 * Copyright (C) 2010 Johannes Weißl <jargon@molb.org>
 * License: MIT License
 * URL: https://github.com/weisslj/cpp-optparse

#include "OptionParser.h"

#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>
#include <ciso646>

#if defined(ENABLE_NLS) && ENABLE_NLS
# include <libintl.h>
# define _(s) gettext(s)
# define _(s) ((const char *) (s))

using namespace std;

namespace optparse {

////////// auxiliary (string) functions { //////////
class str_wrap {
  str_wrap(const string& l, const string& r) : lwrap(l), rwrap(r) {}
  str_wrap(const string& w) : lwrap(w), rwrap(w) {}
  string operator() (const string& s) { return lwrap + s + rwrap; }
  const string lwrap, rwrap;
template<typename InputIterator, typename UnaryOperator>
static string str_join_trans(const string& sep, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, UnaryOperator op) {
  string buf;
  for (InputIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
    if (it != begin)
      buf += sep;
    buf += op(*it);
  return buf;
template<class InputIterator>
static string str_join(const string& sep, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) {
  return str_join_trans(sep, begin, end, str_wrap(""));
static string& str_replace(string& s, const string& patt, const string& repl) {
  size_t pos = 0, n = patt.length();
  while (true) {
    pos = s.find(patt, pos);
    if (pos == string::npos)
    s.replace(pos, n, repl);
    pos += repl.size();
  return s;
static string str_replace(const string& s, const string& patt, const string& repl) {
  string tmp = s;
  str_replace(tmp, patt, repl);
  return tmp;
static string str_format(const string& str, size_t pre, size_t len, bool running_text = true, bool indent_first = true) {
  string s = str;
  stringstream ss;
  string p;
  len -= 2; // Python seems to not use full length
  if (running_text)
    replace(s.begin(), s.end(), '\n', ' ');
  if (indent_first)
    p = string(pre, ' ');

  size_t pos = 0, linestart = 0;
  size_t line = 0;
  while (true) {
    bool wrap = false;

    size_t new_pos = s.find_first_of(" \n\t", pos);
    if (new_pos == string::npos)
    if (s[new_pos] == '\n') {
      pos = new_pos + 1;
      wrap = true;
    if (line == 1)
      p = string(pre, ' ');
    if (wrap || new_pos + pre > linestart + len) {
      ss << p << s.substr(linestart, pos - linestart - 1) << endl;
      linestart = pos;
    pos = new_pos + 1;
  ss << p << s.substr(linestart) << endl;
  return ss.str();
static string str_inc(const string& s) {
  stringstream ss;
  string v = (s != "") ? s : "0";
  long i;
  istringstream(v) >> i;
  ss << i+1;
  return ss.str();
static unsigned int cols() {
  unsigned int n = 80;
#ifndef _WIN32
  const char *s = getenv("COLUMNS");
  if (s)
    istringstream(s) >> n;
  return n;
static string basename(const string& s) {
  string b = s;
  size_t i = b.find_last_not_of('/');
  if (i == string::npos) {
    if (b[0] == '/')
    return b;
  b.erase(i+1, b.length()-i-1);
  i = b.find_last_of("/");
  if (i != string::npos)
    b.erase(0, i+1);
  return b;
////////// } auxiliary (string) functions //////////

////////// class OptionContainer { //////////
Option& OptionContainer::add_option(const string& opt) {
  const string tmp[1] = { opt };
  return add_option(vector<string>(&tmp[0], &tmp[1]));
Option& OptionContainer::add_option(const string& opt1, const string& opt2) {
  const string tmp[2] = { opt1, opt2 };
  return add_option(vector<string>(&tmp[0], &tmp[2]));
Option& OptionContainer::add_option(const string& opt1, const string& opt2, const string& opt3) {
  const string tmp[3] = { opt1, opt2, opt3 };
  return add_option(vector<string>(&tmp[0], &tmp[3]));
Option& OptionContainer::add_option(const vector<string>& v) {
  _opts.resize(_opts.size()+1, Option(get_parser()));
  Option& option = _opts.back();
  string dest_fallback;
  for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->substr(0,2) == "--") {
      const string s = it->substr(2);
      if (option.dest() == "")
        option.dest(str_replace(s, "-", "_"));
      _optmap_l[s] = &option;
    } else {
      const string s = it->substr(1,1);
      if (dest_fallback == "")
        dest_fallback = s;
      _optmap_s[s] = &option;
  if (option.dest() == "")
  return option;
string OptionContainer::format_option_help(unsigned int indent /* = 2 */) const {
  stringstream ss;

  if (_opts.empty())
    return ss.str();

  for (list<Option>::const_iterator it = _opts.begin(); it != _opts.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->help() != SUPPRESS_HELP)
      ss << it->format_help(indent);

  return ss.str();
////////// } class OptionContainer //////////

////////// class OptionParser { //////////
OptionParser::OptionParser() :
  _usage(_("%prog [options]")),
  _interspersed_args(true) {}

OptionParser& OptionParser::add_option_group(const OptionGroup& group) {
  for (list<Option>::const_iterator oit = group._opts.begin(); oit != group._opts.end(); ++oit) {
    const Option& option = *oit;
    for (set<string>::const_iterator it = option._short_opts.begin(); it != option._short_opts.end(); ++it)
      _optmap_s[*it] = &option;
    for (set<string>::const_iterator it = option._long_opts.begin(); it != option._long_opts.end(); ++it)
      _optmap_l[*it] = &option;
  return *this;

const Option& OptionParser::lookup_short_opt(const string& opt) const {
  optMap::const_iterator it = _optmap_s.find(opt);
  if (it == _optmap_s.end())
    error(_("no such option") + string(": -") + opt);
  return *it->second;

void OptionParser::handle_short_opt(const string& opt, const string& arg) {

  string value;

  const Option& option = lookup_short_opt(opt);
  if (option._nargs == 1) {
    value = arg.substr(2);
    if (value == "") {
      if (_remaining.empty())
        error("-" + opt + " " + _("option requires an argument"));
      value = _remaining.front();
  } else {
    if (arg.length() > 2)
      _remaining.push_front(string("-") + arg.substr(2));

  process_opt(option, string("-") + opt, value);

const Option& OptionParser::lookup_long_opt(const string& opt) const {

  list<string> matching;
  for (optMap::const_iterator it = _optmap_l.begin(); it != _optmap_l.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->first.compare(0, opt.length(), opt) == 0) {
      if (it->first.length() == opt.length())
  if (matching.size() > 1) {
    string x = str_join_trans(", ", matching.begin(), matching.end(), str_wrap("--", ""));
    error(_("ambiguous option") + string(": --") + opt + " (" + x + "?)");
  if (matching.size() == 0)
    error(_("no such option") + string(": --") + opt);

  return *_optmap_l.find(matching.front())->second;

void OptionParser::handle_long_opt(const string& optstr) {

  string opt, value;

  size_t delim = optstr.find("=");
  if (delim != string::npos) {
    opt = optstr.substr(0, delim);
    value = optstr.substr(delim+1);
  } else
    opt = optstr;

  const Option& option = lookup_long_opt(opt);
  if (option._nargs == 1 and delim == string::npos) {
    if (not _remaining.empty()) {
      value = _remaining.front();

  if (option._nargs == 1 and value == "")
    error("--" + opt + " " + _("option requires an argument"));

  process_opt(option, string("--") + opt, value);

Values& OptionParser::parse_args(const int argc, char const* const* const argv) {
  if (prog() == "")
  return parse_args(&argv[1], &argv[argc]);
Values& OptionParser::parse_args(const vector<string>& v) {

  _remaining.assign(v.begin(), v.end());

  if (add_help_option()) {
    add_option("-h", "--help") .action("help") .help(_("show this help message and exit"));
    _opts.splice(_opts.begin(), _opts, --(_opts.end()));
  if (add_version_option() and version() != "") {
    add_option("--version") .action("version") .help(_("show program's version number and exit"));
    _opts.splice(_opts.begin(), _opts, --(_opts.end()));

  while (not _remaining.empty()) {
    const string arg = _remaining.front();

    if (arg == "--") {

    if (arg.substr(0,2) == "--") {
    } else if (arg.substr(0,1) == "-" and arg.length() > 1) {
      handle_short_opt(arg.substr(1,1), arg);
    } else {
      if (not interspersed_args())
  while (not _remaining.empty()) {
    const string arg = _remaining.front();

  for (list<Option>::const_iterator it = _opts.begin(); it != _opts.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->get_default() != "" and not _values.is_set(it->dest()))
      _values[it->dest()] = it->get_default();

  for (list<OptionGroup const*>::iterator group_it = _groups.begin(); group_it != _groups.end(); ++group_it) {
    for (list<Option>::const_iterator it = (*group_it)->_opts.begin(); it != (*group_it)->_opts.end(); ++it) {
      if (it->get_default() != "" and not _values.is_set(it->dest()))
        _values[it->dest()] = it->get_default();

  return _values;

void OptionParser::process_opt(const Option& o, const string& opt, const string& value) {
  if (o.action() == "store") {
    string err = o.check_type(opt, value);
    if (err != "")
    _values[o.dest()] = value;
    _values.is_set_by_user(o.dest(), true);
  else if (o.action() == "store_const") {
    _values[o.dest()] = o.get_const();
    _values.is_set_by_user(o.dest(), true);
  else if (o.action() == "store_true") {
    _values[o.dest()] = "1";
    _values.is_set_by_user(o.dest(), true);
  else if (o.action() == "store_false") {
    _values[o.dest()] = "0";
    _values.is_set_by_user(o.dest(), true);
  else if (o.action() == "append") {
    string err = o.check_type(opt, value);
    if (err != "")
    _values[o.dest()] = value;
    _values.is_set_by_user(o.dest(), true);
  else if (o.action() == "append_const") {
    _values[o.dest()] = o.get_const();
    _values.is_set_by_user(o.dest(), true);
  else if (o.action() == "count") {
    _values[o.dest()] = str_inc(_values[o.dest()]);
    _values.is_set_by_user(o.dest(), true);
  else if (o.action() == "help") {
  else if (o.action() == "version") {
  else if (o.action() == "callback" && o.callback()) {
    string err = o.check_type(opt, value);
    if (err != "")
    (*o.callback())(o, opt, value, *this);

string OptionParser::format_help() const {
  stringstream ss;

  if (usage() != SUPPRESS_USAGE)
    ss << get_usage() << endl;

  if (description() != "")
    ss << str_format(description(), 0, cols()) << endl;

  ss << _("Options") << ":" << endl;
  ss << format_option_help();

  for (list<OptionGroup const*>::const_iterator it = _groups.begin(); it != _groups.end(); ++it) {
    const OptionGroup& group = **it;
    ss << endl << "  " << group.title() << ":" << endl;
    if (group.description() != "") {
      unsigned int malus = 4; // Python seems to not use full length
      ss << str_format(group.description(), 4, cols() - malus) << endl;
    ss << group.format_option_help(4);

  if (epilog() != "")
    ss << endl << str_format(epilog(), 0, cols());

  return ss.str();
void OptionParser::print_help() const {
  cout << format_help();

void OptionParser::set_usage(const string& u) {
  string lower = u;
  transform(lower.begin(), lower.end(), lower.begin(), ::tolower);
  if (lower.compare(0, 7, "usage: ") == 0)
    _usage = u.substr(7);
    _usage = u;
string OptionParser::format_usage(const string& u) const {
  stringstream ss;
  ss << _("Usage") << ": " << u << endl;
  return ss.str();
string OptionParser::get_usage() const {
  if (usage() == SUPPRESS_USAGE)
    return string("");
  return format_usage(str_replace(usage(), "%prog", prog()));
void OptionParser::print_usage(ostream& out) const {
  string u = get_usage();
  if (u != "")
    out << u << endl;
void OptionParser::print_usage() const {

string OptionParser::get_version() const {
  return str_replace(_version, "%prog", prog());
void OptionParser::print_version(ostream& out) const {
  out << get_version() << endl;
void OptionParser::print_version() const {

void OptionParser::exit() const {
void OptionParser::error(const string& msg) const {
  cerr << prog() << ": " << _("error") << ": " << msg << endl;
////////// } class OptionParser //////////

////////// class Values { //////////
const string& Values::operator[] (const string& d) const {
  strMap::const_iterator it = _map.find(d);
  static const string empty = "";
  return (it != _map.end()) ? it->second : empty;
void Values::is_set_by_user(const string& d, bool yes) {
  if (yes)
////////// } class Values //////////

////////// class Option { //////////
string Option::check_type(const string& opt, const string& val) const {
  istringstream ss(val);
  stringstream err;

  if (type() == "int" || type() == "long") {
    long t;
    if (not (ss >> t))
      err << _("option") << " " << opt << ": " << _("invalid integer value") << ": '" << val << "'";
  else if (type() == "float" || type() == "double") {
    double t;
    if (not (ss >> t))
      err << _("option") << " " << opt << ": " << _("invalid floating-point value") << ": '" << val << "'";
  else if (type() == "choice") {
    if (find(choices().begin(), choices().end(), val) == choices().end()) {
      list<string> tmp = choices();
      transform(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), tmp.begin(), str_wrap("'"));
      err << _("option") << " " << opt << ": " << _("invalid choice") << ": '" << val << "'"
        << " (" << _("choose from") << " " << str_join(", ", tmp.begin(), tmp.end()) << ")";
  else if (type() == "complex") {
    complex<double> t;
    if (not (ss >> t))
      err << _("option") << " " << opt << ": " << _("invalid complex value") << ": '" << val << "'";

  return err.str();

string Option::format_option_help(unsigned int indent /* = 2 */) const {

  string mvar_short, mvar_long;
  if (nargs() == 1) {
    string mvar = metavar();
    if (mvar == "") {
      mvar = dest();
      transform(mvar.begin(), mvar.end(), mvar.begin(), ::toupper);
    mvar_short = " " + mvar;
    mvar_long = "=" + mvar;

  stringstream ss;
  ss << string(indent, ' ');

  if (not _short_opts.empty()) {
    ss << str_join_trans(", ", _short_opts.begin(), _short_opts.end(), str_wrap("-", mvar_short));
    if (not _long_opts.empty())
      ss << ", ";
  if (not _long_opts.empty())
    ss << str_join_trans(", ", _long_opts.begin(), _long_opts.end(), str_wrap("--", mvar_long));

  return ss.str();

string Option::format_help(unsigned int indent /* = 2 */) const {
  stringstream ss;
  string h = format_option_help(indent);
  unsigned int width = cols();
  unsigned int opt_width = min(width*3/10, 36u);
  bool indent_first = false;
  ss << h;
  // if the option list is too long, start a new paragraph
  if (h.length() >= (opt_width-1)) {
    ss << endl;
    indent_first = true;
  } else {
    ss << string(opt_width - h.length(), ' ');
    if (help() == "")
      ss << endl;
  if (help() != "") {
    string help_str = (get_default() != "") ? str_replace(help(), "%default", get_default()) : help();
    if (type() == "choice") {
        help_str = str_replace(help_str, "%choices", str_join("|", _choices.begin(), _choices.end()));
    ss << str_format(help_str, opt_width, width, false, indent_first);
  return ss.str();

Option& Option::action(const string& a) {
  _action = a;
  if (a == "store_const" || a == "store_true" || a == "store_false" ||
      a == "append_const" || a == "count" || a == "help" || a == "version") {
  } else if (a == "callback") {
  return *this;

Option& Option::type(const std::string& t) {
  _type = t;
  nargs((t == "") ? 0 : 1);
  return *this;

const std::string& Option::get_default() const {
  strMap::const_iterator it = _parser._defaults.find(dest());
  if (it != _parser._defaults.end())
    return it->second;
    return _default;
////////// } class Option //////////
