- add lwIP sources commit b3a939417 (after STABLE-2.1.1) as 3rd-party/lwip/core
- add small DHCP server as 3rd-party/lwip/dhcp-server
- add BNEP lwIP adapter that handles BNEP events and forwards packets between BNEP and lwIP (only tested for NO_SYS == 1)
- add pan_lwip_http_server example that provides lwIP http server on
- example is added to port/libusb
The examples in this folder demonstrate how various Bluetooth profiles can be used with BTstack.
Each contains a btstack_main() function that is called after the Bluetooth stack has been configured.
By this, the examples are linked in by various ports in the port/ directory.
Please go to one of the subfolders of port/ to compile for a specific BTstack port.