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synced 2025-03-17 19:21:15 +00:00
373 lines
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373 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# BlueKitchen GmbH (c) 2018
import glob
import re
import sys
import os
import btstack_parser as parser
Python binding generator for BTstack Server
Copyright 2018, BlueKitchen GmbH
# com.bluekitchen.btstack.BTstack.java templates
command_builder_header = \
'''#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
def opcode(ogf, ocf):
return ocf | (ogf << 10)
def pack24(value):
return struct.pack("B", value & 0xff) + struct.pack("<H", value >> 8)
def name248(str):
arg = str.encode('utf-8')
return arg[:248] + bytes(248-len(arg))
# Command Builder
class CommandBuilder(object):
def __init__(self):
def send_command(command):
return FALSE
command_builder_command = '''
def {name}(self, {args}):
cmd_args = bytes()
cmd = struct.pack("<HB", opcode(self.{ogf}, self.{ocf}), len(cmd_args)) + cmd_args
return self.send_hci_command(cmd)
# com.bluekitchen.btstack.EventFactory template
event_factory_template = \
# dictionary to map hci event types to event classes
event_class_for_type = {{
# dictionary to map hci le event types to event classes
le_event_class_for_type = {{
# list of all event types - not actually used
def event_for_payload(payload):
event_type = payload[0]
event_class = btstack.btstack_types.Event
# LE Subevent
if event_type == 0x3e:
subevent_type = payload[2]
event_class = le_event_class_for_type.get(subevent_type, event_class)
event_class = event_class_for_type.get(event_type, event_class)
return event_class(payload)
event_factory_event = \
''' {0} : {1},
event_factory_subevent = \
''' {0} : {1},
event_header = '''
import struct
import btstack.btstack_types
def hex_string(bytes):
return " ".join([('%02x' % a) for a in bytes])
event_template = \
class {0}(btstack.btstack_types.Event):
def __init__(self, payload):
event_getter = \
def get_{0}(self):
event_getter_data = '''return self.payload[{offset}:{offset}+self.get_{length_name}()]
event_getter_data_fixed = \
'''return self.payload[{offset}:{offset}+{size}]
event_to_string = \
'''def __repr__(self):
repr = '{0} < type=0x%02x' % self.get_event_type()
repr += " >"
return repr
# global variables/defines
package ='com.bluekitchen.btstack'
gen_path = 'gen/' + package.replace('.', '/')
defines = dict()
defines_used = set()
def size_for_type(type):
param_sizes = { '1' : 1, '2' : 2, '3' : 3, '4' : 4, 'H' : 2, 'B' : 6, 'D' : 8, 'E' : 240, 'N' : 248, 'P' : 16,
'A' : 31, 'S' : -1, 'V': -1, 'J' : 1, 'L' : 2, 'Q' : 32, 'K' : 16, 'U' : 16, 'X' : 20, 'Y' : 24, 'Z' : 18, 'T':-1}
return param_sizes[type]
def create_command_python(fout, name, ogf, ocf, format, params):
global command_builder_command
ind = ' '
param_store = {
'1' : 'cmd_args += struct.pack("B", %s)',
'J' : 'cmd_args += struct.pack("B", %s)',
'2' : 'cmd_args += struct.pack("<H", %s)',
'H' : 'cmd_args += struct.pack("<H", %s)',
'L' : 'cmd_args += struct.pack("<H", %s)',
'3' : 'cmd_args += pack24(%s)',
'4' : 'cmd_args += struct.pack("<H", %s)',
'N' : 'cmd_args += name248(%s)',
'B' : 'cmd_args += %s.get_bytes()',
'U' : 'cmd_args += %s.get_bytes()',
'X' : 'cmd_args += %s.get_bytes()',
'Y' : 'cmd_args += %s.get_bytes()',
'Z' : 'cmd_args += %s.get_bytes()',
'S' : 'cmd_args += %s',
# TODO: support serialization for these
'D' : '# D / TODO Util.storeBytes(command, offset, %s, 8)',
'E' : '# E / TODO Util.storeBytes(command, offset, %s, 240)',
'P' : '# P / TODO Util.storeBytes(command, offset, %s, 16)',
'Q' : '# Q / TODO Util.storeBytes(command, offset, %s, 32)',
'K' : '# Q / TODO Util.storeBytes(command, offset, %s, 32)',
'A' : '# A / TODO Util.storeBytes(command, offset, %s, 31)',
# method arguments
arg_counter = 1
args = []
for param_type, arg_name in zip(format, params):
arg_size = size_for_type(param_type)
arg = (param_type, arg_size, arg_name)
arg_counter += 1
# method argument declaration
args2 = []
for arg in args:
args_string = ', '.join(args2)
# command size (opcode, len)
size_fixed = 3
size_var = ''
for arg in args:
size = arg[1]
if size > 0:
size_fixed += size
size_var += ' + %s.length' % arg[2]
size_string = '%u%s' % (size_fixed, size_var)
store_params = ''
length_name = ''
for (param_type, arg_size, arg_name) in args:
if param_type in ['L', 'J']:
length_name = arg_name
if param_type == 'V':
store_params += ind + 'Util.storeBytes(command, offset, %s, %s);' % (arg_name, length_name) + '\n';
length_name = ''
store_params += ind + (param_store[param_type] % arg_name) + '\n';
size = arg_size
fout.write( command_builder_command.format(name=name, args=args_string, ogf=ogf, ocf=ocf, args_builder=store_params))
def mark_define_as_used(term):
if term.startswith('0'):
def python_define_string(key):
global defines
if key in defines:
return ' %s = %s\n' % (key, defines[key])
return ' # defines[%s] not set\n' % key
def python_defines_string(keys):
return '\n'.join( map(python_define_string, sorted(keys)))
def create_command_builder(commands):
global gen_path
outfile = '%s/command_builder.py' % gen_path
with open(outfile, 'wt') as fout:
for command in commands:
(command_name, ogf, ocf, format, params) = command
create_command_python(fout, command_name, ogf, ocf, format, params);
fout.write('\n # defines used\n\n')
for key in sorted(defines_used):
def create_event(fout, event_name, format, args):
global gen_path
global event_template
param_read = {
'1' : 'return self.payload[{offset}]',
'J' : 'return self.payload[{offset}]',
'2' : 'return struct.unpack("<H", self.payload[{offset} : {offset}+2])',
'H' : 'return struct.unpack("<H", self.payload[{offset} : {offset}+2])',
'L' : 'return struct.unpack("<H", self.payload[{offset} : {offset}+2])',
'3' : 'return btstack.btstack_types.unpack24(self.payload[{offset}:3])',
'4' : 'return struct.unpack("<I", self.payload[{offset} : {offset}+4])',
'B' : 'data = bytearray(self.payload[{offset}:{offset}+6]); data.reverse(); return btstack.btstack_types.BD_ADDR(data)',
'X' : 'return btstack.btstack_types.GATTService(self.payload[{offset}:20])',
'Y' : 'return btstack.btstack_types.GATTCharacteristic(self.payload[{offset}:24])',
'Z' : 'return btstack.btstack_types.GATTCharacteristicDescriptor(self.payload[{offset}:18])',
'T' : 'return self.payload[{offset}:-1].decode("utf-8")',
'N' : 'return self.payload[{offset}:{offset}+248].decode("utf-8")',
# 'D' : 'Util.storeBytes(self.payload, %u, 8);',
# 'Q' : 'Util.storeBytes(self.payload, %u, 32);',
# 'E' : 'Util.storeBytes(data, %u, 240);',
# 'P' : 'Util.storeBytes(data, %u, 16);',
# 'A' : 'Util.storeBytes(data, %u, 31);',
# 'S' : 'Util.storeBytes(data, %u);'
'R' : 'return self.payload[{offset}:]',
offset = 2
getters = ''
length_name = ''
for f, arg in zip(format, args):
# just remember name
if f in ['L','J']:
length_name = arg.lower()
if f == 'R':
# remaining data
access = param_read[f].format(offset=offset)
size = 0
elif f == 'V':
access = event_getter_data.format(length_name=length_name, offset=offset)
size = 0
elif f in ['D', 'Q', 'K']:
size = size_for_type(f)
access = event_getter_data_fixed.format(size=size, offset=offset)
access = param_read[f].format(offset=offset)
size = size_for_type(f)
getters += event_getter.format(arg.lower(), access)
offset += size
to_string_args = ''
for f, arg in zip(format, args):
to_string_args += ' repr += ", %s = "\n' % arg
if f in ['1','2','3','4','H']:
to_string_args += ' repr += hex(self.get_%s())\n' % arg.lower()
elif f in ['R', 'V', 'D', 'Q']:
to_string_args += ' repr += hex_string(self.get_%s())\n' % arg.lower()
to_string_args += ' repr += str(self.get_%s())\n' % arg.lower()
to_string_method = event_to_string.format(event_name, to_string_args)
fout.write('# %s - %s' % (event_name, format))
fout.write(event_template.format(event_name, getters, to_string_method))
def event_supported(event_name):
parts = event_name.split('_')
return parts[0] in ['ATT', 'BTSTACK', 'DAEMON', 'L2CAP', 'RFCOMM', 'SDP', 'GATT', 'GAP', 'HCI', 'SM', 'BNEP']
def class_name_for_event(event_name):
return parser.camel_case(event_name.replace('SUBEVENT','EVENT'))
def create_events(fout, events):
global gen_path
gen_path_events = gen_path + '/event'
for event_type, event_name, format, args in events:
if not event_supported(event_name):
class_name = class_name_for_event(event_name)
create_event(fout, class_name, format, args)
def create_event_factory(events, subevents, defines):
global gen_path
global event_factory_event
global event_factory_template
outfile = '%s/event_factory.py' % gen_path
cases = ''
for event_type, event_name, format, args in events:
event_name = parser.camel_case(event_name)
cases += event_factory_event.format(event_type, event_name)
subcases = ''
for event_type, event_name, format, args in subevents:
if not event_supported(event_name):
class_name = class_name_for_event(event_name)
subcases += event_factory_subevent.format(event_type, class_name)
with open(outfile, 'wt') as fout:
# header
# event classes
create_events(fout, events)
create_events(fout, subevents)
defines_text = ''
# python_defines_string(,defines)
fout.write(event_factory_template.format(defines_text, cases, subcases))
# find root
btstack_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/..')
gen_path = btstack_root + '/platform/daemon/binding/python/btstack/'
# read defines from hci_cmds.h and hci.h
defines = parser.parse_defines()
# parse commands
commands = parser.parse_daemon_commands(camel_case=False)
# parse bluetooth.h to get used events
(events, le_events, event_types) = parser.parse_events()
# create events, le meta events, event factory, and
create_event_factory(events, le_events, event_types)
# done