// Copyright 2012 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

// Thanks to Treeki for writing the original class - 29/01/2012

#include "Common/SettingsHandler.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

#include <fmt/chrono.h>

#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"

namespace Common

SettingsHandler::SettingsHandler(Buffer&& buffer)

const SettingsHandler::Buffer& SettingsHandler::GetBytes() const
  return m_buffer;

void SettingsHandler::SetBytes(Buffer&& buffer)
  m_buffer = std::move(buffer);

std::string SettingsHandler::GetValue(std::string_view key) const
  constexpr char delim[] = "\n";
  std::string toFind = std::string(delim).append(key).append("=");
  size_t found = decoded.find(toFind);

  if (found != std::string_view::npos)
    size_t delimFound = decoded.find(delim, found + toFind.length());
    if (delimFound == std::string_view::npos)
      delimFound = decoded.length() - 1;
    return decoded.substr(found + toFind.length(), delimFound - (found + toFind.length()));
    toFind = std::string(key).append("=");
    found = decoded.find(toFind);
    if (found == 0)
      size_t delimFound = decoded.find(delim, found + toFind.length());
      if (delimFound == std::string_view::npos)
        delimFound = decoded.length() - 1;
      return decoded.substr(found + toFind.length(), delimFound - (found + toFind.length()));

  return "";

void SettingsHandler::Decrypt()
  const u8* str = m_buffer.data();
  while (m_position < m_buffer.size())
    decoded.push_back((u8)(m_buffer[m_position] ^ m_key));
    m_key = (m_key >> 31) | (m_key << 1);

  // The decoded data normally uses CRLF line endings, but occasionally
  // (see the comment in WriteLine), lines can be separated by CRLFLF.
  // To handle this, we remove every CR and treat LF as the line ending.
  // (We ignore empty lines.)
  decoded.erase(std::remove(decoded.begin(), decoded.end(), '\x0d'), decoded.end());

void SettingsHandler::Reset()
  decoded = "";
  m_position = 0;
  m_key = INITIAL_SEED;
  m_buffer = {};

void SettingsHandler::AddSetting(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
  WriteLine(key + '=' + value + "\r\n");

void SettingsHandler::WriteLine(const std::string& str)
  const u32 old_position = m_position;
  const u32 old_key = m_key;

  // Encode and write the line
  for (char c : str)

  // If the encoded data contains a null byte, Nintendo's decoder will stop at that null byte
  // instead of decoding all the data. To avoid this: If the data we just wrote contains
  // a null byte, add an LF right before the line to prod the values into being different,
  // just like Nintendo does. Due to the chosen key, LF itself never encodes into a null byte.
  const auto begin = m_buffer.cbegin() + old_position;
  const auto end = m_buffer.cbegin() + m_position;
  if (std::find(begin, end, 0) != end)
    m_key = old_key;
    m_position = old_position;

void SettingsHandler::WriteByte(u8 b)
  if (m_position >= m_buffer.size())

  m_buffer[m_position] = b ^ m_key;
  m_key = (m_key >> 31) | (m_key << 1);

std::string SettingsHandler::GenerateSerialNumber()
  const std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);

  // Must be 9 characters at most; otherwise the serial number will be rejected by SDK libraries,
  // as there is a check to ensure the string length is strictly lower than 10.
  // 3 for %j, 2 for %H, 2 for %M, 2 for %S.
  return fmt::format("{:%j%H%M%S}", fmt::localtime(t));
}  // namespace Common