28 lines
734 B

#include "stm32f4_discovery_audio.h"
// support for I2S/I2C CS43L22 codec is provided by bsp/stm32f4_discovery_audio.c and not by STM32CubeMX
// we need to provide the missing IRQ handler somewhere
extern I2S_HandleTypeDef hAudioOutI2s;
extern I2S_HandleTypeDef hAudioInI2s;
* @brief This function handles main I2S interrupt.
* @param None
* @retval 0 if correct communication, else wrong communication
void DMA1_Stream7_IRQHandler(void)
* @brief This function handles main I2S interrupt.
* @param None
* @retval 0 if correct communication, else wrong communication
void DMA1_Stream3_IRQHandler(void)