// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "DiscIO/VolumeWii.h" #include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <cstddef> #include <cstring> #include <future> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <optional> #include <string> #include <thread> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "Common/Align.h" #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/Crypto/AES.h" #include "Common/Crypto/SHA1.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Common/Swap.h" #include "DiscIO/Blob.h" #include "DiscIO/DiscExtractor.h" #include "DiscIO/DiscUtils.h" #include "DiscIO/Enums.h" #include "DiscIO/FileSystemGCWii.h" #include "DiscIO/Filesystem.h" #include "DiscIO/Volume.h" #include "DiscIO/WiiSaveBanner.h" namespace DiscIO { VolumeWii::VolumeWii(std::unique_ptr<BlobReader> reader) : m_reader(std::move(reader)), m_game_partition(PARTITION_NONE), m_last_decrypted_block(UINT64_MAX) { ASSERT(m_reader); m_has_hashes = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u8>(0x60) == u8(0); m_has_encryption = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u8>(0x61) == u8(0); if (m_has_encryption && !m_has_hashes) ERROR_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Wii disc has encryption but no hashes! This probably won't work well"); for (u32 partition_group = 0; partition_group < 4; ++partition_group) { const std::optional<u32> number_of_partitions = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(0x40000 + (partition_group * 8)); if (!number_of_partitions) continue; const std::optional<u64> partition_table_offset = ReadSwappedAndShifted(0x40000 + (partition_group * 8) + 4, PARTITION_NONE); if (!partition_table_offset) continue; for (u32 i = 0; i < number_of_partitions; i++) { const std::optional<u64> partition_offset = ReadSwappedAndShifted(*partition_table_offset + (i * 8), PARTITION_NONE); if (!partition_offset) continue; const Partition partition(*partition_offset); const std::optional<u32> partition_type = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(*partition_table_offset + (i * 8) + 4); if (!partition_type) continue; // If this is the game partition, set m_game_partition if (m_game_partition == PARTITION_NONE && *partition_type == 0) m_game_partition = partition; auto get_ticket = [this, partition]() -> IOS::ES::TicketReader { std::vector<u8> ticket_buffer(sizeof(IOS::ES::Ticket)); if (!m_reader->Read(partition.offset, ticket_buffer.size(), ticket_buffer.data())) return INVALID_TICKET; return IOS::ES::TicketReader{std::move(ticket_buffer)}; }; auto get_tmd = [this, partition]() -> IOS::ES::TMDReader { const std::optional<u32> tmd_size = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(partition.offset + WII_PARTITION_TMD_SIZE_ADDRESS); const std::optional<u64> tmd_address = ReadSwappedAndShifted( partition.offset + WII_PARTITION_TMD_OFFSET_ADDRESS, PARTITION_NONE); if (!tmd_size || !tmd_address) return INVALID_TMD; if (!IOS::ES::IsValidTMDSize(*tmd_size)) { // This check is normally done by ES in ES_DiVerify, but that would happen too late // (after allocating the buffer), so we do the check here. ERROR_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Invalid TMD size"); return INVALID_TMD; } std::vector<u8> tmd_buffer(*tmd_size); if (!m_reader->Read(partition.offset + *tmd_address, *tmd_size, tmd_buffer.data())) return INVALID_TMD; return IOS::ES::TMDReader{std::move(tmd_buffer)}; }; auto get_cert_chain = [this, partition]() -> std::vector<u8> { const std::optional<u32> size = m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(partition.offset + WII_PARTITION_CERT_CHAIN_SIZE_ADDRESS); const std::optional<u64> address = ReadSwappedAndShifted( partition.offset + WII_PARTITION_CERT_CHAIN_OFFSET_ADDRESS, PARTITION_NONE); if (!size || !address) return {}; std::vector<u8> cert_chain(*size); if (!m_reader->Read(partition.offset + *address, *size, cert_chain.data())) return {}; return cert_chain; }; auto get_h3_table = [this, partition]() -> std::vector<u8> { if (!m_has_hashes) return {}; const std::optional<u64> h3_table_offset = ReadSwappedAndShifted( partition.offset + WII_PARTITION_H3_OFFSET_ADDRESS, PARTITION_NONE); if (!h3_table_offset) return {}; std::vector<u8> h3_table(WII_PARTITION_H3_SIZE); if (!m_reader->Read(partition.offset + *h3_table_offset, WII_PARTITION_H3_SIZE, h3_table.data())) return {}; return h3_table; }; auto get_key = [this, partition]() -> std::unique_ptr<Common::AES::Context> { const IOS::ES::TicketReader& ticket = *m_partitions[partition].ticket; if (!ticket.IsValid()) return nullptr; return Common::AES::CreateContextDecrypt(ticket.GetTitleKey().data()); }; auto get_file_system = [this, partition]() -> std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> { auto file_system = std::make_unique<FileSystemGCWii>(this, partition); return file_system->IsValid() ? std::move(file_system) : nullptr; }; auto get_data_offset = [this, partition]() -> u64 { return ReadSwappedAndShifted(partition.offset + 0x2b8, PARTITION_NONE).value_or(0); }; m_partitions.emplace( partition, PartitionDetails{Common::Lazy<std::unique_ptr<Common::AES::Context>>(get_key), Common::Lazy<IOS::ES::TicketReader>(get_ticket), Common::Lazy<IOS::ES::TMDReader>(get_tmd), Common::Lazy<std::vector<u8>>(get_cert_chain), Common::Lazy<std::vector<u8>>(get_h3_table), Common::Lazy<std::unique_ptr<FileSystem>>(get_file_system), Common::Lazy<u64>(get_data_offset), *partition_type}); } } } VolumeWii::~VolumeWii() { } bool VolumeWii::Read(u64 offset, u64 length, u8* buffer, const Partition& partition) const { if (partition == PARTITION_NONE) return m_reader->Read(offset, length, buffer); auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); if (it == m_partitions.end()) return false; const PartitionDetails& partition_details = it->second; const u64 partition_data_offset = partition.offset + *partition_details.data_offset; if (m_has_hashes && m_has_encryption && m_reader->SupportsReadWiiDecrypted(offset, length, partition_data_offset)) { return m_reader->ReadWiiDecrypted(offset, length, buffer, partition_data_offset); } if (!m_has_hashes) { return m_reader->Read(partition_data_offset + offset, length, buffer); } Common::AES::Context* aes_context = nullptr; std::unique_ptr<u8[]> read_buffer = nullptr; if (m_has_encryption) { aes_context = partition_details.key->get(); if (!aes_context) return false; read_buffer = std::make_unique<u8[]>(BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE); } while (length > 0) { // Calculate offsets u64 block_offset_on_disc = partition_data_offset + offset / BLOCK_DATA_SIZE * BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE; u64 data_offset_in_block = offset % BLOCK_DATA_SIZE; if (m_last_decrypted_block != block_offset_on_disc) { if (m_has_encryption) { // Read the current block if (!m_reader->Read(block_offset_on_disc, BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE, read_buffer.get())) return false; // Decrypt the block's data DecryptBlockData(read_buffer.get(), m_last_decrypted_block_data, aes_context); } else { // Read the current block if (!m_reader->Read(block_offset_on_disc + BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE, BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, m_last_decrypted_block_data)) { return false; } } m_last_decrypted_block = block_offset_on_disc; } // Copy the decrypted data u64 copy_size = std::min(length, BLOCK_DATA_SIZE - data_offset_in_block); memcpy(buffer, &m_last_decrypted_block_data[data_offset_in_block], static_cast<size_t>(copy_size)); // Update offsets length -= copy_size; buffer += copy_size; offset += copy_size; } return true; } bool VolumeWii::HasWiiHashes() const { return m_has_hashes; } bool VolumeWii::HasWiiEncryption() const { return m_has_encryption; } std::vector<Partition> VolumeWii::GetPartitions() const { std::vector<Partition> partitions; for (const auto& pair : m_partitions) partitions.push_back(pair.first); return partitions; } Partition VolumeWii::GetGamePartition() const { return m_game_partition; } std::optional<u32> VolumeWii::GetPartitionType(const Partition& partition) const { auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); return it != m_partitions.end() ? it->second.type : std::optional<u32>(); } std::optional<u64> VolumeWii::GetTitleID(const Partition& partition) const { const IOS::ES::TicketReader& ticket = GetTicket(partition); if (!ticket.IsValid()) return {}; return ticket.GetTitleId(); } const IOS::ES::TicketReader& VolumeWii::GetTicket(const Partition& partition) const { auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); return it != m_partitions.end() ? *it->second.ticket : INVALID_TICKET; } const IOS::ES::TMDReader& VolumeWii::GetTMD(const Partition& partition) const { auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); return it != m_partitions.end() ? *it->second.tmd : INVALID_TMD; } const std::vector<u8>& VolumeWii::GetCertificateChain(const Partition& partition) const { auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); return it != m_partitions.end() ? *it->second.cert_chain : INVALID_CERT_CHAIN; } const FileSystem* VolumeWii::GetFileSystem(const Partition& partition) const { auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); return it != m_partitions.end() ? it->second.file_system->get() : nullptr; } u64 VolumeWii::OffsetInHashedPartitionToRawOffset(u64 offset, const Partition& partition, u64 partition_data_offset) { if (partition == PARTITION_NONE) return offset; return partition.offset + partition_data_offset + (offset / BLOCK_DATA_SIZE * BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE) + (offset % BLOCK_DATA_SIZE); } u64 VolumeWii::PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(u64 offset, const Partition& partition) const { auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); if (it == m_partitions.end()) return offset; const u64 data_offset = *it->second.data_offset; if (!m_has_hashes) return partition.offset + data_offset + offset; return OffsetInHashedPartitionToRawOffset(offset, partition, data_offset); } std::string VolumeWii::GetGameTDBID(const Partition& partition) const { return GetGameID(partition); } Region VolumeWii::GetRegion() const { return RegionCodeToRegion(m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(0x4E000)); } std::map<Language, std::string> VolumeWii::GetLongNames() const { std::vector<char16_t> names(NAMES_TOTAL_CHARS); names.resize(ReadFile(*this, GetGamePartition(), "opening.bnr", reinterpret_cast<u8*>(names.data()), NAMES_TOTAL_BYTES, 0x5C)); return ReadWiiNames(names); } std::vector<u32> VolumeWii::GetBanner(u32* width, u32* height) const { *width = 0; *height = 0; const std::optional<u64> title_id = GetTitleID(GetGamePartition()); if (!title_id) return std::vector<u32>(); return WiiSaveBanner(*title_id).GetBanner(width, height); } Platform VolumeWii::GetVolumeType() const { return Platform::WiiDisc; } bool VolumeWii::IsDatelDisc() const { return m_game_partition == PARTITION_NONE; } BlobType VolumeWii::GetBlobType() const { return m_reader->GetBlobType(); } u64 VolumeWii::GetDataSize() const { return m_reader->GetDataSize(); } DataSizeType VolumeWii::GetDataSizeType() const { return m_reader->GetDataSizeType(); } u64 VolumeWii::GetRawSize() const { return m_reader->GetRawSize(); } const BlobReader& VolumeWii::GetBlobReader() const { return *m_reader; } std::array<u8, 20> VolumeWii::GetSyncHash() const { auto context = Common::SHA1::CreateContext(); // Disc header ReadAndAddToSyncHash(context.get(), 0, 0x80, PARTITION_NONE); // Region code ReadAndAddToSyncHash(context.get(), 0x4E000, 4, PARTITION_NONE); // The data offset of the game partition - an important factor for disc drive timings const u64 data_offset = PartitionOffsetToRawOffset(0, GetGamePartition()); context->Update(reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&data_offset), sizeof(data_offset)); // TMD AddTMDToSyncHash(context.get(), GetGamePartition()); // Game partition contents AddGamePartitionToSyncHash(context.get()); return context->Finish(); } bool VolumeWii::CheckH3TableIntegrity(const Partition& partition) const { auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); if (it == m_partitions.end()) return false; const PartitionDetails& partition_details = it->second; const std::vector<u8>& h3_table = *partition_details.h3_table; if (h3_table.size() != WII_PARTITION_H3_SIZE) return false; const IOS::ES::TMDReader& tmd = *partition_details.tmd; if (!tmd.IsValid()) return false; const std::vector<IOS::ES::Content> contents = tmd.GetContents(); if (contents.size() != 1) return false; return Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(h3_table) == contents[0].sha1; } bool VolumeWii::CheckBlockIntegrity(u64 block_index, const u8* encrypted_data, const Partition& partition) const { auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); if (it == m_partitions.end()) return false; const PartitionDetails& partition_details = it->second; if (block_index / BLOCKS_PER_GROUP * Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN >= partition_details.h3_table->size()) { return false; } HashBlock hashes; u8 cluster_data_buffer[BLOCK_DATA_SIZE]; const u8* cluster_data; if (m_has_encryption) { Common::AES::Context* aes_context = partition_details.key->get(); if (!aes_context) return false; DecryptBlockHashes(encrypted_data, &hashes, aes_context); DecryptBlockData(encrypted_data, cluster_data_buffer, aes_context); cluster_data = cluster_data_buffer; } else { std::memcpy(&hashes, encrypted_data, BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE); cluster_data = encrypted_data + BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE; } for (u32 hash_index = 0; hash_index < 31; ++hash_index) { if (Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(&cluster_data[hash_index * 0x400], 0x400) != hashes.h0[hash_index]) { return false; } } if (Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(hashes.h0) != hashes.h1[block_index % 8]) return false; if (Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(hashes.h1) != hashes.h2[block_index / 8 % 8]) return false; Common::SHA1::Digest h3_digest; auto h3_digest_ptr = partition_details.h3_table->data() + block_index / 64 * Common::SHA1::DIGEST_LEN; memcpy(h3_digest.data(), h3_digest_ptr, sizeof(h3_digest)); if (Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(hashes.h2) != h3_digest) return false; return true; } bool VolumeWii::CheckBlockIntegrity(u64 block_index, const Partition& partition) const { auto it = m_partitions.find(partition); if (it == m_partitions.end()) return false; const PartitionDetails& partition_details = it->second; const u64 cluster_offset = partition.offset + *partition_details.data_offset + block_index * BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE; std::vector<u8> cluster(BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE); if (!m_reader->Read(cluster_offset, cluster.size(), cluster.data())) return false; return CheckBlockIntegrity(block_index, cluster.data(), partition); } bool VolumeWii::HashGroup(const std::array<u8, BLOCK_DATA_SIZE> in[BLOCKS_PER_GROUP], HashBlock out[BLOCKS_PER_GROUP], const std::function<bool(size_t block)>& read_function) { std::array<std::future<void>, BLOCKS_PER_GROUP> hash_futures; bool success = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < BLOCKS_PER_GROUP; ++i) { if (read_function && success) success = read_function(i); hash_futures[i] = std::async(std::launch::async, [&in, &out, &hash_futures, success, i]() { const size_t h1_base = Common::AlignDown(i, 8); if (success) { // H0 hashes for (size_t j = 0; j < 31; ++j) out[i].h0[j] = Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(in[i].data() + j * 0x400, 0x400); // H0 padding out[i].padding_0 = {}; // H1 hash out[h1_base].h1[i - h1_base] = Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(out[i].h0); } if (i % 8 == 7) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 7; ++j) hash_futures[h1_base + j].get(); if (success) { // H1 padding out[h1_base].padding_1 = {}; // H1 copies for (size_t j = 1; j < 8; ++j) out[h1_base + j].h1 = out[h1_base].h1; // H2 hash out[0].h2[h1_base / 8] = Common::SHA1::CalculateDigest(out[i].h1); } if (i == BLOCKS_PER_GROUP - 1) { for (size_t j = 0; j < 7; ++j) hash_futures[j * 8 + 7].get(); if (success) { // H2 padding out[0].padding_2 = {}; // H2 copies for (size_t j = 1; j < BLOCKS_PER_GROUP; ++j) out[j].h2 = out[0].h2; } } } }); } // Wait for all the async tasks to finish hash_futures.back().get(); return success; } bool VolumeWii::EncryptGroup( u64 offset, u64 partition_data_offset, u64 partition_data_decrypted_size, const std::array<u8, AES_KEY_SIZE>& key, BlobReader* blob, std::array<u8, GROUP_TOTAL_SIZE>* out, const std::function<void(HashBlock hash_blocks[BLOCKS_PER_GROUP])>& hash_exception_callback) { std::vector<std::array<u8, BLOCK_DATA_SIZE>> unencrypted_data(BLOCKS_PER_GROUP); std::vector<HashBlock> unencrypted_hashes(BLOCKS_PER_GROUP); const bool success = HashGroup(unencrypted_data.data(), unencrypted_hashes.data(), [&](size_t block) { if (offset + (block + 1) * BLOCK_DATA_SIZE <= partition_data_decrypted_size) { if (!blob->ReadWiiDecrypted(offset + block * BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, unencrypted_data[block].data(), partition_data_offset)) { return false; } } else { unencrypted_data[block].fill(0); } return true; }); if (!success) return false; if (hash_exception_callback) hash_exception_callback(unencrypted_hashes.data()); const unsigned int threads = std::min(BLOCKS_PER_GROUP, std::max<unsigned int>(1, std::thread::hardware_concurrency())); std::vector<std::future<void>> encryption_futures(threads); auto aes_context = Common::AES::CreateContextEncrypt(key.data()); for (size_t i = 0; i < threads; ++i) { encryption_futures[i] = std::async( std::launch::async, [&unencrypted_data, &unencrypted_hashes, &aes_context, &out](size_t start, size_t end) { for (size_t j = start; j < end; ++j) { u8* out_ptr = out->data() + j * BLOCK_TOTAL_SIZE; aes_context->CryptIvZero(reinterpret_cast<u8*>(&unencrypted_hashes[j]), out_ptr, BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE); aes_context->Crypt(out_ptr + 0x3D0, unencrypted_data[j].data(), out_ptr + BLOCK_HEADER_SIZE, BLOCK_DATA_SIZE); } }, i * BLOCKS_PER_GROUP / threads, (i + 1) * BLOCKS_PER_GROUP / threads); } for (std::future<void>& future : encryption_futures) future.get(); return true; } void VolumeWii::DecryptBlockHashes(const u8* in, HashBlock* out, Common::AES::Context* aes_context) { aes_context->CryptIvZero(in, reinterpret_cast<u8*>(out), sizeof(HashBlock)); } void VolumeWii::DecryptBlockData(const u8* in, u8* out, Common::AES::Context* aes_context) { aes_context->Crypt(&in[0x3d0], &in[sizeof(HashBlock)], out, BLOCK_DATA_SIZE); } } // namespace DiscIO