diff --git a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/Config.cpp b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/Config.cpp
index beef72cd78..dfc06b6566 100644
--- a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/Config.cpp
+++ b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/Config.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,184 @@
 #include "EmuDefinitions.h" // for PadMapping
 #include "main.h"
+// Ini Control Names
+// Do not change the order unless you change the related arrays
+static const char* wmControlNames[] =
+	"WmA",
+	"WmB",
+	"Wm1",
+	"Wm2",
+	"WmP",
+	"WmM",
+	"WmH",
+	"WmL",
+	"WmR",
+	"WmU",
+	"WmD",
+	"WmShake",
+	"WmPitchL",
+	"WmPitchR",
+ };
+static const char* ncControlNames[] =
+	"NcZ",
+	"NcC",
+	"NcL",
+	"NcR",
+	"NcU",
+	"NcD",
+	"NcShake",
+static const char* ccControlNames[] =
+	"CcA",
+	"CcB",
+	"CcX",
+	"CcY",
+	"CcP",
+	"CcM",
+	"CcH",
+	"CcTl",
+	"CcZl",
+	"CcZr",
+	"CcTr",
+	"CcDl",
+	"CcDu",
+	"CcDr",
+	"CcDd",
+	"CcLl",
+	"CcLu",
+	"CcLr",
+	"CcLd",
+	"CcRl",
+	"CcRu",
+	"CcRr",
+	"CcRd",
+static const char* gh3ControlNames[] =
+	"GH3Green",
+	"GH3Red",
+	"GH3Yellow",
+	"GH3Blue",
+	"GH3Orange",
+	"GH3Plus",
+	"GH3Minus",
+	"GH3Whammy",
+	"GH3Al",
+	"GH3Au",
+	"GH3Ar",
+	"GH3Ad",
+	"GH3StrumUp",
+	"GH3StrumDown",
+// Default controls
+static int wmDefaultControls[] = 
+	65, // WmA
+	66, // WmB
+	49, // Wm1
+	50, // Wm2
+	80, // WmP
+	77, // WmM
+	72, // WmH
+#ifdef _WIN32
+	VK_LEFT, // Regular directional keys
+	VK_UP,
+#elif defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11
+	XK_Left,
+	XK_Right,
+	XK_Up,
+	XK_Down,
+	0,0,0,0,
+	83, // WmShake (S)
+	51, // WmPitchL (3)
+	52, // WmPitchR (4)
+static int nCDefaultControls[] =
+	90, // NcZ Z
+	67, // NcC C
+#ifdef _WIN32
+	VK_NUMPAD4, // NcL
+	VK_NUMPAD6, // NcR
+	VK_NUMPAD8, // NcU
+	VK_NUMPAD5, // NcD
+#elif defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11
+	XK_KP_Left, // Numlock must be off
+	XK_KP_Right,
+	XK_KP_Up,
+	XK_KP_Down,
+	0,0,0,0,
+	68, // NcShake D
+static int ccDefaultControls[] =
+	90, // CcA (C)
+	67, // CcB (Z)
+	0x58, // CcX (X)
+	0x59, // CcY (Y)
+	0x4f, // CcP O instead of P
+	0x4e, // CcM N instead of M
+	0x55, // CcH U instead of H
+	0x37, // CcTl 7
+	0x38, // CcZl 8
+	0x39, // CcZr 9
+	0x30, // CcTr 0
+#ifdef _WIN32		//  TODO: ugly that wm/nc use lrud and cc/gh3 use lurd
+	VK_NUMPAD4, //CcDl
+	VK_NUMPAD8, // CcDu
+	VK_NUMPAD6, // CcDr
+	VK_NUMPAD5, // CcDd
+#elif defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11
+	XK_KP_Left, // Numlock must be off
+	XK_KP_Up,
+	XK_KP_Right,
+	XK_KP_Down,
+	0,0,0,0,
+	0x4a, // CcLl J
+	0x49, // CcLu I
+	0x4c, // CcLr L
+	0x4b, // CcLd K
+	0x44, // CcRl D 
+	0x52, // CcRu R
+	0x47, // CcRr G
+	0x46, // CcRd F
+static int GH3DefaultControls[] =
+	0, // GH3Green
+	0, // GH3Red
+	0, // GH3Yellow
+	0, // GH3Blue
+	0, // GH3Orange
+	0, // GH3Plus
+	0, // GH3Minus
+	0, // GH3Whammy
+	0, // GH3Al
+	0, // GH3Au
+	0, // GH3Ar
+	0, // GH3Ad
+	13, // GH3StrumUp
+	161, // GH3StrumDown
 Config g_Config;
diff --git a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/Config.h b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/Config.h
index 65150d78cb..aac6c63d72 100644
--- a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/Config.h
+++ b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/Config.h
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
+#if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11
+	#include <X11/keysym.h>
 #define WM_CONTROLS 14
 #define NC_CONTROLS 7
 #define CC_CONTROLS 23
@@ -115,165 +119,5 @@ struct Config
 	bool bKeepAR43, bKeepAR169, bCrop;
-// Ini Control Names
-// Do not change the order unless you change the related arrays
-static const char* wmControlNames[] =
-	"WmA",
-	"WmB",
-	"Wm1",
-	"Wm2",
-	"WmP",
-	"WmM",
-	"WmH",
-	"WmL",
-	"WmR",
-	"WmU",
-	"WmD",
-	"WmShake",
-	"WmPitchL",
-	"WmPitchR",
- };
-static const char* ncControlNames[] =
-	"NcZ",
-	"NcC",
-	"NcL",
-	"NcR",
-	"NcU",
-	"NcD",
-	"NcShake",
-static const char* ccControlNames[] =
-	"CcA",
-	"CcB",
-	"CcX",
-	"CcY",
-	"CcP",
-	"CcM",
-	"CcH",
-	"CcTl",
-	"CcZl",
-	"CcZr",
-	"CcTr",
-	"CcDl",
-	"CcDu",
-	"CcDr",
-	"CcDd",
-	"CcLl",
-	"CcLu",
-	"CcLr",
-	"CcLd",
-	"CcRl",
-	"CcRu",
-	"CcRr",
-	"CcRd",
-static const char* gh3ControlNames[] =
-	"GH3Green",
-	"GH3Red",
-	"GH3Yellow",
-	"GH3Blue",
-	"GH3Orange",
-	"GH3Plus",
-	"GH3Minus",
-	"GH3Whammy",
-	"GH3Al",
-	"GH3Au",
-	"GH3Ar",
-	"GH3Ad",
-	"GH3StrumUp",
-	"GH3StrumDown",
-// Default controls
-static int wmDefaultControls[] = 
-	65, // WmA
-	66, // WmB
-	49, // Wm1
-	50, // Wm2
-	80, // WmP
-	77, // WmM
-	72, // WmH
-#ifdef _WIN32
-	VK_LEFT, // Regular directional keys
-	VK_UP,
-	0,0,0,0,
-	83, // WmShake (S)
-	51, // WmPitchL (3)
-	52, // WmPitchR (4)
-static int nCDefaultControls[] =
-	90, // NcZ Z
-	67, // NcC C
-#ifdef _WIN32
-	VK_NUMPAD4, // NcL
-	VK_NUMPAD6, // NcR
-	VK_NUMPAD8, // NcU
-	VK_NUMPAD5, // NcD
-	0,0,0,0,
-	68, // NcShake D
-static int ccDefaultControls[] =
-	90, // CcA (C)
-	67, // CcB (Z)
-	0x58, // CcX (X)
-	0x59, // CcY (Y)
-	0x4f, // CcP O instead of P
-	0x4e, // CcM N instead of M
-	0x55, // CcH U instead of H
-	0x37, // CcTl 7
-	0x38, // CcZl 8
-	0x39, // CcZr 9
-	0x30, // CcTr 0
-#ifdef _WIN32
-	VK_NUMPAD4, //CcDl
-	VK_NUMPAD8, // CcDu
-	VK_NUMPAD6, // CcDr
-	VK_NUMPAD5, // CcDd
-	0,0,0,0,
-	0x4a, // CcLl J
-	0x49, // CcLu I
-	0x4c, // CcLr L
-	0x4b, // CcLd K
-	0x44, // CcRl D 
-	0x52, // CcRu R
-	0x47, // CcRr G
-	0x46, // CcRd F
-static int GH3DefaultControls[] =
-	0, // GH3Green
-	0, // GH3Red
-	0, // GH3Yellow
-	0, // GH3Blue
-	0, // GH3Orange
-	0, // GH3Plus
-	0, // GH3Minus
-	0, // GH3Whammy
-	0, // GH3Al
-	0, // GH3Au
-	0, // GH3Ar
-	0, // GH3Ad
-	13, // GH3StrumUp
-	161, // GH3StrumDown
 extern Config g_Config;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/ConfigGamepad.cpp b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/ConfigGamepad.cpp
index c6d53e8386..839c958215 100644
--- a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/ConfigGamepad.cpp
+++ b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/ConfigGamepad.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@
 #include "ConfigPadDlg.h"
 #include "Config.h"
 #include "EmuMain.h" // for WiiMoteEmu class
+#if defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11
+	#include "X11InputBase.h"
 // Change Joystick
 /* Function: When changing the joystick we save and load the settings and
    update the PadMapping and PadState array. PadState[].joy is the gamepad
@@ -161,19 +163,39 @@ void WiimotePadConfigDialog::UpdateGUIButtonMapping(int controller)
-	 if(g_Config.iExtensionConnected == EXT_GUITARHERO3_CONTROLLER)
+#elif defined(HAVE_X11) && HAVE_X11
+	char keyStr[10] = {0};
+	for (int x = 0; x < WM_CONTROLS; x++)
+	{
+		InputCommon::XKeyToString(WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[controller].Wm.keyForControls[x], keyStr);
+		m_Button_Wiimote[x][controller]->SetLabel(wxString::FromAscii(keyStr));
+	}
+	if(g_Config.iExtensionConnected == EXT_NUNCHUCK)
+	{
+		for (int x = 0; x < NC_CONTROLS; x++)
+		{
+			InputCommon::XKeyToString(WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[controller].Nc.keyForControls[x], keyStr);
+			m_Button_NunChuck[x][controller]->SetLabel(wxString::FromAscii(keyStr));
+		}
+	}
+	else if(g_Config.iExtensionConnected == EXT_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER)
+	{
+		for (int x = 0; x < CC_CONTROLS; x++)
+		{
+			InputCommon::XKeyToString(WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[controller].Cc.keyForControls[x], keyStr);
+			m_Button_Classic[x][controller]->SetLabel(wxString::FromAscii(keyStr));
+		}
+	}
+	else if(g_Config.iExtensionConnected == EXT_GUITARHERO3_CONTROLLER)
-		//TODO: fix this and add for all key settings
 		for (int x = 0; x < GH3_CONTROLS; x++)
-			char keyStr[10] = {0};
-			//InputCommon::XKeyToString(WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[controller].GH3c.keyForControls[x], keyStr);
+			InputCommon::XKeyToString(WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[controller].GH3c.keyForControls[x], keyStr);
 	//INFO_LOG(CONSOLE, "m_bWmA[%i] = %i = %s\n", controller, WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[controller].Wm.keyForControls[0], InputCommon::VKToString(WiiMoteEmu::PadMapping[controller].Wm.keyForControls[0]).c_str());
diff --git a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/ConfigRecordingDlg.h b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/ConfigRecordingDlg.h
index 75f6a67561..2d6e5fa023 100644
--- a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/ConfigRecordingDlg.h
+++ b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/ConfigRecordingDlg.h
@@ -124,4 +124,4 @@ class WiimoteRecordingConfigDialog : public wxDialog
 extern WiimoteRecordingConfigDialog *m_RecordingConfigFrame;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/wiimote_hid.h b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/wiimote_hid.h
index ae5e0ebbda..243d951b02 100644
--- a/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/wiimote_hid.h
+++ b/Source/Plugins/Plugin_Wiimote/Src/wiimote_hid.h
@@ -363,4 +363,4 @@ struct gh3_cal
 #pragma pack(pop)
-#endif	//WIIMOTE_HID_H
\ No newline at end of file
+#endif	//WIIMOTE_HID_H