// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <istream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "Common/CommonFuncs.h"
#include "Common/CommonPaths.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#include <locale.h>

#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
static locale_t GetCLocale()
  static locale_t c_locale = newlocale(LC_ALL_MASK, "C", nullptr);
  return c_locale;

std::string HexDump(const u8* data, size_t size)
  constexpr size_t BYTES_PER_LINE = 16;

  std::string out;
  for (size_t row_start = 0; row_start < size; row_start += BYTES_PER_LINE)
    out += StringFromFormat("%06zx: ", row_start);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < BYTES_PER_LINE; ++i)
      if (row_start + i < size)
        out += StringFromFormat("%02hhx ", data[row_start + i]);
        out += "   ";
    out += " ";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < BYTES_PER_LINE; ++i)
      if (row_start + i < size)
        char c = static_cast<char>(data[row_start + i]);
        out += StringFromFormat("%c", isprint(c) ? c : '.');
    out += "\n";
  return out;

// faster than sscanf
bool AsciiToHex(const std::string& _szValue, u32& result)
  // Set errno to a good state.
  errno = 0;

  char* endptr = nullptr;
  const u32 value = strtoul(_szValue.c_str(), &endptr, 16);

  if (!endptr || *endptr)
    return false;

  if (errno == ERANGE)
    return false;

  result = value;
  return true;

bool CharArrayFromFormatV(char* out, int outsize, const char* format, va_list args)
  int writtenCount;

#ifdef _WIN32
  // You would think *printf are simple, right? Iterate on each character,
  // if it's a format specifier handle it properly, etc.
  // Nooooo. Not according to the C standard.
  // According to the C99 standard ( "The fprintf function")
  //     The format shall be a multibyte character sequence
  // Because some character encodings might have '%' signs in the middle of
  // a multibyte sequence (SJIS for example only specifies that the first
  // byte of a 2 byte sequence is "high", the second byte can be anything),
  // printf functions have to decode the multibyte sequences and try their
  // best to not screw up.
  // Unfortunately, on Windows, the locale for most languages is not UTF-8
  // as we would need. Notably, for zh_TW, Windows chooses EUC-CN as the
  // locale, and completely fails when trying to decode UTF-8 as EUC-CN.
  // On the other hand, the fix is simple: because we use UTF-8, no such
  // multibyte handling is required as we can simply assume that no '%' char
  // will be present in the middle of a multibyte sequence.
  // This is why we look up the default C locale here and use _vsnprintf_l.
  static _locale_t c_locale = nullptr;
  if (!c_locale)
    c_locale = _create_locale(LC_ALL, "C");
  writtenCount = _vsnprintf_l(out, outsize, format, c_locale, args);
#if !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
  locale_t previousLocale = uselocale(GetCLocale());
  writtenCount = vsnprintf(out, outsize, format, args);
#if !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)

  if (writtenCount > 0 && writtenCount < outsize)
    out[writtenCount] = '\0';
    return true;
    out[outsize - 1] = '\0';
    return false;

std::string StringFromFormat(const char* format, ...)
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, format);
  std::string res = StringFromFormatV(format, args);
  return res;

std::string StringFromFormatV(const char* format, va_list args)
  char* buf = nullptr;
#ifdef _WIN32
  int required = _vscprintf(format, args);
  buf = new char[required + 1];
  CharArrayFromFormatV(buf, required + 1, format, args);

  std::string temp = buf;
  delete[] buf;
#if !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
  locale_t previousLocale = uselocale(GetCLocale());
  if (vasprintf(&buf, format, args) < 0)
    ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "Unable to allocate memory for string");
#if !defined(ANDROID) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)

  std::string temp = buf;
  return temp;

// For Debugging. Read out an u8 array.
std::string ArrayToString(const u8* data, u32 size, int line_len, bool spaces)
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << std::setfill('0') << std::hex;

  for (int line = 0; size; ++data, --size)
    oss << std::setw(2) << (int)*data;

    if (line_len == ++line)
      oss << '\n';
      line = 0;
    else if (spaces)
      oss << ' ';

  return oss.str();

// Turns "  hello " into "hello". Also handles tabs.
std::string StripSpaces(const std::string& str)
  const size_t s = str.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n");

  if (str.npos != s)
    return str.substr(s, str.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n") - s + 1);
    return "";

// "\"hello\"" is turned to "hello"
// This one assumes that the string has already been space stripped in both
// ends, as done by StripSpaces above, for example.
std::string StripQuotes(const std::string& s)
  if (s.size() && '\"' == s[0] && '\"' == *s.rbegin())
    return s.substr(1, s.size() - 2);
    return s;

bool TryParse(const std::string& str, u32* const output)
  char* endptr = nullptr;

  // Reset errno to a value other than ERANGE
  errno = 0;

  unsigned long value = strtoul(str.c_str(), &endptr, 0);

  if (!endptr || *endptr)
    return false;

  if (errno == ERANGE)
    return false;

  if (value >= 0x100000000ull && value <= 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ull)
    return false;

  *output = static_cast<u32>(value);
  return true;

bool TryParse(const std::string& str, bool* const output)
  float value;
  const bool is_valid_float = TryParse(str, &value);
  if ((is_valid_float && value == 1) || !strcasecmp("true", str.c_str()))
    *output = true;
  else if ((is_valid_float && value == 0) || !strcasecmp("false", str.c_str()))
    *output = false;
    return false;

  return true;

std::string StringFromInt(int value)
  char temp[16];
  sprintf(temp, "%i", value);
  return temp;

std::string StringFromBool(bool value)
  return value ? "True" : "False";

bool SplitPath(const std::string& full_path, std::string* _pPath, std::string* _pFilename,
               std::string* _pExtension)
  if (full_path.empty())
    return false;

  size_t dir_end = full_path.find_last_of("/"
// Windows needs the : included for something like just "C:" to be considered a directory
#ifdef _WIN32
  if (std::string::npos == dir_end)
    dir_end = 0;
    dir_end += 1;

  size_t fname_end = full_path.rfind('.');
  if (fname_end < dir_end || std::string::npos == fname_end)
    fname_end = full_path.size();

  if (_pPath)
    *_pPath = full_path.substr(0, dir_end);

  if (_pFilename)
    *_pFilename = full_path.substr(dir_end, fname_end - dir_end);

  if (_pExtension)
    *_pExtension = full_path.substr(fname_end);

  return true;

void BuildCompleteFilename(std::string& _CompleteFilename, const std::string& _Path,
                           const std::string& _Filename)
  _CompleteFilename = _Path;

  // check for seperator
  if (DIR_SEP_CHR != *_CompleteFilename.rbegin())
    _CompleteFilename += DIR_SEP_CHR;

  // add the filename
  _CompleteFilename += _Filename;

void SplitString(const std::string& str, const char delim, std::vector<std::string>& output)
  std::istringstream iss(str);

  while (std::getline(iss, *output.rbegin(), delim))


std::string JoinStrings(const std::vector<std::string>& strings, const std::string& delimiter)
  // Check if we can return early, just for speed
  if (strings.empty())
    return "";

  std::stringstream res;
  std::copy(strings.begin(), strings.end(),
            std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(res, delimiter.c_str()));

  // Drop the trailing delimiter.
  std::string joined = res.str();
  return joined.substr(0, joined.length() - delimiter.length());

std::string TabsToSpaces(int tab_size, const std::string& in)
  const std::string spaces(tab_size, ' ');
  std::string out(in);

  size_t i = 0;
  while (out.npos != (i = out.find('\t')))
    out.replace(i, 1, spaces);

  return out;

std::string ReplaceAll(std::string result, const std::string& src, const std::string& dest)
  size_t pos = 0;

  if (src == dest)
    return result;

  while ((pos = result.find(src, pos)) != std::string::npos)
    result.replace(pos, src.size(), dest);
    pos += dest.length();

  return result;

bool StringBeginsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& begin)
  return str.size() >= begin.size() && std::equal(begin.begin(), begin.end(), str.begin());

bool StringEndsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& end)
  return str.size() >= end.size() && std::equal(end.rbegin(), end.rend(), str.rbegin());

#ifdef _WIN32

std::string UTF16ToUTF8(const std::wstring& input)
  auto const size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, input.data(), (int)input.size(), nullptr, 0,
                                        nullptr, nullptr);

  std::string output;

  if (size == 0 ||
      size != WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, input.data(), (int)input.size(), &output[0],
                                  (int)output.size(), nullptr, nullptr))

  return output;

std::wstring CPToUTF16(u32 code_page, const std::string& input)
  auto const size = MultiByteToWideChar(code_page, 0, input.data(), (int)input.size(), nullptr, 0);

  std::wstring output;

  if (size == 0 ||
      size != MultiByteToWideChar(code_page, 0, input.data(), (int)input.size(), &output[0],

  return output;

std::wstring UTF8ToUTF16(const std::string& input)
  return CPToUTF16(CP_UTF8, input);

std::string SHIFTJISToUTF8(const std::string& input)
  return UTF16ToUTF8(CPToUTF16(932, input));

std::string CP1252ToUTF8(const std::string& input)
  return UTF16ToUTF8(CPToUTF16(1252, input));


template <typename T>
std::string CodeToUTF8(const char* fromcode, const std::basic_string<T>& input)
  std::string result;

  iconv_t const conv_desc = iconv_open("UTF-8", fromcode);
  if ((iconv_t)-1 == conv_desc)
    ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "Iconv initialization failure [%s]: %s", fromcode, strerror(errno));
    size_t const in_bytes = sizeof(T) * input.size();
    size_t const out_buffer_size = 4 * in_bytes;

    std::string out_buffer;

    auto src_buffer = &input[0];
    size_t src_bytes = in_bytes;
    auto dst_buffer = &out_buffer[0];
    size_t dst_bytes = out_buffer.size();

    while (src_bytes != 0)
      size_t const iconv_result =
          iconv(conv_desc, (char**)(&src_buffer), &src_bytes, &dst_buffer, &dst_bytes);

      if ((size_t)-1 == iconv_result)
        if (EILSEQ == errno || EINVAL == errno)
          // Try to skip the bad character
          if (src_bytes != 0)
          ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "iconv failure [%s]: %s", fromcode, strerror(errno));

    out_buffer.resize(out_buffer_size - dst_bytes);


  return result;

std::string CP1252ToUTF8(const std::string& input)
  // return CodeToUTF8("CP1252//TRANSLIT", input);
  // return CodeToUTF8("CP1252//IGNORE", input);
  return CodeToUTF8("CP1252", input);

std::string SHIFTJISToUTF8(const std::string& input)
  // return CodeToUTF8("CP932", input);
  return CodeToUTF8("SJIS", input);

std::string UTF16ToUTF8(const std::wstring& input)
  std::string result = CodeToUTF8("UTF-16LE", input);

  // TODO: why is this needed?
  result.erase(std::remove(result.begin(), result.end(), 0x00), result.end());
  return result;
