//********************************************************* // // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // This code is licensed under the MIT License. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED // TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // //********************************************************* #ifndef __WIL_FILESYSTEM_INCLUDED #define __WIL_FILESYSTEM_INCLUDED #ifdef _KERNEL_MODE #error This header is not supported in kernel-mode. #endif #include <new> #include <combaseapi.h> // Needed for CoTaskMemFree() used in output of some helpers. #include <winbase.h> // LocalAlloc #include <PathCch.h> #include "result.h" #include "win32_helpers.h" #include "resource.h" namespace wil { //! Determines if a path is an extended length path that can be used to access paths longer than MAX_PATH. inline bool is_extended_length_path(_In_ PCWSTR path) { return wcsncmp(path, L"\\\\?\\", 4) == 0; } //! Find the last segment of a path. Matches the behavior of shlwapi!PathFindFileNameW() //! note, does not support streams being specified like PathFindFileNameW(), is that a bug or a feature? inline PCWSTR find_last_path_segment(_In_ PCWSTR path) { auto const pathLength = wcslen(path); // If there is a trailing slash ignore that in the search. auto const limitedLength = ((pathLength > 0) && (path[pathLength - 1] == L'\\')) ? (pathLength - 1) : pathLength; PCWSTR result; auto const offset = FindStringOrdinal(FIND_FROMEND, path, static_cast<int>(limitedLength), L"\\", 1, TRUE); if (offset == -1) { result = path + pathLength; // null terminator } else { result = path + offset + 1; // just past the slash } return result; } //! Determine if the file name is one of the special "." or ".." names. inline bool path_is_dot_or_dotdot(_In_ PCWSTR fileName) { return ((fileName[0] == L'.') && ((fileName[1] == L'\0') || ((fileName[1] == L'.') && (fileName[2] == L'\0')))); } //! Returns the drive number, if it has one. Returns true if there is a drive number, false otherwise. Supports regular and extended length paths. inline bool try_get_drive_letter_number(_In_ PCWSTR path, _Out_ int* driveNumber) { if (path[0] == L'\\' && path[1] == L'\\' && path[2] == L'?' && path[3] == L'\\') { path += 4; } if (path[0] && (path[1] == L':')) { if ((path[0] >= L'a') && (path[0] <= L'z')) { *driveNumber = path[0] - L'a'; return true; } else if ((path[0] >= L'A') && (path[0] <= L'Z')) { *driveNumber = path[0] - L'A'; return true; } } *driveNumber = -1; return false; } #if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) // PathCch.h APIs are only in desktop API for now. // Compute the substring in the input value that is the parent folder path. // returns: // true + parentPathLength - path has a parent starting at the beginning path and of parentPathLength length. // false, no parent path, the input is a root path. inline bool try_get_parent_path_range(_In_ PCWSTR path, _Out_ size_t* parentPathLength) { *parentPathLength = 0; bool hasParent = false; PCWSTR rootEnd; if (SUCCEEDED(PathCchSkipRoot(path, &rootEnd)) && (*rootEnd != L'\0')) { auto const lastSegment = find_last_path_segment(path); *parentPathLength = lastSegment - path; hasParent = (*parentPathLength != 0); } return hasParent; } // Creates directories for the specified path, creating parent paths // as needed. inline HRESULT CreateDirectoryDeepNoThrow(PCWSTR path) WI_NOEXCEPT { if (::CreateDirectoryW(path, nullptr) == FALSE) { DWORD const lastError = ::GetLastError(); if (lastError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { size_t parentLength; if (try_get_parent_path_range(path, &parentLength)) { wistd::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> parent(new (std::nothrow) wchar_t[parentLength + 1]); RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(parent.get()); RETURN_IF_FAILED(StringCchCopyNW(parent.get(), parentLength + 1, path, parentLength)); CreateDirectoryDeepNoThrow(parent.get()); // recurs } RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(::CreateDirectoryW(path, nullptr)); } else if (lastError != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { RETURN_WIN32(lastError); } } return S_OK; } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS inline void CreateDirectoryDeep(PCWSTR path) { THROW_IF_FAILED(CreateDirectoryDeepNoThrow(path)); } #endif // WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS //! A strongly typed version of the Win32 API GetFullPathNameW. //! Return a path in an allocated buffer for handling long paths. //! Optionally return the pointer to the file name part. template <typename string_type, size_t stackBufferLength = 256> HRESULT GetFullPathNameW(PCWSTR file, string_type& path, _Outptr_opt_ PCWSTR* filePart = nullptr) { wil::assign_null_to_opt_param(filePart); const auto hr = AdaptFixedSizeToAllocatedResult<string_type, stackBufferLength>(path, [&](_Out_writes_(valueLength) PWSTR value, size_t valueLength, _Out_ size_t* valueLengthNeededWithNull) -> HRESULT { // Note that GetFullPathNameW() is not limited to MAX_PATH // but it does take a fixed size buffer. *valueLengthNeededWithNull = ::GetFullPathNameW(file, static_cast<DWORD>(valueLength), value, nullptr); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(*valueLengthNeededWithNull == 0); WI_ASSERT((*value != L'\0') == (*valueLengthNeededWithNull < valueLength)); if (*valueLengthNeededWithNull < valueLength) { (*valueLengthNeededWithNull)++; // it fit, account for the null } return S_OK; }); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && filePart) { *filePart = wil::find_last_path_segment(details::string_maker<string_type>::get(path)); } return hr; } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS //! A strongly typed version of the Win32 API of GetFullPathNameW. //! Return a path in an allocated buffer for handling long paths. //! Optionally return the pointer to the file name part. template <typename string_type = wil::unique_cotaskmem_string, size_t stackBufferLength = 256> string_type GetFullPathNameW(PCWSTR file, _Outptr_opt_ PCWSTR* filePart = nullptr) { string_type result; THROW_IF_FAILED((GetFullPathNameW<string_type, stackBufferLength>(file, result, filePart))); return result; } #endif enum class RemoveDirectoryOptions { None = 0, KeepRootDirectory = 0x1 }; DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS(RemoveDirectoryOptions); // If inputPath is a non-normalized name be sure to pass an extended length form to ensure // it can be addressed and deleted. inline HRESULT RemoveDirectoryRecursiveNoThrow(PCWSTR inputPath, RemoveDirectoryOptions options = RemoveDirectoryOptions::None) WI_NOEXCEPT { wil::unique_hlocal_string path; PATHCCH_OPTIONS combineOptions = PATHCCH_NONE; if (is_extended_length_path(inputPath)) { path = wil::make_hlocal_string_nothrow(inputPath); RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(path); // PathAllocCombine will convert extended length paths to regular paths if shorter than // MAX_PATH, avoid that behavior to provide access inputPath with non-normalized names. combineOptions = PATHCCH_ENSURE_IS_EXTENDED_LENGTH_PATH; } else { // For regular paths normalize here to get consistent results when searching and deleting. RETURN_IF_FAILED(wil::GetFullPathNameW(inputPath, path)); combineOptions = PATHCCH_ALLOW_LONG_PATHS; } wil::unique_hlocal_string searchPath; RETURN_IF_FAILED(::PathAllocCombine(path.get(), L"*", combineOptions, &searchPath)); WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd; wil::unique_hfind findHandle(::FindFirstFileW(searchPath.get(), &fd)); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(!findHandle); for (;;) { // skip "." and ".." if (!(WI_IsFlagSet(fd.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && path_is_dot_or_dotdot(fd.cFileName))) { // Need to form an extended length path to provide the ability to delete paths > MAX_PATH // and files with non-normalized names (dots or spaces at the end). wil::unique_hlocal_string pathToDelete; RETURN_IF_FAILED(::PathAllocCombine(path.get(), fd.cFileName, PATHCCH_ENSURE_IS_EXTENDED_LENGTH_PATH | PATHCCH_DO_NOT_NORMALIZE_SEGMENTS, &pathToDelete)); if (WI_IsFlagSet(fd.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { RemoveDirectoryOptions localOptions = options; RETURN_IF_FAILED(RemoveDirectoryRecursiveNoThrow(pathToDelete.get(), WI_ClearFlag(localOptions, RemoveDirectoryOptions::KeepRootDirectory))); } else { // note: if pathToDelete is read-only this will fail, consider adding // RemoveDirectoryOptions::RemoveReadOnly to enable this behavior. RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(::DeleteFileW(pathToDelete.get())); } } if (!::FindNextFileW(findHandle.get(), &fd)) { auto const err = ::GetLastError(); if (err == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { break; } RETURN_WIN32(err); } } if (WI_IsFlagClear(options, RemoveDirectoryOptions::KeepRootDirectory)) { RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(::RemoveDirectoryW(path.get())); } return S_OK; } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS inline void RemoveDirectoryRecursive(PCWSTR path, RemoveDirectoryOptions options = RemoveDirectoryOptions::None) { THROW_IF_FAILED(RemoveDirectoryRecursiveNoThrow(path, options)); } #endif // WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS // Range based for that supports Win32 structures that use NextEntryOffset as the basis of traversing // a result buffer that contains data. This is used in the following FileIO calls: // FileStreamInfo, FILE_STREAM_INFO // FileIdBothDirectoryInfo, FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO // FileFullDirectoryInfo, FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO // FileIdExtdDirectoryInfo, FILE_ID_EXTD_DIR_INFO // ReadDirectoryChangesW, FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION template <typename T> struct next_entry_offset_iterator { // Fulfill std::iterator_traits requirements using difference_type = ptrdiff_t; using value_type = T; using pointer = const T*; using reference = const T&; #ifdef _XUTILITY_ using iterator_category = ::std::forward_iterator_tag; #endif next_entry_offset_iterator(T *iterable = __nullptr) : current_(iterable) {} // range based for requires operator!=, operator++ and operator* to do its work // on the type returned from begin() and end(), provide those here. bool operator!=(const next_entry_offset_iterator& other) const { return current_ != other.current_; } next_entry_offset_iterator& operator++() { current_ = (current_->NextEntryOffset != 0) ? reinterpret_cast<T *>(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(current_) + current_->NextEntryOffset) : __nullptr; return *this; } next_entry_offset_iterator operator++(int) { auto copy = *this; ++(*this); return copy; } reference operator*() const WI_NOEXCEPT { return *current_; } pointer operator->() const WI_NOEXCEPT { return current_; } next_entry_offset_iterator<T> begin() { return *this; } next_entry_offset_iterator<T> end() { return next_entry_offset_iterator<T>(); } T* current_; }; template <typename T> next_entry_offset_iterator<T> create_next_entry_offset_iterator(T* p) { return next_entry_offset_iterator<T>(p); } #pragma region Folder Watcher // Example use in exception based code: // auto watcher = wil::make_folder_watcher(folder.Path().c_str(), true, wil::allChangeEvents, []() // { // // respond // }); // // Example use in result code based code: // wil::unique_folder_watcher watcher; // THROW_IF_FAILED(watcher.create(folder, true, wil::allChangeEvents, []() // { // // respond // })); enum class FolderChangeEvent : DWORD { ChangesLost = 0, // requies special handling, reset state as events were lost Added = FILE_ACTION_ADDED, Removed = FILE_ACTION_REMOVED, Modified = FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED, RenameOldName = FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME, RenameNewName = FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME, }; enum class FolderChangeEvents : DWORD { None = 0, FileName = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME, DirectoryName = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME, Attributes = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES, FileSize = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE, LastWriteTime = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE, Security = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY, All = FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY }; DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS(FolderChangeEvents); /// @cond namespace details { struct folder_watcher_state { folder_watcher_state(wistd::function<void()> &&callback) : m_callback(wistd::move(callback)) { } wistd::function<void()> m_callback; // Order is important, need to close the thread pool wait before the change handle. unique_hfind_change m_findChangeHandle; unique_threadpool_wait m_threadPoolWait; }; inline void delete_folder_watcher_state(_In_opt_ folder_watcher_state *storage) { delete storage; } typedef resource_policy<folder_watcher_state *, decltype(&details::delete_folder_watcher_state), details::delete_folder_watcher_state, details::pointer_access_none> folder_watcher_state_resource_policy; } /// @endcond template <typename storage_t, typename err_policy = err_exception_policy> class folder_watcher_t : public storage_t { public: // forward all base class constructors... template <typename... args_t> explicit folder_watcher_t(args_t&&... args) WI_NOEXCEPT : storage_t(wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...) {} // HRESULT or void error handling... typedef typename err_policy::result result; // Exception-based constructors folder_watcher_t(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void()> &&callback) { static_assert(wistd::is_same<void, result>::value, "this constructor requires exceptions; use the create method"); create(folderToWatch, isRecursive, filter, wistd::move(callback)); } result create(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void()> &&callback) { return err_policy::HResult(create_common(folderToWatch, isRecursive, filter, wistd::move(callback))); } private: // Factored into a standalone function to support Clang which does not support conversion of stateless lambdas // to __stdcall static void __stdcall callback(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE /*Instance*/, void *context, TP_WAIT *pThreadPoolWait, TP_WAIT_RESULT /*result*/) { auto watcherState = static_cast<details::folder_watcher_state *>(context); watcherState->m_callback(); // Rearm the wait. Should not fail with valid parameters. FindNextChangeNotification(watcherState->m_findChangeHandle.get()); SetThreadpoolWait(pThreadPoolWait, watcherState->m_findChangeHandle.get(), __nullptr); } // This function exists to avoid template expansion of this code based on err_policy. HRESULT create_common(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void()> &&callback) { wistd::unique_ptr<details::folder_watcher_state> watcherState(new(std::nothrow) details::folder_watcher_state(wistd::move(callback))); RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(watcherState); watcherState->m_findChangeHandle.reset(FindFirstChangeNotificationW(folderToWatch, isRecursive, static_cast<DWORD>(filter))); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(!watcherState->m_findChangeHandle); watcherState->m_threadPoolWait.reset(CreateThreadpoolWait(&folder_watcher_t::callback, watcherState.get(), __nullptr)); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(!watcherState->m_threadPoolWait); this->reset(watcherState.release()); // no more failures after this, pass ownership SetThreadpoolWait(this->get()->m_threadPoolWait.get(), this->get()->m_findChangeHandle.get(), __nullptr); return S_OK; } }; typedef unique_any_t<folder_watcher_t<details::unique_storage<details::folder_watcher_state_resource_policy>, err_returncode_policy>> unique_folder_watcher_nothrow; inline unique_folder_watcher_nothrow make_folder_watcher_nothrow(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void()> &&callback) WI_NOEXCEPT { unique_folder_watcher_nothrow watcher; watcher.create(folderToWatch, isRecursive, filter, wistd::move(callback)); return watcher; // caller must test for success using if (watcher) } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS typedef unique_any_t<folder_watcher_t<details::unique_storage<details::folder_watcher_state_resource_policy>, err_exception_policy>> unique_folder_watcher; inline unique_folder_watcher make_folder_watcher(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void()> &&callback) { return unique_folder_watcher(folderToWatch, isRecursive, filter, wistd::move(callback)); } #endif // WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS #pragma endregion #pragma region Folder Reader // Example use for throwing: // auto reader = wil::make_folder_change_reader(folder.Path().c_str(), true, wil::FolderChangeEvents::All, // [](wil::FolderChangeEvent event, PCWSTR fileName) // { // switch (event) // { // case wil::FolderChangeEvent::ChangesLost: break; // case wil::FolderChangeEvent::Added: break; // case wil::FolderChangeEvent::Removed: break; // case wil::FolderChangeEvent::Modified: break; // case wil::FolderChangeEvent::RenamedOldName: break; // case wil::FolderChangeEvent::RenamedNewName: break; // }); // // Example use for non throwing: // wil::unique_folder_change_reader_nothrow reader; // THROW_IF_FAILED(reader.create(folder, true, wil::FolderChangeEvents::All, // [](wil::FolderChangeEvent event, PCWSTR fileName) // { // // handle changes // })); // // @cond namespace details { struct folder_change_reader_state { folder_change_reader_state(bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void(FolderChangeEvent, PCWSTR)> &&callback) : m_callback(wistd::move(callback)), m_isRecursive(isRecursive), m_filter(filter) { } ~folder_change_reader_state() { if (m_tpIo != __nullptr) { TP_IO *tpIo = m_tpIo; // Indicate to the callback function that this object is being torn // down. { auto autoLock = m_cancelLock.lock_exclusive(); m_tpIo = __nullptr; } // Cancel IO to terminate the file system monitoring operation. if (m_folderHandle) { CancelIoEx(m_folderHandle.get(), &m_overlapped); } // Wait for callbacks to complete. // // N.B. This is a blocking call and must not be made within a // callback or within a lock which is taken inside the // callback. WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks(tpIo, TRUE); CloseThreadpoolIo(tpIo); } } HRESULT StartIo() { // Unfortunately we have to handle ref-counting of IOs on behalf of the // thread pool. StartThreadpoolIo(m_tpIo); HRESULT hr = ReadDirectoryChangesW(m_folderHandle.get(), m_readBuffer, sizeof(m_readBuffer), m_isRecursive, static_cast<DWORD>(m_filter), __nullptr, &m_overlapped, __nullptr) ? S_OK : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); if (FAILED(hr)) { // This operation does not have the usual semantic of returning // ERROR_IO_PENDING. // WI_ASSERT(hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_IO_PENDING)); // If the operation failed for whatever reason, ensure the TP // ref counts are accurate. CancelThreadpoolIo(m_tpIo); } return hr; } // void (wil::FolderChangeEvent event, PCWSTR fileName) wistd::function<void(FolderChangeEvent, PCWSTR)> m_callback; unique_handle m_folderHandle; BOOL m_isRecursive = FALSE; FolderChangeEvents m_filter = FolderChangeEvents::None; OVERLAPPED m_overlapped{}; TP_IO *m_tpIo = __nullptr; srwlock m_cancelLock; char m_readBuffer[4096]; // Consider alternative buffer sizes. With 512 byte buffer i was not able to observe overflow. }; inline void delete_folder_change_reader_state(_In_opt_ folder_change_reader_state *storage) { delete storage; } typedef resource_policy<folder_change_reader_state *, decltype(&details::delete_folder_change_reader_state), details::delete_folder_change_reader_state, details::pointer_access_none> folder_change_reader_state_resource_policy; } /// @endcond template <typename storage_t, typename err_policy = err_exception_policy> class folder_change_reader_t : public storage_t { public: // forward all base class constructors... template <typename... args_t> explicit folder_change_reader_t(args_t&&... args) WI_NOEXCEPT : storage_t(wistd::forward<args_t>(args)...) {} // HRESULT or void error handling... typedef typename err_policy::result result; // Exception-based constructors folder_change_reader_t(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void(FolderChangeEvent, PCWSTR)> &&callback) { static_assert(wistd::is_same<void, result>::value, "this constructor requires exceptions; use the create method"); create(folderToWatch, isRecursive, filter, wistd::move(callback)); } result create(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void(FolderChangeEvent, PCWSTR)> &&callback) { return err_policy::HResult(create_common(folderToWatch, isRecursive, filter, wistd::move(callback))); } wil::unique_hfile& folder_handle() { return this->get()->m_folderHandle; } private: // Factored into a standalone function to support Clang which does not support conversion of stateless lambdas // to __stdcall static void __stdcall callback(PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE /* Instance */, void *context, void * /*overlapped*/, ULONG result, ULONG_PTR /* BytesTransferred */, TP_IO * /* Io */) { auto readerState = static_cast<details::folder_change_reader_state *>(context); // WI_ASSERT(overlapped == &readerState->m_overlapped); bool requeue = true; if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { for (auto const& info : create_next_entry_offset_iterator(reinterpret_cast<FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION *>(readerState->m_readBuffer))) { wchar_t realtiveFileName[MAX_PATH]; StringCchCopyNW(realtiveFileName, ARRAYSIZE(realtiveFileName), info.FileName, info.FileNameLength / sizeof(info.FileName[0])); readerState->m_callback(static_cast<FolderChangeEvent>(info.Action), realtiveFileName); } } else if (result == ERROR_NOTIFY_ENUM_DIR) { readerState->m_callback(FolderChangeEvent::ChangesLost, __nullptr); } else { requeue = false; } if (requeue) { // If the lock is held non-shared or the TP IO is nullptr, this // structure is being torn down. Otherwise, monitor for further // changes. auto autoLock = readerState->m_cancelLock.try_lock_shared(); if (autoLock && readerState->m_tpIo) { readerState->StartIo(); // ignoring failure here } } } // This function exists to avoid template expansion of this code based on err_policy. HRESULT create_common(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void(FolderChangeEvent, PCWSTR)> &&callback) { wistd::unique_ptr<details::folder_change_reader_state> readerState(new(std::nothrow) details::folder_change_reader_state( isRecursive, filter, wistd::move(callback))); RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(readerState); readerState->m_folderHandle.reset(CreateFileW(folderToWatch, FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, __nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, __nullptr)); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(!readerState->m_folderHandle); readerState->m_tpIo = CreateThreadpoolIo(readerState->m_folderHandle.get(), &folder_change_reader_t::callback, readerState.get(), __nullptr); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF_NULL(readerState->m_tpIo); RETURN_IF_FAILED(readerState->StartIo()); this->reset(readerState.release()); return S_OK; } }; typedef unique_any_t<folder_change_reader_t<details::unique_storage<details::folder_change_reader_state_resource_policy>, err_returncode_policy>> unique_folder_change_reader_nothrow; inline unique_folder_change_reader_nothrow make_folder_change_reader_nothrow(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void(FolderChangeEvent, PCWSTR)> &&callback) WI_NOEXCEPT { unique_folder_change_reader_nothrow watcher; watcher.create(folderToWatch, isRecursive, filter, wistd::move(callback)); return watcher; // caller must test for success using if (watcher) } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS typedef unique_any_t<folder_change_reader_t<details::unique_storage<details::folder_change_reader_state_resource_policy>, err_exception_policy>> unique_folder_change_reader; inline unique_folder_change_reader make_folder_change_reader(PCWSTR folderToWatch, bool isRecursive, FolderChangeEvents filter, wistd::function<void(FolderChangeEvent, PCWSTR)> &&callback) { return unique_folder_change_reader(folderToWatch, isRecursive, filter, wistd::move(callback)); } #endif // WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS #pragma endregion //! Dos and VolumeGuid paths are always extended length paths with the \\?\ prefix. enum class VolumePrefix { Dos = VOLUME_NAME_DOS, // Extended Dos Device path form, e.g. \\?\C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Temp\wil8C31.tmp VolumeGuid = VOLUME_NAME_GUID, // \\?\Volume{588fb606-b95b-4eae-b3cb-1e49861aaf18}\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Temp\wil8C31.tmp // The following are special paths which can't be used with Win32 APIs, but are useful in other scenarios. None = VOLUME_NAME_NONE, // Path without the volume root, e.g. \Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Temp\wil8C31.tmp NtObjectName = VOLUME_NAME_NT, // Unique name used by Object Manager, e.g. \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Temp\wil8C31.tmp }; enum class PathOptions { Normalized = FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED, Opened = FILE_NAME_OPENED, }; DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS(PathOptions); /** A strongly typed version of the Win32 API GetFinalPathNameByHandleW. Get the full path name in different forms Use this instead + VolumePrefix::None instead of GetFileInformationByHandleEx(FileNameInfo) to get that path form. */ template <typename string_type, size_t stackBufferLength = 256> HRESULT GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(HANDLE fileHandle, string_type& path, wil::VolumePrefix volumePrefix = wil::VolumePrefix::Dos, wil::PathOptions options = wil::PathOptions::Normalized) { return AdaptFixedSizeToAllocatedResult<string_type, stackBufferLength>(path, [&](_Out_writes_(valueLength) PWSTR value, size_t valueLength, _Out_ size_t* valueLengthNeededWithNull) -> HRESULT { *valueLengthNeededWithNull = ::GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(fileHandle, value, static_cast<DWORD>(valueLength), static_cast<DWORD>(volumePrefix) | static_cast<DWORD>(options)); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(*valueLengthNeededWithNull == 0); WI_ASSERT((*value != L'\0') == (*valueLengthNeededWithNull < valueLength)); if (*valueLengthNeededWithNull < valueLength) { (*valueLengthNeededWithNull)++; // it fit, account for the null } return S_OK; }); } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS /** A strongly typed version of the Win32 API GetFinalPathNameByHandleW. Get the full path name in different forms. Use this + VolumePrefix::None instead of GetFileInformationByHandleEx(FileNameInfo) to get that path form. */ template <typename string_type = wil::unique_cotaskmem_string, size_t stackBufferLength = 256> string_type GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(HANDLE fileHandle, wil::VolumePrefix volumePrefix = wil::VolumePrefix::Dos, wil::PathOptions options = wil::PathOptions::Normalized) { string_type result; THROW_IF_FAILED((GetFinalPathNameByHandleW<string_type, stackBufferLength>(fileHandle, result, volumePrefix, options))); return result; } #endif //! A strongly typed version of the Win32 API of GetCurrentDirectoryW. //! Return a path in an allocated buffer for handling long paths. template <typename string_type, size_t stackBufferLength = 256> HRESULT GetCurrentDirectoryW(string_type& path) { return AdaptFixedSizeToAllocatedResult<string_type, stackBufferLength>(path, [&](_Out_writes_(valueLength) PWSTR value, size_t valueLength, _Out_ size_t* valueLengthNeededWithNull) -> HRESULT { *valueLengthNeededWithNull = ::GetCurrentDirectoryW(static_cast<DWORD>(valueLength), value); RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF(*valueLengthNeededWithNull == 0); WI_ASSERT((*value != L'\0') == (*valueLengthNeededWithNull < valueLength)); if (*valueLengthNeededWithNull < valueLength) { (*valueLengthNeededWithNull)++; // it fit, account for the null } return S_OK; }); } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS //! A strongly typed version of the Win32 API of GetCurrentDirectoryW. //! Return a path in an allocated buffer for handling long paths. template <typename string_type = wil::unique_cotaskmem_string, size_t stackBufferLength = 256> string_type GetCurrentDirectoryW() { string_type result; THROW_IF_FAILED((GetCurrentDirectoryW<string_type, stackBufferLength>(result))); return result; } #endif // TODO: add support for these and other similar APIs. // GetShortPathNameW() // GetLongPathNameW() // GetWindowsDirectory() // GetTempDirectory() /// @cond namespace details { template <FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS infoClass> struct MapInfoClassToInfoStruct; // failure to map is a usage error caught by the compiler #define MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(InfoClass, InfoStruct, IsFixed, Extra) \ template <> struct MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<InfoClass> \ { \ typedef InfoStruct type; \ static bool const isFixed = IsFixed; \ static size_t const extraSize = Extra; \ }; MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileBasicInfo, FILE_BASIC_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileStandardInfo, FILE_STANDARD_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileNameInfo, FILE_NAME_INFO, false, 32); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileRenameInfo, FILE_RENAME_INFO, false, 32); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileDispositionInfo, FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileAllocationInfo, FILE_ALLOCATION_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileEndOfFileInfo, FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileStreamInfo, FILE_STREAM_INFO, false, 32); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileCompressionInfo, FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileAttributeTagInfo, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileIdBothDirectoryInfo, FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO, false, 4096); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileIdBothDirectoryRestartInfo, FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileIoPriorityHintInfo, FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileRemoteProtocolInfo, FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileFullDirectoryInfo, FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO, false, 4096); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileFullDirectoryRestartInfo, FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO, true, 0); #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8) MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileStorageInfo, FILE_STORAGE_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileAlignmentInfo, FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileIdInfo, FILE_ID_INFO, true, 0); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileIdExtdDirectoryInfo, FILE_ID_EXTD_DIR_INFO, false, 4096); MAP_INFOCLASS_TO_STRUCT(FileIdExtdDirectoryRestartInfo, FILE_ID_EXTD_DIR_INFO, true, 0); #endif // Type unsafe version used in the implementation to avoid template bloat. inline HRESULT GetFileInfo(HANDLE fileHandle, FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS infoClass, size_t allocationSize, _Outptr_result_nullonfailure_ void **result) { *result = nullptr; wistd::unique_ptr<char[]> resultHolder(new(std::nothrow) char[allocationSize]); RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(resultHolder); for (;;) { if (GetFileInformationByHandleEx(fileHandle, infoClass, resultHolder.get(), static_cast<DWORD>(allocationSize))) { *result = resultHolder.release(); break; } else { DWORD const lastError = ::GetLastError(); if (lastError == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { allocationSize *= 2; resultHolder.reset(new(std::nothrow) char[allocationSize]); RETURN_IF_NULL_ALLOC(resultHolder); } else if (lastError == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) // for folder enumeration cases { break; } else if (lastError == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) // operation not supported by file system { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lastError); } else { RETURN_WIN32(lastError); } } } return S_OK; } } /// @endcond /** Get file information for a variable sized structure, returns an HRESULT. ~~~ wistd::unique_ptr<FILE_NAME_INFO> fileNameInfo; RETURN_IF_FAILED(GetFileInfoNoThrow<FileNameInfo>(fileHandle, fileNameInfo)); ~~~ */ template <FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS infoClass, typename wistd::enable_if<!details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::isFixed, int>::type = 0> HRESULT GetFileInfoNoThrow(HANDLE fileHandle, wistd::unique_ptr<typename details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::type> &result) WI_NOEXCEPT { void *rawResult; HRESULT hr = details::GetFileInfo(fileHandle, infoClass, sizeof(typename details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::type) + details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::extraSize, &rawResult); result.reset(static_cast<typename details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::type*>(rawResult)); RETURN_HR_IF_EXPECTED(hr, hr == E_INVALIDARG); // operation not supported by file system RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); return S_OK; } /** Get file information for a fixed sized structure, returns an HRESULT. ~~~ FILE_BASIC_INFO fileBasicInfo; RETURN_IF_FAILED(GetFileInfoNoThrow<FileBasicInfo>(fileHandle, &fileBasicInfo)); ~~~ */ template <FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS infoClass, typename wistd::enable_if<details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::isFixed, int>::type = 0> HRESULT GetFileInfoNoThrow(HANDLE fileHandle, _Out_ typename details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::type *result) WI_NOEXCEPT { const HRESULT hr = GetFileInformationByHandleEx(fileHandle, infoClass, result, sizeof(*result)) ? S_OK : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); RETURN_HR_IF_EXPECTED(hr, hr == E_INVALIDARG); // operation not supported by file system RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr); return S_OK; } #ifdef _CPPUNWIND /** Get file information for a fixed sized structure, throws on failure. ~~~ auto fileBasicInfo = GetFileInfo<FileBasicInfo>(fileHandle); ~~~ */ template <FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS infoClass, typename wistd::enable_if<details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::isFixed, int>::type = 0> typename details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::type GetFileInfo(HANDLE fileHandle) { typename details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::type result; THROW_IF_FAILED(GetFileInfoNoThrow<infoClass>(fileHandle, &result)); return result; } /** Get file information for a variable sized structure, throws on failure. ~~~ auto fileBasicInfo = GetFileInfo<FileNameInfo>(fileHandle); ~~~ */ template <FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS infoClass, typename wistd::enable_if<!details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::isFixed, int>::type = 0> wistd::unique_ptr<typename details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::type> GetFileInfo(HANDLE fileHandle) { wistd::unique_ptr<typename details::MapInfoClassToInfoStruct<infoClass>::type> result; THROW_IF_FAILED(GetFileInfoNoThrow<infoClass>(fileHandle, result)); return result; } #endif // _CPPUNWIND #endif // WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) } #endif // __WIL_FILESYSTEM_INCLUDED