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synced 2025-03-04 01:13:35 +00:00
VideoSoftware: Added Real XFB support.
Massivly increases the accuracy of VideoSoftware, if it's going to be slow, it might as well be accurate. * Fixes flickering issues in games which double render to get Hardware AA, like the Peach's Castle tech demo. * Rouge Squadren 2's Cantina Intro doesn't flicker anymore, but it duplicates the top half of the screen onto the bottom. * Any games which need RealXFB support should now work in Video Software
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,20 +15,26 @@
#include "HW/Memmap.h"
#include "Core.h"
static const float s_gammaLUT[] =
namespace EfbCopy
void CopyToXfb()
void CopyToXfb(u32 xfbAddr, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight, const EFBRectangle& sourceRc, float Gamma)
GLInterface->Update(); // just updates the render window position and the backbuffer size
if (!g_SWVideoConfig.bHwRasterizer)
// copy to open gl for rendering
SWRenderer::DrawTexture(EfbInterface::efbColorTexture, EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT);
INFO_LOG(VIDEO, "xfbaddr: %x, fbwidth: %i, fbheight: %i, source: (%i, %i, %i, %i), Gamma %f",
xfbAddr, fbWidth, fbHeight, sourceRc.top, sourceRc.left, sourceRc.bottom, sourceRc.right, Gamma);
EfbInterface::yuv422_packed* xfb_in_ram = (EfbInterface::yuv422_packed *) Memory::GetPointer(xfbAddr);
EfbInterface::CopyToXFB(xfb_in_ram, fbWidth, fbHeight, sourceRc, Gamma);
void CopyToRam()
@ -47,8 +53,8 @@ namespace EfbCopy
int left = bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.x;
int top = bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.y;
int right = left + bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.x;
int bottom = top + bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.y;
int right = left + bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.x + 1;
int bottom = top + bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.y + 1;
for (u16 y = top; y <= bottom; y++)
@ -62,21 +68,47 @@ namespace EfbCopy
void CopyEfb()
if (bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.copy_to_xfb)
EFBRectangle rc;
rc.left = (int)bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.x;
rc.top = (int)bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.y;
// Here Width+1 like Height, otherwise some textures are corrupted already since the native resolution.
rc.right = (int)(bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.x + bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.x + 1);
rc.bottom = (int)(bpmem.copyTexSrcXY.y + bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.y + 1);
//if (bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.copy_to_xfb)
// DebugUtil::OnFrameEnd(); // FIXME: not actually frame end
if (!g_bSkipCurrentFrame)
if (bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.copy_to_xfb)
float yScale;
if (bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.scale_invert)
yScale = 256.0f / (float)bpmem.dispcopyyscale;
yScale = (float)bpmem.dispcopyyscale / 256.0f;
float xfbLines = ((bpmem.copyTexSrcWH.y + 1.0f) * yScale);
if (yScale != 1.0)
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "yScale of %f is currently unsupported", yScale);
if ((u32)xfbLines > MAX_XFB_HEIGHT)
INFO_LOG(VIDEO, "Tried to scale EFB to too many XFB lines (%f)", xfbLines);
xfbLines = MAX_XFB_HEIGHT;
CopyToXfb(bpmem.copyTexDest << 5,
bpmem.copyMipMapStrideChannels << 4,
CopyToRam(); // FIXME: should use the rectangle we have already created above
if (bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.clear)
@ -87,13 +119,5 @@ namespace EfbCopy
if (bpmem.triggerEFBCopy.copy_to_xfb)
// no frame rendered but tell that a frame has finished for frame skip counter
@ -8,16 +8,13 @@
#include "BPMemLoader.h"
#include "LookUpTables.h"
#include "SWPixelEngine.h"
#include "HW/Memmap.h"
namespace EfbInterface
u8 efbColorTexture[EFB_WIDTH*EFB_HEIGHT*4];
inline u32 GetColorOffset(u16 x, u16 y)
return (x + y * EFB_WIDTH) * 3;
@ -31,7 +28,6 @@ namespace EfbInterface
void DoState(PointerWrap &p)
p.DoArray(efb, EFB_WIDTH*EFB_HEIGHT*6);
p.DoArray(efbColorTexture, EFB_WIDTH*EFB_HEIGHT*4);
void SetPixelAlphaOnly(u32 offset, u8 a)
@ -469,6 +465,19 @@ namespace EfbInterface
GetPixelColor(offset, color);
// For internal used only, return a non-normalized value, which saves work later.
void GetColorYUV(u16 x, u16 y, yuv444 *out)
u8 color[4];
GetColor(x, y, color);
// GameCube/Wii uses the BT.601 standard algorithm for converting to YCbCr; see
// http://www.equasys.de/colorconversion.html#YCbCr-RGBColorFormatConversion
out->Y = 0.257f * color[RED_C] + 0.504f * color[GRN_C] + 0.098f * color[BLU_C];
out->U = -0.148f * color[RED_C] + -0.291f * color[GRN_C] + 0.439f * color[BLU_C];
out->V = 0.439f * color[RED_C] + -0.368f * color[GRN_C] + -0.071f * color[BLU_C];
u32 GetDepth(u16 x, u16 y)
u32 offset = GetDepthOffset(x, y);
@ -482,22 +491,56 @@ namespace EfbInterface
return &efb[GetColorOffset(x, y)];
void UpdateColorTexture()
u32 color;
u8* colorPtr = (u8*)&color;
u32* texturePtr = (u32*)efbColorTexture;
u32 textureAddress = 0;
u32 efbOffset = 0;
void CopyToXFB(yuv422_packed* xfb_in_ram, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight, const EFBRectangle& sourceRc, float Gamma) {
// FIXME: We should do Gamma correction
for (u16 y = 0; y < EFB_HEIGHT; y++)
if (!xfb_in_ram)
for (u16 x = 0; x < EFB_WIDTH; x++)
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Tried to copy to invalid XFB address");
int left = sourceRc.left;
int right = sourceRc.right;
// this assumes copies will always start on an even (YU) pixel and the
// copy always has an even width, which might not be true.
if (left & 1 || right & 1) {
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Trying to copy XFB to from unaligned EFB source");
// this will show up as wrongly encoded
// Scanline buffer, leave room for borders
yuv444 scanline[640+2];
// our internal yuv444 type is not normalized, so black is {0, 0, 0} instead of {16, 128, 128}
scanline[0] = {0, 0, 0}; // black border at start
scanline[right+1] = {0, 0, 0}; // black border at end
for (u16 y = sourceRc.top; y < sourceRc.bottom; y++)
// Get a scanline of YUV pixels in 4:4:4 format
for (int i = 1, x = left; x < right; i++, x++)
GetPixelColor(efbOffset, colorPtr);
efbOffset += 3;
texturePtr[textureAddress++] = Common::swap32(color); // ABGR->RGBA
GetColorYUV(x, y, &scanline[i]);
// And Downsample them to 4:2:2
for (int i = 1, x = left; x < right; i+=2, x+=2)
// YU pixel
xfb_in_ram[x].Y = scanline[i].Y;
// U[i] = 1/4 * U[i-1] + 1/2 * U[i] + 1/4 U[i+1]
// we add in 10 bit space so it will round more accurately
xfb_in_ram[x].UV = 128 + ((scanline[i-1].U + (scanline[i].U << 1) + scanline[i+1].U) >> 2);
// YV pixel
xfb_in_ram[x+1].Y = scanline[i+1].Y;
// V[i] = 1/4 * V[i-1] + 1/2 * V[i] + 1/4 V[i+1]
xfb_in_ram[x+1].UV = 128 + ((scanline[i].V + (scanline[i+1].V << 1) + scanline[i+2].V) >> 2);
xfb_in_ram += 640;
@ -11,9 +11,21 @@ namespace EfbInterface
// color order is ABGR in order to emulate RGBA on little-endian hardware
enum { ALP_C, BLU_C, GRN_C, RED_C };
// color order is ABGR in order to emulate RGBA on little-endian hardware
// packed so the compiler doesn't mess with alignment
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {
u8 Y;
u8 UV;
} yuv422_packed;
// But this one is only used internally, so we can let the compiler pack it however it likes.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((aligned (4))){
u8 Y;
s8 U;
s8 V;
} yuv444;
// does full blending of an incoming pixel
void BlendTev(u16 x, u16 y, u8 *color);
@ -28,12 +40,13 @@ namespace EfbInterface
void SetDepth(u16 x, u16 y, u32 depth);
void GetColor(u16 x, u16 y, u8 *color);
void GetColorYUV(u16 x, u16 y, yuv444 *color);
u32 GetDepth(u16 x, u16 y);
u8* GetPixelPointer(u16 x, u16 y, bool depth);
void UpdateColorTexture();
extern u8 efbColorTexture[EFB_WIDTH*EFB_HEIGHT*4]; // RGBA format
void CopyToXFB(yuv422_packed* xfb_in_ram, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight, const EFBRectangle& sourceRc, float Gamma);
void DoState(PointerWrap &p);
@ -5,10 +5,12 @@
#include "Common.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "Core.h"
#include "../../Plugin_VideoOGL/Src/GLUtil.h"
#include "RasterFont.h"
#include "SWRenderer.h"
#include "SWStatistics.h"
#include "SWCommandProcessor.h"
#include "OnScreenDisplay.h"
@ -18,6 +20,9 @@ static GLint attr_pos = -1, attr_tex = -1;
static GLint uni_tex = -1;
static GLuint program;
static u8 s_xfbColorTexture[2][EFB_WIDTH*EFB_HEIGHT*4];
static int s_currentColorTexture = 0;
// Rasterfont isn't compatible with GLES
// degasus: I think it does, but I can't test it
#ifndef USE_GLES
@ -26,6 +31,7 @@ RasterFont* s_pfont = NULL;
void SWRenderer::Init()
GLInterface->SetBackBufferDimensions(EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT);
void SWRenderer::Shutdown()
@ -68,6 +74,9 @@ void CreateShaders()
void SWRenderer::Prepare()
memset(s_xfbColorTexture, 0, sizeof(s_xfbColorTexture));
s_currentColorTexture = 0;
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); // 4-byte pixel alignment
glGenTextures(1, &s_RenderTarget);
@ -162,11 +171,59 @@ void DrawButton(GLuint tex, float *coords)
glBindTexture(TEX2D, 0);
void SWRenderer::UpdateColorTexture(EfbInterface::yuv422_packed *xfb)
u32 offset = 0;
u8 *TexturePointer = s_xfbColorTexture[!s_currentColorTexture];
for (u16 y = 0; y < EFB_HEIGHT; y++)
for (u16 x = 0; x < EFB_WIDTH; x+=2)
// We do this one color sample (aka 2 RGB pixles) at a time
int Y1 = xfb[x].Y - 16;
int Y2 = xfb[x+1].Y - 16;
int U = int(xfb[x].UV) - 128;
int V = int(xfb[x+1].UV) - 128;
// We do the inverse BT.601 conversion for YCbCr to RGB
// http://www.equasys.de/colorconversion.html#YCbCr-RGBColorFormatConversion
TexturePointer[offset++] = min(255.0f, max(0.0f, 1.164f * Y1 + 1.596f * V));
TexturePointer[offset++] = min(255.0f, max(0.0f, 1.164f * Y1 - 0.392f * U - 0.813f * V));
TexturePointer[offset++] = min(255.0f, max(0.0f, 1.164f * Y1 + 2.017f * U ));
TexturePointer[offset++] = 255;
TexturePointer[offset++] = min(255.0f, max(0.0f, 1.164f * Y2 + 1.596f * V));
TexturePointer[offset++] = min(255.0f, max(0.0f, 1.164f * Y2 - 0.392f * U - 0.813f * V));
TexturePointer[offset++] = min(255.0f, max(0.0f, 1.164f * Y2 + 2.017f * U ));
TexturePointer[offset++] = 255;
xfb += EFB_WIDTH;
s_currentColorTexture = !s_currentColorTexture;
// Called on the GPU thread
void SWRenderer::Swap(u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight)
GLInterface->Update(); // just updates the render window position and the backbuffer size
if (!g_SWVideoConfig.bHwRasterizer)
SWRenderer::DrawTexture(s_xfbColorTexture[s_currentColorTexture], fbWidth, fbHeight);
Core::Callback_VideoCopiedToXFB(true); // FIXME: should this function be called FrameRendered?
void SWRenderer::DrawTexture(u8 *texture, int width, int height)
// FIXME: This should add black bars when the game has set the VI to render less than the full xfb.
GLsizei glWidth = (GLsizei)GLInterface->GetBackBufferWidth();
GLsizei glHeight = (GLsizei)GLInterface->GetBackBufferHeight();
// Update GLViewPort
glViewport(0, 0, glWidth, glHeight);
glScissor(0, 0, glWidth, glHeight);
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#define _RENDERER_H_
#include "CommonTypes.h"
#include "EfbInterface.h"
namespace SWRenderer
@ -16,8 +17,10 @@ namespace SWRenderer
void RenderText(const char* pstr, int left, int top, u32 color);
void DrawDebugText();
void UpdateColorTexture(EfbInterface::yuv422_packed *xfb);
void DrawTexture(u8 *texture, int width, int height);
void Swap(u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight);
void SwapBuffer();
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include "VideoConfigDialog.h"
#endif // HAVE_WX
#include "Atomic.h"
#include "SWCommandProcessor.h"
#include "OpcodeDecoder.h"
#include "SWVideoConfig.h"
@ -29,10 +29,22 @@
#include "OpcodeDecoder.h"
#include "SWVertexLoader.h"
#include "SWStatistics.h"
#include "HW/VideoInterface.h"
#include "HW/Memmap.h"
#include "OnScreenDisplay.h"
static volatile u32 s_swapRequested = false;
static volatile struct
u32 xfbAddr;
FieldType field;
u32 fbWidth;
u32 fbHeight;
} s_beginFieldArgs;
namespace SW
@ -191,12 +203,51 @@ void VideoSoftware::Video_Prepare()
// Run from the CPU thread (from VideoInterface.cpp)
void VideoSoftware::Video_BeginField(u32 xfbAddr, FieldType field, u32 fbWidth, u32 fbHeight)
s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr = xfbAddr;
s_beginFieldArgs.field = field;
s_beginFieldArgs.fbWidth = fbWidth;
s_beginFieldArgs.fbHeight = fbHeight;
// Run from the CPU thread (from VideoInterface.cpp)
void VideoSoftware::Video_EndField()
// Techincally the XFB is continually rendered out scanline by scanline between
// BeginField and EndFeild, We could possibly get away with copying out the whole thing
// at BeginField for less lag, but for the safest emulation we run it here.
if (g_bSkipCurrentFrame || s_beginFieldArgs.xfbAddr == 0 ) {
if (!g_SWVideoConfig.bHwRasterizer) {
// Force Progressive
u32 xfbAddr = VideoInterface::GetXFBAddressTop();
// All drivers make an assumption that the two fields are interleaved in the framebuffer
// Give a warning if this isn't true.
if (xfbAddr + 1280 != VideoInterface::GetXFBAddressBottom()) {
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Feilds are not interleaved in XFB as expected.");
EfbInterface::yuv422_packed *xfb = (EfbInterface::yuv422_packed *) Memory::GetPointer(xfbAddr);
// Idealy we would just move all the opengl contex stuff to the CPU thread, but this gets
// messy when the Hardware Rasterizer is enabled.
// And Neobrain loves his Hardware Rasterizer
// If we are runing dual core, Signal the GPU thread about the new colour texture.
if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_LocalCoreStartupParameter.bCPUThread)
Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_swapRequested, true);
SWRenderer::Swap(s_beginFieldArgs.fbWidth, s_beginFieldArgs.fbHeight);
u32 VideoSoftware::Video_AccessEFB(EFBAccessType type, u32 x, u32 y, u32 InputData)
@ -242,6 +293,16 @@ bool VideoSoftware::Video_Screenshot(const char *_szFilename)
return false;
// Run from the graphics thread
static void VideoFifo_CheckSwapRequest()
if (Common::AtomicLoadAcquire(s_swapRequested))
SWRenderer::Swap(s_beginFieldArgs.fbWidth, s_beginFieldArgs.fbHeight);
Common::AtomicStoreRelease(s_swapRequested, false);
// -------------------------------
// Enter and exit the video loop
// -------------------------------
@ -252,6 +313,7 @@ void VideoSoftware::Video_EnterLoop()
while (fifoStateRun)
if (!SWCommandProcessor::RunBuffer())
@ -262,11 +324,12 @@ void VideoSoftware::Video_EnterLoop()
while (!emuRunningState && fifoStateRun)
void VideoSoftware::Video_ExitLoop()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user