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* Copyright (C) 2014 BlueKitchen GmbH
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
* 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for
* personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for
* monetary gain.
* Please inquire about commercial licensing options at
* contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com
* @title Genral Access Profile (GAP)
#ifndef GAP_H
#define GAP_H
#if defined __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "btstack_defines.h"
#include "btstack_util.h"
#include "classic/btstack_link_key_db.h"
// BIG has up to 2 BIS (stereo)
#ifndef MAX_NR_BIS
#define MAX_NR_BIS 2
// CIG usually has up to 2 CIS (stereo)
#ifndef MAX_NR_CIS
#define MAX_NR_CIS 2
typedef enum {
// MITM protection not required
// No encryption required
// No user interaction required
LEVEL_0 = 0,
// MITM protection not required
// No encryption required
// Minimal user interaction desired
// MITM protection not required
// Encryption required
// MITM protection required
// Encryption required
// User interaction acceptable
// MITM protection required
// Encryption required
// 128-bit equivalent strength for link and encryption keys required (P-192 is not enough)
// User interaction acceptable
} gap_security_level_t;
typedef enum {
// non-secure
// service level enforced security
// link level enforced security
// service level enforced security
} gap_security_mode_t;
typedef enum {
GAP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATED, // SSP: numeric comparison, passkey, OOB
} gap_security_state;
typedef enum {
} gap_connection_type_t;
typedef struct le_connection_parameter_range{
uint16_t le_conn_interval_min;
uint16_t le_conn_interval_max;
uint16_t le_conn_latency_min;
uint16_t le_conn_latency_max;
uint16_t le_supervision_timeout_min;
uint16_t le_supervision_timeout_max;
} le_connection_parameter_range_t;
typedef enum {
} gap_random_address_type_t;
// Authorization state
typedef enum {
} authorization_state_t;
// Extended Advertising Parameters
typedef struct {
uint16_t advertising_event_properties;
uint16_t primary_advertising_interval_min;
uint16_t primary_advertising_interval_max;
uint8_t primary_advertising_channel_map;
bd_addr_type_t own_address_type;
bd_addr_type_t peer_address_type;
bd_addr_t peer_address;
uint8_t advertising_filter_policy;
int8_t advertising_tx_power;
uint8_t primary_advertising_phy;
uint8_t secondary_advertising_max_skip;
uint8_t secondary_advertising_phy;
uint8_t advertising_sid;
uint8_t scan_request_notification_enable;
} le_extended_advertising_parameters_t;
typedef struct {
uint16_t periodic_advertising_interval_min;
uint16_t periodic_advertising_interval_max;
uint16_t periodic_advertising_properties;
} le_periodic_advertising_parameters_t;
// Extended Advertising Set State
typedef struct {
btstack_linked_item_t item;
le_extended_advertising_parameters_t extended_params;
le_periodic_advertising_parameters_t periodic_params;
bd_addr_t random_address;
const uint8_t * adv_data;
const uint8_t * scan_data;
const uint8_t * periodic_data;
uint16_t adv_data_len;
uint16_t scan_data_len;
uint16_t periodic_data_len;
uint16_t adv_data_pos;
uint16_t scan_data_pos;
uint16_t periodic_data_pos;
uint16_t enable_timeout;
uint8_t advertising_handle;
uint8_t enable_max_scan_events;
bool periodic_include_adi;
uint8_t state;
uint8_t tasks;
} le_advertising_set_t;
// Isochronous Streams
// -- Broadcast Isochronous Group BIG
typedef struct {
uint8_t big_handle;
uint8_t advertising_handle;
uint8_t num_bis;
uint32_t sdu_interval_us;
uint16_t max_sdu;
uint16_t max_transport_latency_ms;
uint8_t rtn;
uint8_t phy;
uint8_t packing;
uint8_t framing;
uint8_t encryption;
uint8_t broadcast_code[16];
} le_audio_big_params_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t big_handle;
uint8_t sync_handle;
uint8_t encryption;
uint8_t broadcast_code[16];
uint8_t mse;
uint16_t big_sync_timeout_10ms;
uint8_t num_bis;
uint8_t bis_indices[MAX_NR_BIS];
} le_audio_big_sync_params_t;
typedef enum {
} le_audio_big_state_t;
typedef struct {
btstack_linked_item_t item;
uint8_t big_handle;
le_audio_big_state_t state;
union {
uint8_t next_bis;
uint8_t status;
} state_vars;
uint8_t num_bis;
hci_con_handle_t bis_con_handles[MAX_NR_BIS];
const le_audio_big_params_t * params;
// request to send
bool can_send_now_requested;
// previous and current timestamp of number completed event to track ISO intervals
bool num_completed_timestamp_previous_valid;
bool num_completed_timestamp_current_valid;
uint32_t num_completed_timestamp_previous_ms;
uint32_t num_completed_timestamp_current_ms;
} le_audio_big_t;
typedef struct {
btstack_linked_item_t item;
uint8_t big_handle;
le_audio_big_state_t state;
union {
uint8_t next_bis;
uint8_t status;
} state_vars;
uint8_t num_bis;
hci_con_handle_t bis_con_handles[MAX_NR_BIS];
const le_audio_big_sync_params_t * params;
} le_audio_big_sync_t;
// -- Connected Isochronuous Group CIG
typedef enum {
} le_audio_cig_state_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t cis_id;
uint16_t max_sdu_c_to_p;
uint16_t max_sdu_p_to_c;
uint8_t phy_c_to_p;
uint8_t phy_p_to_c;
uint8_t rtn_c_to_p;
uint8_t rtn_p_to_c;
} le_audio_cis_params_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t cig_id;
uint32_t sdu_interval_c_to_p;
uint32_t sdu_interval_p_to_c;
uint8_t worst_case_sca;
uint8_t packing;
uint8_t framing;
uint16_t max_transport_latency_c_to_p;
uint16_t max_transport_latency_p_to_c;
uint8_t num_cis;
le_audio_cis_params_t cis_params[MAX_NR_CIS];
} le_audio_cig_params_t;
typedef struct {
btstack_linked_item_t item;
uint8_t cig_id;
le_audio_cig_params_t * params;
le_audio_cig_state_t state;
union {
uint8_t next_cis;
uint8_t status;
} state_vars;
uint8_t num_cis;
hci_con_handle_t cis_con_handles[MAX_NR_CIS];
hci_con_handle_t acl_con_handles[MAX_NR_CIS];
bool cis_setup_active[MAX_NR_CIS];
bool cis_established[MAX_NR_CIS];
uint8_t highest_outgoing_cis_index;
// request to send
bool can_send_now_requested;
} le_audio_cig_t;
// Classic + LE
* @brief Read RSSI
* @param con_handle
int gap_read_rssi(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
* @brief Gets local address.
void gap_local_bd_addr(bd_addr_t address_buffer);
* @brief Disconnect connection with handle
* @param handle
* @return status
uint8_t gap_disconnect(hci_con_handle_t handle);
* @brief Get connection type
* @param con_handle
* @result connection_type
gap_connection_type_t gap_get_connection_type(hci_con_handle_t connection_handle);
* @brief Get HCI connection role
* @param con_handle
* @result hci_role_t HCI_ROLE_MASTER / HCI_ROLE_SLAVE / HCI_ROLE_INVALID (if connection does not exist)
hci_role_t gap_get_role(hci_con_handle_t connection_handle);
// Classic
* @brief Request role switch
* @note this only requests the role switch. A HCI_EVENT_ROLE_CHANGE is emitted and its status field will indicate if the switch was succesful
* @param addr
* @param hci_role_t HCI_ROLE_MASTER / HCI_ROLE_SLAVE
* @result status
uint8_t gap_request_role(const bd_addr_t addr, hci_role_t role);
* @brief Sets local name.
* @note Default name is 'BTstack 00:00:00:00:00:00'
* @note '00:00:00:00:00:00' in local_name will be replaced with actual bd addr
* @param name is not copied, make sure memory stays valid
void gap_set_local_name(const char * local_name);
* @brief Set Extended Inquiry Response data
* @note If not set, local name will be used for EIR data (see gap_set_local_name)
* @note '00:00:00:00:00:00' in local_name will be replaced with actual bd addr
* @param eir_data size HCI_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE_DATA_LEN (240) bytes, is not copied make sure memory stays valid
void gap_set_extended_inquiry_response(const uint8_t * data);
* @brief Set class of device
void gap_set_class_of_device(uint32_t class_of_device);
* @brief Set default link policy settings for all classic ACL links
* @param default_link_policy_settings - see LM_LINK_POLICY_* in bluetooth.h
* @note common value: LM_LINK_POLICY_ENABLE_ROLE_SWITCH | LM_LINK_POLICY_ENABLE_SNIFF_MODE to enable role switch and sniff mode
void gap_set_default_link_policy_settings(uint16_t default_link_policy_settings);
* @brief Set Allow Role Switch param for outgoing classic ACL links
* @param allow_role_switch - true: allow remote device to request role switch, false: stay master
void gap_set_allow_role_switch(bool allow_role_switch);
* @brief Set link supervision timeout for outgoing classic ACL links
* @param default_link_supervision_timeout * 0.625 ms, default 0x7d00 = 20 seconds, 0 = no link supervision timeout
void gap_set_link_supervision_timeout(uint16_t link_supervision_timeout);
* @brief Enable link watchdog. If no ACL packet is sent within timeout_ms, the link will get disconnected
* note: current implementation uses the automatic flush timeout controller feature with a max timeout of 1.28s
* @param timeout_ms
void gap_enable_link_watchdog(uint16_t timeout_ms);
* @brief Enable/disable bonding. Default is enabled.
* @param enabled
void gap_set_bondable_mode(int enabled);
* @brief Get bondable mode.
* @return 1 if bondable
int gap_get_bondable_mode(void);
* @brief Set security mode for all outgoing and incoming connections. Default: GAP_SECURITY_MODE_4
* @param security_mode is GAP_SECURITY_MODE_2 or GAP_SECURITY_MODE_4
uint8_t gap_set_security_mode(gap_security_mode_t security_mode);
* @brief Get security mode
* @return security_mode
gap_security_mode_t gap_get_security_mode(void);
* @brief Set security level for all outgoing and incoming connections. Default: LEVEL_2
* @param security_level
* @note has to be called before services or profiles are initialized
void gap_set_security_level(gap_security_level_t security_level);
* @brief Get security level
* @return security_level
gap_security_level_t gap_get_security_level(void);
* @brief Set Secure Connections Only Mode for BR/EDR (Classic) Default: false
* @param enable
void gap_set_secure_connections_only_mode(bool enable);
* @breif Get Secure Connections Only Mode
* @param enabled
bool gap_get_secure_connections_only_mode(void);
* @brief Set minimal security level for registered services
* @param security_level
* @note Called by L2CAP based on registered services
void gap_set_minimal_service_security_level(gap_security_level_t security_level);
* @brief Register filter for rejecting classic connections. Callback will return 1 accept connection, 0 on reject.
void gap_register_classic_connection_filter(int (*accept_callback)(bd_addr_t addr, hci_link_type_t link_type));
/* Configure Secure Simple Pairing */
* @brief Enable will enable SSP during init. Default: true
void gap_ssp_set_enable(int enable);
* @brief Set IO Capability. BTstack will return capability to SSP requests
void gap_ssp_set_io_capability(int ssp_io_capability);
* @brief Set Authentication Requirements using during SSP
void gap_ssp_set_authentication_requirement(int authentication_requirement);
* @brief Enable/disable Secure Connections. Default: true if supported by Controller
void gap_secure_connections_enable(bool enable);
* @brief Query if Secure Connections can be used for Classic connections.
* @note Requires gap_secure_connections_enable == true and Controller to support it
bool gap_secure_connections_active(void);
* @brief If set, BTstack will confirm a numeric comparison and enter '000000' if requested.
void gap_ssp_set_auto_accept(int auto_accept);
* @brief Set required encryption key size for GAP Levels 1-3 on classic connections.
* @note If you need to reduce the required encryption key size, please consider enabling
* However, the re-authentication for Legacy Secure Connections can cause a link loss
* in some Controller combinations.
* @param encryption_key_size in bytes. Valid 7..16, default: 16
void gap_set_required_encryption_key_size(uint8_t encryption_key_size);
* @brief Start dedicated bonding with device. Disconnect after bonding.
* @param device
* @param request MITM protection
* @return error, if max num acl connections active
int gap_dedicated_bonding(bd_addr_t device, int mitm_protection_required);
gap_security_level_t gap_security_level_for_link_key_type(link_key_type_t link_key_type);
* @brief map link keys to secure connection yes/no
bool gap_secure_connection_for_link_key_type(link_key_type_t link_key_type);
* @brief map link keys to authenticated
bool gap_authenticated_for_link_key_type(link_key_type_t link_key_type);
gap_security_level_t gap_security_level(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
void gap_request_security_level(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, gap_security_level_t level);
bool gap_mitm_protection_required_for_security_level(gap_security_level_t level);
* @brief Set Page Scan Type
* @param page_scan_interval * 0.625 ms, range: 0x0012..0x1000, default: 0x0800
* @param page_scan_windows * 0.625 ms, range: 0x0011..page_scan_interval, default: 0x0012
void gap_set_page_scan_activity(uint16_t page_scan_interval, uint16_t page_scan_window);
* @brief Set Page Scan Type
* @param page_scan_mode
void gap_set_page_scan_type(page_scan_type_t page_scan_type);
* @brief Set Page Timeout
* @param page_timeout * 0.625 ms, range: 0x0001..0xffff, default: 0x6000 (ca 15 seconds)
void gap_set_page_timeout(uint16_t page_timeout);
// LE
* @brief Set parameters for LE Scan
* @param scan_type 0 = passive, 1 = active
* @param scan_interval range 0x0004..0x4000, unit 0.625 ms
* @param scan_window range 0x0004..0x4000, unit 0.625 ms
* @param scanning_filter_policy 0 = all devices, 1 = all from whitelist
* @return status
uint8_t gap_set_scan_params(uint8_t scan_type, uint16_t scan_interval, uint16_t scan_window,
uint8_t scanning_filter_policy);
* @brief Set parameters for LE Scan
* @deprecated Use gap_set_scan_params instead
void gap_set_scan_parameters(uint8_t scan_type, uint16_t scan_interval, uint16_t scan_window);
* @brief Set duplicate filter for LE Scan
* @param enabled if enabled, only one advertisements per BD_ADDR is reported, default: false
void gap_set_scan_duplicate_filter(bool enabled);
* @brief Set PHYs for LE Scan
* @param phy bitmask: 1 = LE 1M PHY, 4 = LE Coded PHY
void gap_set_scan_phys(uint8_t phys);
* @brief Start LE Scan
void gap_start_scan(void);
* @brief Stop LE Scan
void gap_stop_scan(void);
* @brief Enable privacy by using random addresses
* @param random_address_type to use (incl. OFF)
void gap_random_address_set_mode(gap_random_address_type_t random_address_type);
* @brief Get privacy mode
gap_random_address_type_t gap_random_address_get_mode(void);
* @brief Sets update period for random address
* @param period_ms in ms
void gap_random_address_set_update_period(int period_ms);
* @brief Sets a fixed random address for advertising
* @param addr
* @note Sets random address mode to type static
void gap_random_address_set(const bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Set Advertisement Data
* @param advertising_data_length
* @param advertising_data (max 31 octets)
* @note data is not copied, pointer has to stay valid
* @note '00:00:00:00:00:00' in advertising_data will be replaced with actual bd addr
void gap_advertisements_set_data(uint8_t advertising_data_length, uint8_t * advertising_data);
* @brief Set Advertisement Parameters
* @param adv_int_min
* @param adv_int_max
* @param adv_type
* @param direct_address_type
* @param direct_address
* @param channel_map
* @param filter_policy
* @note own_address_type is used from gap_random_address_set_mode
void gap_advertisements_set_params(uint16_t adv_int_min, uint16_t adv_int_max, uint8_t adv_type,
uint8_t direct_address_typ, bd_addr_t direct_address, uint8_t channel_map, uint8_t filter_policy);
* @brief Enable/Disable Advertisements. OFF by default.
* @param enabled
void gap_advertisements_enable(int enabled);
* @brief Set Scan Response Data
* @note For scan response data, scannable undirected advertising (ADV_SCAN_IND) need to be used
* @param advertising_data_length
* @param advertising_data (max 31 octets)
* @note data is not copied, pointer has to stay valid
* @note '00:00:00:00:00:00' in scan_response_data will be replaced with actual bd addr
void gap_scan_response_set_data(uint8_t scan_response_data_length, uint8_t * scan_response_data);
* @brief Set update interval for resolvable private addresses generated by the Controller
* @param update_s timeout for updates in seconds
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_set_resolvable_private_address_update(uint16_t update_s);
* @brief Provide storage for new advertising set and setup on Controller
* @note Using RPA as own_address_type requires ENABLE_LE_ENHANCED_CONNECTION_COMPLETE_EVENT is required for pairing
* @param storage to use by stack, needs to stay valid until adv set is removed with gap_extended_advertising_remove
* @param advertising_parameters
* @param out_advertising_handle to use with other adv config commands
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_setup(le_advertising_set_t * storage, const le_extended_advertising_parameters_t * advertising_parameters, uint8_t * out_advertising_handle);
* @param Set advertising params for advertising set
* @note Using RPA as own_address_type requires ENABLE_LE_ENHANCED_CONNECTION_COMPLETE_EVENT is required for pairing
* @param advertising_handle
* @param advertising_parameters
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_set_params(uint8_t advertising_handle, const le_extended_advertising_parameters_t * advertising_parameters);
* @param Get advertising params for advertising set, e.g. to update params
* @param advertising_handle
* @param advertising_parameters
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_get_params(uint8_t advertising_handle, le_extended_advertising_parameters_t * advertising_parameters);
* @param Set periodic advertising params for advertising set
* @param advertising_handle
* @param advertising_parameters
* @return status
uint8_t gap_periodic_advertising_set_params(uint8_t advertising_handle, const le_periodic_advertising_parameters_t * advertising_parameters);
* @param Get params for periodic advertising set, e.g. to update params
* @param advertising_handle
* @param advertising_parameters
* @return status
uint8_t gap_periodic_advertising_get_params(uint8_t advertising_handle, le_periodic_advertising_parameters_t * advertising_parameters);
* @param Set random addrress for advertising set
* @param advertising_handle
* @param random_address
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_set_random_address(uint8_t advertising_handle, bd_addr_t random_address);
* @brief Set Advertising Data for a advertisement set
* @param advertising_handle
* @param advertising_data_length
* @param advertising_data
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_set_adv_data(uint8_t advertising_handle, uint16_t advertising_data_length, const uint8_t * advertising_data);
* @brief Set Scan Response Data for a advertisement set
* @param advertising_handle
* @param scan_response_data_length
* @param scan_response_data
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_set_scan_response_data(uint8_t advertising_handle, uint16_t scan_response_data_length, const uint8_t * scan_response_data);
* @brief Set data for periodic advertisement set
* @param advertising_handle
* @param periodic_data_length
* @param periodic_data
* @return status
uint8_t gap_periodic_advertising_set_data(uint8_t advertising_handle, uint16_t periodic_data_length, const uint8_t * periodic_data);
* @brief Start advertising advertising set
* @param advertising_handle
* @param timeout in 10ms, or 0 == no timeout
* @param num_extended_advertising_events Controller shall send, or 0 == no max number
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_start(uint8_t advertising_handle, uint16_t timeout, uint8_t num_extended_advertising_events);
* @brief Stop advertising
* @param advertising_handle
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_stop(uint8_t advertising_handle);
* @brief Start periodic advertising for given advertising set
* @param advertising_handle
* @param include_adi
* @return status
uint8_t gap_periodic_advertising_start(uint8_t advertising_handle, bool include_adi);
* @brief Stop periodic advertising for given advertising set
* @param advertising_handle
* @return status
uint8_t gap_periodic_advertising_stop(uint8_t advertising_handle);
* @brief Set Default Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer Parameters
* @note The parameters are used for all subsequent connections over the LE transport.
* If mode != 0, an HCI_LE_Periodic_Advertising_Sync_Transfer_Received event will be emitted by the Controller
* @param mode 0 = ignore (default), 1 = periodic advertising events disabled
* 2 = periodic advertising events enabled with duplicate filtering
* 3 = periodic advertising events enabled with duplicate filtering
* @param skip The number of periodic advertising packets that can be skipped after a successful receive
* @param sync_timeout Range: 0x000A to 0x4000, Time = N*10 ms, Time Range: 100 ms to 163.84 s
* @param cte_type bit 0 = Do not sync to packets with an AoA Constant Tone Extension
* bit 1 = Do not sync to packets with an AoD Constant Tone Extension with 1 μs slots
* bit 2 = Do not sync to packets with an AoD Constant Tone Extension with 2 μs slots
* bit 3 = Do not sync to packets without a Constant Tone Extension
* @return status
uint8_t gap_periodic_advertising_sync_transfer_set_default_parameters(uint8_t mode, uint16_t skip, uint16_t sync_timeout, uint8_t cte_type);
* @brief Send Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer to connected device
* @param con_handle of connected device
* @param service_data 16-bit data to transfer to remote host
* @param sync_handle of synchronized periodic advertising train to transfer
* @return status
uint8_t gap_periodic_advertising_sync_transfer_send(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, uint16_t service_data, hci_con_handle_t sync_handle);
* @brief Send Periodic Advertising Set Info Transfer to connected device
* @param con_handle of connected device
* @param service_data 16-bit data to transfer to remote host
* @param advertising_handle of local periodic advertising train to transfer
* @return status
uint8_t gap_periodic_advertising_set_info_transfer_send(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, uint16_t service_data, uint8_t advertising_handle);
* @brief Remove advertising set from Controller
* @param advertising_handle
* @return status
uint8_t gap_extended_advertising_remove(uint8_t advertising_handle);
* @brief Create Broadcast Isochronous Group (BIG)
* @param storage to use by stack, needs to stay valid until adv set is removed with gap_big_terminate
* @param big_params
* @return status
* @events GAP_SUBEVENT_BIG_CREATED unless interrupted by call to gap_big_terminate
uint8_t gap_big_create(le_audio_big_t * storage, le_audio_big_params_t * big_params);
* @brief Terminate Broadcast Isochronous Group (BIG)
* @param big_handle
* @return status
uint8_t gap_big_terminate(uint8_t big_handle);
* @brief Synchronize to Broadcast Isochronous Group (BIG)
* @param storage to use by stack, needs to stay valid until adv set is removed with gap_big_terminate
* @param big_sync_params
* @return status
* @events GAP_SUBEVENT_BIG_SYNC_CREATED unless interrupted by call to gap_big_sync_terminate
uint8_t gap_big_sync_create(le_audio_big_sync_t * storage, le_audio_big_sync_params_t * big_sync_params);
* @brief Stop synchronizing to Broadcast Isochronous Group (BIG). Triggers GAP_SUBEVENT_BIG_SYNC_STOPPED
* @note Also used to stop synchronizing before BIG Sync was established
* @param big_handle
* @return status
uint8_t gap_big_sync_terminate(uint8_t big_handle);
* @brief Create Connected Isochronous Group (CIG)
* @param storage to use by stack, needs to stay valid until CIG removed with gap_cig_remove
* @param cig_params
* @return status
* @events GAP_SUBEVENT_CIG_CREATED unless interrupted by call to gap_cig_remove
uint8_t gap_cig_create(le_audio_cig_t * storage, le_audio_cig_params_t * cig_params);
* @brief Remove Connected Isochronous Group (CIG)
* @param cig_id
* @return status
uint8_t gap_cig_remove(uint8_t cig_id);
* @brief Create Connected Isochronous Streams (CIS)
* @note number of CIS from cig_params in gap_cig_create is used
* @param cig_id
* @param cis_con_handles array of CIS Connection Handles
* @param acl_con_handles array of ACL Connection Handles
* @return status
* @events GAP_SUBEVENT_CIS_CREATED unless interrupted by call to gap_cig_remove
uint8_t gap_cis_create(uint8_t cig_id, hci_con_handle_t cis_con_handles [], hci_con_handle_t acl_con_handles []);
* @brief Accept Connected Isochronous Stream (CIS)
* @param cis_con_handle
* @return status
uint8_t gap_cis_accept(hci_con_handle_t cis_con_handle);
* @brief Reject Connected Isochronous Stream (CIS)
* @param cis_con_handle
* @return status
uint8_t gap_cis_reject(hci_con_handle_t cis_con_handle);
* @brief Set connection parameters for outgoing connections and connection parameter updates
* @param conn_scan_interval (unit: 0.625 msec), default: 60 ms
* @param conn_scan_window (unit: 0.625 msec), default: 30 ms
* @param conn_interval_min (unit: 1.25ms), default: 10 ms
* @param conn_interval_max (unit: 1.25ms), default: 30 ms
* @param conn_latency, default: 4
* @param supervision_timeout (unit: 10ms), default: 720 ms
* @param min_ce_length (unit: 0.625ms), default: 10 ms
* @param max_ce_length (unit: 0.625ms), default: 30 ms
void gap_set_connection_parameters(uint16_t conn_scan_interval, uint16_t conn_scan_window,
uint16_t conn_interval_min, uint16_t conn_interval_max, uint16_t conn_latency,
uint16_t supervision_timeout, uint16_t min_ce_length, uint16_t max_ce_length);
* @brief Set initiating PHYs for outgoing connections
* @param phy bitmask: 1 = LE 1M PHY, 2 = LE 2M PHY, 4 = LE Coded PHY
void gap_set_connection_phys(uint8_t phys);
* @brief Request an update of the connection parameter for a given LE connection
* @param handle
* @param conn_interval_min (unit: 1.25ms)
* @param conn_interval_max (unit: 1.25ms)
* @param conn_latency
* @param supervision_timeout (unit: 10ms)
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_request_connection_parameter_update(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, uint16_t conn_interval_min,
uint16_t conn_interval_max, uint16_t conn_latency, uint16_t supervision_timeout);
* @brief Updates the connection parameters for a given LE connection
* @param handle
* @param conn_interval_min (unit: 1.25ms)
* @param conn_interval_max (unit: 1.25ms)
* @param conn_latency
* @param supervision_timeout (unit: 10ms)
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_update_connection_parameters(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, uint16_t conn_interval_min,
uint16_t conn_interval_max, uint16_t conn_latency, uint16_t supervision_timeout);
* @brief Set accepted connection parameter range
* @param range
void gap_get_connection_parameter_range(le_connection_parameter_range_t * range);
* @brief Get accepted connection parameter range
* @param range
void gap_set_connection_parameter_range(le_connection_parameter_range_t * range);
* @brief Test if connection parameters are inside in existing rage
* @param conn_interval_min (unit: 1.25ms)
* @param conn_interval_max (unit: 1.25ms)
* @param conn_latency
* @param supervision_timeout (unit: 10ms)
* @return 1 if included
int gap_connection_parameter_range_included(le_connection_parameter_range_t * existing_range, uint16_t le_conn_interval_min, uint16_t le_conn_interval_max, uint16_t le_conn_latency, uint16_t le_supervision_timeout);
* @brief Request an update of the connection subrating for a given LE connection
* @param handle
* @param subrate_min
* @param subrate_max
* @param max_latency (in units of subrated connection intervals)
* @param continuation_number (Minimum number of underlying connection events to remain active after a packet containing a Link Layer PDU with a non-zero Length field is sent or received)
* @param supervision_timeout (unit: 10ms) range: 10..3200 (100 ms to 32 s)
* @return status
uint8_t gap_request_connection_subrating(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, uint16_t subrate_min, uint16_t subrate_max,
uint16_t max_latency, uint16_t continuation_number, uint16_t supervision_timeout);
* @brief Set max number of connections in LE Peripheral role (if Bluetooth Controller supports it)
* @note: default: 1
* @param max_peripheral_connections
void gap_set_max_number_peripheral_connections(int max_peripheral_connections);
* @brief Add Device to Whitelist
* @param address_typ
* @param address
* @return status
uint8_t gap_whitelist_add(bd_addr_type_t address_type, const bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Remove Device from Whitelist
* @param address_typ
* @param address
* @return status
uint8_t gap_whitelist_remove(bd_addr_type_t address_type, const bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Clear Whitelist
* @return status
uint8_t gap_whitelist_clear(void);
* @brief Connect to remote LE device
* @return status
uint8_t gap_connect(const bd_addr_t addr, bd_addr_type_t addr_type);
* @brief Connect with Whitelist
* @note Explicit whitelist management and this connect with whitelist replace deprecated gap_auto_connection_* functions
* @return status
uint8_t gap_connect_with_whitelist(void);
* @brief Cancel connection process initiated by gap_connect
* @return status
uint8_t gap_connect_cancel(void);
* @brief Auto Connection Establishment - Start Connecting to device
* @deprecated Please setup Whitelist with gap_whitelist_* and start connecting with gap_connect_with_whitelist
* @param address_type
* @param address
* @return status
uint8_t gap_auto_connection_start(bd_addr_type_t address_type, const bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Auto Connection Establishment - Stop Connecting to device
* @deprecated Please setup Whitelist with gap_whitelist_* and start connecting with gap_connect_with_whitelist
* @param address_type
* @param address
* @return status
uint8_t gap_auto_connection_stop(bd_addr_type_t address_type, const bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Auto Connection Establishment - Stop everything
* @deprecated Please setup Whitelist with gap_whitelist_* and start connecting with gap_connect_with_whitelist
* @note Convenience function to stop all active auto connection attempts
* @return status
uint8_t gap_auto_connection_stop_all(void);
* @brief Set LE PHY
* @param con_handle
* @param all_phys 0 = set rx/tx, 1 = set only rx, 2 = set only tx
* @param tx_phys 1 = 1M, 2 = 2M, 4 = Coded
* @param rx_phys 1 = 1M, 2 = 2M, 4 = Coded
* @param phy_options 0 = no preferred coding for Coded, 1 = S=2 coding (500 kbit), 2 = S=8 coding (125 kbit)
* @return status
uint8_t gap_le_set_phy(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, uint8_t all_phys, uint8_t tx_phys, uint8_t rx_phys, uint16_t phy_options);
* @brief Get connection interval
* @param con_handle
* @return connection interval, otherwise 0 if error
uint16_t gap_le_connection_interval(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
* @brief Get encryption key size.
* @param con_handle
* @return 0 if not encrypted, 7-16 otherwise
uint8_t gap_encryption_key_size(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
* @brief Get authentication property.
* @param con_handle
* @return true if bonded with OOB/Passkey (AND MITM protection)
bool gap_authenticated(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
* @brief Get secure connection property
* @param con_handle
* @return true if bonded usiung LE Secure Connections
bool gap_secure_connection(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
* @brief Queries authorization state.
* @param con_handle
* @return authorization_state for the current session
authorization_state_t gap_authorization_state(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
* @brief Get bonded property (BR/EDR/LE)
* @note LE: has to be called after identity resolving is complete
* @param con_handle
* @return true if bonded
bool gap_bonded(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
// Classic
* @brief Override page scan mode. Page scan mode enabled by l2cap when services are registered
* @note Might be used to reduce power consumption while Bluetooth module stays powered but no (new)
* connections are expected
void gap_connectable_control(uint8_t enable);
* @brief Allows to control if device is discoverable. OFF by default.
void gap_discoverable_control(uint8_t enable);
* @brief Deletes link key for remote device with baseband address.
* @param addr
* @note On most desktop ports, the Link Key DB uses a TLV and there is one TLV storage per
* Controller resp. its Bluetooth Address. As the Bluetooth Address is retrieved during
* power up, this function only works, when the stack is in working state for these ports.
void gap_drop_link_key_for_bd_addr(bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Delete all stored link keys
* @note On most desktop ports, the Link Key DB uses a TLV and there is one TLV storage per
* Controller resp. its Bluetooth Address. As the Bluetooth Address is retrieved during
* power up, this function only works, when the stack is in working state for these ports.
void gap_delete_all_link_keys(void);
* @brief Store link key for remote device with baseband address
* @param addr
* @param link_key
* @param link_key_type
* @note On most desktop ports, the Link Key DB uses a TLV and there is one TLV storage per
* Controller resp. its Bluetooth Address. As the Bluetooth Address is retrieved during
* power up, this function only works, when the stack is in working state for these ports.
void gap_store_link_key_for_bd_addr(bd_addr_t addr, link_key_t link_key, link_key_type_t type);
* @brief Get link for remote device with basband address
* @param addr
* @param link_key (out) is stored here
* @param link_key_type (out) is stored here
* @note On most desktop ports, the Link Key DB uses a TLV and there is one TLV storage per
* Controller resp. its Bluetooth Address. As the Bluetooth Address is retrieved during
* power up, this function only works, when the stack is in working state for these ports.
bool gap_get_link_key_for_bd_addr(bd_addr_t addr, link_key_t link_key, link_key_type_t * type);
* @brief Setup Link Key iterator
* @param it
* @return 1 on success
* @note On most desktop ports, the Link Key DB uses a TLV and there is one TLV storage per
* Controller resp. its Bluetooth Address. As the Bluetooth Address is retrieved during
* power up, this function only works, when the stack is in working state for these ports.
int gap_link_key_iterator_init(btstack_link_key_iterator_t * it);
* @brief Get next Link Key
* @param it
* @brief addr
* @brief link_key
* @brief type of link key
* @return 1, if valid link key found
* @see note on gap_link_key_iterator_init
int gap_link_key_iterator_get_next(btstack_link_key_iterator_t * it, bd_addr_t bd_addr, link_key_t link_key, link_key_type_t * type);
* @brief Frees resources allocated by iterator_init
* @note Must be called after iteration to free resources
* @param it
* @see note on gap_link_key_iterator_init
void gap_link_key_iterator_done(btstack_link_key_iterator_t * it);
* @brief Start GAP Classic Inquiry
* @param duration in 1.28s units
* @return status
int gap_inquiry_start(uint8_t duration_in_1280ms_units);
* @brief Start GAP Classic Periodic Inquiry
* @param duration in 1.28s units
* @param max_period_length between consecutive inquiries in 1.28s units
* @param min_period_length between consecutive inquiries in 1.28s units
* @return status
uint8_t gap_inquiry_periodic_start(uint8_t duration, uint16_t max_period_length, uint16_t min_period_length);
* @brief Stop GAP Classic Inquiry (regular or periodic)
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_inquiry_stop(void);
* @brief Set LAP for GAP Classic Inquiry
void gap_inquiry_set_lap(uint32_t lap);
* @brief Set Inquiry Scan Activity
* @param inquiry_scan_interval range: 0x0012 to 0x1000; only even values are valid, Time = N * 0.625 ms
* @param inquiry_scan_window range: 0x0011 to 0x1000; Time = N * 0.625 ms
void gap_inquiry_set_scan_activity(uint16_t inquiry_scan_interval, uint16_t inquiry_scan_window);
* @brief Set Inquiry Transmit Power Level
* @param tx_power range: -70 to 20 dBm
void gap_inquiry_set_transmit_power_level(int8_t tx_power);
* @brief Remote Name Request
* @param addr
* @param page_scan_repetition_mode
* @param clock_offset only used when bit 15 is set - pass 0 if not known
int gap_remote_name_request(const bd_addr_t addr, uint8_t page_scan_repetition_mode, uint16_t clock_offset);
* @brief Legacy Pairing Pin Code Response
* @note data is not copied, pointer has to stay valid
* @param addr
* @param pin
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_pin_code_response(const bd_addr_t addr, const char * pin);
* @brief Legacy Pairing Pin Code Response for binary data / non-strings
* @note data is not copied, pointer has to stay valid
* @param addr
* @param pin_data
* @param pin_len
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_pin_code_response_binary(const bd_addr_t addr, const uint8_t * pin_data, uint8_t pin_len);
* @brief Abort Legacy Pairing
* @param addr
* @param pin
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_pin_code_negative(bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief SSP Passkey Response
* @param addr
* @param passkey [0..999999]
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_ssp_passkey_response(const bd_addr_t addr, uint32_t passkey);
* @brief Abort SSP Passkey Entry/Pairing
* @param addr
* @param pin
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_ssp_passkey_negative(const bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Accept SSP Numeric Comparison
* @param addr
* @param passkey
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_ssp_confirmation_response(const bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Abort SSP Numeric Comparison/Pairing
* @param addr
* @param pin
* @return 0 if ok
int gap_ssp_confirmation_negative(const bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Generate new OOB data
* @note OOB data will be provided in GAP_EVENT_LOCAL_OOB_DATA and be used in future pairing procedures
void gap_ssp_generate_oob_data(void);
* @brief Report Remote OOB Data
* @note Pairing Hash and Randomizer are expected in big-endian byte format
* @param bd_addr
* @param c_192 Simple Pairing Hash C derived from P-192 public key
* @param r_192 Simple Pairing Randomizer derived from P-192 public key
* @param c_256 Simple Pairing Hash C derived from P-256 public key
* @param r_256 Simple Pairing Randomizer derived from P-256 public key
* @return status
uint8_t gap_ssp_remote_oob_data(const bd_addr_t addr, const uint8_t * c_192, const uint8_t * r_192, const uint8_t * c_256, const uint8_t * r_256);
* Send SSP IO Capabilities Reply
* @note IO Capabilities (Negative) Reply is sent automatically unless ENABLE_EXPLICIT_IO_CAPABILITIES_REPLY
* @param addr
* @return status
uint8_t gap_ssp_io_capabilities_response(const bd_addr_t addr);
* Send SSP IO Capabilities Negative Reply
* @note IO Capabilities (Negative) Reply is sent automatically unless ENABLE_EXPLICIT_IO_CAPABILITIES_REPLY
* @param addr
* @return status
uint8_t gap_ssp_io_capabilities_negative(const bd_addr_t addr);
* Send Link Key Reponse
* @note Link Key (Negative) Reply is sent automatically unless ENABLE_EXPLICIT_LINK_KEY_RESPONSE
* @param addr
* @param link_key
* @param type or INVALID_LINK_KEY if link key not available
* @return status
uint8_t gap_send_link_key_response(const bd_addr_t addr, link_key_t link_key, link_key_type_t type);
* @brief Enter Sniff mode
* @param con_handle
* @param sniff_min_interval range: 0x0002 to 0xFFFE; only even values are valid, Time = N * 0.625 ms
* @param sniff_max_interval range: 0x0002 to 0xFFFE; only even values are valid, Time = N * 0.625 ms
* @param sniff_attempt Number of Baseband receive slots for sniff attempt.
* @param sniff_timeout Number of Baseband receive slots for sniff timeout.
* @return status
uint8_t gap_sniff_mode_enter(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, uint16_t sniff_min_interval, uint16_t sniff_max_interval, uint16_t sniff_attempt, uint16_t sniff_timeout);
* @brief Exit Sniff mode
* @param con_handle
* @return status
uint8_t gap_sniff_mode_exit(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
* @brief Configure Sniff Subrating
* @param con_handle
* @param max_latency range: 0x0002 to 0xFFFE; Time = N * 0.625 ms
* @param min_remote_timeout range: 0x0002 to 0xFFFE; Time = N * 0.625 ms
* @param min_local_timeout range: 0x0002 to 0xFFFE; Time = N * 0.625 ms
* @return status
uint8_t gap_sniff_subrating_configure(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, uint16_t max_latency, uint16_t min_remote_timeout, uint16_t min_local_timeout);
* @Brief Set QoS
* @param con_handle
* @param service_type
* @param token_rate
* @param peak_bandwidth
* @param latency
* @param delay_variation
* @return status
uint8_t gap_qos_set(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, hci_service_type_t service_type, uint32_t token_rate, uint32_t peak_bandwidth, uint32_t latency, uint32_t delay_variation);
// LE
* @brief Get own addr type and address used for LE for next scan/advertisement/connect operation
void gap_le_get_own_address(uint8_t * addr_type, bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Get own addr type and address used for LE advertisements (Peripheral)
void gap_le_get_own_advertisements_address(uint8_t * addr_type, bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Get own addr type and address used for LE Extended Advertisiing (Peripheral)
void gap_le_get_own_advertising_set_address(uint8_t * addr_type, bd_addr_t addr, uint8_t advertising_handle);
* @brief Get own addr type and address used for LE connections (Central)
void gap_le_get_own_connection_address(uint8_t * addr_type, bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Get state of connection re-encryption for bonded devices when in central role
* @note used by gatt_client and att_server to wait for re-encryption
* @param con_handle
* @return 1 if security setup is active
bool gap_reconnect_security_setup_active(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
* @brief Delete bonding information for remote device
* @note On most desktop ports, the LE Device DB uses a TLV and there is one TLV storage per
* Controller resp. its Bluetooth Address. As the Bluetooth Address is retrieved during
* power up, this function only works, when the stack is in working state for these ports.
* @param address_type
* @param address
void gap_delete_bonding(bd_addr_type_t address_type, bd_addr_t address);
* LE Privacy 1.2 - requires support by Controller and ENABLE_LE_RESOLVING_LIST to be defined
* Set Privacy Mode for use in Resolving List. Default: LE_PRIVACY_MODE_DEVICE
* @note Only applies for new devices added to resolving list, please call before startup
* @param privacy_mode
void gap_set_peer_privacy_mode(le_privacy_mode_t privacy_mode );
* @brief Load LE Device DB entries into Controller Resolving List to allow filtering on
* bonded devies with resolvable private addresses
* @return EROOR_CODE_SUCCESS if supported by Controller
uint8_t gap_load_resolving_list_from_le_device_db(void);
typedef enum {
} gap_privacy_client_state_t;
struct gap_privacy_client {
btstack_linked_item_t * next;
void (*callback)(struct gap_privacy_client * client, bd_addr_t random_addr);
gap_privacy_client_state_t state;
typedef struct gap_privacy_client gap_privacy_client_t;
* @brief Register callback that gets executed during random address update
* @note gap_privacy_client_ready needs to be called after callback is received
* @param client
* @return status
void gap_privacy_client_register(gap_privacy_client_t * client);
* @brief Acknowledge upcoming random address change
* @param client
* @return status
void gap_privacy_client_ready(gap_privacy_client_t * client);
* @brief Unregister callback from random address updates
* @param client
* @return status
void gap_privacy_client_unregister(gap_privacy_client_t * client);
* @brief Get local persistent IRK
const uint8_t * gap_get_persistent_irk(void);
/* API_END*/
#if defined __cplusplus
#endif // GAP_H