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synced 2025-03-06 16:13:40 +00:00
VideoCommon: Rework scissor handling
This increases accuracy, fixing the white rendering in Major Minor's Majestic March. However, the hardware backends can only have one viewport and scissor rectangle at a time, while sometimes multiple are needed to accurately emulate what is happening. If possible, this will need to be fixed later.
This commit is contained in:
@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ void Renderer::ClearScreen(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& rc, bool colorEnable,
// Scissor rect must be restored.
void Renderer::RenderXFBToScreen(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& target_rc,
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <cmath>
#include <string_view>
#include "Common/Assert.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/Logging/Log.h"
@ -37,48 +38,172 @@ void SetGenerationMode()
void SetScissor()
int ScissorRect::GetArea() const
/* NOTE: the minimum value here for the scissor rect is -342.
* GX SDK functions internally add an offset of 342 to scissor coords to
* ensure that the register was always unsigned.
* The code that was here before tried to "undo" this offset, but
* since we always take the difference, the +342 added to both
* sides cancels out. */
return rect.GetWidth() * rect.GetHeight();
/* NOTE: With a positive scissor offset, the scissor rect is shifted left and/or up;
* With a negative scissor offset, the scissor rect is shifted right and/or down.
* GX SDK functions internally add an offset of 342 to scissor offset.
* The scissor offset is always even, so to save space, the scissor offset register
* is scaled down by 2. So, if somebody calls GX_SetScissorBoxOffset(20, 20);
* the registers will be set to ((20 + 342) / 2 = 181, 181).
* The scissor offset register is 10bit signed [-512, 511].
* e.g. In Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, during the "Boss roar effect",
* for a scissor offset of (0, -464), the scissor offset register will be set to
* (171, (-464 + 342) / 2 = -61).
s32 xoff = bpmem.scissorOffset.x * 2;
s32 yoff = bpmem.scissorOffset.y * 2;
int ScissorResult::GetViewportArea(const ScissorRect& rect) const
int x0 = std::clamp<int>(rect.rect.left + rect.x_off, viewport_left, viewport_right);
int x1 = std::clamp<int>(rect.rect.right + rect.x_off, viewport_left, viewport_right);
MathUtil::Rectangle<int> native_rc(bpmem.scissorTL.x - xoff, bpmem.scissorTL.y - yoff,
bpmem.scissorBR.x - xoff + 1, bpmem.scissorBR.y - yoff + 1);
native_rc.ClampUL(0, 0, EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT);
int y0 = std::clamp<int>(rect.rect.top + rect.y_off, viewport_top, viewport_bottom);
int y1 = std::clamp<int>(rect.rect.bottom + rect.y_off, viewport_top, viewport_bottom);
auto target_rc = g_renderer->ConvertEFBRectangle(native_rc);
return (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0);
// Compare so that a sorted collection of rectangles has the best one last, so that if they're drawn
// in order, the best one is the one that is drawn last (and thus over the rest).
// The exact iteration order on hardware hasn't been tested, but silly things can happen where a
// polygon can intersect with itself; this only applies outside of the viewport region (in areas
// that would normally be affected by clipping). No game is known to care about this.
bool ScissorResult::IsWorse(const ScissorRect& lhs, const ScissorRect& rhs) const
// First, penalize any rect that is not in the viewport
int lhs_area = GetViewportArea(lhs);
int rhs_area = GetViewportArea(rhs);
if (lhs_area != rhs_area)
return lhs_area < rhs_area;
// Now compare on total areas, without regard for the viewport
return lhs.GetArea() < rhs.GetArea();
// Dynamically sized small array of ScissorRanges (used as an heap-less alternative to std::vector
// to reduce allocation overhead)
struct RangeList
static constexpr u32 MAX_RANGES = 9;
u32 m_num_ranges = 0;
std::array<ScissorRange, MAX_RANGES> m_ranges{};
void AddRange(int offset, int start, int end)
DEBUG_ASSERT(m_num_ranges < MAX_RANGES);
m_ranges[m_num_ranges] = ScissorRange(offset, start, end);
auto begin() const { return m_ranges.begin(); }
auto end() const { return m_ranges.begin() + m_num_ranges; }
u32 size() { return m_num_ranges; }
static RangeList ComputeScissorRanges(int start, int end, int offset, int efb_dim)
RangeList ranges;
for (int extra_off = -4096; extra_off <= 4096; extra_off += 1024)
int new_off = offset + extra_off;
int new_start = std::clamp(start - new_off, 0, efb_dim);
int new_end = std::clamp(end - new_off + 1, 0, efb_dim);
if (new_start < new_end)
ranges.AddRange(new_off, new_start, new_end);
return ranges;
} // namespace
ScissorResult::ScissorResult(const BPMemory& bpmemory, const XFMemory& xfmemory)
: ScissorResult(bpmemory,
std::minmax(xfmemory.viewport.xOrig - xfmemory.viewport.wd,
xfmemory.viewport.xOrig + xfmemory.viewport.wd),
std::minmax(xfmemory.viewport.yOrig - xfmemory.viewport.ht,
xfmemory.viewport.yOrig + xfmemory.viewport.ht))
ScissorResult::ScissorResult(const BPMemory& bpmemory, std::pair<float, float> viewport_x,
std::pair<float, float> viewport_y)
: scissor_tl{.hex = bpmemory.scissorTL.hex}, scissor_br{.hex = bpmemory.scissorBR.hex},
scissor_off{.hex = bpmemory.scissorOffset.hex}, viewport_left(viewport_x.first),
viewport_right(viewport_x.second), viewport_top(viewport_y.first),
// Range is [left, right] and [top, bottom] (closed intervals)
const int left = scissor_tl.x;
const int right = scissor_br.x;
const int top = scissor_tl.y;
const int bottom = scissor_br.y;
// When left > right or top > bottom, nothing renders (even with wrapping from the offsets)
if (left > right || top > bottom)
// Note that both the offsets and the coordinates have 342 added to them internally by GX
// functions (for the offsets, this is before they are divided by 2/right shifted). This code
// could undo both sets of offsets, but it doesn't need to since they cancel out when subtracting
// (and those offsets actually matter for the left > right and top > bottom checks).
const int x_off = scissor_off.x << 1;
const int y_off = scissor_off.y << 1;
RangeList x_ranges = ComputeScissorRanges(left, right, x_off, EFB_WIDTH);
RangeList y_ranges = ComputeScissorRanges(top, bottom, y_off, EFB_HEIGHT);
m_result.reserve(x_ranges.size() * y_ranges.size());
// Now we need to form actual rectangles from the x and y ranges,
// which is a simple Cartesian product of x_ranges_clamped and y_ranges_clamped.
// Each rectangle is also a Cartesian product of x_range and y_range, with
// the rectangles being half-open (of the form [x0, x1) X [y0, y1)).
for (const auto& x_range : x_ranges)
DEBUG_ASSERT(x_range.start < x_range.end);
DEBUG_ASSERT(x_range.end <= EFB_WIDTH);
for (const auto& y_range : y_ranges)
DEBUG_ASSERT(y_range.start < y_range.end);
DEBUG_ASSERT(y_range.end <= EFB_HEIGHT);
m_result.emplace_back(x_range, y_range);
auto cmp = [&](const ScissorRect& lhs, const ScissorRect& rhs) { return IsWorse(lhs, rhs); };
std::sort(m_result.begin(), m_result.end(), cmp);
ScissorRect ScissorResult::Best() const
// For now, simply choose the best rectangle (see ScissorResult::IsWorse).
// This does mean we calculate all rectangles and only choose one, which is not optimal, but this
// is called infrequently. Eventually, all backends will support multiple scissor rects.
if (!m_result.empty())
return m_result.back();
// But if we have no rectangles, use a bogus one that's out of bounds.
// Ideally, all backends will support multiple scissor rects, in which case this won't be
// needed.
return ScissorRect(ScissorRange{0, 1000, 1001}, ScissorRange{0, 1000, 1001});
ScissorResult ComputeScissorRects()
return ScissorResult{bpmem, xfmem};
void SetScissorAndViewport()
auto native_rc = ComputeScissorRects().Best();
auto target_rc = g_renderer->ConvertEFBRectangle(native_rc.rect);
auto converted_rc =
g_renderer->ConvertFramebufferRectangle(target_rc, g_renderer->GetCurrentFramebuffer());
void SetViewport()
const s32 xoff = bpmem.scissorOffset.x * 2;
const s32 yoff = bpmem.scissorOffset.y * 2;
float raw_x = xfmem.viewport.xOrig - xfmem.viewport.wd - xoff;
float raw_y = xfmem.viewport.yOrig + xfmem.viewport.ht - yoff;
float raw_x = (xfmem.viewport.xOrig - native_rc.x_off) - xfmem.viewport.wd;
float raw_y = (xfmem.viewport.yOrig - native_rc.y_off) + xfmem.viewport.ht;
float raw_width = 2.0f * xfmem.viewport.wd;
float raw_height = -2.0f * xfmem.viewport.ht;
if (g_ActiveConfig.UseVertexRounding())
@ -7,16 +7,131 @@
#pragma once
#include "Common/MathUtil.h"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
struct BPCmd;
#include "Common/MathUtil.h"
#include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h"
struct XFMemory;
namespace BPFunctions
struct ScissorRange
constexpr ScissorRange() = default;
constexpr ScissorRange(int offset, int start, int end) : offset(offset), start(start), end(end) {}
int offset = 0;
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
struct ScissorRect
constexpr ScissorRect(ScissorRange x_range, ScissorRange y_range)
: // Rectangle ctor takes x0, y0, x1, y1.
rect(x_range.start, y_range.start, x_range.end, y_range.end), x_off(x_range.offset),
MathUtil::Rectangle<int> rect;
int x_off;
int y_off;
int GetArea() const;
// Although the GameCube/Wii have only one scissor configuration and only one viewport
// configuration, some values can result in multiple parts of the screen being updated.
// This can happen if the scissor offset combined with the bottom or right coordinate ends up
// exceeding 1024; then, both sides of the screen will be drawn to, while the middle is not.
// Major Minor's Majestic March causes this to happen during loading screens and other scrolling
// effects, though it draws on top of one of them.
// This can also happen if the scissor rectangle is particularly large, but this will usually
// involve drawing content outside of the viewport, which Dolphin does not currently handle.
// The hardware backends can currently only use one viewport and scissor rectangle, so we need to
// pick the "best" rectangle based on how much of the viewport would be rendered to the screen.
// If we choose the wrong one, then content might not actually show up when the game is expecting it
// to. This does happen on Major Minor's Majestic March for the final few frames of the horizontal
// scrolling animation, but it isn't that important. Note that the assumption that a "best"
// rectangle exists is based on games only wanting to draw one rectangle, and accidentally
// configuring the scissor offset and size of the scissor rectangle such that multiple show up;
// there are no known games where this is not the case.
struct ScissorResult
ScissorResult(const BPMemory& bpmem, const XFMemory& xfmem);
~ScissorResult() = default;
ScissorResult(const ScissorResult& other)
: scissor_tl{.hex = other.scissor_tl.hex}, scissor_br{.hex = other.scissor_br.hex},
scissor_off{.hex = other.scissor_off.hex}, viewport_left{other.viewport_left},
viewport_right{other.viewport_right}, viewport_top{other.viewport_top},
viewport_bottom{other.viewport_bottom}, m_result{other.m_result}
ScissorResult& operator=(const ScissorResult& other)
if (this == &other)
return *this;
scissor_tl.hex = other.scissor_tl.hex;
scissor_br.hex = other.scissor_br.hex;
scissor_off.hex = other.scissor_off.hex;
viewport_left = other.viewport_left;
viewport_right = other.viewport_right;
viewport_top = other.viewport_top;
viewport_bottom = other.viewport_bottom;
m_result = other.m_result;
return *this;
ScissorResult(ScissorResult&& other)
: scissor_tl{.hex = other.scissor_tl.hex}, scissor_br{.hex = other.scissor_br.hex},
scissor_off{.hex = other.scissor_off.hex}, viewport_left{other.viewport_left},
viewport_right{other.viewport_right}, viewport_top{other.viewport_top},
viewport_bottom{other.viewport_bottom}, m_result{std::move(other.m_result)}
ScissorResult& operator=(ScissorResult&& other)
if (this == &other)
return *this;
scissor_tl.hex = other.scissor_tl.hex;
scissor_br.hex = other.scissor_br.hex;
scissor_off.hex = other.scissor_off.hex;
viewport_left = other.viewport_left;
viewport_right = other.viewport_right;
viewport_top = other.viewport_top;
viewport_bottom = other.viewport_bottom;
m_result = std::move(other.m_result);
return *this;
// Input values, for use in statistics
ScissorPos scissor_tl;
ScissorPos scissor_br;
ScissorOffset scissor_off;
float viewport_left;
float viewport_right;
float viewport_top;
float viewport_bottom;
// Actual result
std::vector<ScissorRect> m_result;
ScissorRect Best() const;
ScissorResult(const BPMemory& bpmem, std::pair<float, float> viewport_x,
std::pair<float, float> viewport_y);
int GetViewportArea(const ScissorRect& rect) const;
bool IsWorse(const ScissorRect& lhs, const ScissorRect& rhs) const;
ScissorResult ComputeScissorRects();
void FlushPipeline();
void SetGenerationMode();
void SetScissor();
void SetViewport();
void SetScissorAndViewport();
void SetDepthMode();
void SetBlendMode();
void ClearScreen(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& rc);
@ -131,8 +131,6 @@ static void BPWritten(const BPCmd& bp, int cycles_into_future)
case BPMEM_SCISSORTL: // Scissor Rectable Top, Left
case BPMEM_SCISSORBR: // Scissor Rectable Bottom, Right
case BPMEM_SCISSOROFFSET: // Scissor Offset
@ -1272,8 +1270,7 @@ void BPReload()
// let's not risk actually replaying any writes.
// note that PixelShaderManager is already covered since it has its own DoState.
@ -160,8 +160,7 @@ void Renderer::EndUtilityDrawing()
// Reset framebuffer/scissor/viewport. Pipeline will be reset at next draw.
void Renderer::SetFramebuffer(AbstractFramebuffer* framebuffer)
@ -543,8 +542,7 @@ void Renderer::CheckForConfigChanges()
// Viewport and scissor rect have to be reset since they will be scaled differently.
// Stereo mode change requires recompiling our post processing pipeline and imgui pipelines for
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ void VertexShaderManager::SetConstants()
dirty = true;
if (bProjectionChanged || g_freelook_camera.GetController()->IsDirty())
Reference in New Issue
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