mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:19:29 +00:00
Wiimote cleanup, especially for Roll & Pitch, now accelerometer axes should be correct.
git-svn-id: https://dolphin-emu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4654 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
This commit is contained in:
@ -153,10 +153,6 @@ void WiimoteBasicConfigDialog::CreateGUIControls()
m_UseRealWiimote[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Use the real Wiimote in the game. This can be changed during gameplay. This can not be selected")
wxT(" when a recording is to be done. No status in this window will be updated when this is checked."));
m_SizeReal[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("Real Wiimote"));
m_SizeReal[i]->Add(m_ConnectRealWiimote[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizeReal[i]->Add(m_UseRealWiimote[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_WiiMotionPlusConnected[i] = new wxCheckBox(m_Controller[i], ID_MOTIONPLUSCONNECTED, wxT("Wii Motion Plus Connected"));
@ -173,29 +169,19 @@ void WiimoteBasicConfigDialog::CreateGUIControls()
extensionChoice[i] = new wxChoice(m_Controller[i], ID_EXTCONNECTED, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, arrayStringFor_extension, 0, wxDefaultValidator);
m_SizeExtensions[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("Emulated Extension(s)"));
m_SizeExtensions[i]->Add(m_WiiMotionPlusConnected[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizeExtensions[i]->Add(extensionChoice[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizeBasicGeneralLeft[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
m_SizeBasicGeneralLeft[i]->Add(m_SizeReal[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizeBasicGeneralLeft[i]->Add(m_SizeExtensions[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
// Basic Settings
m_WiimoteOnline[i] = new wxCheckBox(m_Controller[i], IDC_WIMOTE_ON, wxT("Wiimote On"));
m_WiimoteOnline[i]->SetToolTip(wxString::Format(wxT("Decide if Wiimote %i shall be detected by the game"), i));
m_SizeBasic[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("General Settings"));
m_SizeBasic[i]->Add(m_WiimoteOnline[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
// Emulated Wiimote
m_SidewaysDPad[i] = new wxCheckBox(m_Controller[i], ID_SIDEWAYSDPAD, wxT("Sideways D-Pad"));
m_SidewaysDPad[i] = new wxCheckBox(m_Controller[i], ID_SIDEWAYSDPAD, wxT("Sideways Wiimote"));
m_SidewaysDPad[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Treat the sideways position as neutral"));
m_UprightWiimote[i] = new wxCheckBox(m_Controller[i], ID_UPRIGHTWIIMOTE, wxT("Upright Wiimote"));
m_UprightWiimote[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Treat the upright position as neutral for roll and pitch"));
m_UprightWiimote[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Treat the upright position as neutral"));
//IR Pointer
m_TextScreenWidth[i] = new wxStaticText(m_Controller[i], wxID_ANY, wxT("Width: 000"));
@ -208,17 +194,6 @@ void WiimoteBasicConfigDialog::CreateGUIControls()
m_SliderLeft[i] = new wxSlider(m_Controller[i], IDS_LEFT, 0, 100, 500, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(75, -1));
m_SliderTop[i] = new wxSlider(m_Controller[i], IDS_TOP, 0, 0, 500, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(75, -1));
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i]->Add(m_TextScreenLeft[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 3);
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i]->Add(m_SliderLeft[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxRIGHT), 0);
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i]->Add(m_TextScreenWidth[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 3);
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i]->Add(m_SliderWidth[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 0);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i]->Add(m_TextScreenTop[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 3);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i]->Add(m_SliderTop[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxRIGHT), 0);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i]->Add(m_TextScreenHeight[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 3);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i]->Add(m_SliderHeight[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 0);
//m_ScreenSize = new wxCheckBox(m_Controller[i], IDC_SCREEN_SIZE, wxT("Adjust screen size and position"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0, wxDefaultValidator);
//m_ScreenSize[i]->SetToolTip(wxT("Use the adjusted screen size."));
@ -232,32 +207,55 @@ void WiimoteBasicConfigDialog::CreateGUIControls()
// Sizers
m_SizeBasic[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("General Settings"));
m_SizeBasic[i]->Add(m_WiimoteOnline[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizeEmu[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("Emulated Wiimote"));
m_SizeEmu[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("Emulated Position"));
m_SizeEmu[i]->Add(m_SidewaysDPad[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizeEmu[i]->Add(m_UprightWiimote[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxDOWN | wxRIGHT), 5);
m_SizeExtensions[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("Emulated Extension"));
m_SizeExtensions[i]->Add(m_WiiMotionPlusConnected[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizeExtensions[i]->Add(extensionChoice[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizeReal[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("Real Wiimote"));
m_SizeReal[i]->Add(m_ConnectRealWiimote[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizeReal[i]->Add(m_UseRealWiimote[i], 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i]->Add(m_TextScreenLeft[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 3);
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i]->Add(m_SliderLeft[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxRIGHT), 0);
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i]->Add(m_TextScreenWidth[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 3);
m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i]->Add(m_SliderWidth[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 0);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i]->Add(m_TextScreenTop[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 3);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i]->Add(m_SliderTop[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxRIGHT), 0);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i]->Add(m_TextScreenHeight[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 3);
m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i]->Add(m_SliderHeight[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 0);
m_SizerIRPointerScreen[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
m_SizerIRPointerScreen[i]->Add(m_TextAR[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 0);
m_SizerIRPointerScreen[i]->Add(m_CheckAR43[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5);
m_SizerIRPointerScreen[i]->Add(m_CheckAR169[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5);
m_SizerIRPointerScreen[i]->Add(m_Crop[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5);
m_SizerIRPointer[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("IR pointer"));
//m_SizerIRPointer[i]->Add(m_ScreenSize[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5);
m_SizerIRPointer[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("IR Pointer"));
m_SizerIRPointer[i]->Add(m_SizerIRPointerWidth[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxDOWN | wxRIGHT), 5);
m_SizerIRPointer[i]->Add(m_SizerIRPointerHeight[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxDOWN | wxRIGHT), 5);
m_SizerIRPointer[i]->Add(m_SizerIRPointerScreen[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxDOWN | wxRIGHT), 5);
m_SizerIRPointer[i]->Add(m_SizerIRPointerScreen[i], 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | (wxUP | wxDOWN), 10);
m_SizeBasicGeneralLeft[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
m_SizeBasicGeneralLeft[i]->Add(m_SizeBasic[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxUP), 5);
m_SizeBasicGeneralLeft[i]->Add(m_SizeEmu[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxUP), 5);
m_SizeBasicGeneralLeft[i]->Add(m_SizeExtensions[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxUP), 5);
m_SizeBasicGeneralRight[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
m_SizeBasicGeneralRight[i]->Add(m_SizeBasic[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxUP), 0);
m_SizeBasicGeneralRight[i]->Add(m_SizeEmu[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxUP), 5);
m_SizeBasicGeneralRight[i]->Add(m_SizeReal[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxUP), 5);
m_SizeBasicGeneralRight[i]->Add(m_SizerIRPointer[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxUP), 5);
m_SizeBasicGeneral[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
@ -487,8 +487,8 @@ void WiimotePadConfigDialog::CreatePadGUIControls()
m_TiltComboInput[i] = new wxComboBox(m_Controller[i], ID_TILT_INPUT, StrTilt[0], wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(100, -1), StrTilt, wxCB_READONLY);
m_TiltComboRangeRoll[i] = new wxComboBox(m_Controller[i], ID_TILT_RANGE_ROLL, StrTiltRangeRoll[0], wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(75, -1), StrTiltRangeRoll, wxCB_READONLY);
m_TiltComboRangePitch[i] = new wxComboBox(m_Controller[i], ID_TILT_RANGE_PITCH, StrTiltRangePitch[0], wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(75, -1), StrTiltRangePitch, wxCB_READONLY);
m_TiltTextRoll[i] = new wxStaticText(m_Controller[i], wxID_ANY, wxT("Roll"));
m_TiltTextPitch[i] = new wxStaticText(m_Controller[i], wxID_ANY, wxT("Pitch"));
m_TiltTextRoll[i] = new wxStaticText(m_Controller[i], wxID_ANY, wxT("Roll L/R"));
m_TiltTextPitch[i] = new wxStaticText(m_Controller[i], wxID_ANY, wxT("Pitch U/D"));
m_TiltInvertRoll[i] = new wxCheckBox(m_Controller[i], ID_TILT_INVERT_ROLL, wxT("Invert"));
m_TiltInvertPitch[i] = new wxCheckBox(m_Controller[i], ID_TILT_INVERT_PITCH, wxT("Invert"));
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ void WiimotePadConfigDialog::CreatePadGUIControls()
// For additional padding options if needed
//m_TiltHoriz[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
m_gTilt[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("Roll and pitch"));
m_gTilt[i] = new wxStaticBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL, m_Controller[i], wxT("Tilt and Swing"));
m_gTilt[i]->Add(m_TiltComboInput[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxDOWN), 5);
m_gTilt[i]->Add(m_TiltGrid[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxRIGHT), 5);
@ -89,30 +89,26 @@ void AdjustAngles(int &Roll, int &Pitch)
// Angles to accelerometer values
void PitchDegreeToAccelerometer(int Roll, int Pitch, u8 &_x, u8 &_y, u8 &_z)
void PitchDegreeToAccelerometer(int Roll, int Pitch, int &_x, int &_y, int &_z)
// Direct mapping from analog stick to x/y accelerometer
// Direct mapping for swing, from analog stick to accelerometer
if (g_Config.Trigger.Range.Roll == 0 && g_Config.Trigger.Range.Pitch == 0)
// Make a deadzone to avoid trouble
if (abs(Roll) <= abs(g_wm.cal_g.x))
Roll = 0;
if (abs(Pitch) <= abs(g_wm.cal_g.z))
Pitch = 0;
int ix = g_wm.cal_zero.x + Roll;
int iz = g_wm.cal_zero.z + g_wm.cal_g.z + Pitch;
if (ix > 0xFF) ix = 0xFF;
if (ix < 0x00) ix = 0x00;
if (iz > 0xFF) iz = 0xFF;
if (iz < 0x00) iz = 0x00;
if (!g_Config.Trigger.Upright)
_x = ix;
_z = iz;
_x -= Roll;
_z -= Pitch;
else // Upright wiimote
_x = ix;
_y = iz;
_x -= Roll;
_y += Pitch;
@ -126,29 +122,13 @@ void PitchDegreeToAccelerometer(int Roll, int Pitch, u8 &_x, u8 &_y, u8 &_z)
// In these cases we can use the simple and accurate formula
if(g_Config.Trigger.Range.Pitch == 0)
if (!g_Config.Trigger.Upright)
x = sin(_Roll);
z = cos(_Roll);
z = sin(_Roll);
y = -cos(_Roll);
x = sin(_Roll);
z = cos(_Roll);
else if (g_Config.Trigger.Range.Roll == 0)
if (!g_Config.Trigger.Upright)
y = sin(_Pitch);
z = cos(_Pitch);
x = -sin(_Pitch);
y = -cos(_Pitch);
y = sin(_Pitch);
z = cos(_Pitch);
@ -159,56 +139,39 @@ void PitchDegreeToAccelerometer(int Roll, int Pitch, u8 &_x, u8 &_y, u8 &_z)
and Pitch. But if we select a Z from the smallest of the absolute
value of cos(Roll) and cos (Pitch) we get the right values. */
// ---------
if (!g_Config.Trigger.Upright)
if (abs(cos(_Roll)) < abs(cos(_Pitch))) z = cos(_Roll); else z = cos(_Pitch);
/* I got these from reversing the calculation in
PitchAccelerometerToDegree() in a math program. */
float x_num = 2 * tanf(0.5f * _Roll) * z;
float x_den = pow2f(tanf(0.5f * _Roll)) - 1;
x = - (x_num / x_den);
float y_num = 2 * tanf(0.5f * _Pitch) * z;
float y_den = pow2f(tanf(0.5f * _Pitch)) - 1;
y = - (y_num / y_den);
if (abs(cos(_Roll)) < abs(cos(_Pitch)))
z = cos(_Roll);
if (abs(-cos(_Roll)) < abs(-cos(_Pitch))) y = -cos(_Roll); else y = -cos(_Pitch);
float z_num = 2 * tanf(0.5f * _Roll) * y;
float z_den = pow2f(tanf(0.5f * _Roll)) - 1;
z = (z_num / z_den);
float x_num = 2 * tanf(0.5f * _Pitch) * y;
float x_den = pow2f(tanf(0.5f * _Pitch)) - 1;
x = - (x_num / x_den);
z = cos(_Pitch);
/* I got these from reversing the calculation in
PitchAccelerometerToDegree() in a math program. */
float x_num = 2 * tanf(0.5f * _Roll) * z;
float x_den = pow2f(tanf(0.5f * _Roll)) - 1;
x = - (x_num / x_den);
float y_num = 2 * tanf(0.5f * _Pitch) * z;
float y_den = pow2f(tanf(0.5f * _Pitch)) - 1;
y = - (y_num / y_den);
// Multiply with the neutral of z and its g
// Multiply with neutral value and its g
float xg = g_wm.cal_g.x;
float yg = g_wm.cal_g.y;
float zg = g_wm.cal_g.z;
float x_zero = g_wm.cal_zero.x;
float y_zero = g_wm.cal_zero.y;
float z_zero = g_wm.cal_zero.z;
int ix = (int) (x_zero + xg * x);
int iy = (int) (y_zero + yg * y);
int iz = (int) (z_zero + zg * z);
int ix = g_wm.cal_zero.x + (int)(xg * x);
int iy = g_wm.cal_zero.y + (int)(yg * y);
int iz = g_wm.cal_zero.z + (int)(zg * z);
// Boundaries
if (ix < 0) ix = 0; if (ix > 255) ix = 255;
if (iy < 0) iy = 0; if (iy > 255) iy = 255;
if (iz < 0) iz = 0; if (iz > 255) iz = 255;
if (!g_Config.Trigger.Upright)
if(g_Config.Trigger.Range.Roll != 0) _x = ix;
if(g_Config.Trigger.Range.Pitch != 0) _y = iy;
_z = iz;
else // Upright wiimote
if(g_Config.Trigger.Range.Roll != 0) _z = iz;
if(g_Config.Trigger.Range.Pitch != 0) _x = ix;
_y = iy;
if(g_Config.Trigger.Range.Roll != 0) _x = ix;
if(g_Config.Trigger.Range.Pitch != 0) _z = iy;
_y = 0xFF - iz;
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ extern SWiimoteInitialize g_WiimoteInitialize;
namespace WiiMoteEmu
extern void PAD_Rumble(u8 _numPAD, unsigned int _uType);
/* Bit shift conversions */
u32 convert24bit(const u8* src) {
return (src[0] << 16) | (src[1] << 8) | src[2];
@ -513,6 +516,7 @@ void Shutdown(void)
if (joyinfo.at(PadMapping[i].ID).Good)
INFO_LOG(WIIMOTE, "ShutDown: %i", PadState[i].joy);
PAD_Rumble(i, false);
/* SDL_JoystickClose() crashes for some reason so I avoid this
for now, SDL_Quit() should close the pads to I think */
//if(SDL_JoystickOpened(PadMapping[i].ID)) SDL_JoystickClose(PadState[i].joy);
@ -57,11 +57,10 @@ void GetJoyState(InputCommon::CONTROLLER_STATE_NEW &_PadState, InputCommon::CONT
void PadStateAdjustments(int &Lx, int &Ly, int &Rx, int &Ry, int &Tl, int &Tr);
// Accelerometer
void PitchDegreeToAccelerometer(int _Roll, int _Pitch, u8 &_x, u8 &_y, u8 &_z);
void PitchDegreeToAccelerometer(int _Roll, int _Pitch, int &_x, int &_y, int &_z);
void PitchAccelerometerToDegree(u8 _x, u8 _y, u8 _z, int &_Roll, int &_Pitch, int&, int&);
float AccelerometerToG(float Current, float Neutral, float G);
//void TiltTest(u8 x, u8 y, u8 z);
void Tilt(u8 &_x, u8 &_y, u8 &_z);
void Tilt(int &_x, int &_y, int &_z);
void AdjustAngles(int &Roll, int &Pitch);
// IR data
@ -129,7 +129,9 @@ void HidOutputReport(u16 _channelID, wm_report* sr)
// Send general feedback except the following types
// as these ones generate their own feedbacks
if ((sr->wm != WM_READ_DATA)
// or don't send feedbacks
if ((sr->wm != WM_RUMBLE)
&& (sr->wm != WM_READ_DATA)
&& (sr->wm != WM_REQUEST_STATUS)
&& (sr->wm != WM_WRITE_SPEAKER_DATA)
@ -414,16 +414,27 @@ void FillReportInfo(wm_core& _core)
source. The extremes are 0x00 for (-) and 0xff for (+). It's important that
all values are not 0x80, the mouse pointer can disappear from the screen
permanently then, until z is adjusted back. This is because the game detects
a steep pitch of the Wiimote then. */
a steep pitch of the Wiimote then.
Wiimote Accelerometer Axes
+ (- -- X -- +)
| ___
| | |\ -
| | + || \
| . || \
Y |. .|| Z
| . || \
| | . || \
| |___|| +
- ---
// Global declarations for FillReportAcc: These variables are global so they
//can be changed during debugging int A = 0, B = 128, C = 64; // for debugging
//int a = 1, b = 1, c = 2, d = -2; // for debugging int consoleDisplay = 0;
// For all functions
u8 g_x, g_y, g_z, g_X, g_Y, g_Z;
// For the shake function, Wiimote: wm = 0, Nunchuck: wm = 1
int Shake[] = {0, 0};
@ -431,9 +442,8 @@ int Shake[] = {0, 0};
std::vector<u8> yhist(15, 0);
int KbDegree;
// Single shake of all three directions
void SingleShake(u8 &_x, u8 &_y, u8 &_z, int wm)
void SingleShake(int &_x, int &_y, int &_z, int wm)
#ifdef _WIN32
if (Shake[wm] == 0)
@ -472,9 +482,6 @@ void SingleShake(u8 &_x, u8 &_y, u8 &_z, int wm)
Shake[wm] = -1;
_x = g_wm.cal_zero.x;
_y = g_wm.cal_zero.y;
_z = g_wm.cal_zero.z + g_wm.cal_g.z;
@ -504,8 +511,8 @@ void TiltWiimoteGamepad(int &Roll, int &Pitch)
PadStateAdjustments(Lx, Ly, Rx, Ry, Tl, Tr);
// Save the Range in degrees, 45 and 90 are good values in some games
int RollRange = g_Config.Trigger.Range.Roll;
int PitchRange = g_Config.Trigger.Range.Pitch;
int &RollRange = g_Config.Trigger.Range.Roll;
int &PitchRange = g_Config.Trigger.Range.Pitch;
// The trigger currently only controls pitch
if (g_Config.Trigger.Type == g_Config.Trigger.TRIGGER)
@ -516,8 +523,7 @@ void TiltWiimoteGamepad(int &Roll, int &Pitch)
// Invert
if (PadMapping[Page].bPitchInvert) { Tl = -Tl; Tr = -Tr; }
// The final value
Pitch = Tl * ((float)PitchRange / 128.0)
- Tr * ((float)PitchRange / 128.0);
Pitch = PitchRange * ((float)(Tl - Tr) / 128.0);
/* For the analog stick roll is by default set to the X-axis, pitch is by
@ -526,8 +532,8 @@ void TiltWiimoteGamepad(int &Roll, int &Pitch)
else if (g_Config.Trigger.Type == g_Config.Trigger.ANALOG1)
// Adjust the trigger to go between negative and positive values
Lx = Lx - 128;
Ly = Ly - 128;
Lx = Lx - 0x80;
Ly = Ly - 0x80;
// Invert
if (PadMapping[Page].bRollInvert) Lx = -Lx; // else Tr = -Tr;
if (PadMapping[Page].bPitchInvert) Ly = -Ly; // else Tr = -Tr;
@ -539,8 +545,8 @@ void TiltWiimoteGamepad(int &Roll, int &Pitch)
// Adjust the trigger to go between negative and positive values
Rx = Rx - 128;
Ry = Ry - 128;
Rx = Rx - 0x80;
Ry = Ry - 0x80;
// Invert
if (PadMapping[Page].bRollInvert) Rx = -Rx; // else Tr = -Tr;
if (PadMapping[Page].bPitchInvert) Ry = -Ry; // else Tr = -Tr;
@ -559,10 +565,9 @@ void TiltWiimoteKeyboard(int &Roll, int &Pitch)
if (g_Config.Trigger.Range.Roll == 0 && g_Config.Trigger.Range.Pitch == 0)
if (IsKey(g_Wiimote_kbd.PITCH_L))
Roll = -128 / 2;
Roll = -0x80 / 2;
else if (IsKey(g_Wiimote_kbd.PITCH_R))
Roll = 128 / 2;
Roll = 0x80 / 2;
@ -607,7 +612,7 @@ void TiltWiimoteKeyboard(int &Roll, int &Pitch)
// Tilting Wiimote (Wario Land aiming, Mario Kart steering and other things)
void Tilt(u8 &_x, u8 &_y, u8 &_z)
void Tilt(int &_x, int &_y, int &_z)
// Check if it's on
if (g_Config.Trigger.Type == g_Config.Trigger.TRIGGER_OFF) return;
@ -626,10 +631,9 @@ void Tilt(u8 &_x, u8 &_y, u8 &_z)
AdjustAngles(Roll, Pitch);
// Calculate the accelerometer value from this tilt angle
//PitchDegreeToAccelerometer(Roll, Pitch, _x, _y, _z, g_Config.Trigger.Roll, g_Config.Trigger.Pitch);
PitchDegreeToAccelerometer(Roll, Pitch, _x, _y, _z);
//DEBUG_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Roll:%i, Pitch:%i, _x:%i, _y:%i, _z:%i", Roll, Pitch, _x, _y, _z);
//DEBUG_LOG(WIIMOTE, "Roll:%i, Pitch:%i, _x:%u, _y:%u, _z:%u", Roll, Pitch, _x, _y, _z);
void FillReportAcc(wm_accel& _acc)
@ -643,24 +647,42 @@ void FillReportAcc(wm_accel& _acc)
// If the recording reached the end or failed somehow we will not return
if (RecordingPlay(_acc.x, _acc.y, _acc.z, 0)) return;
if (RecordingPlay(_acc.x, _acc.y, _acc.z, 0))
//DEBUG_LOG(WIIMOTE, "X, Y, Z: %u %u %u", _acc.x, _acc.y, _acc.z);
// Initial value
int acc_x = g_wm.cal_zero.x;
int acc_y = g_wm.cal_zero.y;
int acc_z = g_wm.cal_zero.z;
if (!g_Config.Trigger.Upright)
acc_z += g_wm.cal_g.z;
else // Upright wiimote
acc_y -= g_wm.cal_g.y;
// Check that Dolphin is in focus
if (!IsFocus())
if (IsFocus())
_acc.x = g_wm.cal_zero.x;
_acc.y = g_wm.cal_zero.y;
_acc.z = g_wm.cal_zero.z + g_wm.cal_g.z;
// Shake the Wiimote
SingleShake(acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, 0);
// Tilt Wiimote, allow the shake function to interrupt it
if (Shake[0] == 0) Tilt(acc_x, acc_y, acc_z);
// Boundary check
if (acc_x > 0xFF) acc_x = 0xFF;
else if (_acc.x < 0x00) acc_x = 0x00;
if (acc_y > 0xFF) acc_y = 0xFF;
else if (acc_y < 0x00) acc_y = 0x00;
if (acc_z > 0xFF) acc_z = 0xFF;
else if (acc_z < 0x00) acc_z = 0x00;
// Shake the Wiimote
SingleShake(_acc.x, _acc.y, _acc.z, 0);
// Tilt Wiimote, allow the shake function to interrupt it
if (Shake[0] == 0) Tilt(_acc.x, _acc.y, _acc.z);
_acc.x = acc_x;
_acc.y = acc_y;
_acc.z = acc_z;
// Debugging for translating Wiimote to Keyboard (or Gamepad)
@ -723,7 +745,6 @@ void FillReportAcc(wm_accel& _acc)
else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD8))
//if(consoleDisplay == 0)
DEBUG_LOG(WIIMOTE, "x: %03i | y: %03i | z: %03i | A:%i B:%i C:%i a:%i b:%i c:%i d:%i X:%i Y:%i Z:%i",
_acc.x, _acc.y, _acc.z,
@ -918,19 +939,28 @@ void FillReportExtension(wm_extension& _ext)
// Recorded movements
// Check for a playback command
if(g_RecordingPlaying[1] < 0) g_RecordingPlaying[1] = RecordingCheckKeys(1);
// We should not play back the accelerometer values
if (!(g_RecordingPlaying[1] >= 0 && RecordingPlay(_ext.ax, _ext.ay, _ext.az, 1)))
if(g_RecordingPlaying[1] < 0)
// Use the neutral values
_ext.ax = g_nu.cal_zero.x;
_ext.ay = g_nu.cal_zero.y;
_ext.az = g_nu.cal_zero.z + g_nu.cal_g.z;
g_RecordingPlaying[1] = RecordingCheckKeys(1);
// We should not play back the accelerometer values
if (RecordingPlay(_ext.ax, _ext.ay, _ext.az, 1))
// Use the neutral values
int ext_ax = g_nu.cal_zero.x;
int ext_ay = g_nu.cal_zero.y;
int ext_az = g_nu.cal_zero.z + g_nu.cal_g.z;
// Shake the Wiimote
SingleShake(_ext.ax, _ext.ay, _ext.az, 1);
SingleShake(ext_ax, ext_ay, ext_az, 1);
_ext.ax = ext_ax;
_ext.ay = ext_ay;
_ext.az = ext_az;
// The default joystick and button values unless we use them
_ext.jx = g_nu.jx.center;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user