ActivateDeactivateAchievement is passed an Achievement ID as returned from the FetchGameData API call and determines whether to activate it, deactivate it, or leave it where it is based on its current known state and what settings are enabled.
Activating or deactivating an achievement entails calling a method provided by rcheevos that performs this on the rcheevos runtime. Activating an achievement loads its memory signature into the runtime; now the runtime will process the achievement each time the rc_runtime_do_frame function is called (this will be in a future PR) to determine when the achievement's requirements are met. Deactivating an achievement unloads it from the runtime.
The specific logic to determine whether an achievement is active operates over many fields but is documented in detail inside the function. There are multiple settings flags for which achievements are enabled (one flag for all achievements, an "unofficial" flag for enabling achievements marked as unofficial i.e. those that have logic on the site but have not yet been officially approved, and an "encore" flag that enables achievements the player has already unlocked) and this function also evaluates whether the achievement has been unlocked in hardcore mode or softcore mode (though currently every reference to the current hardcore mode state is hardcoded as false).
LoadGameByFilenameAsync sets up a volume reader and hashes the volume, then uses that hash to make the three consecutive API requests to resolve hash, start session and load game data.
CloseGame resets the m_is_game_loaded flag, wipes the queue, and destroys all the game data responses.
FetchGameData is the big one - this retrieves the logic for all the achievements, leaderboards, and rich presence, and all the relevant metadata for the game.
Added a call to the RetroAchievements Start Session API to AchievementManager. This is primarily for client-side activation, so it doesn't return much of value, aside from its success/error information, but I'm storing the return structure in case this changes in the future.
Added the ResolveHash method to AchievementManager. This is a blocking function to send a hash string to the RetroAchievements server to verify it and get a game ID back.
This was previously copying each pair out of the vector returned by
GetInterfaceListInternal() when we just need to emplace the first entry
of each pair.
See; this was introduced in 7dde0c3c319577fd913e4de72a6113a8998ada49. Apparently, providing a parent for a widget that is not visible makes your new widget visible when the parent is later made visible, in addition to managing the deletion of the widget; the documentation does not specify this (only that if the parent is visible you need to explicitly show it).