mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 10:20:36 +00:00
CoreTiming: Throttle Before Every Event Using Chrono
This commit is contained in:
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ unsigned int Mixer::Mix(short* samples, unsigned int num_samples)
memset(samples, 0, num_samples * 2 * sizeof(short));
// TODO: Determine how emulation speed will be used in audio
// const float emulation_speed = std::roundf(g_perf_metrics.GetSpeed()) / 100.f;
// const float emulation_speed = g_perf_metrics.GetSpeed();
const float emulation_speed = m_config_emulation_speed;
const int timing_variance = m_config_timing_variance;
if (m_config_audio_stretch)
@ -891,9 +891,9 @@ void Callback_NewField()
void UpdateTitle()
float FPS = g_perf_metrics.GetFPS();
float VPS = g_perf_metrics.GetVPS();
float Speed = g_perf_metrics.GetSpeed();
const double FPS = g_perf_metrics.GetFPS();
const double VPS = g_perf_metrics.GetVPS();
const double Speed = 100.0 * g_perf_metrics.GetSpeed();
// Settings are shown the same for both extended and summary info
const std::string SSettings = fmt::format(
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "VideoCommon/Fifo.h"
#include "VideoCommon/PerformanceMetrics.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoBackendBase.h"
namespace CoreTiming
@ -305,6 +306,8 @@ void CoreTimingManager::Advance()
Event evt = std::move(m_event_queue.front());
std::pop_heap(m_event_queue.begin(), m_event_queue.end(), std::greater<Event>());
evt.type->callback(system, evt.userdata, m_globals.global_timer - evt.time);
@ -326,6 +329,58 @@ void CoreTimingManager::Advance()
void CoreTimingManager::Throttle(const s64 target_cycle)
if (target_cycle <= m_throttle_last_cycle)
const double speed =
Core::GetIsThrottlerTempDisabled() ? 0.0 : Config::Get(Config::MAIN_EMULATION_SPEED);
// Based on number of cycles and emulation speed, increase the target deadline
const s64 cycles = target_cycle - m_throttle_last_cycle;
m_throttle_last_cycle = target_cycle;
if (0.0 < speed)
m_throttle_deadline += std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>((m_throttle_per_clock * cycles) / speed);
// A maximum fallback is used to prevent the system from sleeping for
// too long or going full speed in an attempt to catch up to timings.
const DT max_fallback =
const TimePoint time = Clock::now();
const TimePoint min_deadline = time - max_fallback;
const TimePoint max_deadline = time + max_fallback;
if (m_throttle_deadline > max_deadline)
m_throttle_deadline = max_deadline;
else if (m_throttle_deadline < min_deadline)
DEBUG_LOG_FMT(COMMON, "System can not to keep up with timings! [relaxing timings by {} us]",
DT_us(min_deadline - m_throttle_deadline).count());
m_throttle_deadline = min_deadline;
// Only sleep if we are behind the deadline
if (time < m_throttle_deadline)
// Count amount of time sleeping for analytics
const TimePoint time_after_sleep = Clock::now();
g_perf_metrics.CountThrottleSleep(time_after_sleep - time);
TimePoint CoreTimingManager::GetCPUTimePoint(s64 cyclesLate) const
return TimePoint(
std::chrono::duration_cast<DT>(m_throttle_per_clock * (m_globals.global_timer - cyclesLate)));
void CoreTimingManager::LogPendingEvents() const
auto clone = m_event_queue;
@ -340,6 +395,8 @@ void CoreTimingManager::LogPendingEvents() const
// Should only be called from the CPU thread after the PPC clock has changed
void CoreTimingManager::AdjustEventQueueTimes(u32 new_ppc_clock, u32 old_ppc_clock)
m_throttle_per_clock = DT_s(1.0) / new_ppc_clock;
for (Event& ev : m_event_queue)
const s64 ticks = (ev.time - m_globals.global_timer) * new_ppc_clock / old_ppc_clock;
@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ public:
// Directly accessed by the JIT.
Globals& GetGlobals() { return m_globals; }
TimePoint GetCPUTimePoint(s64 cyclesLate) const; // Used by Dolphin Analytics
Globals m_globals;
@ -173,6 +175,12 @@ private:
float m_config_oc_inv_factor = 0.0f;
bool m_config_sync_on_skip_idle = false;
s64 m_throttle_last_cycle = 0;
TimePoint m_throttle_deadline = Clock::now();
DT_s m_throttle_per_clock = DT_s();
void Throttle(const s64 target_cycle);
int DowncountToCycles(int downcount) const;
int CyclesToDowncount(int cycles) const;
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ IPC_HLE_PERIOD: For the Wii Remote this is the call schedule:
#include "Core/PowerPC/PowerPC.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "VideoCommon/Fifo.h"
#include "VideoCommon/PerformanceMetrics.h"
namespace SystemTimers
@ -77,9 +78,10 @@ CoreTiming::EventType* et_VI;
CoreTiming::EventType* et_AudioDMA;
CoreTiming::EventType* et_DSP;
CoreTiming::EventType* et_IPC_HLE;
CoreTiming::EventType* et_GPU_sleeper;
CoreTiming::EventType* et_perf_tracker;
// PatchEngine updates every 1/60th of a second by default
CoreTiming::EventType* et_PatchEngine;
CoreTiming::EventType* et_Throttle;
u32 s_cpu_core_clock = 486000000u; // 486 mhz (its not 485, stop bugging me!)
@ -90,16 +92,6 @@ int s_ipc_hle_period;
// Custom RTC
s64 s_localtime_rtc_offset = 0;
// For each emulated milliseconds, what was the real time timestamp (excluding sleep time). This is
// a "special" ring buffer where we only need to read the first and last value.
std::array<u64, 1000> s_emu_to_real_time_ring_buffer;
size_t s_emu_to_real_time_index;
std::mutex s_emu_to_real_time_mutex;
// How much time was spent sleeping since the emulator started. Note: this does not need to be reset
// at initialization (or ever), since only the "derivative" of that value really matters.
u64 s_time_spent_sleeping;
// DSP/CPU timeslicing.
void DSPCallback(Core::System& system, u64 userdata, s64 cyclesLate)
@ -132,6 +124,26 @@ void IPC_HLE_UpdateCallback(Core::System& system, u64 userdata, s64 cyclesLate)
void GPUSleepCallback(Core::System& system, u64 userdata, s64 cyclesLate)
auto& core_timing = system.GetCoreTiming();
// We want to call GpuMaySleep at about 1000hz so
// that the thread can sleep while not doing anything.
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(GetTicksPerSecond() / 1000 - cyclesLate, et_GPU_sleeper);
void PerfTrackerCallback(Core::System& system, u64 userdata, s64 cyclesLate)
auto& core_timing = system.GetCoreTiming();
g_perf_metrics.CountPerformanceMarker(system, cyclesLate);
// Call this performance tracker again in 1/64th of a second.
// The tracker stores 256 values so this will let us summarize the last 4 seconds.
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(GetTicksPerSecond() / 64 - cyclesLate, et_perf_tracker);
void VICallback(Core::System& system, u64 userdata, s64 cyclesLate)
auto& core_timing = system.GetCoreTiming();
@ -169,50 +181,6 @@ void PatchEngineCallback(Core::System& system, u64 userdata, s64 cycles_late)
system.GetCoreTiming().ScheduleEvent(next_schedule, et_PatchEngine, cycles_pruned);
void ThrottleCallback(Core::System& system, u64 deadline, s64 cyclesLate)
// Allow the GPU thread to sleep. Setting this flag here limits the wakeups to 1 kHz.
const u64 time = Common::Timer::NowUs();
if (deadline == 0)
deadline = time;
const s64 diff = deadline - time;
const float emulation_speed = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_EMULATION_SPEED);
const bool frame_limiter = emulation_speed > 0.0f && !Core::GetIsThrottlerTempDisabled();
u32 next_event = GetTicksPerSecond() / 1000;
std::lock_guard lk(s_emu_to_real_time_mutex);
s_emu_to_real_time_ring_buffer[s_emu_to_real_time_index] = time - s_time_spent_sleeping;
s_emu_to_real_time_index =
(s_emu_to_real_time_index + 1) % s_emu_to_real_time_ring_buffer.size();
if (frame_limiter)
if (emulation_speed != 1.0f)
next_event = u32(next_event * emulation_speed);
const s64 max_fallback = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_TIMING_VARIANCE) * 1000;
if (std::abs(diff) > max_fallback)
DEBUG_LOG_FMT(COMMON, "system too {}, {} us skipped", diff < 0 ? "slow" : "fast",
std::abs(diff) - max_fallback);
deadline = time - max_fallback;
else if (diff > 1000)
Common::SleepCurrentThread(diff / 1000);
s_time_spent_sleeping += Common::Timer::NowUs() - time;
// reschedule 1ms (possibly scaled by emulation_speed) into future on ppc
// add 1ms to the deadline
system.GetCoreTiming().ScheduleEvent(next_event - cyclesLate, et_Throttle, deadline + 1000);
} // namespace
u32 GetTicksPerSecond()
@ -268,27 +236,7 @@ s64 GetLocalTimeRTCOffset()
double GetEstimatedEmulationPerformance()
u64 ts_now, ts_before; // In microseconds
std::lock_guard lk(s_emu_to_real_time_mutex);
size_t index_now = s_emu_to_real_time_index == 0 ? s_emu_to_real_time_ring_buffer.size() - 1 :
s_emu_to_real_time_index - 1;
size_t index_before = s_emu_to_real_time_index;
ts_now = s_emu_to_real_time_ring_buffer[index_now];
ts_before = s_emu_to_real_time_ring_buffer[index_before];
if (ts_before == 0)
// Not enough data yet to estimate. We could technically provide an estimate based on a shorter
// time horizon, but it's not really worth it.
return 1.0;
u64 delta_us = ts_now - ts_before;
double emulated_us = s_emu_to_real_time_ring_buffer.size() * 1000.0; // For each emulated ms.
return delta_us == 0 ? DBL_MAX : emulated_us / delta_us;
return g_perf_metrics.GetMaxSpeed();
// split from Init to break a circular dependency between VideoInterface::Init and
@ -345,20 +293,20 @@ void Init()
et_DSP = core_timing.RegisterEvent("DSPCallback", DSPCallback);
et_AudioDMA = core_timing.RegisterEvent("AudioDMACallback", AudioDMACallback);
et_IPC_HLE = core_timing.RegisterEvent("IPC_HLE_UpdateCallback", IPC_HLE_UpdateCallback);
et_GPU_sleeper = core_timing.RegisterEvent("GPUSleeper", GPUSleepCallback);
et_perf_tracker = core_timing.RegisterEvent("PerfTracker", PerfTrackerCallback);
et_PatchEngine = core_timing.RegisterEvent("PatchEngine", PatchEngineCallback);
et_Throttle = core_timing.RegisterEvent("Throttle", ThrottleCallback);
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(0, et_perf_tracker);
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(0, et_GPU_sleeper);
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(VideoInterface::GetTicksPerHalfLine(), et_VI);
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(0, et_DSP);
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(GetAudioDMACallbackPeriod(), et_AudioDMA);
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(0, et_Throttle, 0);
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(VideoInterface::GetTicksPerField(), et_PatchEngine);
if (SConfig::GetInstance().bWii)
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(s_ipc_hle_period, et_IPC_HLE);
void Shutdown()
@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
#include "VideoCommon/PerformanceMetrics.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <imgui.h>
#include <implot.h>
#include "Core/CoreTiming.h"
#include "Core/HW/VideoInterface.h"
#include "Core/System.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h"
PerformanceMetrics g_perf_metrics;
@ -16,6 +20,10 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::Reset()
m_time_sleeping = DT::zero();
void PerformanceMetrics::CountFrame()
@ -29,6 +37,20 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::CountVBlank()
void PerformanceMetrics::CountThrottleSleep(DT sleep)
std::unique_lock lock(m_time_lock);
m_time_sleeping += sleep;
void PerformanceMetrics::CountPerformanceMarker(Core::System& system, s64 cyclesLate)
std::unique_lock lock(m_time_lock);
m_real_times[m_time_index] = Clock::now() - m_time_sleeping;
m_cpu_times[m_time_index] = system.GetCoreTiming().GetCPUTimePoint(cyclesLate);
m_time_index += 1;
double PerformanceMetrics::GetFPS() const
return m_fps_counter.GetHzAvg();
@ -41,7 +63,14 @@ double PerformanceMetrics::GetVPS() const
double PerformanceMetrics::GetSpeed() const
return 100.0 * m_speed_counter.GetHzAvg() / VideoInterface::GetTargetRefreshRate();
return m_speed_counter.GetHzAvg() / VideoInterface::GetTargetRefreshRate();
double PerformanceMetrics::GetMaxSpeed() const
std::shared_lock lock(m_time_lock);
return DT_s(m_cpu_times[u8(m_time_index - 1)] - m_cpu_times[m_time_index]) /
DT_s(m_real_times[u8(m_time_index - 1)] - m_real_times[m_time_index]);
double PerformanceMetrics::GetLastSpeedDenominator() const
@ -49,7 +78,7 @@ double PerformanceMetrics::GetLastSpeedDenominator() const
return DT_s(m_speed_counter.GetLastRawDt()).count() * VideoInterface::GetTargetRefreshRate();
void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const
void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale)
const float bg_alpha = 0.7f;
const auto imgui_flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs |
@ -65,9 +94,9 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const
float r = 0.0f, g = 1.0f, b = 1.0f;
if (g_ActiveConfig.bShowSpeedColors)
r = 1.0 - (speed - 80.0) / 20.0;
g = speed / 80.0;
b = (speed - 90.0) / 10.0;
r = 1.0 - (speed - 0.8) / 0.2;
g = speed / 0.8;
b = (speed - 0.9) / 0.1;
const float window_padding = 8.f * backbuffer_scale;
@ -79,6 +108,8 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const
const float graph_height =
std::min(200.f * backbuffer_scale, ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize.y - 85.f * backbuffer_scale);
const bool stack_vertically = !g_ActiveConfig.bShowGraphs;
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowBorderSize, 0.f);
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowRounding, 14.f * backbuffer_scale);
if (g_ActiveConfig.bShowGraphs)
@ -93,8 +124,8 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const
if (ImGui::Begin("PerformanceGraphs", nullptr, imgui_flags))
const static int num_ticks = 17;
const static double tick_marks[num_ticks] = {0.0,
static constexpr std::size_t num_ticks = 17;
static constexpr std::array<double, num_ticks> tick_marks = {0.0,
1000.0 / 360.0,
1000.0 / 240.0,
1000.0 / 180.0,
@ -112,21 +143,20 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const
const DT vblank_time = m_vps_counter.GetDtAvg() + m_vps_counter.GetDtStd();
const DT frame_time = m_fps_counter.GetDtAvg() + m_fps_counter.GetDtStd();
const DT vblank_time = m_vps_counter.GetDtAvg() + 2 * m_vps_counter.GetDtStd();
const DT frame_time = m_fps_counter.GetDtAvg() + 2 * m_fps_counter.GetDtStd();
const double target_max_time = DT_ms(vblank_time + frame_time).count();
const double a =
std::max(0.0, 1.0 - std::exp(-4000.0 * m_vps_counter.GetLastRawDt().count() /
std::max(0.0, 1.0 - std::exp(-4.0 * (DT_s(m_vps_counter.GetLastRawDt()) /
static double max_time = 0.0;
if (std::isfinite(max_time))
max_time += a * (target_max_time - max_time);
if (std::isfinite(m_graph_max_time))
m_graph_max_time += a * (target_max_time - m_graph_max_time);
max_time = target_max_time;
m_graph_max_time = target_max_time;
const double total_frame_time = std::max(DT_ms(m_fps_counter.GetSampleWindow()).count(),
const double total_frame_time =
DT_ms(std::max(m_fps_counter.GetSampleWindow(), m_vps_counter.GetSampleWindow())).count();
if (ImPlot::BeginPlot("PerformanceGraphs", ImVec2(-1.0, -1.0),
ImPlotFlags_NoFrame | ImPlotFlags_NoTitle | ImPlotFlags_NoMenus))
@ -141,8 +171,8 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const
ImPlotAxisFlags_Lock | ImPlotAxisFlags_Invert | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoLabel |
ImPlot::SetupAxisFormat(ImAxis_Y1, "%.1f");
ImPlot::SetupAxisTicks(ImAxis_Y1, tick_marks, num_ticks);
ImPlot::SetupAxesLimits(0, total_frame_time, 0, max_time, ImGuiCond_Always);
ImPlot::SetupAxisTicks(ImAxis_Y1, tick_marks.data(), num_ticks);
ImPlot::SetupAxesLimits(0, total_frame_time, 0, m_graph_max_time, ImGuiCond_Always);
ImPlot::SetupLegend(ImPlotLocation_SouthEast, ImPlotLegendFlags_None);
m_vps_counter.ImPlotPlotLines("V-Blank (ms)");
m_fps_counter.ImPlotPlotLines("Frame (ms)");
@ -155,13 +185,41 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const
if (g_ActiveConfig.bShowFPS || g_ActiveConfig.bShowFTimes)
if (g_ActiveConfig.bShowSpeed)
// Position in the top-right corner of the screen.
int count = g_ActiveConfig.bShowFPS + 2 * g_ActiveConfig.bShowFTimes;
float window_height = 47.f * backbuffer_scale;
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(window_x, window_y), ImGuiCond_Always, ImVec2(1.0f, 0.0f));
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(window_width, (12.f + 17.f * count) * backbuffer_scale));
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(window_width, window_height));
if (stack_vertically)
window_y += window_height + window_padding;
window_x -= window_width + window_padding;
if (ImGui::Begin("SpeedStats", nullptr, imgui_flags))
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(r, g, b, 1.0f), "Speed:%4.0lf%%", 100.0 * speed);
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(r, g, b, 1.0f), "Max:%6.0lf%%", 100.0 * GetMaxSpeed());
if (g_ActiveConfig.bShowFPS || g_ActiveConfig.bShowFTimes)
int count = g_ActiveConfig.bShowFPS + 2 * g_ActiveConfig.bShowFTimes;
float window_height = (12.f + 17.f * count) * backbuffer_scale;
// Position in the top-right corner of the screen.
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(window_x, window_y), ImGuiCond_Always, ImVec2(1.0f, 0.0f));
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(window_width, window_height));
if (stack_vertically)
window_y += window_height + window_padding;
window_x -= window_width + window_padding;
if (ImGui::Begin("FPSStats", nullptr, imgui_flags))
@ -181,11 +239,17 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const
if (g_ActiveConfig.bShowVPS || g_ActiveConfig.bShowVTimes)
// Position in the top-right corner of the screen.
int count = g_ActiveConfig.bShowVPS + 2 * g_ActiveConfig.bShowVTimes;
float window_height = (12.f + 17.f * count) * backbuffer_scale;
// Position in the top-right corner of the screen.
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(window_x, window_y), ImGuiCond_Always, ImVec2(1.0f, 0.0f));
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(window_width, (12.f + 17.f * count) * backbuffer_scale));
if (stack_vertically)
window_y += window_height + window_padding;
window_x -= window_width + window_padding;
if (ImGui::Begin("VPSStats", nullptr, imgui_flags))
@ -203,19 +267,5 @@ void PerformanceMetrics::DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const
if (g_ActiveConfig.bShowSpeed)
// Position in the top-right corner of the screen.
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(window_x, window_y), ImGuiCond_Always, ImVec2(1.0f, 0.0f));
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(window_width, 29.f * backbuffer_scale));
if (ImGui::Begin("SpeedStats", nullptr, imgui_flags))
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(r, g, b, 1.0f), "Speed:%4.0lf%%", speed);
@ -3,8 +3,17 @@
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "VideoCommon/PerformanceTracker.h"
namespace Core
class System;
class PerformanceMetrics
@ -21,20 +30,33 @@ public:
void CountFrame();
void CountVBlank();
void CountThrottleSleep(DT sleep);
void CountPerformanceMarker(Core::System& system, s64 cyclesLate);
// Getter Functions
double GetFPS() const;
double GetVPS() const;
double GetSpeed() const;
double GetMaxSpeed() const;
double GetLastSpeedDenominator() const;
// ImGui Functions
void DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale) const;
void DrawImGuiStats(const float backbuffer_scale);
PerformanceTracker m_fps_counter{"render_times.txt"};
PerformanceTracker m_vps_counter{"vblank_times.txt"};
PerformanceTracker m_speed_counter{std::nullopt, 500000};
double m_graph_max_time = 0.0;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_time_lock;
u8 m_time_index = 0;
std::array<TimePoint, 256> m_real_times;
std::array<TimePoint, 256> m_cpu_times;
DT m_time_sleeping;
extern PerformanceMetrics g_perf_metrics;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user