// Copyright 2016 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> #include <map> #include "Common/Config/Config.h" #include "Common/Config/Layer.h" namespace Config { namespace detail { std::string ValueToString(u16 value) { return StringFromFormat("0x%04x", value); } std::string ValueToString(u32 value) { return StringFromFormat("0x%08x", value); } std::string ValueToString(float value) { return StringFromFormat("%#.9g", value); } std::string ValueToString(double value) { return StringFromFormat("%#.17g", value); } std::string ValueToString(int value) { return std::to_string(value); } std::string ValueToString(bool value) { return StringFromBool(value); } std::string ValueToString(const std::string& value) { return value; } } ConfigLayerLoader::ConfigLayerLoader(LayerType layer) : m_layer(layer) { } ConfigLayerLoader::~ConfigLayerLoader() = default; LayerType ConfigLayerLoader::GetLayer() const { return m_layer; } Layer::Layer(LayerType type) : m_layer(type) { } Layer::Layer(std::unique_ptr<ConfigLayerLoader> loader) : m_layer(loader->GetLayer()), m_loader(std::move(loader)) { Load(); } Layer::~Layer() { Save(); } bool Layer::Exists(const ConfigLocation& location) const { const auto iter = m_map.find(location); return iter != m_map.end() && iter->second.has_value(); } bool Layer::DeleteKey(const ConfigLocation& location) { m_is_dirty = true; bool had_value = m_map[location].has_value(); m_map[location].reset(); return had_value; } void Layer::DeleteAllKeys() { m_is_dirty = true; for (auto& pair : m_map) { pair.second.reset(); } } Section Layer::GetSection(System system, const std::string& section) { return Section{m_map.lower_bound(ConfigLocation{system, section, ""}), m_map.lower_bound(ConfigLocation{system, section + '\001', ""})}; } ConstSection Layer::GetSection(System system, const std::string& section) const { return ConstSection{m_map.lower_bound(ConfigLocation{system, section, ""}), m_map.lower_bound(ConfigLocation{system, section + '\001', ""})}; } void Layer::Load() { if (m_loader) m_loader->Load(this); m_is_dirty = false; InvokeConfigChangedCallbacks(); } void Layer::Save() { if (!m_loader || !m_is_dirty) return; m_loader->Save(this); m_is_dirty = false; InvokeConfigChangedCallbacks(); } LayerType Layer::GetLayer() const { return m_layer; } const LayerMap& Layer::GetLayerMap() const { return m_map; } }