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# Copyright 2024 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import array
import ctypes
import enum
import glob
import os
from ctypes import c_bool, c_byte, c_int, c_uint, c_size_t, c_void_p
from ctypes.util import find_library
class _Base:
def __init__(self, frame_duration, samplerate, nchannels, **kwargs):
self.hrmode = False
self.dt_us = int(frame_duration * 1000)
self.sr_hz = int(samplerate)
self.sr_pcm_hz = self.sr_hz
self.nchannels = nchannels
libpath = None
for k in kwargs.keys():
if k == 'hrmode':
self.hrmode = bool(kwargs[k])
elif k == 'pcm_samplerate':
self.sr_pcm_hz = int(kwargs[k])
elif k == 'libpath':
libpath = kwargs[k]
raise ValueError("Invalid keyword argument: " + k)
if self.dt_us not in [2500, 5000, 7500, 10000]:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid frame duration: %.1f ms" % frame_duration)
allowed_samplerate = [8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 48000] \
if not self.hrmode else [48000, 96000]
if self.sr_hz not in allowed_samplerate:
raise ValueError("Invalid sample rate: %d Hz" % samplerate)
if libpath is None:
mesonpy_lib = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '.lc3.mesonpy.libs', '*lc3*'))
if mesonpy_lib:
libpath = mesonpy_lib[0]
libpath = find_library("lc3")
if not libpath:
raise Exception("LC3 library not found")
lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libpath)
lib.lc3_hr_frame_samples \
and lib.lc3_hr_frame_block_bytes \
and lib.lc3_hr_resolve_bitrate \
and lib.lc3_hr_delay_samples
except AttributeError:
if self.hrmode:
raise Exception('High-Resolution interface not available')
lib.lc3_hr_frame_samples = \
lambda hrmode, dt_us, sr_hz: \
lib.lc3_frame_samples(dt_us, sr_hz)
lib.lc3_hr_frame_block_bytes = \
lambda hrmode, dt_us, sr_hz, nchannels, bitrate: \
nchannels * lib.lc3_frame_bytes(dt_us, bitrate // 2)
lib.lc3_hr_resolve_bitrate = \
lambda hrmode, dt_us, sr_hz, nbytes: \
lib.lc3_resolve_bitrate(dt_us, nbytes)
lib.lc3_hr_delay_samples = \
lambda hrmode, dt_us, sr_hz: \
lib.lc3_delay_samples(dt_us, sr_hz)
lib.lc3_hr_frame_samples.argtypes = [c_bool, c_int, c_int]
lib.lc3_hr_frame_block_bytes.argtypes = \
[c_bool, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int]
lib.lc3_hr_resolve_bitrate.argtypes = [c_bool, c_int, c_int, c_int]
lib.lc3_hr_delay_samples.argtypes = [c_bool, c_int, c_int]
self.lib = lib
libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(find_library("c"))
self.malloc = libc.malloc
self.malloc.argtypes = [c_size_t]
self.malloc.restype = c_void_p
self.free = libc.free
self.free.argtypes = [c_void_p]
def get_frame_samples(self):
Returns the number of PCM samples in an LC3 frame
ret = self.lib.lc3_hr_frame_samples(
self.hrmode, self.dt_us, self.sr_pcm_hz)
if ret < 0:
raise ValueError("Bad parameters")
return ret
def get_frame_bytes(self, bitrate):
Returns the size of LC3 frame blocks, from bitrate in bit per seconds.
A target `bitrate` equals 0 or `INT32_MAX` returns respectively
the minimum and maximum allowed size.
ret = self.lib.lc3_hr_frame_block_bytes(
self.hrmode, self.dt_us, self.sr_hz, self.nchannels, bitrate)
if ret < 0:
raise ValueError("Bad parameters")
return ret
def resolve_bitrate(self, nbytes):
Returns the bitrate in bits per seconds, from the size of LC3 frames.
ret = self.lib.lc3_hr_resolve_bitrate(
self.hrmode, self.dt_us, self.sr_hz, nbytes)
if ret < 0:
raise ValueError("Bad parameters")
return ret
def get_delay_samples(self):
Returns the algorithmic delay, as a number of samples.
ret = self.lib.lc3_hr_delay_samples(
self.hrmode, self.dt_us, self.sr_pcm_hz)
if ret < 0:
raise ValueError("Bad parameters")
return ret
def _resolve_pcm_format(bitdepth):
match bitdepth:
case 16: return (PCM_FORMAT_S16, ctypes.c_int16)
case 24: return (PCM_FORMAT_S24_3LE, 3 * ctypes.c_byte)
case None: return (PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT, ctypes.c_float)
case _: raise ValueError("Could not interpret PCM bitdepth")
class Encoder(_Base):
LC3 Encoder wrapper
The `frame_duration` expressed in milliseconds is any of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5
or 10.0. The `samplerate`, in Hertz, is any of 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000
or 48000, unless High-Resolution mode is enabled. In High-Resolution mode,
the `samplerate` is 48000 or 96000.
By default, one channel is processed. When `nchannels` is greater than one,
the PCM input stream is read interleaved and consecutives LC3 frames are
output, for each channel.
Keyword arguments:
hrmode : Enable High-Resolution mode, default is `False`.
sr_pcm_hz : Input PCM samplerate, enable downsampling of input.
libpath : LC3 library path and name
class c_encoder_t(c_void_p):
def __init__(self, frame_duration, samplerate, nchannels=1, **kwargs):
super().__init__(frame_duration, samplerate, nchannels, **kwargs)
lib = self.lib
lib.lc3_hr_encoder_size \
and lib.lc3_hr_setup_encoder
except AttributeError:
assert not self.hrmode
lib.lc3_hr_encoder_size = \
lambda hrmode, dt_us, sr_hz: \
lib.lc3_encoder_size(dt_us, sr_hz)
lib.lc3_hr_setup_encoder = \
lambda hrmode, dt_us, sr_hz, sr_pcm_hz, mem: \
lib.lc3_setup_encoder(dt_us, sr_hz, sr_pcm_hz, mem)
lib.lc3_hr_encoder_size.argtypes = [c_bool, c_int, c_int]
lib.lc3_hr_encoder_size.restype = c_uint
lib.lc3_hr_setup_encoder.argtypes = \
[c_bool, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_void_p]
lib.lc3_hr_setup_encoder.restype = self.c_encoder_t
lib.lc3_encode.argtypes = \
[self.c_encoder_t, c_int, c_void_p, c_int, c_int, c_void_p]
def new_encoder(): return lib.lc3_hr_setup_encoder(
self.hrmode, self.dt_us, self.sr_hz, self.sr_pcm_hz,
self.hrmode, self.dt_us, self.sr_pcm_hz)))
self.__encoders = [new_encoder() for i in range(nchannels)]
def __del__(self):
(self.free(encoder) for encoder in self.__encoders)
def encode(self, pcm, nbytes, bitdepth=None):
Encode LC3 frame(s), for each channel.
The `pcm` input is given in two ways. When no `bitdepth` is defined,
it's a vector of floating point values from -1 to 1, coding the sample
levels. When `bitdepth` is defined, `pcm` is interpreted as a byte-like
object, each sample coded on `bitdepth` bits (16 or 24).
The machine endianness, or little endian, is used for 16 or 24 bits
width, respectively.
In both cases, the `pcm` vector data is padded with zeros when
its length is less than the required input samples for the encoder.
Channels concatenation of encoded LC3 frames, of `nbytes`, is returned.
nchannels = self.nchannels
frame_samples = self.get_frame_samples()
(pcm_fmt, pcm_t) = self._resolve_pcm_format(bitdepth)
pcm_len = nchannels * frame_samples
if bitdepth is None:
pcm_buffer = array.array('f', pcm)
# Invert test to catch NaN
if not abs(sum(pcm)) / frame_samples < 2:
raise ValueError("Out of range PCM input")
padding = max(pcm_len - frame_samples, 0)
pcm_buffer.extend(array.array('f', [0] * padding))
padding = max(pcm_len * ctypes.sizeof(pcm_t) - len(pcm), 0)
pcm_buffer = bytearray(pcm) + bytearray(padding)
data_buffer = (c_byte * nbytes)()
data_offset = 0
for (ich, encoder) in enumerate(self.__encoders):
pcm_offset = ich * ctypes.sizeof(pcm_t)
pcm = (pcm_t * (pcm_len - ich)).from_buffer(pcm_buffer, pcm_offset)
data_size = nbytes // nchannels + int(ich < nbytes % nchannels)
data = (c_byte * data_size).from_buffer(data_buffer, data_offset)
data_offset += data_size
ret = self.lib.lc3_encode(
encoder, pcm_fmt, pcm, nchannels, len(data), data)
if ret < 0:
raise ValueError("Bad parameters")
return bytes(data_buffer)
class Decoder(_Base):
LC3 Decoder wrapper
The `frame_duration` expressed in milliseconds is any of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5
or 10.0. The `samplerate`, in Hertz, is any of 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000
or 48000, unless High-Resolution mode is enabled. In High-Resolution
mode, the `samplerate` is 48000 or 96000.
By default, one channel is processed. When `nchannels` is greater than one,
the PCM input stream is read interleaved and consecutives LC3 frames are
output, for each channel.
Keyword arguments:
hrmode : Enable High-Resolution mode, default is `False`.
sr_pcm_hz : Output PCM samplerate, enable upsampling of output.
libpath : LC3 library path and name
class c_decoder_t(c_void_p):
def __init__(self, frame_duration, samplerate, nchannels=1, **kwargs):
super().__init__(frame_duration, samplerate, nchannels, **kwargs)
lib = self.lib
lib.lc3_hr_decoder_size \
and lib.lc3_hr_setup_decoder
except AttributeError:
assert not self.hrmode
lib.lc3_hr_decoder_size = \
lambda hrmode, dt_us, sr_hz: \
lib.lc3_decoder_size(dt_us, sr_hz)
lib.lc3_hr_setup_decoder = \
lambda hrmode, dt_us, sr_hz, sr_pcm_hz, mem: \
lib.lc3_setup_decoder(dt_us, sr_hz, sr_pcm_hz, mem)
lib.lc3_hr_decoder_size.argtypes = [c_bool, c_int, c_int]
lib.lc3_hr_decoder_size.restype = c_uint
lib.lc3_hr_setup_decoder.argtypes = \
[c_bool, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_void_p]
lib.lc3_hr_setup_decoder.restype = self.c_decoder_t
lib.lc3_decode.argtypes = \
[self.c_decoder_t, c_void_p, c_int, c_int, c_void_p, c_int]
def new_decoder(): return lib.lc3_hr_setup_decoder(
self.hrmode, self.dt_us, self.sr_hz, self.sr_pcm_hz,
self.hrmode, self.dt_us, self.sr_pcm_hz)))
self.__decoders = [new_decoder() for i in range(nchannels)]
def __del__(self):
(self.free(decoder) for decoder in self.__decoders)
def decode(self, data, bitdepth=None):
Decode an LC3 frame
The input `data` is the channels concatenation of LC3 frames in a
byte-like object. Interleaved PCM samples are returned according to
the `bitdepth` indication.
When no `bitdepth` is defined, it's a vector of floating point values
from -1 to 1, coding the sample levels. When `bitdepth` is defined,
it returns a byte array, each sample coded on `bitdepth` bits.
The machine endianness, or little endian, is used for 16 or 24 bits
width, respectively.
nchannels = self.nchannels
frame_samples = self.get_frame_samples()
(pcm_fmt, pcm_t) = self._resolve_pcm_format(bitdepth)
pcm_len = nchannels * self.get_frame_samples()
pcm_buffer = (pcm_t * pcm_len)()
data_buffer = bytearray(data)
data_offset = 0
for (ich, decoder) in enumerate(self.__decoders):
pcm_offset = ich * ctypes.sizeof(pcm_t)
pcm = (pcm_t * (pcm_len - ich)).from_buffer(pcm_buffer, pcm_offset)
data_size = len(data_buffer) // nchannels + \
int(ich < len(data_buffer) % nchannels)
data = (c_byte * data_size).from_buffer(data_buffer, data_offset)
data_offset += data_size
ret = self.lib.lc3_decode(
decoder, data, len(data), pcm_fmt, pcm, self.nchannels)
if ret < 0:
raise ValueError("Bad parameters")
return array.array('f', pcm_buffer) \
if bitdepth is None else bytes(pcm_buffer)