mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 19:20:36 +00:00
Core: Add RiivolutionPatcher to apply Riivolution-style patches to a game's file system and memory.
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ add_library(discio
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
// Copyright 2021 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "DiscIO/RiivolutionPatcher.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/IOFile.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
#include "Core/HW/Memmap.h"
#include "Core/PowerPC/MMU.h"
#include "DiscIO/DirectoryBlob.h"
#include "DiscIO/RiivolutionParser.h"
namespace DiscIO::Riivolution
// 'before' and 'after' should be two copies of the same source
// 'split_at' needs to be between the start and end of the source, may not match either boundary
static void SplitAt(BuilderContentSource* before, BuilderContentSource* after, u64 split_at)
const u64 start = before->m_offset;
const u64 size = before->m_size;
const u64 end = start + size;
// The source before the split point just needs its length reduced.
before->m_size = split_at - start;
// The source after the split needs its length reduced and its start point adjusted.
after->m_offset += before->m_size;
after->m_size = end - split_at;
if (std::holds_alternative<ContentFile>(after->m_source))
std::get<ContentFile>(after->m_source).m_offset += before->m_size;
else if (std::holds_alternative<const u8*>(after->m_source))
std::get<const u8*>(after->m_source) += before->m_size;
else if (std::holds_alternative<ContentPartition>(after->m_source))
std::get<ContentPartition>(after->m_source).m_offset += before->m_size;
else if (std::holds_alternative<ContentVolume>(after->m_source))
std::get<ContentVolume>(after->m_source).m_offset += before->m_size;
static void ApplyPatchToFile(const Patch& patch, DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* file_node,
std::string external_filename, u64 file_patch_offset,
u64 raw_external_file_offset, u64 file_patch_length, bool resize)
::File::IOFile f(external_filename, "rb");
if (!f)
auto& content = std::get<std::vector<BuilderContentSource>>(file_node->m_content);
const u64 raw_external_filesize = f.GetSize();
const u64 external_file_offset = std::min(raw_external_file_offset, raw_external_filesize);
const u64 external_filesize = raw_external_filesize - external_file_offset;
const u64 patch_start = file_patch_offset;
const u64 patch_size = file_patch_length == 0 ? external_filesize : file_patch_length;
const u64 patch_end = patch_start + patch_size;
const u64 target_filesize = resize ? patch_end : std::max(file_node->m_size, patch_end);
size_t insert_where = 0;
if (patch_start >= file_node->m_size)
// If the patch is at or past the end of the existing file no existing content needs to be
// touched, just extend the file.
if (patch_start > file_node->m_size)
// Insert an padding area between the old file and the patch data.
content.emplace_back(BuilderContentSource{file_node->m_size, patch_start - file_node->m_size,
insert_where = content.size();
// Patch is at the start or somewhere in the middle of the existing file. At least one source
// needs to be modified or removed, and a new source with the patch data inserted instead.
// To make this easier, we first split up existing sources at the patch start and patch end
// offsets, then discard all overlapping sources and insert the patch sources there.
for (size_t i = 0; i < content.size(); ++i)
const u64 source_start = content[i].m_offset;
const u64 source_end = source_start + content[i].m_size;
if (patch_start > source_start && patch_start < source_end)
content.insert(content.begin() + i + 1, content[i]);
SplitAt(&content[i], &content[i + 1], patch_start);
if (patch_end > source_start && patch_end < source_end)
content.insert(content.begin() + i + 1, content[i]);
SplitAt(&content[i], &content[i + 1], patch_end);
// Now discard the overlapping areas and remember where they were so we can insert there.
for (size_t i = 0; i < content.size(); ++i)
if (patch_start == content[i].m_offset)
insert_where = i;
while (i < content.size() && patch_end >= content[i].m_offset + content[i].m_size)
content.erase(content.begin() + insert_where, content.begin() + i);
// Insert the actual patch data.
if (patch_size > 0 && external_filesize > 0)
BuilderContentSource source{patch_start, std::min(patch_size, external_filesize),
ContentFile{std::move(external_filename), external_file_offset}};
content.emplace(content.begin() + insert_where, std::move(source));
// Pad with zeroes if the patch file is smaller than the patch size.
if (external_filesize < patch_size)
BuilderContentSource padding{patch_start + external_filesize, patch_size - external_filesize,
content.emplace(content.begin() + insert_where, std::move(padding));
// Update the filesize of the file.
file_node->m_size = target_filesize;
// Drop any source past the new end of the file -- this can happen on file truncation.
while (!content.empty() && content.back().m_offset >= target_filesize)
static void ApplyPatchToFile(const Patch& patch, const File& file_patch,
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* file_node)
ApplyPatchToFile(patch, file_node, patch.m_root + "/" + file_patch.m_external,
file_patch.m_offset, file_patch.m_fileoffset, file_patch.m_length,
static bool CaseInsensitiveEquals(std::string_view a, std::string_view b)
if (a.size() != b.size())
return false;
return std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), [](char ca, char cb) {
return std::tolower(ca, std::locale::classic()) == std::tolower(cb, std::locale::classic());
static FSTBuilderNode* FindFileNodeInFST(std::string_view path, std::vector<FSTBuilderNode>* fst,
bool create_if_not_exists)
const size_t path_separator = path.find('/');
const bool is_file = path_separator == std::string_view::npos;
const std::string_view name = is_file ? path : path.substr(0, path_separator);
const auto it = std::find_if(fst->begin(), fst->end(), [&](const FSTBuilderNode& node) {
return CaseInsensitiveEquals(node.m_filename, name);
if (it == fst->end())
if (!create_if_not_exists)
return nullptr;
if (is_file)
return &fst->emplace_back(
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode{std::string(name), 0, std::vector<BuilderContentSource>()});
auto& new_folder = fst->emplace_back(
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode{std::string(name), 0, std::vector<FSTBuilderNode>()});
return FindFileNodeInFST(path.substr(path_separator + 1),
&std::get<std::vector<FSTBuilderNode>>(new_folder.m_content), true);
const bool is_existing_node_file = it->IsFile();
if (is_file != is_existing_node_file)
return nullptr;
if (is_file)
return &*it;
return FindFileNodeInFST(path.substr(path_separator + 1),
static void FindFilenameNodesInFST(std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode*>* nodes_out,
std::string_view filename, std::vector<FSTBuilderNode>* fst)
for (FSTBuilderNode& node : *fst)
if (node.IsFolder())
FindFilenameNodesInFST(nodes_out, filename,
else if (node.m_filename == filename)
static void ApplyFolderPatchToFST(const Patch& patch, const Folder& folder,
const ::File::FSTEntry& external_files,
std::string_view disc_path,
std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode>* fst)
for (const auto& child : external_files.children)
std::string child_disc_patch = std::string(disc_path) + "/" + child.virtualName;
if (child.isDirectory)
ApplyFolderPatchToFST(patch, folder, child, child_disc_patch, fst);
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* node = FindFileNodeInFST(child_disc_patch, fst, folder.m_create);
if (node)
ApplyPatchToFile(patch, node, child.physicalName, 0, 0, folder.m_length, folder.m_resize);
static void ApplyUnknownFolderPatchToFST(const Patch& patch, const Folder& folder,
const ::File::FSTEntry& external_files,
std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode>* fst)
for (const auto& child : external_files.children)
if (child.isDirectory)
ApplyUnknownFolderPatchToFST(patch, folder, child, fst);
std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode*> nodes;
FindFilenameNodesInFST(&nodes, child.virtualName, fst);
for (auto* node : nodes)
ApplyPatchToFile(patch, node, child.physicalName, 0, 0, folder.m_length, folder.m_resize);
void ApplyPatchesToFiles(const std::vector<Patch>& patches,
std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode>* fst, DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* dol_node)
// For file searching purposes, Riivolution assumes that the game's main.dol is in the root of the
// file system. So to avoid doing a bunch of special case handling for that, we just put a node
// for this into the FST and remove it again after the file patching is done.
dol_node->m_filename = "main.dol";
for (const auto& patch : patches)
for (const auto& file : patch.m_file_patches)
if (!file.m_disc.empty() && file.m_disc[0] == '/')
// If the disc path starts with a / then we should patch that specific disc path.
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* node =
FindFileNodeInFST(std::string_view(file.m_disc).substr(1), fst, file.m_create);
if (node)
ApplyPatchToFile(patch, file, node);
// Otherwise we want to patch any file on the entire disc matching that filename.
std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode*> nodes;
FindFilenameNodesInFST(&nodes, file.m_disc, fst);
for (auto* node : nodes)
ApplyPatchToFile(patch, file, node);
for (const auto& folder : patch.m_folder_patches)
::File::FSTEntry external_files =
::File::ScanDirectoryTree(patch.m_root + "/" + folder.m_external, folder.m_recursive);
std::string_view disc_path = folder.m_disc;
while (StringBeginsWith(disc_path, "/"))
while (StringEndsWith(disc_path, "/"))
if (disc_path.empty())
ApplyUnknownFolderPatchToFST(patch, folder, external_files, fst);
ApplyFolderPatchToFST(patch, folder, external_files, disc_path, fst);
auto main_dol_node_in_fst =
std::find_if(fst->begin(), fst->end(), [&](const DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode& node) {
return node.m_filename == "main.dol";
if (main_dol_node_in_fst != fst->end())
*dol_node = *main_dol_node_in_fst;
static bool MemoryMatchesAt(u32 offset, const std::vector<u8>& value)
for (u32 i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
auto result = PowerPC::HostTryReadU8(offset + i);
if (!result || result->value != value[i])
return false;
return true;
static void ApplyMemoryPatch(u32 offset, const std::vector<u8>& value,
const std::vector<u8>& original)
if (value.empty())
if (!original.empty() && !MemoryMatchesAt(offset, original))
for (u32 i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i)
PowerPC::HostTryWriteU8(value[i], offset + i);
static std::vector<u8> GetMemoryPatchValue(const Patch& patch, const Memory& memory_patch)
if (!memory_patch.m_valuefile.empty())
::File::IOFile f(patch.m_root + "/" + memory_patch.m_valuefile, "rb");
if (!f)
return {};
const u64 length = f.GetSize();
std::vector<u8> value;
if (!f.ReadBytes(value.data(), length))
return {};
return value;
return memory_patch.m_value;
static void ApplyMemoryPatch(const Patch& patch, const Memory& memory_patch)
ApplyMemoryPatch(memory_patch.m_offset | 0x80000000, GetMemoryPatchValue(patch, memory_patch),
static void ApplySearchMemoryPatch(const Patch& patch, const Memory& memory_patch)
if (memory_patch.m_original.empty())
const u32 ram_size = ::Memory::GetRamSize();
const u32 stride = memory_patch.m_align < 1 ? 1 : memory_patch.m_align;
for (u32 i = 0; i < ram_size - (stride - 1); i += stride)
const u32 address = i | 0x80000000;
if (MemoryMatchesAt(address, memory_patch.m_original))
ApplyMemoryPatch(address, GetMemoryPatchValue(patch, memory_patch), {});
static void ApplyOcarinaMemoryPatch(const Patch& patch, const Memory& memory_patch)
if (memory_patch.m_value.empty())
const u32 ram_size = ::Memory::GetRamSize();
for (u32 i = 0; i < ram_size; i += 4)
// first find the pattern
const u32 address = i | 0x80000000;
if (MemoryMatchesAt(address, memory_patch.m_value))
for (; i < ram_size; i += 4)
// from the pattern find the next blr instruction
const u32 blr_address = i | 0x80000000;
auto blr = PowerPC::HostTryReadU32(blr_address);
if (blr && blr->value == 0x4e800020)
// and replace it with a jump to the given offset
const u32 target = memory_patch.m_offset | 0x80000000;
const u32 jmp = ((target - blr_address) & 0x03fffffc) | 0x48000000;
PowerPC::HostTryWriteU32(jmp, blr_address);
void ApplyPatchesToMemory(const std::vector<Patch>& patches)
for (const auto& patch : patches)
for (const auto& memory : patch.m_memory_patches)
if (memory.m_ocarina)
ApplyOcarinaMemoryPatch(patch, memory);
else if (memory.m_search)
ApplySearchMemoryPatch(patch, memory);
ApplyMemoryPatch(patch, memory);
} // namespace DiscIO::Riivolution
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Copyright 2021 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "DiscIO/RiivolutionParser.h"
namespace DiscIO
struct FSTBuilderNode;
namespace DiscIO::Riivolution
void ApplyPatchesToFiles(const std::vector<Patch>& patches,
std::vector<DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode>* fst,
DiscIO::FSTBuilderNode* dol_node);
void ApplyPatchesToMemory(const std::vector<Patch>& patches);
} // namespace DiscIO::Riivolution
@ -434,6 +434,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="DiscIO\MultithreadedCompressor.h" />
<ClInclude Include="DiscIO\NANDImporter.h" />
<ClInclude Include="DiscIO\RiivolutionParser.h" />
<ClInclude Include="DiscIO\RiivolutionPatcher.h" />
<ClInclude Include="DiscIO\ScrubbedBlob.h" />
<ClInclude Include="DiscIO\TGCBlob.h" />
<ClInclude Include="DiscIO\Volume.h" />
@ -1021,6 +1022,7 @@
<ClCompile Include="DiscIO\LaggedFibonacciGenerator.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DiscIO\NANDImporter.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DiscIO\RiivolutionParser.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DiscIO\RiivolutionPatcher.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DiscIO\ScrubbedBlob.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DiscIO\TGCBlob.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DiscIO\Volume.cpp" />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user