Fix OS X code.

- Close the connection properly on destruction.

- Work around what seems like an Apple bug.
This commit is contained in:
comex 2013-09-04 05:29:42 -04:00
parent 872e9ce3da
commit dc87b6d431

@ -140,10 +140,11 @@ void WiimoteScanner::FindWiimotes(std::vector<Wiimote*> & found_wiimotes, Wiimot
[bti setDelegate: sbt];
[bti setInquiryLength: 2];
if ([bti start] == kIOReturnSuccess)
[bti retain];
if ([bti start] != kIOReturnSuccess)
ERROR_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Unable to do bluetooth discovery");
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ void WiimoteScanner::FindWiimotes(std::vector<Wiimote*> & found_wiimotes, Wiimot
Wiimote *wm = new Wiimote();
wm->btd = dev;
wm->btd = [dev retain];
if(IsBalanceBoardName([[dev name] UTF8String]))
@ -195,17 +196,27 @@ bool Wiimote::ConnectInternal()
ConnectBT *cbt = [[ConnectBT alloc] init];
cchan = ichan = nil;
[btd openL2CAPChannelSync: &cchan
withPSM: kBluetoothL2CAPPSMHIDControl delegate: cbt];
[btd openL2CAPChannelSync: &ichan
withPSM: kBluetoothL2CAPPSMHIDInterrupt delegate: cbt];
if (ichan == NULL || cchan == NULL)
// Apple docs claim:
// "The L2CAP channel object is already retained when this function returns
// success; the channel must be released when the caller is done with it."
// But without this, the channels get over-autoreleased, even though the
// refcounting behavior here is clearly correct.
[ichan retain];
[cchan retain];
if (ichan == nil || cchan == nil)
ERROR_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Unable to open L2CAP channels "
"for wiimote %i", index + 1);
[cbt release];
[ichan release];
[cchan release];
return false;
@ -221,19 +232,18 @@ bool Wiimote::ConnectInternal()
// Disconnect a wiimote.
void Wiimote::DisconnectInternal()
if (ichan != NULL)
[ichan release];
if (cchan != NULL)
[cchan release];
if (btd != NULL)
[btd closeConnection];
btd = NULL;
cchan = NULL;
[ichan closeChannel];
[ichan release];
ichan = NULL;
[cchan closeChannel];
[cchan release];
cchan = NULL;
[btd closeConnection];
[btd release];
btd = NULL;
if (!IsConnected())