// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <cmath> #include <locale.h> #ifdef __APPLE__ #include <xlocale.h> #endif #include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/CPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/DriverDetails.h" #include "VideoCommon/LightingShaderGen.h" #include "VideoCommon/NativeVertexFormat.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderGen.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h" static char text[16768]; template<class T> static void DefineVSOutputStructMember(T& object, API_TYPE api_type, const char* type, const char* name, int var_index, const char* semantic, int semantic_index = -1) { object.Write(" %s %s", type, name); if (var_index != -1) object.Write("%d", var_index); if (api_type == API_OPENGL) object.Write(";\n"); else // D3D { if (semantic_index != -1) object.Write(" : %s%d;\n", semantic, semantic_index); else object.Write(" : %s;\n", semantic); } } template<class T> static inline void GenerateVSOutputStruct(T& object, API_TYPE api_type) { object.Write("struct VS_OUTPUT {\n"); DefineVSOutputStructMember(object, api_type, "float4", "pos", -1, "POSITION"); DefineVSOutputStructMember(object, api_type, "float4", "colors_", 0, "COLOR", 0); DefineVSOutputStructMember(object, api_type, "float4", "colors_", 1, "COLOR", 1); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i) DefineVSOutputStructMember(object, api_type, "float3", "tex", i, "TEXCOORD", i); DefineVSOutputStructMember(object, api_type, "float4", "clipPos", -1, "TEXCOORD", xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens); if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting) DefineVSOutputStructMember(object, api_type, "float4", "Normal", -1, "TEXCOORD", xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens + 1); object.Write("};\n"); } template<class T> static inline void GenerateVertexShader(T& out, u32 components, API_TYPE api_type) { // Non-uid template parameters will write to the dummy data (=> gets optimized out) vertex_shader_uid_data dummy_data; vertex_shader_uid_data* uid_data = out.template GetUidData<vertex_shader_uid_data>(); if (uid_data == nullptr) uid_data = &dummy_data; out.SetBuffer(text); const bool is_writing_shadercode = (out.GetBuffer() != nullptr); #ifndef ANDROID locale_t locale; locale_t old_locale; if (is_writing_shadercode) { locale = newlocale(LC_NUMERIC_MASK, "C", nullptr); // New locale for compilation old_locale = uselocale(locale); // Apply the locale for this thread } #endif if (is_writing_shadercode) text[sizeof(text) - 1] = 0x7C; // canary _assert_(bpmem.genMode.numtexgens == xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens); _assert_(bpmem.genMode.numcolchans == xfmem.numChan.numColorChans); out.Write("%s", s_lighting_struct); // uniforms if (api_type == API_OPENGL) out.Write("layout(std140%s) uniform VSBlock {\n", g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsBindingLayout ? ", binding = 2" : ""); else out.Write("cbuffer VSBlock {\n"); out.Write( "\tfloat4 " I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[6];\n" "\tfloat4 " I_PROJECTION"[4];\n" "\tint4 " I_MATERIALS"[4];\n" "\tLight " I_LIGHTS"[8];\n" "\tfloat4 " I_TEXMATRICES"[24];\n" "\tfloat4 " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[64];\n" "\tfloat4 " I_NORMALMATRICES"[32];\n" "\tfloat4 " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES"[64];\n" "\tfloat4 " I_DEPTHPARAMS";\n" "};\n"); GenerateVSOutputStruct(out, api_type); uid_data->numTexGens = xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens; uid_data->components = components; uid_data->pixel_lighting = g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting; if (api_type == API_OPENGL) { out.Write("in float4 rawpos; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_POSITION_ATTRIB); if (components & VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX) out.Write("in int posmtx; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_POSMTX_ATTRIB); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0) out.Write("in float3 rawnorm0; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_NORM0_ATTRIB); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1) out.Write("in float3 rawnorm1; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_NORM1_ATTRIB); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2) out.Write("in float3 rawnorm2; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_NORM2_ATTRIB); if (components & VB_HAS_COL0) out.Write("in float4 color0; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_COLOR0_ATTRIB); if (components & VB_HAS_COL1) out.Write("in float4 color1; // ATTR%d,\n", SHADER_COLOR1_ATTRIB); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { u32 hastexmtx = (components & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0<<i)); if ((components & (VB_HAS_UV0<<i)) || hastexmtx) out.Write("in float%d tex%d; // ATTR%d,\n", hastexmtx ? 3 : 2, i, SHADER_TEXTURE0_ATTRIB + i); } // Let's set up attributes for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (i < xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens) { out.Write("centroid out float3 uv%d;\n", i); } } out.Write("centroid out float4 clipPos;\n"); if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting) out.Write("centroid out float4 Normal;\n"); out.Write("centroid out float4 colors_02;\n"); out.Write("centroid out float4 colors_12;\n"); out.Write("void main()\n{\n"); } else // D3D { out.Write("VS_OUTPUT main(\n"); // inputs if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0) out.Write(" float3 rawnorm0 : NORMAL0,\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1) out.Write(" float3 rawnorm1 : NORMAL1,\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2) out.Write(" float3 rawnorm2 : NORMAL2,\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_COL0) out.Write(" float4 color0 : COLOR0,\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_COL1) out.Write(" float4 color1 : COLOR1,\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { u32 hastexmtx = (components & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0<<i)); if ((components & (VB_HAS_UV0<<i)) || hastexmtx) out.Write(" float%d tex%d : TEXCOORD%d,\n", hastexmtx ? 3 : 2, i, i); } if (components & VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX) out.Write(" int posmtx : BLENDINDICES,\n"); out.Write(" float4 rawpos : POSITION) {\n"); } out.Write("VS_OUTPUT o;\n"); // transforms if (components & VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX) { if (is_writing_shadercode && (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_NODYNUBOACCESS) && !DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_ANNIHILATEDUBOS)) ) { // This'll cause issues, but it can't be helped out.Write("float4 pos = float4(dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[0], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[1], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[2], rawpos), 1);\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_NRMALL) out.Write("float3 N0 = " I_NORMALMATRICES"[0].xyz, N1 = " I_NORMALMATRICES"[1].xyz, N2 = " I_NORMALMATRICES"[2].xyz;\n"); } else { out.Write("float4 pos = float4(dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[posmtx], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[posmtx+1], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[posmtx+2], rawpos), 1);\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_NRMALL) { out.Write("int normidx = posmtx >= 32 ? (posmtx-32) : posmtx;\n"); out.Write("float3 N0 = " I_NORMALMATRICES"[normidx].xyz, N1 = " I_NORMALMATRICES"[normidx+1].xyz, N2 = " I_NORMALMATRICES"[normidx+2].xyz;\n"); } } if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0) out.Write("float3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(dot(N0, rawnorm0), dot(N1, rawnorm0), dot(N2, rawnorm0)));\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1) out.Write("float3 _norm1 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm1), dot(N1, rawnorm1), dot(N2, rawnorm1));\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2) out.Write("float3 _norm2 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm2), dot(N1, rawnorm2), dot(N2, rawnorm2));\n"); } else { out.Write("float4 pos = float4(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[0], rawpos), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[1], rawpos), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[2], rawpos), 1.0);\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0) out.Write("float3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[3].xyz, rawnorm0), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[4].xyz, rawnorm0), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[5].xyz, rawnorm0)));\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1) out.Write("float3 _norm1 = float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[3].xyz, rawnorm1), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[4].xyz, rawnorm1), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[5].xyz, rawnorm1));\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2) out.Write("float3 _norm2 = float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[3].xyz, rawnorm2), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[4].xyz, rawnorm2), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX"[5].xyz, rawnorm2));\n"); } if (!(components & VB_HAS_NRM0)) out.Write("float3 _norm0 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"); out.Write("o.pos = float4(dot(" I_PROJECTION"[0], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION"[1], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION"[2], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION"[3], pos));\n"); out.Write("int4 lacc;\n" "float3 ldir, h;\n" "float dist, dist2, attn;\n"); uid_data->numColorChans = xfmem.numChan.numColorChans; if (xfmem.numChan.numColorChans == 0) { if (components & VB_HAS_COL0) out.Write("o.colors_0 = color0;\n"); else out.Write("o.colors_0 = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"); } GenerateLightingShader<T>(out, uid_data->lighting, components, "color", "o.colors_"); if (xfmem.numChan.numColorChans < 2) { if (components & VB_HAS_COL1) out.Write("o.colors_1 = color1;\n"); else out.Write("o.colors_1 = o.colors_0;\n"); } // special case if only pos and tex coord 0 and tex coord input is AB11 // donko - this has caused problems in some games. removed for now. bool texGenSpecialCase = false; /*bool texGenSpecialCase = ((g_main_cp_state.vtx_desc.Hex & 0x60600L) == g_main_cp_state.vtx_desc.Hex) && // only pos and tex coord 0 (g_main_cp_state.vtx_desc.Tex0Coord != NOT_PRESENT) && (xfmem.texcoords[0].texmtxinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_AB11); */ // transform texcoords out.Write("float4 coord = float4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i) { TexMtxInfo& texinfo = xfmem.texMtxInfo[i]; out.Write("{\n"); out.Write("coord = float4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"); uid_data->texMtxInfo[i].sourcerow = xfmem.texMtxInfo[i].sourcerow; switch (texinfo.sourcerow) { case XF_SRCGEOM_INROW: _assert_( texinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_ABC1 ); out.Write("coord = rawpos;\n"); // pos.w is 1 break; case XF_SRCNORMAL_INROW: if (components & VB_HAS_NRM0) { _assert_( texinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_ABC1 ); out.Write("coord = float4(rawnorm0.xyz, 1.0);\n"); } break; case XF_SRCCOLORS_INROW: _assert_( texinfo.texgentype == XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC0 || texinfo.texgentype == XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC1 ); break; case XF_SRCBINORMAL_T_INROW: if (components & VB_HAS_NRM1) { _assert_( texinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_ABC1 ); out.Write("coord = float4(rawnorm1.xyz, 1.0);\n"); } break; case XF_SRCBINORMAL_B_INROW: if (components & VB_HAS_NRM2) { _assert_( texinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_ABC1 ); out.Write("coord = float4(rawnorm2.xyz, 1.0);\n"); } break; default: _assert_(texinfo.sourcerow <= XF_SRCTEX7_INROW); if (components & (VB_HAS_UV0<<(texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW)) ) out.Write("coord = float4(tex%d.x, tex%d.y, 1.0, 1.0);\n", texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW, texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW); break; } // first transformation uid_data->texMtxInfo[i].texgentype = xfmem.texMtxInfo[i].texgentype; switch (texinfo.texgentype) { case XF_TEXGEN_EMBOSS_MAP: // calculate tex coords into bump map if (components & (VB_HAS_NRM1|VB_HAS_NRM2)) { // transform the light dir into tangent space uid_data->texMtxInfo[i].embosslightshift = xfmem.texMtxInfo[i].embosslightshift; uid_data->texMtxInfo[i].embosssourceshift = xfmem.texMtxInfo[i].embosssourceshift; out.Write("ldir = normalize(" LIGHT_POS".xyz - pos.xyz);\n", LIGHT_POS_PARAMS(texinfo.embosslightshift)); out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = o.tex%d.xyz + float3(dot(ldir, _norm1), dot(ldir, _norm2), 0.0);\n", i, texinfo.embosssourceshift); } else { _assert_(0); // should have normals uid_data->texMtxInfo[i].embosssourceshift = xfmem.texMtxInfo[i].embosssourceshift; out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = o.tex%d.xyz;\n", i, texinfo.embosssourceshift); } break; case XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC0: _assert_(texinfo.sourcerow == XF_SRCCOLORS_INROW); out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = float3(o.colors_0.x, o.colors_0.y, 1);\n", i); break; case XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC1: _assert_(texinfo.sourcerow == XF_SRCCOLORS_INROW); out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = float3(o.colors_1.x, o.colors_1.y, 1);\n", i); break; case XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR: default: uid_data->texMtxInfo_n_projection |= xfmem.texMtxInfo[i].projection << i; if (components & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0<<i)) { out.Write("int tmp = int(tex%d.z);\n", i); if (texinfo.projection == XF_TEXPROJ_STQ) out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp+1]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp+2]));\n", i); else out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES"[tmp+1]), 1);\n", i); } else { if (texinfo.projection == XF_TEXPROJ_STQ) out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]));\n", i, 3*i, 3*i+1, 3*i+2); else out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES"[%d]), 1);\n", i, 3*i, 3*i+1); } break; } uid_data->dualTexTrans_enabled = xfmem.dualTexTrans.enabled; // CHECKME: does this only work for regular tex gen types? if (xfmem.dualTexTrans.enabled && texinfo.texgentype == XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR) { const PostMtxInfo& postInfo = xfmem.postMtxInfo[i]; uid_data->postMtxInfo[i].index = xfmem.postMtxInfo[i].index; int postidx = postInfo.index; out.Write("float4 P0 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES"[%d];\n" "float4 P1 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES"[%d];\n" "float4 P2 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES"[%d];\n", postidx&0x3f, (postidx+1)&0x3f, (postidx+2)&0x3f); if (texGenSpecialCase) { // no normalization // q of input is 1 // q of output is unknown // multiply by postmatrix out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = float3(dot(P0.xy, o.tex%d.xy) + P0.z + P0.w, dot(P1.xy, o.tex%d.xy) + P1.z + P1.w, 0.0);\n", i, i, i); } else { uid_data->postMtxInfo[i].normalize = xfmem.postMtxInfo[i].normalize; if (postInfo.normalize) out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = normalize(o.tex%d.xyz);\n", i, i); // multiply by postmatrix out.Write("o.tex%d.xyz = float3(dot(P0.xyz, o.tex%d.xyz) + P0.w, dot(P1.xyz, o.tex%d.xyz) + P1.w, dot(P2.xyz, o.tex%d.xyz) + P2.w);\n", i, i, i, i); } } out.Write("}\n"); } // clipPos/w needs to be done in pixel shader, not here out.Write("o.clipPos = float4(pos.x,pos.y,o.pos.z,o.pos.w);\n"); if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting) { out.Write("o.Normal = float4(_norm0.x,_norm0.y,_norm0.z,pos.z);\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_COL0) out.Write("o.colors_0 = color0;\n"); if (components & VB_HAS_COL1) out.Write("o.colors_1 = color1;\n"); } //write the true depth value, if the game uses depth textures pixel shaders will override with the correct values //if not early z culling will improve speed if (api_type == API_D3D) { out.Write("o.pos.z = " I_DEPTHPARAMS".x * o.pos.w + o.pos.z * " I_DEPTHPARAMS".y;\n"); } else // OGL { // this results in a scale from -1..0 to -1..1 after perspective // divide out.Write("o.pos.z = o.pos.w + o.pos.z * 2.0;\n"); // the next steps of the OGL pipeline are: // (x_c,y_c,z_c,w_c) = o.pos //switch to OGL spec terminology // clipping to -w_c <= (x_c,y_c,z_c) <= w_c // (x_d,y_d,z_d) = (x_c,y_c,z_c)/w_c//perspective divide // z_w = (f-n)/2*z_d + (n+f)/2 // z_w now contains the value to go to the 0..1 depth buffer //trying to get the correct semantic while not using glDepthRange //seems to get rather complicated } // The console GPU places the pixel center at 7/12 in screen space unless // antialiasing is enabled, while D3D and OpenGL place it at 0.5. This results // in some primitives being placed one pixel too far to the bottom-right, // which in turn can be critical if it happens for clear quads. // Hence, we compensate for this pixel center difference so that primitives // get rasterized correctly. out.Write("o.pos.xy = o.pos.xy - " I_DEPTHPARAMS".zw;\n"); if (api_type == API_OPENGL) { // Bit ugly here // TODO: Make pretty // Will look better when we bind uniforms in GLSL 1.3 // clipPos/w needs to be done in pixel shader, not here for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i) out.Write(" uv%d.xyz = o.tex%d;\n", i, i); out.Write(" clipPos = o.clipPos;\n"); if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting) out.Write(" Normal = o.Normal;\n"); out.Write("colors_02 = o.colors_0;\n"); out.Write("colors_12 = o.colors_1;\n"); out.Write("gl_Position = o.pos;\n"); out.Write("}\n"); } else // D3D { out.Write("return o;\n}\n"); } if (is_writing_shadercode) { if (text[sizeof(text) - 1] != 0x7C) PanicAlert("VertexShader generator - buffer too small, canary has been eaten!"); #ifndef ANDROID uselocale(old_locale); // restore locale freelocale(locale); #endif } } void GetVertexShaderUid(VertexShaderUid& object, u32 components, API_TYPE api_type) { GenerateVertexShader<VertexShaderUid>(object, components, api_type); } void GenerateVertexShaderCode(VertexShaderCode& object, u32 components, API_TYPE api_type) { GenerateVertexShader<VertexShaderCode>(object, components, api_type); } void GenerateVSOutputStructForGS(ShaderCode& object, API_TYPE api_type) { GenerateVSOutputStruct<ShaderCode>(object, api_type); }