// Copyright 2018 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "DolphinQt/Debugger/CodeViewWidget.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <fmt/format.h> #include <QApplication> #include <QClipboard> #include <QHeaderView> #include <QInputDialog> #include <QKeyEvent> #include <QMenu> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QMouseEvent> #include <QPainter> #include <QResizeEvent> #include <QScrollBar> #include <QStyledItemDelegate> #include <QTableWidgetItem> #include <QWheelEvent> #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/Debug/CodeTrace.h" #include "Common/GekkoDisassembler.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/Debugger/PPCDebugInterface.h" #include "Core/PowerPC/MMU.h" #include "Core/PowerPC/PPCAnalyst.h" #include "Core/PowerPC/PPCSymbolDB.h" #include "Core/PowerPC/PowerPC.h" #include "DolphinQt/Debugger/PatchInstructionDialog.h" #include "DolphinQt/Host.h" #include "DolphinQt/Resources.h" #include "DolphinQt/Settings.h" struct CodeViewBranch { u32 src_addr = 0; u32 dst_addr = 0; u32 indentation = 0; bool is_link = false; }; constexpr u32 WIDTH_PER_BRANCH_ARROW = 16; class BranchDisplayDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate { public: BranchDisplayDelegate(CodeViewWidget* parent) : m_parent(parent) {} private: CodeViewWidget* m_parent; void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const override { QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); painter->save(); painter->setClipRect(option.rect); painter->setPen(m_parent->palette().text().color()); constexpr u32 x_offset_in_branch_for_vertical_line = 10; const u32 addr = m_parent->AddressForRow(index.row()); for (const CodeViewBranch& branch : m_parent->m_branches) { const int y_center = option.rect.top() + option.rect.height() / 2; const int x_left = option.rect.left() + WIDTH_PER_BRANCH_ARROW * branch.indentation; const int x_right = x_left + x_offset_in_branch_for_vertical_line; if (branch.is_link) { // just draw an arrow pointing right from the branch instruction for link branches, they // rarely are close enough to actually see the target and are just visual noise otherwise if (addr == branch.src_addr) { painter->drawLine(x_left, y_center, x_right, y_center); painter->drawLine(x_right, y_center, x_right - 6, y_center - 3); painter->drawLine(x_right, y_center, x_right - 6, y_center + 3); } } else { const u32 addr_lower = std::min(branch.src_addr, branch.dst_addr); const u32 addr_higher = std::max(branch.src_addr, branch.dst_addr); const bool in_range = addr >= addr_lower && addr <= addr_higher; if (in_range) { const bool is_lowest = addr == addr_lower; const bool is_highest = addr == addr_higher; const int top = (is_lowest ? y_center : option.rect.top()); const int bottom = (is_highest ? y_center : option.rect.bottom()); // draw vertical part of the branch line painter->drawLine(x_right, top, x_right, bottom); if (is_lowest || is_highest) { // draw horizontal part of the branch line if this is either the source or destination painter->drawLine(x_left, y_center, x_right, y_center); } if (addr == branch.dst_addr) { // draw arrow if this is the destination address painter->drawLine(x_left, y_center, x_left + 6, y_center - 3); painter->drawLine(x_left, y_center, x_left + 6, y_center + 3); } } } } painter->restore(); } }; // "Most mouse types work in steps of 15 degrees, in which case the delta value is a multiple of // 120; i.e., 120 units * 1/8 = 15 degrees." (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwheelevent.html#angleDelta) constexpr double SCROLL_FRACTION_DEGREES = 15.; constexpr size_t VALID_BRANCH_LENGTH = 10; constexpr int CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BREAKPOINT = 0; constexpr int CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_ADDRESS = 1; constexpr int CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_INSTRUCTION = 2; constexpr int CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_PARAMETERS = 3; constexpr int CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION = 4; constexpr int CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BRANCH_ARROWS = 5; constexpr int CODE_VIEW_COLUMNCOUNT = 6; CodeViewWidget::CodeViewWidget() { setColumnCount(CODE_VIEW_COLUMNCOUNT); setShowGrid(false); setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setHorizontalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel); verticalHeader()->hide(); horizontalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BREAKPOINT, QHeaderView::Fixed); horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); setHorizontalHeaderItem(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BREAKPOINT, new QTableWidgetItem()); setHorizontalHeaderItem(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_ADDRESS, new QTableWidgetItem(tr("Address"))); setHorizontalHeaderItem(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_INSTRUCTION, new QTableWidgetItem(tr("Instr."))); setHorizontalHeaderItem(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_PARAMETERS, new QTableWidgetItem(tr("Parameters"))); setHorizontalHeaderItem(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, new QTableWidgetItem(tr("Symbols"))); setHorizontalHeaderItem(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BRANCH_ARROWS, new QTableWidgetItem(tr("Branches"))); setFont(Settings::Instance().GetDebugFont()); setItemDelegateForColumn(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BRANCH_ARROWS, new BranchDisplayDelegate(this)); FontBasedSizing(); connect(this, &CodeViewWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &CodeViewWidget::OnContextMenu); connect(this, &CodeViewWidget::itemSelectionChanged, this, &CodeViewWidget::OnSelectionChanged); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::DebugFontChanged, this, &QWidget::setFont); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::DebugFontChanged, this, &CodeViewWidget::FontBasedSizing); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::EmulationStateChanged, this, [this] { m_address = PowerPC::ppcState.pc; Update(); }); connect(Host::GetInstance(), &Host::UpdateDisasmDialog, this, [this] { m_address = PowerPC::ppcState.pc; Update(); }); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::ThemeChanged, this, qOverload<>(&CodeViewWidget::Update)); } CodeViewWidget::~CodeViewWidget() = default; static u32 GetBranchFromAddress(const Core::CPUThreadGuard& guard, u32 addr) { std::string disasm = PowerPC::debug_interface.Disassemble(&guard, addr); size_t pos = disasm.find("->0x"); if (pos == std::string::npos) return 0; std::string hex = disasm.substr(pos + 2); return std::stoul(hex, nullptr, 16); } void CodeViewWidget::FontBasedSizing() { // just text width is too small with some fonts, so increase by a bit constexpr int extra_text_width = 8; const QFontMetrics fm(Settings::Instance().GetDebugFont()); const int rowh = fm.height() + 1; verticalHeader()->setMaximumSectionSize(rowh); horizontalHeader()->setMinimumSectionSize(rowh + 5); setColumnWidth(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BREAKPOINT, rowh + 5); setColumnWidth(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_ADDRESS, fm.boundingRect(QStringLiteral("80000000")).width() + extra_text_width); // The longest instruction is technically 'ps_merge00' (0x10000420u), but those instructions are // very rare and would needlessly increase the column size, so let's go with 'rlwinm.' instead. // Similarly, the longest parameter set is 'rtoc, rtoc, r10, 10, 10 (00000800)' (0x5c425294u), // but one is unlikely to encounter that in practice, so let's use a slightly more reasonable // 'r31, r31, 16, 16, 31 (ffff0000)'. The user can resize the columns as necessary anyway. const std::string disas = Common::GekkoDisassembler::Disassemble(0x57ff843fu, 0); const auto split = disas.find('\t'); const std::string ins = (split == std::string::npos ? disas : disas.substr(0, split)); const std::string param = (split == std::string::npos ? "" : disas.substr(split + 1)); setColumnWidth(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_INSTRUCTION, fm.boundingRect(QString::fromStdString(ins)).width() + extra_text_width); setColumnWidth(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_PARAMETERS, fm.boundingRect(QString::fromStdString(param)).width() + extra_text_width); setColumnWidth(CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, fm.boundingRect(QChar(u'0')).width() * 25 + extra_text_width); Update(); } u32 CodeViewWidget::AddressForRow(int row) const { // m_address is defined as the center row of the table, so we have rowCount/2 instructions above // it; an instruction is 4 bytes long on GC/Wii so we increment 4 bytes per row const u32 row_zero_address = m_address - ((rowCount() / 2) * 4); return row_zero_address + row * 4; } static bool IsBranchInstructionWithLink(std::string_view ins) { return ins.ends_with('l') || ins.ends_with("la") || ins.ends_with("l+") || ins.ends_with("la+") || ins.ends_with("l-") || ins.ends_with("la-"); } static bool IsInstructionLoadStore(std::string_view ins) { // Could add check for context address being near PC, because we need gprs to be correct for the // load/store. return (ins.starts_with('l') && !ins.starts_with("li")) || ins.starts_with("st") || ins.starts_with("psq_l") || ins.starts_with("psq_s"); } void CodeViewWidget::Update() { if (!isVisible()) return; if (m_updating) return; if (Core::GetState() == Core::State::Paused) { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; Update(&guard); } else { // If the core is running, blank out the view of memory instead of reading anything. Update(nullptr); } } void CodeViewWidget::Update(const Core::CPUThreadGuard* guard) { if (!isVisible()) return; if (m_updating) return; m_updating = true; clearSelection(); if (rowCount() == 0) setRowCount(1); // Calculate (roughly) how many rows will fit in our table int rows = std::round((height() / static_cast<float>(rowHeight(0))) - 0.25); setRowCount(rows); const QFontMetrics fm(Settings::Instance().GetDebugFont()); const int rowh = fm.height() + 1; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) setRowHeight(i, rowh); u32 pc = PowerPC::ppcState.pc; if (Core::GetState() != Core::State::Paused && PowerPC::debug_interface.IsBreakpoint(pc)) Core::SetState(Core::State::Paused); const bool dark_theme = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Base).valueF() < 0.5; m_branches.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount(); i++) { const u32 addr = AddressForRow(i); const u32 color = PowerPC::debug_interface.GetColor(guard, addr); auto* bp_item = new QTableWidgetItem; auto* addr_item = new QTableWidgetItem(QStringLiteral("%1").arg(addr, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))); std::string disas = PowerPC::debug_interface.Disassemble(guard, addr); auto split = disas.find('\t'); std::string ins = (split == std::string::npos ? disas : disas.substr(0, split)); std::string param = (split == std::string::npos ? "" : disas.substr(split + 1)); std::string desc = PowerPC::debug_interface.GetDescription(addr); // Adds whitespace and a minimum size to ins and param. Helps to prevent frequent resizing while // scrolling. const QString ins_formatted = QStringLiteral("%1").arg(QString::fromStdString(ins), -7, QLatin1Char(' ')); const QString param_formatted = QStringLiteral("%1").arg(QString::fromStdString(param), -19, QLatin1Char(' ')); const QString desc_formatted = QStringLiteral("%1 ").arg(QString::fromStdString(desc)); auto* ins_item = new QTableWidgetItem(ins_formatted); auto* param_item = new QTableWidgetItem(param_formatted); auto* description_item = new QTableWidgetItem(desc_formatted); auto* branch_item = new QTableWidgetItem(); for (auto* item : {bp_item, addr_item, ins_item, param_item, description_item, branch_item}) { item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, addr); if (addr == pc && item != bp_item) { item->setBackground(QColor(Qt::green)); item->setForeground(QColor(Qt::black)); } else if (color != 0xFFFFFF) { item->setBackground(dark_theme ? QColor(color).darker(240) : QColor(color)); } } // look for hex strings to decode branches std::string hex_str; size_t pos = param.find("0x"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { hex_str = param.substr(pos); } if (guard && hex_str.length() == VALID_BRANCH_LENGTH && desc != "---") { u32 branch_addr = GetBranchFromAddress(*guard, addr); CodeViewBranch& branch = m_branches.emplace_back(); branch.src_addr = addr; branch.dst_addr = branch_addr; branch.is_link = IsBranchInstructionWithLink(ins); description_item->setText(tr("--> %1").arg( QString::fromStdString(PowerPC::debug_interface.GetDescription(branch_addr)))); param_item->setForeground(Qt::magenta); } if (ins == "blr") ins_item->setForeground(dark_theme ? QColor(0xa0FFa0) : Qt::darkGreen); if (PowerPC::debug_interface.IsBreakpoint(addr)) { auto icon = Resources::GetScaledThemeIcon("debugger_breakpoint").pixmap(QSize(rowh - 2, rowh - 2)); if (!PowerPC::breakpoints.IsBreakPointEnable(addr)) { QPixmap disabled_icon(icon.size()); disabled_icon.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&disabled_icon); p.setOpacity(0.20); p.drawPixmap(0, 0, icon); p.end(); icon = disabled_icon; } bp_item->setData(Qt::DecorationRole, icon); } setItem(i, CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BREAKPOINT, bp_item); setItem(i, CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_ADDRESS, addr_item); setItem(i, CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_INSTRUCTION, ins_item); setItem(i, CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_PARAMETERS, param_item); setItem(i, CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, description_item); setItem(i, CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BRANCH_ARROWS, branch_item); if (addr == GetAddress()) { selectRow(addr_item->row()); } } CalculateBranchIndentation(); g_symbolDB.FillInCallers(); repaint(); m_updating = false; } void CodeViewWidget::CalculateBranchIndentation() { const u32 rows = rowCount(); const size_t columns = m_branches.size(); if (rows < 1 || columns < 1) return; // process in order of how much vertical space the drawn arrow would take up // so shorter arrows go further to the left const auto priority = [](const CodeViewBranch& b) { return b.is_link ? 0 : (std::max(b.src_addr, b.dst_addr) - std::min(b.src_addr, b.dst_addr)); }; std::stable_sort(m_branches.begin(), m_branches.end(), [&priority](const CodeViewBranch& lhs, const CodeViewBranch& rhs) { return priority(lhs) < priority(rhs); }); // build a 2D lookup table representing the columns and rows the arrow could be drawn in // and try to place all branch arrows in it as far left as possible std::vector<bool> arrow_space_used(columns * rows, false); const auto index = [&](u32 column, u32 row) { ASSERT(row <= rows); ASSERT(column <= columns); return column * rows + row; }; const auto add_branch_arrow = [&](CodeViewBranch& branch, u32 first_addr, u32 first_row, u32 last_addr) { const u32 arrow_src_addr = branch.src_addr; const u32 arrow_dst_addr = branch.is_link ? branch.src_addr : branch.dst_addr; const auto [arrow_addr_lower, arrow_addr_higher] = std::minmax(arrow_src_addr, arrow_dst_addr); const bool is_visible = std::max(arrow_addr_lower, first_addr) <= std::min(arrow_addr_higher, last_addr); if (!is_visible) return; const u32 arrow_first_visible_addr = std::clamp(arrow_addr_lower, first_addr, last_addr); const u32 arrow_last_visible_addr = std::clamp(arrow_addr_higher, first_addr, last_addr); const u32 arrow_first_visible_row = (arrow_first_visible_addr - first_addr) / 4 + first_row; const u32 arrow_last_visible_row = (arrow_last_visible_addr - first_addr) / 4 + first_row; const auto free_column = [&]() -> std::optional<u32> { for (u32 column = 0; column < columns; ++column) { const bool column_is_free = [&] { for (u32 row = arrow_first_visible_row; row <= arrow_last_visible_row; ++row) { if (arrow_space_used[index(column, row)]) return false; } return true; }(); if (column_is_free) return column; } return std::nullopt; }(); if (!free_column) return; branch.indentation = *free_column; for (u32 row = arrow_first_visible_row; row <= arrow_last_visible_row; ++row) arrow_space_used[index(*free_column, row)] = true; }; const u32 first_visible_addr = AddressForRow(0); const u32 last_visible_addr = AddressForRow(rows - 1); if (first_visible_addr <= last_visible_addr) { for (CodeViewBranch& branch : m_branches) add_branch_arrow(branch, first_visible_addr, 0, last_visible_addr); } else { // Scrolling defaults to being centered around address 00000000, which means addresses before // the start are visible (e.g. ffffffa8 - 00000050). We need to do this in two parts, one for // first_visible_addr to fffffffc, and the second for 00000000 to last_visible_addr. // That means we need to find the row corresponding to 00000000. int addr_zero_row = -1; for (u32 row = 0; row < rows; row++) { if (AddressForRow(row) == 0) { addr_zero_row = row; break; } } ASSERT(addr_zero_row != -1); for (CodeViewBranch& branch : m_branches) { add_branch_arrow(branch, first_visible_addr, 0, 0xfffffffc); add_branch_arrow(branch, 0x00000000, addr_zero_row, last_visible_addr); } } } u32 CodeViewWidget::GetAddress() const { return m_address; } void CodeViewWidget::SetAddress(u32 address, SetAddressUpdate update) { if (m_address == address) return; m_address = address; switch (update) { case SetAddressUpdate::WithoutUpdate: return; case SetAddressUpdate::WithUpdate: // Update the CodeViewWidget Update(); break; case SetAddressUpdate::WithDetailedUpdate: // Update the CodeWidget's views (code view, function calls/callers, ...) emit UpdateCodeWidget(); break; } } void CodeViewWidget::ReplaceAddress(u32 address, ReplaceWith replace) { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; PowerPC::debug_interface.SetPatch(guard, address, replace == ReplaceWith::BLR ? 0x4e800020 : 0x60000000); Update(&guard); } void CodeViewWidget::OnContextMenu() { QMenu* menu = new QMenu(this); const bool running = Core::GetState() != Core::State::Uninitialized; const bool paused = Core::GetState() == Core::State::Paused; const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); bool has_symbol = g_symbolDB.GetSymbolFromAddr(addr); auto* follow_branch_action = menu->addAction(tr("Follow &branch"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnFollowBranch); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(tr("&Copy address"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnCopyAddress); auto* copy_address_action = menu->addAction(tr("Copy &function"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnCopyFunction); auto* copy_line_action = menu->addAction(tr("Copy code &line"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnCopyCode); auto* copy_hex_action = menu->addAction(tr("Copy &hex"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnCopyHex); menu->addAction(tr("Show in &memory"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnShowInMemory); auto* show_target_memory = menu->addAction(tr("Show target in memor&y"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnShowTargetInMemory); auto* copy_target_memory = menu->addAction(tr("Copy tar&get address"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnCopyTargetAddress); menu->addSeparator(); auto* symbol_rename_action = menu->addAction(tr("&Rename symbol"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnRenameSymbol); auto* symbol_size_action = menu->addAction(tr("Set symbol &size"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnSetSymbolSize); auto* symbol_end_action = menu->addAction(tr("Set symbol &end address"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnSetSymbolEndAddress); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(tr("Run &To Here"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnRunToHere); auto* function_action = menu->addAction(tr("&Add function"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnAddFunction); auto* ppc_action = menu->addAction(tr("PPC vs Host"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnPPCComparison); auto* insert_blr_action = menu->addAction(tr("&Insert blr"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnInsertBLR); auto* insert_nop_action = menu->addAction(tr("Insert &nop"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnInsertNOP); auto* replace_action = menu->addAction(tr("Re&place instruction"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnReplaceInstruction); auto* restore_action = menu->addAction(tr("Restore instruction"), this, &CodeViewWidget::OnRestoreInstruction); QString target; bool valid_load_store = false; bool follow_branch_enabled = false; if (paused) { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; const std::string disasm = PowerPC::debug_interface.Disassemble(&guard, PowerPC::ppcState.pc); if (addr == PowerPC::ppcState.pc) { const auto target_it = std::find(disasm.begin(), disasm.end(), '\t'); const auto target_end = std::find(target_it, disasm.end(), ','); if (target_it != disasm.end() && target_end != disasm.end()) target = QString::fromStdString(std::string{target_it + 1, target_end}); } valid_load_store = IsInstructionLoadStore(disasm); follow_branch_enabled = GetBranchFromAddress(guard, addr); } auto* run_until_menu = menu->addMenu(tr("Run until (ignoring breakpoints)")); // i18n: One of the options shown below "Run until (ignoring breakpoints)" run_until_menu->addAction(tr("%1's value is hit").arg(target), this, [this] { AutoStep(CodeTrace::AutoStop::Always); }); // i18n: One of the options shown below "Run until (ignoring breakpoints)" run_until_menu->addAction(tr("%1's value is used").arg(target), this, [this] { AutoStep(CodeTrace::AutoStop::Used); }); // i18n: One of the options shown below "Run until (ignoring breakpoints)" run_until_menu->addAction(tr("%1's value is changed").arg(target), [this] { AutoStep(CodeTrace::AutoStop::Changed); }); run_until_menu->setEnabled(!target.isEmpty()); follow_branch_action->setEnabled(follow_branch_enabled); for (auto* action : {copy_address_action, copy_line_action, copy_hex_action, function_action, ppc_action, insert_blr_action, insert_nop_action, replace_action}) { action->setEnabled(running); } for (auto* action : {symbol_rename_action, symbol_size_action, symbol_end_action}) action->setEnabled(has_symbol); for (auto* action : {copy_target_memory, show_target_memory}) { action->setEnabled(valid_load_store); } restore_action->setEnabled(running && PowerPC::debug_interface.HasEnabledPatch(addr)); menu->exec(QCursor::pos()); Update(); } void CodeViewWidget::AutoStep(CodeTrace::AutoStop option) { // Autosteps and follows value in the target (left-most) register. The Used and Changed options // silently follows target through reshuffles in memory and registers and stops on use or update. Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; CodeTrace code_trace; bool repeat = false; QMessageBox msgbox(QMessageBox::NoIcon, tr("Run until"), {}, QMessageBox::Cancel); QPushButton* run_button = msgbox.addButton(tr("Keep Running"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); // Not sure if we want default to be cancel. Spacebar can let you quickly continue autostepping if // Yes. do { // Run autostep then update codeview const AutoStepResults results = code_trace.AutoStepping(guard, repeat, option); emit Host::GetInstance()->UpdateDisasmDialog(); repeat = true; // Invalid instruction, 0 means no step executed. if (results.count == 0) return; // Status report if (results.reg_tracked.empty() && results.mem_tracked.empty()) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Overwritten"), tr("Target value was overwritten by current instruction.\nInstructions executed: %1") .arg(QString::number(results.count)), QMessageBox::Cancel); return; } else if (results.timed_out) { // Can keep running and try again after a time out. msgbox.setText( tr("<font color='#ff0000'>AutoStepping timed out. Current instruction is irrelevant.")); } else { msgbox.setText(tr("Value tracked to current instruction.")); } // Mem_tracked needs to track each byte individually, so a tracked word-sized value would have // four entries. The displayed memory list needs to be shortened so it's not a huge list of // bytes. Assumes adjacent bytes represent a word or half-word and removes the redundant bytes. std::set<u32> mem_out; auto iter = results.mem_tracked.begin(); while (iter != results.mem_tracked.end()) { const u32 address = *iter; mem_out.insert(address); for (u32 i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { if (results.mem_tracked.count(address + i)) iter++; else break; } iter++; } const QString msgtext = tr("Instructions executed: %1\nValue contained in:\nRegisters: %2\nMemory: %3") .arg(QString::number(results.count)) .arg(QString::fromStdString(fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(results.reg_tracked, ", ")))) .arg(QString::fromStdString(fmt::format("{:#x}", fmt::join(mem_out, ", ")))); msgbox.setInformativeText(msgtext); msgbox.exec(); } while (msgbox.clickedButton() == (QAbstractButton*)run_button); } void CodeViewWidget::OnCopyAddress() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QStringLiteral("%1").arg(addr, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))); } void CodeViewWidget::OnCopyTargetAddress() { if (Core::GetState() != Core::State::Paused) return; const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); const std::string code_line = [addr] { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; return PowerPC::debug_interface.Disassemble(&guard, addr); }(); if (!IsInstructionLoadStore(code_line)) return; const std::optional<u32> target_addr = PowerPC::debug_interface.GetMemoryAddressFromInstruction(code_line); if (addr) { QApplication::clipboard()->setText( QStringLiteral("%1").arg(*target_addr, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))); } } void CodeViewWidget::OnShowInMemory() { emit ShowMemory(GetContextAddress()); } void CodeViewWidget::OnShowTargetInMemory() { if (Core::GetState() != Core::State::Paused) return; const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); const std::string code_line = [addr] { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; return PowerPC::debug_interface.Disassemble(&guard, addr); }(); if (!IsInstructionLoadStore(code_line)) return; const std::optional<u32> target_addr = PowerPC::debug_interface.GetMemoryAddressFromInstruction(code_line); if (addr) emit ShowMemory(*target_addr); } void CodeViewWidget::OnCopyCode() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); const std::string text = [addr] { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; return PowerPC::debug_interface.Disassemble(&guard, addr); }(); QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString::fromStdString(text)); } void CodeViewWidget::OnCopyFunction() { const u32 address = GetContextAddress(); const Common::Symbol* symbol = g_symbolDB.GetSymbolFromAddr(address); if (!symbol) return; std::string text = symbol->name + "\r\n"; { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; // we got a function const u32 start = symbol->address; const u32 end = start + symbol->size; for (u32 addr = start; addr != end; addr += 4) { const std::string disasm = PowerPC::debug_interface.Disassemble(&guard, addr); fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(text), "{:08x}: {}\r\n", addr, disasm); } } QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString::fromStdString(text)); } void CodeViewWidget::OnCopyHex() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); const u32 instruction = [addr] { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; return PowerPC::debug_interface.ReadInstruction(guard, addr); }(); QApplication::clipboard()->setText( QStringLiteral("%1").arg(instruction, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))); } void CodeViewWidget::OnRunToHere() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); PowerPC::debug_interface.SetBreakpoint(addr); PowerPC::debug_interface.RunToBreakpoint(); Update(); } void CodeViewWidget::OnPPCComparison() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); emit RequestPPCComparison(addr); } void CodeViewWidget::OnAddFunction() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; g_symbolDB.AddFunction(guard, addr); emit SymbolsChanged(); Update(&guard); } void CodeViewWidget::OnInsertBLR() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); ReplaceAddress(addr, ReplaceWith::BLR); } void CodeViewWidget::OnInsertNOP() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); ReplaceAddress(addr, ReplaceWith::NOP); } void CodeViewWidget::OnFollowBranch() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); const u32 branch_addr = [addr] { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; return GetBranchFromAddress(guard, addr); }(); if (!branch_addr) return; SetAddress(branch_addr, SetAddressUpdate::WithDetailedUpdate); } void CodeViewWidget::OnRenameSymbol() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); Common::Symbol* const symbol = g_symbolDB.GetSymbolFromAddr(addr); if (!symbol) return; bool good; const QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Rename symbol"), tr("Symbol name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString::fromStdString(symbol->name), &good, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); if (good && !name.isEmpty()) { symbol->Rename(name.toStdString()); emit SymbolsChanged(); Update(); } } void CodeViewWidget::OnSelectionChanged() { if (m_address == PowerPC::ppcState.pc) { setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral("QTableView::item:selected {background-color: #00FF00; color: #000000;}")); } else if (!styleSheet().isEmpty()) { setStyleSheet(QString{}); } } void CodeViewWidget::OnSetSymbolSize() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); Common::Symbol* const symbol = g_symbolDB.GetSymbolFromAddr(addr); if (!symbol) return; bool good; const int size = QInputDialog::getInt(this, tr("Rename symbol"), tr("Set symbol size (%1):").arg(QString::fromStdString(symbol->name)), symbol->size, 1, 0xFFFF, 1, &good, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); if (!good) return; Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; PPCAnalyst::ReanalyzeFunction(guard, symbol->address, *symbol, size); emit SymbolsChanged(); Update(&guard); } void CodeViewWidget::OnSetSymbolEndAddress() { const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); Common::Symbol* const symbol = g_symbolDB.GetSymbolFromAddr(addr); if (!symbol) return; bool good; const QString name = QInputDialog::getText( this, tr("Set symbol end address"), tr("Symbol (%1) end address:").arg(QString::fromStdString(symbol->name)), QLineEdit::Normal, QStringLiteral("%1").arg(addr + symbol->size, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0')), &good, Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); const u32 address = name.toUInt(&good, 16); if (!good) return; Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; PPCAnalyst::ReanalyzeFunction(guard, symbol->address, *symbol, address - symbol->address); emit SymbolsChanged(); Update(&guard); } void CodeViewWidget::OnReplaceInstruction() { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); if (!PowerPC::HostIsInstructionRAMAddress(guard, addr)) return; const PowerPC::TryReadInstResult read_result = PowerPC::TryReadInstruction(addr); if (!read_result.valid) return; PatchInstructionDialog dialog(this, addr, PowerPC::debug_interface.ReadInstruction(guard, addr)); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { PowerPC::debug_interface.SetPatch(guard, addr, dialog.GetCode()); Update(&guard); } } void CodeViewWidget::OnRestoreInstruction() { Core::CPUThreadGuard guard; const u32 addr = GetContextAddress(); PowerPC::debug_interface.UnsetPatch(guard, addr); Update(&guard); } void CodeViewWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) { Update(); } void CodeViewWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Up: m_address -= sizeof(u32); Update(); return; case Qt::Key_Down: m_address += sizeof(u32); Update(); return; case Qt::Key_PageUp: m_address -= rowCount() * sizeof(u32); Update(); return; case Qt::Key_PageDown: m_address += rowCount() * sizeof(u32); Update(); return; default: QWidget::keyPressEvent(event); break; } } void CodeViewWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) { auto delta = -static_cast<int>(std::round((event->angleDelta().y() / (SCROLL_FRACTION_DEGREES * 8)))); if (delta == 0) return; m_address += delta * sizeof(u32); Update(); } void CodeViewWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { auto* item = itemAt(event->pos()); if (item == nullptr) return; const u32 addr = item->data(Qt::UserRole).toUInt(); m_context_address = addr; switch (event->button()) { case Qt::LeftButton: if (column(item) == CODE_VIEW_COLUMN_BREAKPOINT) ToggleBreakpoint(); else SetAddress(addr, SetAddressUpdate::WithDetailedUpdate); Update(); break; default: break; } } void CodeViewWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { Update(); } void CodeViewWidget::ToggleBreakpoint() { if (PowerPC::debug_interface.IsBreakpoint(GetContextAddress())) PowerPC::breakpoints.Remove(GetContextAddress()); else PowerPC::breakpoints.Add(GetContextAddress()); emit BreakpointsChanged(); Update(); } void CodeViewWidget::AddBreakpoint() { PowerPC::breakpoints.Add(GetContextAddress()); emit BreakpointsChanged(); Update(); } u32 CodeViewWidget::GetContextAddress() const { return m_context_address; }