// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "DolphinWX/Frame.h" #include <atomic> #include <cstddef> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #if defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || defined(__APPLE__) #include <signal.h> #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include <windows.h> #endif #include <wx/aui/auibook.h> #include <wx/aui/framemanager.h> #include <wx/filename.h> #include <wx/frame.h> #include <wx/icon.h> #include <wx/listbase.h> #include <wx/menu.h> #include <wx/msgdlg.h> #include <wx/panel.h> #include <wx/sizer.h> #include <wx/statusbr.h> #include <wx/textctrl.h> #include <wx/thread.h> #include <wx/toolbar.h> #include "AudioCommon/AudioCommon.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/Flag.h" #include "Common/Logging/ConsoleListener.h" #include "Common/Thread.h" #include "Core/ConfigManager.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/HW/DVDInterface.h" #include "Core/HW/GCKeyboard.h" #include "Core/HW/GCPad.h" #include "Core/HW/Wiimote.h" #include "Core/HotkeyManager.h" #include "Core/IOS/IPC.h" #include "Core/IOS/USB/Bluetooth/BTBase.h" #include "Core/Movie.h" #include "Core/State.h" #include "DolphinWX/Config/ConfigMain.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/BreakpointDlg.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/CodeWindow.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/MemoryCheckDlg.h" #include "DolphinWX/GameListCtrl.h" #include "DolphinWX/Globals.h" #include "DolphinWX/LogWindow.h" #include "DolphinWX/Main.h" #include "DolphinWX/TASInputDlg.h" #include "DolphinWX/WxUtils.h" #include "InputCommon/GCPadStatus.h" #include "VideoCommon/OnScreenDisplay.h" #include "VideoCommon/RenderBase.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h" #if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 // X11Utils nastiness that's only used here namespace X11Utils { Window XWindowFromHandle(void* Handle) { return GDK_WINDOW_XID(gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(Handle))); } Display* XDisplayFromHandle(void* Handle) { return GDK_WINDOW_XDISPLAY(gtk_widget_get_window(GTK_WIDGET(Handle))); } } #endif CRenderFrame::CRenderFrame(wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxFrame(parent, id, title, pos, size, style) { // Give it an icon SetIcons(WxUtils::GetDolphinIconBundle()); DragAcceptFiles(true); Bind(wxEVT_DROP_FILES, &CRenderFrame::OnDropFiles, this); } void CRenderFrame::OnDropFiles(wxDropFilesEvent& event) { if (event.GetNumberOfFiles() != 1) return; if (File::IsDirectory(WxStrToStr(event.GetFiles()[0]))) return; wxFileName file = event.GetFiles()[0]; const std::string filepath = WxStrToStr(file.GetFullPath()); if (file.GetExt() == "dtm") { if (Core::IsRunning()) return; if (!Movie::IsReadOnly()) { // let's make the read-only flag consistent at the start of a movie. Movie::SetReadOnly(true); main_frame->GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_RECORD_READ_ONLY)->Check(true); } if (Movie::PlayInput(filepath)) main_frame->BootGame(""); } else if (!Core::IsRunning()) { main_frame->BootGame(filepath); } else if (IsValidSavestateDropped(filepath) && Core::IsRunning()) { State::LoadAs(filepath); } else { DVDInterface::ChangeDiscAsHost(filepath); } } bool CRenderFrame::IsValidSavestateDropped(const std::string& filepath) { const int game_id_length = 6; std::ifstream file(filepath, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (!file) return false; std::string internal_game_id(game_id_length, ' '); file.read(&internal_game_id[0], game_id_length); return internal_game_id == SConfig::GetInstance().GetGameID(); } #ifdef _WIN32 WXLRESULT CRenderFrame::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { switch (nMsg) { case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch (wParam) { case SC_SCREENSAVE: case SC_MONITORPOWER: if (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN && SConfig::GetInstance().bDisableScreenSaver) break; default: return wxFrame::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_USER: switch (wParam) { case WM_USER_STOP: main_frame->DoStop(); break; case WM_USER_SETCURSOR: if (SConfig::GetInstance().bHideCursor && main_frame->RendererHasFocus() && Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN) SetCursor(wxCURSOR_BLANK); else SetCursor(wxNullCursor); break; } break; case WM_CLOSE: // Let Core finish initializing before accepting any WM_CLOSE messages if (!Core::IsRunning()) break; // Use default action otherwise default: // By default let wxWidgets do what it normally does with this event return wxFrame::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } #endif bool CRenderFrame::ShowFullScreen(bool show, long style) { #if defined WIN32 if (show && !g_Config.bBorderlessFullscreen) { // OpenGL requires the pop-up style to activate exclusive mode. SetWindowStyle((GetWindowStyle() & ~wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) | wxPOPUP_WINDOW); } #endif bool result = wxTopLevelWindow::ShowFullScreen(show, style); #if defined WIN32 if (!show) { // Restore the default style. SetWindowStyle((GetWindowStyle() & ~wxPOPUP_WINDOW) | wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE); } #endif return result; } wxDEFINE_EVENT(wxEVT_HOST_COMMAND, wxCommandEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(DOLPHIN_EVT_LOCAL_INI_CHANGED, wxCommandEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(DOLPHIN_EVT_RELOAD_THEME_BITMAPS, wxCommandEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(DOLPHIN_EVT_UPDATE_LOAD_WII_MENU_ITEM, wxCommandEvent); // Event tables BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CFrame, CRenderFrame) // Debugger pane context menu EVT_MENU_RANGE(IDM_FLOAT_LOG_WINDOW, IDM_FLOAT_CODE_WINDOW, CFrame::OnFloatWindow) // Game list context menu EVT_MENU(IDM_LIST_INSTALL_WAD, CFrame::OnInstallWAD) // Other EVT_ACTIVATE(CFrame::OnActive) EVT_CLOSE(CFrame::OnClose) EVT_SIZE(CFrame::OnResize) EVT_MOVE(CFrame::OnMove) EVT_HOST_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CFrame::OnHostMessage) EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE(CFrame::OnPaneClose) // Post events to child panels EVT_MENU_RANGE(IDM_INTERPRETER, IDM_ADDRBOX, CFrame::PostEvent) END_EVENT_TABLE() // --------------- // Creation and close, quit functions bool CFrame::InitControllers() { if (!g_controller_interface.IsInit()) { #if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11 void* win = reinterpret_cast<void*>(X11Utils::XWindowFromHandle(GetHandle())); #else void* win = reinterpret_cast<void*>(GetHandle()); #endif g_controller_interface.Initialize(win); Pad::Initialize(); Keyboard::Initialize(); Wiimote::Initialize(Wiimote::InitializeMode::DO_NOT_WAIT_FOR_WIIMOTES); HotkeyManagerEmu::Initialize(); return true; } return false; } static Common::Flag s_shutdown_signal_received; #ifdef _WIN32 static BOOL WINAPI s_ctrl_handler(DWORD fdwCtrlType) { switch (fdwCtrlType) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: SetConsoleCtrlHandler(s_ctrl_handler, FALSE); s_shutdown_signal_received.Set(); return TRUE; default: return FALSE; } } #endif #if defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || defined(__APPLE__) static void SignalHandler(int) { const char message[] = "A signal was received. A second signal will force Dolphin to stop.\n"; if (write(STDERR_FILENO, message, sizeof(message)) < 0) { } s_shutdown_signal_received.Set(); } #endif CFrame::CFrame(wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, wxRect geometry, bool use_debugger, bool batch_mode, bool show_log_window, long style) : CRenderFrame(parent, id, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(800, 600), style), UseDebugger(use_debugger), m_bBatchMode(batch_mode) { BindEvents(); m_main_config_dialog = new CConfigMain(this); for (int i = 0; i <= IDM_CODE_WINDOW - IDM_LOG_WINDOW; i++) bFloatWindow[i] = false; if (show_log_window) SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceLogWindow = true; // Debugger class if (UseDebugger) { g_pCodeWindow = new CCodeWindow(this, IDM_CODE_WINDOW); LoadIniPerspectives(); g_pCodeWindow->Load(); } wxFrame::CreateToolBar(wxTB_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxTB_TEXT | wxTB_FLAT)->Realize(); // Give it a status bar SetStatusBar(CreateStatusBar(2, wxST_SIZEGRIP, ID_STATUSBAR)); if (!SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceStatusbar) GetStatusBar()->Hide(); // Give it a menu bar SetMenuBar(CreateMenuBar()); // Create a menubar to service requests while the real menubar is hidden from the screen m_menubar_shadow = CreateMenuBar(); // --------------- // Main panel // This panel is the parent for rendering and it holds the gamelistctrl m_Panel = new wxPanel(this, IDM_MPANEL, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0); m_GameListCtrl = new CGameListCtrl(m_Panel, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxLC_REPORT | wxSUNKEN_BORDER | wxLC_ALIGN_LEFT); m_GameListCtrl->Bind(wxEVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, &CFrame::OnGameListCtrlItemActivated, this); wxBoxSizer* sizerPanel = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizerPanel->Add(m_GameListCtrl, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL); m_Panel->SetSizer(sizerPanel); // --------------- // Manager m_Mgr = new wxAuiManager(this, wxAUI_MGR_DEFAULT | wxAUI_MGR_LIVE_RESIZE); m_Mgr->AddPane(m_Panel, wxAuiPaneInfo() .Name("Pane 0") .Caption("Pane 0") .PaneBorder(false) .CaptionVisible(false) .Layer(0) .Center() .Show()); if (!g_pCodeWindow) m_Mgr->AddPane(CreateEmptyNotebook(), wxAuiPaneInfo() .Name("Pane 1") .Caption(_("Logging")) .CaptionVisible(true) .Layer(0) .FloatingSize(wxSize(600, 350)) .CloseButton(true) .Hide()); AuiFullscreen = m_Mgr->SavePerspective(); if (!SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceToolbar) DoToggleToolbar(false); m_LogWindow = new CLogWindow(this, IDM_LOG_WINDOW); m_LogWindow->Hide(); m_LogWindow->Disable(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) g_TASInputDlg[i] = new TASInputDlg(this); Movie::SetGCInputManip(GCTASManipFunction); Movie::SetWiiInputManip(WiiTASManipFunction); State::SetOnAfterLoadCallback(OnAfterLoadCallback); Core::SetOnStoppedCallback(OnStoppedCallback); // Setup perspectives if (g_pCodeWindow) { // Load perspective DoLoadPerspective(); } else { if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceLogWindow) ToggleLogWindow(true); if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceLogConfigWindow) ToggleLogConfigWindow(true); } // Setup the window size. // This has to be done here instead of in Main because the Show() happens here. SetMinSize(FromDIP(wxSize(400, 300))); WxUtils::SetWindowSizeAndFitToScreen(this, geometry.GetPosition(), geometry.GetSize(), FromDIP(wxSize(800, 600))); // Start debugging maximized (Must be after the window has been positioned) if (UseDebugger) Maximize(true); // Commit m_Mgr->Update(); // The window must be shown for m_XRRConfig to be created (wxGTK will not allocate X11 // resources until the window is shown for the first time). Show(); #ifdef _WIN32 SetToolTip(""); GetToolTip()->SetAutoPop(25000); #endif #if defined(HAVE_XRANDR) && HAVE_XRANDR m_XRRConfig = new X11Utils::XRRConfiguration(X11Utils::XDisplayFromHandle(GetHandle()), X11Utils::XWindowFromHandle(GetHandle())); #endif // Connect event handlers m_Mgr->Bind(wxEVT_AUI_RENDER, &CFrame::OnManagerResize, this); // Update controls UpdateGUI(); // check if game is running InitControllers(); m_poll_hotkey_timer.SetOwner(this); Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, &CFrame::PollHotkeys, this, m_poll_hotkey_timer.GetId()); m_poll_hotkey_timer.Start(1000 / 60, wxTIMER_CONTINUOUS); // Shut down cleanly on SIGINT, SIGTERM (Unix) and on various signals on Windows m_handle_signal_timer.SetOwner(this); Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, &CFrame::HandleSignal, this, m_handle_signal_timer.GetId()); m_handle_signal_timer.Start(100, wxTIMER_CONTINUOUS); #if defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) || defined(__APPLE__) struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = SignalHandler; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, nullptr); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, nullptr); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 SetConsoleCtrlHandler(s_ctrl_handler, TRUE); #endif } // Destructor CFrame::~CFrame() { Wiimote::Shutdown(); Keyboard::Shutdown(); Pad::Shutdown(); HotkeyManagerEmu::Shutdown(); g_controller_interface.Shutdown(); #if defined(HAVE_XRANDR) && HAVE_XRANDR delete m_XRRConfig; #endif ClosePages(); delete m_Mgr; // This object is owned by us, not wxw m_menubar_shadow->Destroy(); m_menubar_shadow = nullptr; } void CFrame::BindEvents() { BindMenuBarEvents(); Bind(DOLPHIN_EVT_RELOAD_THEME_BITMAPS, &CFrame::OnReloadThemeBitmaps, this); Bind(DOLPHIN_EVT_RELOAD_GAMELIST, &CFrame::OnReloadGameList, this); Bind(DOLPHIN_EVT_UPDATE_LOAD_WII_MENU_ITEM, &CFrame::OnUpdateLoadWiiMenuItem, this); } bool CFrame::RendererIsFullscreen() { bool fullscreen = false; if (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN || Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_PAUSE) { fullscreen = m_RenderFrame->IsFullScreen(); } return fullscreen; } void CFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Close(true); } // -------- // Events void CFrame::OnActive(wxActivateEvent& event) { m_bRendererHasFocus = (event.GetActive() && event.GetEventObject() == m_RenderFrame); if (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN || Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_PAUSE) { if (m_bRendererHasFocus) { if (SConfig::GetInstance().bRenderToMain) m_RenderParent->SetFocus(); else if (RendererIsFullscreen() && g_ActiveConfig.ExclusiveFullscreenEnabled()) DoExclusiveFullscreen(true); // Regain exclusive mode if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_PauseOnFocusLost && Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_PAUSE) DoPause(); if (SConfig::GetInstance().bHideCursor && Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN) m_RenderParent->SetCursor(wxCURSOR_BLANK); } else { if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_PauseOnFocusLost && Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_RUN) DoPause(); if (SConfig::GetInstance().bHideCursor) m_RenderParent->SetCursor(wxNullCursor); } } event.Skip(); } void CFrame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) { // Before closing the window we need to shut down the emulation core. // We'll try to close this window again once that is done. if (Core::GetState() != Core::CORE_UNINITIALIZED) { DoStop(); if (event.CanVeto()) { event.Veto(); } // Tell OnStopped to resubmit the Close event m_bClosing = true; return; } // Stop Dolphin from saving the minimized Xpos and Ypos if (main_frame->IsIconized()) main_frame->Iconize(false); // Don't forget the skip or the window won't be destroyed event.Skip(); // Save GUI settings if (g_pCodeWindow) { SaveIniPerspectives(); } else { m_LogWindow->SaveSettings(); } if (m_LogWindow) m_LogWindow->RemoveAllListeners(); // Uninit m_Mgr->UnInit(); } // Post events // Warning: This may cause an endless loop if the event is propagated back to its parent void CFrame::PostEvent(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (g_pCodeWindow && event.GetId() >= IDM_INTERPRETER && event.GetId() <= IDM_ADDRBOX) { event.StopPropagation(); g_pCodeWindow->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(event); } else { event.Skip(); } } void CFrame::OnMove(wxMoveEvent& event) { event.Skip(); if (!IsMaximized() && !(SConfig::GetInstance().bRenderToMain && RendererIsFullscreen())) { SConfig::GetInstance().iPosX = GetPosition().x; SConfig::GetInstance().iPosY = GetPosition().y; } } void CFrame::OnResize(wxSizeEvent& event) { event.Skip(); if (!IsMaximized() && !IsIconized() && !(SConfig::GetInstance().bRenderToMain && RendererIsFullscreen()) && !(Core::GetState() != Core::CORE_UNINITIALIZED && SConfig::GetInstance().bRenderToMain && SConfig::GetInstance().bRenderWindowAutoSize)) { SConfig::GetInstance().iWidth = GetSize().GetWidth(); SConfig::GetInstance().iHeight = GetSize().GetHeight(); } // Make sure the logger pane is a sane size if (!g_pCodeWindow && m_LogWindow && m_Mgr->GetPane("Pane 1").IsShown() && !m_Mgr->GetPane("Pane 1").IsFloating() && (m_LogWindow->x > GetClientRect().GetWidth() || m_LogWindow->y > GetClientRect().GetHeight())) ShowResizePane(); } // Host messages #ifdef _WIN32 WXLRESULT CFrame::MSWWindowProc(WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { if (WM_SYSCOMMAND == nMsg && (SC_SCREENSAVE == wParam || SC_MONITORPOWER == wParam)) { return 0; } else if (nMsg == WM_QUERYENDSESSION) { // Indicate that the application will be able to close return 1; } else if (nMsg == WM_ENDSESSION) { // Actually trigger the close now Close(true); return 0; } else { return wxFrame::MSWWindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam); } } #endif void CFrame::UpdateTitle(const std::string& str) { if (SConfig::GetInstance().bRenderToMain && SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceStatusbar) { GetStatusBar()->SetStatusText(str, 0); m_RenderFrame->SetTitle(scm_rev_str); } else { std::string titleStr = StringFromFormat("%s | %s", scm_rev_str.c_str(), str.c_str()); m_RenderFrame->SetTitle(titleStr); } } void CFrame::OnHostMessage(wxCommandEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case IDM_UPDATE_DISASM_DIALOG: // For breakpoints causing pausing if (!g_pCodeWindow || Core::GetState() != Core::CORE_PAUSE) return; // fallthrough case IDM_UPDATE_GUI: UpdateGUI(); break; case IDM_UPDATE_STATUS_BAR: if (GetStatusBar() != nullptr) GetStatusBar()->SetStatusText(event.GetString(), event.GetInt()); break; case IDM_UPDATE_TITLE: UpdateTitle(WxStrToStr(event.GetString())); break; case IDM_WINDOW_SIZE_REQUEST: { std::pair<int, int>* win_size = (std::pair<int, int>*)(event.GetClientData()); OnRenderWindowSizeRequest(win_size->first, win_size->second); delete win_size; } break; case WM_USER_CREATE: if (SConfig::GetInstance().bHideCursor) m_RenderParent->SetCursor(wxCURSOR_BLANK); break; case IDM_PANIC: { wxString caption = event.GetString().BeforeFirst(':'); wxString text = event.GetString().AfterFirst(':'); bPanicResult = (wxYES == wxMessageBox(text, caption, wxSTAY_ON_TOP | (event.GetInt() ? wxYES_NO : wxOK), wxWindow::FindFocus())); panic_event.Set(); } break; case WM_USER_STOP: DoStop(); break; case IDM_STOPPED: OnStopped(); break; case IDM_FORCE_CONNECT_WIIMOTE1: case IDM_FORCE_CONNECT_WIIMOTE2: case IDM_FORCE_CONNECT_WIIMOTE3: case IDM_FORCE_CONNECT_WIIMOTE4: case IDM_FORCE_CONNECT_BALANCEBOARD: ConnectWiimote(event.GetId() - IDM_FORCE_CONNECT_WIIMOTE1, true); break; case IDM_FORCE_DISCONNECT_WIIMOTE1: case IDM_FORCE_DISCONNECT_WIIMOTE2: case IDM_FORCE_DISCONNECT_WIIMOTE3: case IDM_FORCE_DISCONNECT_WIIMOTE4: case IDM_FORCE_DISCONNECT_BALANCEBOARD: ConnectWiimote(event.GetId() - IDM_FORCE_DISCONNECT_WIIMOTE1, false); break; } } void CFrame::OnRenderWindowSizeRequest(int width, int height) { if (!SConfig::GetInstance().bRenderWindowAutoSize || !Core::IsRunning() || RendererIsFullscreen() || m_RenderFrame->IsMaximized()) return; wxSize requested_size(width, height); // Convert to window pixels, since the size is from the backend it will be in framebuffer px. requested_size *= 1.0 / m_RenderFrame->GetContentScaleFactor(); wxSize old_size; if (!SConfig::GetInstance().bRenderToMain) { old_size = m_RenderFrame->GetClientSize(); } else { // Resize for the render panel only, this implicitly retains space for everything else // (i.e. log panel, toolbar, statusbar, etc) without needing to compute for them. old_size = m_RenderParent->GetSize(); } wxSize diff = requested_size - old_size; if (diff != wxSize()) m_RenderFrame->SetSize(m_RenderFrame->GetSize() + diff); } bool CFrame::RendererHasFocus() { if (m_RenderParent == nullptr) return false; return m_bRendererHasFocus; } void CFrame::OnGameListCtrlItemActivated(wxListEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { // Show all platforms and regions if... // 1. All platforms are set to hide // 2. All Regions are set to hide // Otherwise call BootGame to either... // 1. Boot the selected iso // 2. Boot the default or last loaded iso. // 3. Call BrowseForDirectory if the gamelist is empty if (!m_GameListCtrl->GetISO(0) && CGameListCtrl::IsHidingItems()) { SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListGC = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWii = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWad = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListElfDol = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListJap = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUsa = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListPal = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListAustralia = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListFrance = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListGermany = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListItaly = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListKorea = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListNetherlands = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListRussia = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListSpain = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListTaiwan = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWorld = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUnknown = true; GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_GC)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_WII)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_WAD)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_JAP)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_USA)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_PAL)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_AUSTRALIA)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_FRANCE)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_GERMANY)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_ITALY)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_KOREA)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_NETHERLANDS)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_RUSSIA)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_SPAIN)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_TAIWAN)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_WORLD)->Check(true); GetMenuBar()->FindItem(IDM_LIST_UNKNOWN)->Check(true); UpdateGameList(); } else if (!m_GameListCtrl->GetISO(0)) { m_GameListCtrl->BrowseForDirectory(); } else { // Game started by double click BootGame(""); } } static bool IsHotkey(int id, bool held = false) { return HotkeyManagerEmu::IsPressed(id, held); } static int GetMenuIDFromHotkey(unsigned int key) { switch (key) { case HK_OPEN: return wxID_OPEN; case HK_CHANGE_DISC: return IDM_CHANGE_DISC; case HK_REFRESH_LIST: return wxID_REFRESH; case HK_PLAY_PAUSE: return IDM_PLAY; case HK_STOP: return IDM_STOP; case HK_RESET: return IDM_RESET; case HK_FRAME_ADVANCE: return IDM_FRAMESTEP; case HK_START_RECORDING: return IDM_RECORD; case HK_PLAY_RECORDING: return IDM_PLAY_RECORD; case HK_EXPORT_RECORDING: return IDM_RECORD_EXPORT; case HK_READ_ONLY_MODE: return IDM_RECORD_READ_ONLY; case HK_FULLSCREEN: return IDM_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN; case HK_SCREENSHOT: return IDM_SCREENSHOT; case HK_EXIT: return wxID_EXIT; case HK_WIIMOTE1_CONNECT: return IDM_CONNECT_WIIMOTE1; case HK_WIIMOTE2_CONNECT: return IDM_CONNECT_WIIMOTE2; case HK_WIIMOTE3_CONNECT: return IDM_CONNECT_WIIMOTE3; case HK_WIIMOTE4_CONNECT: return IDM_CONNECT_WIIMOTE4; case HK_BALANCEBOARD_CONNECT: return IDM_CONNECT_BALANCEBOARD; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_1: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_1; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_2: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_2; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_3: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_3; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_4: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_4; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_5: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_5; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_6: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_6; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_7: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_7; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_8: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_8; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_9: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_9; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_10: return IDM_LOAD_SLOT_10; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_1: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_1; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_2: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_2; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_3: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_3; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_4: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_4; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_5: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_5; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_6: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_6; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_7: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_7; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_8: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_8; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_9: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_9; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_10: return IDM_SAVE_SLOT_10; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_1: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_1; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_2: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_2; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_3: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_3; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_4: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_4; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_5: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_5; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_6: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_6; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_7: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_7; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_8: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_8; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_9: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_9; case HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_10: return IDM_LOAD_LAST_10; case HK_SAVE_FIRST_STATE: return IDM_SAVE_FIRST_STATE; case HK_UNDO_LOAD_STATE: return IDM_UNDO_LOAD_STATE; case HK_UNDO_SAVE_STATE: return IDM_UNDO_SAVE_STATE; case HK_LOAD_STATE_FILE: return IDM_LOAD_STATE_FILE; case HK_SAVE_STATE_FILE: return IDM_SAVE_STATE_FILE; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_1: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_1; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_2: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_2; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_3: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_3; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_4: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_4; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_5: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_5; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_6: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_6; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_7: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_7; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_8: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_8; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_9: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_9; case HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_10: return IDM_SELECT_SLOT_10; case HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_SELECTED: return IDM_SAVE_SELECTED_SLOT; case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_SELECTED: return IDM_LOAD_SELECTED_SLOT; case HK_FREELOOK_DECREASE_SPEED: return IDM_FREELOOK_DECREASE_SPEED; case HK_FREELOOK_INCREASE_SPEED: return IDM_FREELOOK_INCREASE_SPEED; case HK_FREELOOK_RESET_SPEED: return IDM_FREELOOK_RESET_SPEED; case HK_FREELOOK_LEFT: return IDM_FREELOOK_LEFT; case HK_FREELOOK_RIGHT: return IDM_FREELOOK_RIGHT; case HK_FREELOOK_UP: return IDM_FREELOOK_UP; case HK_FREELOOK_DOWN: return IDM_FREELOOK_DOWN; case HK_FREELOOK_ZOOM_IN: return IDM_FREELOOK_ZOOM_IN; case HK_FREELOOK_ZOOM_OUT: return IDM_FREELOOK_ZOOM_OUT; case HK_FREELOOK_RESET: return IDM_FREELOOK_RESET; } return -1; } void OnAfterLoadCallback() { // warning: this gets called from the CPU thread, so we should only queue things to do on the // proper thread if (main_frame) { wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_HOST_COMMAND, IDM_UPDATE_GUI); main_frame->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(event); } } void OnStoppedCallback() { // warning: this gets called from the EmuThread, so we should only queue things to do on the // proper thread if (main_frame) { wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_HOST_COMMAND, IDM_STOPPED); main_frame->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(event); } } void GCTASManipFunction(GCPadStatus* PadStatus, int controllerID) { if (main_frame) main_frame->g_TASInputDlg[controllerID]->GetValues(PadStatus); } void WiiTASManipFunction(u8* data, WiimoteEmu::ReportFeatures rptf, int controllerID, int ext, const wiimote_key key) { if (main_frame) { main_frame->g_TASInputDlg[controllerID + 4]->GetValues(data, rptf, ext, key); } } void CFrame::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { // On OS X, we claim all keyboard events while // emulation is running to avoid wxWidgets sounding // the system beep for unhandled key events when // receiving pad/Wiimote keypresses which take an // entirely different path through the HID subsystem. #ifndef __APPLE__ // On other platforms, we leave the key event alone // so it can be passed on to the windowing system. event.Skip(); #endif } void CFrame::OnMouse(wxMouseEvent& event) { // next handlers are all for FreeLook, so we don't need to check them if disabled if (!g_Config.bFreeLook) { event.Skip(); return; } // Free look variables static bool mouseLookEnabled = false; static bool mouseMoveEnabled = false; static float lastMouse[2]; if (event.MiddleDown()) { lastMouse[0] = event.GetX(); lastMouse[1] = event.GetY(); mouseMoveEnabled = true; } else if (event.RightDown()) { lastMouse[0] = event.GetX(); lastMouse[1] = event.GetY(); mouseLookEnabled = true; } else if (event.MiddleUp()) { mouseMoveEnabled = false; } else if (event.RightUp()) { mouseLookEnabled = false; } // no button, so it's a move event else if (event.GetButton() == wxMOUSE_BTN_NONE) { if (mouseLookEnabled) { VertexShaderManager::RotateView((event.GetX() - lastMouse[0]) / 200.0f, (event.GetY() - lastMouse[1]) / 200.0f); lastMouse[0] = event.GetX(); lastMouse[1] = event.GetY(); } if (mouseMoveEnabled) { VertexShaderManager::TranslateView((event.GetX() - lastMouse[0]) / 50.0f, (event.GetY() - lastMouse[1]) / 50.0f); lastMouse[0] = event.GetX(); lastMouse[1] = event.GetY(); } } event.Skip(); } void CFrame::DoFullscreen(bool enable_fullscreen) { ToggleDisplayMode(enable_fullscreen); if (SConfig::GetInstance().bRenderToMain) { m_RenderFrame->ShowFullScreen(enable_fullscreen, wxFULLSCREEN_ALL); if (enable_fullscreen) { // Save the current mode before going to fullscreen AuiCurrent = m_Mgr->SavePerspective(); m_Mgr->LoadPerspective(AuiFullscreen, true); // Hide toolbar DoToggleToolbar(false); // Hide menubar (by having wxwidgets delete it) SetMenuBar(nullptr); // Hide the statusbar if enabled if (GetStatusBar()->IsShown()) { GetStatusBar()->Hide(); this->SendSizeEvent(); } } else { // Restore saved perspective m_Mgr->LoadPerspective(AuiCurrent, true); // Restore toolbar to the status it was at before going fullscreen. DoToggleToolbar(SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceToolbar); // Recreate the menubar if needed. if (wxFrame::GetMenuBar() == nullptr) { SetMenuBar(CreateMenuBar()); } // Show statusbar if enabled if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_InterfaceStatusbar) { GetStatusBar()->Show(); this->SendSizeEvent(); } } } else if (g_ActiveConfig.ExclusiveFullscreenEnabled()) { if (!enable_fullscreen) DoExclusiveFullscreen(false); m_RenderFrame->ShowFullScreen(enable_fullscreen, wxFULLSCREEN_ALL); m_RenderFrame->Raise(); if (enable_fullscreen) DoExclusiveFullscreen(true); } else { m_RenderFrame->ShowFullScreen(enable_fullscreen, wxFULLSCREEN_ALL); m_RenderFrame->Raise(); } } void CFrame::DoExclusiveFullscreen(bool enable_fullscreen) { if (!g_renderer || g_renderer->IsFullscreen() == enable_fullscreen) return; bool was_unpaused = Core::PauseAndLock(true); g_renderer->SetFullscreen(enable_fullscreen); Core::PauseAndLock(false, was_unpaused); } const CGameListCtrl* CFrame::GetGameListCtrl() const { return m_GameListCtrl; } void CFrame::PollHotkeys(wxTimerEvent& event) { if (!HotkeyManagerEmu::IsEnabled()) return; if (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_UNINITIALIZED || Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_PAUSE) g_controller_interface.UpdateInput(); if (Core::GetState() != Core::CORE_STOPPING) { HotkeyManagerEmu::GetStatus(); ParseHotkeys(); } } void CFrame::ParseHotkeys() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_HOTKEYS; i++) { switch (i) { case HK_OPEN: case HK_CHANGE_DISC: case HK_REFRESH_LIST: case HK_RESET: case HK_START_RECORDING: case HK_PLAY_RECORDING: case HK_EXPORT_RECORDING: case HK_READ_ONLY_MODE: case HK_LOAD_STATE_FILE: case HK_SAVE_STATE_FILE: case HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_SELECTED: if (IsHotkey(i)) { const int id = GetMenuIDFromHotkey(i); if (id >= 0) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_MENU, id); wxMenuItem* item = GetMenuBar()->FindItem(id); if (item && item->IsCheckable()) { item->wxMenuItemBase::Toggle(); evt.SetInt(item->IsChecked()); } GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } } default: break; // do nothing } } if (!Core::IsRunningAndStarted()) { return; } // Toggle fullscreen if (IsHotkey(HK_FULLSCREEN)) DoFullscreen(!RendererIsFullscreen()); // Pause and Unpause if (IsHotkey(HK_PLAY_PAUSE)) DoPause(); // Frame advance HandleFrameSkipHotkeys(); // Stop if (IsHotkey(HK_STOP)) DoStop(); // Screenshot hotkey if (IsHotkey(HK_SCREENSHOT)) Core::SaveScreenShot(); if (IsHotkey(HK_EXIT)) wxPostEvent(this, wxCommandEvent(wxEVT_MENU, wxID_EXIT)); if (IsHotkey(HK_VOLUME_DOWN)) AudioCommon::DecreaseVolume(3); if (IsHotkey(HK_VOLUME_UP)) AudioCommon::IncreaseVolume(3); if (IsHotkey(HK_VOLUME_TOGGLE_MUTE)) AudioCommon::ToggleMuteVolume(); if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_bt_passthrough_enabled) { auto device = IOS::HLE::GetDeviceByName("/dev/usb/oh1/57e/305"); if (device != nullptr) std::static_pointer_cast<IOS::HLE::Device::BluetoothBase>(device)->UpdateSyncButtonState( IsHotkey(HK_TRIGGER_SYNC_BUTTON, true)); } if (UseDebugger) { if (IsHotkey(HK_STEP)) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_MENU, IDM_STEP); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } if (IsHotkey(HK_STEP_OVER)) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_MENU, IDM_STEPOVER); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } if (IsHotkey(HK_STEP_OUT)) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_MENU, IDM_STEPOUT); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } if (IsHotkey(HK_SKIP)) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_MENU, IDM_SKIP); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } if (IsHotkey(HK_SHOW_PC)) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_MENU, IDM_GOTOPC); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } if (IsHotkey(HK_SET_PC)) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_MENU, IDM_SETPC); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } if (IsHotkey(HK_BP_TOGGLE)) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_MENU, IDM_TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT); GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } if (IsHotkey(HK_BP_ADD)) { BreakPointDlg bpDlg(this); if (bpDlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_HOST_COMMAND, IDM_UPDATE_BREAKPOINTS); g_pCodeWindow->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } } if (IsHotkey(HK_MBP_ADD)) { MemoryCheckDlg memDlg(this); if (memDlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxCommandEvent evt(wxEVT_HOST_COMMAND, IDM_UPDATE_BREAKPOINTS); g_pCodeWindow->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); } } } // Wiimote connect and disconnect hotkeys int WiimoteId = -1; if (IsHotkey(HK_WIIMOTE1_CONNECT)) WiimoteId = 0; if (IsHotkey(HK_WIIMOTE2_CONNECT)) WiimoteId = 1; if (IsHotkey(HK_WIIMOTE3_CONNECT)) WiimoteId = 2; if (IsHotkey(HK_WIIMOTE4_CONNECT)) WiimoteId = 3; if (IsHotkey(HK_BALANCEBOARD_CONNECT)) WiimoteId = 4; // Actually perform the Wiimote connection or disconnection if (WiimoteId >= 0 && SConfig::GetInstance().bWii) { wxCommandEvent evt; evt.SetId(IDM_CONNECT_WIIMOTE1 + WiimoteId); OnConnectWiimote(evt); } if (IsHotkey(HK_INCREASE_IR)) { OSDChoice = 1; ++g_Config.iEFBScale; } if (IsHotkey(HK_DECREASE_IR)) { OSDChoice = 1; if (--g_Config.iEFBScale < SCALE_AUTO) g_Config.iEFBScale = SCALE_AUTO; } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_CROP)) { g_Config.bCrop = !g_Config.bCrop; } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_AR)) { OSDChoice = 2; // Toggle aspect ratio g_Config.iAspectRatio = (g_Config.iAspectRatio + 1) & 3; } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_EFBCOPIES)) { OSDChoice = 3; // Toggle EFB copies between EFB2RAM and EFB2Texture g_Config.bSkipEFBCopyToRam = !g_Config.bSkipEFBCopyToRam; } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_FOG)) { OSDChoice = 4; g_Config.bDisableFog = !g_Config.bDisableFog; } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_DUMPTEXTURES)) { g_Config.bDumpTextures = !g_Config.bDumpTextures; } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_TEXTURES)) g_Config.bHiresTextures = !g_Config.bHiresTextures; Core::SetIsThrottlerTempDisabled(IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_THROTTLE, true)); if (IsHotkey(HK_DECREASE_EMULATION_SPEED)) { OSDChoice = 5; if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed <= 0.0f) SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed = 1.0f; else if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed >= 0.2f) SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed -= 0.1f; else SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed = 0.1f; if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed >= 0.95f && SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed <= 1.05f) SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed = 1.0f; } if (IsHotkey(HK_INCREASE_EMULATION_SPEED)) { OSDChoice = 5; if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed > 0.0f) SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed += 0.1f; if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed >= 0.95f && SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed <= 1.05f) SConfig::GetInstance().m_EmulationSpeed = 1.0f; } if (IsHotkey(HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_SELECTED)) { State::Save(m_saveSlot); } if (IsHotkey(HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_SELECTED)) { State::Load(m_saveSlot); } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_STEREO_SBS)) { if (g_Config.iStereoMode != STEREO_SBS) { // Current implementation of anaglyph stereoscopy uses a // post-processing shader. Thus the shader needs to be to be // turned off when selecting other stereoscopy modes. if (g_Config.sPostProcessingShader == "dubois") { g_Config.sPostProcessingShader = ""; } g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_SBS; } else { g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_OFF; } } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_STEREO_TAB)) { if (g_Config.iStereoMode != STEREO_TAB) { if (g_Config.sPostProcessingShader == "dubois") { g_Config.sPostProcessingShader = ""; } g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_TAB; } else { g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_OFF; } } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_STEREO_ANAGLYPH)) { if (g_Config.iStereoMode != STEREO_ANAGLYPH) { // Setting the anaglyph mode also requires a specific // post-processing shader to be activated. g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_ANAGLYPH; g_Config.sPostProcessingShader = "dubois"; } else { g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_OFF; g_Config.sPostProcessingShader = ""; } } if (IsHotkey(HK_TOGGLE_STEREO_3DVISION)) { if (g_Config.iStereoMode != STEREO_3DVISION) { if (g_Config.sPostProcessingShader == "dubois") { g_Config.sPostProcessingShader = ""; } g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_3DVISION; } else { g_Config.iStereoMode = STEREO_OFF; } } if (IsHotkey(HK_DECREASE_DEPTH, true)) { if (--g_Config.iStereoDepth < 0) g_Config.iStereoDepth = 0; } if (IsHotkey(HK_INCREASE_DEPTH, true)) { if (++g_Config.iStereoDepth > 100) g_Config.iStereoDepth = 100; } if (IsHotkey(HK_DECREASE_CONVERGENCE, true)) { g_Config.iStereoConvergence -= 5; if (g_Config.iStereoConvergence < 0) g_Config.iStereoConvergence = 0; } if (IsHotkey(HK_INCREASE_CONVERGENCE, true)) { g_Config.iStereoConvergence += 5; if (g_Config.iStereoConvergence > 500) g_Config.iStereoConvergence = 500; } static float debugSpeed = 1.0f; if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_DECREASE_SPEED, true)) debugSpeed /= 1.1f; if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_INCREASE_SPEED, true)) debugSpeed *= 1.1f; if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_RESET_SPEED, true)) debugSpeed = 1.0f; if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_UP, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(0.0f, 0.0f, -debugSpeed); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_DOWN, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(0.0f, 0.0f, debugSpeed); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_LEFT, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(debugSpeed, 0.0f); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_RIGHT, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(-debugSpeed, 0.0f); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_ZOOM_IN, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(0.0f, debugSpeed); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_ZOOM_OUT, true)) VertexShaderManager::TranslateView(0.0f, -debugSpeed); if (IsHotkey(HK_FREELOOK_RESET, true)) VertexShaderManager::ResetView(); // Savestates for (u32 i = 0; i < State::NUM_STATES; i++) { if (IsHotkey(HK_LOAD_STATE_SLOT_1 + i)) State::Load(1 + i); if (IsHotkey(HK_SAVE_STATE_SLOT_1 + i)) State::Save(1 + i); if (IsHotkey(HK_LOAD_LAST_STATE_1 + i)) State::LoadLastSaved(1 + i); if (IsHotkey(HK_SELECT_STATE_SLOT_1 + i)) { wxCommandEvent slot_event; slot_event.SetId(IDM_SELECT_SLOT_1 + i); CFrame::OnSelectSlot(slot_event); } } if (IsHotkey(HK_SAVE_FIRST_STATE)) State::SaveFirstSaved(); if (IsHotkey(HK_UNDO_LOAD_STATE)) State::UndoLoadState(); if (IsHotkey(HK_UNDO_SAVE_STATE)) State::UndoSaveState(); } void CFrame::HandleFrameSkipHotkeys() { static const int MAX_FRAME_SKIP_DELAY = 60; static int frameStepCount = 0; static const int FRAME_STEP_DELAY = 30; static int holdFrameStepDelay = 1; static int holdFrameStepDelayCount = 0; static bool holdFrameStep = false; if (IsHotkey(HK_FRAME_ADVANCE_DECREASE_SPEED)) { ++holdFrameStepDelay; if (holdFrameStepDelay > MAX_FRAME_SKIP_DELAY) holdFrameStepDelay = MAX_FRAME_SKIP_DELAY; } else if (IsHotkey(HK_FRAME_ADVANCE_INCREASE_SPEED)) { --holdFrameStepDelay; if (holdFrameStepDelay < 0) holdFrameStepDelay = 0; } else if (IsHotkey(HK_FRAME_ADVANCE_RESET_SPEED)) { holdFrameStepDelay = 1; } else if (IsHotkey(HK_FRAME_ADVANCE, true)) { if (holdFrameStepDelayCount < holdFrameStepDelay && holdFrameStep) ++holdFrameStepDelayCount; if ((frameStepCount == 0 || frameStepCount == FRAME_STEP_DELAY) && !holdFrameStep) { wxCommandEvent evt; evt.SetId(IDM_FRAMESTEP); CFrame::OnFrameStep(evt); if (holdFrameStepDelay > 0) holdFrameStep = true; } if (frameStepCount < FRAME_STEP_DELAY) { ++frameStepCount; if (holdFrameStep) holdFrameStep = false; } if (frameStepCount == FRAME_STEP_DELAY && holdFrameStep && holdFrameStepDelayCount >= holdFrameStepDelay) { holdFrameStep = false; holdFrameStepDelayCount = 0; } } else if (frameStepCount > 0) { // Reset values of frame advance to default frameStepCount = 0; holdFrameStep = false; holdFrameStepDelayCount = 0; } } void CFrame::HandleSignal(wxTimerEvent& event) { if (!s_shutdown_signal_received.TestAndClear()) return; m_bClosing = true; Close(); }