diff --git a/Source/Core/Common/GL/GLInterface/WGL.cpp b/Source/Core/Common/GL/GLInterface/WGL.cpp
index 69d9e93912..d0d343be01 100644
--- a/Source/Core/Common/GL/GLInterface/WGL.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/Common/GL/GLInterface/WGL.cpp
@@ -396,20 +396,9 @@ HGLRC GLContextWGL::CreateCoreContext(HDC dc, HGLRC share_context)
     // Attempt creating this context.
-    HGLRC core_context = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(dc, nullptr, attribs.data());
+    HGLRC core_context = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(dc, share_context, attribs.data());
     if (core_context)
-      // If we're creating a shared context, share the resources before the context is used.
-      if (share_context)
-      {
-        if (!wglShareLists(share_context, core_context))
-        {
-          ERROR_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "wglShareLists failed");
-          wglDeleteContext(core_context);
-          return nullptr;
-        }
-      }
       INFO_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "WGL: Created a GL {}.{} core context", version.first, version.second);
       return core_context;