From a5b28f1f07b0f310f407462ebb86eafbf4d63f20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lioncash <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2020 02:23:32 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] ShaderGenCommon: Rename WriteFmt() to Write()

Now that we've converted all of the shader generators over to using fmt,
we can drop the old Write() member function and perform a rename
operation on the WriteFmt() to turn it into the new Write() function.

All changes within this are the removal of a <cstdarg> header, since the
previous printf-based Write() required it, and renaming. No functional
changes are made at all.
 .../Core/VideoCommon/FramebufferShaderGen.cpp |  472 +++---
 Source/Core/VideoCommon/GeometryShaderGen.cpp |  216 ++-
 Source/Core/VideoCommon/LightingShaderGen.cpp |  101 +-
 Source/Core/VideoCommon/PixelShaderGen.cpp    |  639 ++++----
 Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.cpp   |   28 +-
 Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.h     |   15 +-
 .../VideoCommon/TextureConversionShader.cpp   |  506 +++---
 .../VideoCommon/TextureConverterShaderGen.cpp |  208 +--
 Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderCommon.cpp  |  303 ++--
 Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderPixel.cpp   | 1409 ++++++++---------
 Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderVertex.cpp  |  528 +++---
 Source/Core/VideoCommon/VertexShaderGen.cpp   |  296 ++--
 12 files changed, 2340 insertions(+), 2381 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/FramebufferShaderGen.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/FramebufferShaderGen.cpp
index 0b4022239e..3e4f27a1e0 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/FramebufferShaderGen.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/FramebufferShaderGen.cpp
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ APIType GetAPIType()
 void EmitUniformBufferDeclaration(ShaderCode& code)
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D)
-    code.WriteFmt("cbuffer PSBlock : register(b0)\n");
+    code.Write("cbuffer PSBlock : register(b0)\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("UBO_BINDING(std140, 1) uniform PSBlock\n");
+    code.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 1) uniform PSBlock\n");
 void EmitSamplerDeclarations(ShaderCode& code, u32 start = 0, u32 end = 1,
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ void EmitSamplerDeclarations(ShaderCode& code, u32 start = 0, u32 end = 1,
     for (u32 i = start; i < end; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("{} tex{} : register(t{});\n", array_type, i, i);
-      code.WriteFmt("SamplerState samp{} : register(s{});\n", i, i);
+      code.Write("{} tex{} : register(t{});\n", array_type, i, i);
+      code.Write("SamplerState samp{} : register(s{});\n", i, i);
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void EmitSamplerDeclarations(ShaderCode& code, u32 start = 0, u32 end = 1,
     for (u32 i = start; i < end; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("SAMPLER_BINDING({}) uniform {} samp{};\n", i, array_type, i);
+      code.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING({}) uniform {} samp{};\n", i, array_type, i);
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ void EmitSampleTexture(ShaderCode& code, u32 n, std::string_view coords)
   switch (GetAPIType())
   case APIType::D3D:
-    code.WriteFmt("tex{}.Sample(samp{}, {})", n, n, coords);
+    code.Write("tex{}.Sample(samp{}, {})", n, n, coords);
   case APIType::OpenGL:
   case APIType::Vulkan:
-    code.WriteFmt("texture(samp{}, {})", n, coords);
+    code.Write("texture(samp{}, {})", n, coords);
@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ void EmitTextureLoad(ShaderCode& code, u32 n, std::string_view coords)
   switch (GetAPIType())
   case APIType::D3D:
-    code.WriteFmt("tex{}.Load({})", n, coords);
+    code.Write("tex{}.Load({})", n, coords);
   case APIType::OpenGL:
   case APIType::Vulkan:
-    code.WriteFmt("texelFetch(samp{}, ({}).xyz, ({}).w)", n, coords, coords);
+    code.Write("texelFetch(samp{}, ({}).xyz, ({}).w)", n, coords, coords);
@@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ void EmitVertexMainDeclaration(ShaderCode& code, u32 num_tex_inputs, u32 num_col
   case APIType::D3D:
-    code.WriteFmt("void main(");
+    code.Write("void main(");
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex_inputs; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("in float3 rawtex{} : TEXCOORD{}, ", i, i);
+      code.Write("in float3 rawtex{} : TEXCOORD{}, ", i, i);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_inputs; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("in float4 rawcolor{} : COLOR{}, ", i, i);
+      code.Write("in float4 rawcolor{} : COLOR{}, ", i, i);
     if (position_input)
-      code.WriteFmt("in float4 rawpos : POSITION, ");
-    code.WriteFmt("{}", extra_inputs);
+      code.Write("in float4 rawpos : POSITION, ");
+    code.Write("{}", extra_inputs);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex_outputs; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("out float3 v_tex{} : TEXCOORD{}, ", i, i);
+      code.Write("out float3 v_tex{} : TEXCOORD{}, ", i, i);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_outputs; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("out float4 v_col{} : COLOR{}, ", i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("out float4 opos : SV_Position)\n");
+      code.Write("out float4 v_col{} : COLOR{}, ", i, i);
+    code.Write("out float4 opos : SV_Position)\n");
@@ -133,35 +133,35 @@ void EmitVertexMainDeclaration(ShaderCode& code, u32 num_tex_inputs, u32 num_col
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex_inputs; i++)
       const auto attribute = SHADER_TEXTURE0_ATTRIB + i;
-      code.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawtex{};\n", attribute, i);
+      code.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawtex{};\n", attribute, i);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_inputs; i++)
       const auto attribute = SHADER_COLOR0_ATTRIB + i;
-      code.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor{};\n", attribute, i);
+      code.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor{};\n", attribute, i);
     if (position_input)
-      code.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawpos;\n", SHADER_POSITION_ATTRIB);
+      code.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawpos;\n", SHADER_POSITION_ATTRIB);
     if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGeometryShaders)
-      code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
+      code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex_outputs; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("  float3 v_tex{};\n", i);
+        code.Write("  float3 v_tex{};\n", i);
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_outputs; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("  float4 v_col{};\n", i);
-      code.WriteFmt("}};\n");
+        code.Write("  float4 v_col{};\n", i);
+      code.Write("}};\n");
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex_outputs; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) out float3 v_tex{};\n", i, i);
+        code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) out float3 v_tex{};\n", i, i);
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_outputs; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) out float4 v_col{};\n", num_tex_inputs + i, i);
+        code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) out float4 v_col{};\n", num_tex_inputs + i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("#define opos gl_Position\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("{}\n", extra_inputs);
-    code.WriteFmt("void main()\n");
+    code.Write("#define opos gl_Position\n");
+    code.Write("{}\n", extra_inputs);
+    code.Write("void main()\n");
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ void EmitPixelMainDeclaration(ShaderCode& code, u32 num_tex_inputs, u32 num_colo
   case APIType::D3D:
-    code.WriteFmt("void main(");
+    code.Write("void main(");
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex_inputs; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("in float3 v_tex{} : TEXCOORD{}, ", i, i);
+      code.Write("in float3 v_tex{} : TEXCOORD{}, ", i, i);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_inputs; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("in float4 v_col{} : COLOR{}, ", i, i);
+      code.Write("in float4 v_col{} : COLOR{}, ", i, i);
     if (emit_frag_coord)
-      code.WriteFmt("in float4 frag_coord : SV_Position, ");
-    code.WriteFmt("{}out {} ocol0 : SV_Target)\n", extra_vars, output_type);
+      code.Write("in float4 frag_coord : SV_Position, ");
+    code.Write("{}out {} ocol0 : SV_Target)\n", extra_vars, output_type);
@@ -193,26 +193,26 @@ void EmitPixelMainDeclaration(ShaderCode& code, u32 num_tex_inputs, u32 num_colo
     if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGeometryShaders)
-      code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
+      code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex_inputs; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("  in float3 v_tex{};\n", i);
+        code.Write("  in float3 v_tex{};\n", i);
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_inputs; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("  in float4 v_col{};\n", i);
-      code.WriteFmt("}};\n");
+        code.Write("  in float4 v_col{};\n", i);
+      code.Write("}};\n");
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex_inputs; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) in float3 v_tex{};\n", i, i);
+        code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) in float3 v_tex{};\n", i, i);
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_color_inputs; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) in float4 v_col{};\n", num_tex_inputs + i, i);
+        code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) in float4 v_col{};\n", num_tex_inputs + i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out {} ocol0;\n", output_type);
-    code.WriteFmt("{}\n", extra_vars);
+    code.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out {} ocol0;\n", output_type);
+    code.Write("{}\n", extra_vars);
     if (emit_frag_coord)
-      code.WriteFmt("#define frag_coord gl_FragCoord\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("void main()\n");
+      code.Write("#define frag_coord gl_FragCoord\n");
+    code.Write("void main()\n");
@@ -228,16 +228,16 @@ std::string GenerateScreenQuadVertexShader()
   EmitVertexMainDeclaration(code, 0, 0, false, 1, 0,
                             GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D ? "in uint id : SV_VertexID, " :
                                                            "#define id gl_VertexID\n");
-  code.WriteFmt(
+  code.Write(
       "  v_tex0 = float3(float((id << 1) & 2), float(id & 2), 0.0f);\n"
       "  opos = float4(v_tex0.xy * float2(2.0f, -2.0f) + float2(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f);\n");
   // NDC space is flipped in Vulkan. We also flip in GL so that (0,0) is in the lower-left.
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::Vulkan || GetAPIType() == APIType::OpenGL)
-    code.WriteFmt("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
+    code.Write("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -247,88 +247,88 @@ std::string GeneratePassthroughGeometryShader(u32 num_tex, u32 num_colors)
   ShaderCode code;
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D)
-    code.WriteFmt("struct VS_OUTPUT\n"
-                  "{{\n");
+    code.Write("struct VS_OUTPUT\n"
+               "{{\n");
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("  float3 tex{} : TEXCOORD{};\n", i, i);
+      code.Write("  float3 tex{} : TEXCOORD{};\n", i, i);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_colors; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("  float4 color{} : COLOR{};\n", i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 position : SV_Position;\n"
-                  "}};\n");
+      code.Write("  float4 color{} : COLOR{};\n", i, i);
+    code.Write("  float4 position : SV_Position;\n"
+               "}};\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("struct GS_OUTPUT\n"
-                  "{{");
+    code.Write("struct GS_OUTPUT\n"
+               "{{");
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("  float3 tex{} : TEXCOORD{};\n", i, i);
+      code.Write("  float3 tex{} : TEXCOORD{};\n", i, i);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_colors; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("  float4 color{} : COLOR{};\n", i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 position : SV_Position;\n"
-                  "  uint slice : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;\n"
-                  "}};\n\n");
+      code.Write("  float4 color{} : COLOR{};\n", i, i);
+    code.Write("  float4 position : SV_Position;\n"
+               "  uint slice : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;\n"
+               "}};\n\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("[maxvertexcount(6)]\n"
-                  "void main(triangle VS_OUTPUT vso[3], inout TriangleStream<GS_OUTPUT> output)\n"
-                  "{{\n"
-                  "  for (uint slice = 0; slice < 2u; slice++)\n"
-                  "  {{\n"
-                  "    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)\n"
-                  "    {{\n"
-                  "      GS_OUTPUT gso;\n"
-                  "      gso.position = vso[i].position;\n");
+    code.Write("[maxvertexcount(6)]\n"
+               "void main(triangle VS_OUTPUT vso[3], inout TriangleStream<GS_OUTPUT> output)\n"
+               "{{\n"
+               "  for (uint slice = 0; slice < 2u; slice++)\n"
+               "  {{\n"
+               "    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)\n"
+               "    {{\n"
+               "      GS_OUTPUT gso;\n"
+               "      gso.position = vso[i].position;\n");
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("      gso.tex{} = float3(vso[i].tex{}.xy, float(slice));\n", i, i);
+      code.Write("      gso.tex{} = float3(vso[i].tex{}.xy, float(slice));\n", i, i);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < num_colors; i++)
-      code.WriteFmt("      gso.color{} = vso[i].color{};\n", i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("      gso.slice = slice;\n"
-                  "      output.Append(gso);\n"
-                  "    }}\n"
-                  "    output.RestartStrip();\n"
-                  "  }}\n"
-                  "}}\n");
+      code.Write("      gso.color{} = vso[i].color{};\n", i, i);
+    code.Write("      gso.slice = slice;\n"
+               "      output.Append(gso);\n"
+               "    }}\n"
+               "    output.RestartStrip();\n"
+               "  }}\n"
+               "}}\n");
   else if (GetAPIType() == APIType::OpenGL || GetAPIType() == APIType::Vulkan)
-    code.WriteFmt("layout(triangles) in;\n"
-                  "layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;\n");
+    code.Write("layout(triangles) in;\n"
+               "layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;\n");
     if (num_tex > 0 || num_colors > 0)
-      code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
+      code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("  float3 v_tex{};\n", i);
+        code.Write("  float3 v_tex{};\n", i);
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_colors; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("  float4 v_col{};\n", i);
-      code.WriteFmt("}} v_in[];\n");
+        code.Write("  float4 v_col{};\n", i);
+      code.Write("}} v_in[];\n");
-      code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
+      code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("  float3 v_tex{};\n", i);
+        code.Write("  float3 v_tex{};\n", i);
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_colors; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("  float4 v_col{};\n", i);
-      code.WriteFmt("}} v_out;\n");
+        code.Write("  float4 v_col{};\n", i);
+      code.Write("}} v_out;\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("\n"
-                  "void main()\n"
-                  "{{\n"
-                  "  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)\n"
-                  "  {{\n"
-                  "    gl_Layer = j;\n");
+    code.Write("\n"
+               "void main()\n"
+               "{{\n"
+               "  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)\n"
+               "  {{\n"
+               "    gl_Layer = j;\n");
     // We have to explicitly unroll this loop otherwise the GL compiler gets cranky.
     for (u32 v = 0; v < 3; v++)
-      code.WriteFmt("    gl_Position = gl_in[{}].gl_Position;\n", v);
+      code.Write("    gl_Position = gl_in[{}].gl_Position;\n", v);
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_tex; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("    v_out.v_tex{} = float3(v_in[{}].v_tex{}.xy, float(j));\n", i, v, i);
+        code.Write("    v_out.v_tex{} = float3(v_in[{}].v_tex{}.xy, float(j));\n", i, v, i);
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_colors; i++)
-        code.WriteFmt("    v_out.v_col{} = v_in[{}].v_col{};\n", i, v, i);
-      code.WriteFmt("    EmitVertex();\n\n");
+        code.Write("    v_out.v_col{} = v_in[{}].v_col{};\n", i, v, i);
+      code.Write("    EmitVertex();\n\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("    EndPrimitive();\n"
-                  "  }}\n"
-                  "}}\n");
+    code.Write("    EndPrimitive();\n"
+               "  }}\n"
+               "}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -338,25 +338,24 @@ std::string GenerateTextureCopyVertexShader()
   ShaderCode code;
-  code.WriteFmt("{{"
-                "  float2 src_offset;\n"
-                "  float2 src_size;\n"
-                "}};\n\n");
+  code.Write("{{"
+             "  float2 src_offset;\n"
+             "  float2 src_size;\n"
+             "}};\n\n");
   EmitVertexMainDeclaration(code, 0, 0, false, 1, 0,
                             GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D ? "in uint id : SV_VertexID, " :
                                                            "#define id gl_VertexID");
-  code.WriteFmt(
-      "{{\n"
-      "  v_tex0 = float3(float((id << 1) & 2), float(id & 2), 0.0f);\n"
-      "  opos = float4(v_tex0.xy * float2(2.0f, -2.0f) + float2(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
-      "  v_tex0 = float3(src_offset + (src_size * v_tex0.xy), 0.0f);\n");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  v_tex0 = float3(float((id << 1) & 2), float(id & 2), 0.0f);\n"
+             "  opos = float4(v_tex0.xy * float2(2.0f, -2.0f) + float2(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
+             "  v_tex0 = float3(src_offset + (src_size * v_tex0.xy), 0.0f);\n");
   // NDC space is flipped in Vulkan. We also flip in GL so that (0,0) is in the lower-left.
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::Vulkan || GetAPIType() == APIType::OpenGL)
-    code.WriteFmt("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
+    code.Write("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -366,11 +365,11 @@ std::string GenerateTextureCopyPixelShader()
   ShaderCode code;
   EmitSamplerDeclarations(code, 0, 1, false);
   EmitPixelMainDeclaration(code, 1, 0);
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  ocol0 = ");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  ocol0 = ");
   EmitSampleTexture(code, 0, "v_tex0");
-  code.WriteFmt(";\n"
-                "}}\n");
+  code.Write(";\n"
+             "}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -378,9 +377,9 @@ std::string GenerateColorPixelShader()
   ShaderCode code;
   EmitPixelMainDeclaration(code, 0, 1);
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  ocol0 = v_col0;\n"
-                "}}\n");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  ocol0 = v_col0;\n"
+             "}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -390,25 +389,25 @@ std::string GenerateResolveDepthPixelShader(u32 samples)
   EmitSamplerDeclarations(code, 0, 1, true);
   EmitPixelMainDeclaration(code, 1, 0, "float",
                            GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D ? "in float4 ipos : SV_Position, " : "");
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  int layer = int(v_tex0.z);\n");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  int layer = int(v_tex0.z);\n");
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D)
-    code.WriteFmt("  int3 coords = int3(int2(ipos.xy), layer);\n");
+    code.Write("  int3 coords = int3(int2(ipos.xy), layer);\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("  int3 coords = int3(int2(gl_FragCoord.xy), layer);\n");
+    code.Write("  int3 coords = int3(int2(gl_FragCoord.xy), layer);\n");
   // Take the minimum of all depth samples.
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D)
-    code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = tex0.Load(coords, 0).r;\n");
+    code.Write("  ocol0 = tex0.Load(coords, 0).r;\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texelFetch(samp0, coords, 0).r;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  for (int i = 1; i < {}; i++)\n", samples);
+    code.Write("  ocol0 = texelFetch(samp0, coords, 0).r;\n");
+  code.Write("  for (int i = 1; i < {}; i++)\n", samples);
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D)
-    code.WriteFmt("    ocol0 = min(ocol0, tex0.Load(coords, i).r);\n");
+    code.Write("    ocol0 = min(ocol0, tex0.Load(coords, i).r);\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("    ocol0 = min(ocol0, texelFetch(samp0, coords, i).r);\n");
+    code.Write("    ocol0 = min(ocol0, texelFetch(samp0, coords, i).r);\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -416,15 +415,15 @@ std::string GenerateClearVertexShader()
   ShaderCode code;
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  float4 clear_color;\n"
-                "  float clear_depth;\n"
-                "}};\n");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  float4 clear_color;\n"
+             "  float clear_depth;\n"
+             "}};\n");
   EmitVertexMainDeclaration(code, 0, 0, false, 0, 1,
                             GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D ? "in uint id : SV_VertexID, " :
                                                            "#define id gl_VertexID\n");
-  code.WriteFmt(
+  code.Write(
       "  float2 coord = float2(float((id << 1) & 2), float(id & 2));\n"
       "  opos = float4(coord * float2(2.0f, -2.0f) + float2(-1.0f, 1.0f), clear_depth, 1.0f);\n"
@@ -432,9 +431,9 @@ std::string GenerateClearVertexShader()
   // NDC space is flipped in Vulkan
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::Vulkan)
-    code.WriteFmt("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
+    code.Write("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -443,17 +442,17 @@ std::string GenerateEFBPokeVertexShader()
   ShaderCode code;
   EmitVertexMainDeclaration(code, 0, 1, true, 0, 1);
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  v_col0 = rawcolor0;\n"
-                "  opos = float4(, 1.0f);\n");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  v_col0 = rawcolor0;\n"
+             "  opos = float4(, 1.0f);\n");
   if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsLargePoints)
-    code.WriteFmt("  gl_PointSize = rawpos.w;\n");
+    code.Write("  gl_PointSize = rawpos.w;\n");
   // NDC space is flipped in Vulkan.
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::Vulkan)
-    code.WriteFmt("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
+    code.Write("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -468,82 +467,82 @@ std::string GenerateFormatConversionShader(EFBReinterpretType convtype, u32 samp
                "in float4 ipos : SV_Position, in uint isample : SV_SampleIndex, " :
                "in float4 ipos : SV_Position, ") :
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  int layer = int(v_tex0.z);\n");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  int layer = int(v_tex0.z);\n");
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D)
-    code.WriteFmt("  int3 coords = int3(int2(ipos.xy), layer);\n");
+    code.Write("  int3 coords = int3(int2(ipos.xy), layer);\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("  int3 coords = int3(int2(gl_FragCoord.xy), layer);\n");
+    code.Write("  int3 coords = int3(int2(gl_FragCoord.xy), layer);\n");
   if (samples == 1)
     // No MSAA at all.
     if (GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D)
-      code.WriteFmt("  float4 val = tex0.Load(int4(coords, 0));\n");
+      code.Write("  float4 val = tex0.Load(int4(coords, 0));\n");
-      code.WriteFmt("  float4 val = texelFetch(samp0, coords, 0);\n");
+      code.Write("  float4 val = texelFetch(samp0, coords, 0);\n");
   else if (g_ActiveConfig.bSSAA)
     // Sample shading, shader runs once per sample
     if (GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D)
-      code.WriteFmt("  float4 val = tex0.Load(coords, isample);");
+      code.Write("  float4 val = tex0.Load(coords, isample);");
-      code.WriteFmt("  float4 val = texelFetch(samp0, coords, gl_SampleID);");
+      code.Write("  float4 val = texelFetch(samp0, coords, gl_SampleID);");
     // MSAA without sample shading, average out all samples.
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 val = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("  for (int i = 0; i < {}; i++)\n", samples);
+    code.Write("  float4 val = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n");
+    code.Write("  for (int i = 0; i < {}; i++)\n", samples);
     if (GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D)
-      code.WriteFmt("    val += tex0.Load(coords, i);\n");
+      code.Write("    val += tex0.Load(coords, i);\n");
-      code.WriteFmt("    val += texelFetch(samp0, coords, i);\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("  val /= float({});\n", samples);
+      code.Write("    val += texelFetch(samp0, coords, i);\n");
+    code.Write("  val /= float({});\n", samples);
   switch (convtype)
   case EFBReinterpretType::RGB8ToRGBA6:
-    code.WriteFmt("  int4 src8 = int4(round(val * 255.f));\n"
-                  "  int4 dst6;\n"
-                  "  dst6.r = src8.r >> 2;\n"
-                  "  dst6.g = ((src8.r & 0x3) << 4) | (src8.g >> 4);\n"
-                  "  dst6.b = ((src8.g & 0xF) << 2) | (src8.b >> 6);\n"
-                  "  dst6.a = src8.b & 0x3F;\n"
-                  "  ocol0 = float4(dst6) / 63.f;\n");
+    code.Write("  int4 src8 = int4(round(val * 255.f));\n"
+               "  int4 dst6;\n"
+               "  dst6.r = src8.r >> 2;\n"
+               "  dst6.g = ((src8.r & 0x3) << 4) | (src8.g >> 4);\n"
+               "  dst6.b = ((src8.g & 0xF) << 2) | (src8.b >> 6);\n"
+               "  dst6.a = src8.b & 0x3F;\n"
+               "  ocol0 = float4(dst6) / 63.f;\n");
   case EFBReinterpretType::RGB8ToRGB565:
-    code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = val;\n");
+    code.Write("  ocol0 = val;\n");
   case EFBReinterpretType::RGBA6ToRGB8:
-    code.WriteFmt("  int4 src6 = int4(round(val * 63.f));\n"
-                  "  int4 dst8;\n"
-                  "  dst8.r = (src6.r << 2) | (src6.g >> 4);\n"
-                  "  dst8.g = ((src6.g & 0xF) << 4) | (src6.b >> 2);\n"
-                  "  dst8.b = ((src6.b & 0x3) << 6) | src6.a;\n"
-                  "  dst8.a = 255;\n"
-                  "  ocol0 = float4(dst8) / 255.f;\n");
+    code.Write("  int4 src6 = int4(round(val * 63.f));\n"
+               "  int4 dst8;\n"
+               "  dst8.r = (src6.r << 2) | (src6.g >> 4);\n"
+               "  dst8.g = ((src6.g & 0xF) << 4) | (src6.b >> 2);\n"
+               "  dst8.b = ((src6.b & 0x3) << 6) | src6.a;\n"
+               "  dst8.a = 255;\n"
+               "  ocol0 = float4(dst8) / 255.f;\n");
   case EFBReinterpretType::RGBA6ToRGB565:
-    code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = val;\n");
+    code.Write("  ocol0 = val;\n");
   case EFBReinterpretType::RGB565ToRGB8:
-    code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = val;\n");
+    code.Write("  ocol0 = val;\n");
   case EFBReinterpretType::RGB565ToRGBA6:
-    code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = val;\n");
+    code.Write("  ocol0 = val;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -552,71 +551,70 @@ std::string GenerateTextureReinterpretShader(TextureFormat from_format, TextureF
   ShaderCode code;
   EmitSamplerDeclarations(code, 0, 1, false);
   EmitPixelMainDeclaration(code, 1, 0, "float4", "", true);
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  int layer = int(v_tex0.z);\n"
-                "  int4 coords = int4(int2(frag_coord.xy), layer, 0);\n");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  int layer = int(v_tex0.z);\n"
+             "  int4 coords = int4(int2(frag_coord.xy), layer, 0);\n");
   // Convert to a 32-bit value encompassing all channels, filling the most significant bits with
   // zeroes.
-  code.WriteFmt("  uint raw_value;\n");
+  code.Write("  uint raw_value;\n");
   switch (from_format)
   case TextureFormat::I8:
   case TextureFormat::C8:
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 temp_value = ");
+    code.Write("  float4 temp_value = ");
     EmitTextureLoad(code, 0, "coords");
-    code.WriteFmt(";\n"
-                  "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.r * 255.0);\n");
+    code.Write(";\n"
+               "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.r * 255.0);\n");
   case TextureFormat::IA8:
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 temp_value = ");
+    code.Write("  float4 temp_value = ");
     EmitTextureLoad(code, 0, "coords");
-    code.WriteFmt(
-        ";\n"
-        "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.r * 255.0) | (uint(temp_value.a * 255.0) << 8);\n");
+    code.Write(";\n"
+               "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.r * 255.0) | (uint(temp_value.a * 255.0) << 8);\n");
   case TextureFormat::I4:
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 temp_value = ");
+    code.Write("  float4 temp_value = ");
     EmitTextureLoad(code, 0, "coords");
-    code.WriteFmt(";\n"
-                  "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.r * 15.0);\n");
+    code.Write(";\n"
+               "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.r * 15.0);\n");
   case TextureFormat::IA4:
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 temp_value = ");
+    code.Write("  float4 temp_value = ");
     EmitTextureLoad(code, 0, "coords");
-    code.WriteFmt(";\n"
-                  "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.r * 15.0) | (uint(temp_value.a * 15.0) << 4);\n");
+    code.Write(";\n"
+               "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.r * 15.0) | (uint(temp_value.a * 15.0) << 4);\n");
   case TextureFormat::RGB565:
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 temp_value = ");
+    code.Write("  float4 temp_value = ");
     EmitTextureLoad(code, 0, "coords");
-    code.WriteFmt(";\n"
-                  "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.b * 31.0) | (uint(temp_value.g * 63.0) << 5) |\n"
-                  "              (uint(temp_value.r * 31.0) << 11);\n");
+    code.Write(";\n"
+               "  raw_value = uint(temp_value.b * 31.0) | (uint(temp_value.g * 63.0) << 5) |\n"
+               "              (uint(temp_value.r * 31.0) << 11);\n");
   case TextureFormat::RGB5A3:
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 temp_value = ");
+    code.Write("  float4 temp_value = ");
     EmitTextureLoad(code, 0, "coords");
-    code.WriteFmt(";\n");
+    code.Write(";\n");
     // 0.8784 = 224 / 255 which is the maximum alpha value that can be represented in 3 bits
-    code.WriteFmt(
+    code.Write(
         "  if (temp_value.a > 0.878f) {{\n"
         "    raw_value = (uint(temp_value.b * 31.0)) | (uint(temp_value.g * 31.0) << 5) |\n"
         "                (uint(temp_value.r * 31.0) << 10) | 0x8000u;\n"
@@ -638,45 +636,45 @@ std::string GenerateTextureReinterpretShader(TextureFormat from_format, TextureF
   case TextureFormat::I8:
   case TextureFormat::C8:
-    code.WriteFmt("  float orgba = float(raw_value & 0xFFu) / 255.0;\n"
-                  "  ocol0 = float4(orgba, orgba, orgba, orgba);\n");
+    code.Write("  float orgba = float(raw_value & 0xFFu) / 255.0;\n"
+               "  ocol0 = float4(orgba, orgba, orgba, orgba);\n");
   case TextureFormat::IA8:
-    code.WriteFmt("  float orgb = float(raw_value & 0xFFu) / 255.0;\n"
-                  "  ocol0 = float4(orgb, orgb, orgb, float((raw_value >> 8) & 0xFFu) / 255.0);\n");
+    code.Write("  float orgb = float(raw_value & 0xFFu) / 255.0;\n"
+               "  ocol0 = float4(orgb, orgb, orgb, float((raw_value >> 8) & 0xFFu) / 255.0);\n");
   case TextureFormat::IA4:
-    code.WriteFmt("  float orgb = float(raw_value & 0xFu) / 15.0;\n"
-                  "  ocol0 = float4(orgb, orgb, orgb, float((raw_value >> 4) & 0xFu) / 15.0);\n");
+    code.Write("  float orgb = float(raw_value & 0xFu) / 15.0;\n"
+               "  ocol0 = float4(orgb, orgb, orgb, float((raw_value >> 4) & 0xFu) / 15.0);\n");
   case TextureFormat::RGB565:
-    code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = float4(float((raw_value >> 10) & 0x1Fu) / 31.0,\n"
-                  "                 float((raw_value >> 5) & 0x1Fu) / 31.0,\n"
-                  "                 float(raw_value & 0x1Fu) / 31.0, 1.0);\n");
+    code.Write("  ocol0 = float4(float((raw_value >> 10) & 0x1Fu) / 31.0,\n"
+               "                 float((raw_value >> 5) & 0x1Fu) / 31.0,\n"
+               "                 float(raw_value & 0x1Fu) / 31.0, 1.0);\n");
   case TextureFormat::RGB5A3:
-    code.WriteFmt("  if ((raw_value & 0x8000u) != 0u) {{\n"
-                  "    ocol0 = float4(float((raw_value >> 10) & 0x1Fu) / 31.0,\n"
-                  "                   float((raw_value >> 5) & 0x1Fu) / 31.0,\n"
-                  "                   float(raw_value & 0x1Fu) / 31.0, 1.0);\n"
-                  "  }} else {{\n"
-                  "    ocol0 = float4(float((raw_value >> 8) & 0x0Fu) / 15.0,\n"
-                  "                   float((raw_value >> 4) & 0x0Fu) / 15.0,\n"
-                  "                   float(raw_value & 0x0Fu) / 15.0,\n"
-                  "                   float((raw_value >> 12) & 0x07u) / 7.0);\n"
-                  "  }}\n");
+    code.Write("  if ((raw_value & 0x8000u) != 0u) {{\n"
+               "    ocol0 = float4(float((raw_value >> 10) & 0x1Fu) / 31.0,\n"
+               "                   float((raw_value >> 5) & 0x1Fu) / 31.0,\n"
+               "                   float(raw_value & 0x1Fu) / 31.0, 1.0);\n"
+               "  }} else {{\n"
+               "    ocol0 = float4(float((raw_value >> 8) & 0x0Fu) / 15.0,\n"
+               "                   float((raw_value >> 4) & 0x0Fu) / 15.0,\n"
+               "                   float(raw_value & 0x0Fu) / 15.0,\n"
+               "                   float((raw_value >> 12) & 0x07u) / 7.0);\n"
+               "  }}\n");
@@ -684,7 +682,7 @@ std::string GenerateTextureReinterpretShader(TextureFormat from_format, TextureF
     return "{}\n";
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -694,14 +692,14 @@ std::string GenerateEFBRestorePixelShader()
   EmitSamplerDeclarations(code, 0, 2, false);
   EmitPixelMainDeclaration(code, 1, 0, "float4",
                            GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D ? "out float depth : SV_Depth, " : "");
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  ocol0 = ");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  ocol0 = ");
   EmitSampleTexture(code, 0, "v_tex0");
-  code.WriteFmt(";\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  {} = ", GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D ? "depth" : "gl_FragDepth");
+  code.Write(";\n");
+  code.Write("  {} = ", GetAPIType() == APIType::D3D ? "depth" : "gl_FragDepth");
   EmitSampleTexture(code, 1, "v_tex0");
-  code.WriteFmt(".r;\n"
-                "}}\n");
+  code.Write(".r;\n"
+             "}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -711,22 +709,22 @@ std::string GenerateImGuiVertexShader()
   // Uniform buffer contains the viewport size, and we transform in the vertex shader.
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "float2 u_rcp_viewport_size_mul2;\n"
-                "}};\n\n");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "float2 u_rcp_viewport_size_mul2;\n"
+             "}};\n\n");
   EmitVertexMainDeclaration(code, 1, 1, true, 1, 1);
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  v_tex0 = float3(rawtex0.xy, 0.0);\n"
-                "  v_col0 = rawcolor0;\n"
-                "  opos = float4(rawpos.x * u_rcp_viewport_size_mul2.x - 1.0,"
-                "                1.0 - rawpos.y * u_rcp_viewport_size_mul2.y, 0.0, 1.0);\n");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  v_tex0 = float3(rawtex0.xy, 0.0);\n"
+             "  v_col0 = rawcolor0;\n"
+             "  opos = float4(rawpos.x * u_rcp_viewport_size_mul2.x - 1.0,"
+             "                1.0 - rawpos.y * u_rcp_viewport_size_mul2.y, 0.0, 1.0);\n");
   // NDC space is flipped in Vulkan.
   if (GetAPIType() == APIType::Vulkan)
-    code.WriteFmt("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
+    code.Write("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
@@ -735,11 +733,11 @@ std::string GenerateImGuiPixelShader()
   ShaderCode code;
   EmitSamplerDeclarations(code, 0, 1, false);
   EmitPixelMainDeclaration(code, 1, 1);
-  code.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                "  ocol0 = ");
+  code.Write("{{\n"
+             "  ocol0 = ");
   EmitSampleTexture(code, 0, "float3(v_tex0.xy, 0.0)");
-  code.WriteFmt(" * v_col0;\n"
-                "}}\n");
+  code.Write(" * v_col0;\n"
+             "}}\n");
   return code.GetBuffer();
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/GeometryShaderGen.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/GeometryShaderGen.cpp
index dd8dc6df38..718bc6d4cb 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/GeometryShaderGen.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/GeometryShaderGen.cpp
@@ -73,133 +73,131 @@ ShaderCode GenerateGeometryShaderCode(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& h
     // Insert layout parameters
     if (host_config.backend_gs_instancing)
-      out.WriteFmt("layout({}, invocations = {}) in;\n", primitives_ogl[primitive_type_index],
-                   stereo ? 2 : 1);
-      out.WriteFmt("layout({}_strip, max_vertices = {}) out;\n", wireframe ? "line" : "triangle",
-                   vertex_out);
+      out.Write("layout({}, invocations = {}) in;\n", primitives_ogl[primitive_type_index],
+                stereo ? 2 : 1);
+      out.Write("layout({}_strip, max_vertices = {}) out;\n", wireframe ? "line" : "triangle",
+                vertex_out);
-      out.WriteFmt("layout({}) in;\n", primitives_ogl[primitive_type_index]);
-      out.WriteFmt("layout({}_strip, max_vertices = {}) out;\n", wireframe ? "line" : "triangle",
-                   stereo ? vertex_out * 2 : vertex_out);
+      out.Write("layout({}) in;\n", primitives_ogl[primitive_type_index]);
+      out.Write("layout({}_strip, max_vertices = {}) out;\n", wireframe ? "line" : "triangle",
+                stereo ? vertex_out * 2 : vertex_out);
-  out.WriteFmt("{}", s_lighting_struct);
+  out.Write("{}", s_lighting_struct);
   // uniforms
   if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("UBO_BINDING(std140, 3) uniform GSBlock {{\n");
+    out.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 3) uniform GSBlock {{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("cbuffer GSBlock {{\n");
+    out.Write("cbuffer GSBlock {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\tfloat4 " I_STEREOPARAMS ";\n"
-               "\tfloat4 " I_LINEPTPARAMS ";\n"
-               "\tint4 " I_TEXOFFSET ";\n"
-               "}};\n");
+  out.Write("\tfloat4 " I_STEREOPARAMS ";\n"
+            "\tfloat4 " I_LINEPTPARAMS ";\n"
+            "\tint4 " I_TEXOFFSET ";\n"
+            "}};\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("struct VS_OUTPUT {{\n");
+  out.Write("struct VS_OUTPUT {{\n");
   GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, ApiType, uid_data->numTexGens, host_config, "");
-  out.WriteFmt("}};\n");
+  out.Write("}};\n");
   if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
     if (host_config.backend_gs_instancing)
-      out.WriteFmt("#define InstanceID gl_InvocationID\n");
+      out.Write("#define InstanceID gl_InvocationID\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
+    out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
     GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, ApiType, uid_data->numTexGens, host_config,
                             GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa, true, true));
-    out.WriteFmt("}} vs[{}];\n", vertex_in);
+    out.Write("}} vs[{}];\n", vertex_in);
-    out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
+    out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
     GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, ApiType, uid_data->numTexGens, host_config,
                             GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa, true, false));
     if (stereo)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tflat int layer;\n");
+      out.Write("\tflat int layer;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("}} ps;\n");
+    out.Write("}} ps;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("void main()\n{{\n");
+    out.Write("void main()\n{{\n");
   else  // D3D
-    out.WriteFmt("struct VertexData {{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT o;\n");
+    out.Write("struct VertexData {{\n");
+    out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT o;\n");
     if (stereo)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tuint layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;\n");
+      out.Write("\tuint layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("}};\n");
+    out.Write("}};\n");
     if (host_config.backend_gs_instancing)
-      out.WriteFmt("[maxvertexcount({})]\n[instance({})]\n", vertex_out, stereo ? 2 : 1);
-      out.WriteFmt("void main({} VS_OUTPUT o[{}], inout {}Stream<VertexData> output, in uint "
-                   "InstanceID : SV_GSInstanceID)\n{{\n",
-                   primitives_d3d[primitive_type_index], vertex_in,
-                   wireframe ? "Line" : "Triangle");
+      out.Write("[maxvertexcount({})]\n[instance({})]\n", vertex_out, stereo ? 2 : 1);
+      out.Write("void main({} VS_OUTPUT o[{}], inout {}Stream<VertexData> output, in uint "
+                "InstanceID : SV_GSInstanceID)\n{{\n",
+                primitives_d3d[primitive_type_index], vertex_in, wireframe ? "Line" : "Triangle");
-      out.WriteFmt("[maxvertexcount({})]\n", stereo ? vertex_out * 2 : vertex_out);
-      out.WriteFmt("void main({} VS_OUTPUT o[{}], inout {}Stream<VertexData> output)\n{{\n",
-                   primitives_d3d[primitive_type_index], vertex_in,
-                   wireframe ? "Line" : "Triangle");
+      out.Write("[maxvertexcount({})]\n", stereo ? vertex_out * 2 : vertex_out);
+      out.Write("void main({} VS_OUTPUT o[{}], inout {}Stream<VertexData> output)\n{{\n",
+                primitives_d3d[primitive_type_index], vertex_in, wireframe ? "Line" : "Triangle");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tVertexData ps;\n");
+    out.Write("\tVertexData ps;\n");
   if (primitive_type == PrimitiveType::Lines)
     if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT start, end;\n");
+      out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT start, end;\n");
       AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "start", "vs[0]", uid_data->numTexGens, host_config);
       AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "end", "vs[1]", uid_data->numTexGens, host_config);
-      out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT start = o[0];\n"
-                   "\tVS_OUTPUT end = o[1];\n");
+      out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT start = o[0];\n"
+                "\tVS_OUTPUT end = o[1];\n");
     // GameCube/Wii's line drawing algorithm is a little quirky. It does not
     // use the correct line caps. Instead, the line caps are vertical or
     // horizontal depending the slope of the line.
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat2 offset;\n"
-                 "\tfloat2 to = abs(end.pos.xy / end.pos.w - start.pos.xy / start.pos.w);\n"
-                 // FIXME: What does real hardware do when line is at a 45-degree angle?
-                 // FIXME: Lines aren't drawn at the correct width. See Twilight Princess map.
-                 "\tif (" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".y * to.y > " I_LINEPTPARAMS ".x * to.x) {{\n"
-                 // Line is more tall. Extend geometry left and right.
-                 // Lerp LineWidth/2 from [0..VpWidth] to [-1..1]
-                 "\t\toffset = float2(" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".z / " I_LINEPTPARAMS ".x, 0);\n"
-                 "\t}} else {{\n"
-                 // Line is more wide. Extend geometry up and down.
-                 // Lerp LineWidth/2 from [0..VpHeight] to [1..-1]
-                 "\t\toffset = float2(0, -" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".z / " I_LINEPTPARAMS ".y);\n"
-                 "\t}}\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat2 offset;\n"
+              "\tfloat2 to = abs(end.pos.xy / end.pos.w - start.pos.xy / start.pos.w);\n"
+              // FIXME: What does real hardware do when line is at a 45-degree angle?
+              // FIXME: Lines aren't drawn at the correct width. See Twilight Princess map.
+              "\tif (" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".y * to.y > " I_LINEPTPARAMS ".x * to.x) {{\n"
+              // Line is more tall. Extend geometry left and right.
+              // Lerp LineWidth/2 from [0..VpWidth] to [-1..1]
+              "\t\toffset = float2(" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".z / " I_LINEPTPARAMS ".x, 0);\n"
+              "\t}} else {{\n"
+              // Line is more wide. Extend geometry up and down.
+              // Lerp LineWidth/2 from [0..VpHeight] to [1..-1]
+              "\t\toffset = float2(0, -" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".z / " I_LINEPTPARAMS ".y);\n"
+              "\t}}\n");
   else if (primitive_type == PrimitiveType::Points)
     if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT center;\n");
+      out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT center;\n");
       AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "center", "vs[0]", uid_data->numTexGens, host_config);
-      out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT center = o[0];\n");
+      out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT center = o[0];\n");
     // Offset from center to upper right vertex
     // Lerp PointSize/2 from [0,0..VpWidth,VpHeight] to [-1,1..1,-1]
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat2 offset = float2(" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".w / " I_LINEPTPARAMS
-                 ".x, -" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".w / " I_LINEPTPARAMS ".y) * center.pos.w;\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat2 offset = float2(" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".w / " I_LINEPTPARAMS
+              ".x, -" I_LINEPTPARAMS ".w / " I_LINEPTPARAMS ".y) * center.pos.w;\n");
   if (stereo)
@@ -207,19 +205,19 @@ ShaderCode GenerateGeometryShaderCode(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& h
     // If the GPU supports invocation we don't need a for loop and can simply use the
     // invocation identifier to determine which layer we're rendering.
     if (host_config.backend_gs_instancing)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tint eye = InstanceID;\n");
+      out.Write("\tint eye = InstanceID;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("\tfor (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye) {{\n");
+      out.Write("\tfor (int eye = 0; eye < 2; ++eye) {{\n");
   if (wireframe)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT first;\n");
+    out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT first;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\tfor (int i = 0; i < {}; ++i) {{\n", vertex_in);
+  out.Write("\tfor (int i = 0; i < {}; ++i) {{\n", vertex_in);
   if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT f;\n");
+    out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT f;\n");
     AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "f", "vs[i]", uid_data->numTexGens, host_config);
     if (host_config.backend_depth_clamp &&
@@ -227,21 +225,21 @@ ShaderCode GenerateGeometryShaderCode(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& h
       // On certain GPUs we have to consume the clip distance from the vertex shader
       // or else the other vertex shader outputs will get corrupted.
-      out.WriteFmt("\tf.clipDist0 = gl_in[i].gl_ClipDistance[0];\n"
-                   "\tf.clipDist1 = gl_in[i].gl_ClipDistance[1];\n");
+      out.Write("\tf.clipDist0 = gl_in[i].gl_ClipDistance[0];\n"
+                "\tf.clipDist1 = gl_in[i].gl_ClipDistance[1];\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT f = o[i];\n");
+    out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT f = o[i];\n");
   if (stereo)
     // Select the output layer
-    out.WriteFmt("\tps.layer = eye;\n");
+    out.Write("\tps.layer = eye;\n");
     if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tgl_Layer = eye;\n");
+      out.Write("\tgl_Layer = eye;\n");
     // For stereoscopy add a small horizontal offset in Normalized Device Coordinates proportional
     // to the depth of the vertex. We retrieve the depth value from the w-component of the projected
@@ -250,56 +248,56 @@ ShaderCode GenerateGeometryShaderCode(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& h
     // the depth value. This results in objects at a distance smaller than the convergence
     // distance to seemingly appear in front of the screen.
     // This formula is based on page 13 of the "Nvidia 3D Vision Automatic, Best Practices Guide"
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat hoffset = (eye == 0) ? " I_STEREOPARAMS ".x : " I_STEREOPARAMS ".y;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tf.pos.x += hoffset * (f.pos.w - " I_STEREOPARAMS ".z);\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat hoffset = (eye == 0) ? " I_STEREOPARAMS ".x : " I_STEREOPARAMS ".y;\n");
+    out.Write("\tf.pos.x += hoffset * (f.pos.w - " I_STEREOPARAMS ".z);\n");
   if (primitive_type == PrimitiveType::Lines)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT l = f;\n"
-                 "\tVS_OUTPUT r = f;\n");
+    out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT l = f;\n"
+              "\tVS_OUTPUT r = f;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tl.pos.xy -= offset * l.pos.w;\n"
-                 "\tr.pos.xy += offset * r.pos.w;\n");
+    out.Write("\tl.pos.xy -= offset * l.pos.w;\n"
+              "\tr.pos.xy += offset * r.pos.w;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tif (" I_TEXOFFSET "[2] != 0) {{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat texOffset = 1.0 / float(" I_TEXOFFSET "[2]);\n");
+    out.Write("\tif (" I_TEXOFFSET "[2] != 0) {{\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat texOffset = 1.0 / float(" I_TEXOFFSET "[2]);\n");
     for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->numTexGens; ++i)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tif (((" I_TEXOFFSET "[0] >> {}) & 0x1) != 0)\n", i);
-      out.WriteFmt("\t\tr.tex{}.x += texOffset;\n", i);
+      out.Write("\tif (((" I_TEXOFFSET "[0] >> {}) & 0x1) != 0)\n", i);
+      out.Write("\t\tr.tex{}.x += texOffset;\n", i);
-    out.WriteFmt("\t}}\n");
+    out.Write("\t}}\n");
     EmitVertex(out, host_config, uid_data, "l", ApiType, wireframe, true);
     EmitVertex(out, host_config, uid_data, "r", ApiType, wireframe);
   else if (primitive_type == PrimitiveType::Points)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tVS_OUTPUT ll = f;\n"
-                 "\tVS_OUTPUT lr = f;\n"
-                 "\tVS_OUTPUT ul = f;\n"
-                 "\tVS_OUTPUT ur = f;\n");
+    out.Write("\tVS_OUTPUT ll = f;\n"
+              "\tVS_OUTPUT lr = f;\n"
+              "\tVS_OUTPUT ul = f;\n"
+              "\tVS_OUTPUT ur = f;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tll.pos.xy += float2(-1,-1) * offset;\n"
-                 "\tlr.pos.xy += float2(1,-1) * offset;\n"
-                 "\tul.pos.xy += float2(-1,1) * offset;\n"
-                 "\tur.pos.xy += offset;\n");
+    out.Write("\tll.pos.xy += float2(-1,-1) * offset;\n"
+              "\tlr.pos.xy += float2(1,-1) * offset;\n"
+              "\tul.pos.xy += float2(-1,1) * offset;\n"
+              "\tur.pos.xy += offset;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tif (" I_TEXOFFSET "[3] != 0) {{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat2 texOffset = float2(1.0 / float(" I_TEXOFFSET
-                 "[3]), 1.0 / float(" I_TEXOFFSET "[3]));\n");
+    out.Write("\tif (" I_TEXOFFSET "[3] != 0) {{\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat2 texOffset = float2(1.0 / float(" I_TEXOFFSET
+              "[3]), 1.0 / float(" I_TEXOFFSET "[3]));\n");
     for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->numTexGens; ++i)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tif (((" I_TEXOFFSET "[1] >> {}) & 0x1) != 0) {{\n", i);
-      out.WriteFmt("\t\tul.tex{}.xy += float2(0,1) * texOffset;\n", i);
-      out.WriteFmt("\t\tur.tex{}.xy += texOffset;\n", i);
-      out.WriteFmt("\t\tlr.tex{}.xy += float2(1,0) * texOffset;\n", i);
-      out.WriteFmt("\t}}\n");
+      out.Write("\tif (((" I_TEXOFFSET "[1] >> {}) & 0x1) != 0) {{\n", i);
+      out.Write("\t\tul.tex{}.xy += float2(0,1) * texOffset;\n", i);
+      out.Write("\t\tur.tex{}.xy += texOffset;\n", i);
+      out.Write("\t\tlr.tex{}.xy += float2(1,0) * texOffset;\n", i);
+      out.Write("\t}}\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\t}}\n");
+    out.Write("\t}}\n");
     EmitVertex(out, host_config, uid_data, "ll", ApiType, wireframe, true);
     EmitVertex(out, host_config, uid_data, "lr", ApiType, wireframe);
@@ -311,14 +309,14 @@ ShaderCode GenerateGeometryShaderCode(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& h
     EmitVertex(out, host_config, uid_data, "f", ApiType, wireframe, true);
-  out.WriteFmt("\t}}\n");
+  out.Write("\t}}\n");
   EndPrimitive(out, host_config, uid_data, ApiType, wireframe);
   if (stereo && !host_config.backend_gs_instancing)
-    out.WriteFmt("\t}}\n");
+    out.Write("\t}}\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  out.Write("}}\n");
   return out;
@@ -328,34 +326,34 @@ static void EmitVertex(ShaderCode& out, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
                        APIType ApiType, bool wireframe, bool first_vertex)
   if (wireframe && first_vertex)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tif (i == 0) first = {};\n", vertex);
+    out.Write("\tif (i == 0) first = {};\n", vertex);
   if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tgl_Position = {}.pos;\n", vertex);
+    out.Write("\tgl_Position = {}.pos;\n", vertex);
     if (host_config.backend_depth_clamp)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tgl_ClipDistance[0] = {}.clipDist0;\n", vertex);
-      out.WriteFmt("\tgl_ClipDistance[1] = {}.clipDist1;\n", vertex);
+      out.Write("\tgl_ClipDistance[0] = {}.clipDist0;\n", vertex);
+      out.Write("\tgl_ClipDistance[1] = {}.clipDist1;\n", vertex);
     AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "ps", vertex, uid_data->numTexGens, host_config);
   else if (ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
     // Vulkan NDC space has Y pointing down (right-handed NDC space).
-    out.WriteFmt("\tgl_Position = {}.pos;\n", vertex);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tgl_Position.y = -gl_Position.y;\n");
+    out.Write("\tgl_Position = {}.pos;\n", vertex);
+    out.Write("\tgl_Position.y = -gl_Position.y;\n");
     AssignVSOutputMembers(out, "ps", vertex, uid_data->numTexGens, host_config);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tps.o = {};\n", vertex);
+    out.Write("\tps.o = {};\n", vertex);
   if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tEmitVertex();\n");
+    out.Write("\tEmitVertex();\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\toutput.Append(ps);\n");
+    out.Write("\toutput.Append(ps);\n");
 static void EndPrimitive(ShaderCode& out, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
@@ -365,9 +363,9 @@ static void EndPrimitive(ShaderCode& out, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
     EmitVertex(out, host_config, uid_data, "first", ApiType, wireframe);
   if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tEndPrimitive();\n");
+    out.Write("\tEndPrimitive();\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\toutput.RestartStrip();\n");
+    out.Write("\toutput.RestartStrip();\n");
 void EnumerateGeometryShaderUids(const std::function<void(const GeometryShaderUid&)>& callback)
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/LightingShaderGen.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/LightingShaderGen.cpp
index 0cde653d25..e4b8f16716 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/LightingShaderGen.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/LightingShaderGen.cpp
@@ -24,54 +24,53 @@ static void GenerateLightShader(ShaderCode& object, const LightingUidData& uid_d
-    object.WriteFmt("ldir = normalize(" LIGHT_POS ".xyz -;\n", LIGHT_POS_PARAMS(index));
-    object.WriteFmt("attn = 1.0;\n");
-    object.WriteFmt("if (length(ldir) == 0.0)\n\t ldir = _norm0;\n");
+    object.Write("ldir = normalize(" LIGHT_POS ".xyz -;\n", LIGHT_POS_PARAMS(index));
+    object.Write("attn = 1.0;\n");
+    object.Write("if (length(ldir) == 0.0)\n\t ldir = _norm0;\n");
-    object.WriteFmt("ldir = normalize(" LIGHT_POS ".xyz -;\n", LIGHT_POS_PARAMS(index));
-    object.WriteFmt("attn = (dot(_norm0, ldir) >= 0.0) ? max(0.0, dot(_norm0, " LIGHT_DIR
-                    ".xyz)) : 0.0;\n",
-                    LIGHT_DIR_PARAMS(index));
-    object.WriteFmt("cosAttn = " LIGHT_COSATT ".xyz;\n", LIGHT_COSATT_PARAMS(index));
-    object.WriteFmt("distAttn = {}(" LIGHT_DISTATT ".xyz);\n",
-                    (diffusefunc == LIGHTDIF_NONE) ? "" : "normalize", LIGHT_DISTATT_PARAMS(index));
-    object.WriteFmt("attn = max(0.0f, dot(cosAttn, float3(1.0, attn, attn*attn))) / dot(distAttn, "
-                    "float3(1.0, attn, attn*attn));\n");
+    object.Write("ldir = normalize(" LIGHT_POS ".xyz -;\n", LIGHT_POS_PARAMS(index));
+    object.Write("attn = (dot(_norm0, ldir) >= 0.0) ? max(0.0, dot(_norm0, " LIGHT_DIR
+                 ".xyz)) : 0.0;\n",
+                 LIGHT_DIR_PARAMS(index));
+    object.Write("cosAttn = " LIGHT_COSATT ".xyz;\n", LIGHT_COSATT_PARAMS(index));
+    object.Write("distAttn = {}(" LIGHT_DISTATT ".xyz);\n",
+                 (diffusefunc == LIGHTDIF_NONE) ? "" : "normalize", LIGHT_DISTATT_PARAMS(index));
+    object.Write("attn = max(0.0f, dot(cosAttn, float3(1.0, attn, attn*attn))) / dot(distAttn, "
+                 "float3(1.0, attn, attn*attn));\n");
-    object.WriteFmt("ldir = " LIGHT_POS ".xyz -;\n", LIGHT_POS_PARAMS(index));
-    object.WriteFmt("dist2 = dot(ldir, ldir);\n"
-                    "dist = sqrt(dist2);\n"
-                    "ldir = ldir / dist;\n"
-                    "attn = max(0.0, dot(ldir, " LIGHT_DIR ".xyz));\n",
-                    LIGHT_DIR_PARAMS(index));
+    object.Write("ldir = " LIGHT_POS ".xyz -;\n", LIGHT_POS_PARAMS(index));
+    object.Write("dist2 = dot(ldir, ldir);\n"
+                 "dist = sqrt(dist2);\n"
+                 "ldir = ldir / dist;\n"
+                 "attn = max(0.0, dot(ldir, " LIGHT_DIR ".xyz));\n",
+                 LIGHT_DIR_PARAMS(index));
     // attn*attn may overflow
-    object.WriteFmt("attn = max(0.0, " LIGHT_COSATT ".x + " LIGHT_COSATT ".y*attn + " LIGHT_COSATT
-                    ".z*attn*attn) / dot(" LIGHT_DISTATT ".xyz, float3(1.0,dist,dist2));\n",
-                    LIGHT_COSATT_PARAMS(index), LIGHT_COSATT_PARAMS(index),
-                    LIGHT_COSATT_PARAMS(index), LIGHT_DISTATT_PARAMS(index));
+    object.Write("attn = max(0.0, " LIGHT_COSATT ".x + " LIGHT_COSATT ".y*attn + " LIGHT_COSATT
+                 ".z*attn*attn) / dot(" LIGHT_DISTATT ".xyz, float3(1.0,dist,dist2));\n",
+                 LIGHT_DISTATT_PARAMS(index));
   switch (diffusefunc)
-    object.WriteFmt("lacc.{} += int{}(round(attn * float{}(" LIGHT_COL ")));\n", swizzle,
-                    swizzle_components, swizzle_components, LIGHT_COL_PARAMS(index, swizzle));
+    object.Write("lacc.{} += int{}(round(attn * float{}(" LIGHT_COL ")));\n", swizzle,
+                 swizzle_components, swizzle_components, LIGHT_COL_PARAMS(index, swizzle));
-    object.WriteFmt("lacc.{} += int{}(round(attn * {}dot(ldir, _norm0)) * float{}(" LIGHT_COL
-                    ")));\n",
-                    swizzle, swizzle_components, diffusefunc != LIGHTDIF_SIGN ? "max(0.0," : "(",
-                    swizzle_components, LIGHT_COL_PARAMS(index, swizzle));
+    object.Write("lacc.{} += int{}(round(attn * {}dot(ldir, _norm0)) * float{}(" LIGHT_COL ")));\n",
+                 swizzle, swizzle_components, diffusefunc != LIGHTDIF_SIGN ? "max(0.0," : "(",
+                 swizzle_components, LIGHT_COL_PARAMS(index, swizzle));
-  object.WriteFmt("\n");
+  object.Write("\n");
 // vertex shader
@@ -84,21 +83,21 @@ void GenerateLightingShaderCode(ShaderCode& object, const LightingUidData& uid_d
   for (u32 j = 0; j < NUM_XF_COLOR_CHANNELS; j++)
-    object.WriteFmt("{{\n");
+    object.Write("{{\n");
     const bool colormatsource = !!(uid_data.matsource & (1 << j));
     if (colormatsource)  // from vertex
       if ((components & (VB_HAS_COL0 << j)) != 0)
-        object.WriteFmt("int4 mat = int4(round({}{} * 255.0));\n", in_color_name, j);
+        object.Write("int4 mat = int4(round({}{} * 255.0));\n", in_color_name, j);
       else if ((components & VB_HAS_COL0) != 0)
-        object.WriteFmt("int4 mat = int4(round({}0 * 255.0));\n", in_color_name);
+        object.Write("int4 mat = int4(round({}0 * 255.0));\n", in_color_name);
-        object.WriteFmt("int4 mat = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n");
+        object.Write("int4 mat = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n");
     else  // from color
-      object.WriteFmt("int4 mat = {}[{}];\n", I_MATERIALS, j + 2);
+      object.Write("int4 mat = {}[{}];\n", I_MATERIALS, j + 2);
     if ((uid_data.enablelighting & (1 << j)) != 0)
@@ -107,28 +106,28 @@ void GenerateLightingShaderCode(ShaderCode& object, const LightingUidData& uid_d
         if ((components & (VB_HAS_COL0 << j)) != 0)
-          object.WriteFmt("lacc = int4(round({}{} * 255.0));\n", in_color_name, j);
+          object.Write("lacc = int4(round({}{} * 255.0));\n", in_color_name, j);
         else if ((components & VB_HAS_COL0) != 0)
-          object.WriteFmt("lacc = int4(round({}0 * 255.0));\n", in_color_name);
+          object.Write("lacc = int4(round({}0 * 255.0));\n", in_color_name);
           // TODO: this isn't verified. Here we want to read the ambient from the vertex,
           // but the vertex itself has no color. So we don't know which value to read.
           // Returning 1.0 is the same as disabled lightning, so this could be fine
-          object.WriteFmt("lacc = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n");
+          object.Write("lacc = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n");
       else  // from color
-        object.WriteFmt("lacc = {}[{}];\n", I_MATERIALS, j);
+        object.Write("lacc = {}[{}];\n", I_MATERIALS, j);
-      object.WriteFmt("lacc = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n");
+      object.Write("lacc = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n");
     // check if alpha is different
@@ -138,15 +137,15 @@ void GenerateLightingShaderCode(ShaderCode& object, const LightingUidData& uid_d
       if (alphamatsource)  // from vertex
         if ((components & (VB_HAS_COL0 << j)) != 0)
-          object.WriteFmt("mat.w = int(round({}{}.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_name, j);
+          object.Write("mat.w = int(round({}{}.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_name, j);
         else if ((components & VB_HAS_COL0) != 0)
-          object.WriteFmt("mat.w = int(round({}0.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_name);
+          object.Write("mat.w = int(round({}0.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_name);
-          object.WriteFmt("mat.w = 255;\n");
+          object.Write("mat.w = 255;\n");
       else  // from color
-        object.WriteFmt("mat.w = {}[{}].w;\n", I_MATERIALS, j + 2);
+        object.Write("mat.w = {}[{}].w;\n", I_MATERIALS, j + 2);
@@ -156,26 +155,26 @@ void GenerateLightingShaderCode(ShaderCode& object, const LightingUidData& uid_d
         if ((components & (VB_HAS_COL0 << j)) != 0)
-          object.WriteFmt("lacc.w = int(round({}{}.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_name, j);
+          object.Write("lacc.w = int(round({}{}.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_name, j);
         else if ((components & VB_HAS_COL0) != 0)
-          object.WriteFmt("lacc.w = int(round({}0.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_name);
+          object.Write("lacc.w = int(round({}0.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_name);
           // TODO: The same for alpha: We want to read from vertex, but the vertex has no color
-          object.WriteFmt("lacc.w = 255;\n");
+          object.Write("lacc.w = 255;\n");
       else  // from color
-        object.WriteFmt("lacc.w = {}[{}].w;\n", I_MATERIALS, j);
+        object.Write("lacc.w = {}[{}].w;\n", I_MATERIALS, j);
-      object.WriteFmt("lacc.w = 255;\n");
+      object.Write("lacc.w = 255;\n");
     if ((uid_data.enablelighting & (1 << j)) != 0)  // Color lights
@@ -194,9 +193,9 @@ void GenerateLightingShaderCode(ShaderCode& object, const LightingUidData& uid_d
           GenerateLightShader(object, uid_data, i, j + 2, true);
-    object.WriteFmt("lacc = clamp(lacc, 0, 255);\n");
-    object.WriteFmt("{}{} = float4((mat * (lacc + (lacc >> 7))) >> 8) / 255.0;\n", dest, j);
-    object.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+    object.Write("lacc = clamp(lacc, 0, 255);\n");
+    object.Write("{}{} = float4((mat * (lacc + (lacc >> 7))) >> 8) / 255.0;\n", dest, j);
+    object.Write("}}\n");
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/PixelShaderGen.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/PixelShaderGen.cpp
index 8d4abb704f..288761af8e 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/PixelShaderGen.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/PixelShaderGen.cpp
@@ -365,98 +365,98 @@ void WritePixelShaderCommonHeader(ShaderCode& out, APIType api_type, u32 num_tex
                                   const ShaderHostConfig& host_config, bool bounding_box)
   // dot product for integer vectors
-  out.WriteFmt("int idot(int3 x, int3 y)\n"
-               "{{\n"
-               "\tint3 tmp = x * y;\n"
-               "\treturn tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z;\n"
-               "}}\n");
+  out.Write("int idot(int3 x, int3 y)\n"
+            "{{\n"
+            "\tint3 tmp = x * y;\n"
+            "\treturn tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z;\n"
+            "}}\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("int idot(int4 x, int4 y)\n"
-               "{{\n"
-               "\tint4 tmp = x * y;\n"
-               "\treturn tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z + tmp.w;\n"
-               "}}\n\n");
+  out.Write("int idot(int4 x, int4 y)\n"
+            "{{\n"
+            "\tint4 tmp = x * y;\n"
+            "\treturn tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z + tmp.w;\n"
+            "}}\n\n");
   // rounding + casting to integer at once in a single function
-  out.WriteFmt("int  iround(float  x) {{ return int (round(x)); }}\n"
-               "int2 iround(float2 x) {{ return int2(round(x)); }}\n"
-               "int3 iround(float3 x) {{ return int3(round(x)); }}\n"
-               "int4 iround(float4 x) {{ return int4(round(x)); }}\n\n");
+  out.Write("int  iround(float  x) {{ return int (round(x)); }}\n"
+            "int2 iround(float2 x) {{ return int2(round(x)); }}\n"
+            "int3 iround(float3 x) {{ return int3(round(x)); }}\n"
+            "int4 iround(float4 x) {{ return int4(round(x)); }}\n\n");
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray samp[8];\n");
+    out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray samp[8];\n");
   else  // D3D
     // Declare samplers
-    out.WriteFmt("SamplerState samp[8] : register(s0);\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "Texture2DArray Tex[8] : register(t0);\n");
+    out.Write("SamplerState samp[8] : register(s0);\n"
+              "\n"
+              "Texture2DArray Tex[8] : register(t0);\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\n");
+  out.Write("\n");
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("UBO_BINDING(std140, 1) uniform PSBlock {{\n");
+    out.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 1) uniform PSBlock {{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("cbuffer PSBlock : register(b0) {{\n");
+    out.Write("cbuffer PSBlock : register(b0) {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\tint4 " I_COLORS "[4];\n"
-               "\tint4 " I_KCOLORS "[4];\n"
-               "\tint4 " I_ALPHA ";\n"
-               "\tfloat4 " I_TEXDIMS "[8];\n"
-               "\tint4 " I_ZBIAS "[2];\n"
-               "\tint4 " I_INDTEXSCALE "[2];\n"
-               "\tint4 " I_INDTEXMTX "[6];\n"
-               "\tint4 " I_FOGCOLOR ";\n"
-               "\tint4 " I_FOGI ";\n"
-               "\tfloat4 " I_FOGF ";\n"
-               "\tfloat4 " I_FOGRANGE "[3];\n"
-               "\tfloat4 " I_ZSLOPE ";\n"
-               "\tfloat2 " I_EFBSCALE ";\n"
-               "\tuint  bpmem_genmode;\n"
-               "\tuint  bpmem_alphaTest;\n"
-               "\tuint  bpmem_fogParam3;\n"
-               "\tuint  bpmem_fogRangeBase;\n"
-               "\tuint  bpmem_dstalpha;\n"
-               "\tuint  bpmem_ztex_op;\n"
-               "\tbool  bpmem_late_ztest;\n"
-               "\tbool  bpmem_rgba6_format;\n"
-               "\tbool  bpmem_dither;\n"
-               "\tbool  bpmem_bounding_box;\n"
-               "\tuint4 bpmem_pack1[16];\n"  // .xy - combiners, .z - tevind
-               "\tuint4 bpmem_pack2[8];\n"   // .x - tevorder, .y - tevksel
-               "\tint4  konstLookup[32];\n"
-               "\tbool  blend_enable;\n"
-               "\tuint  blend_src_factor;\n"
-               "\tuint  blend_src_factor_alpha;\n"
-               "\tuint  blend_dst_factor;\n"
-               "\tuint  blend_dst_factor_alpha;\n"
-               "\tbool  blend_subtract;\n"
-               "\tbool  blend_subtract_alpha;\n"
-               "}};\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("#define bpmem_combiners(i) (bpmem_pack1[(i)].xy)\n"
-               "#define bpmem_tevind(i) (bpmem_pack1[(i)].z)\n"
-               "#define bpmem_iref(i) (bpmem_pack1[(i)].w)\n"
-               "#define bpmem_tevorder(i) (bpmem_pack2[(i)].x)\n"
-               "#define bpmem_tevksel(i) (bpmem_pack2[(i)].y)\n\n");
+  out.Write("\tint4 " I_COLORS "[4];\n"
+            "\tint4 " I_KCOLORS "[4];\n"
+            "\tint4 " I_ALPHA ";\n"
+            "\tfloat4 " I_TEXDIMS "[8];\n"
+            "\tint4 " I_ZBIAS "[2];\n"
+            "\tint4 " I_INDTEXSCALE "[2];\n"
+            "\tint4 " I_INDTEXMTX "[6];\n"
+            "\tint4 " I_FOGCOLOR ";\n"
+            "\tint4 " I_FOGI ";\n"
+            "\tfloat4 " I_FOGF ";\n"
+            "\tfloat4 " I_FOGRANGE "[3];\n"
+            "\tfloat4 " I_ZSLOPE ";\n"
+            "\tfloat2 " I_EFBSCALE ";\n"
+            "\tuint  bpmem_genmode;\n"
+            "\tuint  bpmem_alphaTest;\n"
+            "\tuint  bpmem_fogParam3;\n"
+            "\tuint  bpmem_fogRangeBase;\n"
+            "\tuint  bpmem_dstalpha;\n"
+            "\tuint  bpmem_ztex_op;\n"
+            "\tbool  bpmem_late_ztest;\n"
+            "\tbool  bpmem_rgba6_format;\n"
+            "\tbool  bpmem_dither;\n"
+            "\tbool  bpmem_bounding_box;\n"
+            "\tuint4 bpmem_pack1[16];\n"  // .xy - combiners, .z - tevind
+            "\tuint4 bpmem_pack2[8];\n"   // .x - tevorder, .y - tevksel
+            "\tint4  konstLookup[32];\n"
+            "\tbool  blend_enable;\n"
+            "\tuint  blend_src_factor;\n"
+            "\tuint  blend_src_factor_alpha;\n"
+            "\tuint  blend_dst_factor;\n"
+            "\tuint  blend_dst_factor_alpha;\n"
+            "\tbool  blend_subtract;\n"
+            "\tbool  blend_subtract_alpha;\n"
+            "}};\n\n");
+  out.Write("#define bpmem_combiners(i) (bpmem_pack1[(i)].xy)\n"
+            "#define bpmem_tevind(i) (bpmem_pack1[(i)].z)\n"
+            "#define bpmem_iref(i) (bpmem_pack1[(i)].w)\n"
+            "#define bpmem_tevorder(i) (bpmem_pack2[(i)].x)\n"
+            "#define bpmem_tevksel(i) (bpmem_pack2[(i)].y)\n\n");
   if (host_config.per_pixel_lighting)
-    out.WriteFmt("{}", s_lighting_struct);
+    out.Write("{}", s_lighting_struct);
     if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-      out.WriteFmt("UBO_BINDING(std140, 2) uniform VSBlock {{\n");
+      out.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 2) uniform VSBlock {{\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("cbuffer VSBlock : register(b1) {{\n");
+      out.Write("cbuffer VSBlock : register(b1) {{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("{}", s_shader_uniforms);
-    out.WriteFmt("}};\n");
+    out.Write("{}", s_shader_uniforms);
+    out.Write("}};\n");
   if (bounding_box)
-    out.WriteFmt(R"(
+    out.Write(R"(
 #ifdef API_D3D
 globallycoherent RWBuffer<int> bbox_data : register(u2);
 #define atomicMin InterlockedMin
@@ -541,9 +541,9 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
   const bool stereo = host_config.stereo;
   const u32 numStages = uid_data->genMode_numtevstages + 1;
-  out.WriteFmt("// Pixel Shader for TEV stages\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("// {} TEV stages, {} texgens, {} IND stages\n", numStages,
-               uid_data->genMode_numtexgens, uid_data->genMode_numindstages);
+  out.Write("// Pixel Shader for TEV stages\n");
+  out.Write("// {} TEV stages, {} texgens, {} IND stages\n", numStages,
+            uid_data->genMode_numtexgens, uid_data->genMode_numindstages);
   // Stuff that is shared between ubershaders and pixelgen.
   WritePixelShaderCommonHeader(out, api_type, uid_data->genMode_numtexgens, host_config,
@@ -588,11 +588,11 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
     if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
       // This is a #define which signals whatever early-z method the driver supports.
-      out.WriteFmt("FORCE_EARLY_Z; \n");
+      out.Write("FORCE_EARLY_Z; \n");
-      out.WriteFmt("[earlydepthstencil]\n");
+      out.Write("[earlydepthstencil]\n");
@@ -610,13 +610,13 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
       if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INDEX_DECORATION))
-        out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"
-                     "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(1) out vec4 ocol1;\n");
+        out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"
+                  "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(1) out vec4 ocol1;\n");
-        out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"
-                     "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 1) out vec4 ocol1;\n");
+        out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"
+                  "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 1) out vec4 ocol1;\n");
     else if (use_shader_blend)
@@ -627,142 +627,141 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
       // shader
       if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INDEX_DECORATION))
-        out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) FRAGMENT_INOUT vec4 real_ocol0;\n");
+        out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) FRAGMENT_INOUT vec4 real_ocol0;\n");
-        out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) FRAGMENT_INOUT vec4 real_ocol0;\n");
+        out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) FRAGMENT_INOUT vec4 real_ocol0;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n");
+      out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n");
     if (uid_data->per_pixel_depth)
-      out.WriteFmt("#define depth gl_FragDepth\n");
+      out.Write("#define depth gl_FragDepth\n");
     if (host_config.backend_geometry_shaders)
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
       GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, api_type, uid_data->genMode_numtexgens, host_config,
                               GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa, true, true));
       if (stereo)
-        out.WriteFmt("\tflat int layer;\n");
+        out.Write("\tflat int layer;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("}};\n");
+      out.Write("}};\n");
       // Let's set up attributes
       u32 counter = 0;
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_0;\n", counter++,
-                   GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_1;\n", counter++,
-                   GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_0;\n", counter++,
+                GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_1;\n", counter++,
+                GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
       for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens; ++i)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 tex{};\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i);
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 tex{};\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i);
       if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 clipPos;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 clipPos;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
       if (per_pixel_lighting)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 Normal;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 WorldPos;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 Normal;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 WorldPos;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-    out.WriteFmt("void main()\n{{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat4 rawpos = gl_FragCoord;\n");
+    out.Write("void main()\n{{\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat4 rawpos = gl_FragCoord;\n");
     if (use_shader_blend)
       // Store off a copy of the initial fb value for blending
-      out.WriteFmt("\tfloat4 initial_ocol0 = FB_FETCH_VALUE;\n"
-                   "\tfloat4 ocol0;\n"
-                   "\tfloat4 ocol1;\n");
+      out.Write("\tfloat4 initial_ocol0 = FB_FETCH_VALUE;\n"
+                "\tfloat4 ocol0;\n"
+                "\tfloat4 ocol1;\n");
   else  // D3D
-    out.WriteFmt("void main(\n");
+    out.Write("void main(\n");
     if (uid_data->uint_output)
-      out.WriteFmt("  out uint4 ocol0 : SV_Target,\n");
+      out.Write("  out uint4 ocol0 : SV_Target,\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("  out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target0,\n"
-                   "  out float4 ocol1 : SV_Target1,\n");
+      out.Write("  out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target0,\n"
+                "  out float4 ocol1 : SV_Target1,\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("{}"
-                 "  in float4 rawpos : SV_Position,\n",
-                 uid_data->per_pixel_depth ? "  out float depth : SV_Depth,\n" : "");
+    out.Write("{}"
+              "  in float4 rawpos : SV_Position,\n",
+              uid_data->per_pixel_depth ? "  out float depth : SV_Depth,\n" : "");
-    out.WriteFmt("  in {} float4 colors_0 : COLOR0,\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-    out.WriteFmt("  in {} float4 colors_1 : COLOR1\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+    out.Write("  in {} float4 colors_0 : COLOR0,\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+    out.Write("  in {} float4 colors_1 : COLOR1\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
     // compute window position if needed because binding semantic WPOS is not widely supported
     for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens; ++i)
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in {} float3 tex{} : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i,
-                   i);
+      out.Write(",\n  in {} float3 tex{} : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i,
+                i);
     if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in {} float4 clipPos : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
-                   uid_data->genMode_numtexgens);
+      out.Write(",\n  in {} float4 clipPos : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
+                uid_data->genMode_numtexgens);
     if (per_pixel_lighting)
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in {} float3 Normal : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
-                   uid_data->genMode_numtexgens + 1);
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in {} float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
-                   uid_data->genMode_numtexgens + 2);
+      out.Write(",\n  in {} float3 Normal : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
+                uid_data->genMode_numtexgens + 1);
+      out.Write(",\n  in {} float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
+                uid_data->genMode_numtexgens + 2);
     if (host_config.backend_geometry_shaders)
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in float clipDist0 : SV_ClipDistance0\n"
-                   ",\n  in float clipDist1 : SV_ClipDistance1\n");
+      out.Write(",\n  in float clipDist0 : SV_ClipDistance0\n"
+                ",\n  in float clipDist1 : SV_ClipDistance1\n");
     if (stereo)
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in uint layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("        ) {{\n");
+      out.Write(",\n  in uint layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex\n");
+    out.Write("        ) {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt(
-      "\tint4 c0 = " I_COLORS "[1], c1 = " I_COLORS "[2], c2 = " I_COLORS "[3], prev = " I_COLORS
-      "[0];\n"
-      "\tint4 rastemp = int4(0, 0, 0, 0), textemp = int4(0, 0, 0, 0), konsttemp = int4(0, 0, "
-      "0, 0);\n"
-      "\tint3 comp16 = int3(1, 256, 0), comp24 = int3(1, 256, 256*256);\n"
-      "\tint alphabump=0;\n"
-      "\tint3 tevcoord=int3(0, 0, 0);\n"
-      "\tint2 wrappedcoord=int2(0,0), tempcoord=int2(0,0);\n"
-      "\tint4 "
-      "tevin_a=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_b=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_c=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_d=int4(0,0,0,"
-      "0);\n\n");  // tev combiner inputs
+  out.Write("\tint4 c0 = " I_COLORS "[1], c1 = " I_COLORS "[2], c2 = " I_COLORS
+            "[3], prev = " I_COLORS "[0];\n"
+            "\tint4 rastemp = int4(0, 0, 0, 0), textemp = int4(0, 0, 0, 0), konsttemp = int4(0, 0, "
+            "0, 0);\n"
+            "\tint3 comp16 = int3(1, 256, 0), comp24 = int3(1, 256, 256*256);\n"
+            "\tint alphabump=0;\n"
+            "\tint3 tevcoord=int3(0, 0, 0);\n"
+            "\tint2 wrappedcoord=int2(0,0), tempcoord=int2(0,0);\n"
+            "\tint4 "
+            "tevin_a=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_b=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_c=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_d=int4(0,0,0,"
+            "0);\n\n");  // tev combiner inputs
   // On GLSL, input variables must not be assigned to.
   // This is why we declare these variables locally instead.
-  out.WriteFmt("\tfloat4 col0 = colors_0;\n"
-               "\tfloat4 col1 = colors_1;\n");
+  out.Write("\tfloat4 col0 = colors_0;\n"
+            "\tfloat4 col1 = colors_1;\n");
   if (per_pixel_lighting)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat3 _norm0 = normalize(;\n\n"
-                 "\tfloat3 pos = WorldPos;\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat3 _norm0 = normalize(;\n\n"
+              "\tfloat3 pos = WorldPos;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tint4 lacc;\n"
-                 "\tfloat3 ldir, h, cosAttn, distAttn;\n"
-                 "\tfloat dist, dist2, attn;\n");
+    out.Write("\tint4 lacc;\n"
+              "\tfloat3 ldir, h, cosAttn, distAttn;\n"
+              "\tfloat dist, dist2, attn;\n");
     // TODO: Our current constant usage code isn't able to handle more than one buffer.
     //       So we can't mark the VS constant as used here. But keep them here as reference.
@@ -776,16 +775,16 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
   // HACK to handle cases where the tex gen is not enabled
   if (uid_data->genMode_numtexgens == 0)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tint2 fixpoint_uv0 = int2(0, 0);\n\n");
+    out.Write("\tint2 fixpoint_uv0 = int2(0, 0);\n\n");
     out.SetConstantsUsed(C_TEXDIMS, C_TEXDIMS + uid_data->genMode_numtexgens - 1);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens; ++i)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tint2 fixpoint_uv{} = int2(", i);
-      out.WriteFmt("(tex{}.z == 0.0 ? tex{}.xy : tex{}.xy / tex{}.z)", i, i, i, i);
-      out.WriteFmt(" * " I_TEXDIMS "[{}].zw);\n", i);
+      out.Write("\tint2 fixpoint_uv{} = int2(", i);
+      out.Write("(tex{}.z == 0.0 ? tex{}.xy : tex{}.xy / tex{}.z)", i, i, i, i);
+      out.Write(" * " I_TEXDIMS "[{}].zw);\n", i);
       // TODO: S24 overflows here?
@@ -800,15 +799,15 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
       if (texcoord < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens)
         out.SetConstantsUsed(C_INDTEXSCALE + i / 2, C_INDTEXSCALE + i / 2);
-        out.WriteFmt("\ttempcoord = fixpoint_uv{} >> " I_INDTEXSCALE "[{}].{};\n", texcoord, i / 2,
-                     (i & 1) != 0 ? "zw" : "xy");
+        out.Write("\ttempcoord = fixpoint_uv{} >> " I_INDTEXSCALE "[{}].{};\n", texcoord, i / 2,
+                  (i & 1) != 0 ? "zw" : "xy");
-        out.WriteFmt("\ttempcoord = int2(0, 0);\n");
+        out.Write("\ttempcoord = int2(0, 0);\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("\tint3 iindtex{} = ", i);
+      out.Write("\tint3 iindtex{} = ", i);
       SampleTexture(out, "float2(tempcoord)", "abg", texmap, stereo, api_type);
@@ -828,14 +827,14 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
     last_ac.hex = uid_data->stagehash[uid_data->genMode_numtevstages].ac;
     if (last_cc.dest != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tprev.rgb = {};\n", tev_c_output_table[last_cc.dest]);
+      out.Write("\tprev.rgb = {};\n", tev_c_output_table[last_cc.dest]);
     if (last_ac.dest != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tprev.a = {};\n", tev_a_output_table[last_ac.dest]);
+      out.Write("\tprev.a = {};\n", tev_a_output_table[last_ac.dest]);
-  out.WriteFmt("\tprev = prev & 255;\n");
+  out.Write("\tprev = prev & 255;\n");
   // NOTE: Fragment may not be discarded if alpha test always fails and early depth test is enabled
   // (in this case we need to write a depth value if depth test passes regardless of the alpha
@@ -852,14 +851,14 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
     out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ZSLOPE, C_ZSLOPE);
     out.SetConstantsUsed(C_EFBSCALE, C_EFBSCALE);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat2 screenpos = rawpos.xy * " I_EFBSCALE ".xy;\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat2 screenpos = rawpos.xy * " I_EFBSCALE ".xy;\n");
     // Opengl has reversed vertical screenspace coordinates
     if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tscreenpos.y = {}.0 - screenpos.y;\n", EFB_HEIGHT);
+      out.Write("\tscreenpos.y = {}.0 - screenpos.y;\n", EFB_HEIGHT);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tint zCoord = int(" I_ZSLOPE ".z + " I_ZSLOPE ".x * screenpos.x + " I_ZSLOPE
-                 ".y * screenpos.y);\n");
+    out.Write("\tint zCoord = int(" I_ZSLOPE ".z + " I_ZSLOPE ".x * screenpos.x + " I_ZSLOPE
+              ".y * screenpos.y);\n");
   else if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
@@ -870,17 +869,17 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
     // the host GPU driver from performing any early depth test optimizations.
     out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ZBIAS + 1, C_ZBIAS + 1);
     // the screen space depth value = far z + (clip z / clip w) * z range
-    out.WriteFmt("\tint zCoord = " I_ZBIAS "[1].x + int((clipPos.z / clipPos.w) * float(" I_ZBIAS
-                 "[1].y));\n");
+    out.Write("\tint zCoord = " I_ZBIAS "[1].x + int((clipPos.z / clipPos.w) * float(" I_ZBIAS
+              "[1].y));\n");
     if (!host_config.backend_reversed_depth_range)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tint zCoord = int((1.0 - rawpos.z) * 16777216.0);\n");
+      out.Write("\tint zCoord = int((1.0 - rawpos.z) * 16777216.0);\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("\tint zCoord = int(rawpos.z * 16777216.0);\n");
+      out.Write("\tint zCoord = int(rawpos.z * 16777216.0);\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\tzCoord = clamp(zCoord, 0, 0xFFFFFF);\n");
+  out.Write("\tzCoord = clamp(zCoord, 0, 0xFFFFFF);\n");
   // depth texture can safely be ignored if the result won't be written to the depth buffer
   // (early_ztest) and isn't used for fog either
@@ -890,9 +889,9 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
   if (uid_data->per_pixel_depth && uid_data->early_ztest)
     if (!host_config.backend_reversed_depth_range)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tdepth = 1.0 - float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
+      out.Write("\tdepth = 1.0 - float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("\tdepth = float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
+      out.Write("\tdepth = float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
   // Note: depth texture output is only written to depth buffer if late depth test is used
@@ -903,17 +902,17 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
     // use the texture input of the last texture stage (textemp), hopefully this has been read and
     // is in correct format...
     out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ZBIAS, C_ZBIAS + 1);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tzCoord = idot(" I_ZBIAS "[0].xyzw, textemp.xyzw) + " I_ZBIAS "[1].w {};\n",
-                 (uid_data->ztex_op == ZTEXTURE_ADD) ? "+ zCoord" : "");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tzCoord = zCoord & 0xFFFFFF;\n");
+    out.Write("\tzCoord = idot(" I_ZBIAS "[0].xyzw, textemp.xyzw) + " I_ZBIAS "[1].w {};\n",
+              (uid_data->ztex_op == ZTEXTURE_ADD) ? "+ zCoord" : "");
+    out.Write("\tzCoord = zCoord & 0xFFFFFF;\n");
   if (uid_data->per_pixel_depth && uid_data->late_ztest)
     if (!host_config.backend_reversed_depth_range)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tdepth = 1.0 - float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
+      out.Write("\tdepth = 1.0 - float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("\tdepth = float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
+      out.Write("\tdepth = float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
   // No dithering for RGB8 mode
@@ -921,8 +920,8 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
     // Flipper uses a standard 2x2 Bayer Matrix for 6 bit dithering
     // Here the matrix is encoded into the two factor constants
-    out.WriteFmt("\tint2 dither = int2(rawpos.xy) & 1;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tprev.rgb = (prev.rgb - (prev.rgb >> 6)) + abs(dither.y * 3 - dither.x * 2);\n");
+    out.Write("\tint2 dither = int2(rawpos.xy) & 1;\n");
+    out.Write("\tprev.rgb = (prev.rgb - (prev.rgb >> 6)) + abs(dither.y * 3 - dither.x * 2);\n");
   WriteFog(out, uid_data);
@@ -935,9 +934,9 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& hos
     WriteBlend(out, uid_data);
   if (uid_data->bounding_box)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tUpdateBoundingBox(rawpos.xy);\n");
+    out.Write("\tUpdateBoundingBox(rawpos.xy);\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  out.Write("}}\n");
   return out;
@@ -946,7 +945,7 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
                        APIType api_type, bool stereo)
   const auto& stage = uid_data->stagehash[n];
-  out.WriteFmt("\n\t// TEV stage {}\n", n);
+  out.Write("\n\t// TEV stage {}\n", n);
   // HACK to handle cases where the tex gen is not enabled
   u32 texcoord = stage.tevorders_texcoord;
@@ -959,7 +958,7 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
     TevStageIndirect tevind;
     tevind.hex = stage.tevind;
-    out.WriteFmt("\t// indirect op\n");
+    out.Write("\t// indirect op\n");
     // Perform the indirect op on the incoming regular coordinates
     // using iindtex{} as the offset coords
@@ -980,8 +979,8 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
-      out.WriteFmt("alphabump = iindtex{}.{} & {};\n",,
-                   tev_ind_alpha_sel[], tev_ind_alpha_mask[tevind.fmt]);
+      out.Write("alphabump = iindtex{}.{} & {};\n",, tev_ind_alpha_sel[],
+                tev_ind_alpha_mask[tevind.fmt]);
@@ -997,8 +996,8 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
-      out.WriteFmt("\tint3 iindtevcrd{} = iindtex{} & {};\n", n,,
-                   tev_ind_fmt_mask[tevind.fmt]);
+      out.Write("\tint3 iindtevcrd{} = iindtex{} & {};\n", n,,
+                tev_ind_fmt_mask[tevind.fmt]);
       // bias - TODO: Check if this needs to be this complicated...
       // indexed by bias
@@ -1016,19 +1015,19 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
       if (tevind.bias == ITB_S || tevind.bias == ITB_T || tevind.bias == ITB_U)
-        out.WriteFmt("\tiindtevcrd{}.{} += int({});\n", n, tev_ind_bias_field[tevind.bias],
-                     tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt]);
+        out.Write("\tiindtevcrd{}.{} += int({});\n", n, tev_ind_bias_field[tevind.bias],
+                  tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt]);
       else if (tevind.bias == ITB_ST || tevind.bias == ITB_SU || tevind.bias == ITB_TU)
-        out.WriteFmt("\tiindtevcrd{}.{} += int2({}, {});\n", n, tev_ind_bias_field[tevind.bias],
-                     tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt], tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt]);
+        out.Write("\tiindtevcrd{}.{} += int2({}, {});\n", n, tev_ind_bias_field[tevind.bias],
+                  tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt], tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt]);
       else if (tevind.bias == ITB_STU)
-        out.WriteFmt("\tiindtevcrd{}.{} += int3({}, {}, {});\n", n, tev_ind_bias_field[tevind.bias],
-                     tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt], tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt],
-                     tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt]);
+        out.Write("\tiindtevcrd{}.{} += int3({}, {}, {});\n", n, tev_ind_bias_field[tevind.bias],
+                  tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt], tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt],
+                  tev_ind_bias_add[tevind.fmt]);
       // multiply by offset matrix and scale - calculations are likely to overflow badly,
@@ -1038,26 +1037,23 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
         const u32 mtxidx = 2 * (tevind.mid - 1);
         out.SetConstantsUsed(C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx, C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx);
-        out.WriteFmt("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(idot(" I_INDTEXMTX
-                     "[{}].xyz, iindtevcrd{}), idot(" I_INDTEXMTX
-                     "[{}].xyz, iindtevcrd{})) >> 3;\n",
-                     n, mtxidx, n, mtxidx + 1, n);
+        out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(idot(" I_INDTEXMTX
+                  "[{}].xyz, iindtevcrd{}), idot(" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].xyz, iindtevcrd{})) >> 3;\n",
+                  n, mtxidx, n, mtxidx + 1, n);
         // TODO: should use a shader uid branch for this for better performance
         if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_BITWISE_OP_NEGATION))
-          out.WriteFmt("\tint indtexmtx_w_inverse_{} = -" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n", n, mtxidx);
-          out.WriteFmt("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX
-                       "[{}].w;\n",
-                       mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
-          out.WriteFmt("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= indtexmtx_w_inverse_{};\n", n, n);
+          out.Write("\tint indtexmtx_w_inverse_{} = -" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n", n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n",
+                    mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= indtexmtx_w_inverse_{};\n", n, n);
-          out.WriteFmt("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX
-                       "[{}].w;\n",
-                       mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
-          out.WriteFmt("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (-" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w);\n", n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n",
+                    mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (-" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w);\n", n, mtxidx);
       else if (tevind.mid <= 7 && has_tex_coord)
@@ -1066,22 +1062,20 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
         const u32 mtxidx = 2 * (tevind.mid - 5);
         out.SetConstantsUsed(C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx, C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx);
-        out.WriteFmt("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(fixpoint_uv{} * iindtevcrd{}.xx) >> 8;\n", n,
-                     texcoord, n);
+        out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(fixpoint_uv{} * iindtevcrd{}.xx) >> 8;\n", n,
+                  texcoord, n);
         if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_BITWISE_OP_NEGATION))
-          out.WriteFmt("\tint  indtexmtx_w_inverse_{} = -" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n", n, mtxidx);
-          out.WriteFmt("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX
-                       "[{}].w;\n",
-                       mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
-          out.WriteFmt("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (indtexmtx_w_inverse_{});\n", n, n);
+          out.Write("\tint  indtexmtx_w_inverse_{} = -" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n", n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n",
+                    mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (indtexmtx_w_inverse_{});\n", n, n);
-          out.WriteFmt("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX
-                       "[{}].w;\n",
-                       mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
-          out.WriteFmt("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (-" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w);\n", n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n",
+                    mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (-" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w);\n", n, mtxidx);
       else if (tevind.mid <= 11 && has_tex_coord)
@@ -1090,33 +1084,31 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
         const u32 mtxidx = 2 * (tevind.mid - 9);
         out.SetConstantsUsed(C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx, C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx);
-        out.WriteFmt("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(fixpoint_uv{} * iindtevcrd{}.yy) >> 8;\n", n,
-                     texcoord, n);
+        out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(fixpoint_uv{} * iindtevcrd{}.yy) >> 8;\n", n,
+                  texcoord, n);
         if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_BITWISE_OP_NEGATION))
-          out.WriteFmt("\tint  indtexmtx_w_inverse_{} = -" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n", n, mtxidx);
-          out.WriteFmt("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX
-                       "[{}].w;\n",
-                       mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
-          out.WriteFmt("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (indtexmtx_w_inverse_{});\n", n, n);
+          out.Write("\tint  indtexmtx_w_inverse_{} = -" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n", n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n",
+                    mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (indtexmtx_w_inverse_{});\n", n, n);
-          out.WriteFmt("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX
-                       "[{}].w;\n",
-                       mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
-          out.WriteFmt("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (-" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w);\n", n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w >= 0) indtevtrans{} >>= " I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w;\n",
+                    mtxidx, n, mtxidx);
+          out.Write("\telse indtevtrans{} <<= (-" I_INDTEXMTX "[{}].w);\n", n, mtxidx);
-        out.WriteFmt("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(0, 0);\n", n);
+        out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(0, 0);\n", n);
-      out.WriteFmt("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(0, 0);\n", n);
+      out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans{} = int2(0, 0);\n", n);
     // ---------
@@ -1131,40 +1123,40 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
     // wrap S
     if (tevind.sw == ITW_OFF)
-      out.WriteFmt("\twrappedcoord.x = fixpoint_uv{}.x;\n", texcoord);
+      out.Write("\twrappedcoord.x = fixpoint_uv{}.x;\n", texcoord);
     else if (tevind.sw == ITW_0)
-      out.WriteFmt("\twrappedcoord.x = 0;\n");
+      out.Write("\twrappedcoord.x = 0;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("\twrappedcoord.x = fixpoint_uv{}.x & ({} - 1);\n", texcoord,
-                   tev_ind_wrap_start[tevind.sw]);
+      out.Write("\twrappedcoord.x = fixpoint_uv{}.x & ({} - 1);\n", texcoord,
+                tev_ind_wrap_start[tevind.sw]);
     // wrap T
     if ( == ITW_OFF)
-      out.WriteFmt("\twrappedcoord.y = fixpoint_uv{}.y;\n", texcoord);
+      out.Write("\twrappedcoord.y = fixpoint_uv{}.y;\n", texcoord);
     else if ( == ITW_0)
-      out.WriteFmt("\twrappedcoord.y = 0;\n");
+      out.Write("\twrappedcoord.y = 0;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("\twrappedcoord.y = fixpoint_uv{}.y & ({} - 1);\n", texcoord,
-                   tev_ind_wrap_start[]);
+      out.Write("\twrappedcoord.y = fixpoint_uv{}.y & ({} - 1);\n", texcoord,
+                tev_ind_wrap_start[]);
     if (tevind.fb_addprev)  // add previous tevcoord
-      out.WriteFmt("\ttevcoord.xy += wrappedcoord + indtevtrans{};\n", n);
+      out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy += wrappedcoord + indtevtrans{};\n", n);
-      out.WriteFmt("\ttevcoord.xy = wrappedcoord + indtevtrans{};\n", n);
+      out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy = wrappedcoord + indtevtrans{};\n", n);
     // Emulate s24 overflows
-    out.WriteFmt("\ttevcoord.xy = (tevcoord.xy << 8) >> 8;\n");
+    out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy = (tevcoord.xy << 8) >> 8;\n");
   TevStageCombiner::ColorCombiner cc;
@@ -1186,7 +1178,7 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
-    out.WriteFmt("\trastemp = {}.{};\n", tev_ras_table[stage.tevorders_colorchan], rasswap);
+    out.Write("\trastemp = {}.{};\n", tev_ras_table[stage.tevorders_colorchan], rasswap);
   if (stage.tevorders_enable)
@@ -1204,24 +1196,24 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
       // calc tevcord
       if (has_tex_coord)
-        out.WriteFmt("\ttevcoord.xy = fixpoint_uv{};\n", texcoord);
+        out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy = fixpoint_uv{};\n", texcoord);
-        out.WriteFmt("\ttevcoord.xy = int2(0, 0);\n");
+        out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy = int2(0, 0);\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\ttextemp = ");
+    out.Write("\ttextemp = ");
     SampleTexture(out, "float2(tevcoord.xy)", texswap, stage.tevorders_texmap, stereo, api_type);
-    out.WriteFmt("\ttextemp = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n");
+    out.Write("\ttextemp = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tkonsttemp = int4({}, {});\n", tev_ksel_table_c[stage.tevksel_kc],
-                 tev_ksel_table_a[stage.tevksel_ka]);
+    out.Write("\tkonsttemp = int4({}, {});\n", tev_ksel_table_c[stage.tevksel_kc],
+              tev_ksel_table_a[stage.tevksel_ka]);
     if (stage.tevksel_kc > 7)
@@ -1250,16 +1242,16 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
   if (ac.dest >= GX_TEVREG0)
     out.SetConstantsUsed(C_COLORS + ac.dest, C_COLORS + ac.dest);
-  out.WriteFmt("\ttevin_a = int4({}, {})&int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n", tev_c_input_table[cc.a],
-               tev_a_input_table[ac.a]);
-  out.WriteFmt("\ttevin_b = int4({}, {})&int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n", tev_c_input_table[cc.b],
-               tev_a_input_table[ac.b]);
-  out.WriteFmt("\ttevin_c = int4({}, {})&int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n", tev_c_input_table[cc.c],
-               tev_a_input_table[ac.c]);
-  out.WriteFmt("\ttevin_d = int4({}, {});\n", tev_c_input_table[cc.d], tev_a_input_table[ac.d]);
+  out.Write("\ttevin_a = int4({}, {})&int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n", tev_c_input_table[cc.a],
+            tev_a_input_table[ac.a]);
+  out.Write("\ttevin_b = int4({}, {})&int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n", tev_c_input_table[cc.b],
+            tev_a_input_table[ac.b]);
+  out.Write("\ttevin_c = int4({}, {})&int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n", tev_c_input_table[cc.c],
+            tev_a_input_table[ac.c]);
+  out.Write("\ttevin_d = int4({}, {});\n", tev_c_input_table[cc.d], tev_a_input_table[ac.d]);
-  out.WriteFmt("\t// color combine\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\t{} = clamp(", tev_c_output_table[cc.dest]);
+  out.Write("\t// color combine\n");
+  out.Write("\t{} = clamp(", tev_c_output_table[cc.dest]);
   if (cc.bias != TEVBIAS_COMPARE)
     WriteTevRegular(out, "rgb", cc.bias, cc.op, cc.clamp, cc.shift, false);
@@ -1282,17 +1274,17 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
     const u32 mode = (cc.shift << 1) | cc.op;
-    out.WriteFmt("   tevin_d.rgb + ");
-    out.WriteFmt("{}", function_table[mode]);
+    out.Write("   tevin_d.rgb + ");
+    out.Write("{}", function_table[mode]);
   if (cc.clamp)
-    out.WriteFmt(", int3(0,0,0), int3(255,255,255))");
+    out.Write(", int3(0,0,0), int3(255,255,255))");
-    out.WriteFmt(", int3(-1024,-1024,-1024), int3(1023,1023,1023))");
-  out.WriteFmt(";\n");
+    out.Write(", int3(-1024,-1024,-1024), int3(1023,1023,1023))");
+  out.Write(";\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\t// alpha combine\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\t{} = clamp(", tev_a_output_table[ac.dest]);
+  out.Write("\t// alpha combine\n");
+  out.Write("\t{} = clamp(", tev_a_output_table[ac.dest]);
   if (ac.bias != TEVBIAS_COMPARE)
     WriteTevRegular(out, "a", ac.bias, ac.op, ac.clamp, ac.shift, true);
@@ -1311,15 +1303,15 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
     const u32 mode = (ac.shift << 1) | ac.op;
-    out.WriteFmt("   tevin_d.a + ");
-    out.WriteFmt("{}", function_table[mode]);
+    out.Write("   tevin_d.a + ");
+    out.Write("{}", function_table[mode]);
   if (ac.clamp)
-    out.WriteFmt(", 0, 255)");
+    out.Write(", 0, 255)");
-    out.WriteFmt(", -1024, 1023)");
+    out.Write(", -1024, 1023)");
-  out.WriteFmt(";\n");
+  out.Write(";\n");
 static void WriteTevRegular(ShaderCode& out, std::string_view components, int bias, int op,
@@ -1364,14 +1356,12 @@ static void WriteTevRegular(ShaderCode& out, std::string_view components, int bi
   // - c is scaled from 0..255 to 0..256, which allows dividing the result by 256 instead of 255
   // - if scale is bigger than one, it is moved inside the lerp calculation for increased accuracy
   // - a rounding bias is added before dividing by 256
-  out.WriteFmt("(((tevin_d.{}{}){})", components, tev_bias_table[bias],
-               tev_scale_table_left[shift]);
-  out.WriteFmt(" {} ", tev_op_table[op]);
-  out.WriteFmt(
-      "(((((tevin_a.{}<<8) + (tevin_b.{}-tevin_a.{})*(tevin_c.{}+(tevin_c.{}>>7))){}){})>>8)",
-      components, components, components, components, components, tev_scale_table_left[shift],
-      tev_lerp_bias[2 * op + ((shift == 3) == alpha)]);
-  out.WriteFmt("){}", tev_scale_table_right[shift]);
+  out.Write("(((tevin_d.{}{}){})", components, tev_bias_table[bias], tev_scale_table_left[shift]);
+  out.Write(" {} ", tev_op_table[op]);
+  out.Write("(((((tevin_a.{}<<8) + (tevin_b.{}-tevin_a.{})*(tevin_c.{}+(tevin_c.{}>>7))){}){})>>8)",
+            components, components, components, components, components, tev_scale_table_left[shift],
+            tev_lerp_bias[2 * op + ((shift == 3) == alpha)]);
+  out.Write("){}", tev_scale_table_right[shift]);
 static void SampleTexture(ShaderCode& out, std::string_view texcoords, std::string_view texswap,
@@ -1381,15 +1371,14 @@ static void SampleTexture(ShaderCode& out, std::string_view texcoords, std::stri
   if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
-    out.WriteFmt("iround(255.0 * Tex[{}].Sample(samp[{}], float3({}.xy * " I_TEXDIMS
-                 "[{}].xy, {}))).{};\n",
-                 texmap, texmap, texcoords, texmap, stereo ? "layer" : "0.0", texswap);
+    out.Write("iround(255.0 * Tex[{}].Sample(samp[{}], float3({}.xy * " I_TEXDIMS
+              "[{}].xy, {}))).{};\n",
+              texmap, texmap, texcoords, texmap, stereo ? "layer" : "0.0", texswap);
-    out.WriteFmt("iround(255.0 * texture(samp[{}], float3({}.xy * " I_TEXDIMS
-                 "[{}].xy, {}))).{};\n",
-                 texmap, texcoords, texmap, stereo ? "layer" : "0.0", texswap);
+    out.Write("iround(255.0 * texture(samp[{}], float3({}.xy * " I_TEXDIMS "[{}].xy, {}))).{};\n",
+              texmap, texcoords, texmap, stereo ? "layer" : "0.0", texswap);
@@ -1422,52 +1411,52 @@ static void WriteAlphaTest(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_dat
   const auto write_alpha_func = [&out](int index, std::string_view ref) {
     const bool has_no_arguments = index == 0 || index == tev_alpha_funcs_table.size() - 1;
     if (has_no_arguments)
-      out.WriteFmt("{}", tev_alpha_funcs_table[index]);
+      out.Write("{}", tev_alpha_funcs_table[index]);
-      out.WriteFmt(tev_alpha_funcs_table[index], ref);
+      out.Write(tev_alpha_funcs_table[index], ref);
   out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ALPHA, C_ALPHA);
   if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_NEGATED_BOOLEAN))
-    out.WriteFmt("\tif(( ");
+    out.Write("\tif(( ");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tif(!( ");
+    out.Write("\tif(!( ");
   // Lookup the first component from the alpha function table
   const int comp0_index = uid_data->alpha_test_comp0;
   write_alpha_func(comp0_index, alpha_ref[0]);
   // Lookup the logic op
-  out.WriteFmt("{}", tev_alpha_funclogic_table[uid_data->alpha_test_logic]);
+  out.Write("{}", tev_alpha_funclogic_table[uid_data->alpha_test_logic]);
   // Lookup the second component from the alpha function table
   const int comp1_index = uid_data->alpha_test_comp1;
   write_alpha_func(comp1_index, alpha_ref[1]);
   if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_NEGATED_BOOLEAN))
-    out.WriteFmt(") == false) {{\n");
+    out.Write(") == false) {{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt(")) {{\n");
+    out.Write(")) {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\t\tocol0 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
+  out.Write("\t\tocol0 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
   if (use_dual_source && !(api_type == APIType::D3D && uid_data->uint_output))
-    out.WriteFmt("\t\tocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
+    out.Write("\t\tocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
   if (per_pixel_depth)
-    out.WriteFmt("\t\tdepth = {};\n",
-                 !g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange ? "0.0" : "1.0");
+    out.Write("\t\tdepth = {};\n",
+              !g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange ? "0.0" : "1.0");
   if (!uid_data->alpha_test_use_zcomploc_hack)
-    out.WriteFmt("\t\tdiscard;\n");
+    out.Write("\t\tdiscard;\n");
     if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
-      out.WriteFmt("\t\treturn;\n");
+      out.Write("\t\treturn;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\t}}\n");
+  out.Write("\t}}\n");
 constexpr std::array<const char*, 8> tev_fog_funcs_table{
@@ -1497,14 +1486,14 @@ static void WriteFog(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data)
     // renderer)
     //       Maybe we want to use "ze = (A << B_SHF)/((B << B_SHF) - Zs)" instead?
     //       That's equivalent, but keeps the lower bits of Zs.
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat ze = (" I_FOGF ".x * 16777216.0) / float(" I_FOGI
-                 ".y - (zCoord >> " I_FOGI ".w));\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat ze = (" I_FOGF ".x * 16777216.0) / float(" I_FOGI ".y - (zCoord >> " I_FOGI
+              ".w));\n");
     // orthographic
     // ze = a*Zs    (here, no B_SHF)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat ze = " I_FOGF ".x * float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat ze = " I_FOGF ".x * float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
   // x_adjust = sqrt((x-center)^2 + k^2)/k
@@ -1512,22 +1501,22 @@ static void WriteFog(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data)
   if (uid_data->fog_RangeBaseEnabled)
     out.SetConstantsUsed(C_FOGF, C_FOGF);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat offset = (2.0 * (rawpos.x / " I_FOGF ".w)) - 1.0 - " I_FOGF ".z;\n"
-                 "\tfloat floatindex = clamp(9.0 - abs(offset) * 9.0, 0.0, 9.0);\n"
-                 "\tuint indexlower = uint(floatindex);\n"
-                 "\tuint indexupper = indexlower + 1u;\n"
-                 "\tfloat klower = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexlower >> 2u][indexlower & 3u];\n"
-                 "\tfloat kupper = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexupper >> 2u][indexupper & 3u];\n"
-                 "\tfloat k = lerp(klower, kupper, frac(floatindex));\n"
-                 "\tfloat x_adjust = sqrt(offset * offset + k * k) / k;\n"
-                 "\tze *= x_adjust;\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat offset = (2.0 * (rawpos.x / " I_FOGF ".w)) - 1.0 - " I_FOGF ".z;\n"
+              "\tfloat floatindex = clamp(9.0 - abs(offset) * 9.0, 0.0, 9.0);\n"
+              "\tuint indexlower = uint(floatindex);\n"
+              "\tuint indexupper = indexlower + 1u;\n"
+              "\tfloat klower = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexlower >> 2u][indexlower & 3u];\n"
+              "\tfloat kupper = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexupper >> 2u][indexupper & 3u];\n"
+              "\tfloat k = lerp(klower, kupper, frac(floatindex));\n"
+              "\tfloat x_adjust = sqrt(offset * offset + k * k) / k;\n"
+              "\tze *= x_adjust;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\tfloat fog = clamp(ze - " I_FOGF ".y, 0.0, 1.0);\n");
+  out.Write("\tfloat fog = clamp(ze - " I_FOGF ".y, 0.0, 1.0);\n");
   if (uid_data->fog_fsel > 3)
-    out.WriteFmt("{}", tev_fog_funcs_table[uid_data->fog_fsel]);
+    out.Write("{}", tev_fog_funcs_table[uid_data->fog_fsel]);
@@ -1535,8 +1524,8 @@ static void WriteFog(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data)
       WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown Fog Type! %08x", uid_data->fog_fsel);
-  out.WriteFmt("\tint ifog = iround(fog * 256.0);\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\tprev.rgb = (prev.rgb * (256 - ifog) + " I_FOGCOLOR ".rgb * ifog) >> 8;\n");
+  out.Write("\tint ifog = iround(fog * 256.0);\n");
+  out.Write("\tprev.rgb = (prev.rgb * (256 - ifog) + " I_FOGCOLOR ".rgb * ifog) >> 8;\n");
 static void WriteColor(ShaderCode& out, APIType api_type, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data,
@@ -1546,33 +1535,33 @@ static void WriteColor(ShaderCode& out, APIType api_type, const pixel_shader_uid
   if (api_type == APIType::D3D && uid_data->uint_output)
     if (uid_data->rgba6_format)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tocol0 = uint4(prev & 0xFC);\n");
+      out.Write("\tocol0 = uint4(prev & 0xFC);\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("\tocol0 = uint4(prev);\n");
+      out.Write("\tocol0 = uint4(prev);\n");
   if (uid_data->rgba6_format)
-    out.WriteFmt("\tocol0.rgb = float3(prev.rgb >> 2) / 63.0;\n");
+    out.Write("\tocol0.rgb = float3(prev.rgb >> 2) / 63.0;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tocol0.rgb = float3(prev.rgb) / 255.0;\n");
+    out.Write("\tocol0.rgb = float3(prev.rgb) / 255.0;\n");
   // Colors will be blended against the 8-bit alpha from ocol1 and
   // the 6-bit alpha from ocol0 will be written to the framebuffer
   if (uid_data->useDstAlpha)
     out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ALPHA, C_ALPHA);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tocol0.a = float(" I_ALPHA ".a >> 2) / 63.0;\n");
+    out.Write("\tocol0.a = float(" I_ALPHA ".a >> 2) / 63.0;\n");
     // Use dual-source color blending to perform dst alpha in a single pass
     if (use_dual_source)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, float(prev.a) / 255.0);\n");
+      out.Write("\tocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, float(prev.a) / 255.0);\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tocol0.a = float(prev.a >> 2) / 63.0;\n");
+    out.Write("\tocol0.a = float(prev.a >> 2) / 63.0;\n");
     if (use_dual_source)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, float(prev.a) / 255.0);\n");
+      out.Write("\tocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, float(prev.a) / 255.0);\n");
@@ -1620,34 +1609,34 @@ static void WriteBlend(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data)
         "initial_ocol0.a;",        // DSTALPHA
         "1.0 - initial_ocol0.a;",  // INVDSTALPHA
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat4 blend_src;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tblend_src.rgb = {}\n", blend_src_factor[uid_data->blend_src_factor]);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tblend_src.a = {}\n", blend_src_factor_alpha[uid_data->blend_src_factor_alpha]);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat4 blend_dst;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tblend_dst.rgb = {}\n", blend_dst_factor[uid_data->blend_dst_factor]);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tblend_dst.a = {}\n", blend_dst_factor_alpha[uid_data->blend_dst_factor_alpha]);
+    out.Write("\tfloat4 blend_src;\n");
+    out.Write("\tblend_src.rgb = {}\n", blend_src_factor[uid_data->blend_src_factor]);
+    out.Write("\tblend_src.a = {}\n", blend_src_factor_alpha[uid_data->blend_src_factor_alpha]);
+    out.Write("\tfloat4 blend_dst;\n");
+    out.Write("\tblend_dst.rgb = {}\n", blend_dst_factor[uid_data->blend_dst_factor]);
+    out.Write("\tblend_dst.a = {}\n", blend_dst_factor_alpha[uid_data->blend_dst_factor_alpha]);
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat4 blend_result;\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat4 blend_result;\n");
     if (uid_data->blend_subtract)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tblend_result.rgb = initial_ocol0.rgb * blend_dst.rgb - ocol0.rgb * "
-                   "blend_src.rgb;\n");
+      out.Write("\tblend_result.rgb = initial_ocol0.rgb * blend_dst.rgb - ocol0.rgb * "
+                "blend_src.rgb;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt(
+      out.Write(
           "\tblend_result.rgb = initial_ocol0.rgb * blend_dst.rgb + ocol0.rgb * blend_src.rgb;\n");
     if (uid_data->blend_subtract_alpha)
-      out.WriteFmt("\tblend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a - ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n");
+      out.Write("\tblend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a - ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("\tblend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a + ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n");
+      out.Write("\tblend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a + ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat4 blend_result = ocol0;\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat4 blend_result = ocol0;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("\treal_ocol0 = blend_result;\n");
+  out.Write("\treal_ocol0 = blend_result;\n");
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.cpp
index 75d77db687..f69dbabe99 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.cpp
@@ -91,20 +91,20 @@ static void DefineOutputMember(ShaderCode& object, APIType api_type, std::string
                                std::string_view type, std::string_view name, int var_index,
                                std::string_view semantic = {}, int semantic_index = -1)
-  object.WriteFmt("\t{} {} {}", qualifier, type, name);
+  object.Write("\t{} {} {}", qualifier, type, name);
   if (var_index != -1)
-    object.WriteFmt("{}", var_index);
+    object.Write("{}", var_index);
   if (api_type == APIType::D3D && !semantic.empty())
     if (semantic_index != -1)
-      object.WriteFmt(" : {}{}", semantic, semantic_index);
+      object.Write(" : {}{}", semantic, semantic_index);
-      object.WriteFmt(" : {}", semantic);
+      object.Write(" : {}", semantic);
-  object.WriteFmt(";\n");
+  object.Write(";\n");
 void GenerateVSOutputMembers(ShaderCode& object, APIType api_type, u32 texgens,
@@ -138,26 +138,26 @@ void GenerateVSOutputMembers(ShaderCode& object, APIType api_type, u32 texgens,
 void AssignVSOutputMembers(ShaderCode& object, std::string_view a, std::string_view b, u32 texgens,
                            const ShaderHostConfig& host_config)
-  object.WriteFmt("\t{}.pos = {}.pos;\n", a, b);
-  object.WriteFmt("\t{}.colors_0 = {}.colors_0;\n", a, b);
-  object.WriteFmt("\t{}.colors_1 = {}.colors_1;\n", a, b);
+  object.Write("\t{}.pos = {}.pos;\n", a, b);
+  object.Write("\t{}.colors_0 = {}.colors_0;\n", a, b);
+  object.Write("\t{}.colors_1 = {}.colors_1;\n", a, b);
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < texgens; ++i)
-    object.WriteFmt("\t{}.tex{} = {}.tex{};\n", a, i, b, i);
+    object.Write("\t{}.tex{} = {}.tex{};\n", a, i, b, i);
   if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-    object.WriteFmt("\t{}.clipPos = {}.clipPos;\n", a, b);
+    object.Write("\t{}.clipPos = {}.clipPos;\n", a, b);
   if (host_config.per_pixel_lighting)
-    object.WriteFmt("\t{}.Normal = {}.Normal;\n", a, b);
-    object.WriteFmt("\t{}.WorldPos = {}.WorldPos;\n", a, b);
+    object.Write("\t{}.Normal = {}.Normal;\n", a, b);
+    object.Write("\t{}.WorldPos = {}.WorldPos;\n", a, b);
   if (host_config.backend_geometry_shaders)
-    object.WriteFmt("\t{}.clipDist0 = {}.clipDist0;\n", a, b);
-    object.WriteFmt("\t{}.clipDist1 = {}.clipDist1;\n", a, b);
+    object.Write("\t{}.clipDist0 = {}.clipDist0;\n", a, b);
+    object.Write("\t{}.clipDist1 = {}.clipDist1;\n", a, b);
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.h b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.h
index d816d46fae..98d01a3ff4 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.h
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.h
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 #pragma once
-#include <cstdarg>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <iterator>
 #include <string>
@@ -104,21 +103,9 @@ public:
   ShaderCode() { m_buffer.reserve(16384); }
   const std::string& GetBuffer() const { return m_buffer; }
-  // Deprecated: Writes format strings using traditional printf format strings.
-  void Write(const char* fmt, ...)
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-      __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
-  {
-    va_list arglist;
-    va_start(arglist, fmt);
-    m_buffer += StringFromFormatV(fmt, arglist);
-    va_end(arglist);
-  }
   // Writes format strings using fmtlib format strings.
   template <typename... Args>
-  void WriteFmt(std::string_view format, Args&&... args)
+  void Write(std::string_view format, Args&&... args)
     fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(m_buffer), format, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/TextureConversionShader.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/TextureConversionShader.cpp
index fefcce0d1d..46870c4b41 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/TextureConversionShader.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/TextureConversionShader.cpp
@@ -60,63 +60,63 @@ static void WriteHeader(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type)
     // left, top, of source rectangle within source texture
     // width of the destination rectangle, scale_factor (1 or 2)
-    code.WriteFmt("UBO_BINDING(std140, 1) uniform PSBlock {{\n"
-                  "  int4 position;\n"
-                  "  float y_scale;\n"
-                  "  float gamma_rcp;\n"
-                  "  float2 clamp_tb;\n"
-                  "  float3 filter_coefficients;\n"
-                  "}};\n");
+    code.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 1) uniform PSBlock {{\n"
+               "  int4 position;\n"
+               "  float y_scale;\n"
+               "  float gamma_rcp;\n"
+               "  float2 clamp_tb;\n"
+               "  float3 filter_coefficients;\n"
+               "}};\n");
     if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGeometryShaders)
-      code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n"
-                    "  float3 v_tex0;\n"
-                    "}};\n");
+      code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n"
+                 "  float3 v_tex0;\n"
+                 "}};\n");
-      code.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in float3 v_tex0;\n");
+      code.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in float3 v_tex0;\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray samp0;\n"
-                  "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out float4 ocol0;\n");
+    code.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray samp0;\n"
+               "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out float4 ocol0;\n");
   else  // D3D
-    code.WriteFmt("cbuffer PSBlock : register(b0) {{\n"
-                  "  int4 position;\n"
-                  "  float y_scale;\n"
-                  "  float gamma_rcp;\n"
-                  "  float2 clamp_tb;\n"
-                  "  float3 filter_coefficients;\n"
-                  "}};\n"
-                  "sampler samp0 : register(s0);\n"
-                  "Texture2DArray Tex0 : register(t0);\n");
+    code.Write("cbuffer PSBlock : register(b0) {{\n"
+               "  int4 position;\n"
+               "  float y_scale;\n"
+               "  float gamma_rcp;\n"
+               "  float2 clamp_tb;\n"
+               "  float3 filter_coefficients;\n"
+               "}};\n"
+               "sampler samp0 : register(s0);\n"
+               "Texture2DArray Tex0 : register(t0);\n");
   // D3D does not have roundEven(), only round(), which is specified "to the nearest integer".
   // This differs from the roundEven() behavior, but to get consistency across drivers in OpenGL
   // we need to use roundEven().
   if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
-    code.WriteFmt("#define roundEven(x) round(x)\n");
+    code.Write("#define roundEven(x) round(x)\n");
   // Alpha channel in the copy is set to 1 the EFB format does not have an alpha channel.
-  code.WriteFmt("float4 RGBA8ToRGB8(float4 src)\n"
-                "{{\n"
-                "  return float4(, 1.0);\n"
-                "}}\n"
+  code.Write("float4 RGBA8ToRGB8(float4 src)\n"
+             "{{\n"
+             "  return float4(, 1.0);\n"
+             "}}\n"
-                "float4 RGBA8ToRGBA6(float4 src)\n"
-                "{{\n"
-                "  int4 val = int4(roundEven(src * 255.0)) >> 2;\n"
-                "  return float4(val) / 63.0;\n"
-                "}}\n"
+             "float4 RGBA8ToRGBA6(float4 src)\n"
+             "{{\n"
+             "  int4 val = int4(roundEven(src * 255.0)) >> 2;\n"
+             "  return float4(val) / 63.0;\n"
+             "}}\n"
-                "float4 RGBA8ToRGB565(float4 src)\n"
-                "{{\n"
-                "  int4 val = int4(roundEven(src * 255.0));\n"
-                "  val = int4(val.r >> 3, val.g >> 2, val.b >> 3, 1);\n"
-                "  return float4(val) / float4(31.0, 63.0, 31.0, 1.0);\n"
-                "}}\n");
+             "float4 RGBA8ToRGB565(float4 src)\n"
+             "{{\n"
+             "  int4 val = int4(roundEven(src * 255.0));\n"
+             "  val = int4(val.r >> 3, val.g >> 2, val.b >> 3, 1);\n"
+             "  return float4(val) / float4(31.0, 63.0, 31.0, 1.0);\n"
+             "}}\n");
 static void WriteSampleFunction(ShaderCode& code, const EFBCopyParams& params, APIType api_type)
@@ -127,16 +127,16 @@ static void WriteSampleFunction(ShaderCode& code, const EFBCopyParams& params, A
       switch (params.efb_format)
       case PEControl::RGB8_Z24:
-        code.WriteFmt("RGBA8ToRGB8(");
+        code.Write("RGBA8ToRGB8(");
       case PEControl::RGBA6_Z24:
-        code.WriteFmt("RGBA8ToRGBA6(");
+        code.Write("RGBA8ToRGBA6(");
       case PEControl::RGB565_Z16:
-        code.WriteFmt("RGBA8ToRGB565(");
+        code.Write("RGBA8ToRGB565(");
-        code.WriteFmt("(");
+        code.Write("(");
@@ -144,63 +144,63 @@ static void WriteSampleFunction(ShaderCode& code, const EFBCopyParams& params, A
       // Handle D3D depth inversion.
       if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange)
-        code.WriteFmt("1.0 - (");
+        code.Write("1.0 - (");
-        code.WriteFmt("(");
+        code.Write("(");
     if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-      code.WriteFmt("texture(samp0, float3(");
+      code.Write("texture(samp0, float3(");
-      code.WriteFmt("Tex0.Sample(samp0, float3(");
+      code.Write("Tex0.Sample(samp0, float3(");
-    code.WriteFmt("uv.x + float(xoffset) * pixel_size.x, ");
+    code.Write("uv.x + float(xoffset) * pixel_size.x, ");
     // Reverse the direction for OpenGL, since positive numbers are distance from the bottom row.
     if (yoffset != 0)
       if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL)
-        code.WriteFmt("clamp(uv.y - float({}) * pixel_size.y, clamp_tb.x, clamp_tb.y)", yoffset);
+        code.Write("clamp(uv.y - float({}) * pixel_size.y, clamp_tb.x, clamp_tb.y)", yoffset);
-        code.WriteFmt("clamp(uv.y + float({}) * pixel_size.y, clamp_tb.x, clamp_tb.y)", yoffset);
+        code.Write("clamp(uv.y + float({}) * pixel_size.y, clamp_tb.x, clamp_tb.y)", yoffset);
-      code.WriteFmt("uv.y");
+      code.Write("uv.y");
-    code.WriteFmt(", 0.0)))");
+    code.Write(", 0.0)))");
   // The copy filter applies to both color and depth copies. This has been verified on hardware.
   // The filter is only applied to the RGB channels, the alpha channel is left intact.
-  code.WriteFmt("float4 SampleEFB(float2 uv, float2 pixel_size, int xoffset)\n"
-                "{{\n");
+  code.Write("float4 SampleEFB(float2 uv, float2 pixel_size, int xoffset)\n"
+             "{{\n");
   if (params.copy_filter)
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 prev_row = ");
+    code.Write("  float4 prev_row = ");
-    code.WriteFmt(";\n"
-                  "  float4 current_row = ");
+    code.Write(";\n"
+               "  float4 current_row = ");
-    code.WriteFmt(";\n"
-                  "  float4 next_row = ");
+    code.Write(";\n"
+               "  float4 next_row = ");
-    code.WriteFmt(";\n"
-                  "  return float4(min(prev_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[0] +\n"
-                  "                      current_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[1] +\n"
-                  "                      next_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[2], \n"
-                  "                    float3(1, 1, 1)), current_row.a);\n");
+    code.Write(";\n"
+               "  return float4(min(prev_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[0] +\n"
+               "                      current_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[1] +\n"
+               "                      next_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[2], \n"
+               "                    float3(1, 1, 1)), current_row.a);\n");
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 current_row = ");
+    code.Write("  float4 current_row = ");
-    code.WriteFmt(";\n"
-                  "return float4(min(current_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[1], float3(1, 1, 1)),\n"
-                  "              current_row.a);\n");
+    code.Write(";\n"
+               "return float4(min(current_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[1], float3(1, 1, 1)),\n"
+               "              current_row.a);\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
 // Block dimensions   : widthStride, heightStride
@@ -213,101 +213,101 @@ static void WriteSwizzler(ShaderCode& code, const EFBCopyParams& params, EFBCopy
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    code.WriteFmt("void main()\n"
-                  "{{\n"
-                  "  int2 sampleUv;\n"
-                  "  int2 uv1 = int2(gl_FragCoord.xy);\n");
+    code.Write("void main()\n"
+               "{{\n"
+               "  int2 sampleUv;\n"
+               "  int2 uv1 = int2(gl_FragCoord.xy);\n");
   else  // D3D
-    code.WriteFmt("void main(\n"
-                  "  in float3 v_tex0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-                  "  in float4 rawpos : SV_Position,\n"
-                  "  out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target)\n"
-                  "{{\n"
-                  "  int2 sampleUv;\n"
-                  "  int2 uv1 = int2(rawpos.xy);\n");
+    code.Write("void main(\n"
+               "  in float3 v_tex0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+               "  in float4 rawpos : SV_Position,\n"
+               "  out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target)\n"
+               "{{\n"
+               "  int2 sampleUv;\n"
+               "  int2 uv1 = int2(rawpos.xy);\n");
   const int blkW = TexDecoder_GetEFBCopyBlockWidthInTexels(format);
   const int blkH = TexDecoder_GetEFBCopyBlockHeightInTexels(format);
   int samples = GetEncodedSampleCount(format);
-  code.WriteFmt("  int x_block_position = (uv1.x >> {}) << {};\n", IntLog2(blkH * blkW / samples),
-                IntLog2(blkW));
-  code.WriteFmt("  int y_block_position = uv1.y << {};\n", IntLog2(blkH));
+  code.Write("  int x_block_position = (uv1.x >> {}) << {};\n", IntLog2(blkH * blkW / samples),
+             IntLog2(blkW));
+  code.Write("  int y_block_position = uv1.y << {};\n", IntLog2(blkH));
   if (samples == 1)
     // With samples == 1, we write out pairs of blocks; one A8R8, one G8B8.
-    code.WriteFmt("  bool first = (uv1.x & {}) == 0;\n", blkH * blkW / 2);
+    code.Write("  bool first = (uv1.x & {}) == 0;\n", blkH * blkW / 2);
     samples = 2;
-  code.WriteFmt("  int offset_in_block = uv1.x & {};\n", (blkH * blkW / samples) - 1);
-  code.WriteFmt("  int y_offset_in_block = offset_in_block >> {};\n", IntLog2(blkW / samples));
-  code.WriteFmt("  int x_offset_in_block = (offset_in_block & {}) << {};\n", (blkW / samples) - 1,
-                IntLog2(samples));
+  code.Write("  int offset_in_block = uv1.x & {};\n", (blkH * blkW / samples) - 1);
+  code.Write("  int y_offset_in_block = offset_in_block >> {};\n", IntLog2(blkW / samples));
+  code.Write("  int x_offset_in_block = (offset_in_block & {}) << {};\n", (blkW / samples) - 1,
+             IntLog2(samples));
-  code.WriteFmt("  sampleUv.x = x_block_position + x_offset_in_block;\n"
-                "  sampleUv.y = y_block_position + y_offset_in_block;\n");
+  code.Write("  sampleUv.x = x_block_position + x_offset_in_block;\n"
+             "  sampleUv.y = y_block_position + y_offset_in_block;\n");
   // sampleUv is the sample position in (int)gx_coords
-  code.WriteFmt("  float2 uv0 = float2(sampleUv);\n");
+  code.Write("  float2 uv0 = float2(sampleUv);\n");
   // Move to center of pixel
-  code.WriteFmt("  uv0 += float2(0.5, 0.5);\n");
+  code.Write("  uv0 += float2(0.5, 0.5);\n");
   // Scale by two if needed (also move to pixel borders
   // so that linear filtering will average adjacent
   // pixel)
-  code.WriteFmt("  uv0 *= float(position.w);\n");
+  code.Write("  uv0 *= float(position.w);\n");
   // Move to copied rect
-  code.WriteFmt("  uv0 += float2(position.xy);\n");
+  code.Write("  uv0 += float2(position.xy);\n");
   // Normalize to [0:1]
-  code.WriteFmt("  uv0 /= float2({}, {});\n", EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT);
+  code.Write("  uv0 /= float2({}, {});\n", EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT);
   // Apply the y scaling
-  code.WriteFmt("  uv0 /= float2(1, y_scale);\n");
+  code.Write("  uv0 /= float2(1, y_scale);\n");
   // OGL has to flip up and down
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL)
-    code.WriteFmt("  uv0.y = 1.0-uv0.y;\n");
+    code.Write("  uv0.y = 1.0-uv0.y;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  float2 pixel_size = float2(position.w, position.w) / float2({}, {});\n",
-                EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT);
+  code.Write("  float2 pixel_size = float2(position.w, position.w) / float2({}, {});\n", EFB_WIDTH,
+             EFB_HEIGHT);
 static void WriteSampleColor(ShaderCode& code, std::string_view color_comp, std::string_view dest,
                              int x_offset, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyParams& params)
-  code.WriteFmt("  {} = SampleEFB(uv0, pixel_size, {}).{};\n", dest, x_offset, color_comp);
+  code.Write("  {} = SampleEFB(uv0, pixel_size, {}).{};\n", dest, x_offset, color_comp);
 static void WriteColorToIntensity(ShaderCode& code, std::string_view src, std::string_view dest)
   if (!IntensityConstantAdded)
-    code.WriteFmt("  float4 IntensityConst = float4(0.257f,0.504f,0.098f,0.0625f);\n");
+    code.Write("  float4 IntensityConst = float4(0.257f,0.504f,0.098f,0.0625f);\n");
     IntensityConstantAdded = true;
-  code.WriteFmt("  {} = dot(IntensityConst.rgb, {}.rgb);\n", dest, src);
+  code.Write("  {} = dot(IntensityConst.rgb, {}.rgb);\n", dest, src);
   // don't add IntensityConst.a yet, because doing it later is faster and uses less instructions,
   // due to vectorization
 static void WriteToBitDepth(ShaderCode& code, u8 depth, std::string_view src, std::string_view dest)
-  code.WriteFmt("  {} = floor({} * 255.0 / exp2(8.0 - {}.0));\n", dest, src, depth);
+  code.Write("  {} = floor({} * 255.0 / exp2(8.0 - {}.0));\n", dest, src, depth);
 static void WriteEncoderEnd(ShaderCode& code)
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   IntensityConstantAdded = false;
 static void WriteI8Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyParams& params)
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::R8, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float3 texSample;\n");
+  code.Write("  float3 texSample;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgb", "texSample", 0, api_type, params);
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "ocol0.b");
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ static void WriteI8Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyPara
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "ocol0.a");
   // See WriteColorToIntensity
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.rgba += IntensityConst.aaaa;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.rgba += IntensityConst.aaaa;\n");
@@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ static void WriteI8Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyPara
 static void WriteI4Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyParams& params)
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::R4, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float3 texSample;\n"
-                "  float4 color0;\n"
-                "  float4 color1;\n");
+  code.Write("  float3 texSample;\n"
+             "  float4 color0;\n"
+             "  float4 color1;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgb", "texSample", 0, api_type, params);
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "color0.b");
@@ -358,30 +358,30 @@ static void WriteI4Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyPara
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgb", "texSample", 7, api_type, params);
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "color1.a");
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.rgba += IntensityConst.aaaa;\n"
-                "  color1.rgba += IntensityConst.aaaa;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.rgba += IntensityConst.aaaa;\n"
+             "  color1.rgba += IntensityConst.aaaa;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "color0", "color0");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "color1", "color1");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = (color0 * 16.0 + color1) / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0 = (color0 * 16.0 + color1) / 255.0;\n");
 static void WriteIA8Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyParams& params)
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::RA8, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float4 texSample;\n");
+  code.Write("  float4 texSample;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 0, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.b = texSample.a;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.b = texSample.a;\n");
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "ocol0.g");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 1, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.r = texSample.a;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.r = texSample.a;\n");
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "ocol0.a");
-  code.WriteFmt(" += IntensityConst.aa;\n");
+  code.Write(" += IntensityConst.aa;\n");
@@ -389,57 +389,57 @@ static void WriteIA8Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyPar
 static void WriteIA4Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyParams& params)
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::RA4, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float4 texSample;\n"
-                "  float4 color0;\n"
-                "  float4 color1;\n");
+  code.Write("  float4 texSample;\n"
+             "  float4 color0;\n"
+             "  float4 color1;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 0, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.b = texSample.a;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.b = texSample.a;\n");
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "color1.b");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 1, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.g = texSample.a;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.g = texSample.a;\n");
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "color1.g");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 2, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.r = texSample.a;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.r = texSample.a;\n");
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "color1.r");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 3, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.a = texSample.a;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.a = texSample.a;\n");
   WriteColorToIntensity(code, "texSample", "color1.a");
-  code.WriteFmt("  color1.rgba += IntensityConst.aaaa;\n");
+  code.Write("  color1.rgba += IntensityConst.aaaa;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "color0", "color0");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "color1", "color1");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = (color0 * 16.0 + color1) / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0 = (color0 * 16.0 + color1) / 255.0;\n");
 static void WriteRGB565Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyParams& params)
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::RGB565, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float3 texSample0;\n"
-                "  float3 texSample1;\n");
+  code.Write("  float3 texSample0;\n"
+             "  float3 texSample1;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgb", "texSample0", 0, api_type, params);
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgb", "texSample1", 1, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float2 texRs = float2(texSample0.r, texSample1.r);\n"
-                "  float2 texGs = float2(texSample0.g, texSample1.g);\n"
-                "  float2 texBs = float2(texSample0.b, texSample1.b);\n");
+  code.Write("  float2 texRs = float2(texSample0.r, texSample1.r);\n"
+             "  float2 texGs = float2(texSample0.g, texSample1.g);\n"
+             "  float2 texBs = float2(texSample0.b, texSample1.b);\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 6, "texGs", "float2 gInt");
-  code.WriteFmt("  float2 gUpper = floor(gInt / 8.0);\n"
-                "  float2 gLower = gInt - gUpper * 8.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  float2 gUpper = floor(gInt / 8.0);\n"
+             "  float2 gLower = gInt - gUpper * 8.0;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 5, "texRs", "");
-  code.WriteFmt(" = * 8.0 + gUpper;\n");
+  code.Write(" = * 8.0 + gUpper;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 5, "texBs", "");
-  code.WriteFmt(" = + gLower * 32.0;\n");
+  code.Write(" = + gLower * 32.0;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = ocol0 / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0 = ocol0 / 255.0;\n");
@@ -447,63 +447,63 @@ static void WriteRGB5A3Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopy
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::RGB5A3, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float4 texSample;\n"
-                "  float color0;\n"
-                "  float gUpper;\n"
-                "  float gLower;\n");
+  code.Write("  float4 texSample;\n"
+             "  float color0;\n"
+             "  float gUpper;\n"
+             "  float gLower;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 0, api_type, params);
   // 0.8784 = 224 / 255 which is the maximum alpha value that can be represented in 3 bits
-  code.WriteFmt("if(texSample.a > 0.878f) {{\n");
+  code.Write("if(texSample.a > 0.878f) {{\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 5, "texSample.g", "color0");
-  code.WriteFmt("  gUpper = floor(color0 / 8.0);\n"
-                "  gLower = color0 - gUpper * 8.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  gUpper = floor(color0 / 8.0);\n"
+             "  gLower = color0 - gUpper * 8.0;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 5, "texSample.r", "ocol0.b");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.b = ocol0.b * 4.0 + gUpper + 128.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.b = ocol0.b * 4.0 + gUpper + 128.0;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 5, "texSample.b", "ocol0.g");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.g = ocol0.g + gLower * 32.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.g = ocol0.g + gLower * 32.0;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}} else {{\n");
+  code.Write("}} else {{\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "texSample.r", "ocol0.b");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "texSample.b", "ocol0.g");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 3, "texSample.a", "color0");
-  code.WriteFmt("ocol0.b = ocol0.b + color0 * 16.0;\n");
+  code.Write("ocol0.b = ocol0.b + color0 * 16.0;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "texSample.g", "color0");
-  code.WriteFmt("ocol0.g = ocol0.g + color0 * 16.0;\n");
+  code.Write("ocol0.g = ocol0.g + color0 * 16.0;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 1, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("if(texSample.a > 0.878f) {{\n");
+  code.Write("if(texSample.a > 0.878f) {{\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 5, "texSample.g", "color0");
-  code.WriteFmt("  gUpper = floor(color0 / 8.0);\n"
-                "  gLower = color0 - gUpper * 8.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  gUpper = floor(color0 / 8.0);\n"
+             "  gLower = color0 - gUpper * 8.0;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 5, "texSample.r", "ocol0.r");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.r = ocol0.r * 4.0 + gUpper + 128.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.r = ocol0.r * 4.0 + gUpper + 128.0;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 5, "texSample.b", "ocol0.a");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.a = ocol0.a + gLower * 32.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.a = ocol0.a + gLower * 32.0;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}} else {{\n");
+  code.Write("}} else {{\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "texSample.r", "ocol0.r");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "texSample.b", "ocol0.a");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 3, "texSample.a", "color0");
-  code.WriteFmt("ocol0.r = ocol0.r + color0 * 16.0;\n");
+  code.Write("ocol0.r = ocol0.r + color0 * 16.0;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "texSample.g", "color0");
-  code.WriteFmt("ocol0.a = ocol0.a + color0 * 16.0;\n");
+  code.Write("ocol0.a = ocol0.a + color0 * 16.0;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  code.Write("}}\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = ocol0 / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0 = ocol0 / 255.0;\n");
@@ -511,23 +511,23 @@ static void WriteRGBA8Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyP
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::RGBA8, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float4 texSample;\n"
-                "  float4 color0;\n"
-                "  float4 color1;\n");
+  code.Write("  float4 texSample;\n"
+             "  float4 color0;\n"
+             "  float4 color1;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 0, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.b = texSample.a;\n"
-                "  color0.g = texSample.r;\n"
-                "  color1.b = texSample.g;\n"
-                "  color1.g = texSample.b;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.b = texSample.a;\n"
+             "  color0.g = texSample.r;\n"
+             "  color1.b = texSample.g;\n"
+             "  color1.g = texSample.b;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgba", "texSample", 1, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.r = texSample.a;\n"
-                "  color0.a = texSample.r;\n"
-                "  color1.r = texSample.g;\n"
-                "  color1.a = texSample.b;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.r = texSample.a;\n"
+             "  color0.a = texSample.r;\n"
+             "  color1.r = texSample.g;\n"
+             "  color1.a = texSample.b;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = first ? color0 : color1;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0 = first ? color0 : color1;\n");
@@ -536,8 +536,8 @@ static void WriteC4Encoder(ShaderCode& code, std::string_view comp, APIType api_
                            const EFBCopyParams& params)
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::R4, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float4 color0;\n"
-                "  float4 color1;\n");
+  code.Write("  float4 color0;\n"
+             "  float4 color1;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, comp, "color0.b", 0, api_type, params);
   WriteSampleColor(code, comp, "color1.b", 1, api_type, params);
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ static void WriteC4Encoder(ShaderCode& code, std::string_view comp, APIType api_
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "color0", "color0");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "color1", "color1");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = (color0 * 16.0 + color1) / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0 = (color0 * 16.0 + color1) / 255.0;\n");
@@ -572,30 +572,30 @@ static void WriteCC4Encoder(ShaderCode& code, std::string_view comp, APIType api
                             const EFBCopyParams& params)
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::RA4, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float2 texSample;\n"
-                "  float4 color0;\n"
-                "  float4 color1;\n");
+  code.Write("  float2 texSample;\n"
+             "  float4 color0;\n"
+             "  float4 color1;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, comp, "texSample", 0, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.b = texSample.x;\n"
-                "  color1.b = texSample.y;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.b = texSample.x;\n"
+             "  color1.b = texSample.y;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, comp, "texSample", 1, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.g = texSample.x;\n"
-                "  color1.g = texSample.y;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.g = texSample.x;\n"
+             "  color1.g = texSample.y;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, comp, "texSample", 2, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.r = texSample.x;\n"
-                "  color1.r = texSample.y;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.r = texSample.x;\n"
+             "  color1.r = texSample.y;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, comp, "texSample", 3, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0.a = texSample.x;\n"
-                "  color1.a = texSample.y;\n");
+  code.Write("  color0.a = texSample.x;\n"
+             "  color1.a = texSample.y;\n");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "color0", "color0");
   WriteToBitDepth(code, 4, "color1", "color1");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = (color0 * 16.0 + color1) / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0 = (color0 * 16.0 + color1) / 255.0;\n");
@@ -615,19 +615,19 @@ static void WriteZ8Encoder(ShaderCode& code, std::string_view multiplier, APITyp
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::G8, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt(" float depth;\n");
+  code.Write(" float depth;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth", 0, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("ocol0.b = frac(depth * {});\n", multiplier);
+  code.Write("ocol0.b = frac(depth * {});\n", multiplier);
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth", 1, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("ocol0.g = frac(depth * {});\n", multiplier);
+  code.Write("ocol0.g = frac(depth * {});\n", multiplier);
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth", 2, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("ocol0.r = frac(depth * {});\n", multiplier);
+  code.Write("ocol0.r = frac(depth * {});\n", multiplier);
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth", 3, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("ocol0.a = frac(depth * {});\n", multiplier);
+  code.Write("ocol0.a = frac(depth * {});\n", multiplier);
@@ -636,30 +636,30 @@ static void WriteZ16Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyPar
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::RA8, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float depth;\n"
-                "  float3 expanded;\n");
+  code.Write("  float depth;\n"
+             "  float3 expanded;\n");
   // Byte order is reversed
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth", 0, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  depth *= 16777216.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.r = floor(depth / (256.0 * 256.0));\n"
-                "  depth -= expanded.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.g = floor(depth / 256.0);\n");
+  code.Write("  depth *= 16777216.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.r = floor(depth / (256.0 * 256.0));\n"
+             "  depth -= expanded.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.g = floor(depth / 256.0);\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.b = expanded.g / 255.0;\n"
-                "  ocol0.g = expanded.r / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.b = expanded.g / 255.0;\n"
+             "  ocol0.g = expanded.r / 255.0;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth", 1, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  depth *= 16777216.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.r = floor(depth / (256.0 * 256.0));\n"
-                "  depth -= expanded.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.g = floor(depth / 256.0);\n");
+  code.Write("  depth *= 16777216.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.r = floor(depth / (256.0 * 256.0));\n"
+             "  depth -= expanded.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.g = floor(depth / 256.0);\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.r = expanded.g / 255.0;\n"
-                "  ocol0.a = expanded.r / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.r = expanded.g / 255.0;\n"
+             "  ocol0.a = expanded.r / 255.0;\n");
@@ -668,34 +668,34 @@ static void WriteZ16LEncoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyPa
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::GB8, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float depth;\n"
-                "  float3 expanded;\n");
+  code.Write("  float depth;\n"
+             "  float3 expanded;\n");
   // Byte order is reversed
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth", 0, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  depth *= 16777216.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.r = floor(depth / (256.0 * 256.0));\n"
-                "  depth -= expanded.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.g = floor(depth / 256.0);\n"
-                "  depth -= expanded.g * 256.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.b = depth;\n");
+  code.Write("  depth *= 16777216.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.r = floor(depth / (256.0 * 256.0));\n"
+             "  depth -= expanded.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.g = floor(depth / 256.0);\n"
+             "  depth -= expanded.g * 256.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.b = depth;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.b = expanded.b / 255.0;\n"
-                "  ocol0.g = expanded.g / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.b = expanded.b / 255.0;\n"
+             "  ocol0.g = expanded.g / 255.0;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth", 1, api_type, params);
-  code.WriteFmt("  depth *= 16777216.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.r = floor(depth / (256.0 * 256.0));\n"
-                "  depth -= expanded.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.g = floor(depth / 256.0);\n"
-                "  depth -= expanded.g * 256.0;\n"
-                "  expanded.b = depth;\n");
+  code.Write("  depth *= 16777216.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.r = floor(depth / (256.0 * 256.0));\n"
+             "  depth -= expanded.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.g = floor(depth / 256.0);\n"
+             "  depth -= expanded.g * 256.0;\n"
+             "  expanded.b = depth;\n");
-  code.WriteFmt("  ocol0.r = expanded.b / 255.0;\n"
-                "  ocol0.a = expanded.g / 255.0;\n");
+  code.Write("  ocol0.r = expanded.b / 255.0;\n"
+             "  ocol0.a = expanded.g / 255.0;\n");
@@ -704,38 +704,38 @@ static void WriteZ24Encoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyPar
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::RGBA8, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("  float depth0;\n"
-                "  float depth1;\n"
-                "  float3 expanded0;\n"
-                "  float3 expanded1;\n");
+  code.Write("  float depth0;\n"
+             "  float depth1;\n"
+             "  float3 expanded0;\n"
+             "  float3 expanded1;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth0", 0, api_type, params);
   WriteSampleColor(code, "r", "depth1", 1, api_type, params);
   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-    code.WriteFmt("  depth{} *= 16777216.0;\n", i);
+    code.Write("  depth{} *= 16777216.0;\n", i);
-    code.WriteFmt("  expanded{}.r = floor(depth{} / (256.0 * 256.0));\n", i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("  depth{} -= expanded{}.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n", i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("  expanded{}.g = floor(depth{} / 256.0);\n", i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("  depth{} -= expanded{}.g * 256.0;\n", i, i);
-    code.WriteFmt("  expanded{}.b = depth{};\n", i, i);
+    code.Write("  expanded{}.r = floor(depth{} / (256.0 * 256.0));\n", i, i);
+    code.Write("  depth{} -= expanded{}.r * 256.0 * 256.0;\n", i, i);
+    code.Write("  expanded{}.g = floor(depth{} / 256.0);\n", i, i);
+    code.Write("  depth{} -= expanded{}.g * 256.0;\n", i, i);
+    code.Write("  expanded{}.b = depth{};\n", i, i);
-  code.WriteFmt("  if (!first) {{\n");
+  code.Write("  if (!first) {{\n");
   // Upper 16
-  code.WriteFmt("     ocol0.b = expanded0.g / 255.0;\n"
-                "     ocol0.g = expanded0.b / 255.0;\n"
-                "     ocol0.r = expanded1.g / 255.0;\n"
-                "     ocol0.a = expanded1.b / 255.0;\n"
-                "  }} else {{\n");
+  code.Write("     ocol0.b = expanded0.g / 255.0;\n"
+             "     ocol0.g = expanded0.b / 255.0;\n"
+             "     ocol0.r = expanded1.g / 255.0;\n"
+             "     ocol0.a = expanded1.b / 255.0;\n"
+             "  }} else {{\n");
   // Lower 8
-  code.WriteFmt("     ocol0.b = 1.0;\n"
-                "     ocol0.g = expanded0.r / 255.0;\n"
-                "     ocol0.r = 1.0;\n"
-                "     ocol0.a = expanded1.r / 255.0;\n"
-                "  }}\n");
+  code.Write("     ocol0.b = 1.0;\n"
+             "     ocol0.g = expanded0.r / 255.0;\n"
+             "     ocol0.r = 1.0;\n"
+             "     ocol0.a = expanded1.r / 255.0;\n"
+             "  }}\n");
@@ -744,23 +744,23 @@ static void WriteXFBEncoder(ShaderCode& code, APIType api_type, const EFBCopyPar
   WriteSwizzler(code, params, EFBCopyFormat::XFB, api_type);
-  code.WriteFmt("float3 color0, color1;\n");
+  code.Write("float3 color0, color1;\n");
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgb", "color0", 0, api_type, params);
   WriteSampleColor(code, "rgb", "color1", 1, api_type, params);
   // Gamma is only applied to XFB copies.
-  code.WriteFmt("  color0 = pow(color0, float3(gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp));\n"
-                "  color1 = pow(color1, float3(gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp));\n");
+  code.Write("  color0 = pow(color0, float3(gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp));\n"
+             "  color1 = pow(color1, float3(gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp));\n");
   // Convert to YUV.
-  code.WriteFmt("  const float3 y_const = float3(0.257, 0.504, 0.098);\n"
-                "  const float3 u_const = float3(-0.148, -0.291, 0.439);\n"
-                "  const float3 v_const = float3(0.439, -0.368, -0.071);\n"
-                "  float3 average = (color0 + color1) * 0.5;\n"
-                "  ocol0.b = dot(color0,  y_const) + 0.0625;\n"
-                "  ocol0.g = dot(average, u_const) + 0.5;\n"
-                "  ocol0.r = dot(color1,  y_const) + 0.0625;\n"
-                "  ocol0.a = dot(average, v_const) + 0.5;\n");
+  code.Write("  const float3 y_const = float3(0.257, 0.504, 0.098);\n"
+             "  const float3 u_const = float3(-0.148, -0.291, 0.439);\n"
+             "  const float3 v_const = float3(0.439, -0.368, -0.071);\n"
+             "  float3 average = (color0 + color1) * 0.5;\n"
+             "  ocol0.b = dot(color0,  y_const) + 0.0625;\n"
+             "  ocol0.g = dot(average, u_const) + 0.5;\n"
+             "  ocol0.r = dot(color1,  y_const) + 0.0625;\n"
+             "  ocol0.a = dot(average, v_const) + 0.5;\n");
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/TextureConverterShaderGen.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/TextureConverterShaderGen.cpp
index 47919fb1ab..825c8c7ffe 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/TextureConverterShaderGen.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/TextureConverterShaderGen.cpp
@@ -32,23 +32,23 @@ static void WriteHeader(APIType api_type, ShaderCode& out)
   if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
-    out.WriteFmt("cbuffer PSBlock : register(b0) {{\n"
-                 "  float2 src_offset, src_size;\n"
-                 "  float3 filter_coefficients;\n"
-                 "  float gamma_rcp;\n"
-                 "  float2 clamp_tb;\n"
-                 "  float pixel_height;\n"
-                 "}};\n\n");
+    out.Write("cbuffer PSBlock : register(b0) {{\n"
+              "  float2 src_offset, src_size;\n"
+              "  float3 filter_coefficients;\n"
+              "  float gamma_rcp;\n"
+              "  float2 clamp_tb;\n"
+              "  float pixel_height;\n"
+              "}};\n\n");
   else if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("UBO_BINDING(std140, 1) uniform PSBlock {{\n"
-                 "  float2 src_offset, src_size;\n"
-                 "  float3 filter_coefficients;\n"
-                 "  float gamma_rcp;\n"
-                 "  float2 clamp_tb;\n"
-                 "  float pixel_height;\n"
-                 "}};\n");
+    out.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 1) uniform PSBlock {{\n"
+              "  float2 src_offset, src_size;\n"
+              "  float3 filter_coefficients;\n"
+              "  float gamma_rcp;\n"
+              "  float2 clamp_tb;\n"
+              "  float pixel_height;\n"
+              "}};\n");
@@ -59,35 +59,35 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShader(APIType api_type)
   if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
-    out.WriteFmt("void main(in uint id : SV_VertexID, out float3 v_tex0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
-                 "          out float4 opos : SV_Position) {{\n");
+    out.Write("void main(in uint id : SV_VertexID, out float3 v_tex0 : TEXCOORD0,\n"
+              "          out float4 opos : SV_Position) {{\n");
   else if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
     if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGeometryShaders)
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n"
-                   "  float3 v_tex0;\n"
-                   "}};\n");
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n"
+                "  float3 v_tex0;\n"
+                "}};\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out float3 v_tex0;\n");
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out float3 v_tex0;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("#define id gl_VertexID\n"
-                 "#define opos gl_Position\n"
-                 "void main() {{\n");
+    out.Write("#define id gl_VertexID\n"
+              "#define opos gl_Position\n"
+              "void main() {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  v_tex0 = float3(float((id << 1) & 2), float(id & 2), 0.0f);\n");
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write("  v_tex0 = float3(float((id << 1) & 2), float(id & 2), 0.0f);\n");
+  out.Write(
       "  opos = float4(v_tex0.xy * float2(2.0f, -2.0f) + float2(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f);\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  v_tex0 = float3(src_offset + (src_size * v_tex0.xy), 0.0f);\n");
+  out.Write("  v_tex0 = float3(src_offset + (src_size * v_tex0.xy), 0.0f);\n");
   // NDC space is flipped in Vulkan
   if (api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
+    out.Write("  opos.y = -opos.y;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  out.Write("}}\n");
   return out;
@@ -101,52 +101,52 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShader(APIType api_type, const UidData* uid_data)
   if (api_type == APIType::D3D)
-    out.WriteFmt("Texture2DArray tex0 : register(t0);\n"
-                 "SamplerState samp0 : register(s0);\n"
-                 "float4 SampleEFB(float3 uv, float y_offset) {{\n"
-                 "  return tex0.Sample(samp0, float3(uv.x, clamp(uv.y + (y_offset * pixel_height), "
-                 "clamp_tb.x, clamp_tb.y), {}));\n"
-                 "}}\n\n",
-                 mono_depth ? "0.0" : "uv.z");
-    out.WriteFmt("void main(in float3 v_tex0 : TEXCOORD0, out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target)\n{{\n");
+    out.Write("Texture2DArray tex0 : register(t0);\n"
+              "SamplerState samp0 : register(s0);\n"
+              "float4 SampleEFB(float3 uv, float y_offset) {{\n"
+              "  return tex0.Sample(samp0, float3(uv.x, clamp(uv.y + (y_offset * pixel_height), "
+              "clamp_tb.x, clamp_tb.y), {}));\n"
+              "}}\n\n",
+              mono_depth ? "0.0" : "uv.z");
+    out.Write("void main(in float3 v_tex0 : TEXCOORD0, out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target)\n{{\n");
   else if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray samp0;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("float4 SampleEFB(float3 uv, float y_offset) {{\n"
-                 "  return texture(samp0, float3(uv.x, clamp(uv.y + (y_offset * pixel_height), "
-                 "clamp_tb.x, clamp_tb.y), {}));\n"
-                 "}}\n",
-                 mono_depth ? "0.0" : "uv.z");
+    out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray samp0;\n");
+    out.Write("float4 SampleEFB(float3 uv, float y_offset) {{\n"
+              "  return texture(samp0, float3(uv.x, clamp(uv.y + (y_offset * pixel_height), "
+              "clamp_tb.x, clamp_tb.y), {}));\n"
+              "}}\n",
+              mono_depth ? "0.0" : "uv.z");
     if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGeometryShaders)
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n"
-                   "  float3 v_tex0;\n"
-                   "}};\n");
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n"
+                "  float3 v_tex0;\n"
+                "}};\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in vec3 v_tex0;\n");
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in vec3 v_tex0;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;"
-                 "void main()\n{{\n");
+    out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;"
+              "void main()\n{{\n");
   // The copy filter applies to both color and depth copies. This has been verified on hardware.
   // The filter is only applied to the RGB channels, the alpha channel is left intact.
   if (uid_data->copy_filter)
-    out.WriteFmt("  float4 prev_row = SampleEFB(v_tex0, -1.0f);\n"
-                 "  float4 current_row = SampleEFB(v_tex0, 0.0f);\n"
-                 "  float4 next_row = SampleEFB(v_tex0, 1.0f);\n"
-                 "  float4 texcol = float4(min(prev_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[0] +\n"
-                 "                               current_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[1] +\n"
-                 "                               next_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[2], \n"
-                 "                             float3(1, 1, 1)), current_row.a);\n");
+    out.Write("  float4 prev_row = SampleEFB(v_tex0, -1.0f);\n"
+              "  float4 current_row = SampleEFB(v_tex0, 0.0f);\n"
+              "  float4 next_row = SampleEFB(v_tex0, 1.0f);\n"
+              "  float4 texcol = float4(min(prev_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[0] +\n"
+              "                               current_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[1] +\n"
+              "                               next_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[2], \n"
+              "                             float3(1, 1, 1)), current_row.a);\n");
-    out.WriteFmt(
+    out.Write(
         "  float4 current_row = SampleEFB(v_tex0, 0.0f);\n"
         "  float4 texcol = float4(min(current_row.rgb * filter_coefficients[1], float3(1, 1, 1)),\n"
         "                         current_row.a);\n");
@@ -155,62 +155,62 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShader(APIType api_type, const UidData* uid_data)
   if (uid_data->is_depth_copy)
     if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange)
-      out.WriteFmt("texcol.x = 1.0 - texcol.x;\n");
+      out.Write("texcol.x = 1.0 - texcol.x;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("  int depth = int(texcol.x * 16777216.0);\n"
+    out.Write("  int depth = int(texcol.x * 16777216.0);\n"
-                 // Convert to Z24 format
-                 "  int4 workspace;\n"
-                 "  workspace.r = (depth >> 16) & 255;\n"
-                 "  workspace.g = (depth >> 8) & 255;\n"
-                 "  workspace.b = depth & 255;\n"
+              // Convert to Z24 format
+              "  int4 workspace;\n"
+              "  workspace.r = (depth >> 16) & 255;\n"
+              "  workspace.g = (depth >> 8) & 255;\n"
+              "  workspace.b = depth & 255;\n"
-                 // Convert to Z4 format
-                 "  workspace.a = (depth >> 16) & 0xF0;\n"
+              // Convert to Z4 format
+              "  workspace.a = (depth >> 16) & 0xF0;\n"
-                 // Normalize components to [0.0..1.0]
-                 "  texcol = float4(workspace) / 255.0;\n");
+              // Normalize components to [0.0..1.0]
+              "  texcol = float4(workspace) / 255.0;\n");
     switch (uid_data->dst_format)
     case EFBCopyFormat::R4:  // Z4
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.aaaa;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.aaaa;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::R8_0x1:  // Z8
     case EFBCopyFormat::R8:      // Z8H
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.rrrr;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.rrrr;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::RA8:  // Z16
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.gggr;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.gggr;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::RG8:  // Z16 (reverse order)
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.rrrg;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.rrrg;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::RGBA8:  // Z24X8
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = float4(texcol.rgb, 1.0);\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = float4(texcol.rgb, 1.0);\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::G8:  // Z8M
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.gggg;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.gggg;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::B8:  // Z8L
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.bbbb;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.bbbb;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::GB8:  // Z16L - copy lower 16 depth bits
       // expected to be used as an IA8 texture (upper 8 bits stored as intensity, lower 8 bits
       // stored as alpha)
       // Used e.g. in Zelda: Skyward Sword
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.gggb;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.gggb;\n");
       ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown copy zbuf format: 0x%X", static_cast<int>(uid_data->dst_format));
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = float4(texcol.bgr, 0.0);\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = float4(texcol.bgr, 0.0);\n");
@@ -229,99 +229,99 @@ ShaderCode GeneratePixelShader(APIType api_type, const UidData* uid_data)
     case EFBCopyFormat::RA4:     // IA4
     case EFBCopyFormat::RA8:     // IA8
       if (has_four_bits)
-        out.WriteFmt("  texcol = float4(int4(texcol * 255.0) & 0xF0) * (1.0 / 240.0);\n");
+        out.Write("  texcol = float4(int4(texcol * 255.0) & 0xF0) * (1.0 / 240.0);\n");
       // TODO - verify these coefficients
-      out.WriteFmt("  const float3 coefficients = float3(0.257, 0.504, 0.098);\n"
-                   "  float intensity = dot(texcol.rgb, coefficients) + 16.0 / 255.0;\n"
-                   "  ocol0 = float4(intensity, intensity, intensity, {});\n",
-                   has_alpha ? "texcol.a" : "intensity");
+      out.Write("  const float3 coefficients = float3(0.257, 0.504, 0.098);\n"
+                "  float intensity = dot(texcol.rgb, coefficients) + 16.0 / 255.0;\n"
+                "  ocol0 = float4(intensity, intensity, intensity, {});\n",
+                has_alpha ? "texcol.a" : "intensity");
       ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown copy intensity format: 0x%X",
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol;\n");
     if (!uid_data->efb_has_alpha)
-      out.WriteFmt("  texcol.a = 1.0;\n");
+      out.Write("  texcol.a = 1.0;\n");
     switch (uid_data->dst_format)
     case EFBCopyFormat::R4:  // R4
-      out.WriteFmt("  float red = float(int(texcol.r * 255.0) & 0xF0) * (1.0 / 240.0);\n"
-                   "  ocol0 = float4(red, red, red, red);\n");
+      out.Write("  float red = float(int(texcol.r * 255.0) & 0xF0) * (1.0 / 240.0);\n"
+                "  ocol0 = float4(red, red, red, red);\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::R8_0x1:  // R8
     case EFBCopyFormat::R8:      // R8
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.rrrr;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.rrrr;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::RA4:  // RA4
-      out.WriteFmt("  float2 red_alpha = float2(int2(texcol.ra * 255.0) & 0xF0) * (1.0 / 240.0);\n"
-                   "  ocol0 = red_alpha.rrrg;\n");
+      out.Write("  float2 red_alpha = float2(int2(texcol.ra * 255.0) & 0xF0) * (1.0 / 240.0);\n"
+                "  ocol0 = red_alpha.rrrg;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::RA8:  // RA8
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.rrra;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.rrra;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::A8:  // A8
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.aaaa;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.aaaa;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::G8:  // G8
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.gggg;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.gggg;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::B8:  // B8
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.bbbb;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.bbbb;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::RG8:  // RG8
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.rrrg;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.rrrg;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::GB8:  // GB8
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol.gggb;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol.gggb;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::RGB565:  // RGB565
-      out.WriteFmt("  float2 red_blue = float2(int2(texcol.rb * 255.0) & 0xF8) * (1.0 / 248.0);\n"
-                   "  float green = float(int(texcol.g * 255.0) & 0xFC) * (1.0 / 252.0);\n"
-                   "  ocol0 = float4(red_blue.r, green, red_blue.g, 1.0);\n");
+      out.Write("  float2 red_blue = float2(int2(texcol.rb * 255.0) & 0xF8) * (1.0 / 248.0);\n"
+                "  float green = float(int(texcol.g * 255.0) & 0xFC) * (1.0 / 252.0);\n"
+                "  ocol0 = float4(red_blue.r, green, red_blue.g, 1.0);\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::RGB5A3:  // RGB5A3
       // TODO: The MSB controls whether we have RGB5 or RGB4A3, this selection
       // will need to be implemented once we move away from floats.
-      out.WriteFmt("  float3 color = float3(int3(texcol.rgb * 255.0) & 0xF8) * (1.0 / 248.0);\n"
-                   "  float alpha = float(int(texcol.a * 255.0) & 0xE0) * (1.0 / 224.0);\n"
-                   "  ocol0 = float4(color, alpha);\n");
+      out.Write("  float3 color = float3(int3(texcol.rgb * 255.0) & 0xF8) * (1.0 / 248.0);\n"
+                "  float alpha = float(int(texcol.a * 255.0) & 0xE0) * (1.0 / 224.0);\n"
+                "  ocol0 = float4(color, alpha);\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::RGBA8:  // RGBA8
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol;\n");
     case EFBCopyFormat::XFB:
-      out.WriteFmt(
+      out.Write(
           "  ocol0 = float4(pow(texcol.rgb, float3(gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp, gamma_rcp)), 1.0f);\n");
       ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown copy color format: 0x%X", static_cast<int>(uid_data->dst_format));
-      out.WriteFmt("  ocol0 = texcol;\n");
+      out.Write("  ocol0 = texcol;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  out.Write("}}\n");
   return out;
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderCommon.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderCommon.cpp
index 6560e7d9c8..afd86a6943 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderCommon.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderCommon.cpp
@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@ void WriteUberShaderCommonHeader(ShaderCode& out, APIType api_type,
   // ==============================================
   if (!host_config.backend_bitfield)
-    out.WriteFmt(
-        "uint bitfieldExtract(uint val, int off, int size) {{\n"
-        "	// This built-in function is only support in OpenGL 4.0+ and ES 3.1+\n"
-        "	// Microsoft's HLSL compiler automatically optimises this to a bitfield extract "
-        "instruction.\n"
-        "	uint mask = uint((1 << size) - 1);\n"
-        "	return uint(val >> off) & mask;\n"
-        "}}\n\n");
+    out.Write("uint bitfieldExtract(uint val, int off, int size) {{\n"
+              "	// This built-in function is only support in OpenGL 4.0+ and ES 3.1+\n"
+              "	// Microsoft's HLSL compiler automatically optimises this to a bitfield extract "
+              "instruction.\n"
+              "	uint mask = uint((1 << size) - 1);\n"
+              "	return uint(val >> off) & mask;\n"
+              "}}\n\n");
@@ -34,61 +33,60 @@ void WriteLightingFunction(ShaderCode& out)
   // ==============================================
   // Lighting channel calculation helper
   // ==============================================
-  out.WriteFmt("int4 CalculateLighting(uint index, uint attnfunc, uint diffusefunc, float3 pos, "
-               "float3 normal) {{\n"
-               "  float3 ldir, h, cosAttn, distAttn;\n"
-               "  float dist, dist2, attn;\n"
-               "\n"
-               "  switch (attnfunc) {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // LIGNTATTN_NONE\n", LIGHTATTN_NONE);
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // LIGHTATTN_DIR\n", LIGHTATTN_DIR);
-  out.WriteFmt("    ldir = normalize(" I_LIGHTS "[index] -;\n"
-               "    attn = 1.0;\n"
-               "    if (length(ldir) == 0.0)\n"
-               "      ldir = normal;\n"
-               "    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // LIGHTATTN_SPEC\n", LIGHTATTN_SPEC);
-  out.WriteFmt("    ldir = normalize(" I_LIGHTS "[index] -;\n"
-               "    attn = (dot(normal, ldir) >= 0.0) ? max(0.0, dot(normal, " I_LIGHTS
-               "[index] : 0.0;\n"
-               "    cosAttn = " I_LIGHTS "[index];\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("    if (diffusefunc == {}u) // LIGHTDIF_NONE\n", LIGHTDIF_NONE);
-  out.WriteFmt("      distAttn = " I_LIGHTS "[index];\n"
-               "    else\n"
-               "      distAttn = normalize(" I_LIGHTS "[index];\n"
-               "    attn = max(0.0, dot(cosAttn, float3(1.0, attn, attn*attn))) / dot(distAttn, "
-               "float3(1.0, attn, attn*attn));\n"
-               "    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // LIGHTATTN_SPOT\n", LIGHTATTN_SPOT);
-  out.WriteFmt("    ldir = " I_LIGHTS "[index] -;\n"
-               "    dist2 = dot(ldir, ldir);\n"
-               "    dist = sqrt(dist2);\n"
-               "    ldir = ldir / dist;\n"
-               "    attn = max(0.0, dot(ldir, " I_LIGHTS "[index];\n"
-               "    attn = max(0.0, " I_LIGHTS "[index].cosatt.x + " I_LIGHTS
-               "[index].cosatt.y * attn + " I_LIGHTS
-               "[index].cosatt.z * attn * attn) / dot(" I_LIGHTS
-               "[index], float3(1.0, dist, dist2));\n"
-               "    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  default:\n"
-               "    attn = 1.0;\n"
-               "    ldir = normal;\n"
-               "    break;\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "\n"
-               "  switch (diffusefunc) {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // LIGHTDIF_NONE\n", LIGHTDIF_NONE);
-  out.WriteFmt("    return int4(round(attn * float4(" I_LIGHTS "[index].color)));\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // LIGHTDIF_SIGN\n", LIGHTDIF_SIGN);
-  out.WriteFmt("    return int4(round(attn * dot(ldir, normal) * float4(" I_LIGHTS
-               "[index].color)));\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // LIGHTDIF_CLAMP\n", LIGHTDIF_CLAMP);
-  out.WriteFmt("    return int4(round(attn * max(0.0, dot(ldir, normal)) * float4(" I_LIGHTS
-               "[index].color)));\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  default:\n"
-               "    return int4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "}}\n\n");
+  out.Write("int4 CalculateLighting(uint index, uint attnfunc, uint diffusefunc, float3 pos, "
+            "float3 normal) {{\n"
+            "  float3 ldir, h, cosAttn, distAttn;\n"
+            "  float dist, dist2, attn;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  switch (attnfunc) {{\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // LIGNTATTN_NONE\n", LIGHTATTN_NONE);
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // LIGHTATTN_DIR\n", LIGHTATTN_DIR);
+  out.Write("    ldir = normalize(" I_LIGHTS "[index] -;\n"
+            "    attn = 1.0;\n"
+            "    if (length(ldir) == 0.0)\n"
+            "      ldir = normal;\n"
+            "    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // LIGHTATTN_SPEC\n", LIGHTATTN_SPEC);
+  out.Write("    ldir = normalize(" I_LIGHTS "[index] -;\n"
+            "    attn = (dot(normal, ldir) >= 0.0) ? max(0.0, dot(normal, " I_LIGHTS
+            "[index] : 0.0;\n"
+            "    cosAttn = " I_LIGHTS "[index];\n");
+  out.Write("    if (diffusefunc == {}u) // LIGHTDIF_NONE\n", LIGHTDIF_NONE);
+  out.Write("      distAttn = " I_LIGHTS "[index];\n"
+            "    else\n"
+            "      distAttn = normalize(" I_LIGHTS "[index];\n"
+            "    attn = max(0.0, dot(cosAttn, float3(1.0, attn, attn*attn))) / dot(distAttn, "
+            "float3(1.0, attn, attn*attn));\n"
+            "    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // LIGHTATTN_SPOT\n", LIGHTATTN_SPOT);
+  out.Write("    ldir = " I_LIGHTS "[index] -;\n"
+            "    dist2 = dot(ldir, ldir);\n"
+            "    dist = sqrt(dist2);\n"
+            "    ldir = ldir / dist;\n"
+            "    attn = max(0.0, dot(ldir, " I_LIGHTS "[index];\n"
+            "    attn = max(0.0, " I_LIGHTS "[index].cosatt.x + " I_LIGHTS
+            "[index].cosatt.y * attn + " I_LIGHTS "[index].cosatt.z * attn * attn) / dot(" I_LIGHTS
+            "[index], float3(1.0, dist, dist2));\n"
+            "    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  default:\n"
+            "    attn = 1.0;\n"
+            "    ldir = normal;\n"
+            "    break;\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  switch (diffusefunc) {{\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // LIGHTDIF_NONE\n", LIGHTDIF_NONE);
+  out.Write("    return int4(round(attn * float4(" I_LIGHTS "[index].color)));\n\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // LIGHTDIF_SIGN\n", LIGHTDIF_SIGN);
+  out.Write("    return int4(round(attn * dot(ldir, normal) * float4(" I_LIGHTS
+            "[index].color)));\n\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // LIGHTDIF_CLAMP\n", LIGHTDIF_CLAMP);
+  out.Write("    return int4(round(attn * max(0.0, dot(ldir, normal)) * float4(" I_LIGHTS
+            "[index].color)));\n\n");
+  out.Write("  default:\n"
+            "    return int4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "}}\n\n");
 void WriteVertexLighting(ShaderCode& out, APIType api_type, std::string_view world_pos_var,
@@ -96,105 +94,102 @@ void WriteVertexLighting(ShaderCode& out, APIType api_type, std::string_view wor
                          std::string_view in_color_1_var, std::string_view out_color_0_var,
                          std::string_view out_color_1_var)
-  out.WriteFmt("// Lighting\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("{}for (uint chan = 0u; chan < {}u; chan++) {{\n",
-               api_type == APIType::D3D ? "[loop] " : "", NUM_XF_COLOR_CHANNELS);
-  out.WriteFmt("  uint colorreg = xfmem_color(chan);\n"
-               "  uint alphareg = xfmem_alpha(chan);\n"
-               "  int4 mat = " I_MATERIALS "[chan + 2u]; \n"
-               "  int4 lacc = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("// Lighting\n");
+  out.Write("{}for (uint chan = 0u; chan < {}u; chan++) {{\n",
+            api_type == APIType::D3D ? "[loop] " : "", NUM_XF_COLOR_CHANNELS);
+  out.Write("  uint colorreg = xfmem_color(chan);\n"
+            "  uint alphareg = xfmem_alpha(chan);\n"
+            "  int4 mat = " I_MATERIALS "[chan + 2u]; \n"
+            "  int4 lacc = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n"
+            "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().matsource));
-  out.WriteFmt("    if ((components & ({}u << chan)) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
-  out.WriteFmt(" = int3(round(((chan == 0u) ? {}.xyz : {}.xyz) * 255.0));\n",
-               in_color_0_var, in_color_1_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("    else if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COLO0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
-  out.WriteFmt(" = int3(round({}.xyz * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("    else\n"
-               " = int3(255, 255, 255);\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().matsource));
+  out.Write("    if ((components & ({}u << chan)) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
+  out.Write(" = int3(round(((chan == 0u) ? {}.xyz : {}.xyz) * 255.0));\n",
+            in_color_0_var, in_color_1_var);
+  out.Write("    else if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COLO0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
+  out.Write(" = int3(round({}.xyz * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var);
+  out.Write("    else\n"
+            " = int3(255, 255, 255);\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().matsource));
-  out.WriteFmt("    if ((components & ({}u << chan)) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
-  out.WriteFmt("      mat.w = int(round(((chan == 0u) ? {}.w : {}.w) * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var,
-               in_color_1_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("    else if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COLO0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
-  out.WriteFmt("      mat.w = int(round({}.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("    else\n"
-               "      mat.w = 255;\n"
-               "  }} else {{\n"
-               "    mat.w = " I_MATERIALS " [chan + 2u].w;\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().matsource));
+  out.Write("    if ((components & ({}u << chan)) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
+  out.Write("      mat.w = int(round(((chan == 0u) ? {}.w : {}.w) * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var,
+            in_color_1_var);
+  out.Write("    else if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COLO0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
+  out.Write("      mat.w = int(round({}.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var);
+  out.Write("    else\n"
+            "      mat.w = 255;\n"
+            "  }} else {{\n"
+            "    mat.w = " I_MATERIALS " [chan + 2u].w;\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().enablelighting));
-  out.WriteFmt("    if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().ambsource));
-  out.WriteFmt("      if ((components & ({}u << chan)) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
-  out.WriteFmt(" = int3(round(((chan == 0u) ? {}.xyz : {}.xyz) * 255.0));\n",
-               in_color_0_var, in_color_1_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("      else if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COLO0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
-  out.WriteFmt(" = int3(round({}.xyz * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("      else\n"
-               " = int3(255, 255, 255);\n"
-               "    }} else {{\n"
-               " = " I_MATERIALS " [chan].xyz;\n"
-               "    }}\n"
-               "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("    uint light_mask = {} | ({} << 4u);\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().lightMask0_3),
-               BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().lightMask4_7));
-  out.WriteFmt("    uint attnfunc = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().attnfunc));
-  out.WriteFmt("    uint diffusefunc = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().diffusefunc));
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write("  if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().enablelighting));
+  out.Write("    if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().ambsource));
+  out.Write("      if ((components & ({}u << chan)) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
+  out.Write(" = int3(round(((chan == 0u) ? {}.xyz : {}.xyz) * 255.0));\n",
+            in_color_0_var, in_color_1_var);
+  out.Write("      else if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COLO0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
+  out.Write(" = int3(round({}.xyz * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var);
+  out.Write("      else\n"
+            " = int3(255, 255, 255);\n"
+            "    }} else {{\n"
+            " = " I_MATERIALS " [chan].xyz;\n"
+            "    }}\n"
+            "\n");
+  out.Write("    uint light_mask = {} | ({} << 4u);\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().lightMask0_3),
+            BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().lightMask4_7));
+  out.Write("    uint attnfunc = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().attnfunc));
+  out.Write("    uint diffusefunc = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("colorreg", LitChannel().diffusefunc));
+  out.Write(
       "    for (uint light_index = 0u; light_index < 8u; light_index++) {{\n"
       "      if ((light_mask & (1u << light_index)) != 0u)\n"
       " += CalculateLighting(light_index, attnfunc, diffusefunc, {}, {}).xyz;\n",
       world_pos_var, normal_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("    }}\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("    }}\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().enablelighting));
-  out.WriteFmt("    if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().ambsource));
-  out.WriteFmt("      if ((components & ({}u << chan)) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
-  out.WriteFmt("        lacc.w = int(round(((chan == 0u) ? {}.w : {}.w) * 255.0));\n",
-               in_color_0_var, in_color_1_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("      else if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COLO0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
-  out.WriteFmt("        lacc.w = int(round({}.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("      else\n"
-               "        lacc.w = 255;\n"
-               "    }} else {{\n"
-               "      lacc.w = " I_MATERIALS " [chan].w;\n"
-               "    }}\n"
-               "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("    uint light_mask = {} | ({} << 4u);\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().lightMask0_3),
-               BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().lightMask4_7));
-  out.WriteFmt("    uint attnfunc = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().attnfunc));
-  out.WriteFmt("    uint diffusefunc = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().diffusefunc));
-  out.WriteFmt(
-      "    for (uint light_index = 0u; light_index < 8u; light_index++) {{\n\n"
-      "      if ((light_mask & (1u << light_index)) != 0u)\n\n"
-      "        lacc.w += CalculateLighting(light_index, attnfunc, diffusefunc, {}, {}).w;\n",
-      world_pos_var, normal_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("    }}\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().enablelighting));
+  out.Write("    if ({} != 0u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().ambsource));
+  out.Write("      if ((components & ({}u << chan)) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
+  out.Write("        lacc.w = int(round(((chan == 0u) ? {}.w : {}.w) * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var,
+            in_color_1_var);
+  out.Write("      else if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COLO0\n", VB_HAS_COL0);
+  out.Write("        lacc.w = int(round({}.w * 255.0));\n", in_color_0_var);
+  out.Write("      else\n"
+            "        lacc.w = 255;\n"
+            "    }} else {{\n"
+            "      lacc.w = " I_MATERIALS " [chan].w;\n"
+            "    }}\n"
+            "\n");
+  out.Write("    uint light_mask = {} | ({} << 4u);\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().lightMask0_3),
+            BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().lightMask4_7));
+  out.Write("    uint attnfunc = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().attnfunc));
+  out.Write("    uint diffusefunc = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("alphareg", LitChannel().diffusefunc));
+  out.Write("    for (uint light_index = 0u; light_index < 8u; light_index++) {{\n\n"
+            "      if ((light_mask & (1u << light_index)) != 0u)\n\n"
+            "        lacc.w += CalculateLighting(light_index, attnfunc, diffusefunc, {}, {}).w;\n",
+            world_pos_var, normal_var);
+  out.Write("    }}\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  lacc = clamp(lacc, 0, 255);\n"
-               "\n"
-               "  // Hopefully GPUs that can support dynamic indexing will optimize this.\n"
-               "  float4 lit_color = float4((mat * (lacc + (lacc >> 7))) >> 8) / 255.0;\n"
-               "  switch (chan) {{\n"
-               "  case 0u: {} = lit_color; break;\n",
-               out_color_0_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("  case 1u: {} = lit_color; break;\n", out_color_1_var);
-  out.WriteFmt("  }}\n"
-               "}}\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  lacc = clamp(lacc, 0, 255);\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  // Hopefully GPUs that can support dynamic indexing will optimize this.\n"
+            "  float4 lit_color = float4((mat * (lacc + (lacc >> 7))) >> 8) / 255.0;\n"
+            "  switch (chan) {{\n"
+            "  case 0u: {} = lit_color; break;\n",
+            out_color_0_var);
+  out.Write("  case 1u: {} = lit_color; break;\n", out_color_1_var);
+  out.Write("  }}\n"
+            "}}\n"
+            "\n");
 }  // namespace UberShader
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderPixel.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderPixel.cpp
index 1cfc164223..721912a3f3 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderPixel.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderPixel.cpp
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
   const u32 numTexgen = uid_data->num_texgens;
   ShaderCode out;
-  out.WriteFmt("// Pixel UberShader for {} texgens{}{}\n", numTexgen,
-               early_depth ? ", early-depth" : "", per_pixel_depth ? ", per-pixel depth" : "");
+  out.Write("// Pixel UberShader for {} texgens{}{}\n", numTexgen,
+            early_depth ? ", early-depth" : "", per_pixel_depth ? ", per-pixel depth" : "");
   WritePixelShaderCommonHeader(out, ApiType, numTexgen, host_config, bounding_box);
   WriteUberShaderCommonHeader(out, ApiType, host_config);
   if (per_pixel_lighting)
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
       if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INDEX_DECORATION))
-        out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"
-                     "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(1) out vec4 ocol1;\n");
+        out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"
+                  "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(1) out vec4 ocol1;\n");
-        out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"
-                     "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 1) out vec4 ocol1;\n");
+        out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"
+                  "FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 1) out vec4 ocol1;\n");
     else if (use_shader_blend)
@@ -93,56 +93,56 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
       // shader
       if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INDEX_DECORATION))
-        out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) FRAGMENT_INOUT vec4 real_ocol0;\n");
+        out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) FRAGMENT_INOUT vec4 real_ocol0;\n");
-        out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) FRAGMENT_INOUT vec4 real_ocol0;\n");
+        out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) FRAGMENT_INOUT vec4 real_ocol0;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n");
+      out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n");
     if (per_pixel_depth)
-      out.WriteFmt("#define depth gl_FragDepth\n");
+      out.Write("#define depth gl_FragDepth\n");
     if (host_config.backend_geometry_shaders)
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {{\n");
       GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, ApiType, numTexgen, host_config,
                               GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa, true, true));
       if (stereo)
-        out.WriteFmt("  flat int layer;\n");
+        out.Write("  flat int layer;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("}};\n\n");
+      out.Write("}};\n\n");
       // Let's set up attributes
       u32 counter = 0;
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_0;\n", counter++,
-                   GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_1;\n", counter++,
-                   GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_0;\n", counter++,
+                GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 colors_1;\n", counter++,
+                GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
       for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; ++i)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 tex{};\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i);
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 tex{};\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i);
       if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 clipPos;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float4 clipPos;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
       if (per_pixel_lighting)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 Normal;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 WorldPos;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 Normal;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} in float3 WorldPos;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
@@ -152,71 +152,71 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
     if (ApiType != APIType::D3D)
-      out.WriteFmt("float3 selectTexCoord(uint index) {{\n");
+      out.Write("float3 selectTexCoord(uint index) {{\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("float3 selectTexCoord(uint index");
+      out.Write("float3 selectTexCoord(uint index");
       for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; i++)
-        out.WriteFmt(", float3 tex{}", i);
-      out.WriteFmt(") {{\n");
+        out.Write(", float3 tex{}", i);
+      out.Write(") {{\n");
     if (ApiType == APIType::D3D)
-      out.WriteFmt("  switch (index) {{\n");
+      out.Write("  switch (index) {{\n");
       for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; i++)
-        out.WriteFmt("  case {}u:\n"
-                     "    return tex{};\n",
-                     i, i);
+        out.Write("  case {}u:\n"
+                  "    return tex{};\n",
+                  i, i);
-      out.WriteFmt("  default:\n"
-                   "    return float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
-                   "  }}\n");
+      out.Write("  default:\n"
+                "    return float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
+                "  }}\n");
       if (numTexgen > 4)
-        out.WriteFmt("  if (index < 4u) {{\n");
+        out.Write("  if (index < 4u) {{\n");
       if (numTexgen > 2)
-        out.WriteFmt("    if (index < 2u) {{\n");
+        out.Write("    if (index < 2u) {{\n");
       if (numTexgen > 1)
-        out.WriteFmt("      return (index == 0u) ? tex0 : tex1;\n");
+        out.Write("      return (index == 0u) ? tex0 : tex1;\n");
-        out.WriteFmt("      return (index == 0u) ? tex0 : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
+        out.Write("      return (index == 0u) ? tex0 : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
       if (numTexgen > 2)
-        out.WriteFmt("    }} else {{\n");  // >= 2
+        out.Write("    }} else {{\n");  // >= 2
         if (numTexgen > 3)
-          out.WriteFmt("      return (index == 2u) ? tex2 : tex3;\n");
+          out.Write("      return (index == 2u) ? tex2 : tex3;\n");
-          out.WriteFmt("      return (index == 2u) ? tex2 : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
-        out.WriteFmt("    }}\n");
+          out.Write("      return (index == 2u) ? tex2 : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
+        out.Write("    }}\n");
       if (numTexgen > 4)
-        out.WriteFmt("  }} else {{\n");  // >= 4 <= 8
+        out.Write("  }} else {{\n");  // >= 4 <= 8
         if (numTexgen > 6)
-          out.WriteFmt("    if (index < 6u) {{\n");
+          out.Write("    if (index < 6u) {{\n");
         if (numTexgen > 5)
-          out.WriteFmt("      return (index == 4u) ? tex4 : tex5;\n");
+          out.Write("      return (index == 4u) ? tex4 : tex5;\n");
-          out.WriteFmt("      return (index == 4u) ? tex4 : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
+          out.Write("      return (index == 4u) ? tex4 : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
         if (numTexgen > 6)
-          out.WriteFmt("    }} else {{\n");  // >= 6 <= 8
+          out.Write("    }} else {{\n");  // >= 6 <= 8
           if (numTexgen > 7)
-            out.WriteFmt("      return (index == 6u) ? tex6 : tex7;\n");
+            out.Write("      return (index == 6u) ? tex6 : tex7;\n");
-            out.WriteFmt("      return (index == 6u) ? tex6 : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
-          out.WriteFmt("    }}\n");
+            out.Write("      return (index == 6u) ? tex6 : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
+          out.Write("    }}\n");
-        out.WriteFmt("  }}\n");
+        out.Write("  }}\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("}}\n\n");
+    out.Write("}}\n\n");
   // =====================
@@ -227,100 +227,99 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
     // Doesn't look like DirectX supports this. Oh well the code path is here just in case it
     // supports this in the future.
-    out.WriteFmt("int4 sampleTexture(uint sampler_num, float3 uv) {{\n");
+    out.Write("int4 sampleTexture(uint sampler_num, float3 uv) {{\n");
     if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
-      out.WriteFmt("  return iround(texture(samp[sampler_num], uv) * 255.0);\n");
+      out.Write("  return iround(texture(samp[sampler_num], uv) * 255.0);\n");
     else if (ApiType == APIType::D3D)
-      out.WriteFmt("  return iround(Tex[sampler_num].Sample(samp[sampler_num], uv) * 255.0);\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("}}\n\n");
+      out.Write("  return iround(Tex[sampler_num].Sample(samp[sampler_num], uv) * 255.0);\n");
+    out.Write("}}\n\n");
-    out.WriteFmt(
-        "int4 sampleTexture(uint sampler_num, float3 uv) {{\n"
-        "  // This is messy, but DirectX, OpenGL 3.3 and OpenGL ES 3.0 doesn't support "
-        "dynamic indexing of the sampler array\n"
-        "  // With any luck the shader compiler will optimise this if the hardware supports "
-        "dynamic indexing.\n"
-        "  switch(sampler_num) {{\n");
+    out.Write("int4 sampleTexture(uint sampler_num, float3 uv) {{\n"
+              "  // This is messy, but DirectX, OpenGL 3.3 and OpenGL ES 3.0 doesn't support "
+              "dynamic indexing of the sampler array\n"
+              "  // With any luck the shader compiler will optimise this if the hardware supports "
+              "dynamic indexing.\n"
+              "  switch(sampler_num) {{\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
       if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
-        out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: return iround(texture(samp[{}], uv) * 255.0);\n", i, i);
+        out.Write("  case {}u: return iround(texture(samp[{}], uv) * 255.0);\n", i, i);
       else if (ApiType == APIType::D3D)
-        out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: return iround(Tex[{}].Sample(samp[{}], uv) * 255.0);\n", i, i, i);
+        out.Write("  case {}u: return iround(Tex[{}].Sample(samp[{}], uv) * 255.0);\n", i, i, i);
-    out.WriteFmt("  }}\n"
-                 "}}\n\n");
+    out.Write("  }}\n"
+              "}}\n\n");
   // ======================
   //   Arbitrary Swizzling
   // ======================
-  out.WriteFmt("int4 Swizzle(uint s, int4 color) {{\n"
-               "  // AKA: Color Channel Swapping\n"
-               "\n"
-               "  int4 ret;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  ret.r = color[{}];\n", BitfieldExtract("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u)", TevKSel().swap1));
-  out.WriteFmt("  ret.g = color[{}];\n", BitfieldExtract("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u)", TevKSel().swap2));
-  out.WriteFmt("  ret.b = color[{}];\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u + 1u)", TevKSel().swap1));
-  out.WriteFmt("  ret.a = color[{}];\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u + 1u)", TevKSel().swap2));
-  out.WriteFmt("  return ret;\n"
-               "}}\n\n");
+  out.Write("int4 Swizzle(uint s, int4 color) {{\n"
+            "  // AKA: Color Channel Swapping\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  int4 ret;\n");
+  out.Write("  ret.r = color[{}];\n", BitfieldExtract("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u)", TevKSel().swap1));
+  out.Write("  ret.g = color[{}];\n", BitfieldExtract("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u)", TevKSel().swap2));
+  out.Write("  ret.b = color[{}];\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u + 1u)", TevKSel().swap1));
+  out.Write("  ret.a = color[{}];\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_tevksel(s * 2u + 1u)", TevKSel().swap2));
+  out.Write("  return ret;\n"
+            "}}\n\n");
   // ======================
   //   Indirect Wrapping
   // ======================
-  out.WriteFmt("int Wrap(int coord, uint mode) {{\n"
-               "  if (mode == 0u) // ITW_OFF\n"
-               "    return coord;\n"
-               "  else if (mode < 6u) // ITW_256 to ITW_16\n"
-               "    return coord & (0xfffe >> mode);\n"
-               "  else // ITW_0\n"
-               "    return 0;\n"
-               "}}\n\n");
+  out.Write("int Wrap(int coord, uint mode) {{\n"
+            "  if (mode == 0u) // ITW_OFF\n"
+            "    return coord;\n"
+            "  else if (mode < 6u) // ITW_256 to ITW_16\n"
+            "    return coord & (0xfffe >> mode);\n"
+            "  else // ITW_0\n"
+            "    return 0;\n"
+            "}}\n\n");
   // ======================
   //    Indirect Lookup
   // ======================
   const auto LookupIndirectTexture = [&out, stereo](std::string_view out_var_name,
                                                     std::string_view in_index_name) {
-    out.WriteFmt("{{\n"
-                 "  uint iref = bpmem_iref({});\n"
-                 "  if ( iref != 0u)\n"
-                 "  {{\n"
-                 "    uint texcoord = bitfieldExtract(iref, 0, 3);\n"
-                 "    uint texmap = bitfieldExtract(iref, 8, 3);\n"
-                 "    float3 uv = getTexCoord(texcoord);\n"
-                 "    int2 fixedPoint_uv = int2((uv.z == 0.0 ? uv.xy : (uv.xy / uv.z)) * " I_TEXDIMS
-                 "[texcoord].zw);\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "    if (({} & 1u) == 0u)\n"
-                 "      fixedPoint_uv = fixedPoint_uv >> " I_INDTEXSCALE "[{} >> 1].xy;\n"
-                 "    else\n"
-                 "      fixedPoint_uv = fixedPoint_uv >> " I_INDTEXSCALE "[{} >> 1].zw;\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "    {} = sampleTexture(texmap, float3(float2(fixedPoint_uv) * " I_TEXDIMS
-                 "[texmap].xy, {})).abg;\n",
-                 in_index_name, in_index_name, in_index_name, in_index_name, out_var_name,
-                 stereo ? "float(layer)" : "0.0");
-    out.WriteFmt("  }}\n"
-                 "  else\n"
-                 "  {{\n"
-                 "    {} = int3(0, 0, 0);\n"
-                 "  }}\n"
-                 "}}\n",
-                 out_var_name);
+    out.Write("{{\n"
+              "  uint iref = bpmem_iref({});\n"
+              "  if ( iref != 0u)\n"
+              "  {{\n"
+              "    uint texcoord = bitfieldExtract(iref, 0, 3);\n"
+              "    uint texmap = bitfieldExtract(iref, 8, 3);\n"
+              "    float3 uv = getTexCoord(texcoord);\n"
+              "    int2 fixedPoint_uv = int2((uv.z == 0.0 ? uv.xy : (uv.xy / uv.z)) * " I_TEXDIMS
+              "[texcoord].zw);\n"
+              "\n"
+              "    if (({} & 1u) == 0u)\n"
+              "      fixedPoint_uv = fixedPoint_uv >> " I_INDTEXSCALE "[{} >> 1].xy;\n"
+              "    else\n"
+              "      fixedPoint_uv = fixedPoint_uv >> " I_INDTEXSCALE "[{} >> 1].zw;\n"
+              "\n"
+              "    {} = sampleTexture(texmap, float3(float2(fixedPoint_uv) * " I_TEXDIMS
+              "[texmap].xy, {})).abg;\n",
+              in_index_name, in_index_name, in_index_name, in_index_name, out_var_name,
+              stereo ? "float(layer)" : "0.0");
+    out.Write("  }}\n"
+              "  else\n"
+              "  {{\n"
+              "    {} = int3(0, 0, 0);\n"
+              "  }}\n"
+              "}}\n",
+              out_var_name);
   // ======================
   //   TEV's Special Lerp
   // ======================
   const auto WriteTevLerp = [&out](std::string_view components) {
-    out.WriteFmt(
+    out.Write(
         "// TEV's Linear Interpolate, plus bias, add/subtract and scale\n"
         "int{0} tevLerp{0}(int{0} A, int{0} B, int{0} C, int{0} D, uint bias, bool op, bool alpha, "
         "uint shift) {{\n"
@@ -363,7 +362,7 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
   //   TEV's Color Compare
   // =======================
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write(
       "// Implements operations 0-5 of TEV's compare mode,\n"
       "// which are common to both color and alpha channels\n"
       "bool tevCompare(uint op, int3 color_A, int3 color_B) {{\n"
@@ -393,162 +392,162 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
   //   Input Selects
   // =================
-  out.WriteFmt("struct State {{\n"
-               "  int4 Reg[4];\n"
-               "  int4 TexColor;\n"
-               "  int AlphaBump;\n"
-               "}};\n"
-               "struct StageState {{\n"
-               "  uint stage;\n"
-               "  uint order;\n"
-               "  uint cc;\n"
-               "  uint ac;\n"
-               "}};\n"
-               "\n"
-               "int4 getRasColor(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1);\n"
-               "int4 getKonstColor(State s, StageState ss);\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("struct State {{\n"
+            "  int4 Reg[4];\n"
+            "  int4 TexColor;\n"
+            "  int AlphaBump;\n"
+            "}};\n"
+            "struct StageState {{\n"
+            "  uint stage;\n"
+            "  uint order;\n"
+            "  uint cc;\n"
+            "  uint ac;\n"
+            "}};\n"
+            "\n"
+            "int4 getRasColor(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1);\n"
+            "int4 getKonstColor(State s, StageState ss);\n"
+            "\n");
   // The switch statements in these functions appear to get transformed into an if..else chain
   // on NVIDIA's OpenGL/Vulkan drivers, resulting in lower performance than the D3D counterparts.
   // Transforming the switch into a binary tree of ifs can increase performance by up to 20%.
   if (ApiType == APIType::D3D)
-    out.WriteFmt("// Helper function for Alpha Test\n"
-                 "bool alphaCompare(int a, int b, uint compare) {{\n"
-                 "  switch (compare) {{\n"
-                 "  case 0u: // NEVER\n"
-                 "    return false;\n"
-                 "  case 1u: // LESS\n"
-                 "    return a < b;\n"
-                 "  case 2u: // EQUAL\n"
-                 "    return a == b;\n"
-                 "  case 3u: // LEQUAL\n"
-                 "    return a <= b;\n"
-                 "  case 4u: // GREATER\n"
-                 "    return a > b;\n"
-                 "  case 5u: // NEQUAL;\n"
-                 "    return a != b;\n"
-                 "  case 6u: // GEQUAL\n"
-                 "    return a >= b;\n"
-                 "  case 7u: // ALWAYS\n"
-                 "    return true;\n"
-                 "  }}\n"
-                 "}}\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "int3 selectColorInput(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1, "
-                 "uint index) {{\n"
-                 "  switch (index) {{\n"
-                 "  case 0u: // prev.rgb\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[0].rgb;\n"
-                 "  case 1u: //\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[0].aaa;\n"
-                 "  case 2u: // c0.rgb\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[1].rgb;\n"
-                 "  case 3u: //\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[1].aaa;\n"
-                 "  case 4u: // c1.rgb\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[2].rgb;\n"
-                 "  case 5u: //\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[2].aaa;\n"
-                 "  case 6u: // c2.rgb\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[3].rgb;\n"
-                 "  case 7u: //\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[3].aaa;\n"
-                 "  case 8u:\n"
-                 "    return s.TexColor.rgb;\n"
-                 "  case 9u:\n"
-                 "    return;\n"
-                 "  case 10u:\n"
-                 "    return getRasColor(s, ss, colors_0, colors_1).rgb;\n"
-                 "  case 11u:\n"
-                 "    return getRasColor(s, ss, colors_0, colors_1).aaa;\n"
-                 "  case 12u: // One\n"
-                 "    return int3(255, 255, 255);\n"
-                 "  case 13u: // Half\n"
-                 "    return int3(128, 128, 128);\n"
-                 "  case 14u:\n"
-                 "    return getKonstColor(s, ss).rgb;\n"
-                 "  case 15u: // Zero\n"
-                 "    return int3(0, 0, 0);\n"
-                 "  }}\n"
-                 "}}\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "int selectAlphaInput(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1, "
-                 "uint index) {{\n"
-                 "  switch (index) {{\n"
-                 "  case 0u: // prev.a\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[0].a;\n"
-                 "  case 1u: // c0.a\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[1].a;\n"
-                 "  case 2u: // c1.a\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[2].a;\n"
-                 "  case 3u: // c2.a\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[3].a;\n"
-                 "  case 4u:\n"
-                 "    return s.TexColor.a;\n"
-                 "  case 5u:\n"
-                 "    return getRasColor(s, ss, colors_0, colors_1).a;\n"
-                 "  case 6u:\n"
-                 "    return getKonstColor(s, ss).a;\n"
-                 "  case 7u: // Zero\n"
-                 "    return 0;\n"
-                 "  }}\n"
-                 "}}\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "int4 getTevReg(in State s, uint index) {{\n"
-                 "  switch (index) {{\n"
-                 "  case 0u: // prev\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[0];\n"
-                 "  case 1u: // c0\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[1];\n"
-                 "  case 2u: // c1\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[2];\n"
-                 "  case 3u: // c2\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[3];\n"
-                 "  default: // prev\n"
-                 "    return s.Reg[0];\n"
-                 "  }}\n"
-                 "}}\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "void setRegColor(inout State s, uint index, int3 color) {{\n"
-                 "  switch (index) {{\n"
-                 "  case 0u: // prev\n"
-                 "    s.Reg[0].rgb = color;\n"
-                 "    break;\n"
-                 "  case 1u: // c0\n"
-                 "    s.Reg[1].rgb = color;\n"
-                 "    break;\n"
-                 "  case 2u: // c1\n"
-                 "    s.Reg[2].rgb = color;\n"
-                 "    break;\n"
-                 "  case 3u: // c2\n"
-                 "    s.Reg[3].rgb = color;\n"
-                 "    break;\n"
-                 "  }}\n"
-                 "}}\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "void setRegAlpha(inout State s, uint index, int alpha) {{\n"
-                 "  switch (index) {{\n"
-                 "  case 0u: // prev\n"
-                 "    s.Reg[0].a = alpha;\n"
-                 "    break;\n"
-                 "  case 1u: // c0\n"
-                 "    s.Reg[1].a = alpha;\n"
-                 "    break;\n"
-                 "  case 2u: // c1\n"
-                 "    s.Reg[2].a = alpha;\n"
-                 "    break;\n"
-                 "  case 3u: // c2\n"
-                 "    s.Reg[3].a = alpha;\n"
-                 "    break;\n"
-                 "  }}\n"
-                 "}}\n"
-                 "\n");
+    out.Write("// Helper function for Alpha Test\n"
+              "bool alphaCompare(int a, int b, uint compare) {{\n"
+              "  switch (compare) {{\n"
+              "  case 0u: // NEVER\n"
+              "    return false;\n"
+              "  case 1u: // LESS\n"
+              "    return a < b;\n"
+              "  case 2u: // EQUAL\n"
+              "    return a == b;\n"
+              "  case 3u: // LEQUAL\n"
+              "    return a <= b;\n"
+              "  case 4u: // GREATER\n"
+              "    return a > b;\n"
+              "  case 5u: // NEQUAL;\n"
+              "    return a != b;\n"
+              "  case 6u: // GEQUAL\n"
+              "    return a >= b;\n"
+              "  case 7u: // ALWAYS\n"
+              "    return true;\n"
+              "  }}\n"
+              "}}\n"
+              "\n"
+              "int3 selectColorInput(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1, "
+              "uint index) {{\n"
+              "  switch (index) {{\n"
+              "  case 0u: // prev.rgb\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[0].rgb;\n"
+              "  case 1u: //\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[0].aaa;\n"
+              "  case 2u: // c0.rgb\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[1].rgb;\n"
+              "  case 3u: //\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[1].aaa;\n"
+              "  case 4u: // c1.rgb\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[2].rgb;\n"
+              "  case 5u: //\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[2].aaa;\n"
+              "  case 6u: // c2.rgb\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[3].rgb;\n"
+              "  case 7u: //\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[3].aaa;\n"
+              "  case 8u:\n"
+              "    return s.TexColor.rgb;\n"
+              "  case 9u:\n"
+              "    return;\n"
+              "  case 10u:\n"
+              "    return getRasColor(s, ss, colors_0, colors_1).rgb;\n"
+              "  case 11u:\n"
+              "    return getRasColor(s, ss, colors_0, colors_1).aaa;\n"
+              "  case 12u: // One\n"
+              "    return int3(255, 255, 255);\n"
+              "  case 13u: // Half\n"
+              "    return int3(128, 128, 128);\n"
+              "  case 14u:\n"
+              "    return getKonstColor(s, ss).rgb;\n"
+              "  case 15u: // Zero\n"
+              "    return int3(0, 0, 0);\n"
+              "  }}\n"
+              "}}\n"
+              "\n"
+              "int selectAlphaInput(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1, "
+              "uint index) {{\n"
+              "  switch (index) {{\n"
+              "  case 0u: // prev.a\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[0].a;\n"
+              "  case 1u: // c0.a\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[1].a;\n"
+              "  case 2u: // c1.a\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[2].a;\n"
+              "  case 3u: // c2.a\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[3].a;\n"
+              "  case 4u:\n"
+              "    return s.TexColor.a;\n"
+              "  case 5u:\n"
+              "    return getRasColor(s, ss, colors_0, colors_1).a;\n"
+              "  case 6u:\n"
+              "    return getKonstColor(s, ss).a;\n"
+              "  case 7u: // Zero\n"
+              "    return 0;\n"
+              "  }}\n"
+              "}}\n"
+              "\n"
+              "int4 getTevReg(in State s, uint index) {{\n"
+              "  switch (index) {{\n"
+              "  case 0u: // prev\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[0];\n"
+              "  case 1u: // c0\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[1];\n"
+              "  case 2u: // c1\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[2];\n"
+              "  case 3u: // c2\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[3];\n"
+              "  default: // prev\n"
+              "    return s.Reg[0];\n"
+              "  }}\n"
+              "}}\n"
+              "\n"
+              "void setRegColor(inout State s, uint index, int3 color) {{\n"
+              "  switch (index) {{\n"
+              "  case 0u: // prev\n"
+              "    s.Reg[0].rgb = color;\n"
+              "    break;\n"
+              "  case 1u: // c0\n"
+              "    s.Reg[1].rgb = color;\n"
+              "    break;\n"
+              "  case 2u: // c1\n"
+              "    s.Reg[2].rgb = color;\n"
+              "    break;\n"
+              "  case 3u: // c2\n"
+              "    s.Reg[3].rgb = color;\n"
+              "    break;\n"
+              "  }}\n"
+              "}}\n"
+              "\n"
+              "void setRegAlpha(inout State s, uint index, int alpha) {{\n"
+              "  switch (index) {{\n"
+              "  case 0u: // prev\n"
+              "    s.Reg[0].a = alpha;\n"
+              "    break;\n"
+              "  case 1u: // c0\n"
+              "    s.Reg[1].a = alpha;\n"
+              "    break;\n"
+              "  case 2u: // c1\n"
+              "    s.Reg[2].a = alpha;\n"
+              "    break;\n"
+              "  case 3u: // c2\n"
+              "    s.Reg[3].a = alpha;\n"
+              "    break;\n"
+              "  }}\n"
+              "}}\n"
+              "\n");
-    out.WriteFmt(
+    out.Write(
         "// Helper function for Alpha Test\n"
         "bool alphaCompare(int a, int b, uint compare) {{\n"
         "  if (compare < 4u) {{\n"
@@ -673,266 +672,263 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
     if (ApiType != APIType::D3D)
-      out.WriteFmt("#define getTexCoord(index) selectTexCoord((index))\n\n");
+      out.Write("#define getTexCoord(index) selectTexCoord((index))\n\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("#define getTexCoord(index) selectTexCoord((index)");
+      out.Write("#define getTexCoord(index) selectTexCoord((index)");
       for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; i++)
-        out.WriteFmt(", tex{}", i);
-      out.WriteFmt(")\n\n");
+        out.Write(", tex{}", i);
+      out.Write(")\n\n");
   if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan)
     if (early_depth && host_config.backend_early_z)
-      out.WriteFmt("FORCE_EARLY_Z;\n");
+      out.Write("FORCE_EARLY_Z;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("void main()\n{{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("  float4 rawpos = gl_FragCoord;\n");
+    out.Write("void main()\n{{\n");
+    out.Write("  float4 rawpos = gl_FragCoord;\n");
     if (use_shader_blend)
       // Store off a copy of the initial fb value for blending
-      out.WriteFmt("  float4 initial_ocol0 = FB_FETCH_VALUE;\n"
-                   "  float4 ocol0;\n"
-                   "  float4 ocol1;\n");
+      out.Write("  float4 initial_ocol0 = FB_FETCH_VALUE;\n"
+                "  float4 ocol0;\n"
+                "  float4 ocol1;\n");
   else  // D3D
     if (early_depth && host_config.backend_early_z)
-      out.WriteFmt("[earlydepthstencil]\n");
+      out.Write("[earlydepthstencil]\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("void main(\n");
+    out.Write("void main(\n");
     if (uid_data->uint_output)
-      out.WriteFmt("  out uint4 ocol0 : SV_Target,\n");
+      out.Write("  out uint4 ocol0 : SV_Target,\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("  out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target0,\n"
-                   "  out float4 ocol1 : SV_Target1,\n");
+      out.Write("  out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target0,\n"
+                "  out float4 ocol1 : SV_Target1,\n");
     if (per_pixel_depth)
-      out.WriteFmt("  out float depth : SV_Depth,\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("  in float4 rawpos : SV_Position,\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("  in {} float4 colors_0 : COLOR0,\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-    out.WriteFmt("  in {} float4 colors_1 : COLOR1", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+      out.Write("  out float depth : SV_Depth,\n");
+    out.Write("  in float4 rawpos : SV_Position,\n");
+    out.Write("  in {} float4 colors_0 : COLOR0,\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+    out.Write("  in {} float4 colors_1 : COLOR1", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
     // compute window position if needed because binding semantic WPOS is not widely supported
     for (u32 i = 0; i < numTexgen; ++i)
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in {} float3 tex{} : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i,
-                   i);
+      out.Write(",\n  in {} float3 tex{} : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i,
+                i);
     if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-      out.WriteFmt("\n,\n  in {} float4 clipPos : TEXCOORD{}",
-                   GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), numTexgen);
+      out.Write("\n,\n  in {} float4 clipPos : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
+                numTexgen);
     if (per_pixel_lighting)
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in {} float3 Normal : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
-                   numTexgen + 1);
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in {} float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
-                   numTexgen + 2);
+      out.Write(",\n  in {} float3 Normal : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
+                numTexgen + 1);
+      out.Write(",\n  in {} float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD{}", GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa),
+                numTexgen + 2);
-    out.WriteFmt(",\n  in float clipDist0 : SV_ClipDistance0\n"
-                 ",\n  in float clipDist1 : SV_ClipDistance1\n");
+    out.Write(",\n  in float clipDist0 : SV_ClipDistance0\n"
+              ",\n  in float clipDist1 : SV_ClipDistance1\n");
     if (stereo)
-      out.WriteFmt(",\n  in uint layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\n        ) {{\n");
+      out.Write(",\n  in uint layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex\n");
+    out.Write("\n        ) {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  int3 tevcoord = int3(0, 0, 0);\n"
-               "  State s;\n"
-               "  s.TexColor = int4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
-               "  s.AlphaBump = 0;\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  int3 tevcoord = int3(0, 0, 0);\n"
+            "  State s;\n"
+            "  s.TexColor = int4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
+            "  s.AlphaBump = 0;\n"
+            "\n");
   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-    out.WriteFmt("  s.Reg[{}] = " I_COLORS "[{}];\n", i, i);
+    out.Write("  s.Reg[{}] = " I_COLORS "[{}];\n", i, i);
   const char* color_input_prefix = "";
   if (per_pixel_lighting)
-    out.WriteFmt("  float4 lit_colors_0 = colors_0;\n"
-                 "  float4 lit_colors_1 = colors_1;\n"
-                 "  float3 lit_normal = normalize(;\n"
-                 "  float3 lit_pos =;\n");
+    out.Write("  float4 lit_colors_0 = colors_0;\n"
+              "  float4 lit_colors_1 = colors_1;\n"
+              "  float3 lit_normal = normalize(;\n"
+              "  float3 lit_pos =;\n");
     WriteVertexLighting(out, ApiType, "lit_pos", "lit_normal", "colors_0", "colors_1",
                         "lit_colors_0", "lit_colors_1");
     color_input_prefix = "lit_";
-  out.WriteFmt("  uint num_stages = {};\n\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_genmode", bpmem.genMode.numtevstages));
+  out.Write("  uint num_stages = {};\n\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_genmode", bpmem.genMode.numtevstages));
-  out.WriteFmt("  // Main tev loop\n");
+  out.Write("  // Main tev loop\n");
   if (ApiType == APIType::D3D)
     // Tell DirectX we don't want this loop unrolled (it crashes if it tries to)
-    out.WriteFmt("  [loop]\n");
+    out.Write("  [loop]\n");
-  out.WriteFmt(
-      "  for(uint stage = 0u; stage <= num_stages; stage++)\n"
-      "  {{\n"
-      "    StageState ss;\n"
-      "    ss.stage = stage;\n"
-      " = bpmem_combiners(stage).x;\n"
-      " = bpmem_combiners(stage).y;\n"
-      "    ss.order = bpmem_tevorder(stage>>1);\n"
-      "    if ((stage & 1u) == 1u)\n"
-      "      ss.order = ss.order >> {};\n\n",
-      int(TwoTevStageOrders().enable1.StartBit() - TwoTevStageOrders().enable0.StartBit()));
+  out.Write("  for(uint stage = 0u; stage <= num_stages; stage++)\n"
+            "  {{\n"
+            "    StageState ss;\n"
+            "    ss.stage = stage;\n"
+            " = bpmem_combiners(stage).x;\n"
+            " = bpmem_combiners(stage).y;\n"
+            "    ss.order = bpmem_tevorder(stage>>1);\n"
+            "    if ((stage & 1u) == 1u)\n"
+            "      ss.order = ss.order >> {};\n\n",
+            int(TwoTevStageOrders().enable1.StartBit() - TwoTevStageOrders().enable0.StartBit()));
   // Disable texturing when there are no texgens (for now)
   if (numTexgen != 0)
-    out.WriteFmt("    uint tex_coord = {};\n",
-                 BitfieldExtract("ss.order", TwoTevStageOrders().texcoord0));
-    out.WriteFmt("    float3 uv = getTexCoord(tex_coord);\n"
-                 "    int2 fixedPoint_uv = int2((uv.z == 0.0 ? uv.xy : (uv.xy / uv.z)) * " I_TEXDIMS
-                 "[tex_coord].zw);\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "    bool texture_enabled = (ss.order & {}u) != 0u;\n",
-                 1 << TwoTevStageOrders().enable0.StartBit());
-    out.WriteFmt("\n"
-                 "    // Indirect textures\n"
-                 "    uint tevind = bpmem_tevind(stage);\n"
-                 "    if (tevind != 0u)\n"
-                 "    {{\n"
-                 "      uint bs = {};\n",
-                 BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().bs));
-    out.WriteFmt("      uint fmt = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().fmt));
-    out.WriteFmt("      uint bias = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().bias));
-    out.WriteFmt("      uint bt = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().bt));
-    out.WriteFmt("      uint mid = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().mid));
-    out.WriteFmt("\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("      int3 indcoord;\n");
+    out.Write("    uint tex_coord = {};\n",
+              BitfieldExtract("ss.order", TwoTevStageOrders().texcoord0));
+    out.Write("    float3 uv = getTexCoord(tex_coord);\n"
+              "    int2 fixedPoint_uv = int2((uv.z == 0.0 ? uv.xy : (uv.xy / uv.z)) * " I_TEXDIMS
+              "[tex_coord].zw);\n"
+              "\n"
+              "    bool texture_enabled = (ss.order & {}u) != 0u;\n",
+              1 << TwoTevStageOrders().enable0.StartBit());
+    out.Write("\n"
+              "    // Indirect textures\n"
+              "    uint tevind = bpmem_tevind(stage);\n"
+              "    if (tevind != 0u)\n"
+              "    {{\n"
+              "      uint bs = {};\n",
+              BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().bs));
+    out.Write("      uint fmt = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().fmt));
+    out.Write("      uint bias = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().bias));
+    out.Write("      uint bt = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().bt));
+    out.Write("      uint mid = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().mid));
+    out.Write("\n");
+    out.Write("      int3 indcoord;\n");
     LookupIndirectTexture("indcoord", "bt");
-    out.WriteFmt("      if (bs != 0u)\n"
-                 "        s.AlphaBump = indcoord[bs - 1u];\n"
-                 "      switch(fmt)\n"
-                 "      {{\n"
-                 "      case {}u:\n",
-                 ITF_8);
-    out.WriteFmt("        indcoord.x = indcoord.x + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? -128 : 0);\n"
-                 "        indcoord.y = indcoord.y + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? -128 : 0);\n"
-                 "        indcoord.z = indcoord.z + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? -128 : 0);\n"
-                 "        s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump & 0xf8;\n"
-                 "        break;\n"
-                 "      case {}u:\n",
-                 ITF_5);
-    out.WriteFmt("        indcoord.x = (indcoord.x & 0x1f) + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
-                 "        indcoord.y = (indcoord.y & 0x1f) + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
-                 "        indcoord.z = (indcoord.z & 0x1f) + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
-                 "        s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump & 0xe0;\n"
-                 "        break;\n"
-                 "      case {}u:\n",
-                 ITF_4);
-    out.WriteFmt("        indcoord.x = (indcoord.x & 0x0f) + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
-                 "        indcoord.y = (indcoord.y & 0x0f) + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
-                 "        indcoord.z = (indcoord.z & 0x0f) + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
-                 "        s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump & 0xf0;\n"
-                 "        break;\n"
-                 "      case {}u:\n",
-                 ITF_3);
-    out.WriteFmt("        indcoord.x = (indcoord.x & 0x07) + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
-                 "        indcoord.y = (indcoord.y & 0x07) + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
-                 "        indcoord.z = (indcoord.z & 0x07) + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
-                 "        s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump & 0xf8;\n"
-                 "        break;\n"
-                 "      }}\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "      // Matrix multiply\n"
-                 "      int2 indtevtrans = int2(0, 0);\n"
-                 "      if ((mid & 3u) != 0u)\n"
-                 "      {{\n"
-                 "        uint mtxidx = 2u * ((mid & 3u) - 1u);\n"
-                 "        int shift = " I_INDTEXMTX "[mtxidx].w;\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "        switch (mid >> 2)\n"
-                 "        {{\n"
-                 "        case 0u: // 3x2 S0.10 matrix\n"
-                 "          indtevtrans = int2(idot(" I_INDTEXMTX
-                 "[mtxidx].xyz, indcoord), idot(" I_INDTEXMTX
-                 "[mtxidx + 1u].xyz, indcoord)) >> 3;\n"
-                 "          break;\n"
-                 "        case 1u: // S matrix, S17.7 format\n"
-                 "          indtevtrans = (fixedPoint_uv * indcoord.xx) >> 8;\n"
-                 "          break;\n"
-                 "        case 2u: // T matrix, S17.7 format\n"
-                 "          indtevtrans = (fixedPoint_uv * indcoord.yy) >> 8;\n"
-                 "          break;\n"
-                 "        }}\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "        if (shift >= 0)\n"
-                 "          indtevtrans = indtevtrans >> shift;\n"
-                 "        else\n"
-                 "          indtevtrans = indtevtrans << ((-shift) & 31);\n"
-                 "      }}\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "      // Wrapping\n"
-                 "      uint sw = {};\n",
-                 BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().sw));
-    out.WriteFmt("      uint tw = {}; \n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().tw));
-    out.WriteFmt(
+    out.Write("      if (bs != 0u)\n"
+              "        s.AlphaBump = indcoord[bs - 1u];\n"
+              "      switch(fmt)\n"
+              "      {{\n"
+              "      case {}u:\n",
+              ITF_8);
+    out.Write("        indcoord.x = indcoord.x + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? -128 : 0);\n"
+              "        indcoord.y = indcoord.y + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? -128 : 0);\n"
+              "        indcoord.z = indcoord.z + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? -128 : 0);\n"
+              "        s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump & 0xf8;\n"
+              "        break;\n"
+              "      case {}u:\n",
+              ITF_5);
+    out.Write("        indcoord.x = (indcoord.x & 0x1f) + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
+              "        indcoord.y = (indcoord.y & 0x1f) + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
+              "        indcoord.z = (indcoord.z & 0x1f) + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
+              "        s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump & 0xe0;\n"
+              "        break;\n"
+              "      case {}u:\n",
+              ITF_4);
+    out.Write("        indcoord.x = (indcoord.x & 0x0f) + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
+              "        indcoord.y = (indcoord.y & 0x0f) + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
+              "        indcoord.z = (indcoord.z & 0x0f) + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
+              "        s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump & 0xf0;\n"
+              "        break;\n"
+              "      case {}u:\n",
+              ITF_3);
+    out.Write("        indcoord.x = (indcoord.x & 0x07) + ((bias & 1u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
+              "        indcoord.y = (indcoord.y & 0x07) + ((bias & 2u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
+              "        indcoord.z = (indcoord.z & 0x07) + ((bias & 4u) != 0u ? 1 : 0);\n"
+              "        s.AlphaBump = s.AlphaBump & 0xf8;\n"
+              "        break;\n"
+              "      }}\n"
+              "\n"
+              "      // Matrix multiply\n"
+              "      int2 indtevtrans = int2(0, 0);\n"
+              "      if ((mid & 3u) != 0u)\n"
+              "      {{\n"
+              "        uint mtxidx = 2u * ((mid & 3u) - 1u);\n"
+              "        int shift = " I_INDTEXMTX "[mtxidx].w;\n"
+              "\n"
+              "        switch (mid >> 2)\n"
+              "        {{\n"
+              "        case 0u: // 3x2 S0.10 matrix\n"
+              "          indtevtrans = int2(idot(" I_INDTEXMTX
+              "[mtxidx].xyz, indcoord), idot(" I_INDTEXMTX "[mtxidx + 1u].xyz, indcoord)) >> 3;\n"
+              "          break;\n"
+              "        case 1u: // S matrix, S17.7 format\n"
+              "          indtevtrans = (fixedPoint_uv * indcoord.xx) >> 8;\n"
+              "          break;\n"
+              "        case 2u: // T matrix, S17.7 format\n"
+              "          indtevtrans = (fixedPoint_uv * indcoord.yy) >> 8;\n"
+              "          break;\n"
+              "        }}\n"
+              "\n"
+              "        if (shift >= 0)\n"
+              "          indtevtrans = indtevtrans >> shift;\n"
+              "        else\n"
+              "          indtevtrans = indtevtrans << ((-shift) & 31);\n"
+              "      }}\n"
+              "\n"
+              "      // Wrapping\n"
+              "      uint sw = {};\n",
+              BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().sw));
+    out.Write("      uint tw = {}; \n", BitfieldExtract("tevind", TevStageIndirect().tw));
+    out.Write(
         "      int2 wrapped_coord = int2(Wrap(fixedPoint_uv.x, sw), Wrap(fixedPoint_uv.y, tw));\n"
         "      if ((tevind & {}u) != 0u) // add previous tevcoord\n",
         1 << TevStageIndirect().fb_addprev.StartBit());
-    out.WriteFmt("        tevcoord.xy += wrapped_coord + indtevtrans;\n"
-                 "      else\n"
-                 "        tevcoord.xy = wrapped_coord + indtevtrans;\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "      // Emulate s24 overflows\n"
-                 "      tevcoord.xy = (tevcoord.xy << 8) >> 8;\n"
-                 "    }}\n"
-                 "    else if (texture_enabled)\n"
-                 "    {{\n"
-                 "      tevcoord.xy = fixedPoint_uv;\n"
-                 "    }}\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "    // Sample texture for stage\n"
-                 "    if (texture_enabled) {{\n"
-                 "      uint sampler_num = {};\n",
-                 BitfieldExtract("ss.order", TwoTevStageOrders().texmap0));
-    out.WriteFmt("\n"
-                 "      float2 uv = (float2(tevcoord.xy)) * " I_TEXDIMS "[sampler_num].xy;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("      int4 color = sampleTexture(sampler_num, float3(uv, {}));\n",
-                 stereo ? "float(layer)" : "0.0");
-    out.WriteFmt("      uint swap = {};\n",
-                 BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.tswap));
-    out.WriteFmt("      s.TexColor = Swizzle(swap, color);\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("    }} else {{\n"
-                 "      // Texture is disabled\n"
-                 "      s.TexColor = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n"
-                 "    }}\n"
-                 "\n");
+    out.Write("        tevcoord.xy += wrapped_coord + indtevtrans;\n"
+              "      else\n"
+              "        tevcoord.xy = wrapped_coord + indtevtrans;\n"
+              "\n"
+              "      // Emulate s24 overflows\n"
+              "      tevcoord.xy = (tevcoord.xy << 8) >> 8;\n"
+              "    }}\n"
+              "    else if (texture_enabled)\n"
+              "    {{\n"
+              "      tevcoord.xy = fixedPoint_uv;\n"
+              "    }}\n"
+              "\n"
+              "    // Sample texture for stage\n"
+              "    if (texture_enabled) {{\n"
+              "      uint sampler_num = {};\n",
+              BitfieldExtract("ss.order", TwoTevStageOrders().texmap0));
+    out.Write("\n"
+              "      float2 uv = (float2(tevcoord.xy)) * " I_TEXDIMS "[sampler_num].xy;\n");
+    out.Write("      int4 color = sampleTexture(sampler_num, float3(uv, {}));\n",
+              stereo ? "float(layer)" : "0.0");
+    out.Write("      uint swap = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.tswap));
+    out.Write("      s.TexColor = Swizzle(swap, color);\n");
+    out.Write("    }} else {{\n"
+              "      // Texture is disabled\n"
+              "      s.TexColor = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n"
+              "    }}\n"
+              "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("    // This is the Meat of TEV\n"
-               "    {{\n"
-               "      // Color Combiner\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint color_a = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.a));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint color_b = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.b));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint color_c = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.c));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint color_d = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.d));
+  out.Write("    // This is the Meat of TEV\n"
+            "    {{\n"
+            "      // Color Combiner\n");
+  out.Write("      uint color_a = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.a));
+  out.Write("      uint color_b = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.b));
+  out.Write("      uint color_c = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.c));
+  out.Write("      uint color_d = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.d));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint color_bias = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.bias));
-  out.WriteFmt("      bool color_op = bool({});\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.op));
-  out.WriteFmt("      bool color_clamp = bool({});\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.clamp));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint color_shift = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.shift));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint color_dest = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.dest));
+  out.Write("      uint color_bias = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.bias));
+  out.Write("      bool color_op = bool({});\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.op));
+  out.Write("      bool color_clamp = bool({});\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.clamp));
+  out.Write("      uint color_shift = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.shift));
+  out.Write("      uint color_dest = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().colorC.dest));
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write(
       "      uint color_compare_op = color_shift << 1 | uint(color_op);\n"
       "      int3 color_A = selectColorInput(s, ss, {0}colors_0, {0}colors_1, color_a) & "
@@ -945,7 +941,7 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
       "bits + sign\n"
       "\n",  // TODO: do we need to sign extend?
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write(
       "      int3 color;\n"
       "      if (color_bias != 3u) {{ // Normal mode\n"
       "        color = tevLerp3(color_A, color_B, color_C, color_D, color_bias, color_op, false, "
@@ -981,24 +977,24 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
   // Alpha combiner
-  out.WriteFmt("      // Alpha Combiner\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint alpha_a = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.a));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint alpha_b = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.b));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint alpha_c = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.c));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint alpha_d = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.d));
+  out.Write("      // Alpha Combiner\n");
+  out.Write("      uint alpha_a = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.a));
+  out.Write("      uint alpha_b = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.b));
+  out.Write("      uint alpha_c = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.c));
+  out.Write("      uint alpha_d = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.d));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint alpha_bias = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.bias));
-  out.WriteFmt("      bool alpha_op = bool({});\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.op));
-  out.WriteFmt("      bool alpha_clamp = bool({});\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.clamp));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint alpha_shift = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.shift));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint alpha_dest = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.dest));
+  out.Write("      uint alpha_bias = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.bias));
+  out.Write("      bool alpha_op = bool({});\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.op));
+  out.Write("      bool alpha_clamp = bool({});\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.clamp));
+  out.Write("      uint alpha_shift = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.shift));
+  out.Write("      uint alpha_dest = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.dest));
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write(
       "      uint alpha_compare_op = alpha_shift << 1 | uint(alpha_op);\n"
       "      int alpha_A;\n"
@@ -1013,60 +1009,60 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
       "+ sign\n"
       "\n",  // TODO: do we need to sign extend?
-  out.WriteFmt("\n"
-               "      int alpha;\n"
-               "      if (alpha_bias != 3u) {{ // Normal mode\n"
-               "        alpha = tevLerp(alpha_A, alpha_B, alpha_C, alpha_D, alpha_bias, alpha_op, "
-               "true, alpha_shift);\n"
-               "      }} else {{ // Compare mode\n"
-               "        if (alpha_compare_op == 6u) {{\n"
-               "          // TEVCMP_A8_GT\n"
-               "          alpha = (alpha_A > alpha_B) ? alpha_C : 0;\n"
-               "        }} else if (alpha_compare_op == 7u) {{\n"
-               "          // TEVCMP_A8_EQ\n"
-               "          alpha = (alpha_A == alpha_B) ? alpha_C : 0;\n"
-               "        }} else {{\n"
-               "          // All remaining alpha compare ops actually compare the color channels\n"
-               "          alpha = tevCompare(alpha_compare_op, color_A, color_B) ? alpha_C : 0;\n"
-               "        }}\n"
-               "        alpha = alpha_D + alpha;\n"
-               "      }}\n"
-               "\n"
-               "      // Clamp result\n"
-               "      if (alpha_clamp)\n"
-               "        alpha = clamp(alpha, 0, 255);\n"
-               "      else\n"
-               "        alpha = clamp(alpha, -1024, 1023);\n"
-               "\n"
-               "      // Write result to the correct input register of the next stage\n"
-               "      setRegAlpha(s, alpha_dest, alpha);\n"
-               "    }}\n");
+  out.Write("\n"
+            "      int alpha;\n"
+            "      if (alpha_bias != 3u) {{ // Normal mode\n"
+            "        alpha = tevLerp(alpha_A, alpha_B, alpha_C, alpha_D, alpha_bias, alpha_op, "
+            "true, alpha_shift);\n"
+            "      }} else {{ // Compare mode\n"
+            "        if (alpha_compare_op == 6u) {{\n"
+            "          // TEVCMP_A8_GT\n"
+            "          alpha = (alpha_A > alpha_B) ? alpha_C : 0;\n"
+            "        }} else if (alpha_compare_op == 7u) {{\n"
+            "          // TEVCMP_A8_EQ\n"
+            "          alpha = (alpha_A == alpha_B) ? alpha_C : 0;\n"
+            "        }} else {{\n"
+            "          // All remaining alpha compare ops actually compare the color channels\n"
+            "          alpha = tevCompare(alpha_compare_op, color_A, color_B) ? alpha_C : 0;\n"
+            "        }}\n"
+            "        alpha = alpha_D + alpha;\n"
+            "      }}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "      // Clamp result\n"
+            "      if (alpha_clamp)\n"
+            "        alpha = clamp(alpha, 0, 255);\n"
+            "      else\n"
+            "        alpha = clamp(alpha, -1024, 1023);\n"
+            "\n"
+            "      // Write result to the correct input register of the next stage\n"
+            "      setRegAlpha(s, alpha_dest, alpha);\n"
+            "    }}\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  }} // Main TEV loop\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  }} // Main TEV loop\n"
+            "\n");
   // Select the output color and alpha registers from the last stage.
-  out.WriteFmt("  int4 TevResult;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt(" = getTevReg(s, {}).xyz;\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_combiners(num_stages).x", TevStageCombiner().colorC.dest));
-  out.WriteFmt("  TevResult.w = getTevReg(s, {}).w;\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_combiners(num_stages).y", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.dest));
+  out.Write("  int4 TevResult;\n");
+  out.Write(" = getTevReg(s, {}).xyz;\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_combiners(num_stages).x", TevStageCombiner().colorC.dest));
+  out.Write("  TevResult.w = getTevReg(s, {}).w;\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_combiners(num_stages).y", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.dest));
-  out.WriteFmt("  TevResult &= 255;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  TevResult &= 255;\n\n");
   if (host_config.fast_depth_calc)
     if (!host_config.backend_reversed_depth_range)
-      out.WriteFmt("  int zCoord = int((1.0 - rawpos.z) * 16777216.0);\n");
+      out.Write("  int zCoord = int((1.0 - rawpos.z) * 16777216.0);\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("  int zCoord = int(rawpos.z * 16777216.0);\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("  zCoord = clamp(zCoord, 0, 0xFFFFFF);\n"
-                 "\n");
+      out.Write("  int zCoord = int(rawpos.z * 16777216.0);\n");
+    out.Write("  zCoord = clamp(zCoord, 0, 0xFFFFFF);\n"
+              "\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tint zCoord = " I_ZBIAS "[1].x + int((clipPos.z / clipPos.w) * float(" I_ZBIAS
-                 "[1].y));\n");
+    out.Write("\tint zCoord = " I_ZBIAS "[1].x + int((clipPos.z / clipPos.w) * float(" I_ZBIAS
+              "[1].y));\n");
   // ===========
@@ -1076,81 +1072,81 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
   if (per_pixel_depth)
     // Zfreeze forces early depth off
-    out.WriteFmt("  // ZFreeze\n"
-                 "  if ((bpmem_genmode & {}u) != 0u) {{\n",
-                 1 << GenMode().zfreeze.StartBit());
-    out.WriteFmt("    float2 screenpos = rawpos.xy * " I_EFBSCALE ".xy;\n");
+    out.Write("  // ZFreeze\n"
+              "  if ((bpmem_genmode & {}u) != 0u) {{\n",
+              1 << GenMode().zfreeze.StartBit());
+    out.Write("    float2 screenpos = rawpos.xy * " I_EFBSCALE ".xy;\n");
     if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL)
-      out.WriteFmt("    // OpenGL has reversed vertical screenspace coordinates\n"
-                   "    screenpos.y = 528.0 - screenpos.y;\n");
+      out.Write("    // OpenGL has reversed vertical screenspace coordinates\n"
+                "    screenpos.y = 528.0 - screenpos.y;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("    zCoord = int(" I_ZSLOPE ".z + " I_ZSLOPE ".x * screenpos.x + " I_ZSLOPE
-                 ".y * screenpos.y);\n"
-                 " }}\n"
-                 "\n");
+    out.Write("    zCoord = int(" I_ZSLOPE ".z + " I_ZSLOPE ".x * screenpos.x + " I_ZSLOPE
+              ".y * screenpos.y);\n"
+              " }}\n"
+              "\n");
   // =================
   //   Depth Texture
   // =================
-  out.WriteFmt("  // Depth Texture\n"
-               "  int early_zCoord = zCoord;\n"
-               "  if (bpmem_ztex_op != 0u) {{\n"
-               "    int ztex = int(" I_ZBIAS "[1].w); // fixed bias\n"
-               "\n"
-               "    // Whatever texture was in our last stage, it's now our depth texture\n"
-               "    ztex += idot(s.TexColor.xyzw, " I_ZBIAS "[0].xyzw);\n"
-               "    ztex += (bpmem_ztex_op == 1u) ? zCoord : 0;\n"
-               "    zCoord = ztex & 0xFFFFFF;\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  // Depth Texture\n"
+            "  int early_zCoord = zCoord;\n"
+            "  if (bpmem_ztex_op != 0u) {{\n"
+            "    int ztex = int(" I_ZBIAS "[1].w); // fixed bias\n"
+            "\n"
+            "    // Whatever texture was in our last stage, it's now our depth texture\n"
+            "    ztex += idot(s.TexColor.xyzw, " I_ZBIAS "[0].xyzw);\n"
+            "    ztex += (bpmem_ztex_op == 1u) ? zCoord : 0;\n"
+            "    zCoord = ztex & 0xFFFFFF;\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "\n");
   if (per_pixel_depth)
-    out.WriteFmt("  // If early depth is enabled, write to zbuffer before depth textures\n"
-                 "  // If early depth isn't enabled, we write to the zbuffer here\n"
-                 "  int zbuffer_zCoord = bpmem_late_ztest ? zCoord : early_zCoord;\n");
+    out.Write("  // If early depth is enabled, write to zbuffer before depth textures\n"
+              "  // If early depth isn't enabled, we write to the zbuffer here\n"
+              "  int zbuffer_zCoord = bpmem_late_ztest ? zCoord : early_zCoord;\n");
     if (!host_config.backend_reversed_depth_range)
-      out.WriteFmt("  depth = 1.0 - float(zbuffer_zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
+      out.Write("  depth = 1.0 - float(zbuffer_zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("  depth = float(zbuffer_zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
+      out.Write("  depth = float(zbuffer_zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  // Alpha Test\n"
-               "  if (bpmem_alphaTest != 0u) {{\n"
-               "    bool comp0 = alphaCompare(TevResult.a, " I_ALPHA ".r, {});\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_alphaTest", AlphaTest().comp0));
-  out.WriteFmt("    bool comp1 = alphaCompare(TevResult.a, " I_ALPHA ".g, {});\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_alphaTest", AlphaTest().comp1));
-  out.WriteFmt("\n"
-               "    // These if statements are written weirdly to work around intel and Qualcomm "
-               "bugs with handling booleans.\n"
-               "    switch ({}) {{\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_alphaTest", AlphaTest().logic));
-  out.WriteFmt("    case 0u: // AND\n"
-               "      if (comp0 && comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
-               "    case 1u: // OR\n"
-               "      if (comp0 || comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
-               "    case 2u: // XOR\n"
-               "      if (comp0 != comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
-               "    case 3u: // XNOR\n"
-               "      if (comp0 == comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
-               "    }}\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  // Alpha Test\n"
+            "  if (bpmem_alphaTest != 0u) {{\n"
+            "    bool comp0 = alphaCompare(TevResult.a, " I_ALPHA ".r, {});\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_alphaTest", AlphaTest().comp0));
+  out.Write("    bool comp1 = alphaCompare(TevResult.a, " I_ALPHA ".g, {});\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_alphaTest", AlphaTest().comp1));
+  out.Write("\n"
+            "    // These if statements are written weirdly to work around intel and Qualcomm "
+            "bugs with handling booleans.\n"
+            "    switch ({}) {{\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_alphaTest", AlphaTest().logic));
+  out.Write("    case 0u: // AND\n"
+            "      if (comp0 && comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
+            "    case 1u: // OR\n"
+            "      if (comp0 || comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
+            "    case 2u: // XOR\n"
+            "      if (comp0 != comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
+            "    case 3u: // XNOR\n"
+            "      if (comp0 == comp1) break; else discard; break;\n"
+            "    }}\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "\n");
   // =========
   // Dithering
   // =========
-  out.WriteFmt("  if (bpmem_dither) {{\n"
-               "    // Flipper uses a standard 2x2 Bayer Matrix for 6 bit dithering\n"
-               "    // Here the matrix is encoded into the two factor constants\n"
-               "    int2 dither = int2(rawpos.xy) & 1;\n"
-               "    TevResult.rgb = (TevResult.rgb - (TevResult.rgb >> 6)) + abs(dither.y * 3 - "
-               "dither.x * 2);\n"
-               "  }}\n\n");
+  out.Write("  if (bpmem_dither) {{\n"
+            "    // Flipper uses a standard 2x2 Bayer Matrix for 6 bit dithering\n"
+            "    // Here the matrix is encoded into the two factor constants\n"
+            "    int2 dither = int2(rawpos.xy) & 1;\n"
+            "    TevResult.rgb = (TevResult.rgb - (TevResult.rgb >> 6)) + abs(dither.y * 3 - "
+            "dither.x * 2);\n"
+            "  }}\n\n");
   // =========
   //    Fog
@@ -1158,102 +1154,101 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
   // FIXME: Fog is implemented the same as ShaderGen, but ShaderGen's fog is all hacks.
   //        Should be fixed point, and should not make guesses about Range-Based adjustments.
-  out.WriteFmt("  // Fog\n"
-               "  uint fog_function = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_fogParam3", FogParam3().fsel));
-  out.WriteFmt("  if (fog_function != 0u) {{\n"
-               "    // TODO: This all needs to be converted from float to fixed point\n"
-               "    float ze;\n"
-               "    if ({} == 0u) {{\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_fogParam3", FogParam3().proj));
-  out.WriteFmt("      // perspective\n"
-               "      // ze = A/(B - (Zs >> B_SHF)\n"
-               "      ze = (" I_FOGF ".x * 16777216.0) / float(" I_FOGI ".y - (zCoord >> " I_FOGI
-               ".w));\n"
-               "    }} else {{\n"
-               "      // orthographic\n"
-               "      // ze = a*Zs    (here, no B_SHF)\n"
-               "      ze = " I_FOGF ".z * float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n"
-               "    }}\n"
-               "\n"
-               "    if (bool({})) {{\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("bpmem_fogRangeBase", FogRangeParams::RangeBase().Enabled));
-  out.WriteFmt("      // x_adjust = sqrt((x-center)^2 + k^2)/k\n"
-               "      // ze *= x_adjust\n"
-               "      float offset = (2.0 * (rawpos.x / " I_FOGF ".w)) - 1.0 - " I_FOGF ".z;\n"
-               "      float floatindex = clamp(9.0 - abs(offset) * 9.0, 0.0, 9.0);\n"
-               "      uint indexlower = uint(floatindex);\n"
-               "      uint indexupper = indexlower + 1u;\n"
-               "      float klower = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexlower >> 2u][indexlower & 3u];\n"
-               "      float kupper = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexupper >> 2u][indexupper & 3u];\n"
-               "      float k = lerp(klower, kupper, frac(floatindex));\n"
-               "      float x_adjust = sqrt(offset * offset + k * k) / k;\n"
-               "      ze *= x_adjust;\n"
-               "    }}\n"
-               "\n"
-               "    float fog = clamp(ze - " I_FOGF ".y, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
-               "\n"
-               "    if (fog_function > 3u) {{\n"
-               "      switch (fog_function) {{\n"
-               "      case 4u:\n"
-               "        fog = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fog);\n"
-               "        break;\n"
-               "      case 5u:\n"
-               "        fog = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fog * fog);\n"
-               "        break;\n"
-               "      case 6u:\n"
-               "        fog = exp2(-8.0 * (1.0 - fog));\n"
-               "        break;\n"
-               "      case 7u:\n"
-               "        fog = 1.0 - fog;\n"
-               "        fog = exp2(-8.0 * fog * fog);\n"
-               "        break;\n"
-               "      }}\n"
-               "    }}\n"
-               "\n"
-               "    int ifog = iround(fog * 256.0);\n"
-               "    TevResult.rgb = (TevResult.rgb * (256 - ifog) + " I_FOGCOLOR
-               ".rgb * ifog) >> 8;\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  // Fog\n"
+            "  uint fog_function = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_fogParam3", FogParam3().fsel));
+  out.Write("  if (fog_function != 0u) {{\n"
+            "    // TODO: This all needs to be converted from float to fixed point\n"
+            "    float ze;\n"
+            "    if ({} == 0u) {{\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_fogParam3", FogParam3().proj));
+  out.Write("      // perspective\n"
+            "      // ze = A/(B - (Zs >> B_SHF)\n"
+            "      ze = (" I_FOGF ".x * 16777216.0) / float(" I_FOGI ".y - (zCoord >> " I_FOGI
+            ".w));\n"
+            "    }} else {{\n"
+            "      // orthographic\n"
+            "      // ze = a*Zs    (here, no B_SHF)\n"
+            "      ze = " I_FOGF ".z * float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n"
+            "    }}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "    if (bool({})) {{\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("bpmem_fogRangeBase", FogRangeParams::RangeBase().Enabled));
+  out.Write("      // x_adjust = sqrt((x-center)^2 + k^2)/k\n"
+            "      // ze *= x_adjust\n"
+            "      float offset = (2.0 * (rawpos.x / " I_FOGF ".w)) - 1.0 - " I_FOGF ".z;\n"
+            "      float floatindex = clamp(9.0 - abs(offset) * 9.0, 0.0, 9.0);\n"
+            "      uint indexlower = uint(floatindex);\n"
+            "      uint indexupper = indexlower + 1u;\n"
+            "      float klower = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexlower >> 2u][indexlower & 3u];\n"
+            "      float kupper = " I_FOGRANGE "[indexupper >> 2u][indexupper & 3u];\n"
+            "      float k = lerp(klower, kupper, frac(floatindex));\n"
+            "      float x_adjust = sqrt(offset * offset + k * k) / k;\n"
+            "      ze *= x_adjust;\n"
+            "    }}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "    float fog = clamp(ze - " I_FOGF ".y, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
+            "\n"
+            "    if (fog_function > 3u) {{\n"
+            "      switch (fog_function) {{\n"
+            "      case 4u:\n"
+            "        fog = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fog);\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case 5u:\n"
+            "        fog = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fog * fog);\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case 6u:\n"
+            "        fog = exp2(-8.0 * (1.0 - fog));\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      case 7u:\n"
+            "        fog = 1.0 - fog;\n"
+            "        fog = exp2(-8.0 * fog * fog);\n"
+            "        break;\n"
+            "      }}\n"
+            "    }}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "    int ifog = iround(fog * 256.0);\n"
+            "    TevResult.rgb = (TevResult.rgb * (256 - ifog) + " I_FOGCOLOR ".rgb * ifog) >> 8;\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "\n");
   // D3D requires that the shader outputs be uint when writing to a uint render target for logic op.
   if (ApiType == APIType::D3D && uid_data->uint_output)
-    out.WriteFmt("  if (bpmem_rgba6_format)\n"
-                 "    ocol0 = uint4(TevResult & 0xFC);\n"
-                 "  else\n"
-                 "    ocol0 = uint4(TevResult);\n"
-                 "\n");
+    out.Write("  if (bpmem_rgba6_format)\n"
+              "    ocol0 = uint4(TevResult & 0xFC);\n"
+              "  else\n"
+              "    ocol0 = uint4(TevResult);\n"
+              "\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("  if (bpmem_rgba6_format)\n"
-                 "    ocol0.rgb = float3(TevResult.rgb >> 2) / 63.0;\n"
-                 "  else\n"
-                 "    ocol0.rgb = float3(TevResult.rgb) / 255.0;\n"
-                 "\n"
-                 "  if (bpmem_dstalpha != 0u)\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("    ocol0.a = float({} >> 2) / 63.0;\n",
-                 BitfieldExtract("bpmem_dstalpha", ConstantAlpha().alpha));
-    out.WriteFmt("  else\n"
-                 "    ocol0.a = float(TevResult.a >> 2) / 63.0;\n"
-                 "  \n");
+    out.Write("  if (bpmem_rgba6_format)\n"
+              "    ocol0.rgb = float3(TevResult.rgb >> 2) / 63.0;\n"
+              "  else\n"
+              "    ocol0.rgb = float3(TevResult.rgb) / 255.0;\n"
+              "\n"
+              "  if (bpmem_dstalpha != 0u)\n");
+    out.Write("    ocol0.a = float({} >> 2) / 63.0;\n",
+              BitfieldExtract("bpmem_dstalpha", ConstantAlpha().alpha));
+    out.Write("  else\n"
+              "    ocol0.a = float(TevResult.a >> 2) / 63.0;\n"
+              "  \n");
     if (use_dual_source || use_shader_blend)
-      out.WriteFmt("  // Dest alpha override (dual source blending)\n"
-                   "  // Colors will be blended against the alpha from ocol1 and\n"
-                   "  // the alpha from ocol0 will be written to the framebuffer.\n"
-                   "  ocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, float(TevResult.a) / 255.0);\n");
+      out.Write("  // Dest alpha override (dual source blending)\n"
+                "  // Colors will be blended against the alpha from ocol1 and\n"
+                "  // the alpha from ocol0 will be written to the framebuffer.\n"
+                "  ocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, float(TevResult.a) / 255.0);\n");
   if (bounding_box)
-    out.WriteFmt("  if (bpmem_bounding_box) {{\n"
-                 "    UpdateBoundingBox(rawpos.xy);\n"
-                 "  }}\n");
+    out.Write("  if (bpmem_bounding_box) {{\n"
+              "    UpdateBoundingBox(rawpos.xy);\n"
+              "  }}\n");
   if (use_shader_blend)
@@ -1299,36 +1294,36 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
         "1.0 - initial_ocol0.a;",  // INVDSTALPHA
-    out.WriteFmt("  if (blend_enable) {{\n"
-                 "    float4 blend_src;\n"
-                 "    switch (blend_src_factor) {{\n");
+    out.Write("  if (blend_enable) {{\n"
+              "    float4 blend_src;\n"
+              "    switch (blend_src_factor) {{\n");
     for (size_t i = 0; i < blendSrcFactor.size(); i++)
-      out.WriteFmt("      case {}u: blend_src.rgb = {}; break;\n", i, blendSrcFactor[i]);
+      out.Write("      case {}u: blend_src.rgb = {}; break;\n", i, blendSrcFactor[i]);
-    out.WriteFmt("    }}\n"
-                 "    switch (blend_src_factor_alpha) {{\n");
+    out.Write("    }}\n"
+              "    switch (blend_src_factor_alpha) {{\n");
     for (size_t i = 0; i < blendSrcFactorAlpha.size(); i++)
-      out.WriteFmt("      case {}u: blend_src.a = {}; break;\n", i, blendSrcFactorAlpha[i]);
+      out.Write("      case {}u: blend_src.a = {}; break;\n", i, blendSrcFactorAlpha[i]);
-    out.WriteFmt("    }}\n"
-                 "    float4 blend_dst;\n"
-                 "    switch (blend_dst_factor) {{\n");
+    out.Write("    }}\n"
+              "    float4 blend_dst;\n"
+              "    switch (blend_dst_factor) {{\n");
     for (size_t i = 0; i < blendDstFactor.size(); i++)
-      out.WriteFmt("      case {}u: blend_dst.rgb = {}; break;\n", i, blendDstFactor[i]);
+      out.Write("      case {}u: blend_dst.rgb = {}; break;\n", i, blendDstFactor[i]);
-    out.WriteFmt("    }}\n"
-                 "    switch (blend_dst_factor_alpha) {{\n");
+    out.Write("    }}\n"
+              "    switch (blend_dst_factor_alpha) {{\n");
     for (size_t i = 0; i < blendDstFactorAlpha.size(); i++)
-      out.WriteFmt("      case {}u: blend_dst.a = {}; break;\n", i, blendDstFactorAlpha[i]);
+      out.Write("      case {}u: blend_dst.a = {}; break;\n", i, blendDstFactorAlpha[i]);
-    out.WriteFmt(
+    out.Write(
         "    }}\n"
         "    float4 blend_result;\n"
         "    if (blend_subtract)\n"
@@ -1337,53 +1332,53 @@ ShaderCode GenPixelShader(APIType ApiType, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config,
         "      blend_result.rgb = initial_ocol0.rgb * blend_dst.rgb + ocol0.rgb * "
-    out.WriteFmt("    if (blend_subtract_alpha)\n"
-                 "      blend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a - ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n"
-                 "    else\n"
-                 "      blend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a + ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n");
+    out.Write("    if (blend_subtract_alpha)\n"
+              "      blend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a - ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n"
+              "    else\n"
+              "      blend_result.a = initial_ocol0.a * blend_dst.a + ocol0.a * blend_src.a;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("    real_ocol0 = blend_result;\n");
+    out.Write("    real_ocol0 = blend_result;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("  }} else {{\n"
-                 "    real_ocol0 = ocol0;\n"
-                 "  }}\n");
+    out.Write("  }} else {{\n"
+              "    real_ocol0 = ocol0;\n"
+              "  }}\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("}}\n"
-               "\n"
-               "int4 getRasColor(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1) {{\n"
-               "  // Select Ras for stage\n"
-               "  uint ras = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("ss.order", TwoTevStageOrders().colorchan0));
-  out.WriteFmt("  if (ras < 2u) {{ // Lighting Channel 0 or 1\n"
-               "    int4 color = iround(((ras == 0u) ? colors_0 : colors_1) * 255.0);\n"
-               "    uint swap = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.rswap));
-  out.WriteFmt("    return Swizzle(swap, color);\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  }} else if (ras == 5u) {{ // Alpha Bumb\n"
-               "    return int4(s.AlphaBump, s.AlphaBump, s.AlphaBump, s.AlphaBump);\n"
-               "  }} else if (ras == 6u) {{ // Normalzied Alpha Bump\n"
-               "    int normalized = s.AlphaBump | s.AlphaBump >> 5;\n"
-               "    return int4(normalized, normalized, normalized, normalized);\n"
-               "  }} else {{\n"
-               "    return int4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
-               "  }}\n"
-               "}}\n"
-               "\n"
-               "int4 getKonstColor(State s, StageState ss) {{\n"
-               "  // Select Konst for stage\n"
-               "  // TODO: a switch case might be better here than an dynamically"
-               "  // indexed uniform lookup\n"
-               "  uint tevksel = bpmem_tevksel(ss.stage>>1);\n"
-               "  if ((ss.stage & 1u) == 0u)\n"
-               "    return int4(konstLookup[{}].rgb, konstLookup[{}].a);\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("tevksel", bpmem.tevksel[0].kcsel0),
-               BitfieldExtract("tevksel", bpmem.tevksel[0].kasel0));
-  out.WriteFmt("  else\n"
-               "    return int4(konstLookup[{}].rgb, konstLookup[{}].a);\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("tevksel", bpmem.tevksel[0].kcsel1),
-               BitfieldExtract("tevksel", bpmem.tevksel[0].kasel1));
-  out.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  out.Write("}}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "int4 getRasColor(State s, StageState ss, float4 colors_0, float4 colors_1) {{\n"
+            "  // Select Ras for stage\n"
+            "  uint ras = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("ss.order", TwoTevStageOrders().colorchan0));
+  out.Write("  if (ras < 2u) {{ // Lighting Channel 0 or 1\n"
+            "    int4 color = iround(((ras == 0u) ? colors_0 : colors_1) * 255.0);\n"
+            "    uint swap = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("", TevStageCombiner().alphaC.rswap));
+  out.Write("    return Swizzle(swap, color);\n");
+  out.Write("  }} else if (ras == 5u) {{ // Alpha Bumb\n"
+            "    return int4(s.AlphaBump, s.AlphaBump, s.AlphaBump, s.AlphaBump);\n"
+            "  }} else if (ras == 6u) {{ // Normalzied Alpha Bump\n"
+            "    int normalized = s.AlphaBump | s.AlphaBump >> 5;\n"
+            "    return int4(normalized, normalized, normalized, normalized);\n"
+            "  }} else {{\n"
+            "    return int4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "}}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "int4 getKonstColor(State s, StageState ss) {{\n"
+            "  // Select Konst for stage\n"
+            "  // TODO: a switch case might be better here than an dynamically"
+            "  // indexed uniform lookup\n"
+            "  uint tevksel = bpmem_tevksel(ss.stage>>1);\n"
+            "  if ((ss.stage & 1u) == 0u)\n"
+            "    return int4(konstLookup[{}].rgb, konstLookup[{}].a);\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("tevksel", bpmem.tevksel[0].kcsel0),
+            BitfieldExtract("tevksel", bpmem.tevksel[0].kasel0));
+  out.Write("  else\n"
+            "    return int4(konstLookup[{}].rgb, konstLookup[{}].a);\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("tevksel", bpmem.tevksel[0].kcsel1),
+            BitfieldExtract("tevksel", bpmem.tevksel[0].kasel1));
+  out.Write("}}\n");
   return out;
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderVertex.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderVertex.cpp
index 574288fc38..39c6ede74a 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderVertex.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/UberShaderVertex.cpp
@@ -35,145 +35,145 @@ ShaderCode GenVertexShader(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config
   const u32 num_texgen = uid_data->num_texgens;
   ShaderCode out;
-  out.WriteFmt("// Vertex UberShader\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("{}", s_lighting_struct);
+  out.Write("// Vertex UberShader\n\n");
+  out.Write("{}", s_lighting_struct);
   // uniforms
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("UBO_BINDING(std140, 2) uniform VSBlock {{\n");
+    out.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 2) uniform VSBlock {{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("cbuffer VSBlock {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("{}", s_shader_uniforms);
-  out.WriteFmt("}};\n");
+    out.Write("cbuffer VSBlock {{\n");
+  out.Write("{}", s_shader_uniforms);
+  out.Write("}};\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("struct VS_OUTPUT {{\n");
+  out.Write("struct VS_OUTPUT {{\n");
   GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, api_type, num_texgen, host_config, "");
-  out.WriteFmt("}};\n\n");
+  out.Write("}};\n\n");
   WriteUberShaderCommonHeader(out, api_type, host_config);
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawpos;\n", SHADER_POSITION_ATTRIB);
-    out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in uint4 posmtx;\n", SHADER_POSMTX_ATTRIB);
-    out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm0;\n", SHADER_NORM0_ATTRIB);
-    out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm1;\n", SHADER_NORM1_ATTRIB);
-    out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm2;\n", SHADER_NORM2_ATTRIB);
-    out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor0;\n", SHADER_COLOR0_ATTRIB);
-    out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor1;\n", SHADER_COLOR1_ATTRIB);
+    out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawpos;\n", SHADER_POSITION_ATTRIB);
+    out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in uint4 posmtx;\n", SHADER_POSMTX_ATTRIB);
+    out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm0;\n", SHADER_NORM0_ATTRIB);
+    out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm1;\n", SHADER_NORM1_ATTRIB);
+    out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm2;\n", SHADER_NORM2_ATTRIB);
+    out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor0;\n", SHADER_COLOR0_ATTRIB);
+    out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor1;\n", SHADER_COLOR1_ATTRIB);
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
-      out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawtex{};\n", SHADER_TEXTURE0_ATTRIB + i, i);
+      out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawtex{};\n", SHADER_TEXTURE0_ATTRIB + i, i);
     if (host_config.backend_geometry_shaders)
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
       GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, api_type, num_texgen, host_config,
                               GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa, true, false));
-      out.WriteFmt("}} vs;\n");
+      out.Write("}} vs;\n");
       // Let's set up attributes
       u32 counter = 0;
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 colors_0;\n", counter++,
-                   GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 colors_1;\n", counter++,
-                   GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 colors_0;\n", counter++,
+                GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 colors_1;\n", counter++,
+                GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texgen; ++i)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 tex{};\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i);
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 tex{};\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i);
       if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 clipPos;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 clipPos;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
       if (per_pixel_lighting)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 Normal;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 WorldPos;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 Normal;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 WorldPos;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-    out.WriteFmt("void main()\n{{\n");
+    out.Write("void main()\n{{\n");
   else  // D3D
-    out.WriteFmt("VS_OUTPUT main(\n");
+    out.Write("VS_OUTPUT main(\n");
     // inputs
-    out.WriteFmt("  float3 rawnorm0 : NORMAL0,\n"
-                 "  float3 rawnorm1 : NORMAL1,\n"
-                 "  float3 rawnorm2 : NORMAL2,\n"
-                 "  float4 rawcolor0 : COLOR0,\n"
-                 "  float4 rawcolor1 : COLOR1,\n");
+    out.Write("  float3 rawnorm0 : NORMAL0,\n"
+              "  float3 rawnorm1 : NORMAL1,\n"
+              "  float3 rawnorm2 : NORMAL2,\n"
+              "  float4 rawcolor0 : COLOR0,\n"
+              "  float4 rawcolor1 : COLOR1,\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
-      out.WriteFmt("  float3 rawtex{} : TEXCOORD{},\n", i, i);
-    out.WriteFmt("  uint posmtx : BLENDINDICES,\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("  float4 rawpos : POSITION) {{\n");
+      out.Write("  float3 rawtex{} : TEXCOORD{},\n", i, i);
+    out.Write("  uint posmtx : BLENDINDICES,\n");
+    out.Write("  float4 rawpos : POSITION) {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("VS_OUTPUT o;\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("VS_OUTPUT o;\n"
+            "\n");
   // Transforms
-  out.WriteFmt("// Position matrix\n"
-               "float4 P0;\n"
-               "float4 P1;\n"
-               "float4 P2;\n"
-               "\n"
-               "// Normal matrix\n"
-               "float3 N0;\n"
-               "float3 N1;\n"
-               "float3 N2;\n"
-               "\n"
-               "if ((components & {}u) != 0u) {{// VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX\n",
-               VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX);
-  out.WriteFmt("  // Vertex format has a per-vertex matrix\n"
-               "  int posidx = int(posmtx.r);\n"
-               "  P0 = " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[posidx];\n"
-               "  P1 = " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[posidx+1];\n"
-               "  P2 = " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[posidx+2];\n"
-               "\n"
-               "  int normidx = posidx >= 32 ? (posidx - 32) : posidx;\n"
-               "  N0 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx].xyz;\n"
-               "  N1 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx+1].xyz;\n"
-               "  N2 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx+2].xyz;\n"
-               "}} else {{\n"
-               "  // One shared matrix\n"
-               "  P0 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[0];\n"
-               "  P1 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[1];\n"
-               "  P2 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[2];\n"
-               "  N0 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[3].xyz;\n"
-               "  N1 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[4].xyz;\n"
-               "  N2 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[5].xyz;\n"
-               "}}\n"
-               "\n"
-               "float4 pos = float4(dot(P0, rawpos), dot(P1, rawpos), dot(P2, rawpos), 1.0);\n"
-               "o.pos = float4(dot(" I_PROJECTION "[0], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION
-               "[1], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION "[2], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION "[3], pos));\n"
-               "\n"
-               "// Only the first normal gets normalized (TODO: why?)\n"
-               "float3 _norm0 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
-               "if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_NRM0\n",
-               VB_HAS_NRM0);
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write("// Position matrix\n"
+            "float4 P0;\n"
+            "float4 P1;\n"
+            "float4 P2;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "// Normal matrix\n"
+            "float3 N0;\n"
+            "float3 N1;\n"
+            "float3 N2;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "if ((components & {}u) != 0u) {{// VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX\n",
+            VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX);
+  out.Write("  // Vertex format has a per-vertex matrix\n"
+            "  int posidx = int(posmtx.r);\n"
+            "  P0 = " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[posidx];\n"
+            "  P1 = " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[posidx+1];\n"
+            "  P2 = " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[posidx+2];\n"
+            "\n"
+            "  int normidx = posidx >= 32 ? (posidx - 32) : posidx;\n"
+            "  N0 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx].xyz;\n"
+            "  N1 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx+1].xyz;\n"
+            "  N2 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx+2].xyz;\n"
+            "}} else {{\n"
+            "  // One shared matrix\n"
+            "  P0 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[0];\n"
+            "  P1 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[1];\n"
+            "  P2 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[2];\n"
+            "  N0 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[3].xyz;\n"
+            "  N1 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[4].xyz;\n"
+            "  N2 = " I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[5].xyz;\n"
+            "}}\n"
+            "\n"
+            "float4 pos = float4(dot(P0, rawpos), dot(P1, rawpos), dot(P2, rawpos), 1.0);\n"
+            "o.pos = float4(dot(" I_PROJECTION "[0], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION
+            "[1], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION "[2], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION "[3], pos));\n"
+            "\n"
+            "// Only the first normal gets normalized (TODO: why?)\n"
+            "float3 _norm0 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
+            "if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_NRM0\n",
+            VB_HAS_NRM0);
+  out.Write(
       "  _norm0 = normalize(float3(dot(N0, rawnorm0), dot(N1, rawnorm0), dot(N2, rawnorm0)));\n"
       "float3 _norm1 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
       "if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_NRM1\n",
-  out.WriteFmt("  _norm1 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm1), dot(N1, rawnorm1), dot(N2, rawnorm1));\n"
-               "\n"
-               "float3 _norm2 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
-               "if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_NRM2\n",
-               VB_HAS_NRM2);
-  out.WriteFmt("  _norm2 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm2), dot(N1, rawnorm2), dot(N2, rawnorm2));\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  _norm1 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm1), dot(N1, rawnorm1), dot(N2, rawnorm1));\n"
+            "\n"
+            "float3 _norm2 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
+            "if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_NRM2\n",
+            VB_HAS_NRM2);
+  out.Write("  _norm2 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm2), dot(N1, rawnorm2), dot(N2, rawnorm2));\n"
+            "\n");
   // Hardware Lighting
   WriteVertexLighting(out, api_type, "", "_norm0", "rawcolor0", "rawcolor1", "o.colors_0",
@@ -183,37 +183,37 @@ ShaderCode GenVertexShader(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config
   if (num_texgen > 0)
     GenVertexShaderTexGens(api_type, num_texgen, out);
-  out.WriteFmt("if (xfmem_numColorChans == 0u) {{\n"
-               "  if ((components & {}u) != 0u)\n"
-               "    o.colors_0 = rawcolor0;\n"
-               "  else\n"
-               "    o.colors_1 = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
-               "}}\n",
-               VB_HAS_COL0);
-  out.WriteFmt("if (xfmem_numColorChans < 2u) {{\n"
-               "  if ((components & {}u) != 0u)\n"
-               "    o.colors_0 = rawcolor1;\n"
-               "  else\n"
-               "    o.colors_1 = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
-               "}}\n",
-               VB_HAS_COL1);
+  out.Write("if (xfmem_numColorChans == 0u) {{\n"
+            "  if ((components & {}u) != 0u)\n"
+            "    o.colors_0 = rawcolor0;\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    o.colors_1 = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
+            "}}\n",
+            VB_HAS_COL0);
+  out.Write("if (xfmem_numColorChans < 2u) {{\n"
+            "  if ((components & {}u) != 0u)\n"
+            "    o.colors_0 = rawcolor1;\n"
+            "  else\n"
+            "    o.colors_1 = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
+            "}}\n",
+            VB_HAS_COL1);
   if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
     // clipPos/w needs to be done in pixel shader, not here
-    out.WriteFmt("o.clipPos = o.pos;\n");
+    out.Write("o.clipPos = o.pos;\n");
   if (per_pixel_lighting)
-    out.WriteFmt("o.Normal = _norm0;\n"
-                 "o.WorldPos =;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n"
-                 "  o.colors_0 = rawcolor0;\n",
-                 VB_HAS_COL0);
-    out.WriteFmt("if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL1\n"
-                 "  o.colors_1 = rawcolor1;\n",
-                 VB_HAS_COL1);
+    out.Write("o.Normal = _norm0;\n"
+              "o.WorldPos =;\n");
+    out.Write("if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL0\n"
+              "  o.colors_0 = rawcolor0;\n",
+              VB_HAS_COL0);
+    out.Write("if ((components & {}u) != 0u) // VB_HAS_COL1\n"
+              "  o.colors_1 = rawcolor1;\n",
+              VB_HAS_COL1);
   // If we can disable the incorrect depth clipping planes using depth clamping, then we can do
@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@ ShaderCode GenVertexShader(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config
     // own clipping. We want to clip so that -w <= z <= 0, which matches the console -1..0 range.
     // We adjust our depth value for clipping purposes to match the perspective projection in the
     // software backend, which is a hack to fix Sonic Adventure and Unleashed games.
-    out.WriteFmt("float clipDepth = o.pos.z * (1.0 - 1e-7);\n"
-                 "float clipDist0 = clipDepth + o.pos.w;\n"  // Near: z < -w
-                 "float clipDist1 = -clipDepth;\n");         // Far: z > 0
+    out.Write("float clipDepth = o.pos.z * (1.0 - 1e-7);\n"
+              "float clipDist0 = clipDepth + o.pos.w;\n"  // Near: z < -w
+              "float clipDist1 = -clipDepth;\n");         // Far: z > 0
     if (host_config.backend_geometry_shaders)
-      out.WriteFmt("o.clipDist0 = clipDist0;\n"
-                   "o.clipDist1 = clipDist1;\n");
+      out.Write("o.clipDist0 = clipDist0;\n"
+                "o.clipDist1 = clipDist1;\n");
@@ -246,20 +246,20 @@ ShaderCode GenVertexShader(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config
   // divide, because some games will use a depth range larger than what is allowed by the
   // graphics API. These large depth ranges will still be clipped to the 0..1 range, so these
   // games effectively add a depth bias to the values written to the depth buffer.
-  out.WriteFmt("o.pos.z = o.pos.w * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".w - "
-               "o.pos.z * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".z;\n");
+  out.Write("o.pos.z = o.pos.w * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".w - "
+            "o.pos.z * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".z;\n");
   if (!host_config.backend_clip_control)
     // If the graphics API doesn't support a depth range of 0..1, then we need to map z to
     // the -1..1 range. Unfortunately we have to use a substraction, which is a lossy floating-point
     // operation that can introduce a round-trip error.
-    out.WriteFmt("o.pos.z = o.pos.z * 2.0 - o.pos.w;\n");
+    out.Write("o.pos.z = o.pos.z * 2.0 - o.pos.w;\n");
   // Correct for negative viewports by mirroring all vertices. We need to negate the height here,
   // since the viewport height is already negated by the render backend.
-  out.WriteFmt("o.pos.xy *= sign(" I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".xy * float2(1.0, -1.0));\n");
+  out.Write("o.pos.xy *= sign(" I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".xy * float2(1.0, -1.0));\n");
   // The console GPU places the pixel center at 7/12 in screen space unless
   // antialiasing is enabled, while D3D and OpenGL place it at 0.5. This results
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ ShaderCode GenVertexShader(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config
   // which in turn can be critical if it happens for clear quads.
   // Hence, we compensate for this pixel center difference so that primitives
   // get rasterized correctly.
-  out.WriteFmt("o.pos.xy = o.pos.xy - o.pos.w * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".xy;\n");
+  out.Write("o.pos.xy = o.pos.xy - o.pos.w * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".xy;\n");
   if (vertex_rounding)
@@ -275,18 +275,18 @@ ShaderCode GenVertexShader(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config
     // cause an additional pixel offset. Due to a higher pixel density we need to correct this
     // by converting our clip-space position into the Wii's screen-space.
     // Acquire the right pixel and then convert it back.
-    out.WriteFmt("if (o.pos.w == 1.0f)\n"
-                 "{{\n");
+    out.Write("if (o.pos.w == 1.0f)\n"
+              "{{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tfloat ss_pixel_x = ((o.pos.x + 1.0f) * (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".x * 0.5f));\n"
-                 "\tfloat ss_pixel_y = ((o.pos.y + 1.0f) * (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".y * 0.5f));\n");
+    out.Write("\tfloat ss_pixel_x = ((o.pos.x + 1.0f) * (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".x * 0.5f));\n"
+              "\tfloat ss_pixel_y = ((o.pos.y + 1.0f) * (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".y * 0.5f));\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\tss_pixel_x = round(ss_pixel_x);\n"
-                 "\tss_pixel_y = round(ss_pixel_y);\n");
+    out.Write("\tss_pixel_x = round(ss_pixel_x);\n"
+              "\tss_pixel_y = round(ss_pixel_y);\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("\to.pos.x = ((ss_pixel_x / (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".x * 0.5f)) - 1.0f);\n"
-                 "\to.pos.y = ((ss_pixel_y / (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".y * 0.5f)) - 1.0f);\n"
-                 "}}\n");
+    out.Write("\to.pos.x = ((ss_pixel_x / (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".x * 0.5f)) - 1.0f);\n"
+              "\to.pos.y = ((ss_pixel_y / (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".y * 0.5f)) - 1.0f);\n"
+              "}}\n");
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
@@ -300,35 +300,35 @@ ShaderCode GenVertexShader(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& host_config
       // TODO: Pass interface blocks between shader stages even if geometry shaders
       // are not supported, however that will require at least OpenGL 3.2 support.
       for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texgen; ++i)
-        out.WriteFmt("tex{}.xyz = o.tex{};\n", i, i);
+        out.Write("tex{}.xyz = o.tex{};\n", i, i);
       if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-        out.WriteFmt("clipPos = o.clipPos;\n");
+        out.Write("clipPos = o.clipPos;\n");
       if (per_pixel_lighting)
-        out.WriteFmt("Normal = o.Normal;\n"
-                     "WorldPos = o.WorldPos;\n");
+        out.Write("Normal = o.Normal;\n"
+                  "WorldPos = o.WorldPos;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("colors_0 = o.colors_0;\n"
-                   "colors_1 = o.colors_1;\n");
+      out.Write("colors_0 = o.colors_0;\n"
+                "colors_1 = o.colors_1;\n");
     if (host_config.backend_depth_clamp)
-      out.WriteFmt("gl_ClipDistance[0] = clipDist0;\n"
-                   "gl_ClipDistance[1] = clipDist1;\n");
+      out.Write("gl_ClipDistance[0] = clipDist0;\n"
+                "gl_ClipDistance[1] = clipDist1;\n");
     // Vulkan NDC space has Y pointing down (right-handed NDC space).
     if (api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-      out.WriteFmt("gl_Position = float4(o.pos.x, -o.pos.y, o.pos.z, o.pos.w);\n");
+      out.Write("gl_Position = float4(o.pos.x, -o.pos.y, o.pos.z, o.pos.w);\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("gl_Position = o.pos;\n");
+      out.Write("gl_Position = o.pos;\n");
   else  // D3D
-    out.WriteFmt("return o;\n");
+    out.Write("return o;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  out.Write("}}\n");
   return out;
@@ -338,160 +338,158 @@ static void GenVertexShaderTexGens(APIType api_type, u32 num_texgen, ShaderCode&
   // The HLSL compiler complains that the output texture coordinates are uninitialized when trying
   // to dynamically index them.
   for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texgen; i++)
-    out.WriteFmt("o.tex{} = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n", i);
+    out.Write("o.tex{} = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n", i);
-  out.WriteFmt("// Texture coordinate generation\n");
+  out.Write("// Texture coordinate generation\n");
   if (num_texgen == 1)
-    out.WriteFmt("{{ const uint texgen = 0u;\n");
+    out.Write("{{ const uint texgen = 0u;\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("{}for (uint texgen = 0u; texgen < {}u; texgen++) {{\n",
-                 api_type == APIType::D3D ? "[loop] " : "", num_texgen);
+    out.Write("{}for (uint texgen = 0u; texgen < {}u; texgen++) {{\n",
+              api_type == APIType::D3D ? "[loop] " : "", num_texgen);
-  out.WriteFmt("  // Texcoord transforms\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  float4 coord = float4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
-               "  uint texMtxInfo = xfmem_texMtxInfo(texgen);\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  switch ({}) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().sourcerow));
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // XF_SRCGEOM_INROW\n", XF_SRCGEOM_INROW);
-  out.WriteFmt(" =;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // XF_SRCNORMAL_INROW\n", XF_SRCNORMAL_INROW);
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write("  // Texcoord transforms\n");
+  out.Write("  float4 coord = float4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
+            "  uint texMtxInfo = xfmem_texMtxInfo(texgen);\n");
+  out.Write("  switch ({}) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().sourcerow));
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // XF_SRCGEOM_INROW\n", XF_SRCGEOM_INROW);
+  out.Write(" =;\n");
+  out.Write("    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // XF_SRCNORMAL_INROW\n", XF_SRCNORMAL_INROW);
+  out.Write(
       " = ((components & {}u /* VB_HAS_NRM0 */) != 0u) ? :;",
-  out.WriteFmt("    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // XF_SRCBINORMAL_T_INROW\n", XF_SRCBINORMAL_T_INROW);
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write("    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // XF_SRCBINORMAL_T_INROW\n", XF_SRCBINORMAL_T_INROW);
+  out.Write(
       " = ((components & {}u /* VB_HAS_NRM1 */) != 0u) ? :;",
-  out.WriteFmt("    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // XF_SRCBINORMAL_B_INROW\n", XF_SRCBINORMAL_B_INROW);
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write("    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // XF_SRCBINORMAL_B_INROW\n", XF_SRCBINORMAL_B_INROW);
+  out.Write(
       " = ((components & {}u /* VB_HAS_NRM2 */) != 0u) ? :;",
-  out.WriteFmt("    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("    break;\n\n");
   for (u32 i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-    out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // XF_SRCTEX{}_INROW\n", XF_SRCTEX0_INROW + i, i);
-    out.WriteFmt(
+    out.Write("  case {}u: // XF_SRCTEX{}_INROW\n", XF_SRCTEX0_INROW + i, i);
+    out.Write(
         "    coord = ((components & {}u /* VB_HAS_UV{} */) != 0u) ? float4(rawtex{}.x, rawtex{}.y, "
         "1.0, 1.0) : coord;\n",
         VB_HAS_UV0 << i, i, i, i);
-    out.WriteFmt("    break;\n\n");
+    out.Write("    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  }}\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  }}\n"
+            "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  // Input form of AB11 sets z element to 1.0\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  if ({} == {}u) // inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_AB11\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().inputform), XF_TEXINPUT_AB11);
-  out.WriteFmt("    coord.z = 1.0f;\n"
-               "\n");
+  out.Write("  // Input form of AB11 sets z element to 1.0\n");
+  out.Write("  if ({} == {}u) // inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_AB11\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().inputform), XF_TEXINPUT_AB11);
+  out.Write("    coord.z = 1.0f;\n"
+            "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  // first transformation\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  uint texgentype = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().texgentype));
-  out.WriteFmt("  float3 output_tex;\n"
-               "  switch (texgentype)\n"
-               "  {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // XF_TEXGEN_EMBOSS_MAP\n", XF_TEXGEN_EMBOSS_MAP);
-  out.WriteFmt("    {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint light = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().embosslightshift));
-  out.WriteFmt("      uint source = {};\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().embosssourceshift));
-  out.WriteFmt("      switch (source) {{\n");
+  out.Write("  // first transformation\n");
+  out.Write("  uint texgentype = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().texgentype));
+  out.Write("  float3 output_tex;\n"
+            "  switch (texgentype)\n"
+            "  {{\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // XF_TEXGEN_EMBOSS_MAP\n", XF_TEXGEN_EMBOSS_MAP);
+  out.Write("    {{\n");
+  out.Write("      uint light = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().embosslightshift));
+  out.Write("      uint source = {};\n",
+            BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().embosssourceshift));
+  out.Write("      switch (source) {{\n");
   for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texgen; i++)
-    out.WriteFmt("      case {}u: = o.tex{}; break;\n", i, i);
-  out.WriteFmt("      default: = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); break;\n"
-               "      }}\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("      if ((components & {}u) != 0u) {{ // VB_HAS_NRM1 | VB_HAS_NRM2\n",
-               VB_HAS_NRM1 | VB_HAS_NRM2);  // Should this be VB_HAS_NRM1 | VB_HAS_NRM2
-  out.WriteFmt("        float3 ldir = normalize(" I_LIGHTS "[light] -;\n"
-               " += float3(dot(ldir, _norm1), dot(ldir, _norm2), 0.0);\n"
-               "      }}\n"
-               "    }}\n"
-               "    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC0\n", XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC0);
-  out.WriteFmt(" = float3(o.colors_0.x, o.colors_0.y, 1.0);\n"
-               "    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: // XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC1\n", XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC1);
-  out.WriteFmt(" = float3(o.colors_1.x, o.colors_1.y, 1.0);\n"
-               "    break;\n\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  default:  // Also XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR\n"
-               "    {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("      if ((components & ({}u /* VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0 */ << texgen)) != 0u) {{\n",
-               VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0);
-  out.WriteFmt(
-      "        // This is messy, due to dynamic indexing of the input texture coordinates.\n"
-      "        // Hopefully the compiler will unroll this whole loop anyway and the switch.\n"
-      "        int tmp = 0;\n"
-      "        switch (texgen) {{\n");
+    out.Write("      case {}u: = o.tex{}; break;\n", i, i);
+  out.Write("      default: = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); break;\n"
+            "      }}\n");
+  out.Write("      if ((components & {}u) != 0u) {{ // VB_HAS_NRM1 | VB_HAS_NRM2\n",
+            VB_HAS_NRM1 | VB_HAS_NRM2);  // Should this be VB_HAS_NRM1 | VB_HAS_NRM2
+  out.Write("        float3 ldir = normalize(" I_LIGHTS "[light] -;\n"
+            " += float3(dot(ldir, _norm1), dot(ldir, _norm2), 0.0);\n"
+            "      }}\n"
+            "    }}\n"
+            "    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC0\n", XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC0);
+  out.Write(" = float3(o.colors_0.x, o.colors_0.y, 1.0);\n"
+            "    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  case {}u: // XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC1\n", XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC1);
+  out.Write(" = float3(o.colors_1.x, o.colors_1.y, 1.0);\n"
+            "    break;\n\n");
+  out.Write("  default:  // Also XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR\n"
+            "    {{\n");
+  out.Write("      if ((components & ({}u /* VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0 */ << texgen)) != 0u) {{\n",
+            VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0);
+  out.Write("        // This is messy, due to dynamic indexing of the input texture coordinates.\n"
+            "        // Hopefully the compiler will unroll this whole loop anyway and the switch.\n"
+            "        int tmp = 0;\n"
+            "        switch (texgen) {{\n");
   for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texgen; i++)
-    out.WriteFmt("        case {}u: tmp = int(rawtex{}.z); break;\n", i, i);
-  out.WriteFmt("        }}\n"
-               "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("        if ({} == {}u) {{\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().projection), XF_TEXPROJ_STQ);
-  out.WriteFmt(" = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp]),\n"
-               "                                  dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp + 1]),\n"
-               "                                  dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp + 2]));\n"
-               "        }} else {{\n"
-               " = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp]),\n"
-               "                                  dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp + 1]),\n"
-               "                                  1.0);\n"
-               "        }}\n"
-               "      }} else {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("        if ({} == {}u) {{\n",
-               BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().projection), XF_TEXPROJ_STQ);
-  out.WriteFmt(
-      " = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen]),\n"
-      "                                  dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen + 1u]),\n"
-      "                                  dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen + 2u]));\n"
-      "        }} else {{\n"
-      " = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen]),\n"
-      "                                  dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen + 1u]),\n"
-      "                                  1.0);\n"
-      "        }}\n"
-      "      }}\n"
-      "    }}\n"
-      "    break;\n\n"
-      "  }}\n"
-      "\n");
+    out.Write("        case {}u: tmp = int(rawtex{}.z); break;\n", i, i);
+  out.Write("        }}\n"
+            "\n");
+  out.Write("        if ({} == {}u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().projection),
+            XF_TEXPROJ_STQ);
+  out.Write(" = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp]),\n"
+            "                                  dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp + 1]),\n"
+            "                                  dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp + 2]));\n"
+            "        }} else {{\n"
+            " = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp]),\n"
+            "                                  dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp + 1]),\n"
+            "                                  1.0);\n"
+            "        }}\n"
+            "      }} else {{\n");
+  out.Write("        if ({} == {}u) {{\n", BitfieldExtract("texMtxInfo", TexMtxInfo().projection),
+            XF_TEXPROJ_STQ);
+  out.Write(" = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen]),\n"
+            "                                  dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen + 1u]),\n"
+            "                                  dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen + 2u]));\n"
+            "        }} else {{\n"
+            " = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen]),\n"
+            "                                  dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[3u * texgen + 1u]),\n"
+            "                                  1.0);\n"
+            "        }}\n"
+            "      }}\n"
+            "    }}\n"
+            "    break;\n\n"
+            "  }}\n"
+            "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  if (xfmem_dualTexInfo != 0u) {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("    uint postMtxInfo = xfmem_postMtxInfo(texgen);");
-  out.WriteFmt("    uint base_index = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("postMtxInfo", PostMtxInfo().index));
-  out.WriteFmt("    float4 P0 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[base_index & 0x3fu];\n"
-               "    float4 P1 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[(base_index + 1u) & 0x3fu];\n"
-               "    float4 P2 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[(base_index + 2u) & 0x3fu];\n"
-               "\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("    if ({} != 0u)\n", BitfieldExtract("postMtxInfo", PostMtxInfo().normalize));
-  out.WriteFmt(" = normalize(;\n"
-               "\n"
-               "    // multiply by postmatrix\n"
-               " = float3(dot(, + P0.w,\n"
-               "                            dot(, + P1.w,\n"
-               "                            dot(, + P2.w);\n"
-               "  }}\n\n");
+  out.Write("  if (xfmem_dualTexInfo != 0u) {{\n");
+  out.Write("    uint postMtxInfo = xfmem_postMtxInfo(texgen);");
+  out.Write("    uint base_index = {};\n", BitfieldExtract("postMtxInfo", PostMtxInfo().index));
+  out.Write("    float4 P0 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[base_index & 0x3fu];\n"
+            "    float4 P1 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[(base_index + 1u) & 0x3fu];\n"
+            "    float4 P2 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[(base_index + 2u) & 0x3fu];\n"
+            "\n");
+  out.Write("    if ({} != 0u)\n", BitfieldExtract("postMtxInfo", PostMtxInfo().normalize));
+  out.Write(" = normalize(;\n"
+            "\n"
+            "    // multiply by postmatrix\n"
+            " = float3(dot(, + P0.w,\n"
+            "                            dot(, + P1.w,\n"
+            "                            dot(, + P2.w);\n"
+            "  }}\n\n");
   // When q is 0, the GameCube appears to have a special case
   // This can be seen in devkitPro's neheGX Lesson08 example for Wii
   // Makes differences in Rogue Squadron 3 (Hoth sky) and The Last Story (shadow culling)
-  out.WriteFmt("  if (texgentype == {}u && output_tex.z == 0.0) // XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR\n",
-               XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR);
-  out.WriteFmt(
+  out.Write("  if (texgentype == {}u && output_tex.z == 0.0) // XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR\n",
+            XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR);
+  out.Write(
       "    output_tex.xy = clamp(output_tex.xy / 2.0f, float2(-1.0f,-1.0f), float2(1.0f,1.0f));\n"
-  out.WriteFmt("  // Hopefully GPUs that can support dynamic indexing will optimize this.\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("  switch (texgen) {{\n");
+  out.Write("  // Hopefully GPUs that can support dynamic indexing will optimize this.\n");
+  out.Write("  switch (texgen) {{\n");
   for (u32 i = 0; i < num_texgen; i++)
-    out.WriteFmt("  case {}u: o.tex{} = output_tex; break;\n", i, i);
-  out.WriteFmt("  }}\n"
-               "}}\n");
+    out.Write("  case {}u: o.tex{} = output_tex; break;\n", i, i);
+  out.Write("  }}\n"
+            "}}\n");
 void EnumerateVertexShaderUids(const std::function<void(const VertexShaderUid&)>& callback)
diff --git a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/VertexShaderGen.cpp b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/VertexShaderGen.cpp
index 917abfed04..a26fa006f3 100644
--- a/Source/Core/VideoCommon/VertexShaderGen.cpp
+++ b/Source/Core/VideoCommon/VertexShaderGen.cpp
@@ -83,37 +83,37 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
   const bool ssaa = host_config.ssaa;
   const bool vertex_rounding = host_config.vertex_rounding;
-  out.WriteFmt("{}", s_lighting_struct);
+  out.Write("{}", s_lighting_struct);
   // uniforms
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("UBO_BINDING(std140, 2) uniform VSBlock {{\n");
+    out.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 2) uniform VSBlock {{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("cbuffer VSBlock {{\n");
+    out.Write("cbuffer VSBlock {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("{}", s_shader_uniforms);
-  out.WriteFmt("}};\n");
+  out.Write("{}", s_shader_uniforms);
+  out.Write("}};\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("struct VS_OUTPUT {{\n");
+  out.Write("struct VS_OUTPUT {{\n");
   GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, api_type, uid_data->numTexGens, host_config, "");
-  out.WriteFmt("}};\n");
+  out.Write("}};\n");
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-    out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawpos;\n", SHADER_POSITION_ATTRIB);
+    out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawpos;\n", SHADER_POSITION_ATTRIB);
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in uint4 posmtx;\n", SHADER_POSMTX_ATTRIB);
+      out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in uint4 posmtx;\n", SHADER_POSMTX_ATTRIB);
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM0) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm0;\n", SHADER_NORM0_ATTRIB);
+      out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm0;\n", SHADER_NORM0_ATTRIB);
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM1) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm1;\n", SHADER_NORM1_ATTRIB);
+      out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm1;\n", SHADER_NORM1_ATTRIB);
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM2) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm2;\n", SHADER_NORM2_ATTRIB);
+      out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float3 rawnorm2;\n", SHADER_NORM2_ATTRIB);
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_COL0) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor0;\n", SHADER_COLOR0_ATTRIB);
+      out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor0;\n", SHADER_COLOR0_ATTRIB);
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_COL1) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor1;\n", SHADER_COLOR1_ATTRIB);
+      out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float4 rawcolor1;\n", SHADER_COLOR1_ATTRIB);
     for (u32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
@@ -121,161 +121,161 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
       if ((uid_data->components & (VB_HAS_UV0 << i)) != 0 || has_texmtx != 0)
-        out.WriteFmt("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float{} rawtex{};\n", SHADER_TEXTURE0_ATTRIB + i,
-                     has_texmtx != 0 ? 3 : 2, i);
+        out.Write("ATTRIBUTE_LOCATION({}) in float{} rawtex{};\n", SHADER_TEXTURE0_ATTRIB + i,
+                  has_texmtx != 0 ? 3 : 2, i);
     if (host_config.backend_geometry_shaders)
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) out VertexData {{\n");
       GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, api_type, uid_data->numTexGens, host_config,
                               GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa, true, false));
-      out.WriteFmt("}} vs;\n");
+      out.Write("}} vs;\n");
       // Let's set up attributes
       u32 counter = 0;
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 colors_0;\n", counter++,
-                   GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-      out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 colors_1;\n", counter++,
-                   GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 colors_0;\n", counter++,
+                GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+      out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 colors_1;\n", counter++,
+                GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
       for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->numTexGens; ++i)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 tex{};\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i);
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 tex{};\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa), i);
       if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 clipPos;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float4 clipPos;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
       if (per_pixel_lighting)
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 Normal;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-        out.WriteFmt("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 WorldPos;\n", counter++,
-                     GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 Normal;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
+        out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION({}) {} out float3 WorldPos;\n", counter++,
+                  GetInterpolationQualifier(msaa, ssaa));
-    out.WriteFmt("void main()\n{{\n");
+    out.Write("void main()\n{{\n");
   else  // D3D
-    out.WriteFmt("VS_OUTPUT main(\n");
+    out.Write("VS_OUTPUT main(\n");
     // inputs
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM0) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("  float3 rawnorm0 : NORMAL0,\n");
+      out.Write("  float3 rawnorm0 : NORMAL0,\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM1) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("  float3 rawnorm1 : NORMAL1,\n");
+      out.Write("  float3 rawnorm1 : NORMAL1,\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM2) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("  float3 rawnorm2 : NORMAL2,\n");
+      out.Write("  float3 rawnorm2 : NORMAL2,\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_COL0) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("  float4 rawcolor0 : COLOR0,\n");
+      out.Write("  float4 rawcolor0 : COLOR0,\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_COL1) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("  float4 rawcolor1 : COLOR1,\n");
+      out.Write("  float4 rawcolor1 : COLOR1,\n");
     for (u32 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
       const u32 has_texmtx = (uid_data->components & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0 << i));
       if ((uid_data->components & (VB_HAS_UV0 << i)) != 0 || has_texmtx != 0)
-        out.WriteFmt("  float{} rawtex{} : TEXCOORD{},\n", has_texmtx ? 3 : 2, i, i);
+        out.Write("  float{} rawtex{} : TEXCOORD{},\n", has_texmtx ? 3 : 2, i, i);
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("  uint4 posmtx : BLENDINDICES,\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("  float4 rawpos : POSITION) {{\n");
+      out.Write("  uint4 posmtx : BLENDINDICES,\n");
+    out.Write("  float4 rawpos : POSITION) {{\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("VS_OUTPUT o;\n");
+  out.Write("VS_OUTPUT o;\n");
   // transforms
   if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX) != 0)
-    out.WriteFmt("int posidx = int(posmtx.r);\n"
-                 "float4 pos = float4(dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
-                 "[posidx], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
-                 "[posidx+1], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[posidx+2], rawpos), 1);\n");
+    out.Write("int posidx = int(posmtx.r);\n"
+              "float4 pos = float4(dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
+              "[posidx], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
+              "[posidx+1], rawpos), dot(" I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[posidx+2], rawpos), 1);\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRMALL) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("int normidx = posidx & 31;\n"
-                   "float3 N0 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx].xyz, N1 = " I_NORMALMATRICES
-                   "[normidx+1].xyz, N2 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx+2].xyz;\n");
+      out.Write("int normidx = posidx & 31;\n"
+                "float3 N0 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx].xyz, N1 = " I_NORMALMATRICES
+                "[normidx+1].xyz, N2 = " I_NORMALMATRICES "[normidx+2].xyz;\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM0) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("float3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(dot(N0, rawnorm0), dot(N1, rawnorm0), dot(N2, "
-                   "rawnorm0)));\n");
+      out.Write("float3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(dot(N0, rawnorm0), dot(N1, rawnorm0), dot(N2, "
+                "rawnorm0)));\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM1) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt(
+      out.Write(
           "float3 _norm1 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm1), dot(N1, rawnorm1), dot(N2, rawnorm1));\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM2) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt(
+      out.Write(
           "float3 _norm2 = float3(dot(N0, rawnorm2), dot(N1, rawnorm2), dot(N2, rawnorm2));\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("float4 pos = float4(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[0], rawpos), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
-                 "[1], rawpos), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[2], rawpos), 1.0);\n");
+    out.Write("float4 pos = float4(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[0], rawpos), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
+              "[1], rawpos), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[2], rawpos), 1.0);\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM0) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("float3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
-                   "[3].xyz, rawnorm0), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
-                   "[4].xyz, rawnorm0), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[5].xyz, rawnorm0)));\n");
+      out.Write("float3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
+                "[3].xyz, rawnorm0), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
+                "[4].xyz, rawnorm0), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[5].xyz, rawnorm0)));\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM1) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("float3 _norm1 = float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
-                   "[3].xyz, rawnorm1), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
-                   "[4].xyz, rawnorm1), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[5].xyz, rawnorm1));\n");
+      out.Write("float3 _norm1 = float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
+                "[3].xyz, rawnorm1), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
+                "[4].xyz, rawnorm1), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[5].xyz, rawnorm1));\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM2) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("float3 _norm2 = float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
-                   "[3].xyz, rawnorm2), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
-                   "[4].xyz, rawnorm2), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[5].xyz, rawnorm2));\n");
+      out.Write("float3 _norm2 = float3(dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
+                "[3].xyz, rawnorm2), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX
+                "[4].xyz, rawnorm2), dot(" I_POSNORMALMATRIX "[5].xyz, rawnorm2));\n");
   if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM0) == 0)
-    out.WriteFmt("float3 _norm0 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
+    out.Write("float3 _norm0 = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("o.pos = float4(dot(" I_PROJECTION "[0], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION
-               "[1], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION "[2], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION "[3], pos));\n");
+  out.Write("o.pos = float4(dot(" I_PROJECTION "[0], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION
+            "[1], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION "[2], pos), dot(" I_PROJECTION "[3], pos));\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("int4 lacc;\n"
-               "float3 ldir, h, cosAttn, distAttn;\n"
-               "float dist, dist2, attn;\n");
+  out.Write("int4 lacc;\n"
+            "float3 ldir, h, cosAttn, distAttn;\n"
+            "float dist, dist2, attn;\n");
   GenerateLightingShaderCode(out, uid_data->lighting, uid_data->components, "rawcolor",
   // transform texcoords
-  out.WriteFmt("float4 coord = float4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
+  out.Write("float4 coord = float4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
   for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->numTexGens; ++i)
     auto& texinfo = uid_data->texMtxInfo[i];
-    out.WriteFmt("{{\n");
-    out.WriteFmt("coord = float4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
+    out.Write("{{\n");
+    out.Write("coord = float4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
     switch (texinfo.sourcerow)
-      out.WriteFmt(" =;\n");
+      out.Write(" =;\n");
       if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM0) != 0)
-        out.WriteFmt(" =;\n");
+        out.Write(" =;\n");
@@ -285,28 +285,28 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
       if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM1) != 0)
-        out.WriteFmt(" =;\n");
+        out.Write(" =;\n");
       if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_NRM2) != 0)
-        out.WriteFmt(" =;\n");
+        out.Write(" =;\n");
       ASSERT(texinfo.sourcerow <= XF_SRCTEX7_INROW);
       if ((uid_data->components & (VB_HAS_UV0 << (texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW))) != 0)
-        out.WriteFmt("coord = float4(rawtex{}.x, rawtex{}.y, 1.0, 1.0);\n",
-                     texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW, texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW);
+        out.Write("coord = float4(rawtex{}.x, rawtex{}.y, 1.0, 1.0);\n",
+                  texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW, texinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW);
     // Input form of AB11 sets z element to 1.0
     if (texinfo.inputform == XF_TEXINPUT_AB11)
-      out.WriteFmt("coord.z = 1.0;\n");
+      out.Write("coord.z = 1.0;\n");
     // first transformation
     switch (texinfo.texgentype)
@@ -316,9 +316,9 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
       if ((uid_data->components & (VB_HAS_NRM1 | VB_HAS_NRM2)) != 0)
         // transform the light dir into tangent space
-        out.WriteFmt("ldir = normalize(" LIGHT_POS ".xyz -;\n",
-                     LIGHT_POS_PARAMS(texinfo.embosslightshift));
-        out.WriteFmt(
+        out.Write("ldir = normalize(" LIGHT_POS ".xyz -;\n",
+                  LIGHT_POS_PARAMS(texinfo.embosslightshift));
+        out.Write(
             "o.tex{}.xyz = o.tex{}.xyz + float3(dot(ldir, _norm1), dot(ldir, _norm2), 0.0);\n", i,
@@ -327,49 +327,49 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
         // The following assert was triggered in House of the Dead Overkill and Star Wars Rogue
         // Squadron 2
         // ASSERT(0); // should have normals
-        out.WriteFmt("o.tex{}.xyz = o.tex{}.xyz;\n", i, texinfo.embosssourceshift);
+        out.Write("o.tex{}.xyz = o.tex{}.xyz;\n", i, texinfo.embosssourceshift);
-      out.WriteFmt("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(o.colors_0.x, o.colors_0.y, 1);\n", i);
+      out.Write("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(o.colors_0.x, o.colors_0.y, 1);\n", i);
-      out.WriteFmt("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(o.colors_1.x, o.colors_1.y, 1);\n", i);
+      out.Write("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(o.colors_1.x, o.colors_1.y, 1);\n", i);
       if ((uid_data->components & (VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0 << i)) != 0)
-        out.WriteFmt("int tmp = int(rawtex{}.z);\n", i);
+        out.Write("int tmp = int(rawtex{}.z);\n", i);
         if (((uid_data->texMtxInfo_n_projection >> i) & 1) == XF_TEXPROJ_STQ)
-          out.WriteFmt("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
-                       "[tmp]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
-                       "[tmp+1]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp+2]));\n",
-                       i);
+          out.Write("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
+                    "[tmp]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
+                    "[tmp+1]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp+2]));\n",
+                    i);
-          out.WriteFmt("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
-                       "[tmp]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp+1]), 1);\n",
-                       i);
+          out.Write("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES
+                    "[tmp]), dot(coord, " I_TRANSFORMMATRICES "[tmp+1]), 1);\n",
+                    i);
         if (((uid_data->texMtxInfo_n_projection >> i) & 1) == XF_TEXPROJ_STQ)
-          out.WriteFmt("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES
-                       "[{}]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[{}]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES
-                       "[{}]));\n",
-                       i, 3 * i, 3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2);
+          out.Write("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES
+                    "[{}]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[{}]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES
+                    "[{}]));\n",
+                    i, 3 * i, 3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2);
-          out.WriteFmt("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES
-                       "[{}]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[{}]), 1);\n",
-                       i, 3 * i, 3 * i + 1);
+          out.Write("o.tex{}.xyz = float3(dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES
+                    "[{}]), dot(coord, " I_TEXMATRICES "[{}]), 1);\n",
+                    i, 3 * i, 3 * i + 1);
@@ -380,16 +380,16 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
       auto& postInfo = uid_data->postMtxInfo[i];
-      out.WriteFmt("float4 P0 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[{}];\n"
-                   "float4 P1 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[{}];\n"
-                   "float4 P2 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[{}];\n",
-                   postInfo.index & 0x3f, (postInfo.index + 1) & 0x3f, (postInfo.index + 2) & 0x3f);
+      out.Write("float4 P0 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[{}];\n"
+                "float4 P1 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[{}];\n"
+                "float4 P2 = " I_POSTTRANSFORMMATRICES "[{}];\n",
+                postInfo.index & 0x3f, (postInfo.index + 1) & 0x3f, (postInfo.index + 2) & 0x3f);
       if (postInfo.normalize)
-        out.WriteFmt("o.tex{}.xyz = normalize(o.tex{}.xyz);\n", i, i);
+        out.Write("o.tex{}.xyz = normalize(o.tex{}.xyz);\n", i, i);
       // multiply by postmatrix
-      out.WriteFmt(
+      out.Write(
           "o.tex{0}.xyz = float3(dot(, o.tex{0}.xyz) + P0.w, dot(, o.tex{0}.xyz) + "
           "P1.w, dot(, o.tex{0}.xyz) + P2.w);\n",
@@ -401,44 +401,44 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
     // TODO: check if this only affects XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR
     if (texinfo.texgentype == XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR)
-      out.WriteFmt(
+      out.Write(
           "if(o.tex{0}.z == 0.0f)\n"
           "\to.tex{0}.xy = clamp(o.tex{0}.xy / 2.0f, float2(-1.0f,-1.0f), float2(1.0f,1.0f));\n",
-    out.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+    out.Write("}}\n");
   if (uid_data->numColorChans == 0)
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_COL0) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("o.colors_0 = rawcolor0;\n");
+      out.Write("o.colors_0 = rawcolor0;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("o.colors_0 = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
+      out.Write("o.colors_0 = float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n");
   if (uid_data->numColorChans < 2)
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_COL1) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("o.colors_1 = rawcolor1;\n");
+      out.Write("o.colors_1 = rawcolor1;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("o.colors_1 = o.colors_0;\n");
+      out.Write("o.colors_1 = o.colors_0;\n");
   // clipPos/w needs to be done in pixel shader, not here
   if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-    out.WriteFmt("o.clipPos = o.pos;\n");
+    out.Write("o.clipPos = o.pos;\n");
   if (per_pixel_lighting)
-    out.WriteFmt("o.Normal = _norm0;\n"
-                 "o.WorldPos =;\n");
+    out.Write("o.Normal = _norm0;\n"
+              "o.WorldPos =;\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_COL0) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("o.colors_0 = rawcolor0;\n");
+      out.Write("o.colors_0 = rawcolor0;\n");
     if ((uid_data->components & VB_HAS_COL1) != 0)
-      out.WriteFmt("o.colors_1 = rawcolor1;\n");
+      out.Write("o.colors_1 = rawcolor1;\n");
   // If we can disable the incorrect depth clipping planes using depth clamping, then we can do
@@ -450,14 +450,14 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
     // own clipping. We want to clip so that -w <= z <= 0, which matches the console -1..0 range.
     // We adjust our depth value for clipping purposes to match the perspective projection in the
     // software backend, which is a hack to fix Sonic Adventure and Unleashed games.
-    out.WriteFmt("float clipDepth = o.pos.z * (1.0 - 1e-7);\n"
-                 "float clipDist0 = clipDepth + o.pos.w;\n"  // Near: z < -w
-                 "float clipDist1 = -clipDepth;\n");         // Far: z > 0
+    out.Write("float clipDepth = o.pos.z * (1.0 - 1e-7);\n"
+              "float clipDist0 = clipDepth + o.pos.w;\n"  // Near: z < -w
+              "float clipDist1 = -clipDepth;\n");         // Far: z > 0
     if (host_config.backend_geometry_shaders)
-      out.WriteFmt("o.clipDist0 = clipDist0;\n"
-                   "o.clipDist1 = clipDist1;\n");
+      out.Write("o.clipDist0 = clipDist0;\n"
+                "o.clipDist1 = clipDist1;\n");
@@ -472,20 +472,20 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
   // divide, because some games will use a depth range larger than what is allowed by the
   // graphics API. These large depth ranges will still be clipped to the 0..1 range, so these
   // games effectively add a depth bias to the values written to the depth buffer.
-  out.WriteFmt("o.pos.z = o.pos.w * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".w - "
-               "o.pos.z * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".z;\n");
+  out.Write("o.pos.z = o.pos.w * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".w - "
+            "o.pos.z * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".z;\n");
   if (!host_config.backend_clip_control)
     // If the graphics API doesn't support a depth range of 0..1, then we need to map z to
     // the -1..1 range. Unfortunately we have to use a substraction, which is a lossy floating-point
     // operation that can introduce a round-trip error.
-    out.WriteFmt("o.pos.z = o.pos.z * 2.0 - o.pos.w;\n");
+    out.Write("o.pos.z = o.pos.z * 2.0 - o.pos.w;\n");
   // Correct for negative viewports by mirroring all vertices. We need to negate the height here,
   // since the viewport height is already negated by the render backend.
-  out.WriteFmt("o.pos.xy *= sign(" I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".xy * float2(1.0, -1.0));\n");
+  out.Write("o.pos.xy *= sign(" I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".xy * float2(1.0, -1.0));\n");
   // The console GPU places the pixel center at 7/12 in screen space unless
   // antialiasing is enabled, while D3D and OpenGL place it at 0.5. This results
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
   // which in turn can be critical if it happens for clear quads.
   // Hence, we compensate for this pixel center difference so that primitives
   // get rasterized correctly.
-  out.WriteFmt("o.pos.xy = o.pos.xy - o.pos.w * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".xy;\n");
+  out.Write("o.pos.xy = o.pos.xy - o.pos.w * " I_PIXELCENTERCORRECTION ".xy;\n");
   if (vertex_rounding)
@@ -504,18 +504,18 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
     // we need to correct this by converting our
     // clip-space position into the Wii's screen-space
     // acquire the right pixel and then convert it back
-    out.WriteFmt("if (o.pos.w == 1.0f)\n"
-                 "{{\n"
+    out.Write("if (o.pos.w == 1.0f)\n"
+              "{{\n"
-                 "\tfloat ss_pixel_x = ((o.pos.x + 1.0f) * (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".x * 0.5f));\n"
-                 "\tfloat ss_pixel_y = ((o.pos.y + 1.0f) * (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".y * 0.5f));\n"
+              "\tfloat ss_pixel_x = ((o.pos.x + 1.0f) * (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".x * 0.5f));\n"
+              "\tfloat ss_pixel_y = ((o.pos.y + 1.0f) * (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".y * 0.5f));\n"
-                 "\tss_pixel_x = round(ss_pixel_x);\n"
-                 "\tss_pixel_y = round(ss_pixel_y);\n"
+              "\tss_pixel_x = round(ss_pixel_x);\n"
+              "\tss_pixel_y = round(ss_pixel_y);\n"
-                 "\to.pos.x = ((ss_pixel_x / (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".x * 0.5f)) - 1.0f);\n"
-                 "\to.pos.y = ((ss_pixel_y / (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".y * 0.5f)) - 1.0f);\n"
-                 "}}\n");
+              "\to.pos.x = ((ss_pixel_x / (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".x * 0.5f)) - 1.0f);\n"
+              "\to.pos.y = ((ss_pixel_y / (" I_VIEWPORT_SIZE ".y * 0.5f)) - 1.0f);\n"
+              "}}\n");
   if (api_type == APIType::OpenGL || api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
@@ -529,35 +529,35 @@ ShaderCode GenerateVertexShaderCode(APIType api_type, const ShaderHostConfig& ho
       // TODO: Pass interface blocks between shader stages even if geometry shaders
       // are not supported, however that will require at least OpenGL 3.2 support.
       for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->numTexGens; ++i)
-        out.WriteFmt("tex{}.xyz = o.tex{};\n", i, i);
+        out.Write("tex{}.xyz = o.tex{};\n", i, i);
       if (!host_config.fast_depth_calc)
-        out.WriteFmt("clipPos = o.clipPos;\n");
+        out.Write("clipPos = o.clipPos;\n");
       if (per_pixel_lighting)
-        out.WriteFmt("Normal = o.Normal;\n"
-                     "WorldPos = o.WorldPos;\n");
+        out.Write("Normal = o.Normal;\n"
+                  "WorldPos = o.WorldPos;\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("colors_0 = o.colors_0;\n"
-                   "colors_1 = o.colors_1;\n");
+      out.Write("colors_0 = o.colors_0;\n"
+                "colors_1 = o.colors_1;\n");
     if (host_config.backend_depth_clamp)
-      out.WriteFmt("gl_ClipDistance[0] = clipDist0;\n"
-                   "gl_ClipDistance[1] = clipDist1;\n");
+      out.Write("gl_ClipDistance[0] = clipDist0;\n"
+                "gl_ClipDistance[1] = clipDist1;\n");
     // Vulkan NDC space has Y pointing down (right-handed NDC space).
     if (api_type == APIType::Vulkan)
-      out.WriteFmt("gl_Position = float4(o.pos.x, -o.pos.y, o.pos.z, o.pos.w);\n");
+      out.Write("gl_Position = float4(o.pos.x, -o.pos.y, o.pos.z, o.pos.w);\n");
-      out.WriteFmt("gl_Position = o.pos;\n");
+      out.Write("gl_Position = o.pos;\n");
   else  // D3D
-    out.WriteFmt("return o;\n");
+    out.Write("return o;\n");
-  out.WriteFmt("}}\n");
+  out.Write("}}\n");
   return out;