// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include "Common.h" #include "FileUtil.h" #include "D3DBase.h" #include "Fifo.h" #include "Statistics.h" #include "VertexManager.h" #include "OpcodeDecoding.h" #include "IndexGenerator.h" #include "VertexShaderManager.h" #include "VertexShaderCache.h" #include "PixelShaderManager.h" #include "PixelShaderCache.h" #include "NativeVertexFormat.h" #include "TextureCache.h" #include "main.h" #include "BPStructs.h" #include "XFStructs.h" #include "Debugger.h" #include "VideoConfig.h" // internal state for loading vertices extern NativeVertexFormat *g_nativeVertexFmt; namespace DX9 { //This are the initially requeted size for the buffers expresed in elements const u32 IBUFFER_SIZE = VertexManager::MAXIBUFFERSIZE * 16; const u32 VBUFFER_SIZE = VertexManager::MAXVBUFFERSIZE * 16; const u32 MAX_VBUFFER_COUNT = 2; inline void DumpBadShaders() { #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST) // TODO: Reimplement! /* std::string error_shaders; error_shaders.append(VertexShaderCache::GetCurrentShaderCode()); error_shaders.append(PixelShaderCache::GetCurrentShaderCode()); char filename[512] = "bad_shader_combo_0.txt"; int which = 0; while (File::Exists(filename)) { which++; sprintf(filename, "bad_shader_combo_%i.txt", which); } File::WriteStringToFile(true, error_shaders, filename); PanicAlert("DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP failed. Shaders written to %s", filename);*/ #endif } void VertexManager::CreateDeviceObjects() { m_buffers_count = 0; m_vertex_buffers = NULL; m_index_buffers = NULL; D3DCAPS9 DeviceCaps = D3D::GetCaps(); u32 devicevMaxBufferSize = DeviceCaps.MaxPrimitiveCount * 3 * DeviceCaps.MaxStreamStride; //Calculate Device Dependant size m_vertex_buffer_size = (VBUFFER_SIZE > devicevMaxBufferSize) ? devicevMaxBufferSize : VBUFFER_SIZE; m_index_buffer_size = (IBUFFER_SIZE > DeviceCaps.MaxVertexIndex) ? DeviceCaps.MaxVertexIndex : IBUFFER_SIZE; //if device caps are not enough for Vbuffer fall back to vertex arrays if (m_index_buffer_size < MAXIBUFFERSIZE || m_vertex_buffer_size < MAXVBUFFERSIZE) return; m_vertex_buffers = new LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9[MAX_VBUFFER_COUNT]; m_index_buffers = new LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER9[MAX_VBUFFER_COUNT]; bool Fail = false; for (m_current_vertex_buffer = 0; m_current_vertex_buffer < MAX_VBUFFER_COUNT; m_current_vertex_buffer++) { m_vertex_buffers[m_current_vertex_buffer] = NULL; m_index_buffers[m_current_vertex_buffer] = NULL; } for (m_current_vertex_buffer = 0; m_current_vertex_buffer < MAX_VBUFFER_COUNT; m_current_vertex_buffer++) { if(FAILED( D3D::dev->CreateVertexBuffer( m_vertex_buffer_size, D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC | D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, 0, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &m_vertex_buffers[m_current_vertex_buffer], NULL ) ) ) { Fail = true; break; } if( FAILED( D3D::dev->CreateIndexBuffer( m_index_buffer_size * sizeof(u16), D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC | D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY, D3DFMT_INDEX16, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &m_index_buffers[m_current_vertex_buffer], NULL ) ) ) { Fail = true; return; } } m_buffers_count = m_current_vertex_buffer; m_current_vertex_buffer = 0; m_current_index_buffer = 0; m_index_buffer_cursor = m_index_buffer_size; m_vertex_buffer_cursor = m_vertex_buffer_size; m_current_stride = 0; if (Fail) { m_buffers_count--; if (m_buffers_count < 2) { //Error creating Vertex buffers. clean and fall to Vertex arrays m_buffers_count = MAX_VBUFFER_COUNT; DestroyDeviceObjects(); } } } void VertexManager::DestroyDeviceObjects() { D3D::SetStreamSource( 0, NULL, 0, 0); D3D::SetIndices(NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_VBUFFER_COUNT; i++) { if(m_vertex_buffers) { if (m_vertex_buffers[i]) { m_vertex_buffers[i]->Release(); m_vertex_buffers[i] = NULL; } } if (m_index_buffers[i]) { m_index_buffers[i]->Release(); m_index_buffers[i] = NULL; } } if(m_vertex_buffers) delete [] m_vertex_buffers; if(m_index_buffers) delete [] m_index_buffers; m_vertex_buffers = NULL; m_index_buffers = NULL; } void VertexManager::PrepareDrawBuffers(u32 stride) { if (!m_buffers_count) { return; } u8* pVertices; u16* pIndices; int datasize = IndexGenerator::GetNumVerts() * stride; int TdataSize = IndexGenerator::GetTriangleindexLen(); int LDataSize = IndexGenerator::GetLineindexLen(); int PDataSize = IndexGenerator::GetPointindexLen(); int IndexDataSize = TdataSize + LDataSize; DWORD LockMode = D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE; m_vertex_buffer_cursor--; m_vertex_buffer_cursor = m_vertex_buffer_cursor - (m_vertex_buffer_cursor % stride) + stride; if (m_vertex_buffer_cursor > m_vertex_buffer_size - datasize) { LockMode = D3DLOCK_DISCARD; m_vertex_buffer_cursor = 0; m_current_vertex_buffer = (m_current_vertex_buffer + 1) % m_buffers_count; } if(FAILED(m_vertex_buffers[m_current_vertex_buffer]->Lock(m_vertex_buffer_cursor, datasize,(VOID**)(&pVertices), LockMode))) { DestroyDeviceObjects(); return; } memcpy(pVertices, s_pBaseBufferPointer, datasize); m_vertex_buffers[m_current_vertex_buffer]->Unlock(); LockMode = D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE; if (m_index_buffer_cursor > m_index_buffer_size - IndexDataSize) { LockMode = D3DLOCK_DISCARD; m_index_buffer_cursor = 0; m_current_index_buffer = (m_current_index_buffer + 1) % m_buffers_count; } if(FAILED(m_index_buffers[m_current_index_buffer]->Lock(m_index_buffer_cursor * sizeof(u16), IndexDataSize * sizeof(u16), (VOID**)(&pIndices), LockMode ))) { DestroyDeviceObjects(); return; } if(TdataSize) { memcpy(pIndices, GetTriangleIndexBuffer(), TdataSize * sizeof(u16)); pIndices += TdataSize; } if(LDataSize) { memcpy(pIndices, GetLineIndexBuffer(), LDataSize * sizeof(u16)); pIndices += LDataSize; } m_index_buffers[m_current_index_buffer]->Unlock(); if(m_current_stride != stride || m_vertex_buffer_cursor == 0) { m_current_stride = stride; D3D::SetStreamSource( 0, m_vertex_buffers[m_current_vertex_buffer], 0, stride); } if (m_index_buffer_cursor == 0) { D3D::SetIndices(m_index_buffers[m_current_index_buffer]); } } void VertexManager::DrawVertexBuffer(int stride) { int triangles = IndexGenerator::GetNumTriangles(); int lines = IndexGenerator::GetNumLines(); int points = IndexGenerator::GetNumPoints(); int numverts = IndexGenerator::GetNumVerts(); int StartIndex = m_index_buffer_cursor; int basevertex = m_vertex_buffer_cursor / stride; if (triangles > 0) { if (FAILED(D3D::dev->DrawIndexedPrimitive( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, basevertex, 0, numverts, StartIndex, triangles))) { DumpBadShaders(); } StartIndex += IndexGenerator::GetTriangleindexLen(); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numIndexedDrawCalls); } if (lines > 0) { if (FAILED(D3D::dev->DrawIndexedPrimitive( D3DPT_LINELIST, basevertex, 0, numverts, StartIndex, IndexGenerator::GetNumLines()))) { DumpBadShaders(); } StartIndex += IndexGenerator::GetLineindexLen(); INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numIndexedDrawCalls); } if (points > 0) { //DrawIndexedPrimitive does not support point list so we have to draw the points one by one for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) { if (FAILED(D3D::dev->DrawPrimitive( D3DPT_POINTLIST, basevertex + GetPointIndexBuffer()[i], 1))) { DumpBadShaders(); } INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numDrawCalls); } } } void VertexManager::DrawVertexArray(int stride) { int triangles = IndexGenerator::GetNumTriangles(); int lines = IndexGenerator::GetNumLines(); int points = IndexGenerator::GetNumPoints(); int numverts = IndexGenerator::GetNumVerts(); if (triangles > 0) { if (FAILED(D3D::dev->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, numverts, triangles, GetTriangleIndexBuffer(), D3DFMT_INDEX16, s_pBaseBufferPointer, stride))) { DumpBadShaders(); } INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numIndexedDrawCalls); } if (lines > 0) { if (FAILED(D3D::dev->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_LINELIST, 0, numverts, lines, GetLineIndexBuffer(), D3DFMT_INDEX16, s_pBaseBufferPointer, stride))) { DumpBadShaders(); } INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numIndexedDrawCalls); } if (points > 0) { if (FAILED(D3D::dev->DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_POINTLIST, 0, numverts, points, GetPointIndexBuffer(), D3DFMT_INDEX16, s_pBaseBufferPointer, stride))) { DumpBadShaders(); } INCSTAT(stats.thisFrame.numIndexedDrawCalls); } } void VertexManager::vFlush() { u32 usedtextures = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < (u32)bpmem.genMode.numtevstages + 1; ++i) if (bpmem.tevorders[i / 2].getEnable(i & 1)) usedtextures |= 1 << bpmem.tevorders[i/2].getTexMap(i & 1); if (bpmem.genMode.numindstages > 0) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bpmem.genMode.numtevstages + 1; ++i) if (bpmem.tevind[i].IsActive() && bpmem.tevind[i].bt < bpmem.genMode.numindstages) usedtextures |= 1 << bpmem.tevindref.getTexMap(bpmem.tevind[i].bt); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (usedtextures & (1 << i)) { g_renderer->SetSamplerState(i & 3, i >> 2); FourTexUnits &tex = bpmem.tex[i >> 2]; TextureCache::TCacheEntryBase* tentry = TextureCache::Load(i, (tex.texImage3[i&3].image_base/* & 0x1FFFFF*/) << 5, tex.texImage0[i&3].width + 1, tex.texImage0[i&3].height + 1, tex.texImage0[i&3].format, tex.texTlut[i&3].tmem_offset<<9, tex.texTlut[i&3].tlut_format, (tex.texMode0[i&3].min_filter & 3), (tex.texMode1[i&3].max_lod + 0xf) / 0x10, tex.texImage1[i&3].image_type); if (tentry) { // 0s are probably for no manual wrapping needed. PixelShaderManager::SetTexDims(i, tentry->native_width, tentry->native_height, 0, 0); } else ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "error loading texture"); } } // set global constants VertexShaderManager::SetConstants(); PixelShaderManager::SetConstants(); u32 stride = g_nativeVertexFmt->GetVertexStride(); if (!PixelShaderCache::SetShader(DSTALPHA_NONE,g_nativeVertexFmt->m_components)) { GFX_DEBUGGER_PAUSE_LOG_AT(NEXT_ERROR,true,{printf("Fail to set pixel shader\n");}); goto shader_fail; } if (!VertexShaderCache::SetShader(g_nativeVertexFmt->m_components)) { GFX_DEBUGGER_PAUSE_LOG_AT(NEXT_ERROR,true,{printf("Fail to set vertex shader\n");}); goto shader_fail; } PrepareDrawBuffers(stride); g_nativeVertexFmt->SetupVertexPointers(); if(m_buffers_count) { DrawVertexBuffer(stride); } else { DrawVertexArray(stride); } bool useDstAlpha = !g_ActiveConfig.bDstAlphaPass && bpmem.dstalpha.enable && bpmem.blendmode.alphaupdate && bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format == PIXELFMT_RGBA6_Z24; if (useDstAlpha) { if (!PixelShaderCache::SetShader(DSTALPHA_ALPHA_PASS, g_nativeVertexFmt->m_components)) { GFX_DEBUGGER_PAUSE_LOG_AT(NEXT_ERROR,true,{printf("Fail to set pixel shader\n");}); goto shader_fail; } // update alpha only g_renderer->ApplyState(true); if(m_buffers_count) { DrawVertexBuffer(stride); } else { DrawVertexArray(stride); } g_renderer->RestoreState(); } GFX_DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AT(NEXT_FLUSH, true); shader_fail: if(m_buffers_count) { m_index_buffer_cursor += IndexGenerator::GetTriangleindexLen() + IndexGenerator::GetLineindexLen() + IndexGenerator::GetPointindexLen(); m_vertex_buffer_cursor += IndexGenerator::GetNumVerts() * stride; } } }