// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 // Refer to the license.txt file included. // TODO: Handle cache-is-full condition :p #include <map> #include "Common.h" #include "VideoCommon.h" #include "Hash.h" #include "MemoryUtil.h" #include "DataReader.h" #include "Statistics.h" #include "OpcodeDecoding.h" // For the GX_ constants. #include "HW/Memmap.h" #include "XFMemory.h" #include "CPMemory.h" #include "BPMemory.h" #include "VertexLoaderManager.h" #include "VertexManagerBase.h" #include "x64Emitter.h" #include "x64ABI.h" #include "DLCache.h" #include "VideoConfig.h" #define DL_CODE_CACHE_SIZE (1024*1024*16) #define DL_CODE_CLEAR_THRESHOLD (16 * 1024) extern int frameCount; static u32 CheckContextId; using namespace Gen; namespace DLCache { enum DisplayListPass { DLPASS_ANALYZE, DLPASS_COMPILE, DLPASS_RUN, }; #define DL_HASH_STEPS 512 struct ReferencedDataRegion { ReferencedDataRegion() :hash(0), start_address(NULL), NextRegion(NULL), size(0), MustClean(0) {} u64 hash; u8* start_address; ReferencedDataRegion* NextRegion; u32 size; u32 MustClean; int IntersectsMemoryRange(u8* range_address, u32 range_size) { if (start_address + size < range_address) return -1; if (start_address >= range_address + range_size) return 1; return 0; } }; struct CachedDisplayList { CachedDisplayList() : Regions(NULL), LastRegion(NULL), uncachable(false), num_xf_reg(0), num_cp_reg(0), num_bp_reg(0), num_index_xf(0), num_draw_call(0), pass(DLPASS_ANALYZE), BufferCount(0) { frame_count = frameCount; } u64 dl_hash; // ... Something containing cached vertex buffers here ... ReferencedDataRegion* Regions; ReferencedDataRegion* LastRegion; // Compile the commands themselves down to native code. const u8* compiled_code; u32 uncachable; // if set, this DL will always be interpreted. This gets set if hash ever changes. // Analytic data u32 num_xf_reg; u32 num_cp_reg; u32 num_bp_reg; u32 num_index_xf; u32 num_draw_call; u32 pass; u32 check; int frame_count; u32 BufferCount; void InsertRegion(ReferencedDataRegion* NewRegion) { if(LastRegion) { LastRegion->NextRegion = NewRegion; } LastRegion = NewRegion; if(!Regions) { Regions = LastRegion; } BufferCount++; } void InsertOverlapingRegion(u8* RegionStartAddress, u32 Size) { ReferencedDataRegion* NewRegion = FindOverlapingRegion(RegionStartAddress, Size); if(NewRegion) { bool RegionChanged = false; if(RegionStartAddress < NewRegion->start_address) { NewRegion->start_address = RegionStartAddress; RegionChanged = true; } if(RegionStartAddress + Size > NewRegion->start_address + NewRegion->size) { NewRegion->size += (u32)((RegionStartAddress + Size) - (NewRegion->start_address + NewRegion->size)); RegionChanged = true; } if(RegionChanged) NewRegion->hash = GetHash64(NewRegion->start_address, NewRegion->size, DL_HASH_STEPS); } else { NewRegion = new ReferencedDataRegion; NewRegion->MustClean = false; NewRegion->size = Size; NewRegion->start_address = RegionStartAddress; NewRegion->hash = GetHash64(RegionStartAddress, Size, DL_HASH_STEPS); InsertRegion(NewRegion); } } bool CheckRegions() { ReferencedDataRegion* Current = Regions; while(Current) { if(Current->hash) { if(Current->hash != GetHash64(Current->start_address, Current->size, DL_HASH_STEPS)) return false; } Current = Current->NextRegion; } return true; } ReferencedDataRegion* FindOverlapingRegion(u8* RegionStart, u32 Regionsize) { ReferencedDataRegion* Current = Regions; while(Current) { if(!Current->IntersectsMemoryRange(RegionStart, Regionsize)) return Current; Current = Current->NextRegion; } return Current; } void ClearRegions() { ReferencedDataRegion* Current = Regions; while(Current) { ReferencedDataRegion* temp = Current; Current = Current->NextRegion; if(temp->MustClean) delete [] temp->start_address; delete temp; } LastRegion = NULL; Regions = NULL; } }; // We want to allow caching DLs that start at the same address but have different lengths, // so the size has to be in the ID. inline u64 CreateMapId(u32 address, u32 size) { return ((u64)address << 32) | size; } inline u64 CreateVMapId(u32 VATUSED) { u64 vmap_id = 0x9368e53c2f6af274ULL ^ g_VtxDesc.Hex; for(int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) { if(VATUSED & (1 << i)) { vmap_id ^= (((u64)g_VtxAttr[i].g0.Hex) | (((u64)g_VtxAttr[i].g1.Hex) << 32)) ^ (((u64)g_VtxAttr[i].g2.Hex) << i); } } for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if(VATUSED & (1 << (i + 16))) vmap_id ^= (((u64)arraybases[i]) ^ (((u64)arraystrides[i]) << 32)); } return vmap_id; } typedef std::map<u64, CachedDisplayList> DLMap; struct VDlist { DLMap dl_map; u32 VATUsed; u32 count; }; typedef std::map<u64, VDlist> VDLMap; static VDLMap dl_map; static u8* dlcode_cache; static Gen::XEmitter emitter; // First pass - analyze u32 AnalyzeAndRunDisplayList(u32 address, u32 size, CachedDisplayList *dl) { u8* old_pVideoData = g_pVideoData; u8* startAddress = Memory::GetPointer(address); u32 num_xf_reg = 0; u32 num_cp_reg = 0; u32 num_bp_reg = 0; u32 num_index_xf = 0; u32 num_draw_call = 0; u32 result = 0; // Avoid the crash if Memory::GetPointer failed .. if (startAddress != 0) { g_pVideoData = startAddress; // temporarily swap dl and non-dl (small "hack" for the stats) Statistics::SwapDL(); u8 *end = g_pVideoData + size; while (g_pVideoData < end) { // Yet another reimplementation of the DL reading... int cmd_byte = DataReadU8(); switch (cmd_byte) { case GX_NOP: break; case GX_LOAD_CP_REG: //0x08 { u8 sub_cmd = DataReadU8(); u32 value = DataReadU32(); LoadCPReg(sub_cmd, value); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numCPLoads); num_cp_reg++; } break; case GX_LOAD_XF_REG: { u32 Cmd2 = DataReadU32(); int transfer_size = ((Cmd2 >> 16) & 15) + 1; u32 xf_address = Cmd2 & 0xFFFF; GC_ALIGNED128(u32 data_buffer[16]); DataReadU32xFuncs[transfer_size-1](data_buffer); LoadXFReg(transfer_size, xf_address, data_buffer); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numXFLoads); num_xf_reg++; } break; case GX_LOAD_INDX_A: //used for position matrices { LoadIndexedXF(DataReadU32(), 0xC); num_index_xf++; } break; case GX_LOAD_INDX_B: //used for normal matrices { LoadIndexedXF(DataReadU32(), 0xD); num_index_xf++; } break; case GX_LOAD_INDX_C: //used for postmatrices { LoadIndexedXF(DataReadU32(), 0xE); num_index_xf++; } break; case GX_LOAD_INDX_D: //used for lights { LoadIndexedXF(DataReadU32(), 0xF); num_index_xf++; } break; case GX_CMD_CALL_DL: { u32 addr = DataReadU32(); u32 count = DataReadU32(); ExecuteDisplayList(addr, count); } break; case GX_CMD_UNKNOWN_METRICS: // zelda 4 swords calls it and checks the metrics registers after that DEBUG_LOG(VIDEO, "GX 0x44: %08x", cmd_byte); break; case GX_CMD_INVL_VC: // Invalidate Vertex Cache DEBUG_LOG(VIDEO, "Invalidate (vertex cache?)"); break; case GX_LOAD_BP_REG: //0x61 { u32 bp_cmd = DataReadU32(); LoadBPReg(bp_cmd); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numBPLoads); num_bp_reg++; } break; // draw primitives default: if (cmd_byte & 0x80) { // load vertices (use computed vertex size from FifoCommandRunnable above) u16 numVertices = DataReadU16(); if(numVertices > 0) { result |= 1 << (cmd_byte & GX_VAT_MASK); VertexLoaderManager::RunVertices( cmd_byte & GX_VAT_MASK, // Vertex loader index (0 - 7) (cmd_byte & GX_PRIMITIVE_MASK) >> GX_PRIMITIVE_SHIFT, numVertices); num_draw_call++; const u32 tc[12] = { g_VtxDesc.Position, g_VtxDesc.Normal, g_VtxDesc.Color0, g_VtxDesc.Color1, g_VtxDesc.Tex0Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex1Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex2Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex3Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex4Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex5Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex6Coord, (const u32)((g_VtxDesc.Hex >> 31) & 3) }; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if(tc[i] > 1) { result |= 1 << (i + 16); } } } } else { ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "OpcodeDecoding::Decode: Illegal command %02x", cmd_byte); break; } break; } } INCSTAT(stats.numDListsCalled); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numDListsCalled); // un-swap Statistics::SwapDL(); } dl->num_bp_reg = num_bp_reg; dl->num_cp_reg = num_cp_reg; dl->num_draw_call = num_draw_call; dl->num_index_xf = num_index_xf; dl->num_xf_reg = num_xf_reg; // reset to the old pointer g_pVideoData = old_pVideoData; return result; } // The only sensible way to detect changes to vertex data is to convert several times // and hash the output. // Second pass - compile // Since some commands can affect the size of other commands, we really have no choice // but to compile as we go, interpreting the list. We can't compile and then execute, we must // compile AND execute at the same time. The second time the display list gets called, we already // have the compiled code so we don't have to interpret anymore, we just run it. void CompileAndRunDisplayList(u32 address, u32 size, CachedDisplayList *dl) { u8* old_pVideoData = g_pVideoData; u8* startAddress = Memory::GetPointer(address); // Avoid the crash if Memory::GetPointer failed .. if (startAddress != 0) { g_pVideoData = startAddress; // temporarily swap dl and non-dl (small "hack" for the stats) Statistics::SwapDL(); u8 *end = g_pVideoData + size; emitter.AlignCode4(); dl->compiled_code = emitter.GetCodePtr(); emitter.ABI_EmitPrologue(4); while (g_pVideoData < end) { // Yet another reimplementation of the DL reading... int cmd_byte = DataReadU8(); switch (cmd_byte) { case GX_NOP: // Execute // Compile break; case GX_LOAD_CP_REG: //0x08 { // Execute u8 sub_cmd = DataReadU8(); u32 value = DataReadU32(); LoadCPReg(sub_cmd, value); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numCPLoads); // Compile emitter.ABI_CallFunctionCC((void *)&LoadCPReg, sub_cmd, value); } break; case GX_LOAD_XF_REG: { // Execute u32 Cmd2 = DataReadU32(); int transfer_size = ((Cmd2 >> 16) & 15) + 1; u32 xf_address = Cmd2 & 0xFFFF; ReferencedDataRegion* NewRegion = new ReferencedDataRegion; NewRegion->MustClean = true; NewRegion->size = transfer_size * 4; NewRegion->start_address = (u8*) new u8[NewRegion->size+15+12]; // alignment and guaranteed space NewRegion->hash = 0; dl->InsertRegion(NewRegion); u32 *data_buffer = (u32*)(u8*)(((size_t)NewRegion->start_address+0xf)&~0xf); DataReadU32xFuncs[transfer_size-1](data_buffer); LoadXFReg(transfer_size, xf_address, data_buffer); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numXFLoads); // Compile emitter.ABI_CallFunctionCCP((void *)&LoadXFReg, transfer_size, xf_address, data_buffer); } break; case GX_LOAD_INDX_A: //used for position matrices { u32 value = DataReadU32(); // Execute LoadIndexedXF(value, 0xC); // Compile emitter.ABI_CallFunctionCC((void *)&LoadIndexedXF, value, 0xC); } break; case GX_LOAD_INDX_B: //used for normal matrices { u32 value = DataReadU32(); // Execute LoadIndexedXF(value, 0xD); // Compile emitter.ABI_CallFunctionCC((void *)&LoadIndexedXF, value, 0xD); } break; case GX_LOAD_INDX_C: //used for postmatrices { u32 value = DataReadU32(); // Execute LoadIndexedXF(value, 0xE); // Compile emitter.ABI_CallFunctionCC((void *)&LoadIndexedXF, value, 0xE); } break; case GX_LOAD_INDX_D: //used for lights { u32 value = DataReadU32(); // Execute LoadIndexedXF(value, 0xF); // Compile emitter.ABI_CallFunctionCC((void *)&LoadIndexedXF, value, 0xF); } break; case GX_CMD_CALL_DL: { u32 addr= DataReadU32(); u32 count = DataReadU32(); ExecuteDisplayList(addr, count); emitter.ABI_CallFunctionCC((void *)&ExecuteDisplayList, addr, count); } break; case GX_CMD_UNKNOWN_METRICS: // zelda 4 swords calls it and checks the metrics registers after that break; case GX_CMD_INVL_VC:// Invalidate (vertex cache?) DEBUG_LOG(VIDEO, "Invalidate (vertex cache?)"); break; case GX_LOAD_BP_REG: //0x61 { u32 bp_cmd = DataReadU32(); // Execute LoadBPReg(bp_cmd); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numBPLoads); // Compile emitter.ABI_CallFunctionC((void *)&LoadBPReg, bp_cmd); } break; // draw primitives default: if (cmd_byte & 0x80) { // load vertices (use computed vertex size from FifoCommandRunnable above) u16 numVertices = DataReadU16(); if(numVertices > 0) { // Execute u8* StartAddress = VertexManager::s_pBaseBufferPointer; VertexManager::Flush(); VertexLoaderManager::RunVertices( cmd_byte & GX_VAT_MASK, // Vertex loader index (0 - 7) (cmd_byte & GX_PRIMITIVE_MASK) >> GX_PRIMITIVE_SHIFT, numVertices); u32 Vdatasize = (u32)(VertexManager::s_pCurBufferPointer - StartAddress); if (Vdatasize > 0) { // Compile ReferencedDataRegion* NewRegion = new ReferencedDataRegion; NewRegion->MustClean = true; NewRegion->size = Vdatasize; NewRegion->start_address = (u8*)new u8[Vdatasize]; NewRegion->hash = 0; dl->InsertRegion(NewRegion); memcpy(NewRegion->start_address, StartAddress, Vdatasize); emitter.ABI_CallFunctionCCCP((void *)&VertexLoaderManager::RunCompiledVertices, cmd_byte & GX_VAT_MASK, (cmd_byte & GX_PRIMITIVE_MASK) >> GX_PRIMITIVE_SHIFT, numVertices, NewRegion->start_address); const u32 tc[12] = { g_VtxDesc.Position, g_VtxDesc.Normal, g_VtxDesc.Color0, g_VtxDesc.Color1, g_VtxDesc.Tex0Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex1Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex2Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex3Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex4Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex5Coord, g_VtxDesc.Tex6Coord, (const u32)((g_VtxDesc.Hex >> 31) & 3) }; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if(tc[i] > 1) { u8* saddr = cached_arraybases[i]; int arraySize = arraystrides[i] * ((tc[i] == 2)? numVertices : ((numVertices < 1024)? 2 * numVertices : numVertices)); dl->InsertOverlapingRegion(saddr, arraySize); } } } } } else { ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "DLCache::CompileAndRun: Illegal command %02x", cmd_byte); break; } break; } } emitter.ABI_EmitEpilogue(4); INCSTAT(stats.numDListsCalled); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numDListsCalled); Statistics::SwapDL(); } g_pVideoData = old_pVideoData; } void Init() { CheckContextId = 0; dlcode_cache = (u8*)AllocateExecutableMemory(DL_CODE_CACHE_SIZE, false); // Don't need low memory. emitter.SetCodePtr(dlcode_cache); } void Shutdown() { Clear(); FreeMemoryPages(dlcode_cache, DL_CODE_CACHE_SIZE); dlcode_cache = NULL; } void Clear() { VDLMap::iterator iter = dl_map.begin(); while (iter != dl_map.end()) { VDlist &ParentEntry = iter->second; DLMap::iterator childiter = ParentEntry.dl_map.begin(); while (childiter != ParentEntry.dl_map.end()) { CachedDisplayList &entry = childiter->second; entry.ClearRegions(); childiter++; } ParentEntry.dl_map.clear(); iter++; } dl_map.clear(); // Reset the cache pointers. emitter.SetCodePtr(dlcode_cache); } void ProgressiveCleanup() { VDLMap::iterator iter = dl_map.begin(); while (iter != dl_map.end()) { VDlist &ParentEntry = iter->second; DLMap::iterator childiter = ParentEntry.dl_map.begin(); while (childiter != ParentEntry.dl_map.end()) { CachedDisplayList &entry = childiter->second; int limit = 3600; if (entry.frame_count < frameCount - limit) { entry.ClearRegions(); ParentEntry.dl_map.erase(childiter++); // (this is gcc standard!) } else { ++childiter; } } if(ParentEntry.dl_map.empty()) { dl_map.erase(iter++); } else { iter++; } } } static size_t GetSpaceLeft() { return DL_CODE_CACHE_SIZE - (emitter.GetCodePtr() - dlcode_cache); } } // namespace // NOTE - outside the namespace on purpose. bool HandleDisplayList(u32 address, u32 size) { //Fixed DlistCaching now is fully functional still some things to workout if(!g_ActiveConfig.bDlistCachingEnable) return false; if(size == 0) return false; // TODO: Is this thread safe? if (DLCache::GetSpaceLeft() < DL_CODE_CLEAR_THRESHOLD) { DLCache::Clear(); } u64 dl_id = DLCache::CreateMapId(address, size); u64 vhash = 0; DLCache::VDLMap::iterator Parentiter = DLCache::dl_map.find(dl_id); DLCache::DLMap::iterator iter; bool childexist = false; if (Parentiter != DLCache::dl_map.end()) { vhash = DLCache::CreateVMapId(Parentiter->second.VATUsed); iter = Parentiter->second.dl_map.find(vhash); childexist = iter != Parentiter->second.dl_map.end(); } if (Parentiter != DLCache::dl_map.end() && childexist) { DLCache::CachedDisplayList &dl = iter->second; if (dl.uncachable) { return false; } switch (dl.pass) { case DLCache::DLPASS_COMPILE: // First, check that the hash is the same as the last time. if (dl.dl_hash != GetHash64(Memory::GetPointer(address), size, 0)) { dl.uncachable = true; return false; } DLCache::CompileAndRunDisplayList(address, size, &dl); dl.pass = DLCache::DLPASS_RUN; break; case DLCache::DLPASS_RUN: { bool DlistChanged = false; if (dl.check != CheckContextId) { dl.check = CheckContextId; DlistChanged = !dl.CheckRegions() || dl.dl_hash != GetHash64(Memory::GetPointer(address), size, 0); } if (DlistChanged) { dl.uncachable = true; dl.ClearRegions(); return false; } dl.frame_count= frameCount; u8 *old_datareader = g_pVideoData; ((void (*)())(void*)(dl.compiled_code))(); Statistics::SwapDL(); ADDSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numCPLoadsInDL, dl.num_cp_reg); ADDSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numXFLoadsInDL, dl.num_xf_reg); ADDSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numBPLoadsInDL, dl.num_bp_reg); ADDSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numCPLoads, dl.num_cp_reg); ADDSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numXFLoads, dl.num_xf_reg); ADDSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numBPLoads, dl.num_bp_reg); INCSTAT(stats.numDListsCalled); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numDListsCalled); Statistics::SwapDL(); g_pVideoData = old_datareader; break; } } return true; } DLCache::CachedDisplayList dl; u32 dlvatused = DLCache::AnalyzeAndRunDisplayList(address, size, &dl); dl.dl_hash = GetHash64(Memory::GetPointer(address), size,0); dl.pass = DLCache::DLPASS_COMPILE; dl.check = CheckContextId; vhash = DLCache::CreateVMapId(dlvatused); if(Parentiter != DLCache::dl_map.end()) { DLCache::VDlist &vdl = Parentiter->second; vdl.dl_map[vhash] = dl; vdl.VATUsed = dlvatused; vdl.count++; } else { DLCache::VDlist vdl; vdl.dl_map[vhash] = dl; vdl.VATUsed = dlvatused; vdl.count = 1; DLCache::dl_map[dl_id] = vdl; } return true; } void IncrementCheckContextId() { CheckContextId++; }