mirror of https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack.git synced 2025-03-26 20:37:19 +00:00
David Lechner 73677349c9 tool: consistently use raw strings for regular expressions
Newer versions of Python raise a SyntaxWarning when a regular expression
contains a backslash that is not part of an escape sequence. To prevent
this warning and future exceptions, use raw strings for all regular
expressions. Even strings without escape sequences are converted for
consistency. Some IDEs will apply special syntax highlighting to raw
strings, which can make it easier to decipher regular expressions.
2025-01-22 08:40:56 +01:00

338 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import getopt
import re
import sys
# Defines the names of example groups. Preserves the order in which the example groups will be parsed.
list_of_groups = ["iBeacon", "ANCS", "LE Central", "LE Peripheral"]
# Defines which examples belong to a group. Example is defined as [example file, example title].
list_of_examples = {
"iBeacon": [["iBeacon"], ["iBeaconScanner"]],
"ANCS": [["ANCS"]],
"LE Central": [["LECentral"]],
"LE Peripheral": [["LEPeripheral"]],
lst_header = """
lst_ending = """
examples_header = """
example_item = """
example_section = """
<a name="section:EXAMPLE_LABEL"></a>
example_subsection = """
listing_start = """
<!-- -->
listing_ending = """
def replacePlaceholder(template, title, lable):
snippet = template.replace("API_TITLE", title).replace("API_LABEL", lable)
return snippet
def latexText(text, ref_prefix):
if not text:
return ""
brief = text.replace(" in the BTstack manual","")
refs = re.match(r'.*(Listing\s+)(\w+).*',brief)
if refs:
brief = brief.replace(refs.group(1), "[code snippet below]")
brief = brief.replace(refs.group(2), "(#"+ref_prefix+":" + refs.group(2)+")")
refs = re.match(r'.*(Section\s+)(\w+).*',brief)
if refs:
brief = brief.replace(refs.group(1), "[here]")
brief = brief.replace(refs.group(2), "(#section:"+refs.group(2)+")")
return brief
def isEmptyCommentLine(line):
return re.match(r'(\s*\*\s*)\n',line)
def isCommentLine(line):
return re.match(r'(\s*\*\s*).*',line)
def isEndOfComment(line):
return re.match(r'\s*\*/.*', line)
def isNewItem(line):
return re.match(r'(\s*\*\s*\-\s*)(.*)',line)
def isTextTag(line):
return re.match(r'.*(@text).*', line)
def isItemizeTag(line):
return re.match(r"(\s+\*\s+)(-\s)(.*)", line)
def processTextLine(line, ref_prefix):
if isTextTag(line):
text_line_parts = re.match(r".*(@text)(.*)", line)
return " " + latexText(text_line_parts.group(2), ref_prefix)
if isItemizeTag(line):
text_line_parts = re.match(r"(\s*\*\s*\-\s*)(.*)", line)
return "\n- " + latexText(text_line_parts.group(2), ref_prefix)
text_line_parts = re.match(r"(\s+\*\s+)(.*)", line)
if text_line_parts:
return " " + latexText(text_line_parts.group(2), ref_prefix)
return ""
def getExampleTitle(example_path):
example_title = ''
with open(example_path, 'r') as fin:
for line in fin:
parts = re.match(r'.*(EXAMPLE_START)\((.*)\):\s*(.*)(\*/)?\n',line)
if parts:
example_title = parts.group(3).replace("_","\_")
return example_title
class State:
SearchExampleStart = 0
SearchListingStart = 1
SearchListingPause = 2
SearchListingResume = 3
SearchListingEnd = 4
SearchItemizeEnd = 5
ReachedExampleEnd = 6
text_block = ''
itemize_block = ''
def writeTextBlock(aout, lstStarted):
global text_block
if text_block and not lstStarted:
text_block = ''
def writeItemizeBlock(aout, lstStarted):
global itemize_block
if itemize_block and not lstStarted:
aout.write(itemize_block + "\n\n")
itemize_block = ''
def writeListings(aout, infile_name, ref_prefix):
global text_block, itemize_block
itemText = None
state = State.SearchExampleStart
code_in_listing = ""
code_identation = " "
skip_code = 0
with open(infile_name, 'r') as fin:
for line in fin:
if state == State.SearchExampleStart:
parts = re.match(r'.*(EXAMPLE_START)\((.*)\):\s*(.*)(\*/)?\n',line)
if parts:
lable = parts.group(2).replace("_","")
title = latexText(parts.group(2), ref_prefix)
desc = latexText(parts.group(3), ref_prefix)
aout.write(example_section.replace("EXAMPLE_TITLE", title).replace("EXAMPLE_DESC", desc).replace("EXAMPLE_LABEL", lable))
state = State.SearchListingStart
# detect @section
section_parts = re.match(r'.*(@section)\s*(.*)(:?\s*.?)\*?/?\n',line)
if section_parts:
aout.write("\n" + example_subsection.replace("SECTION_TITLE", section_parts.group(2)))
# detect @subsection
subsection_parts = re.match(r'.*(@section)\s*(.*)(:?\s*.?)\*?/?\n',line)
if section_parts:
subsubsection = example_subsection.replace("SECTION_TITLE", section_parts.group(2)).replace('section', 'subsection')
aout.write("\n" + subsubsection)
if isTextTag(line):
text_block = text_block + "\n\n" + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix)
skip_code = 0
lstStarted = state != State.SearchListingStart
if text_block or itemize_block:
if isEndOfComment(line) or isEmptyCommentLine(line):
skip_code = 1
if itemize_block:
# finish itemize
writeItemizeBlock(aout, lstStarted)
if isEmptyCommentLine(line):
text_block = text_block + "\n\n"
writeTextBlock(aout, lstStarted)
if isNewItem(line) and not itemize_block:
skip_code = 1
# finish text, start itemize
writeTextBlock(aout, lstStarted)
itemize_block = "\n " + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix)
if itemize_block:
skip_code = 1
itemize_block = itemize_block + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix)
elif isCommentLine(line):
# append text
skip_code = 1
text_block = text_block + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix)
skip_code = 0
if state == State.SearchListingStart:
parts = re.match(r'.*(LISTING_START)\((.*)\):\s*(.*)(\s+\*/).*',line)
if parts:
lst_lable = parts.group(2).replace("_","")
lst_caption = latexText(parts.group(3), ref_prefix)
listing = listing_start.replace("LISTING_CAPTION", lst_caption).replace("FILE_NAME", ref_prefix).replace("LISTING_LABEL", lst_lable)
if listing:
aout.write("\n" + listing)
state = State.SearchListingEnd
if state == State.SearchListingEnd:
parts_end = re.match(r'.*(LISTING_END).*',line)
parts_pause = re.match(r'.*(LISTING_PAUSE).*',line)
end_comment_parts = re.match(r'.*(\*/)\s*\n', line);
if parts_end:
code_in_listing = ""
state = State.SearchListingStart
writeItemizeBlock(aout, 0)
writeTextBlock(aout, 0)
elif parts_pause:
code_in_listing = code_in_listing + code_identation + "...\n"
state = State.SearchListingResume
elif not end_comment_parts:
# aout.write(line)
if not skip_code:
code_in_listing = code_in_listing + code_identation + line.replace(" ", " ")
if state == State.SearchListingResume:
parts = re.match(r'.*(LISTING_RESUME).*',line)
if parts:
state = State.SearchListingEnd
parts = re.match(r'.*(EXAMPLE_END).*',line)
if parts:
if state != State.SearchListingStart:
print("Formating error detected")
writeItemizeBlock(aout, 0)
writeTextBlock(aout, 0)
state = State.ReachedExampleEnd
print("Reached end of the example")
# write list of examples
def processExamples(intro_file, examples_folder, examples_ofile):
with open(examples_ofile, 'w') as aout:
with open(intro_file, 'r') as fin:
for line in fin:
for group_title in list_of_groups:
if not group_title in list_of_examples.keys(): continue
examples = list_of_examples[group_title]
for example in examples:
example_path = examples_folder + example[0] + "/" + example[0] + ".ino"
example_title = getExampleTitle(example_path)
for group_title in list_of_groups:
if not group_title in list_of_examples.keys(): continue
examples = list_of_examples[group_title]
group_title = group_title + " example"
if len(examples) > 1:
group_title = group_title + "s"
group_title = group_title + ":"
aout.write("- " + group_title + "\n");
for example in examples:
ref_prefix = example[0].replace("_", "")
title = latexText(example[0], ref_prefix)
desc = latexText(example[1], ref_prefix)
aout.write(example_item.replace("EXAMPLE_TITLE", title).replace("EXAMPLE_DESC", desc).replace("EXAMPLE_LABEL", ref_prefix))
for group_title in list_of_groups:
if not group_title in list_of_examples.keys(): continue
examples = list_of_examples[group_title]
for example in examples:
file_name = examples_folder + example[0] + "/" + example[0] + ".ino"
writeListings(aout, file_name, example[0].replace("_",""))
def main(argv):
btstack_folder = "../../../"
docs_folder = "docs/examples/"
inputfolder = btstack_folder + "port/arduino/examples/"
outputfile = docs_folder + "generated.md"
intro_file = "docs/examples/intro.md"
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hiso:",["ifolder=","ofile="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print('update_listings.py [-i <inputfolder>] [-o <outputfile>]')
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print('update_listings.py [-i <inputfolder>] [-s] [-o <outputfile>]')
elif opt in ("-i", "--ifolder"):
inputfolder = arg
elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"):
outputfile = arg
print('Input folder is ', inputfolder)
print('Output file is ', outputfile)
processExamples(intro_file, inputfolder, outputfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":