// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #ifndef _POINTERWRAP_H_ #define _POINTERWRAP_H_ // Extremely simple serialization framework. // (mis)-features: // + Super fast // + Very simple // + Same code is used for serialization and deserializaition (in most cases) // - Zero backwards/forwards compatibility // - Serialization code for anything complex has to be manually written. #include <map> #include <vector> #include <deque> #include <string> #include "Common.h" #include "FileUtil.h" template <class T> struct LinkedListItem : public T { LinkedListItem<T> *next; }; // Wrapper class class PointerWrap { public: enum Mode { MODE_READ = 1, // load MODE_WRITE, // save MODE_MEASURE, // calculate size MODE_VERIFY, // compare }; u8 **ptr; Mode mode; public: PointerWrap(u8 **ptr_, Mode mode_) : ptr(ptr_), mode(mode_) {} PointerWrap(unsigned char **ptr_, int mode_) : ptr((u8**)ptr_), mode((Mode)mode_) {} void SetMode(Mode mode_) {mode = mode_;} Mode GetMode() const {return mode;} u8 **GetPPtr() {return ptr;} void DoVoid(void *data, int size) { switch (mode) { case MODE_READ: memcpy(data, *ptr, size); break; case MODE_WRITE: memcpy(*ptr, data, size); break; case MODE_MEASURE: break; // MODE_MEASURE - don't need to do anything case MODE_VERIFY: for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) _dbg_assert_msg_(COMMON, ((u8*)data)[i] == (*ptr)[i], "Savestate verification failure: %d (0x%X) (at %p) != %d (0x%X) (at %p).\n", ((u8*)data)[i], ((u8*)data)[i], &((u8*)data)[i], (*ptr)[i], (*ptr)[i], &(*ptr)[i]); break; default: break; // throw an error? } (*ptr) += size; } template<class T> void Do(std::map<unsigned int, T> &x) { unsigned int number = (unsigned int)x.size(); Do(number); switch (mode) { case MODE_READ: { x.clear(); while (number > 0) { unsigned int first = 0; Do(first); T second; Do(second); x[first] = second; --number; } } break; case MODE_WRITE: case MODE_MEASURE: case MODE_VERIFY: { typename std::map<unsigned int, T>::iterator itr = x.begin(); while (number > 0) { Do(itr->first); Do(itr->second); --number; ++itr; } } break; } } // Store vectors. template<class T> void Do(std::vector<T> &x) { u32 vec_size = (u32)x.size(); Do(vec_size); x.resize(vec_size); DoArray(&x[0], vec_size); } // Store deques. template<class T> void Do(std::deque<T> &x) { u32 deq_size = (u32)x.size(); Do(deq_size); x.resize(deq_size); u32 i; for(i = 0; i < deq_size; i++) DoVoid(&x[i],sizeof(T)); } // Store strings. void Do(std::string &x) { int stringLen = (int)x.length() + 1; Do(stringLen); switch (mode) { case MODE_READ: x = (char*)*ptr; break; case MODE_WRITE: memcpy(*ptr, x.c_str(), stringLen); break; case MODE_MEASURE: break; case MODE_VERIFY: _dbg_assert_msg_(COMMON, !strcmp(x.c_str(), (char*)*ptr), "Savestate verification failure: \"%s\" != \"%s\" (at %p).\n", x.c_str(), (char*)*ptr, ptr); break; } (*ptr) += stringLen; } void Do(std::wstring &x) { int stringLen = sizeof(wchar_t)*((int)x.length() + 1); Do(stringLen); switch (mode) { case MODE_READ: x.assign((wchar_t*)*ptr, (stringLen / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1); break; case MODE_WRITE: memcpy(*ptr, x.c_str(), stringLen); break; case MODE_MEASURE: break; case MODE_VERIFY: _dbg_assert_msg_(COMMON, x == (wchar_t*)*ptr, "Savestate verification failure: \"%ls\" != \"%ls\" (at %p).\n", x.c_str(), (wchar_t*)*ptr, ptr); break; } (*ptr) += stringLen; } template<class T> void DoArray(T *x, int count) { DoVoid((void *)x, sizeof(T) * count); } template<class T> void Do(T &x) { DoVoid((void *)&x, sizeof(x)); } template<class T> void DoPointer(T* &x, T*const base) { // pointers can be more than 2^31 apart, but you're using this function wrong if you need that much range s32 offset = x - base; Do(offset); if (mode == MODE_READ) x = base + offset; } template<class T, LinkedListItem<T>* (*TNew)(), void (*TFree)(LinkedListItem<T>*), void (*TDo)(PointerWrap&, T*)> void DoLinkedList(LinkedListItem<T>*& list_start, LinkedListItem<T>** list_end=0) { LinkedListItem<T>* list_cur = list_start; LinkedListItem<T>* prev = 0; while (true) { u8 shouldExist = (list_cur ? 1 : 0); Do(shouldExist); if (shouldExist == 1) { LinkedListItem<T>* cur = list_cur ? list_cur : TNew(); TDo(*this, (T*)cur); if (!list_cur) { if (mode == MODE_READ) { cur->next = 0; list_cur = cur; if (prev) prev->next = cur; else list_start = cur; } else { TFree(cur); continue; } } } else { if (mode == MODE_READ) { if (prev) prev->next = 0; if (list_end) *list_end = prev; if (list_cur) { if (list_start == list_cur) list_start = 0; do { LinkedListItem<T>* next = list_cur->next; TFree(list_cur); list_cur = next; } while (list_cur); } } break; } prev = list_cur; list_cur = list_cur->next; } } void DoMarker(const char* prevName, u32 arbitraryNumber=0x42) { u32 cookie = arbitraryNumber; Do(cookie); if(mode == PointerWrap::MODE_READ && cookie != arbitraryNumber) { PanicAlertT("Error: After \"%s\", found %d (0x%X) instead of save marker %d (0x%X). Aborting savestate load...", prevName, cookie, cookie, arbitraryNumber, arbitraryNumber); mode = PointerWrap::MODE_MEASURE; } } }; class CChunkFileReader { public: // Load file template template<class T> static bool Load(const std::string& _rFilename, int _Revision, T& _class) { INFO_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Loading %s" , _rFilename.c_str()); if (!File::Exists(_rFilename)) return false; // Check file size const u64 fileSize = File::GetSize(_rFilename); static const u64 headerSize = sizeof(SChunkHeader); if (fileSize < headerSize) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: File too small"); return false; } File::IOFile pFile(_rFilename, "rb"); if (!pFile) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Can't open file for reading"); return false; } // read the header SChunkHeader header; if (!pFile.ReadArray(&header, 1)) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Bad header size"); return false; } // Check revision if (header.Revision != _Revision) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Wrong file revision, got %d expected %d", header.Revision, _Revision); return false; } // get size const int sz = (int)(fileSize - headerSize); if (header.ExpectedSize != sz) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Bad file size, got %d expected %d", sz, header.ExpectedSize); return false; } // read the state u8* buffer = new u8[sz]; if (!pFile.ReadBytes(buffer, sz)) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Error reading file"); return false; } u8 *ptr = buffer; PointerWrap p(&ptr, PointerWrap::MODE_READ); _class.DoState(p); delete[] buffer; INFO_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Done loading %s" , _rFilename.c_str()); return true; } // Save file template template<class T> static bool Save(const std::string& _rFilename, int _Revision, T& _class) { INFO_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Writing %s" , _rFilename.c_str()); File::IOFile pFile(_rFilename, "wb"); if (!pFile) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Error opening file for write"); return false; } // Get data u8 *ptr = 0; PointerWrap p(&ptr, PointerWrap::MODE_MEASURE); _class.DoState(p); size_t const sz = (size_t)ptr; std::vector<u8> buffer(sz); ptr = &buffer[0]; p.SetMode(PointerWrap::MODE_WRITE); _class.DoState(p); // Create header SChunkHeader header; header.Compress = 0; header.Revision = _Revision; header.ExpectedSize = (int)sz; // Write to file if (!pFile.WriteArray(&header, 1)) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Failed writing header"); return false; } if (!pFile.WriteBytes(&buffer[0], sz)) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Failed writing data"); return false; } INFO_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Done writing %s", _rFilename.c_str()); return true; } private: struct SChunkHeader { int Revision; int Compress; int ExpectedSize; }; }; #endif // _POINTERWRAP_H_