The default size might be too big for some screens. This allows
the user to modify the window as they see fit and has Dolphin
remember those settings. People who are happy with the default
size and position will not be affected
git diff --name-only already took care of only returning the name, so
the awk is unneeded and makes it return only empty file names.
Facepalm, I know. Sorry for this oversight.
(Also fixes something that lint didn't catch because of this)
There is no reason to prevent the user from closing the config dialog
if the device is not found. It's not very good UX…
Also fixes ExpressionParser to return NO_DEVICE if the device doesn't
exist instead of SUCCESS.
This adds hotplugging support to the evdev input backend. We use
libudev to monitor changes to input devices in a separate thread.
Removed devices are removed from the devices list, and new devices
are added to the list.
The effect is that controllers are usable immediately after plugging
them without having to manually refresh devices (if they were
configured to be used, of course).
Changes UpdateInput() to skip if we can't lock the mutex, instead of
potentially blocking the CPU thread and causing a short but noticeable
frame drop.
This adds RemoveDevice() to ControllerInterface, fixes ExpressionParser
and some other code to support device removals without crashing,
and adds an IsValid() method to Device, to prepare for hotplugging.
This adds RegisterHotplugCallback() to register a callback which will
be invoked by the input backends' hotplug threads when there is a new
device, so that Core (GCKeyboard, GCPad, Wiimote, Hotkey) can reload
the configuration without adding a dependency to Core from InputCommon.
Since we now support different scanner sources, g_wiimotes is not
guaranteed to only contain WiimoteLinux anymore.
This replaces the previous "already connected" check with one that
doesn't use g_wiimotes.
Pausing emulation requires to access the CPU thread, which might be blocked
waiting for inputs by netplay. Accessing it in this state would cause the
whole GUI to hang for set timeout (10s).
Instead of sleeping in NetPlayClient::GetNetPads and NetPlayClient::WiimoteUpdate,
now use std::condition_variable. This allows for finer control over these blocking
This makes WiimoteScanner support several scanner backends.
This adds a WiimoteScannerBackend base class, which scanner backends
derive from, and which allows backend-specific things to be moved out
of the common code.
Also removes IODummy which is not needed anymore.
Once a tab is selected the focus can be set directly from the page
changed event. However once the tab was shown, the first tab order
control element was given the focus by default. This was fixed by
delaying the action and setting the focus after the default focus
had been assigned.
* Focus "Hash Code" / "IP address" text box by default in "Connect"
* Focus game list in "Host" tab
* RETURN keypress now host/join depending on selected tab
* Remember last hosted game
* Remove PanicAlertT:
* Simply log message to netplay window
* Remove them when they are useless
* Show some netplay message in OSD
* Chat messages
* Pad buffer changes
* Desync alerts
* Stop the game consistently when another player disconnects / crashes
* Prettify chat textbox
* Log netplay ping to OSD
Join scenario:
* Copy netplay code
* Open netplay
* Paste code
* Press enter
Host scenario:
* Open netplay
* Go to host tab
* Press enter
UPNP_AddPortMapping needs our IP address, however enet_address_get_host
will return or a host name in most cases.
This gets our IP address from the socket to the IGD.