// Copyright 2016 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/StreamBuffer.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cstdint> #include <functional> #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/MsgHandler.h" #include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/CommandBufferManager.h" #include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/Util.h" #include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/VulkanContext.h" namespace Vulkan { StreamBuffer::StreamBuffer(VkBufferUsageFlags usage, size_t max_size) : m_usage(usage), m_maximum_size(max_size) { // Add a callback that fires on fence point creation and signal g_command_buffer_mgr->AddFencePointCallback( this, std::bind(&StreamBuffer::OnCommandBufferQueued, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), std::bind(&StreamBuffer::OnCommandBufferExecuted, this, std::placeholders::_1)); } StreamBuffer::~StreamBuffer() { g_command_buffer_mgr->RemoveFencePointCallback(this); if (m_host_pointer) vkUnmapMemory(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), m_memory); if (m_buffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE) g_command_buffer_mgr->DeferBufferDestruction(m_buffer); if (m_memory != VK_NULL_HANDLE) g_command_buffer_mgr->DeferDeviceMemoryDestruction(m_memory); } std::unique_ptr<StreamBuffer> StreamBuffer::Create(VkBufferUsageFlags usage, size_t initial_size, size_t max_size) { std::unique_ptr<StreamBuffer> buffer = std::make_unique<StreamBuffer>(usage, max_size); if (!buffer->ResizeBuffer(initial_size)) return nullptr; return buffer; } bool StreamBuffer::ResizeBuffer(size_t size) { // Create the buffer descriptor VkBufferCreateInfo buffer_create_info = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_BUFFER_CREATE_INFO, // VkStructureType sType nullptr, // const void* pNext 0, // VkBufferCreateFlags flags static_cast<VkDeviceSize>(size), // VkDeviceSize size m_usage, // VkBufferUsageFlags usage VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE, // VkSharingMode sharingMode 0, // uint32_t queueFamilyIndexCount nullptr // const uint32_t* pQueueFamilyIndices }; VkBuffer buffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE; VkResult res = vkCreateBuffer(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), &buffer_create_info, nullptr, &buffer); if (res != VK_SUCCESS) { LOG_VULKAN_ERROR(res, "vkCreateBuffer failed: "); return false; } // Get memory requirements (types etc) for this buffer VkMemoryRequirements memory_requirements; vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), buffer, &memory_requirements); // Aim for a coherent mapping if possible. u32 memory_type_index = g_vulkan_context->GetUploadMemoryType(memory_requirements.memoryTypeBits, &m_coherent_mapping); // Allocate memory for backing this buffer VkMemoryAllocateInfo memory_allocate_info = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATE_INFO, // VkStructureType sType nullptr, // const void* pNext memory_requirements.size, // VkDeviceSize allocationSize memory_type_index // uint32_t memoryTypeIndex }; VkDeviceMemory memory = VK_NULL_HANDLE; res = vkAllocateMemory(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), &memory_allocate_info, nullptr, &memory); if (res != VK_SUCCESS) { LOG_VULKAN_ERROR(res, "vkAllocateMemory failed: "); vkDestroyBuffer(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), buffer, nullptr); return false; } // Bind memory to buffer res = vkBindBufferMemory(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), buffer, memory, 0); if (res != VK_SUCCESS) { LOG_VULKAN_ERROR(res, "vkBindBufferMemory failed: "); vkDestroyBuffer(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), buffer, nullptr); vkFreeMemory(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), memory, nullptr); return false; } // Map this buffer into user-space void* mapped_ptr = nullptr; res = vkMapMemory(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), memory, 0, size, 0, &mapped_ptr); if (res != VK_SUCCESS) { LOG_VULKAN_ERROR(res, "vkMapMemory failed: "); vkDestroyBuffer(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), buffer, nullptr); vkFreeMemory(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), memory, nullptr); return false; } // Unmap current host pointer (if there was a previous buffer) if (m_host_pointer) vkUnmapMemory(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), m_memory); // Destroy the backings for the buffer after the command buffer executes if (m_buffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE) g_command_buffer_mgr->DeferBufferDestruction(m_buffer); if (m_memory != VK_NULL_HANDLE) g_command_buffer_mgr->DeferDeviceMemoryDestruction(m_memory); // Replace with the new buffer m_buffer = buffer; m_memory = memory; m_host_pointer = reinterpret_cast<u8*>(mapped_ptr); m_current_size = size; m_current_offset = 0; m_current_gpu_position = 0; m_tracked_fences.clear(); return true; } bool StreamBuffer::ReserveMemory(size_t num_bytes, size_t alignment, bool allow_reuse /* = true */, bool allow_growth /* = true */, bool reallocate_if_full /* = false */) { size_t required_bytes = num_bytes + alignment; // Check for sane allocations if (required_bytes > m_maximum_size) { PanicAlert("Attempting to allocate %u bytes from a %u byte stream buffer", static_cast<uint32_t>(num_bytes), static_cast<uint32_t>(m_maximum_size)); return false; } // Is the GPU behind or up to date with our current offset? if (m_current_offset >= m_current_gpu_position) { size_t remaining_bytes = m_current_size - m_current_offset; if (required_bytes <= remaining_bytes) { // Place at the current position, after the GPU position. m_current_offset = Util::AlignBufferOffset(m_current_offset, alignment); m_last_allocation_size = num_bytes; return true; } // Check for space at the start of the buffer // We use < here because we don't want to have the case of m_current_offset == // m_current_gpu_position. That would mean the code above would assume the // GPU has caught up to us, which it hasn't. if (allow_reuse && required_bytes < m_current_gpu_position) { // Reset offset to zero, since we're allocating behind the gpu now m_current_offset = 0; m_last_allocation_size = num_bytes; return true; } } // Is the GPU ahead of our current offset? if (m_current_offset < m_current_gpu_position) { // We have from m_current_offset..m_current_gpu_position space to use. size_t remaining_bytes = m_current_gpu_position - m_current_offset; if (required_bytes < remaining_bytes) { // Place at the current position, since this is still behind the GPU. m_current_offset = Util::AlignBufferOffset(m_current_offset, alignment); m_last_allocation_size = num_bytes; return true; } } // Try to grow the buffer up to the maximum size before waiting. // Double each time until the maximum size is reached. if (allow_growth && m_current_size < m_maximum_size) { size_t new_size = std::min(std::max(num_bytes, m_current_size * 2), m_maximum_size); if (ResizeBuffer(new_size)) { // Allocating from the start of the buffer. m_last_allocation_size = new_size; return true; } } // Can we find a fence to wait on that will give us enough memory? if (allow_reuse && WaitForClearSpace(required_bytes)) { ASSERT(m_current_offset == m_current_gpu_position || (m_current_offset + required_bytes) < m_current_gpu_position); m_current_offset = Util::AlignBufferOffset(m_current_offset, alignment); m_last_allocation_size = num_bytes; return true; } // If we are not allowed to execute in our current state (e.g. in the middle of a render pass), // as a last resort, reallocate the buffer. This will incur a performance hit and is not // encouraged. if (reallocate_if_full && ResizeBuffer(m_current_size)) { m_last_allocation_size = num_bytes; return true; } // We tried everything we could, and still couldn't get anything. If we're not at a point // where the state is known and can be resumed, this is probably a fatal error. return false; } void StreamBuffer::CommitMemory(size_t final_num_bytes) { ASSERT((m_current_offset + final_num_bytes) <= m_current_size); ASSERT(final_num_bytes <= m_last_allocation_size); // For non-coherent mappings, flush the memory range if (!m_coherent_mapping) { VkMappedMemoryRange range = {VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MAPPED_MEMORY_RANGE, nullptr, m_memory, m_current_offset, final_num_bytes}; vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), 1, &range); } m_current_offset += final_num_bytes; } void StreamBuffer::OnCommandBufferQueued(VkCommandBuffer command_buffer, VkFence fence) { // Don't create a tracking entry if the GPU is caught up with the buffer. if (m_current_offset == m_current_gpu_position) return; // Has the offset changed since the last fence? if (!m_tracked_fences.empty() && m_tracked_fences.back().second == m_current_offset) { // No need to track the new fence, the old one is sufficient. return; } m_tracked_fences.emplace_back(fence, m_current_offset); } void StreamBuffer::OnCommandBufferExecuted(VkFence fence) { // Locate the entry for this fence (if any, we may have been forced to wait already) auto iter = std::find_if(m_tracked_fences.begin(), m_tracked_fences.end(), [fence](const auto& it) { return it.first == fence; }); if (iter != m_tracked_fences.end()) { // Update the GPU position, and remove any fences before this fence (since // it is implied that they have been signaled as well, though the callback // should have removed them already). m_current_gpu_position = iter->second; m_tracked_fences.erase(m_tracked_fences.begin(), ++iter); } } bool StreamBuffer::WaitForClearSpace(size_t num_bytes) { size_t new_offset = 0; size_t new_gpu_position = 0; auto iter = m_tracked_fences.begin(); for (; iter != m_tracked_fences.end(); iter++) { // Would this fence bring us in line with the GPU? // This is the "last resort" case, where a command buffer execution has been forced // after no additional data has been written to it, so we can assume that after the // fence has been signaled the entire buffer is now consumed. size_t gpu_position = iter->second; if (m_current_offset == gpu_position) { // Start at the start of the buffer again. new_offset = 0; new_gpu_position = 0; break; } // Assuming that we wait for this fence, are we allocating in front of the GPU? if (m_current_offset > gpu_position) { // We can wrap around to the start, behind the GPU, if there is enough space. // We use > here because otherwise we'd end up lining up with the GPU, and then the // allocator would assume that the GPU has consumed what we just wrote. if (gpu_position > num_bytes) { new_offset = 0; new_gpu_position = gpu_position; break; } } else { // We're currently allocating behind the GPU. This would give us between the current // offset and the GPU position worth of space to work with. Again, > because we can't // align the GPU position with the buffer offset. size_t available_space_inbetween = gpu_position - m_current_offset; if (available_space_inbetween > num_bytes) { // Leave the offset as-is, but update the GPU position. new_offset = m_current_offset; new_gpu_position = gpu_position; break; } } } // Did any fences satisfy this condition? if (iter == m_tracked_fences.end()) return false; // Wait until this fence is signaled. VkResult res = vkWaitForFences(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), 1, &iter->first, VK_TRUE, UINT64_MAX); if (res != VK_SUCCESS) LOG_VULKAN_ERROR(res, "vkWaitForFences failed: "); // Update GPU position, and remove all fences up to (and including) this fence. m_current_offset = new_offset; m_current_gpu_position = new_gpu_position; m_tracked_fences.erase(m_tracked_fences.begin(), ++iter); return true; } } // namespace Vulkan