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synced 2025-03-28 19:20:54 +00:00
136 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File
136 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys, yaml
import os, re, getopt
pandoc_cmd_template = """
pandoc -f markdown -t latex --filter pandoc-fignos --filter pandoc-tablenos --listings LATEX_FOLDERbtstack_generated.md -o LATEX_FOLDERbtstack_generated.tex
figures = {
'btstack-architecture' : '1',
'singlethreading-btstack' : '0.3',
'multithreading-monolithic': '0.8',
'multithreading-btdaemon' : '0.8',
'btstack-protocols' : '0.8'
def fix_empty_href(line):
corr = re.match('.*(href{}).*',line)
if corr:
line = line.replace(corr.group(1), "path")
return line
def fix_listing_after_section(line):
corr = re.match('.*begin{lstlisting}',line)
if corr:
line = "\leavevmode" + line
return line
def fix_listing_hyperref_into_ref(line):
corr = re.match('(.*\\\\)hyperref\[(lst:.*)\]{.*}(.*)',line)
if corr:
line = corr.group(1)+"ref{" + corr.group(2) +"} " + corr.group(3)
return line
def fix_figure_width_and_type(line):
global figures
for name, width in figures.items():
corr = re.match('(.*includegraphics)(.*'+name+'.*)',line)
if corr:
line = corr.group(1) + '[width='+width+'\\textwidth]' + corr.group(2).replace('png','pdf')
return line
def fix_appendix_pagebreak(line):
corr = re.match('.*section{APIs}.*',line)
if corr:
line = "\leavevmode\pagebreak\n" + line
return line
def fix_tightlist(line):
if 'tightlist' in line:
return ''
return line
def postprocess_file(markdown_filepath, fout, title):
with open(markdown_filepath, 'r') as fin:
for line in fin:
if line == "#\n":
fout.write("\n\n#"+ title +"\n\n")
# remove path from section reference
# e.g. [the SPP Counter example](examples/generated/#sec:sppcounterExample)
# replace with [the SPP Counter example](#sec:sppcounterExample)
section_ref = re.match('.*\(((.*)(#sec:.*))\).*',line)
if section_ref:
line = line.replace(section_ref.group(2),"")
def main(argv):
yml_file = "mkdocs.yml"
latexfolder = "latex/"
mkdocsfolder = "docs/"
cmd = 'markdown2tex.py [-i <mkdocsfolder>] [-o <latexfolder>] '
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"i:o:",["ifolder=","ofolder="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print (cmd)
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print (cmd)
elif opt in ("-i", "--ifolder"):
mkdocsfolder = arg
elif opt in ("-o", "--ofolder"):
latexfolder = arg
latex_filepath = latexfolder + "btstack_generated.md"
with open(latex_filepath, 'wt') as fout:
with open(yml_file, 'rt') as yin:
doc = yaml.load(yin, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
for page in doc["nav"]:
navigation_group_filepath = list(page.values())[0]
navigation_group_title = list(page.keys())[0]
markdown_filepath = mkdocsfolder + navigation_group_filepath
postprocess_file(markdown_filepath, fout, navigation_group_title)
pandoc_cmd = pandoc_cmd_template.replace("LATEX_FOLDER", latexfolder)
p = os.popen(pandoc_cmd,"r")
while 1:
line = p.readline()
if not line: break
print (line)
# btstatck_root_file = "latex/btstack_gettingstarted.tex"
btstack_generated_file = latexfolder + "btstack_generated.tex"
btstack_final_file = latexfolder + "btstack_final.tex"
with open(btstack_final_file, 'w') as aout:
aout.write("% !TEX root = btstack_gettingstarted.tex\n\n")
with open(btstack_generated_file, 'r') as fin:
for line in fin:
line = fix_empty_href(line)
line = fix_listing_after_section(line)
line = fix_listing_hyperref_into_ref(line)
line = fix_figure_width_and_type(line)
line = fix_appendix_pagebreak(line)
line = fix_tightlist(line)
if __name__ == "__main__":