// Copyright 2010 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #pragma once #include <array> #include <bitset> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <optional> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "VideoCommon/AbstractTexture.h" #include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/TextureConfig.h" #include "VideoCommon/TextureDecoder.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoCommon.h" struct VideoConfig; struct TextureAndTLUTFormat { TextureAndTLUTFormat(TextureFormat texfmt_ = TextureFormat::I4, TLUTFormat tlutfmt_ = TLUTFormat::IA8) : texfmt(texfmt_), tlutfmt(tlutfmt_) { } bool operator==(const TextureAndTLUTFormat& other) const { if (IsColorIndexed(texfmt)) return texfmt == other.texfmt && tlutfmt == other.tlutfmt; return texfmt == other.texfmt; } bool operator!=(const TextureAndTLUTFormat& other) const { return !operator==(other); } TextureFormat texfmt; TLUTFormat tlutfmt; }; struct EFBCopyParams { EFBCopyParams(PEControl::PixelFormat efb_format_, EFBCopyFormat copy_format_, bool depth_, bool yuv_, bool copy_filter_) : efb_format(efb_format_), copy_format(copy_format_), depth(depth_), yuv(yuv_), copy_filter(copy_filter_) { } bool operator<(const EFBCopyParams& rhs) const { return std::tie(efb_format, copy_format, depth, yuv, copy_filter) < std::tie(rhs.efb_format, rhs.copy_format, rhs.depth, rhs.yuv, rhs.copy_filter); } PEControl::PixelFormat efb_format; EFBCopyFormat copy_format; bool depth; bool yuv; bool copy_filter; }; struct TextureLookupInformation { u32 address; u32 block_width; u32 block_height; u32 bytes_per_block; u32 expanded_width; u32 expanded_height; u32 native_width; u32 native_height; u32 total_bytes; u32 native_levels = 1; u32 computed_levels; u64 base_hash; u64 full_hash; TextureAndTLUTFormat full_format; u32 tlut_address = 0; bool is_palette_texture = false; u32 palette_size = 0; bool use_mipmaps = false; bool from_tmem = false; u32 tmem_address_even = 0; u32 tmem_address_odd = 0; int texture_cache_safety_color_sample_size = 0; // Default to safe hashing u8* src_data; }; class TextureCacheBase { private: static const int FRAMECOUNT_INVALID = 0; public: // Reduced version of the full coefficient array, reduced to a single value for each row. using CopyFilterCoefficientArray = std::array<float, 3>; struct TCacheEntry { // common members std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> texture; u32 addr; u32 size_in_bytes; u64 base_hash; u64 hash; // for paletted textures, hash = base_hash ^ palette_hash TextureAndTLUTFormat format; u32 memory_stride; bool is_efb_copy; bool is_custom_tex; bool may_have_overlapping_textures = true; bool tmem_only = false; // indicates that this texture only exists in the tmem cache bool has_arbitrary_mips = false; // indicates that the mips in this texture are arbitrary // content, aren't just downscaled bool should_force_safe_hashing = false; // for XFB bool is_xfb_copy = false; u64 id; bool reference_changed = false; // used by xfb to determine when a reference xfb changed unsigned int native_width, native_height; // Texture dimensions from the GameCube's point of view unsigned int native_levels; // used to delete textures which haven't been used for TEXTURE_KILL_THRESHOLD frames int frameCount = FRAMECOUNT_INVALID; // Keep an iterator to the entry in textures_by_hash, so it does not need to be searched when // removing the cache entry std::multimap<u64, TCacheEntry*>::iterator textures_by_hash_iter; // This is used to keep track of both: // * efb copies used by this partially updated texture // * partially updated textures which refer to this efb copy std::unordered_set<TCacheEntry*> references; explicit TCacheEntry(std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> tex); ~TCacheEntry(); void SetGeneralParameters(u32 _addr, u32 _size, TextureAndTLUTFormat _format, bool force_safe_hashing) { addr = _addr; size_in_bytes = _size; format = _format; should_force_safe_hashing = force_safe_hashing; } void SetDimensions(unsigned int _native_width, unsigned int _native_height, unsigned int _native_levels) { native_width = _native_width; native_height = _native_height; native_levels = _native_levels; memory_stride = _native_width; } void SetHashes(u64 _base_hash, u64 _hash) { base_hash = _base_hash; hash = _hash; } // This texture entry is used by the other entry as a sub-texture void CreateReference(TCacheEntry* other_entry) { // References are two-way, so they can easily be destroyed later this->references.emplace(other_entry); other_entry->references.emplace(this); } void SetXfbCopy(u32 stride); void SetEfbCopy(u32 stride); void SetNotCopy(); bool OverlapsMemoryRange(u32 range_address, u32 range_size) const; bool IsEfbCopy() const { return is_efb_copy; } bool IsCopy() const { return is_xfb_copy || is_efb_copy; } u32 NumBlocksY() const; u32 BytesPerRow() const; u64 CalculateHash() const; int HashSampleSize() const; u32 GetWidth() const { return texture->GetConfig().width; } u32 GetHeight() const { return texture->GetConfig().height; } u32 GetNumLevels() const { return texture->GetConfig().levels; } u32 GetNumLayers() const { return texture->GetConfig().layers; } AbstractTextureFormat GetFormat() const { return texture->GetConfig().format; } }; virtual ~TextureCacheBase(); // needs virtual for DX11 dtor void OnConfigChanged(VideoConfig& config); // Removes textures which aren't used for more than TEXTURE_KILL_THRESHOLD frames, // frameCount is the current frame number. void Cleanup(int _frameCount); void Invalidate(); virtual void CopyEFB(u8* dst, const EFBCopyParams& params, u32 native_width, u32 bytes_per_row, u32 num_blocks_y, u32 memory_stride, const EFBRectangle& src_rect, bool scale_by_half, float y_scale, float gamma, bool clamp_top, bool clamp_bottom, const CopyFilterCoefficientArray& filter_coefficients) = 0; virtual bool CompileShaders() = 0; virtual void DeleteShaders() = 0; TCacheEntry* Load(const u32 stage); static void InvalidateAllBindPoints() { valid_bind_points.reset(); } static bool IsValidBindPoint(u32 i) { return valid_bind_points.test(i); } TCacheEntry* GetTexture(u32 address, u32 width, u32 height, const TextureFormat texformat, const int textureCacheSafetyColorSampleSize, u32 tlutaddr = 0, TLUTFormat tlutfmt = TLUTFormat::IA8, bool use_mipmaps = false, u32 tex_levels = 1, bool from_tmem = false, u32 tmem_address_even = 0, u32 tmem_address_odd = 0); TCacheEntry* GetXFBTexture(u32 address, u32 width, u32 height, TextureFormat texformat, int textureCacheSafetyColorSampleSize); std::optional<TextureLookupInformation> ComputeTextureInformation(u32 address, u32 width, u32 height, TextureFormat texformat, int textureCacheSafetyColorSampleSize, bool from_tmem, u32 tmem_address_even, u32 tmem_address_odd, u32 tlutaddr, TLUTFormat tlutfmt, u32 levels); TCacheEntry* GetXFBFromCache(const TextureLookupInformation& tex_info); bool LoadTextureFromOverlappingTextures(TCacheEntry* entry_to_update, const TextureLookupInformation& tex_info); TCacheEntry* CreateNormalTexture(const TextureLookupInformation& tex_info); void LoadTextureFromMemory(TCacheEntry* entry_to_update, const TextureLookupInformation& tex_info); void LoadTextureLevelZeroFromMemory(TCacheEntry* entry_to_update, const TextureLookupInformation& tex_info, bool decode_on_gpu); virtual void BindTextures(); void CopyRenderTargetToTexture(u32 dstAddr, EFBCopyFormat dstFormat, u32 width, u32 height, u32 dstStride, bool is_depth_copy, const EFBRectangle& srcRect, bool isIntensity, bool scaleByHalf, float y_scale, float gamma, bool clamp_top, bool clamp_bottom, const CopyFilterCoefficients::Values& filter_coefficients); virtual void ConvertTexture(TCacheEntry* entry, TCacheEntry* unconverted, const void* palette, TLUTFormat format) = 0; // Returns true if the texture data and palette formats are supported by the GPU decoder. virtual bool SupportsGPUTextureDecode(TextureFormat format, TLUTFormat palette_format) { return false; } // Decodes the specified data to the GPU texture specified by entry. // width, height are the size of the image in pixels. // aligned_width, aligned_height are the size of the image in pixels, aligned to the block size. // row_stride is the number of bytes for a row of blocks, not pixels. virtual void DecodeTextureOnGPU(TCacheEntry* entry, u32 dst_level, const u8* data, size_t data_size, TextureFormat format, u32 width, u32 height, u32 aligned_width, u32 aligned_height, u32 row_stride, const u8* palette, TLUTFormat palette_format) { } void ScaleTextureCacheEntryTo(TCacheEntry* entry, u32 new_width, u32 new_height); protected: TextureCacheBase(); // Returns false if the top/bottom row coefficients are zero. bool NeedsCopyFilterInShader(const CopyFilterCoefficientArray& coefficients) const; alignas(16) u8* temp = nullptr; size_t temp_size = 0; std::array<TCacheEntry*, 8> bound_textures{}; static std::bitset<8> valid_bind_points; private: // Minimal version of TCacheEntry just for TexPool struct TexPoolEntry { std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> texture; int frameCount = FRAMECOUNT_INVALID; TexPoolEntry(std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> tex) : texture(std::move(tex)) {} }; using TexAddrCache = std::multimap<u32, TCacheEntry*>; using TexHashCache = std::multimap<u64, TCacheEntry*>; using TexPool = std::unordered_multimap<TextureConfig, TexPoolEntry>; void SetBackupConfig(const VideoConfig& config); TCacheEntry* ApplyPaletteToEntry(TCacheEntry* entry, u8* palette, TLUTFormat tlutfmt); TCacheEntry* DoPartialTextureUpdates(TCacheEntry* entry_to_update, u8* palette, TLUTFormat tlutfmt); void DumpTexture(TCacheEntry* entry, std::string basename, unsigned int level, bool is_arbitrary); void CheckTempSize(size_t required_size); TCacheEntry* AllocateCacheEntry(const TextureConfig& config); std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> AllocateTexture(const TextureConfig& config); TexPool::iterator FindMatchingTextureFromPool(const TextureConfig& config); TexAddrCache::iterator GetTexCacheIter(TCacheEntry* entry); // Return all possible overlapping textures. As addr+size of the textures is not // indexed, this may return false positives. std::pair<TexAddrCache::iterator, TexAddrCache::iterator> FindOverlappingTextures(u32 addr, u32 size_in_bytes); virtual void CopyEFBToCacheEntry(TCacheEntry* entry, bool is_depth_copy, const EFBRectangle& src_rect, bool scale_by_half, EFBCopyFormat dst_format, bool is_intensity, float gamma, bool clamp_top, bool clamp_bottom, const CopyFilterCoefficientArray& filter_coefficients) = 0; // Removes and unlinks texture from texture cache and returns it to the pool TexAddrCache::iterator InvalidateTexture(TexAddrCache::iterator t_iter); void UninitializeXFBMemory(u8* dst, u32 stride, u32 bytes_per_row, u32 num_blocks_y); // Precomputing the coefficients for the previous, current, and next lines for the copy filter. CopyFilterCoefficientArray GetRAMCopyFilterCoefficients(const CopyFilterCoefficients::Values& coefficients) const; CopyFilterCoefficientArray GetVRAMCopyFilterCoefficients(const CopyFilterCoefficients::Values& coefficients) const; TexAddrCache textures_by_address; TexHashCache textures_by_hash; TexPool texture_pool; u64 last_entry_id = 0; // Backup configuration values struct BackupConfig { int color_samples; bool texfmt_overlay; bool texfmt_overlay_center; bool hires_textures; bool cache_hires_textures; bool copy_cache_enable; bool stereo_3d; bool efb_mono_depth; bool gpu_texture_decoding; bool disable_vram_copies; bool arbitrary_mipmap_detection; }; BackupConfig backup_config = {}; }; extern std::unique_ptr<TextureCacheBase> g_texture_cache;