mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:19:29 +00:00
Added conditional codes support to AR, also some cleanup too. Add code for "float" does not seem to work, needs more debugging. Also killed the w var.
git-svn-id: https://dolphin-emu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1237 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,15 +44,25 @@ namespace
static bool b_RanOnce = false;
} // namespace
bool DoARSubtype_RamWriteAndFill(u8 w, u32 addr, u32 data);
bool DoARSubtype_WriteToPointer(u8 w, u32 addr, u32 data);
bool DoARSubtype_AddCode(u8 w, u32 addr, u32 data);
bool DoARSubtype_MasterCodeAndWriteToCCXXXXXX();
bool DoARSubtype_Other(u8 cmd, u32 addr, u32 data);
bool DoARZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data);
bool DoARZeroCode_MemoryCopy(u32 val_last, u32 addr, u32 data);
void LogInfo(const char *format, ...);
// --Codes--
// SubTypes (Normal 0 Codes)
bool Subtype_RamWriteAndFill(u32 addr, u32 data);
bool Subtype_WriteToPointer(u32 addr, u32 data);
bool Subtype_AddCode(u32 addr, u32 data);
bool Subtype_MasterCodeAndWriteToCCXXXXXX();
// Zero Codes
bool ZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data);
bool ZeroCode_MemoryCopy(u32 val_last, u32 addr, u32 data);
// Normal Codes
bool NormalCode_Type_0(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data);
bool NormalCode_Type_1(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip);
bool NormalCode_Type_2(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip);
bool NormalCode_Type_3(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip);
bool NormalCode_Type_4(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip);
bool NormalCode_Type_5(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip);
bool NormalCode_Type_6(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip);
bool NormalCode_Type_7(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip);
// Parses the Action Replay section of a game ini file.
void LoadActionReplayCodes(IniFile &ini, bool bForGUI)
@ -78,7 +88,7 @@ void LoadActionReplayCodes(IniFile &ini, bool bForGUI)
if (currentCode.ops.size())
if (currentCode.active) arCodes.push_back(currentCode); //temp hack to not store inactive codes
if (encryptedLines.size())
@ -139,6 +149,18 @@ void LoadActionReplayCodes(IniFile &ini, bool bForGUI)
void LogInfo(const char *format, ...)
if(!b_RanOnce && IsLoggingActivated()) {
char* temp = (char*)alloca(strlen(format)+512);
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
CharArrayFromFormatV(temp, 512, format, args);
LogManager::Log(LogTypes::ACTIONREPLAY, temp);
void ActionReplayRunAllActive()
if (Core::GetStartupParameter().bEnableCheats) {
@ -162,46 +184,52 @@ bool RunActionReplayCode(const ARCode &arcode) {
u8 cmd;
u32 addr;
u32 data;
u8 subtype;
u8 w;
u8 type;
u8 zcode;
bool doFillNSlide = false;
bool doMemoryCopy = false;
int count = 0;
bool skip = false;
bool cond = false;
u32 addr_last = 0;
u32 val_last;
code = arcode;
LogInfo("Code Name: %s", code.name.c_str());
LogInfo("Num code lines: %i", code.ops.size());
LogInfo("Number of codes: %i", code.ops.size());
for (iter = code.ops.begin(); iter != code.ops.end(); ++iter)
LogInfo("====Do Code====");
// If conditional mode has been set to true, then run our code execution control
if (cond)
// Some checks on the count value
if (count == -1 || count < -2 || count > (int)code.ops.size())
LogInfo("Bad Count: %i", count);
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Bad Count: %i (%s)", count, code.name.c_str());
return false;
if (skip && count > 0) { LogInfo("Line skipped"); if (count-- == 0) cond = false; continue; } // Skip n lines
if (skip && count == -2) { LogInfo("Line skipped"); continue; } // Skip all lines
if (!skip && count == 0) { LogInfo("Line skipped"); continue; }// Skip rest of lines
if (!skip && count > 0) count--; // execute n lines
// if -2 : execute all lines
cmd = iter->cmd_addr >> 24; // AR command
addr = iter->cmd_addr; // AR command with address offset
data = iter->value;
subtype = ((addr >> 30) & 0x03);
w = (cmd & 0x07);
type = ((addr >> 27) & 0x07);
zcode = ((data >> 29) & 0x07);
LogInfo("--- Running Code: %08x %08x ---", addr, data);
LogInfo("Command: %08x", cmd);
LogInfo("Address: %08x", addr);
LogInfo("Data: %08x", data);
LogInfo("SubType: %08x", subtype);
LogInfo("W: %08x", w);
LogInfo("ZCode: %08x", zcode);
LogInfo("Type: %08x", type);
// Do Fill & Slide
if (doFillNSlide) {
doFillNSlide = false;
LogInfo("Doing Fill And Slide");
if (!DoARZeroCode_FillAndSlide(addr_last, addr, data))
if (!ZeroCode_FillAndSlide(addr_last, addr, data))
return false;
@ -210,7 +238,7 @@ bool RunActionReplayCode(const ARCode &arcode) {
if (doMemoryCopy) {
doMemoryCopy = false;
LogInfo("Doing Memory Copy");
if (!DoARZeroCode_MemoryCopy(val_last, addr, data))
if (!ZeroCode_MemoryCopy(val_last, addr, data))
return false;
@ -228,7 +256,8 @@ bool RunActionReplayCode(const ARCode &arcode) {
// Zero codes
if (addr == 0x0) // Check if the code is a zero code
LogInfo("This is a zcode");
u8 zcode = ((data >> 29) & 0x07);
LogInfo("Doing Zero Code %08x", zcode);
case 0x00: // END OF CODES
@ -265,287 +294,229 @@ bool RunActionReplayCode(const ARCode &arcode) {
// Normal codes
LogInfo("Is a normal code");
switch (subtype)
u8 type = ((addr >> 27) & 0x07);
u8 subtype = ((addr >> 30) & 0x03);
LogInfo("Doing Normal Code %08x", type);
LogInfo("Subtype: %08x", subtype);
if (type >= 1 && type <= 7) {
cond = true;
LogInfo("This Normal Code is a Conditional Code");
case 0x0: // Ram write (and fill)
LogInfo("NCode: Ram Write And Fill");
if (!DoARSubtype_RamWriteAndFill(w, addr, data))
case 0x0:
if(!NormalCode_Type_0(subtype, addr, data))
return false;
case 0x1: // Write to pointer
LogInfo("NCode: Write To Pointer");
if (!DoARSubtype_WriteToPointer(w, addr, data))
case 0x1:
LogInfo("Type 1: If Equal");
if(!NormalCode_Type_1(subtype, addr, data, &count, &skip))
return false;
case 0x2: // Add code
LogInfo("NCode: Add Code");
if (!DoARSubtype_AddCode(w, addr, data))
case 0x2:
LogInfo("Type 2: If Not Equal");
if(!NormalCode_Type_2(subtype, addr, data, &count, &skip))
return false;
case 0x3: // Master Code & Write to CCXXXXXX
LogInfo("NCode: Master Code And Write to CCXXXXXX (ncode not supported)");
if (!DoARSubtype_MasterCodeAndWriteToCCXXXXXX())
case 0x3:
LogInfo("Type 3: If Less Than (Signed)");
if(!NormalCode_Type_3(subtype, addr, data, &count, &skip))
return false;
default: // non-specific z codes (hacks)
LogInfo("NCode: other AR hacks");
if (!DoARSubtype_Other(cmd, addr, data))
case 0x4:
LogInfo("Type 4: If Greater Than (Signed)");
if(!NormalCode_Type_4(subtype, addr, data, &count, &skip))
return false;
case 0x5:
LogInfo("Type 5: If Less Than (Unsigned)");
if(!NormalCode_Type_5(subtype, addr, data, &count, &skip))
return false;
case 0x6:
LogInfo("Type 6: If Greater Than (Unsigned)");
if(!NormalCode_Type_6(subtype, addr, data, &count, &skip))
return false;
case 0x7:
LogInfo("Type 7: If AND");
if(!NormalCode_Type_7(subtype, addr, data, &count, &skip))
return false;
LogInfo("Bad Normal Code type");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Invalid Normal Code Type %08x (%s)", type, code.name.c_str());
return true;
bool DoARSubtype_RamWriteAndFill(u8 w, u32 addr, u32 data)
if (w < 0x8) // Check the value W in 0xZWXXXXXXX
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000); // real GC address
u8 size = ((addr >> 25) & 0x03);
LogInfo("Gamecube Address: %08x", new_addr);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
switch (size)
case 0x00: // Byte write
LogInfo("Byte Write");
u8 repeat = data >> 8;
for (int i = 0; i <= repeat; i++) {
Memory::Write_U8(data & 0xFF, new_addr + i);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", data & 0xFF, new_addr + i);
case 0x01: // Short write
LogInfo("Short Write");
u16 repeat = data >> 16;
for (int i = 0; i <= repeat; i++) {
Memory::Write_U16(data & 0xFFFF, new_addr + i * 2);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", data & 0xFFFF, new_addr + i * 2);
case 0x03: //some codes use 03, but its just the same as 02...
LogInfo("The odd size 3 code (we just decided to write a U32 for this)");
case 0x02: // Dword write
LogInfo("Dword Write");
// Subtypes
bool Subtype_RamWriteAndFill(u32 addr, u32 data)
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000); // real GC address
u8 size = ((addr >> 25) & 0x03);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
switch (size)
case 0x00: // Byte write
LogInfo("Byte Write");
Memory::Write_U32(data, new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", data, new_addr);
u8 repeat = data >> 8;
for (int i = 0; i <= repeat; i++) {
Memory::Write_U8(data & 0xFF, new_addr + i);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", data & 0xFF, new_addr + i);
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay Error: Invalid size (%08x : address = %08x) in Ram Write And Fill (%s)", size, addr, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
case 0x01: // Short write
LogInfo("Short Write");
u16 repeat = data >> 16;
for (int i = 0; i <= repeat; i++) {
Memory::Write_U16(data & 0xFFFF, new_addr + i * 2);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", data & 0xFFFF, new_addr + i * 2);
case 0x03: //some codes use 03, but its just the same as 02...
LogInfo("The odd size 3 code (we just decided to write a U32 for this)");
case 0x02: // Dword write
LogInfo("Dword Write");
Memory::Write_U32(data, new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", data, new_addr);
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay Error: Invalid size (%08x : address = %08x) in Ram Write And Fill (%s)", size, addr, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return false;
return true;
bool DoARSubtype_WriteToPointer(u8 w, u32 addr, u32 data)
bool Subtype_WriteToPointer(u32 addr, u32 data)
if (w < 0x8)
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
u8 size = ((addr >> 25) & 0x03);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
switch (size)
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
u8 size = ((addr >> 25) & 0x03);
LogInfo("Gamecube Address: %08x", new_addr);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
switch (size)
case 0x00: // Byte write to pointer [40]
case 0x00: // Byte write to pointer [40]
LogInfo("Write byte to pointer");
u32 ptr = Memory::Read_U32(new_addr);
u8 thebyte = data & 0xFF;
u32 offset = data >> 8;
LogInfo("Pointer: %08x", ptr);
LogInfo("Byte: %08x", thebyte);
LogInfo("Offset: %08x", offset);
Memory::Write_U8(thebyte, ptr + offset);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", thebyte, ptr + offset);
case 0x01: // Short write to pointer [42]
LogInfo("Write short to pointer");
u32 ptr = Memory::Read_U32(new_addr);
u16 theshort = data & 0xFFFF;
u32 offset = (data >> 16) << 1;
LogInfo("Pointer: %08x", ptr);
LogInfo("Byte: %08x", theshort);
LogInfo("Offset: %08x", offset);
Memory::Write_U16(theshort, ptr + offset);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", theshort, ptr + offset);
case 0x02: // Dword write to pointer [44]
LogInfo("Write dword to pointer");
LogInfo("Write byte to pointer");
Memory::Write_U32(data, Memory::Read_U32(new_addr));
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", data, Memory::Read_U32(new_addr));
u32 ptr = Memory::Read_U32(new_addr);
u8 thebyte = data & 0xFF;
u32 offset = data >> 8;
LogInfo("Pointer: %08x", ptr);
LogInfo("Byte: %08x", thebyte);
LogInfo("Offset: %08x", offset);
Memory::Write_U8(thebyte, ptr + offset);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", thebyte, ptr + offset);
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay Error: Invalid size (%08x : address = %08x) in Write To Pointer (%s)", size, addr, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
case 0x01: // Short write to pointer [42]
LogInfo("Write short to pointer");
u32 ptr = Memory::Read_U32(new_addr);
u16 theshort = data & 0xFFFF;
u32 offset = (data >> 16) << 1;
LogInfo("Pointer: %08x", ptr);
LogInfo("Byte: %08x", theshort);
LogInfo("Offset: %08x", offset);
Memory::Write_U16(theshort, ptr + offset);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", theshort, ptr + offset);
case 0x02: // Dword write to pointer [44]
LogInfo("Write dword to pointer");
Memory::Write_U32(data, Memory::Read_U32(new_addr));
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", data, Memory::Read_U32(new_addr));
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay Error: Invalid size (%08x : address = %08x) in Write To Pointer (%s)", size, addr, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return false;
return true;
bool DoARSubtype_AddCode(u8 w, u32 addr, u32 data)
bool Subtype_AddCode(u32 addr, u32 data)
if (w < 0x8)
u32 new_addr = (addr & 0x81FFFFFF);
u8 size = ((addr >> 25) & 0x03);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
switch (size)
u32 new_addr = (addr & 0x81FFFFFF);
u8 size = ((addr >> 25) & 0x03);
LogInfo("Gamecube Address: %08x", new_addr);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
switch (size)
case 0x0: // Byte add
LogInfo("Byte Add");
Memory::Write_U8(Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) + (data & 0xFF), new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) + (data & 0xFF), new_addr);
case 0x1: // Short add
LogInfo("Short Add");
Memory::Write_U16(Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) + (data & 0xFFFF), new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) + (data & 0xFFFF), new_addr);
case 0x2: // DWord add
LogInfo("Dword Add");
Memory::Write_U32(Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) + data, new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) + data, new_addr);
case 0x3: // Float add (not working?)
case 0x0: // Byte add
LogInfo("Byte Add");
LogInfo("Float Add");
Memory::Write_U8(Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) + (data & 0xFF), new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) + (data & 0xFF), new_addr);
float newval = (float)Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) + (float)data;
Memory::Write_U32((u32)newval, new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", (u32)newval, new_addr);
case 0x1: // Short add
LogInfo("Short Add");
Memory::Write_U16(Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) + (data & 0xFFFF), new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) + (data & 0xFFFF), new_addr);
case 0x2: // DWord add
LogInfo("Dword Add");
Memory::Write_U32(Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) + data, new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) + data, new_addr);
case 0x3: // Float add (not working?)
LogInfo("Float Add");
union { u32 u; float f;} fu, d;
fu.u = Memory::Read_U32(new_addr);
d.u = data;
fu.f += data;
Memory::Write_U32(fu.u, new_addr);
LogInfo("Wrote %08x to address %08x", fu.u, new_addr);
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay Error: Invalid size(%08x : address = %08x) in Add Code (%s)", size, addr, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay Error: Invalid size(%08x : address = %08x) in Add Code (%s)", size, addr, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return false;
return true;
bool DoARSubtype_MasterCodeAndWriteToCCXXXXXX()
bool Subtype_MasterCodeAndWriteToCCXXXXXX()
// code not yet implemented - TODO
PanicAlert("Action Replay Error: Master Code and Write To CCXXXXXX not implemented (%s)", code.name.c_str());
return false;
// TODO(Omega): I think this needs cleanup, there might be a better way to code this part
bool DoARSubtype_Other(u8 cmd, u32 addr, u32 data)
LogInfo("Case: %08x", cmd & 0xFE);
LogInfo("Sorry not logging for now ... too much of a mess here ...");
switch (cmd & 0xFE)
case 0x90:
// Eh, this must be wrong. Should it really fallthrough?
if (Memory::Read_U32(addr) == data) return true; // IF 32 bit equal, exit
case 0x08: // IF 8 bit equal, execute next opcode
case 0x48: // (double)
if (Memory::Read_U16(addr) != (data & 0xFFFF)) {
if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
if (cmd == 0x48) if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
case 0x0A: // IF 16 bit equal, execute next opcode
case 0x4A: // (double)
if (Memory::Read_U16(addr) != (data & 0xFFFF)) {
if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
if (cmd == 0x4A) if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
case 0x0C: // IF 32 bit equal, execute next opcode
case 0x4C: // (double)
if (Memory::Read_U32(addr) != data) {
if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
if (cmd == 0x4C) if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
case 0x10: // IF NOT 8 bit equal, execute next opcode
case 0x50: // (double)
if (Memory::Read_U8(addr) == (data & 0xFF)) {
if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
if (cmd == 0x50) if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
case 0x12: // IF NOT 16 bit equal, execute next opcode
case 0x52: // (double)
if (Memory::Read_U16(addr) == (data & 0xFFFF)) {
if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
if (cmd == 0x52) if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
case 0x14: // IF NOT 32 bit equal, execute next opcode
case 0x54: // (double)
if (Memory::Read_U32(addr) == data) {
if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
if (cmd == 0x54) if (++iter == code.ops.end()) return true;
case 0xC4: // "Master Code" - configure the AR
u8 number = data & 0xFF;
if (number == 0)
// Normal master code - execute once.
} else {
// PanicAlert("Not supporting multiple master codes.");
// u8 numOpsPerFrame = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
// Blah, we generally ignore master codes.
PanicAlert("Action Replay Error: Unknown Action Replay command %02x (%08x %08x)(%s)", cmd, iter->cmd_addr, iter->value, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool DoARZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // This needs more testing
// Zero Codes
bool ZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // This needs more testing
u32 new_addr = (addr_last & 0x81FFFFFF);
u8 size = ((new_addr >> 25) & 0x03);
@ -554,7 +525,7 @@ bool DoARZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // This needs
int val_incr;
u8 write_num = ((data & 0x78000) >> 16); // Z2
u32 curr_addr = new_addr;
LogInfo("Current Gamecube Address: %08x", new_addr);
LogInfo("Current Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
LogInfo("Write Num: %08x", write_num);
@ -580,7 +551,7 @@ bool DoARZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // This needs
curr_addr = new_addr + (addr_incr * write_num);
LogInfo("Value increment is less than 0, we need to go to the last address");
LogInfo("Current GCN Address Update: %08x", curr_addr);
LogInfo("Current Hardware Address Update: %08x", curr_addr);
@ -596,7 +567,7 @@ bool DoARZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // This needs
val += val_incr;
curr_addr += addr_incr;
LogInfo("Value Update: %08x", val);
LogInfo("Current GCN Address Update: %08x", curr_addr);
LogInfo("Current Hardware Address Update: %08x", curr_addr);
@ -614,7 +585,7 @@ bool DoARZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // This needs
val += val_incr;
curr_addr += addr_incr;
LogInfo("Value Update: %08x", val);
LogInfo("Current GCN Address Update: %08x", curr_addr);
LogInfo("Current Hardware Address Update: %08x", curr_addr);
@ -630,7 +601,7 @@ bool DoARZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // This needs
val += val_incr;
curr_addr += addr_incr;
LogInfo("Value Update: %08x", val);
LogInfo("Current GCN Address Update: %08x", curr_addr);
LogInfo("Current Hardware Address Update: %08x", curr_addr);
@ -642,7 +613,7 @@ bool DoARZeroCode_FillAndSlide(u32 addr_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // This needs
return true;
bool DoARZeroCode_MemoryCopy(u32 val_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // Has not been tested
bool ZeroCode_MemoryCopy(u32 val_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // Has not been tested
u32 addr_dest = (val_last | 0x06000000);
u32 addr_src = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
@ -684,14 +655,274 @@ bool DoARZeroCode_MemoryCopy(u32 val_last, u32 addr, u32 data) // Has not been t
return true;
void LogInfo(const char *format, ...)
// Normal Codes
bool NormalCode_Type_0(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data)
if(!b_RanOnce && IsLoggingActivated()) {
char* temp = (char*)alloca(strlen(format)+512);
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
CharArrayFromFormatV(temp, 512, format, args);
LogManager::Log(LogTypes::ACTIONREPLAY, temp);
switch (subtype)
case 0x0: // Ram write (and fill)
LogInfo("Doing Ram Write And Fill");
if (!Subtype_RamWriteAndFill(addr, data))
return false;
case 0x1: // Write to pointer
LogInfo("Doing Write To Pointer");
if (!Subtype_WriteToPointer(addr, data))
return false;
case 0x2: // Add code
LogInfo("Doing Add Code");
if (!Subtype_AddCode(addr, data))
return false;
case 0x3: // Master Code & Write to CCXXXXXX
LogInfo("Doing Master Code And Write to CCXXXXXX (ncode not supported)");
if (!Subtype_MasterCodeAndWriteToCCXXXXXX())
return false;
LogInfo("Bad Subtype");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 0: Invalid Subtype %08x (%s)", subtype, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
// Conditional Codes
bool NormalCode_Type_1(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip)
u8 size = (addr >> 25) & 0x03;
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
bool con = true;
case 0x0: con = (Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) == (u8)(data & 0xFF)); break;
case 0x1: con = (Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) == (u16)(data & 0xFFFF)); break;
case 0x2: con = (Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) == data); break;
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 1: Invalid Size %08x (%s)", size, code.name.c_str());
return false;
*skip = !con; // set skip
LogInfo("Skip set to %s", !con ? "False" : "True");
case 0x0: *count = 1; break; // 1 line
case 0x1: *count = 2; break; // 2 lines
case 0x2: *count = -2; break; // all lines
case 0x3: *count = -2; break; // While != : skip all codes ("infinite loop on the code" ?)
LogInfo("Bad Subtype");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 1: Invalid subtype %08x (%s)", subtype, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool NormalCode_Type_2(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip)
u8 size = (addr >> 25) & 0x03;
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
bool con = true;
case 0x0: con = (Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) != (u8)(data & 0xFF)); break;
case 0x1: con = (Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) != (u16)(data & 0xFFFF)); break;
case 0x2: con = (Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) != data); break;
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 2: Invalid Size %08x (%s)", size, code.name.c_str());
return false;
*skip = !con; // set skip
LogInfo("Skip set to %s", !con ? "False" : "True");
case 0x0: *count = 1; break; // 1 line
case 0x1: *count = 2; break; // 2 lines
case 0x2: *count = -2; break; // all lines
case 0x3: *count = -2; break; // While != : skip all codes ("infinite loop on the code" ?)
LogInfo("Bad Subtype");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 2: Invalid subtype %08x (%s)", subtype, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool NormalCode_Type_3(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip)
u8 size = (addr >> 25) & 0x03;
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
bool con = true;
case 0x0: con = ((char)Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) < (char)(data & 0xFF)); break;
case 0x1: con = ((short)Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) < (short)(data & 0xFFFF)); break;
case 0x2: con = ((int)Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) < (int)data); break;
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 3: Invalid Size %08x (%s)", size, code.name.c_str());
return false;
*skip = !con; // set skip
LogInfo("Skip set to %s", !con ? "False" : "True");
case 0x0: *count = 1; break; // 1 line
case 0x1: *count = 2; break; // 2 lines
case 0x2: *count = -2; break; // all lines
case 0x3: *count = -2; break; // While != : skip all codes ("infinite loop on the code" ?)
LogInfo("Bad Subtype");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 3: Invalid subtype %08x (%s)", subtype, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool NormalCode_Type_4(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip)
u8 size = (addr >> 25) & 0x03;
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
bool con = true;
case 0x0: con = ((char)Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) > (char)(data & 0xFF)); break;
case 0x1: con = ((short)Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) > (short)(data & 0xFFFF)); break;
case 0x2: con = ((int)Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) > (int)data); break;
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 4: Invalid Size %08x (%s)", size, code.name.c_str());
return false;
*skip = !con; // set skip
LogInfo("Skip set to %s", !con ? "False" : "True");
case 0x0: *count = 1; break; // 1 line
case 0x1: *count = 2; break; // 2 lines
case 0x2: *count = -2; break; // all lines
case 0x3: *count = -2; break; // While != : skip all codes ("infinite loop on the code" ?)
LogInfo("Bad Subtype");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 4: Invalid subtype %08x (%s)", subtype, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool NormalCode_Type_5(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip)
u8 size = (addr >> 25) & 0x03;
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
bool con = true;
case 0x0: con = (Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) < (data & 0xFF)); break;
case 0x1: con = (Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) < (data & 0xFFFF)); break;
case 0x2: con = (Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) < data); break;
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 5: Invalid Size %08x (%s)", size, code.name.c_str());
return false;
*skip = !con; // set skip
LogInfo("Skip set to %s", !con ? "False" : "True");
case 0x0: *count = 1; break; // 1 line
case 0x1: *count = 2; break; // 2 lines
case 0x2: *count = -2; break; // all lines
case 0x3: *count = -2; break; // While != : skip all codes ("infinite loop on the code" ?)
LogInfo("Bad Subtype");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 5: Invalid subtype %08x (%s)", subtype, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool NormalCode_Type_6(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip)
u8 size = (addr >> 25) & 0x03;
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
bool con = true;
case 0x0: con = (Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) > (data & 0xFF)); break;
case 0x1: con = (Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) > (data & 0xFFFF)); break;
case 0x2: con = (Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) > data); break;
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 6: Invalid Size %08x (%s)", size, code.name.c_str());
return false;
*skip = !con; // set skip
LogInfo("Skip set to %s", !con ? "False" : "True");
case 0x0: *count = 1; break; // 1 line
case 0x1: *count = 2; break; // 2 lines
case 0x2: *count = -2; break; // all lines
case 0x3: *count = -2; break; // While != : skip all codes ("infinite loop on the code" ?)
LogInfo("Bad Subtype");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 6: Invalid subtype %08x (%s)", subtype, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool NormalCode_Type_7(u8 subtype, u32 addr, u32 data, int *count, bool *skip)
u8 size = (addr >> 25) & 0x03;
u32 new_addr = ((addr & 0x7FFFFF) | 0x80000000);
LogInfo("Size: %08x", size);
LogInfo("Hardware Address: %08x", new_addr);
bool con = true;
case 0x0: con = ((Memory::Read_U8(new_addr) & (data & 0xFF)) != 0); break;
case 0x1: con = ((Memory::Read_U16(new_addr) & (data & 0xFFFF)) != 0); break;
case 0x2: con = ((Memory::Read_U32(new_addr) & data) != 0); break;
LogInfo("Bad Size");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 7: Invalid Size %08x (%s)", size, code.name.c_str());
return false;
*skip = !con; // set skip
LogInfo("Skip set to %s", !con ? "False" : "True");
case 0x0: *count = 1; break; // 1 line
case 0x1: *count = 2; break; // 2 lines
case 0x2: *count = -2; break; // all lines
case 0x3: *count = -2; break; // While != : skip all codes ("infinite loop on the code" ?)
LogInfo("Bad Subtype");
PanicAlert("Action Replay: Normal Code 7: Invalid subtype %08x (%s)", subtype, code.name.c_str());
return false;
return true;
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