : EnumFormatter<TevOutput::Color2> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"prev", "c0", "c1", "c2"}) {} }; // Z-texture formats enum class ZTexFormat : u32 { U8 = 0, U16 = 1, U24 = 2 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ZTexFormat> : EnumFormatter<ZTexFormat::U24> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"u8", "u16", "u24"}) {} }; // Z texture operator enum class ZTexOp : u32 { Disabled = 0, Add = 1, Replace = 2 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ZTexOp> : EnumFormatter<ZTexOp::Replace> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Disabled", "Add", "Replace"}) {} }; // TEV bias value enum class TevBias : u32 { Zero = 0, AddHalf = 1, SubHalf = 2, Compare = 3 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevBias> : EnumFormatter<TevBias::Compare> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"0", "+0.5", "-0.5", "compare"}) {} }; // Indirect texture format enum class IndTexFormat : u32 { ITF_8 = 0, ITF_5 = 1, ITF_4 = 2, ITF_3 = 3 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<IndTexFormat> : EnumFormatter<IndTexFormat::ITF_3> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"ITF_8", "ITF_5", "ITF_4", "ITF_3"}) {} }; // Indirect texture bias enum class IndTexBias : u32 { None = 0, S = 1, T = 2, ST = 3, U = 4, SU = 5, TU_ = 6, // conflicts with define in PowerPC.h STU = 7 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<IndTexBias> : EnumFormatter<IndTexBias::STU> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"None", "S", "T", "ST", "U", "SU", "TU", "STU"}) {} }; enum class IndMtxIndex : u32 { Off = 0, Matrix0 = 1, Matrix1 = 2, Matrix2 = 3, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<IndMtxIndex> : EnumFormatter<IndMtxIndex::Matrix2> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Off", "Matrix 0", "Matrix 1", "Matrix 2"}) {} }; enum class IndMtxId : u32 { Indirect = 0, S = 1, T = 2, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<IndMtxId> : EnumFormatter<IndMtxId::T> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Indirect", "S", "T"}) {} }; // Indirect texture bump alpha enum class IndTexBumpAlpha : u32 { Off = 0, S = 1, T = 2, U = 3 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<IndTexBumpAlpha> : EnumFormatter<IndTexBumpAlpha::U> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Off", "S", "T", "U"}) {} }; // Indirect texture wrap value enum class IndTexWrap : u32 { ITW_OFF = 0, ITW_256 = 1, ITW_128 = 2, ITW_64 = 3, ITW_32 = 4, ITW_16 = 5, ITW_0 = 6 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<IndTexWrap> : EnumFormatter<IndTexWrap::ITW_0> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Off", "256", "128", "64", "32", "16", "0"}) {} }; union IND_MTXA { BitField<0, 11, s32> ma; BitField<11, 11, s32> mb; BitField<22, 2, u8, u32> s0; // bits 0-1 of scale factor u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<IND_MTXA> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const IND_MTXA& col, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Row 0 (ma): {} ({})\n" "Row 1 (mb): {} ({})\n" "Scale bits: {} (shifted: {})", col.ma / 1024.0f, col.ma, col.mb / 1024.0f, col.mb, col.s0, col.s0); } }; union IND_MTXB { BitField<0, 11, s32> mc; BitField<11, 11, s32> md; BitField<22, 2, u8, u32> s1; // bits 2-3 of scale factor u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<IND_MTXB> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const IND_MTXB& col, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Row 0 (mc): {} ({})\n" "Row 1 (md): {} ({})\n" "Scale bits: {} (shifted: {})", col.mc / 1024.0f, col.mc, col.md / 1024.0f, col.md, col.s1, col.s1 << 2); } }; union IND_MTXC { BitField<0, 11, s32> me; BitField<11, 11, s32> mf; BitField<22, 1, u8, u32> s2; // bit 4 of scale factor // The SDK treats the scale factor as 6 bits, 2 on each column; however, hardware seems to ignore // the top bit. BitField<22, 2, u8, u32> sdk_s2; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<IND_MTXC> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const IND_MTXC& col, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Row 0 (me): {} ({})\n" "Row 1 (mf): {} ({})\n" "Scale bits: {} (shifted: {}), given to SDK as {} ({})", col.me / 1024.0f, col.me, col.mf / 1024.0f, col.mf, col.s2, col.s2 << 4, col.sdk_s2, col.sdk_s2 << 4); } }; struct IND_MTX { IND_MTXA col0; IND_MTXB col1; IND_MTXC col2; u8 GetScale() const { return (col0.s0 << 0) | (col1.s1 << 2) | (col2.s2 << 4); } }; union IND_IMASK { BitField<0, 24, u32> mask; u32 hex; }; struct TevStageCombiner { union ColorCombiner { // abc=8bit,d=10bit BitField<0, 4, TevColorArg> d; BitField<4, 4, TevColorArg> c; BitField<8, 4, TevColorArg> b; BitField<12, 4, TevColorArg> a; BitField<16, 2, TevBias> bias; BitField<18, 1, TevOp> op; // Applies when bias is not compare BitField<18, 1, TevComparison> comparison; // Applies when bias is compare BitField<19, 1, bool, u32> clamp; BitField<20, 2, TevScale> scale; // Applies when bias is not compare BitField<20, 2, TevCompareMode> compare_mode; // Applies when bias is compare BitField<22, 2, TevOutput> dest; u32 hex; }; union AlphaCombiner { BitField<0, 2, u32> rswap; BitField<2, 2, u32> tswap; BitField<4, 3, TevAlphaArg> d; BitField<7, 3, TevAlphaArg> c; BitField<10, 3, TevAlphaArg> b; BitField<13, 3, TevAlphaArg> a; BitField<16, 2, TevBias> bias; BitField<18, 1, TevOp> op; // Applies when bias is not compare BitField<18, 1, TevComparison> comparison; // Applies when bias is compare BitField<19, 1, bool, u32> clamp; BitField<20, 2, TevScale> scale; // Applies when bias is not compare BitField<20, 2, TevCompareMode> compare_mode; // Applies when bias is compare BitField<22, 2, TevOutput> dest; u32 hex; }; ColorCombiner colorC; AlphaCombiner alphaC; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevStageCombiner::ColorCombiner> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TevStageCombiner::ColorCombiner& cc, FormatContext& ctx) const { auto out = ctx.out(); if (cc.bias != TevBias::Compare) { // Generate an equation view, simplifying out addition of zero and multiplication by 1 // dest = (d (OP) ((1 - c)*a + c*b) + bias) * scale // or equivalently and more readably when the terms are not constants: // dest = (d (OP) lerp(a, b, c) + bias) * scale // Note that lerping is more complex than the first form shows; see PixelShaderGen's // WriteTevRegular for more details. static constexpr Common::EnumMap<const char*, TevColorArg::Zero> alt_names = { "prev.rgb", "prev.aaa", "c0.rgb", "c0.aaa", "c1.rgb", "c1.aaa", "c2.rgb", "c2.aaa", "tex.rgb", "tex.aaa", "ras.rgb", "ras.aaa", "1", ".5", "konst.rgb", "0", }; const bool has_d = cc.d != TevColorArg::Zero; // If c is one, (1 - c) is zero, so (1-c)*a is zero const bool has_ac = cc.a != TevColorArg::Zero && cc.c != TevColorArg::One; // If either b or c is zero, b*c is zero const bool has_bc = cc.b != TevColorArg::Zero && cc.c != TevColorArg::Zero; const bool has_bias = cc.bias != TevBias::Zero; // != Compare is already known const bool has_scale = cc.scale != TevScale::Scale1; const char op = (cc.op == TevOp::Sub ? '-' : '+'); if (cc.dest == TevOutput::Prev) out = fmt::format_to(out, "dest.rgb = "); else out = fmt::format_to(out, "{:n}.rgb = ", cc.dest); if (has_scale) out = fmt::format_to(out, "("); if (has_d) out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}", alt_names[cc.d]); if (has_ac || has_bc) { if (has_d) out = fmt::format_to(out, " {} ", op); else if (cc.op == TevOp::Sub) out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}", op); if (has_ac && has_bc) { if (cc.c == TevColorArg::Half) { // has_a and has_b imply that c is not Zero or One, and Half is the only remaining // numeric constant. This results in an average. out = fmt::format_to(out, "({} + {})/2", alt_names[cc.a], alt_names[cc.b]); } else { out = fmt::format_to(out, "lerp({}, {}, {})", alt_names[cc.a], alt_names[cc.b], alt_names[cc.c]); } } else if (has_ac) { if (cc.c == TevColorArg::Zero) out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}", alt_names[cc.a]); else if (cc.c == TevColorArg::Half) // 1 - .5 is .5 out = fmt::format_to(out, ".5*{}", alt_names[cc.a]); else out = fmt::format_to(out, "(1 - {})*{}", alt_names[cc.c], alt_names[cc.a]); } else // has_bc { if (cc.c == TevColorArg::One) out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}", alt_names[cc.b]); else out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}*{}", alt_names[cc.c], alt_names[cc.b]); } } if (has_bias) { if (has_ac || has_bc || has_d) out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}", cc.bias == TevBias::AddHalf ? " + .5" : " - .5"); else out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}", cc.bias == TevBias::AddHalf ? ".5" : "-.5"); } else { // If nothing has been written so far, add a zero if (!(has_ac || has_bc || has_d)) out = fmt::format_to(out, "0"); } if (has_scale) out = fmt::format_to(out, ") * {:n}", cc.scale); out = fmt::format_to(out, "\n\n"); } return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "a: {}\n" "b: {}\n" "c: {}\n" "d: {}\n" "Bias: {}\n" "Op: {} / Comparison: {}\n" "Clamp: {}\n" "Scale factor: {} / Compare mode: {}\n" "Dest: {}", cc.a, cc.b, cc.c, cc.d, cc.bias, cc.op, cc.comparison, cc.clamp ? "Yes" : "No", cc.scale, cc.compare_mode, cc.dest); } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevStageCombiner::AlphaCombiner> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TevStageCombiner::AlphaCombiner& ac, FormatContext& ctx) const { auto out = ctx.out(); if (ac.bias != TevBias::Compare) { // Generate an equation view, simplifying out addition of zero and multiplication by 1 // dest = (d (OP) ((1 - c)*a + c*b) + bias) * scale // or equivalently and more readably when the terms are not constants: // dest = (d (OP) lerp(a, b, c) + bias) * scale // Note that lerping is more complex than the first form shows; see PixelShaderGen's // WriteTevRegular for more details. // We don't need an alt_names map here, unlike the color combiner, as the only special term is // Zero, and we we filter that out below. However, we do need to append ".a" to all // parameters, to make it explicit that these are operations on the alpha term instead of the // 4-element vector. We also need to use the :n specifier so that the numeric ID isn't shown. const bool has_d = ac.d != TevAlphaArg::Zero; // There is no c value for alpha that results in (1 - c) always being zero const bool has_ac = ac.a != TevAlphaArg::Zero; // If either b or c is zero, b*c is zero const bool has_bc = ac.b != TevAlphaArg::Zero && ac.c != TevAlphaArg::Zero; const bool has_bias = ac.bias != TevBias::Zero; // != Compare is already known const bool has_scale = ac.scale != TevScale::Scale1; const char op = (ac.op == TevOp::Sub ? '-' : '+'); if (ac.dest == TevOutput::Prev) out = fmt::format_to(out, "dest.a = "); else out = fmt::format_to(out, "{:n}.a = ", ac.dest); if (has_scale) out = fmt::format_to(out, "("); if (has_d) out = fmt::format_to(out, "{:n}.a", ac.d); if (has_ac || has_bc) { if (has_d) out = fmt::format_to(out, " {} ", op); else if (ac.op == TevOp::Sub) out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}", op); if (has_ac && has_bc) { out = fmt::format_to(out, "lerp({:n}.a, {:n}.a, {:n}.a)", ac.a, ac.b, ac.c); } else if (has_ac) { if (ac.c == TevAlphaArg::Zero) out = fmt::format_to(out, "{:n}.a", ac.a); else out = fmt::format_to(out, "(1 - {:n}.a)*{:n}.a", ac.c, ac.a); } else // has_bc { out = fmt::format_to(out, "{:n}.a*{:n}.a", ac.c, ac.b); } } if (has_bias) { if (has_ac || has_bc || has_d) out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}", ac.bias == TevBias::AddHalf ? " + .5" : " - .5"); else out = fmt::format_to(out, "{}", ac.bias == TevBias::AddHalf ? ".5" : "-.5"); } else { // If nothing has been written so far, add a zero if (!(has_ac || has_bc || has_d)) out = fmt::format_to(out, "0"); } if (has_scale) out = fmt::format_to(out, ") * {:n}", ac.scale); out = fmt::format_to(out, "\n\n"); } return fmt::format_to(out, "a: {}\n" "b: {}\n" "c: {}\n" "d: {}\n" "Bias: {}\n" "Op: {} / Comparison: {}\n" "Clamp: {}\n" "Scale factor: {} / Compare mode: {}\n" "Dest: {}\n" "Rasterized color swaptable: {}\n" "Texture color swaptable: {}", ac.a, ac.b, ac.c, ac.d, ac.bias, ac.op, ac.comparison, ac.clamp ? "Yes" : "No", ac.scale, ac.compare_mode, ac.dest, ac.rswap, ac.tswap); } }; // several discoveries: // GXSetTevIndBumpST(tevstage, indstage, matrixind) // if ( matrix == 2 ) realmat = 6; // 10 // else if ( matrix == 3 ) realmat = 7; // 11 // else if ( matrix == 1 ) realmat = 5; // 9 // GXSetTevIndirect(tevstage, indstage, 0, 3, realmat, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0) // GXSetTevIndirect(tevstage+1, indstage, 0, 3, realmat+4, 6, 6, 1, 0, 0) // GXSetTevIndirect(tevstage+2, indstage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) union TevStageIndirect { BitField<0, 2, u32> bt; // Indirect tex stage ID BitField<2, 2, IndTexFormat> fmt; BitField<4, 3, IndTexBias> bias; BitField<4, 1, bool, u32> bias_s; BitField<5, 1, bool, u32> bias_t; BitField<6, 1, bool, u32> bias_u; BitField<7, 2, IndTexBumpAlpha> bs; // Indicates which coordinate will become the 'bump alpha' // Indicates which indirect matrix is used when matrix_id is Indirect. // Also always indicates which indirect matrix to use for the scale factor, even with S or T. BitField<9, 2, IndMtxIndex> matrix_index; // Should be set to Indirect (0) if matrix_index is Off (0) BitField<11, 2, IndMtxId> matrix_id; BitField<13, 3, IndTexWrap> sw; // Wrapping factor for S of regular coord BitField<16, 3, IndTexWrap> tw; // Wrapping factor for T of regular coord BitField<19, 1, bool, u32> lb_utclod; // Use modified or unmodified texture // coordinates for LOD computation BitField<20, 1, bool, u32> fb_addprev; // true if the texture coordinate results from the // previous TEV stage should be added struct { u32 hex : 21; u32 unused : 11; }; u32 fullhex; // If bs and matrix are zero, the result of the stage is independent of // the texture sample data, so we can skip sampling the texture. bool IsActive() const { return bs != IndTexBumpAlpha::Off || matrix_index != IndMtxIndex::Off; } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevStageIndirect> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TevStageIndirect& tevind, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Indirect tex stage ID: {}\n" "Format: {}\n" "Bias: {}\n" "Bump alpha: {}\n" "Offset matrix index: {}\n" "Offset matrix ID: {}\n" "Regular coord S wrapping factor: {}\n" "Regular coord T wrapping factor: {}\n" "Use modified texture coordinates for LOD computation: {}\n" "Add texture coordinates from previous TEV stage: {}", tevind.bt, tevind.fmt, tevind.bias, tevind.bs, tevind.matrix_index, tevind.matrix_id, tevind.sw, tevind.tw, tevind.lb_utclod ? "Yes" : "No", tevind.fb_addprev ? "Yes" : "No"); } }; enum class RasColorChan : u32 { Color0 = 0, Color1 = 1, AlphaBump = 5, NormalizedAlphaBump = 6, Zero = 7, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<RasColorChan> : EnumFormatter<RasColorChan::Zero> { static constexpr array_type names = { "Color chan 0", "Color chan 1", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "Alpha bump", "Norm alpha bump", "Zero", }; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; union TwoTevStageOrders { BitField<0, 3, u32> texmap_even; BitField<3, 3, u32> texcoord_even; BitField<6, 1, bool, u32> enable_tex_even; // true if should read from texture BitField<7, 3, RasColorChan> colorchan_even; BitField<12, 3, u32> texmap_odd; BitField<15, 3, u32> texcoord_odd; BitField<18, 1, bool, u32> enable_tex_odd; // true if should read from texture BitField<19, 3, RasColorChan> colorchan_odd; u32 hex; u32 getTexMap(int i) const { return i ? texmap_odd.Value() : texmap_even.Value(); } u32 getTexCoord(int i) const { return i ? texcoord_odd.Value() : texcoord_even.Value(); } u32 getEnable(int i) const { return i ? enable_tex_odd.Value() : enable_tex_even.Value(); } RasColorChan getColorChan(int i) const { return i ? colorchan_odd.Value() : colorchan_even.Value(); } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<std::pair<u8, TwoTevStageOrders>> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const std::pair<u8, TwoTevStageOrders>& p, FormatContext& ctx) const { const auto& [cmd, stages] = p; const u8 stage_even = (cmd - BPMEM_TREF) * 2; const u8 stage_odd = stage_even + 1; return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Stage {0} texmap: {1}\nStage {0} tex coord: {2}\n" "Stage {0} enable texmap: {3}\nStage {0} rasterized color channel: {4}\n" "Stage {5} texmap: {6}\nStage {5} tex coord: {7}\n" "Stage {5} enable texmap: {8}\nStage {5} rasterized color channel: {9}\n", stage_even, stages.texmap_even, stages.texcoord_even, stages.enable_tex_even ? "Yes" : "No", stages.colorchan_even, stage_odd, stages.texmap_odd, stages.texcoord_odd, stages.enable_tex_odd ? "Yes" : "No", stages.colorchan_odd); } }; union TEXSCALE { BitField<0, 4, u32> ss0; // Indirect tex stage 0 or 2, 2^(-ss0) BitField<4, 4, u32> ts0; // Indirect tex stage 0 or 2 BitField<8, 4, u32> ss1; // Indirect tex stage 1 or 3 BitField<12, 4, u32> ts1; // Indirect tex stage 1 or 3 u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<std::pair<u8, TEXSCALE>> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const std::pair<u8, TEXSCALE>& p, FormatContext& ctx) const { const auto& [cmd, scale] = p; const u8 even = (cmd - BPMEM_RAS1_SS0) * 2; const u8 odd_ = even + 1; return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Indirect stage {0} S coord scale: {1} ({2})\n" "Indirect stage {0} T coord scale: {3} ({4})\n" "Indirect stage {5} S coord scale: {6} ({7})\n" "Indirect stage {5} T coord scale: {8} ({9})", even, 1.f / (1 << scale.ss0), scale.ss0, 1.f / (1 << scale.ts0), scale.ts0, odd_, 1.f / (1 << scale.ss1), scale.ss1, 1.f / (1 << scale.ts1), scale.ts1); } }; union RAS1_IREF { BitField<0, 3, u32> bi0; // Indirect tex stage 0 texmap BitField<3, 3, u32> bc0; // Indirect tex stage 0 tex coord BitField<6, 3, u32> bi1; BitField<9, 3, u32> bc1; BitField<12, 3, u32> bi2; BitField<15, 3, u32> bc2; BitField<18, 3, u32> bi3; BitField<21, 3, u32> bc3; u32 hex; u32 getTexCoord(int i) const { return (hex >> (6 * i + 3)) & 7; } u32 getTexMap(int i) const { return (hex >> (6 * i)) & 7; } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<RAS1_IREF> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const RAS1_IREF& indref, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Indirect stage 0 texmap: {}\nIndirect stage 0 tex coord: {}\n" "Indirect stage 1 texmap: {}\nIndirect stage 1 tex coord: {}\n" "Indirect stage 2 texmap: {}\nIndirect stage 2 tex coord: {}\n" "Indirect stage 3 texmap: {}\nIndirect stage 3 tex coord: {}", indref.bi0, indref.bc0, indref.bi1, indref.bc1, indref.bi2, indref.bc2, indref.bi3, indref.bc3); } }; // Texture structs enum class WrapMode : u32 { Clamp = 0, Repeat = 1, Mirror = 2, // Hardware testing indicates that WrapMode set to 3 behaves the same as clamp, though this is an // invalid value }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<WrapMode> : EnumFormatter<WrapMode::Mirror> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Clamp", "Repeat", "Mirror"}) {} }; enum class MipMode : u32 { None = 0, Point = 1, Linear = 2, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<MipMode> : EnumFormatter<MipMode::Linear> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"None", "Mip point", "Mip linear"}) {} }; enum class FilterMode : u32 { Near = 0, Linear = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FilterMode> : EnumFormatter<FilterMode::Linear> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Near", "Linear"}) {} }; enum class LODType : u32 { Edge = 0, Diagonal = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<LODType> : EnumFormatter<LODType::Diagonal> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Edge LOD", "Diagonal LOD"}) {} }; enum class MaxAniso { One = 0, Two = 1, Four = 2, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<MaxAniso> : EnumFormatter<MaxAniso::Four> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"1", "2", "4"}) {} }; union TexMode0 { BitField<0, 2, WrapMode> wrap_s; BitField<2, 2, WrapMode> wrap_t; BitField<4, 1, FilterMode> mag_filter; BitField<5, 2, MipMode> mipmap_filter; BitField<7, 1, FilterMode> min_filter; BitField<8, 1, LODType> diag_lod; BitField<9, 8, s32> lod_bias; BitField<19, 2, MaxAniso> max_aniso; BitField<21, 1, bool, u32> lod_clamp; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexMode0> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TexMode0& mode, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Wrap S: {}\n" "Wrap T: {}\n" "Mag filter: {}\n" "Mipmap filter: {}\n" "Min filter: {}\n" "LOD type: {}\n" "LOD bias: {} ({})\n" "Max anisotropic filtering: {}\n" "LOD/bias clamp: {}", mode.wrap_s, mode.wrap_t, mode.mag_filter, mode.mipmap_filter, mode.min_filter, mode.diag_lod, mode.lod_bias, mode.lod_bias / 32.f, mode.max_aniso, mode.lod_clamp ? "Yes" : "No"); } }; union TexMode1 { BitField<0, 8, u32> min_lod; BitField<8, 8, u32> max_lod; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexMode1> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TexMode1& mode, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Min LOD: {} ({})\nMax LOD: {} ({})", mode.min_lod, mode.min_lod / 16.f, mode.max_lod, mode.max_lod / 16.f); } }; union TexImage0 { BitField<0, 10, u32> width; // Actually w-1 BitField<10, 10, u32> height; // Actually h-1 BitField<20, 4, TextureFormat> format; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexImage0> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TexImage0& teximg, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Width: {}\n" "Height: {}\n" "Format: {}", teximg.width + 1, teximg.height + 1, teximg.format); } }; union TexImage1 { BitField<0, 15, u32> tmem_even; // TMEM line index for even LODs BitField<15, 3, u32> cache_width; BitField<18, 3, u32> cache_height; // true if this texture is managed manually (false means we'll // autofetch the texture data whenever it changes) BitField<21, 1, bool, u32> cache_manually_managed; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexImage1> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TexImage1& teximg, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Even TMEM Offset: {:x}\n" "Even TMEM Width: {}\n" "Even TMEM Height: {}\n" "Cache is manually managed: {}", teximg.tmem_even, teximg.cache_width, teximg.cache_height, teximg.cache_manually_managed ? "Yes" : "No"); } }; union TexImage2 { BitField<0, 15, u32> tmem_odd; // tmem line index for odd LODs BitField<15, 3, u32> cache_width; BitField<18, 3, u32> cache_height; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexImage2> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TexImage2& teximg, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Odd TMEM Offset: {:x}\n" "Odd TMEM Width: {}\n" "Odd TMEM Height: {}", teximg.tmem_odd, teximg.cache_width, teximg.cache_height); } }; union TexImage3 { BitField<0, 24, u32> image_base; // address in memory >> 5 (was 20 for GC) u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexImage3> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TexImage3& teximg, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Source address (32 byte aligned): 0x{:06X}", teximg.image_base << 5); } }; union TexTLUT { BitField<0, 10, u32> tmem_offset; BitField<10, 2, TLUTFormat> tlut_format; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexTLUT> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TexTLUT& tlut, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Address: {:08x}\nFormat: {}", tlut.tmem_offset << 9, tlut.tlut_format); } }; union ZTex1 { BitField<0, 24, u32> bias; u32 hex; }; union ZTex2 { BitField<0, 2, ZTexFormat> type; BitField<2, 2, ZTexOp> op; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ZTex2> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const ZTex2& ztex2, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Type: {}\nOperation: {}", ztex2.type, ztex2.op); } }; // Geometry/other structs enum class CullMode : u32 { None = 0, Back = 1, // cull back-facing primitives Front = 2, // cull front-facing primitives All = 3, // cull all primitives }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<CullMode> : EnumFormatter<CullMode::All> { static constexpr array_type names = { "None", "Back-facing primitives only", "Front-facing primitives only", "All primitives", }; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; union GenMode { BitField<0, 4, u32> numtexgens; BitField<4, 3, u32> numcolchans; BitField<7, 1, u32> unused; // 1 bit unused? BitField<8, 1, bool, u32> flat_shading; // unconfirmed BitField<9, 1, bool, u32> multisampling; // This value is 1 less than the actual number (0-15 map to 1-16). // In other words there is always at least 1 tev stage BitField<10, 4, u32> numtevstages; BitField<14, 2, CullMode> cullmode; BitField<16, 3, u32> numindstages; BitField<19, 1, bool, u32> zfreeze; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<GenMode> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const GenMode& mode, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Num tex gens: {}\n" "Num color channels: {}\n" "Unused bit: {}\n" "Flat shading (unconfirmed): {}\n" "Multisampling: {}\n" "Num TEV stages: {}\n" "Cull mode: {}\n" "Num indirect stages: {}\n" "ZFreeze: {}", mode.numtexgens, mode.numcolchans, mode.unused, mode.flat_shading ? "Yes" : "No", mode.multisampling ? "Yes" : "No", mode.numtevstages + 1, mode.cullmode, mode.numindstages, mode.zfreeze ? "Yes" : "No"); } }; enum class AspectRatioAdjustment { DontAdjust = 0, Adjust = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<AspectRatioAdjustment> : EnumFormatter<AspectRatioAdjustment::Adjust> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Don't adjust", "Adjust"}) {} }; union LPSize { BitField<0, 8, u32> linesize; // in 1/6th pixels BitField<8, 8, u32> pointsize; // in 1/6th pixels BitField<16, 3, u32> lineoff; BitField<19, 3, u32> pointoff; // interlacing: adjust for pixels having AR of 1/2 BitField<22, 1, AspectRatioAdjustment> adjust_for_aspect_ratio; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<LPSize> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const LPSize& lp, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Line size: {} ({:.3} pixels)\n" "Point size: {} ({:.3} pixels)\n" "Line offset: {}\n" "Point offset: {}\n" "Adjust line aspect ratio: {}", lp.linesize, lp.linesize / 6.f, lp.pointsize, lp.pointsize / 6.f, lp.lineoff, lp.pointoff, lp.adjust_for_aspect_ratio); } }; union ScissorPos { // The top bit is ignored, and not included in the mask used by GX SDK functions // (though libogc includes it for the bottom coordinate (only) for some reason) // x_full and y_full include that bit for the FIFO analyzer, though it is usually unset. // The SDK also adds 342 to these values. BitField<0, 11, u32> y; BitField<0, 12, u32> y_full; BitField<12, 11, u32> x; BitField<12, 12, u32> x_full; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ScissorPos> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const ScissorPos& pos, FormatContext& ctx) { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "X: {} (raw: {})\n" "Y: {} (raw: {})", pos.x - 342, pos.x_full, pos.y - 342, pos.y_full); } }; union ScissorOffset { // The scissor offset ignores the top bit (though it isn't masked off by the GX SDK). // Each value is also divided by 2 (so 0-511 map to 0-1022). // x_full and y_full include that top bit for the FIFO analyzer, though it is usually unset. // The SDK also adds 342 to each value (before dividing it). BitField<0, 9, u32> x; BitField<0, 10, u32> x_full; BitField<10, 9, u32> y; BitField<10, 10, u32> y_full; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ScissorOffset> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const ScissorOffset& off, FormatContext& ctx) { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "X: {} (raw: {})\n" "Y: {} (raw: {})", (off.x << 1) - 342, off.x_full, (off.y << 1) - 342, off.y_full); } }; union X10Y10 { BitField<0, 10, u32> x; BitField<10, 10, u32> y; u32 hex; }; // Framebuffer/pixel stuff (incl fog) enum class SrcBlendFactor : u32 { Zero = 0, One = 1, DstClr = 2, InvDstClr = 3, SrcAlpha = 4, InvSrcAlpha = 5, DstAlpha = 6, InvDstAlpha = 7 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<SrcBlendFactor> : EnumFormatter<SrcBlendFactor::InvDstAlpha> { static constexpr array_type names = {"0", "1", "dst_color", "1-dst_color", "src_alpha", "1-src_alpha", "dst_alpha", "1-dst_alpha"}; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; enum class DstBlendFactor : u32 { Zero = 0, One = 1, SrcClr = 2, InvSrcClr = 3, SrcAlpha = 4, InvSrcAlpha = 5, DstAlpha = 6, InvDstAlpha = 7 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<DstBlendFactor> : EnumFormatter<DstBlendFactor::InvDstAlpha> { static constexpr array_type names = {"0", "1", "src_color", "1-src_color", "src_alpha", "1-src_alpha", "dst_alpha", "1-dst_alpha"}; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; enum class LogicOp : u32 { Clear = 0, And = 1, AndReverse = 2, Copy = 3, AndInverted = 4, NoOp = 5, Xor = 6, Or = 7, Nor = 8, Equiv = 9, Invert = 10, OrReverse = 11, CopyInverted = 12, OrInverted = 13, Nand = 14, Set = 15 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<LogicOp> : EnumFormatter<LogicOp::Set> { static constexpr array_type names = { "Clear (0)", "And (src & dst)", "And Reverse (src & ~dst)", "Copy (src)", "And Inverted (~src & dst)", "NoOp (dst)", "Xor (src ^ dst)", "Or (src | dst)", "Nor (~(src | dst))", "Equiv (~(src ^ dst))", "Invert (~dst)", "Or Reverse (src | ~dst)", "Copy Inverted (~src)", "Or Inverted (~src | dst)", "Nand (~(src & dst))", "Set (1)", }; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; union BlendMode { BitField<0, 1, bool, u32> blendenable; BitField<1, 1, bool, u32> logicopenable; BitField<2, 1, bool, u32> dither; BitField<3, 1, bool, u32> colorupdate; BitField<4, 1, bool, u32> alphaupdate; BitField<5, 3, DstBlendFactor> dstfactor; BitField<8, 3, SrcBlendFactor> srcfactor; BitField<11, 1, bool, u32> subtract; BitField<12, 4, LogicOp> logicmode; u32 hex; bool UseLogicOp() const; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<BlendMode> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const BlendMode& mode, FormatContext& ctx) const { static constexpr std::array<const char*, 2> no_yes = {"No", "Yes"}; return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Enable: {}\n" "Logic ops: {}\n" "Dither: {}\n" "Color write: {}\n" "Alpha write: {}\n" "Dest factor: {}\n" "Source factor: {}\n" "Subtract: {}\n" "Logic mode: {}", no_yes[mode.blendenable], no_yes[mode.logicopenable], no_yes[mode.dither], no_yes[mode.colorupdate], no_yes[mode.alphaupdate], mode.dstfactor, mode.srcfactor, no_yes[mode.subtract], mode.logicmode); } }; union FogParam0 { BitField<0, 11, u32> mant; BitField<11, 8, u32> exp; BitField<19, 1, u32> sign; u32 hex; float FloatValue() const; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FogParam0> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const FogParam0& param, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "A value: {}\nMantissa: {}\nExponent: {}\nSign: {}", param.FloatValue(), param.mant, param.exp, param.sign ? '-' : '+'); } }; enum class FogProjection : u32 { Perspective = 0, Orthographic = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FogProjection> : EnumFormatter<FogProjection::Orthographic> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Perspective", "Orthographic"}) {} }; enum class FogType : u32 { Off = 0, Linear = 2, Exp = 4, ExpSq = 5, BackwardsExp = 6, BackwardsExpSq = 7, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FogType> : EnumFormatter<FogType::BackwardsExpSq> { static constexpr array_type names = { "Off (no fog)", nullptr, "Linear fog", nullptr, "Exponential fog", "Exponential-squared fog", "Backwards exponential fog", "Backwards exponenential-sequared fog", }; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; union FogParam3 { BitField<0, 11, u32> c_mant; BitField<11, 8, u32> c_exp; BitField<19, 1, u32> c_sign; BitField<20, 1, FogProjection> proj; BitField<21, 3, FogType> fsel; u32 hex; float FloatValue() const; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FogParam3> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const FogParam3& param, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to( ctx.out(), "C value: {}\nMantissa: {}\nExponent: {}\nSign: {}\nProjection: {}\nFsel: {}", param.FloatValue(), param.c_mant, param.c_exp, param.c_sign ? '-' : '+', param.proj, param.fsel); } }; union FogRangeKElement { BitField<0, 12, u32> HI; BitField<12, 12, u32> LO; // TODO: Which scaling coefficient should we use here? This is just a guess! float GetValue(int i) const { return (i ? HI.Value() : LO.Value()) / 256.f; } u32 HEX; }; struct FogRangeParams { union RangeBase { BitField<0, 10, u32> Center; // viewport center + 342 BitField<10, 1, bool, u32> Enabled; u32 hex; }; RangeBase Base; FogRangeKElement K[5]; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FogRangeParams::RangeBase> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const FogRangeParams::RangeBase& range, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Center: {}\nEnabled: {}", range.Center, range.Enabled ? "Yes" : "No"); } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FogRangeKElement> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const FogRangeKElement& range, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "High: {}\nLow: {}", range.HI, range.LO); } }; // final eq: ze = A/(B_MAG - (Zs>>B_SHF)); struct FogParams { FogParam0 a; u32 b_magnitude; u32 b_shift; // b's exp + 1? FogParam3 c_proj_fsel; union FogColor { BitField<0, 8, u32> b; BitField<8, 8, u32> g; BitField<16, 8, u32> r; u32 hex; }; FogColor color; // 0:b 8:g 16:r - nice! // Special case where a and c are infinite and the sign matches, resulting in a result of NaN. bool IsNaNCase() const; float GetA() const; // amount to subtract from eyespacez after range adjustment float GetC() const; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FogParams::FogColor> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const FogParams::FogColor& color, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Red: {}\nGreen: {}\nBlue: {}", color.r, color.g, color.b); } }; enum class CompareMode : u32 { Never = 0, Less = 1, Equal = 2, LEqual = 3, Greater = 4, NEqual = 5, GEqual = 6, Always = 7 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<CompareMode> : EnumFormatter<CompareMode::Always> { static constexpr array_type names = {"Never", "Less", "Equal", "LEqual", "Greater", "NEqual", "GEqual", "Always"}; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; union ZMode { BitField<0, 1, bool, u32> testenable; BitField<1, 3, CompareMode> func; BitField<4, 1, bool, u32> updateenable; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ZMode> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const ZMode& mode, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Enable test: {}\n" "Compare function: {}\n" "Enable updates: {}", mode.testenable ? "Yes" : "No", mode.func, mode.updateenable ? "Yes" : "No"); } }; union ConstantAlpha { BitField<0, 8, u32> alpha; BitField<8, 1, bool, u32> enable; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ConstantAlpha> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const ConstantAlpha& c, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Enable: {}\n" "Alpha value: {:02x}", c.enable ? "Yes" : "No", c.alpha); } }; union FieldMode { // adjust vertex tex LOD computation to account for interlacing BitField<0, 1, AspectRatioAdjustment> texLOD; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FieldMode> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const FieldMode& mode, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to( ctx.out(), "Adjust vertex tex LOD computation to account for interlacing: {}", mode.texLOD); } }; enum class FieldMaskState : u32 { Skip = 0, Write = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FieldMaskState> : EnumFormatter<FieldMaskState::Write> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Skipped", "Written"}) {} }; union FieldMask { // Fields are written to the EFB only if their bit is set to write. BitField<0, 1, FieldMaskState> odd; BitField<1, 1, FieldMaskState> even; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FieldMask> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const FieldMask& mask, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Odd field: {}\nEven field: {}", mask.odd, mask.even); } }; enum class PixelFormat : u32 { RGB8_Z24 = 0, RGBA6_Z24 = 1, RGB565_Z16 = 2, Z24 = 3, Y8 = 4, U8 = 5, V8 = 6, YUV420 = 7, INVALID_FMT = 0xffffffff, // Used by Dolphin to represent a missing value. }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<PixelFormat> : EnumFormatter<PixelFormat::YUV420> { static constexpr array_type names = {"RGB8_Z24", "RGBA6_Z24", "RGB565_Z16", "Z24", "Y8", "U8", "V8", "YUV420"}; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; enum class DepthFormat : u32 { ZLINEAR = 0, ZNEAR = 1, ZMID = 2, ZFAR = 3, // It seems these Z formats aren't supported/were removed ? ZINV_LINEAR = 4, ZINV_NEAR = 5, ZINV_MID = 6, ZINV_FAR = 7 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<DepthFormat> : EnumFormatter<DepthFormat::ZINV_FAR> { static constexpr array_type names = { "linear", "compressed (near)", "compressed (mid)", "compressed (far)", "inv linear", "compressed (inv near)", "compressed (inv mid)", "compressed (inv far)", }; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; union PEControl { BitField<0, 3, PixelFormat> pixel_format; BitField<3, 3, DepthFormat> zformat; BitField<6, 1, bool, u32> early_ztest; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<PEControl> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const PEControl& config, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "EFB pixel format: {}\n" "Depth format: {}\n" "Early depth test: {}", config.pixel_format, config.zformat, config.early_ztest ? "Yes" : "No"); } }; // Texture coordinate stuff union TCInfo { BitField<0, 16, u32> scale_minus_1; BitField<16, 1, bool, u32> range_bias; BitField<17, 1, bool, u32> cylindric_wrap; // These bits only have effect in the s field of TCoordInfo BitField<18, 1, bool, u32> line_offset; BitField<19, 1, bool, u32> point_offset; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<std::pair<bool, TCInfo>> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const std::pair<bool, TCInfo>& p, FormatContext& ctx) const { const auto& [is_s, info] = p; auto out = fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{0} coord scale: {1}\n" "{0} coord range bias: {2}\n" "{0} coord cylindric wrap: {3}", is_s ? 'S' : 'T', info.scale_minus_1 + 1, info.range_bias ? "Yes" : "No", info.cylindric_wrap ? "Yes" : "No"); if (is_s) { out = fmt::format_to(out, "\nUse line offset: {}" "\nUse point offset: {}", info.line_offset ? "Yes" : "No", info.point_offset ? "Yes" : "No"); } return out; } }; struct TCoordInfo { TCInfo s; TCInfo t; }; enum class TevRegType : u32 { Color = 0, Constant = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevRegType> : EnumFormatter<TevRegType::Constant> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Color", "Constant"}) {} }; struct TevReg { // TODO: Check if Konst uses all 11 bits or just 8 union RA { u32 hex; BitField<0, 11, s32> red; BitField<12, 11, s32> alpha; BitField<23, 1, TevRegType, u32> type; }; union BG { u32 hex; BitField<0, 11, s32> blue; BitField<12, 11, s32> green; BitField<23, 1, TevRegType, u32> type; }; RA ra; BG bg; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevReg::RA> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TevReg::RA& ra, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Type: {}\nAlpha: {:03x}\nRed: {:03x}", ra.type, ra.alpha, ra.red); } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevReg::BG> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TevReg::BG& bg, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Type: {}\nGreen: {:03x}\nBlue: {:03x}", bg.type, bg.green, bg.blue); } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TevReg> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TevReg& reg, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}\n{}", reg.ra, reg.bg); } }; enum class ColorChannel : u32 { Red = 0, Green = 1, Blue = 2, Alpha = 3, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ColorChannel> : EnumFormatter<ColorChannel::Alpha> { formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha"}) {} }; enum class KonstSel : u32 { V1 = 0, V7_8 = 1, V3_4 = 2, V5_8 = 3, V1_2 = 4, V3_8 = 5, V1_4 = 6, V1_8 = 7, // 8-11 are invalid values that output 0 (8-15 for alpha) K0 = 12, // Color only K1 = 13, // Color only K2 = 14, // Color only K3 = 15, // Color only K0_R = 16, K1_R = 17, K2_R = 18, K3_R = 19, K0_G = 20, K1_G = 21, K2_G = 22, K3_G = 23, K0_B = 24, K1_B = 25, K2_B = 26, K3_B = 27, K0_A = 28, K1_A = 29, K2_A = 30, K3_A = 31, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<KonstSel> : EnumFormatter<KonstSel::K3_A> { static constexpr array_type names = { "1", "7/8", "3/4", "5/8", "1/2", "3/8", "1/4", "1/8", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, "Konst 0 RGB (invalid for alpha)", "Konst 1 RGB (invalid for alpha)", "Konst 2 RGB (invalid for alpha)", "Konst 3 RGB (invalid for alpha)", "Konst 0 Red", "Konst 1 Red", "Konst 2 Red", "Konst 3 Red", "Konst 0 Green", "Konst 1 Green", "Konst 2 Green", "Konst 3 Green", "Konst 0 Blue", "Konst 1 Blue", "Konst 2 Blue", "Konst 3 Blue", "Konst 0 Alpha", "Konst 1 Alpha", "Konst 2 Alpha", "Konst 3 Alpha", }; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; union TevKSel { BitField<0, 2, ColorChannel> swap_rb; // Odd ksel number: red; even: blue BitField<2, 2, ColorChannel> swap_ga; // Odd ksel number: green; even: alpha BitField<4, 5, KonstSel> kcsel_even; BitField<9, 5, KonstSel> kasel_even; BitField<14, 5, KonstSel> kcsel_odd; BitField<19, 5, KonstSel> kasel_odd; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<std::pair<u8, TevKSel>> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const std::pair<u8, TevKSel>& p, FormatContext& ctx) const { const auto& [cmd, ksel] = p; const u8 swap_number = (cmd - BPMEM_TEV_KSEL) / 2; const bool swap_ba = (cmd - BPMEM_TEV_KSEL) & 1; const u8 even_stage = (cmd - BPMEM_TEV_KSEL) * 2; const u8 odd_stage = even_stage + 1; return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Swap table {0}: {1} channel comes from input's {2} channel\n" "Swap table {0}: {3} channel comes from input's {4} channel\n" "TEV stage {5} konst color: {6}\n" "TEV stage {5} konst alpha: {7}\n" "TEV stage {8} konst color: {9}\n" "TEV stage {8} konst alpha: {10}", swap_number, swap_ba ? "Blue" : "Red", ksel.swap_rb, swap_ba ? "Alpha" : "Green", ksel.swap_ga, even_stage, ksel.kcsel_even, ksel.kasel_even, odd_stage, ksel.kcsel_odd, ksel.kasel_odd); } }; struct AllTevKSels { std::array<TevKSel, 8> ksel; KonstSel GetKonstColor(u32 tev_stage) const { const u32 ksel_num = tev_stage >> 1; const bool odd = tev_stage & 1; const auto& cur_ksel = ksel[ksel_num]; return odd ? cur_ksel.kcsel_odd.Value() : cur_ksel.kcsel_even.Value(); } KonstSel GetKonstAlpha(u32 tev_stage) const { const u32 ksel_num = tev_stage >> 1; const bool odd = tev_stage & 1; const auto& cur_ksel = ksel[ksel_num]; return odd ? cur_ksel.kasel_odd.Value() : cur_ksel.kasel_even.Value(); } Common::EnumMap<ColorChannel, ColorChannel::Alpha> GetSwapTable(u32 swap_table_id) const { const u32 rg_ksel_num = swap_table_id << 1; const u32 ba_ksel_num = rg_ksel_num + 1; const auto& rg_ksel = ksel[rg_ksel_num]; const auto& ba_ksel = ksel[ba_ksel_num]; return {rg_ksel.swap_rb, rg_ksel.swap_ga, ba_ksel.swap_rb, ba_ksel.swap_ga}; } }; enum class AlphaTestOp : u32 { And = 0, Or = 1, Xor = 2, Xnor = 3 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<AlphaTestOp> : EnumFormatter<AlphaTestOp::Xnor> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"And", "Or", "Xor", "Xnor"}) {} }; enum class AlphaTestResult { Undetermined = 0, Fail = 1, Pass = 2, }; union AlphaTest { BitField<0, 8, u32> ref0; BitField<8, 8, u32> ref1; BitField<16, 3, CompareMode> comp0; BitField<19, 3, CompareMode> comp1; BitField<22, 2, AlphaTestOp> logic; u32 hex; DOLPHIN_FORCE_INLINE AlphaTestResult TestResult() const { switch (logic) { case AlphaTestOp::And: if (comp0 == CompareMode::Always && comp1 == CompareMode::Always) return AlphaTestResult::Pass; if (comp0 == CompareMode::Never || comp1 == CompareMode::Never) return AlphaTestResult::Fail; break; case AlphaTestOp::Or: if (comp0 == CompareMode::Always || comp1 == CompareMode::Always) return AlphaTestResult::Pass; if (comp0 == CompareMode::Never && comp1 == CompareMode::Never) return AlphaTestResult::Fail; break; case AlphaTestOp::Xor: if ((comp0 == CompareMode::Always && comp1 == CompareMode::Never) || (comp0 == CompareMode::Never && comp1 == CompareMode::Always)) return AlphaTestResult::Pass; if ((comp0 == CompareMode::Always && comp1 == CompareMode::Always) || (comp0 == CompareMode::Never && comp1 == CompareMode::Never)) return AlphaTestResult::Fail; break; case AlphaTestOp::Xnor: if ((comp0 == CompareMode::Always && comp1 == CompareMode::Never) || (comp0 == CompareMode::Never && comp1 == CompareMode::Always)) return AlphaTestResult::Fail; if ((comp0 == CompareMode::Always && comp1 == CompareMode::Always) || (comp0 == CompareMode::Never && comp1 == CompareMode::Never)) return AlphaTestResult::Pass; break; default: return AlphaTestResult::Undetermined; } return AlphaTestResult::Undetermined; } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<AlphaTest> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const AlphaTest& test, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Test 1: {} (ref: 0x{:02x})\n" "Test 2: {} (ref: 0x{:02x})\n" "Logic: {}\n", test.comp0, test.ref0, test.comp1, test.ref1, test.logic); } }; enum class FrameToField : u32 { Progressive = 0, InterlacedEven = 2, InterlacedOdd = 3, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<FrameToField> : EnumFormatter<FrameToField::InterlacedOdd> { static constexpr array_type names = {"Progressive", nullptr, "Interlaced (even lines)", "Interlaced (odd lines)"}; constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; enum class GammaCorrection : u32 { Gamma1_0 = 0, Gamma1_7 = 1, Gamma2_2 = 2, // Hardware testing indicates this behaves the same as Gamma2_2 Invalid2_2 = 3, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<GammaCorrection> : EnumFormatter<GammaCorrection::Invalid2_2> { constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter({"1.0", "1.7", "2.2", "Invalid 2.2"}) {} }; union UPE_Copy { u32 Hex; BitField<0, 1, bool, u32> clamp_top; // if set clamp top BitField<1, 1, bool, u32> clamp_bottom; // if set clamp bottom BitField<2, 1, u32> unknown_bit; BitField<3, 4, u32> target_pixel_format; // realformat is (fmt/2)+((fmt&1)*8).... for some reason // the msb is the lsb (pattern: cycling right shift) BitField<7, 2, GammaCorrection> gamma; // "mipmap" filter... false = no filter (scale 1:1) ; true = box filter (scale 2:1) BitField<9, 1, bool, u32> half_scale; BitField<10, 1, bool, u32> scale_invert; // if set vertical scaling is on BitField<11, 1, bool, u32> clear; BitField<12, 2, FrameToField> frame_to_field; BitField<14, 1, bool, u32> copy_to_xfb; BitField<15, 1, bool, u32> intensity_fmt; // if set, is an intensity format (I4,I8,IA4,IA8) // if false automatic color conversion by texture format and pixel type BitField<16, 1, bool, u32> auto_conv; EFBCopyFormat tp_realFormat() const { return static_cast<EFBCopyFormat>(target_pixel_format / 2 + (target_pixel_format & 1) * 8); } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<UPE_Copy> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const UPE_Copy& copy, FormatContext& ctx) const { static constexpr std::array<const char*, 2> no_yes = {"No", "Yes"}; std::string_view clamp; if (copy.clamp_top) { if (copy.clamp_bottom) clamp = "Top and Bottom"; else clamp = "Top only"; } else { if (copy.clamp_bottom) clamp = "Bottom only"; else clamp = "None"; } return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Clamping: {}\n" "Unknown bit: {}\n" "Target pixel format: {}\n" "Gamma correction: {}\n" "Half scale: {}\n" "Vertical scaling: {}\n" "Clear: {}\n" "Frame to field: {}\n" "Copy to XFB: {}\n" "Intensity format: {}\n" "Automatic color conversion: {}", clamp, copy.unknown_bit, copy.tp_realFormat(), copy.gamma, no_yes[copy.half_scale], no_yes[copy.scale_invert], no_yes[copy.clear], copy.frame_to_field, no_yes[copy.copy_to_xfb], no_yes[copy.intensity_fmt], no_yes[copy.auto_conv]); } }; union CopyFilterCoefficients { using Values = std::array<u8, 7>; u64 Hex; BitField<0, 32, u32, u64> Low; BitField<0, 6, u64> w0; BitField<6, 6, u64> w1; BitField<12, 6, u64> w2; BitField<18, 6, u64> w3; BitField<32, 32, u32, u64> High; BitField<32, 6, u64> w4; BitField<38, 6, u64> w5; BitField<44, 6, u64> w6; Values GetCoefficients() const { return {{ static_cast<u8>(w0), static_cast<u8>(w1), static_cast<u8>(w2), static_cast<u8>(w3), static_cast<u8>(w4), static_cast<u8>(w5), static_cast<u8>(w6), }}; } }; union BPU_PreloadTileInfo { BitField<0, 15, u32> count; BitField<15, 2, u32> type; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<BPU_PreloadTileInfo> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const BPU_PreloadTileInfo& info, FormatContext& ctx) const { return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "Type: {}\nCount: {}", info.type, info.count); } }; struct BPS_TmemConfig { u32 preload_addr; u32 preload_tmem_even; u32 preload_tmem_odd; BPU_PreloadTileInfo preload_tile_info; u32 tlut_src; u32 tlut_dest; u32 texinvalidate; }; union AllTexUnits; // The addressing of the texture units is a bit non-obvious. // This struct abstracts the complexity away. union TexUnitAddress { enum class Register : u32 { SETMODE0 = 0, SETMODE1 = 1, SETIMAGE0 = 2, SETIMAGE1 = 3, SETIMAGE2 = 4, SETIMAGE3 = 5, SETTLUT = 6, UNKNOWN = 7, }; BitField<0, 2, u32> UnitIdLow; BitField<2, 3, Register> Reg; BitField<5, 1, u32> UnitIdHigh; BitField<0, 6, u32> FullAddress; u32 hex; TexUnitAddress() : hex(0) {} TexUnitAddress(u32 unit_id, Register reg = Register::SETMODE0) : hex(0) { UnitIdLow = unit_id & 3; UnitIdHigh = unit_id >> 2; Reg = reg; } static TexUnitAddress FromBPAddress(u32 Address) { TexUnitAddress Val; // Clear upper two bits (which should always be 0x80) Val.FullAddress = Address & 0x3f; return Val; } u32 GetUnitID() const { return UnitIdLow | (UnitIdHigh << 2); } private: friend AllTexUnits; size_t GetOffset() const { return FullAddress; } size_t GetBPAddress() const { return FullAddress | 0x80; } static constexpr size_t ComputeOffset(u32 unit_id) { // FIXME: Would be nice to construct a TexUnitAddress and get its offset, // but that doesn't seem to be possible in c++17 // So we manually re-implement the calculation return (unit_id & 3) | ((unit_id & 4) << 3); } }; static_assert(sizeof(TexUnitAddress) == sizeof(u32)); // A view of the registers of a single TexUnit struct TexUnit { TexMode0 texMode0; u32 : 32; // doing u32 : 96 is legal according to the standard, but msvc u32 : 32; // doesn't like it. So we stack multiple lines of u32 : 32; u32 : 32; TexMode1 texMode1; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; TexImage0 texImage0; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; TexImage1 texImage1; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; TexImage2 texImage2; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; TexImage3 texImage3; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; TexTLUT texTlut; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; u32 : 32; u32 unknown; }; static_assert(sizeof(TexUnit) == sizeof(u32) * 4 * 7 + sizeof(u32)); union AllTexUnits { std::array<u32, 8 * 8> AllRegisters; const TexUnit& GetUnit(u32 UnitId) const { auto address = TexUnitAddress(UnitId); const u32* ptr = &AllRegisters[address.GetOffset()]; return *reinterpret_cast<const TexUnit*>(ptr); } private: // For debuggers since GetUnit can be optimised out in release builds template <u32 UnitId> struct TexUnitPadding { static_assert(UnitId != 0, "Can't use 0 as sizeof(std::array<u32, 0>) != 0"); std::array<u32, TexUnitAddress::ComputeOffset(UnitId)> pad; }; TexUnit tex0; struct { TexUnitPadding<1> pad1; TexUnit tex1; }; struct { TexUnitPadding<2> pad2; TexUnit tex2; }; struct { TexUnitPadding<3> pad3; TexUnit tex3; }; struct { TexUnitPadding<4> pad4; TexUnit tex4; }; struct { TexUnitPadding<5> pad5; TexUnit tex5; }; struct { TexUnitPadding<6> pad6; TexUnit tex6; }; struct { TexUnitPadding<7> pad7; TexUnit tex7; }; }; static_assert(sizeof(AllTexUnits) == 8 * 8 * sizeof(u32)); // All of BP memory struct BPCmd { int address; int changes; int newvalue; }; enum class EmulatedZ : u32 { Disabled = 0, Early = 1, Late = 2, ForcedEarly = 3, EarlyWithFBFetch = 4, EarlyWithZComplocHack = 5, }; struct BPMemory { GenMode genMode; // 0x00 u32 display_copy_filter[4]; // 0x01-0x04 u32 unknown; // 0x05 // indirect matrices (set by GXSetIndTexMtx, selected by TevStageIndirect::matrix_index) // abc form a 2x3 offset matrix, there's 3 such matrices // the 3 offset matrices can either be indirect type, S-type, or T-type // 6bit scale factor s is distributed across IND_MTXA/B/C. // before using matrices scale by 2^-(s-17) IND_MTX indmtx[3]; // 0x06-0x0e: GXSetIndTexMtx, 2x3 matrices IND_IMASK imask; // 0x0f TevStageIndirect tevind[16]; // 0x10-0x1f: GXSetTevIndirect ScissorPos scissorTL; // 0x20 ScissorPos scissorBR; // 0x21 LPSize lineptwidth; // 0x22 u32 sucounter; // 0x23 u32 rascounter; // 0x24 TEXSCALE texscale[2]; // 0x25,0x26: GXSetIndTexCoordScale RAS1_IREF tevindref; // 0x27: GXSetIndTexOrder TwoTevStageOrders tevorders[8]; // 0x28-0x2f TCoordInfo texcoords[8]; // 0x30-0x4f: s,t,s,t,s,t,s,t... ZMode zmode; // 0x40 BlendMode blendmode; // 0x41 ConstantAlpha dstalpha; // 0x42 PEControl zcontrol; // 0x43: GXSetZCompLoc, GXPixModeSync FieldMask fieldmask; // 0x44 u32 drawdone; // 0x45: bit1=1 if end of list u32 unknown5; // 0x46: clock? u32 petoken; // 0x47 u32 petokenint; // 0x48 X10Y10 copyTexSrcXY; // 0x49 X10Y10 copyTexSrcWH; // 0x4a u32 copyTexDest; // 0x4b: CopyAddress (GXDispCopy and GXTexCopy use it) u32 unknown6; // 0x4c // usually set to 4 when dest is single channel, 8 when dest is 2 channel, 16 when dest is RGBA // also, doubles whenever mipmap box filter option is set (excent on RGBA). Probably to do // with number of bytes to look at when smoothing u32 copyMipMapStrideChannels; // 0x4d u32 dispcopyyscale; // 0x4e u32 clearcolorAR; // 0x4f u32 clearcolorGB; // 0x50 u32 clearZValue; // 0x51 UPE_Copy triggerEFBCopy; // 0x52 CopyFilterCoefficients copyfilter; // 0x53,0x54 u32 boundbox0; // 0x55 u32 boundbox1; // 0x56 u32 unknown7[2]; // 0x57,0x58 ScissorOffset scissorOffset; // 0x59 u32 unknown8[6]; // 0x5a-0x5f BPS_TmemConfig tmem_config; // 0x60-0x66 u32 metric; // 0x67 FieldMode fieldmode; // 0x68 u32 unknown10[7]; // 0x69-0x6f u32 unknown11[16]; // 0x70-0x7f AllTexUnits tex; // 0x80-0xbf TevStageCombiner combiners[16]; // 0xc0-0xdf TevReg tevregs[4]; // 0xe0-0xe7 FogRangeParams fogRange; // 0xe8-0xed FogParams fog; // 0xee-0xf2 AlphaTest alpha_test; // 0xf3 ZTex1 ztex1; // 0xf4 ZTex2 ztex2; // 0xf5 AllTevKSels tevksel; // 0xf6-0xfd u32 bpMask; // 0xfe u32 unknown18; // 0xff EmulatedZ GetEmulatedZ() const { if (!zmode.testenable) return EmulatedZ::Disabled; if (zcontrol.early_ztest) return EmulatedZ::Early; else return EmulatedZ::Late; } }; #pragma pack() extern BPMemory bpmem; void LoadBPReg(u8 reg, u32 value, int cycles_into_future); void LoadBPRegPreprocess(u8 reg, u32 value, int cycles_into_future); std::pair<std::string, std::string> GetBPRegInfo(u8 cmd, u32 cmddata);