// Copyright 2009 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "VideoCommon/BPStructs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Core/ConfigManager.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/DolphinAnalytics.h" #include "Core/FifoPlayer/FifoPlayer.h" #include "Core/FifoPlayer/FifoRecorder.h" #include "Core/HW/Memmap.h" #include "Core/HW/VideoInterface.h" #include "VideoCommon/BPFunctions.h" #include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/BoundingBox.h" #include "VideoCommon/Fifo.h" #include "VideoCommon/FramebufferManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/GeometryShaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/OpcodeDecoding.h" #include "VideoCommon/PerfQueryBase.h" #include "VideoCommon/PixelEngine.h" #include "VideoCommon/PixelShaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/RenderBase.h" #include "VideoCommon/TMEM.h" #include "VideoCommon/TextureCacheBase.h" #include "VideoCommon/TextureDecoder.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoBackendBase.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoCommon.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h" using namespace BPFunctions; static const float s_gammaLUT[] = {1.0f, 1.7f, 2.2f, 1.0f}; void BPInit() { memset(reinterpret_cast(&bpmem), 0, sizeof(bpmem)); bpmem.bpMask = 0xFFFFFF; } static void BPWritten(const BPCmd& bp, int cycles_into_future) { /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: Writes to the BP registers Called: At the end of every: OpcodeDecoding.cpp ExecuteDisplayList > Decode() > LoadBPReg How It Works: First the pipeline is flushed then update the bpmem with the new value. Some of the BP cases have to call certain functions while others just update the bpmem. some bp cases check the changes variable, because they might not have to be updated all the time NOTE: it seems not all bp cases like checking changes, so calling if (bp.changes == 0 ? false : true) had to be ditched and the games seem to work fine with out it. NOTE2: Yet Another GameCube Documentation calls them Bypass Raster State Registers but possibly completely wrong NOTE3: This controls the register groups: RAS1/2, SU, TF, TEV, C/Z, PEC TODO: Turn into function table. The (future) DisplayList (DL) jit can then call the functions directly, getting rid of dynamic dispatch. Unfortunately, few games use DLs properly - most\ just stuff geometry in them and don't put state changes there ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (((s32*)&bpmem)[bp.address] == bp.newvalue) { if (!(bp.address == BPMEM_TRIGGER_EFB_COPY || bp.address == BPMEM_CLEARBBOX1 || bp.address == BPMEM_CLEARBBOX2 || bp.address == BPMEM_SETDRAWDONE || bp.address == BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_ID || bp.address == BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_INT_ID || bp.address == BPMEM_LOADTLUT0 || bp.address == BPMEM_LOADTLUT1 || bp.address == BPMEM_TEXINVALIDATE || bp.address == BPMEM_PRELOAD_MODE || bp.address == BPMEM_CLEAR_PIXEL_PERF)) { return; } } FlushPipeline(); ((u32*)&bpmem)[bp.address] = bp.newvalue; switch (bp.address) { case BPMEM_GENMODE: // Set the Generation Mode PRIM_LOG("genmode: texgen={}, col={}, multisampling={}, tev={}, cullmode={}, ind={}, zfeeze={}", bpmem.genMode.numtexgens, bpmem.genMode.numcolchans, bpmem.genMode.multisampling, bpmem.genMode.numtevstages + 1, bpmem.genMode.cullmode, bpmem.genMode.numindstages, bpmem.genMode.zfreeze); if (bp.changes) PixelShaderManager::SetGenModeChanged(); // Only call SetGenerationMode when cull mode changes. if (bp.changes & 0xC000) SetGenerationMode(); return; case BPMEM_IND_MTXA: // Index Matrix Changed case BPMEM_IND_MTXB: case BPMEM_IND_MTXC: case BPMEM_IND_MTXA + 3: case BPMEM_IND_MTXB + 3: case BPMEM_IND_MTXC + 3: case BPMEM_IND_MTXA + 6: case BPMEM_IND_MTXB + 6: case BPMEM_IND_MTXC + 6: if (bp.changes) PixelShaderManager::SetIndMatrixChanged((bp.address - BPMEM_IND_MTXA) / 3); return; case BPMEM_RAS1_SS0: // Index Texture Coordinate Scale 0 if (bp.changes) PixelShaderManager::SetIndTexScaleChanged(false); return; case BPMEM_RAS1_SS1: // Index Texture Coordinate Scale 1 if (bp.changes) PixelShaderManager::SetIndTexScaleChanged(true); return; // ---------------- // Scissor Control // ---------------- case BPMEM_SCISSORTL: // Scissor Rectable Top, Left case BPMEM_SCISSORBR: // Scissor Rectable Bottom, Right case BPMEM_SCISSOROFFSET: // Scissor Offset SetScissor(); SetViewport(); VertexShaderManager::SetViewportChanged(); GeometryShaderManager::SetViewportChanged(); return; case BPMEM_LINEPTWIDTH: // Line Width GeometryShaderManager::SetLinePtWidthChanged(); return; case BPMEM_ZMODE: // Depth Control PRIM_LOG("zmode: test={}, func={}, upd={}", bpmem.zmode.testenable, bpmem.zmode.func, bpmem.zmode.updateenable); SetDepthMode(); PixelShaderManager::SetZModeControl(); return; case BPMEM_BLENDMODE: // Blending Control if (bp.changes & 0xFFFF) { PRIM_LOG("blendmode: en={}, open={}, colupd={}, alphaupd={}, dst={}, src={}, sub={}, mode={}", bpmem.blendmode.blendenable, bpmem.blendmode.logicopenable, bpmem.blendmode.colorupdate, bpmem.blendmode.alphaupdate, bpmem.blendmode.dstfactor, bpmem.blendmode.srcfactor, bpmem.blendmode.subtract, bpmem.blendmode.logicmode); SetBlendMode(); PixelShaderManager::SetBlendModeChanged(); } return; case BPMEM_CONSTANTALPHA: // Set Destination Alpha PRIM_LOG("constalpha: alp={}, en={}", bpmem.dstalpha.alpha, bpmem.dstalpha.enable); if (bp.changes) { PixelShaderManager::SetAlpha(); PixelShaderManager::SetDestAlphaChanged(); } if (bp.changes & 0x100) SetBlendMode(); return; // This is called when the game is done drawing the new frame (eg: like in DX: Begin(); Draw(); // End();) // Triggers an interrupt on the PPC side so that the game knows when the GPU has finished drawing. // Tokens are similar. case BPMEM_SETDRAWDONE: switch (bp.newvalue & 0xFF) { case 0x02: g_texture_cache->FlushEFBCopies(); g_framebuffer_manager->InvalidatePeekCache(false); if (!Fifo::UseDeterministicGPUThread()) PixelEngine::SetFinish(cycles_into_future); // may generate interrupt DEBUG_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "GXSetDrawDone SetPEFinish (value: {:#04X})", bp.newvalue & 0xFFFF); return; default: WARN_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "GXSetDrawDone ??? (value {:#04X})", bp.newvalue & 0xFFFF); return; } return; case BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_ID: // Pixel Engine Token ID g_texture_cache->FlushEFBCopies(); g_framebuffer_manager->InvalidatePeekCache(false); if (!Fifo::UseDeterministicGPUThread()) PixelEngine::SetToken(static_cast(bp.newvalue & 0xFFFF), false, cycles_into_future); DEBUG_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "SetPEToken {:#06X}", bp.newvalue & 0xFFFF); return; case BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_INT_ID: // Pixel Engine Interrupt Token ID g_texture_cache->FlushEFBCopies(); g_framebuffer_manager->InvalidatePeekCache(false); if (!Fifo::UseDeterministicGPUThread()) PixelEngine::SetToken(static_cast(bp.newvalue & 0xFFFF), true, cycles_into_future); DEBUG_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "SetPEToken + INT {:#06X}", bp.newvalue & 0xFFFF); return; // ------------------------ // EFB copy command. This copies a rectangle from the EFB to either RAM in a texture format or to // XFB as YUYV. // It can also optionally clear the EFB while copying from it. To emulate this, we of course copy // first and clear afterwards. case BPMEM_TRIGGER_EFB_COPY: // Copy EFB Region or Render to the XFB or Clear the screen. { // The bottom right is within the rectangle // The values in bpmem.copyTexSrcXY and bpmem.copyTexSrcWH are updated in case 0x49 and 0x4a in // this function u32 destAddr = bpmem.copyTexDest << 5; u32 destStride = bpmem.copyMipMapStrideChannels << 5; MathUtil::Rectangle srcRect; srcRect.left = bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.x; srcRect.top = bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.y; // Here Width+1 like Height, otherwise some textures are corrupted already since the native // resolution. srcRect.right = bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.x + bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.x + 1; srcRect.bottom = bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.y + bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.y + 1; const UPE_Copy PE_copy = bpmem.triggerEFBCopy; // Since the copy X and Y coordinates/sizes are 10-bit, the game can configure a copy region up // to 1024x1024. Hardware tests have found that the number of bytes written does not depend on // the configured stride, instead it is based on the size registers, writing beyond the length // of a single row. The data written for the pixels which lie outside the EFB bounds does not // wrap around instead returning different colors based on the pixel format of the EFB. This // suggests it's not based on coordinates, but instead on memory addresses. The effect of a // within-bounds size but out-of-bounds offset (e.g. offset 320,0, size 640,480) are the same. // As it would be difficult to emulate the exact behavior of out-of-bounds reads, instead of // writing the junk data, we don't write anything to RAM at all for over-sized copies, and clamp // to the EFB borders for over-offset copies. The arcade virtual console games (e.g. 1942) are // known for configuring these out-of-range copies. if (u32(srcRect.right) > EFB_WIDTH || u32(srcRect.bottom) > EFB_HEIGHT) { WARN_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "Oversized EFB copy: {}x{} (offset {},{} stride {})", srcRect.GetWidth(), srcRect.GetHeight(), srcRect.left, srcRect.top, destStride); if (u32(srcRect.left) >= EFB_WIDTH || u32(srcRect.top) >= EFB_HEIGHT) { // This is not a sane src rectangle, it doesn't touch any valid image data at all // Just ignore it // Apparently Mario Kart Wii in wifi mode can generate a deformed EFB copy of size 4x4 // at offset (328,1020) if (PE_copy.copy_to_xfb == 1) { // Make sure we disable Bounding box to match the side effects of the non-failure path g_renderer->BBoxDisable(); } return; } // Clamp the copy region to fit within EFB. So that we don't end up with a stretched image. srcRect.right = std::clamp(srcRect.right, 0, EFB_WIDTH); srcRect.bottom = std::clamp(srcRect.bottom, 0, EFB_HEIGHT); } const u32 copy_width = srcRect.GetWidth(); const u32 copy_height = srcRect.GetHeight(); // Check if we are to copy from the EFB or draw to the XFB if (PE_copy.copy_to_xfb == 0) { // bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format to PixelFormat::Z24 is when the game wants to copy from ZBuffer // (Zbuffer uses 24-bit Format) bool is_depth_copy = bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format == PixelFormat::Z24; g_texture_cache->CopyRenderTargetToTexture( destAddr, PE_copy.tp_realFormat(), copy_width, copy_height, destStride, is_depth_copy, srcRect, PE_copy.intensity_fmt, PE_copy.half_scale, 1.0f, 1.0f, bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.clamp_top, bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.clamp_bottom, bpmem.copyfilter.GetCoefficients()); } else { // We should be able to get away with deactivating the current bbox tracking // here. Not sure if there's a better spot to put this. // the number of lines copied is determined by the y scale * source efb height g_renderer->BBoxDisable(); float yScale; if (PE_copy.scale_invert) yScale = 256.0f / static_cast(bpmem.dispcopyyscale); else yScale = static_cast(bpmem.dispcopyyscale) / 256.0f; float num_xfb_lines = 1.0f + bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.y * yScale; u32 height = static_cast(num_xfb_lines); DEBUG_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "RenderToXFB: destAddr: {:08x} | srcRect [{} {} {} {}] | fbWidth: {} | " "fbStride: {} | fbHeight: {} | yScale: {}", destAddr, srcRect.left, srcRect.top, srcRect.right, srcRect.bottom, bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.x + 1, destStride, height, yScale); bool is_depth_copy = bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format == PixelFormat::Z24; g_texture_cache->CopyRenderTargetToTexture( destAddr, EFBCopyFormat::XFB, copy_width, height, destStride, is_depth_copy, srcRect, false, false, yScale, s_gammaLUT[PE_copy.gamma], bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.clamp_top, bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.clamp_bottom, bpmem.copyfilter.GetCoefficients()); // This stays in to signal end of a "frame" g_renderer->RenderToXFB(destAddr, srcRect, destStride, height, s_gammaLUT[PE_copy.gamma]); if (g_ActiveConfig.bImmediateXFB) { // below div two to convert from bytes to pixels - it expects width, not stride g_renderer->Swap(destAddr, destStride / 2, destStride, height, CoreTiming::GetTicks()); } else { if (FifoPlayer::GetInstance().IsRunningWithFakeVideoInterfaceUpdates()) { VideoInterface::FakeVIUpdate(destAddr, srcRect.GetWidth(), destStride, height); } } } // Clear the rectangular region after copying it. if (PE_copy.clear) { ClearScreen(srcRect); } return; } case BPMEM_LOADTLUT0: // This one updates bpmem.tlutXferSrc, no need to do anything here. return; case BPMEM_LOADTLUT1: // Load a Texture Look Up Table { u32 tlutTMemAddr = (bp.newvalue & 0x3FF) << 9; u32 tlutXferCount = (bp.newvalue & 0x1FFC00) >> 5; u32 addr = bpmem.tmem_config.tlut_src << 5; // The GameCube ignores the upper bits of this address. Some games (WW, MKDD) set them. if (!SConfig::GetInstance().bWii) addr = addr & 0x01FFFFFF; Memory::CopyFromEmu(texMem + tlutTMemAddr, addr, tlutXferCount); if (OpcodeDecoder::g_record_fifo_data) FifoRecorder::GetInstance().UseMemory(addr, tlutXferCount, MemoryUpdate::TMEM); TMEM::InvalidateAll(); return; } case BPMEM_FOGRANGE: // Fog Settings Control case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 1: case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 2: case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 3: case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 4: case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 5: if (bp.changes) PixelShaderManager::SetFogRangeAdjustChanged(); return; case BPMEM_FOGPARAM0: case BPMEM_FOGBMAGNITUDE: case BPMEM_FOGBEXPONENT: case BPMEM_FOGPARAM3: if (bp.changes) PixelShaderManager::SetFogParamChanged(); return; case BPMEM_FOGCOLOR: // Fog Color if (bp.changes) PixelShaderManager::SetFogColorChanged(); return; case BPMEM_ALPHACOMPARE: // Compare Alpha Values PRIM_LOG("alphacmp: ref0={}, ref1={}, comp0={}, comp1={}, logic={}", bpmem.alpha_test.ref0, bpmem.alpha_test.ref1, bpmem.alpha_test.comp0, bpmem.alpha_test.comp1, bpmem.alpha_test.logic); if (bp.changes & 0xFFFF) PixelShaderManager::SetAlpha(); if (bp.changes) { PixelShaderManager::SetAlphaTestChanged(); SetBlendMode(); } return; case BPMEM_BIAS: // BIAS PRIM_LOG("ztex bias={:#x}", bpmem.ztex1.bias); if (bp.changes) PixelShaderManager::SetZTextureBias(); return; case BPMEM_ZTEX2: // Z Texture type { if (bp.changes & 3) PixelShaderManager::SetZTextureTypeChanged(); if (bp.changes & 12) PixelShaderManager::SetZTextureOpChanged(); PRIM_LOG("ztex op={}, type={}", bpmem.ztex2.op, bpmem.ztex2.type); } return; // ---------------------------------- // Display Copy Filtering Control - GX_SetCopyFilter(u8 aa,u8 sample_pattern[12][2],u8 vf,u8 // vfilter[7]) // Fields: Destination, Frame2Field, Gamma, Source // ---------------------------------- case BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER: // if (aa) { use sample_pattern } else { use 666666 } case BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER + 1: // if (aa) { use sample_pattern } else { use 666666 } case BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER + 2: // if (aa) { use sample_pattern } else { use 666666 } case BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER + 3: // if (aa) { use sample_pattern } else { use 666666 } case BPMEM_COPYFILTER0: // if (vf) { use vfilter } else { use 595000 } case BPMEM_COPYFILTER1: // if (vf) { use vfilter } else { use 000015 } return; // ----------------------------------- // Interlacing Control // ----------------------------------- case BPMEM_FIELDMASK: // GX_SetFieldMask(u8 even_mask,u8 odd_mask) case BPMEM_FIELDMODE: // GX_SetFieldMode(u8 field_mode,u8 half_aspect_ratio) // TODO return; // ---------------------------------------- // Unimportant regs (Clock, Perf, ...) // ---------------------------------------- case BPMEM_BUSCLOCK0: // TB Bus Clock ? case BPMEM_BUSCLOCK1: // TB Bus Clock ? case BPMEM_PERF0_TRI: // Perf: Triangles case BPMEM_PERF0_QUAD: // Perf: Quads case BPMEM_PERF1: // Perf: Some Clock, Texels, TX, TC return; // ---------------- // EFB Copy config // ---------------- case BPMEM_EFB_TL: // EFB Source Rect. Top, Left case BPMEM_EFB_WH: // EFB Source Rect. Width, Height - 1 case BPMEM_EFB_ADDR: // EFB Target Address return; // -------------- // Clear Config // -------------- case BPMEM_CLEAR_AR: // Alpha and Red Components case BPMEM_CLEAR_GB: // Green and Blue Components case BPMEM_CLEAR_Z: // Z Components (24-bit Zbuffer) return; // ------------------------- // Bounding Box Control // ------------------------- case BPMEM_CLEARBBOX1: case BPMEM_CLEARBBOX2: { const u8 offset = bp.address & 2; g_renderer->BBoxEnable(); g_renderer->BBoxWrite(offset, bp.newvalue & 0x3ff); g_renderer->BBoxWrite(offset + 1, bp.newvalue >> 10); } return; case BPMEM_TEXINVALIDATE: TMEM::Invalidate(bp.newvalue); return; case BPMEM_ZCOMPARE: // Set the Z-Compare and EFB pixel format OnPixelFormatChange(); if (bp.changes & 7) SetBlendMode(); // dual source could be activated by changing to PIXELFMT_RGBA6_Z24 PixelShaderManager::SetZModeControl(); return; case BPMEM_MIPMAP_STRIDE: // MipMap Stride Channel case BPMEM_COPYYSCALE: // Display Copy Y Scale /* 24 RID * 21 BC3 - Ind. Tex Stage 3 NTexCoord * 18 BI3 - Ind. Tex Stage 3 NTexMap * 15 BC2 - Ind. Tex Stage 2 NTexCoord * 12 BI2 - Ind. Tex Stage 2 NTexMap * 9 BC1 - Ind. Tex Stage 1 NTexCoord * 6 BI1 - Ind. Tex Stage 1 NTexMap * 3 BC0 - Ind. Tex Stage 0 NTexCoord * 0 BI0 - Ind. Tex Stage 0 NTexMap */ case BPMEM_IREF: { if (bp.changes) PixelShaderManager::SetTevIndirectChanged(); return; } case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL: // Texture Environment Swap Mode Table 0 case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 1: // Texture Environment Swap Mode Table 1 case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 2: // Texture Environment Swap Mode Table 2 case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 3: // Texture Environment Swap Mode Table 3 case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 4: // Texture Environment Swap Mode Table 4 case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 5: // Texture Environment Swap Mode Table 5 case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 6: // Texture Environment Swap Mode Table 6 case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 7: // Texture Environment Swap Mode Table 7 PixelShaderManager::SetTevKSel(bp.address - BPMEM_TEV_KSEL, bp.newvalue); return; /* This Register can be used to limit to which bits of BP registers is * actually written to. The mask is only valid for the next BP write, * and will reset itself afterwards. It's handled as a special case in * LoadBPReg. */ case BPMEM_BP_MASK: case BPMEM_IND_IMASK: // Index Mask ? case BPMEM_REVBITS: // Always set to 0x0F when GX_InitRevBits() is called. return; case BPMEM_CLEAR_PIXEL_PERF: // GXClearPixMetric writes 0xAAA here, Sunshine alternates this register between values 0x000 // and 0xAAA if (PerfQueryBase::ShouldEmulate()) g_perf_query->ResetQuery(); return; case BPMEM_PRELOAD_ADDR: case BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMEVEN: case BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMODD: // Used when PRELOAD_MODE is set return; case BPMEM_PRELOAD_MODE: // Set to 0 when GX_TexModeSync() is called. // if this is different from 0, manual TMEM management is used (GX_PreloadEntireTexture). if (bp.newvalue != 0) { // TODO: Not quite sure if this is completely correct (likely not) // NOTE: libogc's implementation of GX_PreloadEntireTexture seems flawed, so it's not // necessarily a good reference for RE'ing this feature. BPS_TmemConfig& tmem_cfg = bpmem.tmem_config; u32 src_addr = tmem_cfg.preload_addr << 5; // TODO: Should we add mask here on GC? u32 bytes_read = 0; u32 tmem_addr_even = tmem_cfg.preload_tmem_even * TMEM_LINE_SIZE; if (tmem_cfg.preload_tile_info.type != 3) { bytes_read = tmem_cfg.preload_tile_info.count * TMEM_LINE_SIZE; if (tmem_addr_even + bytes_read > TMEM_SIZE) bytes_read = TMEM_SIZE - tmem_addr_even; Memory::CopyFromEmu(texMem + tmem_addr_even, src_addr, bytes_read); } else // RGBA8 tiles (and CI14, but that might just be stupid libogc!) { u8* src_ptr = Memory::GetPointer(src_addr); // AR and GB tiles are stored in separate TMEM banks => can't use a single memcpy for // everything u32 tmem_addr_odd = tmem_cfg.preload_tmem_odd * TMEM_LINE_SIZE; for (u32 i = 0; i < tmem_cfg.preload_tile_info.count; ++i) { if (tmem_addr_even + TMEM_LINE_SIZE > TMEM_SIZE || tmem_addr_odd + TMEM_LINE_SIZE > TMEM_SIZE) break; memcpy(texMem + tmem_addr_even, src_ptr + bytes_read, TMEM_LINE_SIZE); memcpy(texMem + tmem_addr_odd, src_ptr + bytes_read + TMEM_LINE_SIZE, TMEM_LINE_SIZE); tmem_addr_even += TMEM_LINE_SIZE; tmem_addr_odd += TMEM_LINE_SIZE; bytes_read += TMEM_LINE_SIZE * 2; } } if (OpcodeDecoder::g_record_fifo_data) FifoRecorder::GetInstance().UseMemory(src_addr, bytes_read, MemoryUpdate::TMEM); TMEM::InvalidateAll(); } return; // --------------------------------------------------- // Set the TEV Color // --------------------------------------------------- // // NOTE: Each of these registers actually maps to two variables internally. // There's a bit that specifies which one is currently written to. // // NOTE: Some games write only to the RA register (or only to the BG register). // We may not assume that the unwritten register holds a valid value, hence // both component pairs need to be loaded individually. case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA + 2: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA + 4: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA + 6: { int num = (bp.address >> 1) & 0x3; if (bpmem.tevregs[num].ra.type == TevRegType::Constant) { PixelShaderManager::SetTevKonstColor(num, 0, bpmem.tevregs[num].ra.red); PixelShaderManager::SetTevKonstColor(num, 3, bpmem.tevregs[num].ra.alpha); } else { PixelShaderManager::SetTevColor(num, 0, bpmem.tevregs[num].ra.red); PixelShaderManager::SetTevColor(num, 3, bpmem.tevregs[num].ra.alpha); } return; } case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG + 2: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG + 4: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG + 6: { int num = (bp.address >> 1) & 0x3; if (bpmem.tevregs[num].bg.type == TevRegType::Constant) { PixelShaderManager::SetTevKonstColor(num, 1, bpmem.tevregs[num].bg.green); PixelShaderManager::SetTevKonstColor(num, 2, bpmem.tevregs[num].bg.blue); } else { PixelShaderManager::SetTevColor(num, 1, bpmem.tevregs[num].bg.green); PixelShaderManager::SetTevColor(num, 2, bpmem.tevregs[num].bg.blue); } return; } default: break; } switch (bp.address & 0xFC) // Texture sampler filter { // ------------------------- // Texture Environment Order // ------------------------- case BPMEM_TREF: case BPMEM_TREF + 4: PixelShaderManager::SetTevOrder(bp.address - BPMEM_TREF, bp.newvalue); return; // ---------------------- // Set wrap size // ---------------------- case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE: // Matches BPMEM_SU_TSIZE too case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 4: case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 8: case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 12: if (bp.changes) { PixelShaderManager::SetTexCoordChanged((bp.address - BPMEM_SU_SSIZE) >> 1); GeometryShaderManager::SetTexCoordChanged((bp.address - BPMEM_SU_SSIZE) >> 1); } return; } if ((bp.address & 0xc0) == 0x80) { auto tex_address = TexUnitAddress::FromBPAddress(bp.address); switch (tex_address.Reg) { // ------------------------ // BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0 - (Texture lookup and filtering mode) LOD/BIAS Clamp, MaxAnsio, LODBIAS, // DiagLoad, Min Filter, Mag Filter, Wrap T, S // BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1 - (LOD Stuff) - Max LOD, Min LOD // ------------------------ case TexUnitAddress::Register::SETMODE0: case TexUnitAddress::Register::SETMODE1: TMEM::ConfigurationChanged(tex_address, bp.newvalue); return; // -------------------------------------------- // BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0 - Texture width, height, format // BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1 - even LOD address in TMEM - Image Type, Cache Height, Cache Width, // TMEM Offset // BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2 - odd LOD address in TMEM - Cache Height, Cache Width, TMEM Offset // BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3 - Address of Texture in main memory // -------------------------------------------- case TexUnitAddress::Register::SETIMAGE0: case TexUnitAddress::Register::SETIMAGE1: case TexUnitAddress::Register::SETIMAGE2: case TexUnitAddress::Register::SETIMAGE3: TMEM::ConfigurationChanged(tex_address, bp.newvalue); return; // ------------------------------- // Set a TLUT // BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT - Format, TMEM Offset (offset of TLUT from start of TMEM high bank > > 5) // ------------------------------- case TexUnitAddress::Register::SETTLUT: TMEM::ConfigurationChanged(tex_address, bp.newvalue); return; case TexUnitAddress::Register::UNKNOWN: break; // Not handled } } switch (bp.address & 0xF0) { // -------------- // Indirect Tev // -------------- case BPMEM_IND_CMD: PixelShaderManager::SetTevIndirectChanged(); return; // -------------------------------------------------- // Set Color/Alpha of a Tev // BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV - Dest, Shift, Clamp, Sub, Bias, Sel A, Sel B, Sel C, Sel D // BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV - Dest, Shift, Clamp, Sub, Bias, Sel A, Sel B, Sel C, Sel D, T Swap, R Swap // -------------------------------------------------- case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV: // Texture Environment 1 case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 16: PixelShaderManager::SetTevCombiner((bp.address - BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV) >> 1, (bp.address - BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV) & 1, bp.newvalue); return; default: break; } DolphinAnalytics::Instance().ReportGameQuirk(GameQuirk::USES_UNKNOWN_BP_COMMAND); WARN_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "Unknown BP opcode: address = {:#010x} value = {:#010x}", bp.address, bp.newvalue); } // Call browser: OpcodeDecoding.cpp RunCallback::OnBP() void LoadBPReg(u8 reg, u32 value, int cycles_into_future) { int oldval = ((u32*)&bpmem)[reg]; int newval = (oldval & ~bpmem.bpMask) | (value & bpmem.bpMask); int changes = (oldval ^ newval) & 0xFFFFFF; BPCmd bp = {reg, changes, newval}; // Reset the mask register if we're not trying to set it ourselves. if (reg != BPMEM_BP_MASK) bpmem.bpMask = 0xFFFFFF; BPWritten(bp, cycles_into_future); } void LoadBPRegPreprocess(u8 reg, u32 value, int cycles_into_future) { // masking via BPMEM_BP_MASK could hypothetically be a problem u32 newval = value & 0xffffff; switch (reg) { case BPMEM_SETDRAWDONE: if ((newval & 0xff) == 0x02) PixelEngine::SetFinish(cycles_into_future); break; case BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_ID: PixelEngine::SetToken(newval & 0xffff, false, cycles_into_future); break; case BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_INT_ID: // Pixel Engine Interrupt Token ID PixelEngine::SetToken(newval & 0xffff, true, cycles_into_future); break; } } std::pair GetBPRegInfo(u8 cmd, u32 cmddata) { // Macro to set the register name and make sure it was written correctly via compile time assertion #define RegName(reg) ((void)(reg), #reg) #define DescriptionlessReg(reg) std::make_pair(RegName(reg), ""); switch (cmd) { case BPMEM_GENMODE: // 0x00 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_GENMODE), fmt::to_string(GenMode{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER: // 0x01 case BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER + 1: case BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER + 2: case BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER + 3: // TODO: This is actually the sample pattern used for copies from an antialiased EFB return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_DISPLAYCOPYFILTER); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_IND_MTXA: // 0x06 case BPMEM_IND_MTXA + 3: case BPMEM_IND_MTXA + 6: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_IND_MTXA Matrix {}", (cmd - BPMEM_IND_MTXA) / 3), fmt::format("Matrix {} column A\n{}", (cmd - BPMEM_IND_MTXA) / 3, IND_MTXA{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_IND_MTXB: // 0x07 case BPMEM_IND_MTXB + 3: case BPMEM_IND_MTXB + 6: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_IND_MTXB Matrix {}", (cmd - BPMEM_IND_MTXB) / 3), fmt::format("Matrix {} column B\n{}", (cmd - BPMEM_IND_MTXB) / 3, IND_MTXB{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_IND_MTXC: // 0x08 case BPMEM_IND_MTXC + 3: case BPMEM_IND_MTXC + 6: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_IND_MTXC Matrix {}", (cmd - BPMEM_IND_MTXC) / 3), fmt::format("Matrix {} column C\n{}", (cmd - BPMEM_IND_MTXC) / 3, IND_MTXC{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_IND_IMASK: // 0x0F return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_IND_IMASK); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_IND_CMD: // 0x10 case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 1: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 2: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 3: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 4: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 5: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 6: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 7: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 8: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 9: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 10: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 11: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 12: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 13: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 14: case BPMEM_IND_CMD + 15: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_IND_CMD command {}", cmd - BPMEM_IND_CMD), fmt::to_string(TevStageIndirect{.fullhex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_SCISSORTL: // 0x20 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_SCISSORTL), fmt::to_string(ScissorPos{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_SCISSORBR: // 0x21 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_SCISSORBR), fmt::to_string(ScissorPos{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_LINEPTWIDTH: // 0x22 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_LINEPTWIDTH), fmt::to_string(LPSize{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_PERF0_TRI: // 0x23 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_PERF0_TRI); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_PERF0_QUAD: // 0x24 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_PERF0_QUAD); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_RAS1_SS0: // 0x25 return std::make_pair( RegName(BPMEM_RAS1_SS0), fmt::format("Indirect texture stages 0 and 1:\n{}", TEXSCALE{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_RAS1_SS1: // 0x26 return std::make_pair( RegName(BPMEM_RAS1_SS1), fmt::format("Indirect texture stages 2 and 3:\n{}", TEXSCALE{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_IREF: // 0x27 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_IREF), fmt::to_string(RAS1_IREF{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TREF: // 0x28 case BPMEM_TREF + 1: case BPMEM_TREF + 2: case BPMEM_TREF + 3: case BPMEM_TREF + 4: case BPMEM_TREF + 5: case BPMEM_TREF + 6: case BPMEM_TREF + 7: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_TREF number {}", cmd - BPMEM_TREF), fmt::to_string(TwoTevStageOrders{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE: // 0x30 case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 2: case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 4: case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 6: case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 8: case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 10: case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 12: case BPMEM_SU_SSIZE + 14: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_SU_SSIZE number {}", (cmd - BPMEM_SU_SSIZE) / 2), fmt::format("S size info:\n{}", TCInfo{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_SU_TSIZE: // 0x31 case BPMEM_SU_TSIZE + 2: case BPMEM_SU_TSIZE + 4: case BPMEM_SU_TSIZE + 6: case BPMEM_SU_TSIZE + 8: case BPMEM_SU_TSIZE + 10: case BPMEM_SU_TSIZE + 12: case BPMEM_SU_TSIZE + 14: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_SU_TSIZE number {}", (cmd - BPMEM_SU_TSIZE) / 2), fmt::format("T size info:\n{}", TCInfo{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_ZMODE: // 0x40 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_ZMODE), fmt::format("Z mode: {}", ZMode{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_BLENDMODE: // 0x41 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_BLENDMODE), fmt::to_string(BlendMode{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_CONSTANTALPHA: // 0x42 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_CONSTANTALPHA), fmt::to_string(ConstantAlpha{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_ZCOMPARE: // 0x43 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_ZCOMPARE), fmt::to_string(PEControl{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_FIELDMASK: // 0x44 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_FIELDMASK), fmt::to_string(FieldMask{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_SETDRAWDONE: // 0x45 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_SETDRAWDONE); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_BUSCLOCK0: // 0x46 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_BUSCLOCK0); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_ID: // 0x47 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_ID); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_INT_ID: // 0x48 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_PE_TOKEN_INT_ID); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_EFB_TL: // 0x49 { const X10Y10 left_top{.hex = cmddata}; return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_EFB_TL), fmt::format("EFB Left: {}\nEFB Top: {}", left_top.x, left_top.y)); } case BPMEM_EFB_WH: // 0x4A { const X10Y10 width_height{.hex = cmddata}; return std::make_pair( RegName(BPMEM_EFB_WH), fmt::format("EFB Width: {}\nEFB Height: {}", width_height.x + 1, width_height.y + 1)); } case BPMEM_EFB_ADDR: // 0x4B return std::make_pair( RegName(BPMEM_EFB_ADDR), fmt::format("EFB Target address (32 byte aligned): 0x{:06X}", cmddata << 5)); case BPMEM_MIPMAP_STRIDE: // 0x4D return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_MIPMAP_STRIDE); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_COPYYSCALE: // 0x4E return std::make_pair( RegName(BPMEM_COPYYSCALE), fmt::format("Y scaling factor (XFB copy only): 0x{:X} ({}, reciprocal {})", cmddata, static_cast(cmddata) / 256.f, 256.f / static_cast(cmddata))); case BPMEM_CLEAR_AR: // 0x4F return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_CLEAR_AR), fmt::format("Clear color alpha: 0x{:02X}\nClear color red: 0x{:02X}", (cmddata & 0xFF00) >> 8, cmddata & 0xFF)); case BPMEM_CLEAR_GB: // 0x50 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_CLEAR_GB), fmt::format("Clear color green: 0x{:02X}\nClear color blue: 0x{:02X}", (cmddata & 0xFF00) >> 8, cmddata & 0xFF)); case BPMEM_CLEAR_Z: // 0x51 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_CLEAR_Z), fmt::format("Clear Z value: 0x{:06X}", cmddata)); case BPMEM_TRIGGER_EFB_COPY: // 0x52 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_TRIGGER_EFB_COPY), fmt::to_string(UPE_Copy{.Hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_COPYFILTER0: // 0x53 { const u32 w0 = (cmddata & 0x00003f); const u32 w1 = (cmddata & 0x000fc0) >> 6; const u32 w2 = (cmddata & 0x03f000) >> 12; const u32 w3 = (cmddata & 0xfc0000) >> 18; return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_COPYFILTER0), fmt::format("w0: {}\nw1: {}\nw2: {}\nw3: {}", w0, w1, w2, w3)); } case BPMEM_COPYFILTER1: // 0x54 { const u32 w4 = (cmddata & 0x00003f); const u32 w5 = (cmddata & 0x000fc0) >> 6; const u32 w6 = (cmddata & 0x03f000) >> 12; // There is no w7 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_COPYFILTER1), fmt::format("w4: {}\nw5: {}\nw6: {}", w4, w5, w6)); } case BPMEM_CLEARBBOX1: // 0x55 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_CLEARBBOX1); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_CLEARBBOX2: // 0x56 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_CLEARBBOX2); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_CLEAR_PIXEL_PERF: // 0x57 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_CLEAR_PIXEL_PERF); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_REVBITS: // 0x58 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_REVBITS); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_SCISSOROFFSET: // 0x59 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_SCISSOROFFSET), fmt::to_string(ScissorOffset{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_PRELOAD_ADDR: // 0x60 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_PRELOAD_ADDR); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMEVEN: // 0x61 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMEVEN); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMODD: // 0x62 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_PRELOAD_TMEMODD); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_PRELOAD_MODE: // 0x63 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_PRELOAD_MODE), fmt::to_string(BPU_PreloadTileInfo{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_LOADTLUT0: // 0x64 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_LOADTLUT0); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_LOADTLUT1: // 0x65 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_LOADTLUT1); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_TEXINVALIDATE: // 0x66 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_TEXINVALIDATE); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_PERF1: // 0x67 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_PERF1); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_FIELDMODE: // 0x68 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_FIELDMODE), fmt::to_string(FieldMode{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_BUSCLOCK1: // 0x69 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_BUSCLOCK1); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0: // 0x80 case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0 + 3: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0), fmt::to_string(TexMode0{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1: // 0x84 case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1 + 3: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1), fmt::to_string(TexMode1{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0: // 0x88 case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0), fmt::to_string(TexImage0{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1: // 0x8C case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1), fmt::to_string(TexImage1{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2: // 0x90 case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2), fmt::to_string(TexImage2{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3: // 0x94 case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3), fmt::to_string(TexImage3{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT: // 0x98 case BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT + 3: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT), fmt::to_string(TexTLUT{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0_4: // 0xA0 case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0_4 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0_4 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0_4 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0_4 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETMODE0_4 + 4), fmt::to_string(TexMode0{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1_4: // 0xA4 case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1_4 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1_4 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1_4 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1_4 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETMODE1_4 + 4), fmt::to_string(TexMode1{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0_4: // 0xA8 case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0_4 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0_4 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0_4 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0_4 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE0_4 + 4), fmt::to_string(TexImage0{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1_4: // 0xAC case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1_4 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1_4 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1_4 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1_4 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE1_4 + 4), fmt::to_string(TexImage1{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2_4: // 0xB0 case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2_4 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2_4 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2_4 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2_4 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE2_4 + 4), fmt::to_string(TexImage2{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3_4: // 0xB4 case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3_4 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3_4 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3_4 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3_4 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETIMAGE3_4 + 4), fmt::to_string(TexImage3{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT_4: // 0xB8 case BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT_4 + 1: case BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT_4 + 2: case BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT_4 + 3: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT_4 Texture Unit {}", cmd - BPMEM_TX_SETTLUT_4 + 4), fmt::to_string(TexTLUT{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV: // 0xC0 case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 2: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 4: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 6: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 8: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 10: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 12: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 14: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 16: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 18: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 20: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 22: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 24: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 26: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 28: case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV + 30: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV Tev stage {}", (cmd - BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_ENV) / 2), fmt::to_string(TevStageCombiner::ColorCombiner{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV: // 0xC1 case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 2: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 4: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 6: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 8: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 10: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 12: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 14: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 16: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 18: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 20: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 22: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 24: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 26: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 28: case BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV + 30: return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV Tev stage {}", (cmd - BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV) / 2), fmt::to_string(TevStageCombiner::AlphaCombiner{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA: // 0xE0 case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA + 2: // 0xE2 case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA + 4: // 0xE4 case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA + 6: // 0xE6 return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA Tev register {}", (cmd - BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_RA) / 2), fmt::to_string(TevReg::RA{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG: // 0xE1 case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG + 2: // 0xE3 case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG + 4: // 0xE5 case BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG + 6: // 0xE7 return std::make_pair( fmt::format("BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG Tev register {}", (cmd - BPMEM_TEV_COLOR_BG) / 2), fmt::to_string(TevReg::BG{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_FOGRANGE: // 0xE8 return std::make_pair("BPMEM_FOGRANGE Base", fmt::to_string(FogRangeParams::RangeBase{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 1: case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 2: case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 3: case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 4: case BPMEM_FOGRANGE + 5: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_FOGRANGE K element {}", cmd - BPMEM_FOGRANGE), fmt::to_string(FogRangeKElement{.HEX = cmddata})); case BPMEM_FOGPARAM0: // 0xEE return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_FOGPARAM0), fmt::to_string(FogParam0{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_FOGBMAGNITUDE: // 0xEF return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_FOGBMAGNITUDE); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_FOGBEXPONENT: // 0xF0 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_FOGBEXPONENT); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_FOGPARAM3: // 0xF1 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_FOGPARAM3), fmt::to_string(FogParam3{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_FOGCOLOR: // 0xF2 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_FOGCOLOR), fmt::to_string(FogParams::FogColor{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_ALPHACOMPARE: // 0xF3 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_ALPHACOMPARE), fmt::to_string(AlphaTest{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_BIAS: // 0xF4 return DescriptionlessReg(BPMEM_BIAS); // TODO: Description case BPMEM_ZTEX2: // 0xF5 return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_ZTEX2), fmt::to_string(ZTex2{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL: // 0xF6 case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 1: case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 2: case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 3: case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 4: case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 5: case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 6: case BPMEM_TEV_KSEL + 7: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("BPMEM_TEV_KSEL number {}", cmd - BPMEM_TEV_KSEL), fmt::to_string(TevKSel{.hex = cmddata})); case BPMEM_BP_MASK: // 0xFE return std::make_pair(RegName(BPMEM_BP_MASK), fmt::format("The next BP command will only update these bits; others " "will retain their prior values: {:06x}", cmddata)); default: return std::make_pair(fmt::format("Unknown BP Reg: {:02x}={:06x}", cmd, cmddata), ""); #undef DescriptionlessReg #undef RegName } } // Called when loading a saved state. void BPReload() { // restore anything that goes straight to the renderer. // let's not risk actually replaying any writes. // note that PixelShaderManager is already covered since it has its own DoState. SetGenerationMode(); SetScissor(); SetViewport(); SetDepthMode(); SetBlendMode(); OnPixelFormatChange(); }