// Copyright 2017 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.

#include "DiscIO/NANDImporter.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring>

#include "Common/Crypto/AES.h"
#include "Common/File.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
#include "Common/MsgHandler.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
#include "Common/Swap.h"
#include "Core/IOS/ES/Formats.h"

namespace DiscIO
constexpr size_t NAND_SIZE = 0x20000000;
constexpr size_t NAND_KEYS_SIZE = 0x400;

NANDImporter::NANDImporter() = default;
NANDImporter::~NANDImporter() = default;

void NANDImporter::ImportNANDBin(const std::string& path_to_bin,
                                 std::function<void()> update_callback,
                                 std::function<std::string()> get_otp_dump_path)
  m_update_callback = std::move(update_callback);

  if (!ReadNANDBin(path_to_bin, get_otp_dump_path))

  const std::string nand_root = File::GetUserPath(D_WIIROOT_IDX);
  m_nand_root_length = nand_root.length();
  if (nand_root.back() == '/')

  ProcessEntry(0, nand_root);

bool NANDImporter::ReadNANDBin(const std::string& path_to_bin,
                               std::function<std::string()> get_otp_dump_path)
  constexpr size_t NAND_TOTAL_BLOCKS = 0x40000;
  constexpr size_t NAND_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x800;
  constexpr size_t NAND_ECC_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x40;
  constexpr size_t NAND_BIN_SIZE =

  File::IOFile file(path_to_bin, "rb");
  const u64 image_size = file.GetSize();
  if (image_size != NAND_BIN_SIZE + NAND_KEYS_SIZE && image_size != NAND_BIN_SIZE)
    PanicAlertT("This file does not look like a BootMii NAND backup.");
    return false;


  for (size_t i = 0; i < NAND_TOTAL_BLOCKS; i++)
    // Instead of updating on every cycle, we only update every 1000 cycles for a balance between
    // not updating fast enough vs updating too fast
    if (i % 1000 == 0)

    file.ReadBytes(&m_nand[i * NAND_BLOCK_SIZE], NAND_BLOCK_SIZE);
    file.Seek(NAND_ECC_BLOCK_SIZE, SEEK_CUR);  // We don't care about the ECC blocks


  // Read the OTP/SEEPROM dump.
  // If it is not included in the NAND image, get a path to the dump and read key data from it.
  if (image_size == NAND_BIN_SIZE)
    const std::string otp_dump_path = get_otp_dump_path();
    if (otp_dump_path.empty())
      return false;
    File::IOFile keys_file{otp_dump_path, "rb"};
    return keys_file.ReadBytes(m_nand_keys.data(), NAND_KEYS_SIZE);

  // Otherwise, just read the key data from the NAND image.
  return file.ReadBytes(m_nand_keys.data(), NAND_KEYS_SIZE);

void NANDImporter::FindSuperblock()
  constexpr size_t NAND_SUPERBLOCK_START = 0x1fc00000;
  constexpr size_t NAND_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE = 0x40000;

  size_t superblock = 0;
  u32 newest_version = 0;
    if (!memcmp(m_nand.data() + pos, "SFFS", 4))
      u32 version = Common::swap32(&m_nand[pos + 4]);
      INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "Found superblock at 0x%zx with version 0x%x", pos, version);
      if (superblock == 0 || version > newest_version)
        superblock = pos;
        newest_version = version;

  m_nand_fat_offset = superblock + 0xC;
  m_nand_fst_offset = m_nand_fat_offset + 0x10000;
  INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "Using superblock version 0x%x at position 0x%zx. FAT/FST offset: 0x%zx/0x%zx",
           newest_version, superblock, m_nand_fat_offset, m_nand_fst_offset);

std::string NANDImporter::GetPath(const NANDFSTEntry& entry, const std::string& parent_path)
  std::string name(entry.name, strnlen(entry.name, sizeof(NANDFSTEntry::name)));

  if (name.front() == '/' || parent_path.back() == '/')
    return parent_path + name;

  return parent_path + '/' + name;

std::string NANDImporter::FormatDebugString(const NANDFSTEntry& entry)
  return StringFromFormat("%12.12s 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%08x 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%08x",
                          entry.name, entry.mode, entry.attr, entry.sub, entry.sib, entry.size,
                          entry.x1, entry.uid, entry.gid, entry.x3);

void NANDImporter::ProcessEntry(u16 entry_number, const std::string& parent_path)
  NANDFSTEntry entry;
  memcpy(&entry, &m_nand[m_nand_fst_offset + sizeof(NANDFSTEntry) * Common::swap16(entry_number)],

  if (entry.sib != 0xffff)
    ProcessEntry(entry.sib, parent_path);

  if ((entry.mode & 3) == 1)
    ProcessFile(entry, parent_path);
  else if ((entry.mode & 3) == 2)
    ProcessDirectory(entry, parent_path);
    ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Unknown mode: %s", FormatDebugString(entry).c_str());

void NANDImporter::ProcessDirectory(const NANDFSTEntry& entry, const std::string& parent_path)
  INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "Path: %s", FormatDebugString(entry).c_str());

  const std::string path = GetPath(entry, parent_path);

  if (entry.sub != 0xffff)
    ProcessEntry(entry.sub, path);

  INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "Path: %s", parent_path.c_str() + m_nand_root_length);

void NANDImporter::ProcessFile(const NANDFSTEntry& entry, const std::string& parent_path)
  constexpr size_t NAND_AES_KEY_OFFSET = 0x158;
  constexpr size_t NAND_FAT_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x4000;

  INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "File: %s", FormatDebugString(entry).c_str());

  const std::string path = GetPath(entry, parent_path);
  File::IOFile file(path, "wb");
  std::array<u8, 16> key{};
  std::copy(&m_nand_keys[NAND_AES_KEY_OFFSET], &m_nand_keys[NAND_AES_KEY_OFFSET + key.size()],
  u16 sub = Common::swap16(entry.sub);
  u32 remaining_bytes = Common::swap32(entry.size);

  while (remaining_bytes > 0)
    std::array<u8, 16> iv{};
    std::vector<u8> block = Common::AES::Decrypt(
        key.data(), iv.data(), &m_nand[NAND_FAT_BLOCK_SIZE * sub], NAND_FAT_BLOCK_SIZE);
    u32 size = remaining_bytes < NAND_FAT_BLOCK_SIZE ? remaining_bytes : NAND_FAT_BLOCK_SIZE;
    file.WriteBytes(block.data(), size);
    remaining_bytes -= size;
    sub = Common::swap16(&m_nand[m_nand_fat_offset + 2 * sub]);

bool NANDImporter::ExtractCertificates(const std::string& nand_root)
  const std::string content_dir = nand_root + "/title/00000001/0000000d/content/";

  File::IOFile tmd_file(content_dir + "title.tmd", "rb");
  std::vector<u8> tmd_bytes(tmd_file.GetSize());
  if (!tmd_file.ReadBytes(tmd_bytes.data(), tmd_bytes.size()))
    ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "ExtractCertificates: Could not read IOS13 TMD");
    return false;

  IOS::ES::TMDReader tmd(std::move(tmd_bytes));
  IOS::ES::Content content_metadata;
  if (!tmd.GetContent(tmd.GetBootIndex(), &content_metadata))
    ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "ExtractCertificates: Could not get content ID from TMD");
    return false;

  File::IOFile content_file(content_dir + StringFromFormat("%08x.app", content_metadata.id), "rb");
  std::vector<u8> content_bytes(content_file.GetSize());
  if (!content_file.ReadBytes(content_bytes.data(), content_bytes.size()))
    ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "ExtractCertificates: Could not read IOS13 contents");
    return false;

  struct PEMCertificate
    std::string filename;
    std::array<u8, 4> search_bytes;

  std::array<PEMCertificate, 3> certificates = {{
      {"/clientca.pem", {{0x30, 0x82, 0x03, 0xE9}}},
      {"/clientcakey.pem", {{0x30, 0x82, 0x02, 0x5D}}},
      {"/rootca.pem", {{0x30, 0x82, 0x03, 0x7D}}},

  for (const PEMCertificate& certificate : certificates)
    const auto search_result =
        std::search(content_bytes.begin(), content_bytes.end(), certificate.search_bytes.begin(),

    if (search_result == content_bytes.end())
      ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "ExtractCertificates: Could not find offset for certficate '%s'",
      return false;

    const std::string pem_file_path = nand_root + certificate.filename;
    const ptrdiff_t certificate_offset = std::distance(content_bytes.begin(), search_result);
    const u16 certificate_size = Common::swap16(&content_bytes[certificate_offset - 2]);
    INFO_LOG(DISCIO, "ExtractCertificates: '%s' offset: 0x%tx size: 0x%x",
             certificate.filename.c_str(), certificate_offset, certificate_size);

    File::IOFile pem_file(pem_file_path, "wb");
    if (!pem_file.WriteBytes(&content_bytes[certificate_offset], certificate_size))
      ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "ExtractCertificates: Unable to write to file %s", pem_file_path.c_str());
      return false;
  return true;

void NANDImporter::ExportKeys(const std::string& nand_root)
  const std::string file_path = nand_root + "/keys.bin";
  File::IOFile file(file_path, "wb");
  if (!file.WriteBytes(m_nand_keys.data(), NAND_KEYS_SIZE))
    PanicAlertT("Unable to write to file %s", file_path.c_str());
}  // namespace DiscIO