# GMPE01 - Mario Party 4

# Add memory patches to be loaded once on boot here.

# Add memory patches to be applied every frame here.

# Add action replay cheats here.

$All Mini Games Unlocked [Datel]
0218FDF0 0003FFFF

$Player 1 Max Coins [Datel]
0218FC54 000003E7

$Player 1 No Coins [Datel]
0218FC54 00000000

$Player 1 Max Stars [Datel]
0218FC62 000003E7

$Player 1 No Stars [Datel]
0218FC62 00000000

$Player 1 Always Has Magic Lamp [Datel]
0018FC3D 0000000C

$Player 2 Max Coins [Datel]
0218FC84 000003E7

$Player 2 No Coins [Datel]
0218FC84 00000000

$Player 2 Max Stars [Datel]
0018FC92 000003E7

$Player 2 No Stars [Datel]
0018FC92 00000000

$Player 2 Always Has Magic Lamp [Datel]
0018FC6D 0000000C

$Player 3 Max Coins [Datel]
0218FCB4 000003E7

$Player 3 No Coins [Datel]
0218FCB4 000003E7

$Player 3 Max Stars [Datel]
0218FCC2 000003E7

$Player 3 No Stars [Datel]
0218FCC2 00000000

$Player 3 Always Has Magic Lamp [Datel]
0018FC9D 0000000C

$Player 4 Max Coins [Datel]
0218FCE4 000003E7

$Player 4 No Coins [Datel]
0218FCE4 00000000

$Player 4 Max Stars [Datel]
0218FCF2 000003E7

$Player 4 No Stars [Datel]
0218FCF2 00000000

$Player 4 Always Has Magic Lamp [Datel]
0018FCCD 0000000C

$Hold Y To Roll 10 [Datel]
3A1E67F0 00000800
0416B928 41200000

$Hold L To Roll 1 [Datel]
3A1E67F0 00000040
0416B928 3F000000

$L+X No More Moves(Use While Moving) [Datel]
8A1E67F0 00000440
0018FC42 00000001
0018FC72 00000001
0018FCA2 00000001
0018FCD2 00000001
00000000 40000000

$L+Y Infinite Moves(While Moving) [Datel]
8A1E67F0 00000840
0018FC42 0000000A
0018FC72 0000000A
0018FCA2 0000000A
0018FCD2 0000000A
00000000 40000000

$Press Z+R To Be On Turn 20 [Datel]
0A1E67F0 00000030
0018FCFC 00000014

$Press Z+L To Be On Turn 1 [Datel]
0A1E67F0 00000050
0018FCFC 00000001

# Add gecko cheats here.

$!!! - README
*There is a glitch here minigames may randomly award a player 999 coins. It may be linked to code usage. Enable these at your own risk!

$QOL - Allow Digital Presses for Map Screen [gamemasterplc]
c2086774 00000002
70000020 2c000020
60000000 00000000
c2073c7c 00000002
735a0020 281a0020
60000000 00000000
*Fixes a bug where only analog inputs work while using the triggers.

$QOL - Faster Boot Time [Ralf]
04056168 38607FFF
*Automatically advance through the initial cutscences.

$QOL - Increased Board Speed [gamemasterplc]
04066dd8 38c0000d
20432574 2c1c002d
04432570 3b9c0002
e2000001 80008000
040786a0 c02281f0
0406e314 c02281f0
0408FB64 3860001E
0408FC08 3860001E
0408FCAC 3860001E
0408FD50 3860001E
0408FA78 3BDE0002
20432574 2C1C002D
04432570 3B9C0002
E2000001 80008000
0408F4D4 38600005
0408F53C 3860000F
0408F0E4 3BFF0002
0408F154 3BFF0002
*Board animations happen faster.

$QOL - Increased Taunt Capabilities [gamemasterplc]
04061d5c 60000000
04061eb8 60000000
*Taunt during your turn.
*Also removes the cap on how fast you can taunt.

$QOL - Instant Text Display [gamemasterplc]
04044808 38600000
*Text is displayed instantly.

$QOL - Show Controller Port Number of Who Paused in Mini-Games [gamemasterplc]
c203e9b4 00000002
807f0050 906d0000
38600000 00000000
c2031b88 0000000c
3860012c 3880000a
38a0002d 38c00028
38e000ff 90ed0004
38ed0004 3d008000
6108b150 7d0903a6
4e800421 3860012c
3880000a 3ca08013
38a5db52 80cd0000
38c60001 c02283c0
3ce08000 60e7aff4
7ce903a6 4e800421
57a0083c 00000000
*Check which player is pausing during minigames.

$QOL - Unlock Everything [gamemasterplc]
040310BC 3880FFFF
20446064 4082002C
04445FA4 38000001
0444605C 38000001
E2000001 80008000
2044E6DC 40820028
0444E578 38000001
0444E6D4 38A00001
E2000001 80008000
2044D25C 5400E7FE
0444D258 380000FF
0444D198 380000FF
E2000001 80008000
2043EDF8 4082002C
0443EDE8 38A000FF
0443ED28 380000FF
E2000001 80008000
20449684 4082002C
04449674 38A000FF
044495B4 380000FF
E2000001 80008000
20441D98 2C000001
04441D94 38000001
044396FC 38000001
E2000001 80008000
*Unlocks Everything in the game.
*Permanent once saved!

$Board: Boo's Haunted Bash - Red Boo Always On [gamemasterplc]
0018fd08 00000000
*Red Boo's bridges are always active in the board Boo's Haunted Bash.

$Board: Bowser's Gnarly Party - Bridges Fall After One Cross [gamemasterplc]
2043801c 4182004c
04438294 38000002
e2000001 80008000
*Bridges fall after one crossing instead of three in the board Bowser's Gnarly Party.

$Board: Goomba's Greedy Gala - Free Roulette [gamemasterplc]
2043b934 2c1f0005
0443b92c 386003e7
0443bb08 38800000
e2000001 80008000
*Goomba does not need to be bribed at the roulette in the board Goomba's Greedy Gala.

$Board: Goomba's Greedy Gala - Never Go Back To Start [gamemasterplc]
20432D5C 3860000A
04432D60 38600009
E2000001 80008000
*Goomba always loses in the dice minigame in the board Goomba's Greedy Gala.
*This means the only way back to start is in the top right section and requires extensive use of Happening Spaces and Mini Mushroom Pipes.

$Board - Koopa's Seaside Soiree: Banana Peel is a Normal Junction [gamemasterplc]
2043030c 48000088
044326fc 4e800020
e2000001 80008000
*Replaces the banana peel junctions with normal junctions in Koopa's Seaside Soiree.

$Board - Toad's Midway Madness: Teacups are Normal Junctions [gamemasterplc]
20435308 80010008
044352f4 4e800020
e2000001 80008000
*Replaces the teacup junctions with normal junctions in Toad's Midway Madness.

$Extra - 30Hz Gameplay [gamemasterplc]
041D3B00 40000000
041D3B04 00000002
04035480 38600001
C200592C 00000009
3C808000 6084D01C
7C8903A6 4E800421
3C808000 60845B4C
7C8903A6 4E800421
38800000 908D8688
908D868C 38600001
3C808000 6084D01C
7C8903A6 4E800421
60000000 00000000
*Game runs at 30Hz but still feel like 60FPS. Great for people with bad PCs
*Can break certain minigames

$Extra - Disable Music
041d3d1c 00000001
*Disables all in-game music.

$Game Mechanics - Event Accessibility Doesn't Depend on Mini/Mega Status [Celerizer]
04075ff0 38600000
040a50a4 38600000
04077c50 38600000
0407a868 38600000
04083fe4 60000000
04076148 60000000
204302f8 2c030002
044302fc 60000000
04434aa4 60000000
e2000001 80008000
204302e0 2c030002
044302e4 4800000c
e2000001 80008000
204303f0 2c030002
044303f4 60000000
0443049c 60000000
e2000001 80008000
204302a8 2c030002
044302ac 4800000c
e2000001 80008000
20430338 2c030002
0443033c 4800000c
e2000001 80008000
*Access all board events regardless of Mega / Mini Mushrooms.

$Game Mechanics - Free Lottery Game [Celerizer]
0407b28c 38600005
0407bd04 38800000
*Makes the lottery cost nothing instead of the usual 5 coins.
*You need to have 5 coins but you do not lose them.

$Game Mechanics - Item Deletion [Rain]
c208d424 00000002
987d0001 3c608000
93a30010 00000000
c208a07c 0000001f
9421ffe0 7c0802a6
9001001c 90a10018
3c608018 6063fcf8
8883000a 1c840030
3c608018 6063fc38
7c632214 88830004
5485083c 3c80801d
60843ad0 7c842a14
88840000 80a10018
2c040020 41820008
48000090 3ca08000
60a50010 80a50000
88a50001 2c050000
41820018 2c050001
41820038 2c050002
41820050 48000064
3ca00000 60a500ff
88c30006 88e30007
98c30005 98e30006
98a30007 3ca00000
60a50200 4800003c
88c30007 98c30006
3cc00000 60c600ff
98c30007 3ca00000
60a50200 4800001c
3cc00000 60c600ff
98c30007 3ca00000
60a50200 48000004
8001001c 94210020
7c0803a6 7cbd2b78
60000000 00000000
*Item Deletion is now a thing.
*Press B to view your items, then delete the item with R.

$Game Mechanics - Free Stars [gamemasterplc]
040843cc 2c030000
04084590 2c030000
040845cc 2c030000
04084720 38800000
*Stars cost nothing instead of the usual 20 coins.

$Game Mechanics - Mega Status No Longer Steals Coins [gamemasterplc]
0406be70 38600000
0406beac 38600000
0406be1c 38600000
*Mega Mushroom no longer steal coins when you pass players.

$Game Mechanics - Mini Pipes Work at Normal Size [gamemasterplc]
04066348 60000000
04064ed0 60000000
04065114 60000000
*Mini Pipes do not require a Mini Mushroom to pass.

$Game Mechanics - Mini Status Rolls 1-10 [gamemasterplc]
04085d74 3800000a
*Mini Mushroom rolls a 1-10 dice instead of a 1-5 dice.

$Minigame - Bowser's Bigger Blast [gamemasterplc]
20431174 3803FFFF
04431174 38030000
E2000001 80008000
*Infinite time is given in the minigame Bowser's Bigger Blast

$Minigame - Domination: More Thwomps [UnclePunch]
C203220C 0000001F
A0610008 2C03000F
408200E8 807F0004
4800002D 7C8802A6
A0A40000 7CA00734
2C00FFFF 41820054
80C40002 7CA32A14
90C50000 38840006
4BFFFFE0 4E800021
00200000 4C60016C
38600528 24BC281F
04B0393C 280004B0
27C0281F 012C2608
281F04B4 2664281F
04B42850 380304B0
29A83804 04B0FFFF
807F0004 48000031
7C8802A6 A0A40000
38840002 A0C40000
7CC00734 2C00FFFF
41820058 7CC33214
90A60000 38840002
4BFFFFE4 4E800021
39908490 849884A0
84A884B0 84B884E0
84E884F0 84F88500
85088530 85388550
85588560 856885E0
85E88630 86388640
864886F0 86F88730
87388B10 8B18FFFF
38600000 00000000
*Increases the limit from 160 to 300 Thwomps per player in the minigame Dominiation

$Minigame - Take a Breather: Mash Only L [gamemasterplc]
20420834 408209b8
04420818 38a00000
044207f0 38600000
e2000001 80008000
*Mash just L in the minigame Take a Breather.