// Copyright 2014 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <unordered_map> #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/IniFile.h" #include "Common/Thread.h" #include "DolphinWX/Android/ButtonManager.h" namespace ButtonManager { const std::string touchScreenKey = "Touchscreen"; std::unordered_map<std::string, InputDevice*> m_controllers; std::vector<std::string> configStrings = { "InputA", "InputB", "InputStart", "InputX", "InputY", "InputZ", "DPadUp", "DPadDown", "DPadLeft", "DPadRight", "MainUp", "MainDown", "MainLeft", "MainRight", "CStickUp", "CStickDown", "CStickLeft", "CStickRight", "InputL", "InputR" }; std::vector<ButtonType> configTypes = { BUTTON_A, BUTTON_B, BUTTON_START, BUTTON_X, BUTTON_Y, BUTTON_Z, BUTTON_UP, BUTTON_DOWN, BUTTON_LEFT, BUTTON_RIGHT, STICK_MAIN_UP, STICK_MAIN_DOWN, STICK_MAIN_LEFT, STICK_MAIN_RIGHT, STICK_C_UP, STICK_C_DOWN, STICK_C_LEFT, STICK_C_RIGHT, TRIGGER_L, TRIGGER_R }; static void AddBind(std::string dev, sBind *bind) { auto it = m_controllers.find(dev); if (it != m_controllers.end()) { it->second->AddBind(bind); return; } m_controllers[dev] = new InputDevice(dev); m_controllers[dev]->AddBind(bind); } void Init() { // Initialize our touchScreenKey buttons for (int a = 0; a < 4; ++a) { AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_A, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_A, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_B, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_B, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_START, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_START, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_X, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_X, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_Y, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_Y, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_Z, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_Z, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_UP, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_UP, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_DOWN, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_DOWN, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_LEFT, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_LEFT, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, BUTTON_RIGHT, BIND_BUTTON, BUTTON_RIGHT, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, STICK_MAIN_UP, BIND_AXIS, STICK_MAIN_UP, -1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, STICK_MAIN_DOWN, BIND_AXIS, STICK_MAIN_DOWN, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, STICK_MAIN_LEFT, BIND_AXIS, STICK_MAIN_LEFT, -1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, STICK_MAIN_RIGHT, BIND_AXIS, STICK_MAIN_RIGHT, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, STICK_C_UP, BIND_AXIS, STICK_C_UP, -1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, STICK_C_DOWN, BIND_AXIS, STICK_C_DOWN, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, STICK_C_LEFT, BIND_AXIS, STICK_C_LEFT, -1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, STICK_C_RIGHT, BIND_AXIS, STICK_C_RIGHT, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, TRIGGER_L, BIND_AXIS, TRIGGER_L, 1.0f)); AddBind(touchScreenKey, new sBind(a, TRIGGER_R, BIND_AXIS, TRIGGER_R, 1.0f)); } // Init our controller bindings IniFile ini; ini.Load(File::GetUserPath(D_CONFIG_IDX) + std::string("Dolphin.ini")); for (u32 a = 0; a < configStrings.size(); ++a) { for (int padID = 0; padID < 4; ++padID) { std::ostringstream config; config << configStrings[a] << "_" << padID; BindType type; int bindnum; char dev[128]; bool hasbind = false; char modifier = '+'; std::string value; ini.GetOrCreateSection("Android")->Get(config.str(), &value, "None"); if (value == "None") continue; if (std::string::npos != value.find("Axis")) { hasbind = true; type = BIND_AXIS; sscanf(value.c_str(), "Device '%127[^\']'-Axis %d%c", dev, &bindnum, &modifier); } else if (std::string::npos != value.find("Button")) { hasbind = true; type = BIND_BUTTON; sscanf(value.c_str(), "Device '%127[^\']'-Button %d", dev, &bindnum); } if (hasbind) AddBind(std::string(dev), new sBind(padID, configTypes[a], type, bindnum, modifier == '-' ? -1.0f : 1.0f)); } } } bool GetButtonPressed(int padID, ButtonType button) { bool pressed = m_controllers[touchScreenKey]->ButtonValue(padID, button); for (const auto& ctrl : m_controllers) pressed |= ctrl.second->ButtonValue(padID, button); return pressed; } float GetAxisValue(int padID, ButtonType axis) { float value = m_controllers[touchScreenKey]->AxisValue(padID, axis); if (value == 0.0f) { for (const auto& ctrl : m_controllers) { value = ctrl.second->AxisValue(padID, axis); if (value != 0.0f) return value; } } return value; } void GamepadEvent(std::string dev, int button, int action) { auto it = m_controllers.find(dev); if (it != m_controllers.end()) { it->second->PressEvent(button, action); return; } m_controllers[dev] = new InputDevice(dev); m_controllers[dev]->PressEvent(button, action); } void GamepadAxisEvent(std::string dev, int axis, float value) { auto it = m_controllers.find(dev); if (it != m_controllers.end()) { it->second->AxisEvent(axis, value); return; } m_controllers[dev] = new InputDevice(dev); m_controllers[dev]->AxisEvent(axis, value); } void Shutdown() { for (const auto& controller : m_controllers) delete controller.second; m_controllers.clear(); } // InputDevice void InputDevice::PressEvent(int button, int action) { for (const auto& binding : _inputbinds) { if (binding.second->_bind == button) { if (binding.second->_bindtype == BIND_BUTTON) _buttons[binding.second->_buttontype] = action == BUTTON_PRESSED ? true : false; else _axises[binding.second->_buttontype] = action == BUTTON_PRESSED ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } } } void InputDevice::AxisEvent(int axis, float value) { for (const auto& binding : _inputbinds) { if (binding.second->_bind == axis) { if (binding.second->_bindtype == BIND_AXIS) _axises[binding.second->_buttontype] = value; else _buttons[binding.second->_buttontype] = value > 0.5f ? true : false; } } } bool InputDevice::ButtonValue(int padID, ButtonType button) { const auto& binding = _inputbinds.find(std::make_pair(padID, button)); if (binding == _inputbinds.end()) return false; if (binding->second->_bindtype == BIND_BUTTON) return _buttons[binding->second->_buttontype]; else return (_axises[binding->second->_buttontype] * binding->second->_neg) > 0.5f; } float InputDevice::AxisValue(int padID, ButtonType axis) { const auto& binding = _inputbinds.find(std::make_pair(padID, axis)); if (binding == _inputbinds.end()) return 0.0f; if (binding->second->_bindtype == BIND_AXIS) return _axises[binding->second->_buttontype] * binding->second->_neg; else return _buttons[binding->second->_buttontype] == BUTTON_PRESSED ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } }