// Copyright 2015 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include "Core/BootManager.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "DolphinQt2/AboutDialog.h" #include "DolphinQt2/Host.h" #include "DolphinQt2/MainWindow.h" #include "DolphinQt2/Resources.h" #include "DolphinQt2/Settings.h" #include "DolphinQt2/Config/PathDialog.h" #include "DolphinQt2/GameList/GameListModel.h" MainWindow::MainWindow() : QMainWindow(nullptr) { setWindowTitle(tr("Dolphin")); setWindowIcon(QIcon(Resources::GetMisc(Resources::LOGO_SMALL))); CreateComponents(); ConnectGameList(); ConnectPathsDialog(); ConnectToolBar(); ConnectRenderWidget(); ConnectStack(); ConnectMenuBar(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { m_render_widget->deleteLater(); } void MainWindow::CreateComponents() { m_menu_bar = new MenuBar(this); m_tool_bar = new ToolBar(this); m_game_list = new GameList(this); m_render_widget = new RenderWidget; m_stack = new QStackedWidget(this); m_paths_dialog = new PathDialog(this); } void MainWindow::ConnectMenuBar() { setMenuBar(m_menu_bar); connect(m_menu_bar, &MenuBar::Open, this, &MainWindow::Open); connect(m_menu_bar, &MenuBar::Exit, this, &MainWindow::close); connect(m_menu_bar, &MenuBar::ShowTable, m_game_list, &GameList::SetTableView); connect(m_menu_bar, &MenuBar::ShowList, m_game_list, &GameList::SetListView); connect(m_menu_bar, &MenuBar::ShowAboutDialog, this, &MainWindow::ShowAboutDialog); } void MainWindow::ConnectToolBar() { addToolBar(m_tool_bar); connect(m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::OpenPressed, this, &MainWindow::Open); connect(m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::PlayPressed, this, &MainWindow::Play); connect(m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::PausePressed, this, &MainWindow::Pause); connect(m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::StopPressed, this, &MainWindow::Stop); connect(m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::FullScreenPressed, this, &MainWindow::FullScreen); connect(m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::ScreenShotPressed, this, &MainWindow::ScreenShot); connect(m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::PathsPressed, this, &MainWindow::ShowPathsDialog); connect(this, &MainWindow::EmulationStarted, m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::EmulationStarted); connect(this, &MainWindow::EmulationPaused, m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::EmulationPaused); connect(this, &MainWindow::EmulationStopped, m_tool_bar, &ToolBar::EmulationStopped); } void MainWindow::ConnectGameList() { connect(m_game_list, &GameList::GameSelected, this, &MainWindow::Play); } void MainWindow::ConnectRenderWidget() { m_rendering_to_main = false; m_render_widget->hide(); connect(m_render_widget, &RenderWidget::EscapePressed, this, &MainWindow::Stop); connect(m_render_widget, &RenderWidget::Closed, this, &MainWindow::ForceStop); } void MainWindow::ConnectStack() { m_stack->setMinimumSize(800, 600); m_stack->addWidget(m_game_list); setCentralWidget(m_stack); } void MainWindow::ConnectPathsDialog() { connect(m_paths_dialog, &PathDialog::PathAdded, m_game_list, &GameList::DirectoryAdded); connect(m_paths_dialog, &PathDialog::PathRemoved, m_game_list, &GameList::DirectoryRemoved); } void MainWindow::Open() { QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select a File"), QDir::currentPath(), tr("All GC/Wii files (*.elf *.dol *.gcm *.iso *.wbfs *.ciso *.gcz *.wad);;" "All Files (*)")); if (!file.isEmpty()) StartGame(file); } void MainWindow::Play() { // If we're in a paused game, start it up again. // Otherwise, play the selected game, if there is one. // Otherwise, play the default game. // Otherwise, play the last played game, if there is one. // Otherwise, prompt for a new game. if (Core::GetState() == Core::CORE_PAUSE) { Core::SetState(Core::CORE_RUN); emit EmulationStarted(); } else { QString selection = m_game_list->GetSelectedGame(); if (selection.length() > 0) { StartGame(selection); } else { QString default_path = Settings().GetDefaultGame(); if (!default_path.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(default_path)) { StartGame(default_path); } else { QString last_path = Settings().GetLastGame(); if (!last_path.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(last_path)) StartGame(last_path); else Open(); } } } } void MainWindow::Pause() { Core::SetState(Core::CORE_PAUSE); emit EmulationPaused(); } bool MainWindow::Stop() { bool stop = true; if (Settings().GetConfirmStop()) { // We could pause the game here and resume it if they say no. QMessageBox::StandardButton confirm; confirm = QMessageBox::question(m_render_widget, tr("Confirm"), tr("Stop emulation?")); stop = (confirm == QMessageBox::Yes); } if (stop) ForceStop(); return stop; } void MainWindow::ForceStop() { BootManager::Stop(); HideRenderWidget(); emit EmulationStopped(); } void MainWindow::FullScreen() { // If the render widget is fullscreen we want to reset it to whatever is in // settings. If it's set to be fullscreen then it just remakes the window, // which probably isn't ideal. bool was_fullscreen = m_render_widget->isFullScreen(); HideRenderWidget(); if (was_fullscreen) ShowRenderWidget(); else m_render_widget->showFullScreen(); } void MainWindow::ScreenShot() { Core::SaveScreenShot(); } void MainWindow::StartGame(const QString& path) { // If we're running, only start a new game once we've stopped the last. if (Core::GetState() != Core::CORE_UNINITIALIZED) { if (!Stop()) return; } // Boot up, show an error if it fails to load the game. if (!BootManager::BootCore(path.toStdString())) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Failed to init core"), QMessageBox::Ok); return; } Settings().SetLastGame(path); ShowRenderWidget(); emit EmulationStarted(); } void MainWindow::ShowRenderWidget() { Settings settings; if (settings.GetRenderToMain()) { // If we're rendering to main, add it to the stack and update our title when necessary. m_rendering_to_main = true; m_stack->setCurrentIndex(m_stack->addWidget(m_render_widget)); connect(Host::GetInstance(), &Host::RequestTitle, this, &MainWindow::setWindowTitle); } else { // Otherwise, just show it. m_rendering_to_main = false; if (settings.GetFullScreen()) { m_render_widget->showFullScreen(); } else { m_render_widget->setFixedSize(settings.GetRenderWindowSize()); m_render_widget->showNormal(); } } } void MainWindow::HideRenderWidget() { if (m_rendering_to_main) { // Remove the widget from the stack and reparent it to nullptr, so that it can draw // itself in a new window if it wants. Disconnect the title updates. m_stack->removeWidget(m_render_widget); m_render_widget->setParent(nullptr); m_rendering_to_main = false; disconnect(Host::GetInstance(), &Host::RequestTitle, this, &MainWindow::setWindowTitle); setWindowTitle(tr("Dolphin")); } m_render_widget->hide(); } void MainWindow::ShowPathsDialog() { m_paths_dialog->show(); m_paths_dialog->raise(); m_paths_dialog->activateWindow(); } void MainWindow::ShowAboutDialog() { AboutDialog* about = new AboutDialog(this); about->show(); }