include(FindPkgConfig OPTIONAL) # This is a hack to deal with Ubuntu's mess. # Ubuntu's version of glew is 1.8, but they have patched in most of glew 1.9. # So Ubuntu's version works for dolphin. macro(test_glew) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIRS}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES GLEW) check_cxx_source_runs(" #include int main() { #ifdef GLEW_ARB_shader_image_load_store return 0; #else return 1; #endif }" GLEW_HAS_1_9_METHODS) endmacro() if(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND AND NOT ${var}_FOUND) pkg_search_module(GLEW REQUIRED glew>=1.8) endif() if(GLEW_FOUND) test_glew() if (GLEW_HAS_1_9_METHODS) include_directories(${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIRS}) message("GLEW found") else() set($GLEW_FOUND 0 CACHE INTERNAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "A version of GLEW with the required methods was not found") endif() endif()