2022-02-23 18:17:21 +01:00

362 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2003-2010, Mark Borgerding. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of KISS FFT - https://github.com/mborgerding/kissfft
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* See COPYING file for more information.
#include <complex>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
template <typename scalar_t>
class kissfft
typedef std::complex<scalar_t> cpx_t;
kissfft( const std::size_t nfft,
const bool inverse )
// fill twiddle factors
const scalar_t phinc = (_inverse?2:-2)* std::acos( (scalar_t) -1) / _nfft;
for (std::size_t i=0;i<_nfft;++i)
_twiddles[i] = std::exp( cpx_t(0,i*phinc) );
//start factoring out 4's, then 2's, then 3,5,7,9,...
std::size_t n= _nfft;
std::size_t p=4;
do {
while (n % p) {
switch (p) {
case 4: p = 2; break;
case 2: p = 3; break;
default: p += 2; break;
if (p*p>n)
p = n;// no more factors
n /= p;
/// Changes the FFT-length and/or the transform direction.
/// @post The @c kissfft object will be in the same state as if it
/// had been newly constructed with the passed arguments.
/// However, the implementation may be faster than constructing a
/// new fft object.
void assign( const std::size_t nfft,
const bool inverse )
if ( nfft != _nfft )
kissfft tmp( nfft, inverse ); // O(n) time.
std::swap( tmp, *this ); // this is O(1) in C++11, O(n) otherwise.
else if ( inverse != _inverse )
// conjugate the twiddle factors.
for ( typename std::vector<cpx_t>::iterator it = _twiddles.begin();
it != _twiddles.end(); ++it )
it->imag( -it->imag() );
/// Calculates the complex Discrete Fourier Transform.
/// The size of the passed arrays must be passed in the constructor.
/// The sum of the squares of the absolute values in the @c dst
/// array will be @c N times the sum of the squares of the absolute
/// values in the @c src array, where @c N is the size of the array.
/// In other words, the l_2 norm of the resulting array will be
/// @c sqrt(N) times as big as the l_2 norm of the input array.
/// This is also the case when the inverse flag is set in the
/// constructor. Hence when applying the same transform twice, but with
/// the inverse flag changed the second time, then the result will
/// be equal to the original input times @c N.
void transform(const cpx_t * fft_in, cpx_t * fft_out, const std::size_t stage = 0, const std::size_t fstride = 1, const std::size_t in_stride = 1) const
const std::size_t p = _stageRadix[stage];
const std::size_t m = _stageRemainder[stage];
cpx_t * const Fout_beg = fft_out;
cpx_t * const Fout_end = fft_out + p*m;
if (m==1) {
*fft_out = *fft_in;
fft_in += fstride*in_stride;
}while(++fft_out != Fout_end );
// recursive call:
// DFT of size m*p performed by doing
// p instances of smaller DFTs of size m,
// each one takes a decimated version of the input
transform(fft_in, fft_out, stage+1, fstride*p,in_stride);
fft_in += fstride*in_stride;
}while( (fft_out += m) != Fout_end );
// recombine the p smaller DFTs
switch (p) {
case 2: kf_bfly2(fft_out,fstride,m); break;
case 3: kf_bfly3(fft_out,fstride,m); break;
case 4: kf_bfly4(fft_out,fstride,m); break;
case 5: kf_bfly5(fft_out,fstride,m); break;
default: kf_bfly_generic(fft_out,fstride,m,p); break;
/// Calculates the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of a real input
/// of size @c 2*N.
/// The 0-th and N-th value of the DFT are real numbers. These are
/// stored in @c dst[0].real() and @c dst[0].imag() respectively.
/// The remaining DFT values up to the index N-1 are stored in
/// @c dst[1] to @c dst[N-1].
/// The other half of the DFT values can be calculated from the
/// symmetry relation
/// @code
/// DFT(src)[2*N-k] == conj( DFT(src)[k] );
/// @endcode
/// The same scaling factors as in @c transform() apply.
/// @note For this to work, the types @c scalar_t and @c cpx_t
/// must fulfill the following requirements:
/// For any object @c z of type @c cpx_t,
/// @c reinterpret_cast<scalar_t(&)[2]>(z)[0] is the real part of @c z and
/// @c reinterpret_cast<scalar_t(&)[2]>(z)[1] is the imaginary part of @c z.
/// For any pointer to an element of an array of @c cpx_t named @c p
/// and any valid array index @c i, @c reinterpret_cast<T*>(p)[2*i]
/// is the real part of the complex number @c p[i], and
/// @c reinterpret_cast<T*>(p)[2*i+1] is the imaginary part of the
/// complex number @c p[i].
/// Since C++11, these requirements are guaranteed to be satisfied for
/// @c scalar_ts being @c float, @c double or @c long @c double
/// together with @c cpx_t being @c std::complex<scalar_t>.
void transform_real( const scalar_t * const src,
cpx_t * const dst ) const
const std::size_t N = _nfft;
if ( N == 0 )
// perform complex FFT
transform( reinterpret_cast<const cpx_t*>(src), dst );
// post processing for k = 0 and k = N
dst[0] = cpx_t( dst[0].real() + dst[0].imag(),
dst[0].real() - dst[0].imag() );
// post processing for all the other k = 1, 2, ..., N-1
const scalar_t pi = std::acos( (scalar_t) -1);
const scalar_t half_phi_inc = ( _inverse ? pi : -pi ) / N;
const cpx_t twiddle_mul = std::exp( cpx_t(0, half_phi_inc) );
for ( std::size_t k = 1; 2*k < N; ++k )
const cpx_t w = (scalar_t)0.5 * cpx_t(
dst[k].real() + dst[N-k].real(),
dst[k].imag() - dst[N-k].imag() );
const cpx_t z = (scalar_t)0.5 * cpx_t(
dst[k].imag() + dst[N-k].imag(),
-dst[k].real() + dst[N-k].real() );
const cpx_t twiddle =
k % 2 == 0 ?
_twiddles[k/2] :
_twiddles[k/2] * twiddle_mul;
dst[ k] = w + twiddle * z;
dst[N-k] = std::conj( w - twiddle * z );
if ( N % 2 == 0 )
dst[N/2] = std::conj( dst[N/2] );
void kf_bfly2( cpx_t * Fout, const size_t fstride, const std::size_t m) const
for (std::size_t k=0;k<m;++k) {
const cpx_t t = Fout[m+k] * _twiddles[k*fstride];
Fout[m+k] = Fout[k] - t;
Fout[k] += t;
void kf_bfly3( cpx_t * Fout, const std::size_t fstride, const std::size_t m) const
std::size_t k=m;
const std::size_t m2 = 2*m;
const cpx_t *tw1,*tw2;
cpx_t scratch[5];
const cpx_t epi3 = _twiddles[fstride*m];
scratch[1] = Fout[m] * *tw1;
scratch[2] = Fout[m2] * *tw2;
scratch[3] = scratch[1] + scratch[2];
scratch[0] = scratch[1] - scratch[2];
tw1 += fstride;
tw2 += fstride*2;
Fout[m] = Fout[0] - scratch[3]*scalar_t(0.5);
scratch[0] *= epi3.imag();
Fout[0] += scratch[3];
Fout[m2] = cpx_t( Fout[m].real() + scratch[0].imag() , Fout[m].imag() - scratch[0].real() );
Fout[m] += cpx_t( -scratch[0].imag(),scratch[0].real() );
void kf_bfly4( cpx_t * const Fout, const std::size_t fstride, const std::size_t m) const
cpx_t scratch[7];
const scalar_t negative_if_inverse = _inverse ? -1 : +1;
for (std::size_t k=0;k<m;++k) {
scratch[0] = Fout[k+ m] * _twiddles[k*fstride ];
scratch[1] = Fout[k+2*m] * _twiddles[k*fstride*2];
scratch[2] = Fout[k+3*m] * _twiddles[k*fstride*3];
scratch[5] = Fout[k] - scratch[1];
Fout[k] += scratch[1];
scratch[3] = scratch[0] + scratch[2];
scratch[4] = scratch[0] - scratch[2];
scratch[4] = cpx_t( scratch[4].imag()*negative_if_inverse ,
-scratch[4].real()*negative_if_inverse );
Fout[k+2*m] = Fout[k] - scratch[3];
Fout[k ]+= scratch[3];
Fout[k+ m] = scratch[5] + scratch[4];
Fout[k+3*m] = scratch[5] - scratch[4];
void kf_bfly5( cpx_t * const Fout, const std::size_t fstride, const std::size_t m) const
cpx_t *Fout0,*Fout1,*Fout2,*Fout3,*Fout4;
cpx_t scratch[13];
const cpx_t ya = _twiddles[fstride*m];
const cpx_t yb = _twiddles[fstride*2*m];
for ( std::size_t u=0; u<m; ++u ) {
scratch[0] = *Fout0;
scratch[1] = *Fout1 * _twiddles[ u*fstride];
scratch[2] = *Fout2 * _twiddles[2*u*fstride];
scratch[3] = *Fout3 * _twiddles[3*u*fstride];
scratch[4] = *Fout4 * _twiddles[4*u*fstride];
scratch[7] = scratch[1] + scratch[4];
scratch[10]= scratch[1] - scratch[4];
scratch[8] = scratch[2] + scratch[3];
scratch[9] = scratch[2] - scratch[3];
*Fout0 += scratch[7];
*Fout0 += scratch[8];
scratch[5] = scratch[0] + cpx_t(
scratch[7].real()*ya.real() + scratch[8].real()*yb.real(),
scratch[7].imag()*ya.real() + scratch[8].imag()*yb.real()
scratch[6] = cpx_t(
scratch[10].imag()*ya.imag() + scratch[9].imag()*yb.imag(),
-scratch[10].real()*ya.imag() - scratch[9].real()*yb.imag()
*Fout1 = scratch[5] - scratch[6];
*Fout4 = scratch[5] + scratch[6];
scratch[11] = scratch[0] +
scratch[7].real()*yb.real() + scratch[8].real()*ya.real(),
scratch[7].imag()*yb.real() + scratch[8].imag()*ya.real()
scratch[12] = cpx_t(
-scratch[10].imag()*yb.imag() + scratch[9].imag()*ya.imag(),
scratch[10].real()*yb.imag() - scratch[9].real()*ya.imag()
*Fout2 = scratch[11] + scratch[12];
*Fout3 = scratch[11] - scratch[12];
/* perform the butterfly for one stage of a mixed radix FFT */
void kf_bfly_generic(
cpx_t * const Fout,
const size_t fstride,
const std::size_t m,
const std::size_t p
) const
const cpx_t * twiddles = &_twiddles[0];
if(p > _scratchbuf.size()) _scratchbuf.resize(p);
for ( std::size_t u=0; u<m; ++u ) {
std::size_t k = u;
for ( std::size_t q1=0 ; q1<p ; ++q1 ) {
_scratchbuf[q1] = Fout[ k ];
k += m;
for ( std::size_t q1=0 ; q1<p ; ++q1 ) {
std::size_t twidx=0;
Fout[ k ] = _scratchbuf[0];
for ( std::size_t q=1;q<p;++q ) {
twidx += fstride * k;
if (twidx>=_nfft)
Fout[ k ] += _scratchbuf[q] * twiddles[twidx];
k += m;
std::size_t _nfft;
bool _inverse;
std::vector<cpx_t> _twiddles;
std::vector<std::size_t> _stageRadix;
std::vector<std::size_t> _stageRemainder;
mutable std::vector<cpx_t> _scratchbuf;